THE CANAD"ANSTATESMAN. EOWMMrVIUZ. O!TAMT Cucan e atflservice, es eonL de He rF eAd esN sie nSttn cel Et St. John's in memory >2 funrlo l iteMs Si. John's Annual Vestry Neeliug throughout the yearE.. estl Ldieeavertoe Church Nesfjlm n SadËon Mn. Wood.fl Jahen ~ Shows Increase lnaal UepartA eiWU Mr. W. J. E. Ormiston. He point- ifr of B a eti Stone WilUJmiaNYvstdl Mission Band members and ReMt ~Ha~ Wlb ed out __cd that te___________ i ueeM. oer Rdel eaes eti teSudy o sources was well over $ 13,000. and Mrs. Dlckey. School room. Shirley Sncoks,Lorne Ugaldsywh The rector and his wife, Bey. clation to all the officers, Choir with total assets on hand over Nestieton Ladies, Aitj met for pie Leaf' while teaching in Bea- Mr. Clifford Hyland, Toronto, president, was ini the chair. 5fowel and Mrs. Warren Turner wcre and the Sunday School staff. He $3,000. There h fnu dcbt out- their February meeting at the verton; of Beavertori Specilties spenÏt he week-end with hi. Meeting opened with Mrs. Tay- Mr n d r.Pu eSl hosts tc' the Annual Vestry of Paxd -tribute to their splendid standing at St. John's. Mr. Or- home of Mrs. Grant Thompsor i Lmited and ncw of a large new parents, Mr. and Mns. Fred Hy- lor playlng quiet music and then andtw duhtrsptate St. John's, when they serv'od work, especiafly with such add- miston reported everything with splendid attendance, In Uc"aeSma ndstahadetur ynwssn. m iidy îh e ohr r.M cakesand'coffe beore he de attedadance y wthey itrwere of nthe-laPrandidehu.ta M.rsas enterpri M de meketindo c efr tealy "bursting at the seams", fabric of the Church property G. Wolfe, the lst vice prcsided. t ries" which bids fair tao making Mrs. Jas. Harris spent a few gave the worship talk, 'Fecd LoâeHnltn metig.this hdadecdito f this quiet littie town a l'boom days vlsîting friends in Toron- MY Sheep" and led in'prayer. Beetvstr wt r.Wl The meeting had added addtioal strain was in a good state of repairs. Mrs. Wm. Hooey read the scrip on. Themeeingwa caled10on Uic teachers. Mr. Ormiston retircd as Chuchý ture passage and Mvrs. Wilson towa.t. Mr. John McGarry drove her Paul Rahni read a prayer. The Iiamn eoSud wrel. order and ail sang a hymn with wnfothDa we o-ad prayers for their deliberations. Mrs. John A. Gunn gavehe Warden after 10 years cf out- gave thc explanation followcd The Old Stone Church at Bea- home on Thursday.Twnfo cDawee o-adMr. enn byteRector. owdanct envelope secretay's rert standing service. by prayer. verton i. a shrine f many and Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard MUilad, ad and Ivan Bradburn who took awa nr.Ae ruNw successful year spiritually as Subscribers. and its 'success, and thanked reccivcd for recent kindnesses hardy Scotch Presbyterlan pion- Mr. and Mns. Grant Thompscn. Offertory prayer. The roll cail Hancc n m Cifr ai wcllas mterilly.The ncu- Mm. Gun ha rctred romhîifor St. John's on his atten- on the part cf the organization en c f Thorah township acter- Mm. and Mrs. E. J. Downes verse starting with your Initial, portstaii iel ufmn wel smaeiathih icm Ms position haf te faihfl tion ta duty. The Warden-elcct, and sevemal members paid for mincd to emcct a place cf wom- have returned home after spcnd- Doris Griffin read the minutes. froaniy odto r~l bcnt's report showed the growth ti oiina e atflyMr. D. V. H. Gibson, spoke his the Evcry Day bock and The ship. Matemials uscd i ta some tinie with friends ki onHtonedasoy ne h otrscr~ within the Church in Baptismas, carrying on this task for her thanks on behalf cf the Church Record. struction were the atones from Toronto. "Jtoe hina is limbînga. Born- Confirmations and Marriages. church for over thirty years, ta Mm. Ommiston for hi. ten Mm.. Fordem pmsented a pieccd Uic fans cf Thorah. Work- "iteCiai lmig.Bn The Sunday Schoool he pointed and ncminatcd hem assistant, yascfihulerc. He uilt top which she had finlshed men were the men cf the con- Miss May Noon, Tomante, Is nie Saywcll read "Birds Bread- nut had outgrcwn the present Miss Betty Flaxman to succecd feit hef wc ul neervl ico- H e lseeigfommtr gregation. The rough Stone ex- hclidaying with hem father and Uine". Lorraine Dayes read "Left- facilities and more oom was lher. fiti o s clas Mm. Oistenpas.s n ated so metifomer - b teior, its bl¶ace wnossister, Mr Jas. Nean and Mr.. Bebind". Linda Kyte and Car- needcd. It was hopcd the Res- The Re2tcr and Wardens on but askcd for the support cf a well-wishem and Mrs. Hooev wlth amali leaded panes, ita Eeranlc Rahm sang "Little Draps of LJIIL toration program would providp behaîf cf the Vestmy, thanked cveryone as hie ernbarked on offered ta purchase suitable lin-. hlgh old pulpit, Uic prcccntor's Mms. Jos. Forder visited her Watcm". Mrs. Taylor toid Uic the needcd space and soon. He Mrs. Gunn for hem steadfast at- this ncw venture at St. John's. ing, with quilting bec shortly. dcsk where Uie precentor raised sister, Mrs. Juhn Watson, in Study Bock stomy, "The Thmee exprcssed his thanks and appre- tention te duty or behaif cf lhem The Rector's Warden for 1954 The remaining materil was Uic tune for the congregation, Bowmanville. Hem many friends Surprises". Then a Chinese will be M:- J. H. Living who is distributed toarnembers who lust below, and facing thee Ion g hcpe she is scon able ta leave game was played with Ivan following in hi. father's foot- wxil bring biocks ta ncxt nicet'i choir seat; ita staight-backed hospitai. Bradbun the winner. Sf ho o adWa 1 steps as a Warden cf St. Johns. ing. pews cf unpe.lnted hand-planed Miss Ruth Proutt has offercdby aagk lnEach Organization reporting tos Meagli vluteedpin: that could be %ccurey fa.- hemr home for Uice March meet. EW O IL in trn sowe advncemnt a inuir re apersalage gai tend whn tthewer ogthNinsof îestononWone'sen's i with egular attendance, finan- this spring, and ladies aise de- pcw had entered; its deep gai- tute rather than the church cially and in Membemship and cided te take advantage cf hav- lcmy fmcm which thase seated basement as planned.MmadMm.ean Pae aservice. The Women', Guild ha. ing woollens and cottons con- could sec the preacher but net Mm. and Mrs. Frankc Symons,aMr.v d hMn e lfr n thiraFomi again toppcd ail organizations vcted into blankets. Mrs. Mc- the congregation bclow, and its Joan and Nancy, Bownianvillearvdhm rmterFoi in financiat assistance te the Comb pescntcd the prcgrami two huge steve. built into the visited Sunday with Mr. and da trip on Thursday. Wamdens. for the World's Day cf Prayer wail betwcen thc entrance hall Mrs. Nelson Marlow. Mr. Oswald Wragg Is under The Missionary Association in te be heid In Nestîcton Prcsby- and the chumch proper. Thc Old tedco' ae St. John'. include five active terian Church on March 5th. Stone Church is something ta Mm. and Mrs. Reg. Stittonhedorsca. branches, al cf which have ac- Mrs. McComb will be leader emember and be proud a omuoca.c n t M Nd Mmls ennoxth eyek complished splendid womk mn wîth assistance from Mms. Nich- To-day aftcm wcîî over thergeBowms o euday Po t Mcierl, pentsthMr.ean- each cf its fields te further ad- oison and Mms. Hutton and Mrs. tury mark, Uic Old StoneMm.WlimSpetn vanc th wom ofthechurch Hccey will present the addmess. Chumch stands unchanged :n Mm.WlimGdoadsn at omean aboad Teirin A ymnan th Mipa Bee-any detail. a lasting tribute to DLACKSTOCK at hoe n ldgabad eir et and hdicti n sd the meiphng. the faith and labours cf its Tommie are down with an at- s creaserin piedge wre mt andhedic .tion closnhemin ag fbuler.tack cf scarlet lever. Ul.3 tSknow etrtoFu theywermosgeneougavete ainshor argek Thlerspeke passed around Mms. Ernest Belyca and Nan- Mm. and Mms. Adciphus PayneJmpn B' patents sort tak The peakercy, Bronte, visitcd for sevemal and son Douglas, Toronto, spentJak $2 5 Blue Cross potin iMr. J. J. Brown, Restomation on Beaverton and cf the Old sevemal leaflets, clipffings and days with hem parents, Mr. and Sunday with his father, Mm. Committee Convenor, reported Stone Chumch in particular. Bea- pictumes and Mrs. Gist kindly Mrs. Norman Mountjoy. Reuben Payne. if pa s toUfp~p~yî thethe work cf the committce since verton, a thriving tcurist esort ead "The Old Stone Church" Gln1amradRihr m nTr. lrdRdnp sIosi so mprat it pays to "prepoy" the its inception in April The fund town on Lake Simcoe founded in verse form. Mms. Bowcrs con- Gln vmradRcad M.adMs lrdRdnp ncw has raised over $2,000. Thcy ealy in the l9th century, home ductcd an oral Biblical contcst Van Camp, Kcmptvile Agricul- and son Douglas, Oshawa, spent s a did tempcmary epairs ta the cf the McMilan twins, better and lunch was semvcd. by thetuaCogcwechm fr the week-endwt i aet, Le sgv h xr basement, had himed architects known as the Valentine twins hostesses Mrs. Gist and Mrs. h ee-n.Mm. and Mrs. Arthum Redknap. Caneadatninyu and eceived tenders and esti- and fameus lacrosse players; of Dickcy. Aftem a short session of Mm. and Mms. Lomne Bradburn Mm. and Mms. Harry Lane, chdsfetnd-an mâtes on Uic eventual nccessamy Dunrobin, the General Gunn "The Music School cf the Air" and family, Toronto. with Mms. Dundalk, came down ta sec his es e ONARO OSITL SSCITIN estoration wcmk on the Church. famm; of Glen Mohm the Presby- on television the ladies adjcurn. Wesley Bradburn. mother, Mm.. William Lane. Mms.. d ONARO OSITL SSCITINMiss I. Flaxman is the Treasur- terian Church camp; cf Alexan- cd te meet in Mamch at the home Mm.. William Van Camp was Lane Jr. emained for a week. er and will welcome any dona- dem Muir who wrote "The Ma- cf Mms. J. Harris. In'Toronto for a few days îast Mms. Pearl Howard, daughtem _____________________________________tiens at anytime for the fund. week with Miss Mabel Van Lillian and son Donald, Toron- ILIYI L I Thc Guildettes arc an active cil vnygwa hl o yus Camp, te, visited Mr. and Mm.. Clinton group cf young Matrons busiiy MORISHda, he18h. th heon Mr. Ross Duff had an opera- Farrow, on Satumday cngaged with niany activities in MOr. andlth. Haol the ne hn ome cf cii tPot Mm. and Mrs. Wiliis Joncs, H E Mms.eamol Osbmne.tienfor ppenicits atPortMiss Fac Jcnes and Mm. G. W. Hom Pemannt Fo Thi Cld$600 t the Restoration Fund. The reguilar menthly meeting Fourteen tables cf cuchre wemc Pcrry Hospital last wcck and Jones attended Open House at Offîcers for 1954 are as fol- cf Uic W.A. was hcld on Wcd- played and the usual prizes is improving niccly. Queen's University, Kingston, 30 ia t W hn 4 Toll7J ukly itue-We8o los eto' are-r.j eday. Fcbmuary 17th in the awarded. The ncxt social even- Mm. and Mrs. Ralph Lammer on Saturday. B 41 L on! Pu'ur - .75 Buckey's Mxure_ 50Se H.Livng;ctor Wadn - home f Mrs. F. McConnjell. ng wil be on Thursday, Fb. made a business trip te Ottawa Mr. Chas. Ross attended Uic 1 Bobbl Pk Cuni 1.75 Buckîe's Rub Mr. D.LVnHg; Church W arde Thirteen members were present 25th at Uic home cf Mr. and con Saturday. __________________________ Prom -No Neutraliser 1.75 Vick's Cough Syniap --M Mm. nD V. . ibsE. Deeats and three children. Mis. Dawson Beebe. There wercelght tables of Nudnut's 1.75 'Vek's Rub 3~94 ton and J. J. Brown, Alternates The meeting was conducted Quilting was again the order euchre at Uic Purple Hill Lodge -Mr. L. Par~ker Jr., Mr. J. A. by Uic president, Mms. Wni. Mar- of Uie early part cf Uic wcek. Rooms last 'riday evcnig and Sbadow Wave - 1.50 Nyal Penal _____2c-80o Living; Envelope Scct.-Miss I. vin. I-ymIn, followed by the Only six members cf Uie W.A. the prizes werc won by Mrs. * E Tonette 1.75, Cherry Cough Synup 39c,-650 Flaxman; Sidesmen's Convenor Lord's Prayer in unison, opcned Came te help this werk aiong. Sandy Moore and Mm. RusselliODUE Council 1954, Rector, Wardens, secretary, called the moll and kept saine away. Another quilt At the crokinole party at the Lay Delegates te Synod, Ves. afterwards read the minutes of will be in the frames about United Church iast Wcdncsday Nyal Creophostry Clerk, Elected-Miss Betty the last meeting. These wcre Tuesday 23rd. We trust a few evening sponsored by the W. 15 UC E A Nyal Creophs FlaxmanMrs, V. H.Storcy F. apprcved and signed by the pre- more ladies will came ta help M.S., the prizes wcrc won by 15 UC E A L.Mmpe .J. V. P rH. A ) sdne ut. Mrs. H. Shortridge and JimmieNe tie an b ttr. V y a . Guarntee to topbronhialcoL.s.oper. J. GA. Padsner sidet snesseson w There was a vcry good at- Emerton. Nwtrsadbtey Guarnted t stp boncialcouhs.peitedMissA. adsn, m. he usiesssesionwastendance at chumch service also An ideal tonic for aduits and children. R. M. Cale, Mm. H. D. Sutton, short, Mrs. H. Beckett repomted Sunday Schoool. The Rev A. W With Mm. and Mrs. Wilbcrt 1950 PLYMOUTH SED N Mm. Campbell; Hon. Member- having written te Uic T. Eaton Harding had a very interestin * Archer on Sunday were Mm. and Wiealtrs ai n uvsr Mm.. W. H. Denscm; Parochial Ce., aise R. Simpson Ce. for story for the children. 9Mm.. Elmer Archer, Whitby, Mr. W iealtrs ai lreh ll 1.5Tribunal - Rector, Wardens, their usual gift cf remnants for __________ Vincent Archer, Messrs. Mervin 14 ________________________________ Mrs. Humphrey (Hon. Member) making into articles for sale at and Lyle Blight, Bowmanville. 14 FORD COACH Mms. R. M. Cale, Mr. J. A. Liv- aur annual bazaar. These had M.adMs o unradRcniind'oon Vacuni odd's Kleer hseing; Auditors-Mrs. T. Gatchel been eceived. A letter cf thanks PONTYPOOL MmrrandMm..Re yTureradcnveosdmtrnwtie n Bottles Pilla 200 Coid Tabs. and E. . Oliver, Assistant, W. will be ferwarded te each coli- e e caeat scou oaine fer wthelaiesn 1946 NONARCH SEDAN Vacuum nex Chase's ~~~Choir Leader-Mm. Jchn Smat; tinuin; te help along the womr oîd fricnd Norton Chamber, church kn m emory cf M . and N w m t r o d tr s 980 5.2 for 3o59eJ.W.ardens Lay delgait ndMm. E. fPrint and yamndere ivcnumday Nrt NeaedtaCHEV. SEDANcd o sinth Deanery Great Chapter-Rector, cf their usual custemers. Toronto, in the village on Sat- Mm.. Gunter. 14 H Y E A Low Prices H~Warenn, LMm. Rebt . Ens routt 'ang rwerrs d uringhi. sister, M me us that Mm. and Mm.. Harold Wheeier,Rcniio dmtrcwpnt HenigMr Rbt L vasilin wrkrsdrig is sstrMr.Mountjoy, i. kn Oshawa, wî-th Mm. and Mm.. Er- nwsi oes Lw Pie pcasMm. Lionel Parkem, Mm. E. W. the meeting. St. Jcseph's Hospital in Toron- nest Swain. pecialsBerrili, Mr. Ernest Lunn. The president askcd all mcm- te. We wish hem a spccdy me- Mm eri Bie, oones12 lV i cI'rs.~ IA 100 A.S.A. Tabs. - 19e 2 Colgate Shave Creani 65a A recgnition was proposed bers te think up some scheme covemy. Mrs.hoefrlintheyweek-en. 97 L M UT E 6 oz. Noxzems -____98e 2 Pepsodent Fasto ---49e for Uic memory of al thosewhorin meme ggotedthe tra- worst cwte wintcr. Prately aulhone Corolth Mm.knd had passed te highem hrormkngmserovhiWc as ek' trm ste inMm. and Mms. Stan Rahm, F R O C Cep SOcsiz 3-ayShae .25 Choroen 59 sienc ws il5ttudd.Absntvelling.gmu)cery basket. This pro- ai] oads were blocked and Mm.. Art Rahm, Tymone. 50 iz -WyShv 25 hlrdet - 9o slec wsisttte.Abetject wiil be cnlarged upon ut snowplow crews werc busy for Miss Yvonne Chant had tea-W __________________ members who were iii were e- the next meeting which will be day. getting the rcads passable. with Miss Diane Blair on Fmi- mcmcrd payes y heheld at the home cf Mrs. Helen Several schools werc closcd and day evenir.g T iU C n Waier (guarananieed) Rector.ap McHolm. Tea committee for that traffic was at a standstiil. The Mr. and Mrs. Cccli Hyde, Pat- 195G C 3T N UM Hot Wafer BoffThans and oursincere a- day, Mrs. Win. McHclm and saddest note was the fire that sy and Linda, Toronto, with Mr. 195 MC 3T N UM peciaticn of their untirîng cf- Mrs. F. Cornish. destrcyed the home cf Gordon an0m.Rssi pns forts weme cxtended te the Rec- Thesrpueraigwsgv 4r ato cresCucadMs usl pns ed o ok tom and hi. wife. To ail the cf- e esmpueraigwsgv ikes fMCa' hrh Miss Jean Wilson, Toronto,Rad fowmk 1.29 *1.79 -2.10 2.49 eies seilytoertr n by Mrs Haines. Lcssoîî The tenants Mm. and Mrs. Bey- wîth hem parents. Mi. and Mms. 192 NT R TON L DU P O Y from offesecand the M. rmîs-i Thcughts and prayer by Mm.. H. emiy Brown, lest ail their house 194arlesERWilson. tonofi and t Mr.un ormis Beckett. After the usuai collec- furnishings and we understand Mhre is sorruen. y eo- o years cf labours cf love for tions this part cf the meeting that they had ne insurance. Due to, with Mrs. James Henry. in I'E V "fU v c v Chit n HsChrh ee nclosed with hymn. te the weather and rcad candi- Sorry that Mms. John McKcc 1941AAIIN EAIONVAL )I8L Ct hrisnd. Chrhhr A short prcgram aranged by tiens vcry. few were able te get ha. virus pneumenia. St. John's. Mrs. F.cCnnl pened with te the scene cf the ire.Re.Gog NihlnM. 'f Vestry Clek-L. E. Dilling. a slo NearrStl Nearer" by Several fmom here attendcd Nicholson and Mm. Harry HallIN E N IO A ST K PHNEW FTMrs. Haines accompanied on the funeral cf Mr. Walter Price were in Toronto on Monday. TRUCK AXLE WITH DUAL W EL AN )RUCi S O E rUS the piano by Mrs. Helen Mc- in Bethany on Fiday. Deceased There was a good attendance TIRES FOR FARM'TALR OBITUARY Hcim. This was fcllowed by had been in poor health for at the O.N.O. Dance at the Re- _____most cf those present joining in several yeams. He was weil creatienal Centre on Fiday the game cf Sing, Say, Play or kncwn here having conducted evening with the Harold God- MRS. GEORGE LANE Pay. This was vcry much en- a store in Bethany and vcry ac- frey Orchestra in attnac.< Resdets f owmnv-.-an Ajc -dony-avey- fr e-i..i-einspotsinhi.yOn-e Te hllwasdeortedanUc.ackstock M otorAmi SntnDr langSrieaddsérwa teas ley. Muriel and Johnny Lune. everyday living and very mnexpensive. John's Anglican Church, Rev. ThTrtDalStrastinescte to get out ail dirt! Spots vanish! No dry ceaning adent phews Licy' and Stuart Orage, ID , ir'nI.9f funerul service cf Mrs. E, . 'Dit.r. the day it happM s n i Ciothes look and feel like new again! yoall neyer &gain William Currie, two cousins, CU S and AUCEam - onla.20c Wood, formerly Georgia R. Fitz- iues Everett and Leslie Jackson, ono et gerald, beloed wife cf the late Odr1i al trdloe eyu oe b>e satisfied with ordinary dry cieaning. Cali us today. grandsen, Donald Richards. 20-piece SfarierSe Rev. E. P. Wood. Mrs. Wood re1h DiySa The muny beautiful floral died in a Rest Home in Toron-Dci.ubyae, 0awe APmvo tokens cvidenced Uic high cs- coflsistifg of ...te on Fcb. 15.,in hem 79th year. eird teem in which Mm.. Lane was- 4 cups R ey. E. P. Wood and Mms. Wood i s,,, a UflCI humh, Sna eolad-trcadahi er hne including Salem W.A., -4 sucrsserved in this community fer 1 AUV.UM& Sb Young People's, Shaws' Home 4 breakfast _lateis Mm. Waod awa RetrcfSt. 1. SI2 J and Shoool lub. th neigh - 4 hrad an(butterMlateso d ngian Chuch f..M a' - - fband rnany lub.thonieives 4 broanduttrllatsWoodndisAticChrcoM . Nov 6 3Menoue and friands. ntfrmraiesnt wuas Wood diem e 8,19andhe as uried I as6 -Menou oman vlen.Cnermtmy. iinr Oiy 1i , St.Jan's Cemetery.Ms edDp. DI Frindan elaie ate nd-fr Wo 6ZinSt odhn'sweent t e wth s, wrr,... cd Uic funera.l frein St. Mary.' We aIso have Dninking Glasses in hem sisters li Tomante who pre -__go_____________st_____W.___'rom_ Port Hope, Port Credit, Toron- Habitant Pattern in two sizes. dcccased hem. She hem support- to. Oshawa, and sureunding SEE IT IN THE WINDOW AT cd St. John's Anglican Church district. faithfully during hem ycams in O NT CKA By ,SToronto. Several favorite hymns 0f 14,000 mêdicinal chemica!s Uictervice, thee Ms Wood tetdfor anti-malarial gctivitythsevchn r.Wo only to werefoundsatisfe- R Iwas laid te test in St. Jh' Li« gt-10PM8LDS £ oyadonly tu antispusmo- cemetery. A brother in Vancau- Locl a~: H><m' I.&D55W7 tr anout feurestet.ver B.C., a cousn, Miss Helen PISON1: OBRAWA ZENMBiTH e d clugs e cf hunre d es- "BIG 20" Meiliss, Toronto, and other cou- cdan lasiid owae id-sins aelft nSunday beau- f ly msd. Lt"ai fowersadouSed the Chans- PAGE SMX 1 IMMMAT. pu. 29& nu