S- - - .- --~--- - . --UmmE PÂG WUV CANAIAN TATM,& I ~AATAW m A'PuvAW ETd A l - ~£-.- .~w zjiv jsý , OjN j.ii' HHSAFN.2t 1954 Mms Pike Cives InspiqngAddress Ai -Newtonmle W. 1. Neeting Newtonville: The Newtonville Women's Institute held its reg- ular meeting Wednesday ater- faon, Feb. 17th, at the home ai Mrs. Wilius Farrow with an at- tendance of 27. Mirs. H. Wade, tepresiden conducted a short buie eiad when plans were _icuse- inthe varety con- ert ta be held in the commun- t>' hall Mamch l7th. Mr.. M. Jones, convener af Communit>' Activities and Pub- lic Relations then took charge and called on Mmi. H. Ormiston, who gave an interesting talk on cu-ent events. Mmi. Jones then intmoduced the guest speaker, Mns. (Bey.) Pike. Mrs. Pike spoke iirst ai the impor- tance ai leadership, which does sa much to make or mar a soc- lety. Chamacteristics ai a gaod leader are tact, talerance, un- destanding and a big dose -)f comman sense. She shauld have a sense af responsibility, be able ta lead, nat drive, be ready ta take advice, be a goad listenen, be able ta sense the feeling ai hiem listeners and act accardingly. A good leader will try flot ta be influenced by personal feel-à ings, will listen ta the opinions of younger wamen. She wil feel that hem leadership is a trust and a challenge, and later when- she becomes an ex-leader wll leave it ta someone else ta carry on, feeling that there »re others just as capable.c Mrs. Pike alea told of activitiess which she has seen ather ladies r groups carry an - such as help- ZION y. ing the schoal, pmoviding hot soup ion children's lunches, hav- ing demonstrations, providing soldiens with cookies. having an annual pîcnic, and attending conventions. Mr&. Pike closect with the thought that i almost every phase ai national lufe, women are needed. The rail cail, "WVhat do I do when 1 do as I please," pro- duced name interesting me- sponses. Mrs. Jones and hem group then held r sale ai miscellan- eous home produce, as their way of raising funds for the W.I. It is sumprising what a few will- ing workens can produce and the splendid articles were soon bought. Mrs. W. Wood and hem gmoup had alneady held a ver>' successful euchre party i the Orange Hall, and ather graups are planning parties for the nean future Mrs. Farrow and the gnaup served a deliciaus lunch and ail enjayed the social hour. Sf . John's, Blacksf ock, W. A. Meeting Blackstock: The regulan month- ly meeting ai the W.A. ai St. John's Chunch, Blackstock, was dispensed with awing ta unfon- seen cincumstances and a busi- niess meeting was held instead. T'he minutes ai the last meeting Arere approved as nead. The Cor. Sec'>'. read a thank you note fnom Mrs. J. Scott for card.ai sympathy sent at the time lier husband, Mnr. -Jaohr Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane, Scott passed away and irom Mn. Caurtice, Mr. and Mns. Pete C. Devitt for a "Get Well" camc Brown, Mr. and Mms. Wilfred sent during his recent illness. Feantan, Oshawa, at Wes Camer- An invitation was read fmom St. on's. John's W.A. Bowmanville tc Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Skin- visit. their Branch on Friday nem, Lynda and Patti, Oshawaý evening, Feb. l9th when slides et Jini Stainton'a.. on the new Study Book were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd NichaIs being shown. and amil, BomanvlleMr. A motion was canried that a and fmiîy, omanvilîoe, vin. letter ai thanks ion and appre. ia Jhns. aman rooSlm.vs ciatian ai a beautiful quilt top Mr.d a on BaMrts arPlm. be sent ta Mrs. H. Hall now well Mm. nd me.Hamr Paozadvanced in her eightias. The Midland, at R. C. Stainton's for birthday box eceived donations the weekend. rmMs rdH iloan Mr. and Mme. Wilard GorromMs rdHmo n dfmlMr. and Mrs. Lloyd little Vrginia Coley through 0rradfamil>' Hampton, Mrm camlthediornemdenstra- and MEr. Jack Iburgess, Salem.'cmltdfrtedmnta et Noinian Br'Pme's. tion on Home Beautification be- M.David Shaw, RCAF, St ing heîd an Friday evening, Feb. .Wubert, tJn titns 26 in the Parish Hall b>' the H. Miss Grace Stainton spent theC.D namNsey Luc y«ked wih Mis Bobiewas served b>' the membens ai p'eekend shwa.Ms BbbeGmaup III with Mrs. Gea. Stani- walerOshwa.land Convenen and Mms. J. MiW Ginger Walker, Oshawa, Rahm Hastess. Ipent the weeken<I with Misg ________ ir&Davidien. Mn. and Mrs. Lomenzo TrUll, Fumniture finishes that resist Hampton, at Russell Perkins. the action ai alcahol, water and and Mns. Keith Stainton, burning ciganets are being de- MLand Mr.Mm.Jn Stainton at veloped by paint and varnish Louglas Skinner's, Oshawa. manufacturers. YOUTEFOR CHRIST wltli »A'VE MINER from Belleville, with his trumpet (Former Orchestra Leader) Ont., AISO OTHER SPECTAL-- TALENT NUMBERS SPEAKER-. IMV. LAURIE PuICE Prom Belleville, Ont. Forthgoing Youth for Christ teamn speaker to Switzerland. 1 'Hear This Dynamie Young Speaker" rnCome-Everyone Welconie. No admission charge. FEIDAY - SATUEDAy- FEB. 26 -27 non- -TUES.:1WED. A. -- DOIS IT AGAIN! Neywa N»W dwaai "umi IosomALE ir. :1 S. ys a et fi t: e] d c IV~ SI C( gil niE ME ate gif ticl ing We a1 A lu] eve ta, tyji ne:l gui eoi ta he& Stol cast -J in1 =ing mer edE an1 *1'2,1 ena] helc Man man, A.1 Chui man, Th BoMl af th zabel af hî by tý nie1 baw, toni ta move a str, eral ta Mi owne lived death mari Ower movel on th Mr. their wan thep havini West. Bowyi The ai1lM sang numbq Trinit manvi p a1 Browr Metcas Snawc thorn. The Wed ai Trinity Church IL 9 9 Evening Àuxiliary 0f Triniy Church Holds Supper Meeting On Tuesday ev=in, Feb. 16, the reguler meetngfithe Evening Auxlliary of Tninity United Church was held ln the new church panlours. Prior to the meeting in the church, the three groups had enjoyed sup- per at the homes ai their grau leaders, Mrs. J. Darch, Mrs.H Jeiiery and Mrs. W. Reynolds. At the meeting the president, Miss M. Beliman, presided over the business port of the pragram when the reports were given by the variaus secretarles. The worship service was conducted by Mrs. G. Elliott, assisted by Mrs. Caverley and Mrs. E. Os- borne. Mrs. S. Black, accam- panied by Mrs. Symons, sang during this part ai the meet- ing. Mrs. C. Allen gave an accaunt, the lufe ai Dr. Sarah Shako, an outstanding woman af India, who had composed the service for the World Day af Prayer, and who died during the early part af this year. Two chaptens ai the studyl boak, "Where'er the Sun," were reviewed by Mrs. H. Jeffery and Miss E. McKague. The former explained the work of the church in its resistance ta the Nazi regime under Hitler in the Scandinavian countries, and in N. Genmany, cauntries wheme the Protestant Church is pmedominately Luth e r a n. Luther's great hymn, "A Safe Stronghold Our Lord is Still,"I was sung. Miss McKague told about the Latin Amemican missions. We knaw far tao littie about the state ai religion in these caun- tries, where the need for en- lightenment is very great. The1 meeting closed with the "Five1 Oaks" benediction. Miss Ruth MacMahon Elonoured by Friends t Prior f oMarriage1 Yelverton: Mrs. Milton Gray and Mr. James Gray apened their home on the evening afi( Saturday, Feb. 20 ta hold a shower in honour af Miss Ruth M'acMahon whase marriage ta 5 Mrn. Eric Foshay. Trenton, will d take place in Toronto on Mamch P 6.Mrs. C. Chunchley, Lindsay, j~ Mrs. Ken Gray and Mrs. John McCabe, Lotus, wene co-hostess-7 s. o: The evening's entertainment got underway with contests and vJ ames, Master Brian Gray then E favared with two salas and lit-- le Miss Linda Gray delighted te guests with a sang and tap dance. Miss Jeanne Coulter, Pontypool, rendered DeBussy's lIair de Lune on the piano and m[s. Kenneth Gray followed with the lilting «"Water Bug". The guest af hanor Miss Mac- lahon was then escorted toaa badecorated with belîs and treamnems. Miss Jeanne Coulter «ad a very appropriate addmess ontaining a word ai advice and ýpressing the best wishes af he assemblage. A procession ai it-bearers was led by two deces af the bride, Miss Sharon lacMahon, Oshawa, and Miss Âida Gray wheeling a decor- ed doîl carriagp filled with ifts. Ruth expressed hem apprecia- on ai the many gifts mention-' ig their variety and utility as. il as their beauty. A scmapbook ai clippings and! book for favoriite recipes ,ere passed among the guests. cup ai tea and a deliciaus ich capped a most enjayable iening. Guests present from Toron-1 ýPort Hope, Lindsay, Osh-i 'a, Courtice, Orono and Pan- pool as well as the immediate ighbourhood. Mviss MacMahon was also test af hanour at a miscella n- is showem held at the Toron-' home ai Mrs. Ray Lentine, id cashier, af the Loblaw ores in which Ruth is als shier. The ten girls emploôyedI the store joined ln present- 9Ruth with a lovely assort- ent ofai giits i I 1yeams. In 1913 they came Japle Grave ta the farmn now ied by H. H. Brooks and d there until 1927. Aiter the th ai his parents, Mm. Webb Tied Charlotte M. Shaw of en Saund, Ont., in 1922 and ld ta Bowmanville to live tie Base Line. xand Mrs. Webb dîvided rtime between Saskatche. and Bowmanville during Past t.ýn years, Mr. Webb 'ig inherited pnaperty in the t In 1952 they returned ta iianville ta stay. ie deceased was a member Waple Grave Church and i the choir there fan a ber af years before joininLy ty United Church, Bow- ville ini 1930. llbearers were Franl n. Norman Brown; Bruf- iiif, Cecil Belîman, Charlie vden and George Kemp-~ ýhernes ai mankind are! nuuunîains, the highlands A"- at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Read, on Sunda>'. The oc- casion was the 49th wedding annîversary ai their parents Mr. and Mms. Henry Ashton. Those attending were Mm. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and family, Mn. and Mrs. Louis Ashton and family, Mn. and Mrs, Bert Ash- tan and family, Toronto, and Miss Audrey' Hay Mn. J. Anderson, Mimico, visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewîn. Miss Helen Bertrim, Oshawa, at hem home on Sunday. Although the weather and roads weme not the best the so- cial evening ai the adult Bible Class on Saturday evening was well attended, which was held at the home ai Mr and Mrs. Charhie Garard. Mn. and Mrs. George Bodnar, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mms. J. Liptay on Saturday. Northern Sixth Club held a1 social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Slemon, when 35 attended. The Adult Bible Class meet- spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. - 12"9 1799 1799 17"F 20"si 20"1, 21"i WESTINGHOUSE ADDISON (Consol MOTOROLA (Like PHILIPS (Console) ADMIRAL with M ADMIRAL with1 HALLICRAFTERS PHLISRADIC PHILIPS- l-speed ROGERS NAJESTIC ADDISON -_3-speed 1 - m Cons STBONBEIIG-CAR-LSON - 3-speed - ( ELECTROHONE -3-speed -Console WESTINGHO USE -3-speed -Console ICA VICTOR - 3-speed- Console The 13 19IMG S T, W, 1 1 Spring Clearance* of USED TELE VISION m RECORD PLAYERS m m m m m m m mm $ 89.95 le> S m u- - - - 149.95 new - 6 months old) - - - -1609-95 * - 189.95 ladi la - - * - * - - - - 199.95 Radio (Consolette) - - - - 229.95 (Limed Oak) - - - - - - 229,95 Ail Sefs Are Guaranteed -RECORD PLAYERS T*V. DO WNAN VILLE PHONE 3262 a 's m- 69.00 oIe -- - - 95.00 M - M - 125.00 console - 125.00 - - - - 125,00 M - M a , - 129,00 - a - a 129,00 SROPE36 BO WMAN VILLE TOWN HALL FEIIAEY 27iià al 7:45 p.. 1 and RADIO -Console 3-speed - RAYDON' LI The W.M.S. met in the Sun- day School roam on Feb. 9th with Mrs. Earl Trewin presid- ing. RaIl cali was answemed by a Valentine exchange. Devo- tianal was in charge ai Mrs. E. Wright. Group 2 under leaders Mns. L. Lamb and Mrs. L. Staintan had charge ai the fol- lowing pmagram: Vocal duet by Mns. F. Beckett and Mms. G. Yao; Valentine reading by Mrs. M. Hobbs; Study Book present- ed by Mns. M. Stainton and a piano sala by Charles Ashton. The gmoup i change served a deliciaus Valentine Tea toaia gaod attendance. On Feb. lOth the W.M.S. held a quilting in the Sunda>' Schoool room in aid ai suppi>' wamk fan the Indian Resenves. The ladies pantook ai an enjayable pot luck dinnen at noon houn. The Service Club will be held at the home ai Mms. John Gnif- fin. Mamch 2nd. Master Clame Ashton, enter- tained ten ai his littie cousins an the occasion ai his 6th bith- day, Feb. l6th. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cowling, Blackstock, visited with Mn. and Mrs. R. McNeil. Keith Purd>', Bowmanville, with Keith Ellis. Misses Kay Thompson, and Lillian Hamilton, Sudbury, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. McNair. Mn. and Mrs. Wilimed Banks, Grace and Benyl, Weston, were recent visitons ai Mr. and Mms. John E. Gniffin. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton, Clame and Douglas, at Mn. and Mrs. S. Rodman's, Port Penny. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Doreen and Donald wene Sun- day tea guests ai Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Sadlen, Nestleton. Mn. anid Mrs. Fred Toms, at- tended a social evening ai the L.O.L. Lodge at Pumple Hill. Mn. and Mms. Robert Svane- faIt and family, Port Penny, irig wif be held on Tuesday evenmng, March 2nd at the home af Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ran- kine. W. A. Ladies are quilting a satin camiarter this week at the home ai Mns. Arthur Read. Road Superintendent Leslie Graham isattending the Goad Road Convention, which is be- ing held in Toronto this week. Mr. and MtS. Don Camemon and Jim Webb 'cailed ta see Richard Sanderson, Wbitby, on Saturday. Mn. Bruce Garard and Patsy, Islington, Mmi. Clift and Eric, Port Credit, visited Mr. and Mmi. Charlie Garrard. z a 1 36 KING ST. E. PHONE 408 K. Svaneflt. Harold Spry, Rochester, N.Y., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright. Miss Betty Jane Werry with Miss Laura Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hubbard, Burketon, in Company with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hubbard, Oshawa. Dr. and Mrs. Clark Dorland, and family, Lapeer. Michigan, spent the week-end with Mrs. John Darland. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tams, a:. tended church service at Nestie- ton on Sunday and were tea guests af Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadier. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilsan, and grandson Teddy, Toronto, were Sunday dinner guests ai K. Svanefelt's and N. Wilsan's. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mns. John Oke. an the arrivai ai a fine baby boy. Regular C.G.I.T meeting was held in the church basement on Feb. 2Oth with Ruth Lamb and Mary Gniffin. The program con-1 sisted af a chapter from the Study Book b y Ruth Lamb, a piano solo by Nancy Wood and a game by Mary Griffin. Work period was conducted by Mrs. Nfew De.Luxte M 3Ie1 NOW IN FRIGIDAIRES FAMOUS ,T]HRIFTY-30 Line! MODEL RS-38C-Gives you a real de luxe range for youn imall kitchen. Only 30 inch- as wide, vet aven is big enough ta bake 6 pies ai once! Full-width cooking top lamp; Cook-Master Oven Clock ContraI; iull-width stonage drawer. Liietime Parcelain finish on cabinet and aven; de-luxe Signa] Panel; Oven Signal Light: four Radiantube Surface Unîts; 2-Speed Electric Time Signal-, Automatic Appliance Outlet; High- 1;peed Broiler; waist high: %' Automatic Oven $37 Interior Light -$397 Height: 481/8" Width: 30" Depth: 27½"V Mason &Dale 0 . C. Ashton We ail enjoyed a deliciaus lunch prepared cy Mrs. Ashton, and Carrai Wright. The meetinL closed with Taps. 1Next meeting will be held ort March 13 with Lamna Weai» and Elenar Heard, in charge Lthe program .Shirley Ells and Ruth Lamb are to prepare the lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Grill.s and family, Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. D. Yeo and Lamna, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. G. Yeo's. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ashtoni, Lois and Charles, accompanied by Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Mapie Grave, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Napier, Toronto, and Mrs. S. H. May in Toronto Gene~ Hos-' pital. There is no disparity in mar- niage like unsuitability of mmmd and purpose.-Charles Dickens. ARTHRITIC PAINS Are you sufiering from art -jti;' pains? If Sa . .. write at o 1 Pickwood Pharmacal Ca. Milton, Ont., for particulars a their g u a r a n t e e d treatment!' Maney refunded if -)ains are flot relieved. 8-2 Mr. and Mrs. *ona1d G. Tracy, shawn aften their recent wedding in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville. Mr. Tracy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Kleinent of Cooksville, and the bride is the former Ruth Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mns. C. S. Robinson, Bawmanville. Rev. T. A. Morgan officiated. Mr. an~d Mrs. Wilbur Black- burn and famlly visited Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Colbary an Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray, visited Mrs. Milton Werry, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. J. Liptay visited their daughter Mary Liptay, Peterboro, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon at Mm. Ralph Sadler's and Mre Wilfrid William's, Nestieton, an Sunday. Mrs. Frank Denby accompan- ied Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp, Enniskillen, ta visit Richard Sanderson, Whitby, on Satur- day and found hlm much im- proved inhealth. Mr. Wm. Tmewin, Miss May rrewin. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ['rewin, attended the funeral of Mr. Fred Smith on Fmiday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron 'iisted Mr and Mrs. Charlie Downey, Shaw's.11 A family gathering was held ýh,