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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Mar 1954, p. 11

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r ~ TF~ r ~J IlrnhiLr"tra tET~$fAYMAICH 4th, 1954 Jsimiie Learns History of Town 'Varions Speakers Dieail Progres' From Early Setliers Until Present ]Bowman,ýille Women's Instj- traced the pregress of Educa- tute spent a most enjoyabie tion from 1823 when Mr. Bow- eVening on Thursday with many man gave the land for the tirst Inembens tram Maple Grave W. schooi to the excellent scla I.meeting with them. and staffs of today. M'rs. T. Buttery welcomed thue Culture through the years wa large attendance of members the therne for Mrs. S. Jeffreyr §nd frlends and lnvited Mrs. W. Bawmanville has been called kfiýrown President et Mapie th'e Singing Town". In 1848 4» ve W .., ta Join ber on the there was the "Select Choir" ewrf. and a Brase Band. Many argan- The minutes, financlal state- ists, choir-leaders and accom- mlent and correspondence we.- panists have been well-known read by Mrs. L. Dumas in the and we are ail watching thé ca- regrettable absence cf Mrs. kt reer cf Ray Dudley with inte'r- Candier through illness. est. Some others who have î ManY Pnizes for the Kopper brought honor te Bowmanville ~ arnivai were brought in, Ail are Nellie McClung, Ait reci /iUl be on display in the Hydre Shrubb and Lena Taylor. ,hOWroôrms tram March 3. Mrs. Mrs. K. Hopkins taok us on /'.Gatcheli will be in charge of a tour tram Scugog St. te just the home cooking stall and Mrs. east of Division te talk with the L. Kirkton et the tea-noom on stonekeepers. It is amazing how March lltlu at the Lions Cern- many changes there have been Muufity Centre. thougb a tew ot the original Mii. T. Tuttery accepted the businesses are being carried on. appointment as delegate te the Mrs. A. H. Clemens moved a Baranch Pnesidcnt's contellence hearty vote et thanke. The ne- to be heid on May 5-6 at the search which bad been done Ontario Agiculturai Coîlege, was very great but we hoe Guelph. those taking part teed that aur The district annual meeting keen interest and appreciatien wlll b. held on' June 8 with was rewarded for the work :Bowmnanviile the ho.tess Insti- which they had s0 ably présent- tute. cd. The Homne Extension course Mrs. Butteny added her on Short Cuts te Cooklng wilU thanke and a social time was ahow filmns an March 8 at the spent, retreshments' belng seev- 'Union Hall at 8 p.m. cd by Mrs. Clemene and her Mn. A. H. Clemens teck gnoup. charge and the program w2s presented by membens cf Maple Grave W.1.Nery Ai d Mrs. K. Hopkins spake on ery20Afn their monthly motta :-"Whaic- T saine homes are stepping stonus .Legiofloil vnn to a great country". Mns. F.Sca vnn Stevens enlarged 1on the theme On S a urday Nighi -'A gaed home 1 the founda- tion for building gaod chunch- es".' A happy home is essential Nearly ý200 persons, one of the for raising goad chlldren te #ive largest crowds yet to attend any themn a senise ot responsibility tunction at the new hall et the and security by firn but loving Eowmanville Bnanch et the discipline. Canadian Legion, enjoyed a Mrs. Read rcad a papen on dance and social evening there International and local current on Saturday night. There were evente. many favorable commente on Mrs. Hopkins as co-andinator the newly-finished auditorium, announced the theme .:- "The which bas been panellcd In Hlstary of Bowmanville"-Mrs.* attractive diaganal weoden pan- C.Greenspan traced the settie- els and an acoustic tii. ceiling ment ot the village et Darling- lnstalied. ton te the pncsent-day Bowrnan- The dance was open te mcm- ville-on the noad trcm King- bers cf the Legion, the Ladies' stan ta York. In 1832 the popu- Auxillary antd the Legion Pipe lation was 550, naw a tawn of Band and their wives and bus- more than 5 500 bands. EnJoyable music for Mrs. W. . Brown speke et round and square dancing was the industries. The Vanstone tunnished by the Jack Dodds Mill was enected in 1849 and le orchestra tramn Oshawa and the cperated by descendants cf the square dances were cailed by ina1 awncr. Bawmanville Len Fowler. 'ouse, the Cneam et Barley The membens and guests wene Iaunded 60 years agQ-The welcamed by Ross McKnight, Poundry in 1901-the Hollings- President ot the Bawmanville head Ce., whicb tirst made ket- Bnanch ef the Canadian Le&gion. tics and staves but ncw mantu- The dean pnize was won by Mrs. factures automobile greases and John Humphrey and the spot Insecticides. Canadian Canners dance prize by Ccmnade Peter opened a branch in 1912. The Bathgate and Mrs. Lawrence /Glave and Mitt Factory bas Little. Arrangements fer the -C'been opcrated by the Hailman dance were lookcd atter by family for 40 years. Braokdale Camnade Jlm Fair and bis Coin- Kingsway Nursery, under Mr. J. flittee. X. Jury, and Downham Nursery, Goodyear, Smith Beverages, Simpkin Cabinet Ce., Specialty Nesileion Sialion Box Produets and Bowmanville Wool Co..-These al etter op- pertunity for local employment. Mrc. Lainier Hyland mater- Mme. Charles Kerr deait with cd te Kingston with other mem- the ncwspapems, many et which bers et ber tamily on Sunday were bsorbed itt the Cana- ta visit Mr. and Mrs. Howard dian Statesmnan, beught by M. Sutton and Lenie. A. James in 1878, it is still pub- Mr. 'and Mrs. A. W. Brown, lished by members eit hie tam- Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. iîy. Grant Thompsan. The aldest organization in Mr. Wmn. Philp and Merlin town is the Jerusalem Lodge No. spent several days in Torntno 31 of the of Pree Masons with Mr. and Mrs. Rose Philp. organized in 1849, The Odd Fel- Mr. and Mme. J. Danly, Ban- Iowa, Foresters, Women's Incti- nockburn, called on. Mr. and tut. bave ail been werking many Mns. Jas. Harris. years wbiist more reccntly, Ro- Mr. McComb and Messrs. tary. Liens, Kinsmen, Home and John anâl Lloyd Beacock at- Sehool Association, have been tended the tuneral et the laie very active In service te the Albert Anderson in Tononto _omrnunity. Success bas been this past wcek. attaihed by the splendid ce-ep- Mrs. John Watson was able eration of the wamen. ta nturn home from Bowman- Master Jimmy Crydemman ville hospital on Sunday. Mrà. played twa plana eelections-»a Lamne Watson le staying with ]pause wbich wal enjoyed. ber and ail hope she continues Cantinuing Mrs. M. Flintoffto ste adily impreve. A combined congregatianal, manse and session meeting was hcld ln the Preebytenian Chunch OF Tuesd y evening with Rev. Mn. Heustan in attendance. THE WORK O Mn. and Mns. Wilbent Wcrny, Mn. and Mns. Neil Werry and MERCYCanal spent Friday evening with ME.RCYthe Grant Thcmpson's to cele- brate tarol's second binthday. Spring muet be near, a robin NEVER ENDSL> was sighted in the village by Frankc Andenson' Miss-M. B-fÎ Ffl p fl ~ ett, Mr. Ebe Erwin, Mr. Pete mmm onMi. Cecil Joncs and 'I LUtwa children, Paul and Julie, ýIEICROSOrnon. Mn. McHolm enjoys good >/ health and is loking owad #4$ý ta spcnding many more happy y cars wlth bis lovcd cnes. Mr. and Mre. David Wilson, U.S.A., sPen as week wih Mr. and Mrs. R. .PAshton, par- $ 5e422s850 Mrs. Wilson; Mary, Mrs ais edi this ya Bewdicy. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson neturned home on Satumday the Las!H.dqazer: 27th. Another social evenîng wa.ý CAZTEA FAIULY TEA BOOýM held on Thursday. 25th, at Mr. rte»usKing St. E. and Mia. Dawson Beebe':. Ten THE MiAfTAN TATI~MA~. mwM&VTT*flPAGEf E.. - tables of cuchre were played and a vcry pleasant time Was spent. The next panty wil be h.ld on Wedncsday March 3rd,' at Mr. and Mns. ilarmy Beck- ett's. Mri. Wm. P4cHolm vflited tniends at Coboung on Wednes- daythe 24th. Mrs. P. Cornlsh and Jack, en- layed an evcning cf euchne on Monday the 22nd, wltb Mrs. Wm.MicH-olm and Misa Beckett. Quilting was beld up latt week and again thie wcek caus- cd by delay in tinishlng the tops. They are cxpected ta je - dy tor quilting by Marni Sth. à,oday we walked mound the block, that là south ta the rail- wmy track, west te the side nmi, north ta tbc highway, east Up for sale and that mmay mean home. This is the ealileut date another herne ta tind lierbaps we have been able te walk ail away fnomn Morish. If th;it araund. There wene many stret- shouid happen thc pleasume >f ches of ice and snow ta nege- belng a. correspondent for» this tâate, mud and more mud, but- paper will be over - but we wc managed ta salvage aur rub - wan't cross that bridge til wo bers a tew times and reach thc corne te It. highway intact. -W. ate glad te hear and sec In walking dawn what is gen- the craws once agaîn, it lu good erally known as Peten's Side te hean their maucous calis as raad we naticed anothen cottage they fly overhead. partly built maklng thnce new _________ homes, a fourth lot han ama been sold by MT. H. Berry. It Juit for today 1 wilL exercise bas been suggested that a nam'i ifiy seul la three ways: 1 willl be given this newly populated do samnebady a good tuma, and lane, anc tenant suggested Val- net get tound eut. I will do at ley View, a vcrygoad name we least twe thîngs 1 don't want ta thlnk. l do-Just tor exercice. And te- We anc rather jlttcry these day, If my feelings are burt, I days because thîs prapcrty la wll not show it te anyone. BETHANY "Don't let the future scare you.. . It la just as shaky as yau are." Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tuthill and sons Ronald and Bruan of Keerte were Sunday viultors with the Thompsen family. Friends wili be pieased te know that Mns. George Waddel returned home from Peterbor. ough Hospital on Frlday. - Mr. and Mns. Ralph Mulligan and famlly, Oshawa, vislted with Mr. and Mns. Gervin Mulligan and Mr. and Mns. Verne Mulli- gan durlng the weekend. Misa Vivian Rewan. Peterbor- ough. was home ~dth her par- ents, Mr..and Mrc. Clarence Rowan, for the wcekend. There have been a great mmny cases et mumps in the vil- lage anid many desks vacant in the public school for the past several wceks. Naw It le the teachen's turn. Mies Muriel Flctt, teachen ln the junior moom le the lateet victim of the epidcmic and the junior pupils will have$ a haliday ton the. quarantine per- ied. Mr. and Mmi. Emomy Smith entemtalned at a progressive eu- chre party on Wednesday even- lng with the pracceds going to the Ladies' Guild et St. Pauls Chuneh. There were 12 tables .if playeme. Barry Smith won thel pnize fer gentleman's high q;cot'e and Mme. Bruce McGiIi and Mve. 'This Week". Nommnan Braithwaite wcme tied ton the ladies priz'o. Consolation pnizes went ta Mns. Clara Arn- strong and George Simuth. LucKy doon pnize ta Mrs. Effie Mor- ton, Asslsting the hostees with the luncheon wene Mrs. J. T. Co- bumn, Mis. Carl Smith, Mm Hector Menton and Mme. Doug- las Smelt. A similar event will be held March l8tb at the home cf Mn. and Mns. Morgan Bige- low. Just fom today I will b. un- afraid. Especially I will net be afraid te enjoy wvhat le beautitul, and to believe that, as I give to the world, se the wemld will give te me.-Condensed troni .- 1 .lw -1-,- = THE CANADIAN STATESMAX. BOIMANVMLle ONTARIO bArlip mm

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