"tDurham County's Qreat Family Journacl" V~OLUME 100 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY., MARCH 4th, 1954 10e PER COPY NME &OUNCIL HOLOS TAX INCREASE TO. ONE ML council Appoints Clarence Oke as Building Inspecior Fine Programt and Dancing Feature S ho lCS re nce sd yn s Firsi Building Inspector, Jerusalem LodgeLadies" Nighl uto n i o es B d e E v u L~B u t__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ir e Plans Traffic B- -a Changes A most enjoyable event was Bro. H. G. Freeman and Ms ____ _________the annual Ladies' Night of Je- Freeman; Bro. C. L. Warren rusalem LodeNoa1 G.R.C., and Mrs. Warren and Bro. C.pt hr nraeoffv ii o dcto ,lrneSB.&P. Club SponsorspupssnBwmnlldrig15,teg eriaxae laec S.Oke, Bowman- and the local police enforce the held on Friday evening in the E. Allun and Mrs. Allun. proe nBwavledrn Vlle assessor and assistant town regulations was passed by High School Auditorium. Fol- uk aswr aeatSiigFsin So for the year will be increased by3nyoemii n ilb Uuerk, was appointed as build- council. lowing a musical program pro- inte rv a s eeads t as ri44nui copard o 4niaShyaw ~Uinspector for the town at the Reeve Little also gave notice /' ide bythe imio Rveler PstTMa- 44 n se ±îge ree m 3 ad e pbi tte ac et vidd y te imio evelesters of the Lodge: W. Bros. Ken- Thee igreswe.1ad t~ular meeting of Town Coun- of motion that he will move anAl a talented group from Mimico Werr, P.R. owlig, edneVIday&GU fTw ani edwe e.1l Mondav night to enforce the amendment to the town traffic United Church, the many co ngo nethuci el o »e uilding b-a whc byawanet onhscuclpewhle totedcem-J. Dilling, L. M. Clemens, J. R.igMnaynhtblw pw bt no ffctla fa i meelw tin cha n ctaistcop ilpsi Lew ateanchismo- Stutt, J. S. Emmerson, J.Marr Spirits flagging theze days' was passed setting the tax.rateadpaiin o ud Mr. Oke's appoîntment is ofl steetstothrogh stcrtsain stne scestra. wl ad iso Ross Stevens. The lucky lades The Spring Fashion Show, 1954, to rneet town expenditures durin 94 a temporary basîs at presentwth he rcm ndios' received lovely prizes, saime of at the High School Auditorium andwîl bein ddiiontohismad ereenty bb L.S.L anlS.W.Mro.H.l.lreeanhcte whcheereth the erng lans nxt edesplanthtsMach he44 ilswii rase 27374 fo ciic xpeditre oterrgua dtesa atwf tafi cnulat fOavllas master of ceremonies and which made a gay decoration 10 at 8.30 p.m., will make the during the year, as compared to$5934rieby4mls employee The by-law appoint-I who mdde a traffic survey in kep.Tthe eving's eventes po- for the stage. A complete list world look brighter. ing.M. ThealMimico Revellerson fopro-0 of winners is flot available. Lovely fashions I new spring $14,420 more than last year. Tota seset ftetw the Mr Okor a bls ngspered ta o n fr $ 0.vided several vocal and istru-h thefeefora uilingperit Many Changes Proposed mental numbers which were Winners of lucky spot dances suits, sportswear, al weaer has increased by $190,655 - up ta 62145frm$,3,0 will be $3.00 and that inspection greatly enjoyed. A humorous were Mr. and Mrs. Everton coats (really apprapriate f ord -g193 àees wilr be collected at the It will propose that traffic ktfauigsvnmleo White. Bowmanvllle and Mr. changeable spring weather), niunicalM offies adCured cnesi beSt.made as folow dels provided somne hilarious and Mrs. Jack Westlake, Whit- and colorful bathing uits to Economies of 4.1 milîs in th ta n r e e ab d t e Over to r. vO en Cc o nc r e ssirom gnt.aibet yug moments when they tried on a y make you dream 0of sunny su mn- counil ta counteract most of th, d ii n i oul y c u e ept-eta ee Ow e icholas sttfo ginta o Lier ty great variety of women's ats. A delicious lunch was ser'ýed mer beaches-all these will be by the-nraeof25mlsi Teotender that he had M rec eivd Wihstan op igst o o at e t During the evening W. Bra. at intermission by the ladies' of modelled at the show whlch ii ce ssos.5 mlsi ah th u lc a d hg Ëoy W. Nichols, Palmer Motor Ieading on ta Liberty; at north Clarence Oke FSteaînn 0f Mimic. aoldniteW.a.rsoSiet for the vertyBusiness and Professional Wam- down ta one iii. The town itsel illsedo 8,7 Sales and Farm'Equipment and end of Centre, leading on t iturh o acicopanited th .s.ccesl vning wasr ahecom-en's Club. during 1954 as compared ta $108,55 atya euto frato oie ca~ rt euised ConechAe essandingoten-o Revellers, for a few impromp- mittee composed of Bro. C. L. . Three high school girls and of $22,076. iora on oli encier.f The,0 cAe . laig n Co n1~i Auh*nnl',es tu remarks, whih le perform- Warren, Bro. C. E. Alln and W. six youngsters under eight erFolwn isacm rsr Robson M otors tender cf sî,ooi cession. ~ed w ith w it and hum or. Bro. R. J. D illing. G uests w ere of age w il assist club m em bersFo l w n is a c p r s n of t e xp n t r s a d for the aid cruiser, plus $1,350 Centre Street will be a through uP Lfo On the Reception Committee, present from lodges in Oshawa, in modelling. Mns. Mel MeNul- miii rates of 1953 and 1954: additional, for a black 1954 Pon- street, with the stop sign in MLJofey G rantio welcoming the guests were W. Newcastle and Port Hope. ty will be fashian commenta- 1954 15 tiac caach was the lowest, he front of Dr. Slemon's residenceTi. tor. The whole evenlng will b e Rae 0AP j ¶ 1 *1 ïaid, and on bis recommenda- to be moved to Lover's Lane. Hospifal and Libar just the spring tonie the ladies Tow Rte __ U8,47813 J.9 h± .rm tion the Police Committee were The stop sign on Centre St. wil edadJubns iLDrar-PbieShol-10,5 1. authorized to purchase it an ke moved to the south west sor- cm o.I ool arta High School 40,439 6.5 riî 412 iî er wUll be installed at additional sign at the north end of Division ville received a ane-haif mill they ishul icbte mapu rs ae - 3,0 .mls3,0 i cost, Deputy-Reeve Nicholas St. is to be included in the by- grant fromn Town Council at the' e ved a rk n n]r n te t theiEr Parves . aingfa r Cauntrs1,6 . mad a.March meeting held on Monday from the Glory Ain Shappes, - --- WilI Repair 3-Ton Truck On Carlisle Ave, stop signs night. This amounts ta approxi- BwavleadOhw.A-Ttl _ $7,4 4 r eeve Sidney Little reported will be erected at the west end If Proposeu Amendment is Pa se mBomnvil n Oh50A-C.as$73744 ils $5,244 i that the town's 3-ton Interna- of this street leading ont«' Cen- mately $3,100 and this sumn was The__________________d tionhl truck could be put in tre and George Sts. Another provided for in the relief an aiprigpolm aeqetdb oni o ad oeCMand for in the town rate: roads andstes,$300 nldg Shapa for$128rn$128viwands inatvheeestofd csCarisletothealiatintcaendr of heaTxiiarkig prblpmiarequesediyoconcilflotta d Zoe Co mandr $12,00forroadoand$6,00 foasdewals,0pblicprrprty this, his committee intended ta will be erected leading onto Civic Committee's budget. still under active consideration sa. $820inldh$1,0foste repair it, and not caîl for ten- Liberty St. . by Bawmanville Town Coundil, A motion by Reeve Little wa.s $820 nidn 1,0 o tetlgt,$, o ear ders on a new truck this year. On Liberty Street stop signs A grant of $2.000 was also and Deputy..Reeve Owen Nicha- passed that the clerk write Mr. Roe aie y and decorations and $1,0t0 foreecrcl epis fr, Ho ecmmnde tata aîf wllbe laedattheeat ndmade ta the Bowmanville Pub- las gave notice at Monday Brown a further letter asking $17,520, inciuding $7,500 for hydrn eti .d$,0 load limit be placed on the of Wellington leading onto Li- lic Library for operating ex- night's meeting that he will hlm ta take this equipment off Official Visit for new equipment; police, $14,50;slre,$02;cv, four treet in twn whch r- berty. the east and west end of penses and the purchasing 'cof move an amendment ta the town property and put it on e61 nidn~$90frteD i ceived only two inches of pav- Church Street leading onto Li- new books. traffic by-law at the April catun- bis own. 'l',,atetO ~ce~o I1~~il the spring thaw is aven. berty, and the east and west cil meeting , to deal with the Chairman Wilfrid Carrutiiers The. Ladies' Auxlliary of the and $500 for the Department of lnigadDvlpi 'e«resaeLiberty, ueienso Qucen ]eadîng ot i matter. of the Public Property Coin- Canadian Legion held their ment; relief and hospitalization,$10,ncdng$10 Con sion ndan gin.His o- brty.Furterdsgnstilliella-beOsawatouihiareHisrmcndenteilltehtht miteeBrportdmthttthngowameeing et th Legon Hlllon forafgrntat MemrialHosptai;Cemeery,$4,75;igant; tioi?', at the half-load limit be cated at the west end of Jane no parking space be granted on manile otryClb fel smeMac,0s00;54 wthPrsien pu no fetonteestet (otnedo ae ee)King Street ta taxi firms, he responsibilîty in the accident Rundle i the chair. Zone Coin. $,0;cngni $2,000; sudis,$,00 rntigan putint ef ecto n hes st eet (C nti uedo n ageSev n) Fined for Causing said. Asked il that would mean two week-ends ago in which the Bae was welcomed on her f- stationery, $1,100; discount on p ai d a e, $,0; b n there could be n taxi offices tap on one of the upstairs radia. ficial visit. to tue auxiliary. interest, $1,000, and telephones$5. Disfrbane SudýY on the main strket, he replied tors becamne turncd ofi acciden- Minutes cf the general and ex- Trq kme Blw F rs Plyof Ga tethat taxi operators could still tally. Considerable water escap- ecutive meetings were read and %eVenue of $440 Tr~km n Bow Firi lay fiGam Dstubace unay have their offices on it, but d whih brought down a fu- approved. Th$44100 g arn ouc uoces as a ýo Two Oshawa youths who tiiat they would not be allowed foot patch of plaster from the Correspondence was read in;-ad u aatta f$3,65 u hetw a K~à~e With Kingsto Tuesday Nerh arrDsted by Constablet e i fetaprigcdiing of the council chambers. cluding letter cf thanlu from estimated reoeipts, of c$44,fr0h so ______the_____cby-aw nw a- The Club was moving equip- the Canadian Legon. Sec':F. provincial subsidies, fines and feesa dfo h e eey pia Restaurant at 13 a.m. Sun- lows.Th taxis wil be in the ment from the auditorium coi Richards was instructed to a- whlch leaves $86,515 to be raised b aain The Truckmen turned in a singletons, and the fifth goal day for creating a disturbancesan aeoysprvtmtrthdytetpi blvdta ieDvdl Hptl25-0 laklsteefor i hefistws coedb Gore cre orfnee2charend B oms avlccars in regard ta parking on have been jarred open, and they members will visit themn on In presenting his estimates adakn htte15 game of their best-of-seven gar - a comparative youngstcr. olihchreinwavle King St. if his amendment js will pay for replacing the plas- April 7th. Any members inter- taxation by-law be passed, Chaima Neon soreo semi-final series with the King- The Truckmen had another of Plc Court Tuesday morning. passed next month, hie said. ter, he said. ested in this trip please contact the Finance Committee reported ha bthteP li ston Goodyears Tuesday night their nights when they could Evidence disclosed that the He reported that Downey Cab- Wrong Type of Valves Com. Rundie. School Board and the High Sehoo or a eîisi at the Bowmanville Memnorial not get going, and the puck also youths: William Turchon and is still reserving 30 feet of park- He stated that it was appar- Three cartons cf cigarettes 1953- the Public School Board bcuei pn 1.0 Arena when the visitars shut refused ta behave for them. Sev- William Evedon, had tried ta ing space in front cf Stanley's ently an oversight on the part were donated and very much them out by a 5-0 count. eral of Johnson's brilliant saves get into the restaurant after it Lunch, and Coun. Dave Hig- of the company supplying the appreciated. Card cf thanks ta during the year buying the site oftenwpulcsho The teams clashed again ifl in the Kingston twincs also had had closed for the night and gon wondered if they could le- radiators that this type of ra- be sent ta donor. Coin. Perris from current funds, and the Durha itit ihSho Kingston Wednesday night and more than a littie of the element that a windaw was broken in gally operate a proper taxi diator with a tap. instead of a to purchase soap. Com. Knight Board due ta transportation casts. tnieet back here on Saturday in of luck connected with them. the scuffle that ensued. The pro- stand at this location in view Of key-operated valve, ta bleed the ta convene for cokies and their playoffs ta decide who The Truckmen passing attack prietor of the restaurant stated the fact that they have the use radiators was installed. He re- candy. Comn. Rundle to convene He pointed out that the PublcPoet o mte rneets the Orillia-Peterborough was again off, but this in itself that anc of the youths had brok- of a phone there only during commended that the tap type of parcels. Com., J. Tordiff wîîtis year is aiiowing, $3,000 for the otnaino ear ýWtz'nners in the finals for the was nathing new. Several1 en the plate glass window with regular business hours while valves be replaced by key-op- convene the ticket draw for o ur and decorations at the Town Halladta efesti astern Ontario Senior "B' Truckmen players pass the puck bis fist when hie refused ta allow Tots Toggery is open. erated valves in the system this social night, March 15th. Any- expenditure is well justified. Heasopitdutttth Zeague çhampionship. as if their chief abject was just them inside. Left With Police. Conunittee summer. anc wishing ta help with the fire datmetetmtsicu t Although the Truckmen have ta get rid of it, without any at- A motion was passed that the Coun. Carruthers also stated lunch for this event please con- ea etesîae nlue$.0 ornweup &howed their superiority over tempt at accuracy wbatsoever. D matter of the "No Parking" that the desks and chairs used tact Comn. Gatcheli. ment, chiefly for two new pumps frtefr rcs n X-ingston during the regular The Truckmen started well F ire Burig aue is signs of Downey Cab in front of by the council members would The wedding on March 2oth ta replace a pump in service since 12 hc snwwr geasori several times by defeat- and had the cdgc of play in the1 Stanley's Lunch be icft with be repaired and varnished i wiîî be convened by Comn. Pal- out, and the other for a pump whihwl rdc o Ing them by big scores, the first period but could not break Called fo Hampfin the Police Committce with pow- the near future. He sponsored a mer. Zone Comn. Bate installcd spr ay which wilI reduce watcrdaae tfiscnsd tables were definitely turned through for a goal. "Sammy' er ta act, and they coiisult thc motion, which was passed, that five new members, Comrades here Tuesday night. The Lime-1 Samolenko mîssed anc golden 1 town solicitor ta sec if any ac- an advertiscment be placed in M. Welsh, A. English, E. Byam, erably. otane City crew flot only played1 opportunity just before the end The Bowmanviile Fire De- tion ta remove thcm can be tak- The Canadian Statesman asking A. Phillips, D. DesRoches. The He comménded the Roadsan SretComte betten hockey but they got al! of the stan'za when he \vas right partment truck plowed througb 1 en prior ta the proposcd amend- propcrty awners wbo wish the monthly reports were present- for their decision ta repair the 3-tontukadmk td the break fus e a slaorntoes oti henston ct mind- Dringmotn Towship rain te ng of the traffîc by-law. town to plant shadetrees on cd. Coin. Gatchell ta convene aj ~The rsurgenesof sme of te T he Goodya stck for it oncesshi o inalie---cny-be luikgsto vedta n sch sfoe terfrttlya .0o h ½mlses of th Hmpon utadan Tewfrm+ui-frmE.V."ik"Osonefr-Li-ar -t-tis-as md auenc htw i re-trMib hvn nbns issan ueh Jons, da, tTcoPrtn-Hope4in83xcess cf the $124.883 being slvesm e lmost rm theltimg e beig eiinfoesrmd, blpfit.. ny8pnSt.e e- mnvlefor w6rom pulcand euf et 7.9 o rh duct e aresellig iseur- odthe ostmiportat of htse hîmself when he asks bhis father cannot be put on and off like te, who has 'been a miss- ctd unim sy by the nd eing n 44frcn for a chocolate bar or a new a cloak mey for the purpose Public School Board, subject ta iieiis toy, and we are ail calicd upon of making a sale. . inrriiteRietsLn ia prv. yteOtro A odyngtsmeig, for xelen 1 lsmnsbh i p The dieta serve is ais an dicese of Canada, wil bc Departments of Municipal Af- Town Cucl himnWw wben we sclourselves toa a important asset ta the salesman, thTheaer t ot se- ai s fEucationde. teBard Jfcyo h ulcSho yo~ung lady ta the extent tint as well as ta the good citizen, vices. The form cof service. TescsfutndrasteBrapaedaakcucî Sshe consents ta marry us. Mr. Carter conciudcd. "To serve foilowed wiil bc the smre lowcst of eight submitted, witb ta incraeisdbetr su " Tic art of salesmanship is is ta live. Cast youn brcad aOhtue ilars a- the bighest bien fr $10.82fant nwcho00rm 13, as aid as speech itself," Mr. upon the waters and there is ada and ln 104 other coun- then o panes J tendeing f r 0t $5.00adconi S Carter dcclaned. "The. lawyer natiing that can prevent it fram tries cf the world oni this tejo wnc J.BhLdardtaskue eptm in plcading bis case, thc editon- eventually coming back." tirst Friday in Lent. The elvle .M rosLd 0 Uiia far ad hs ~' iai writcr in putting aver bis Pnior ta bis addrpss, Mn. Car- theme this year la "That toshwn C .Smt osnc Cou.. TorontoOsbolniamChair- ideas, the minister in giving his ten cangratulated the Kinsmen They May Have Life",. tak- Ctio Cc, Oaanto Wllian- mancfte i iac Cmite sermon, and tue politician in Club for the fine community en trorn John 10. rawfor d, orota;DCaRraiCo- ined u acuni1tta gathcnîng votes, anc ail sales- service wonk ticy have accom-tatnrt.noot;D e- îeta h ulcSho d men toa agreat extent." piished in the four short years he enlseve.lfptOsaaaad enct as save h anaot$.0 Important to Economy ithcy have been formed. "You whc oeofalPo nt t. etn ven aeiodc er ypr Ticspake pined utthcan feagetdalosti- testant denominations loin, Approval of the acceptance chasing h iec u c parantpat tra efeciefaction in the way you have wsbgnl aaab of the. tender is expccted tram schooilatyafo$1.0eu Umptbdi1adpoie1cee isJsieMcucy* the twc Ontario departmcnts in of caal epniuente "'~~4&" ~~c~~- -~~, "ell*n hag in maintaining tic Toronto ln 1920. la 1922% bu w ekadu ha nldn hssmi h * ~~emand for goods which is such cmuiysrie io h these women JoinedWt oe htcntuto on mutc i.dbnue su avital factor in keeping the cu a omd"b clrd the ehureh wornen of US nteiho a rce m d u en aigo :sï econm of a democracy trn HaHedIptntPsa A ntifrtItration- mediatcly once it is rcceivcd. rougily 600t u apyr and hcaithy. H. defined sales- Mn. Carter was introduccd by ai Day cf Prayer. The. Tiie Public School Board hopes in interssnadvrti.im Joev Catlin (So0 10)ý veteran forw ard wîth the Kingston Goodycars xvho rnansiip as "the art of present- Kin Irvine Brown wiio peinted ternu of service te b. uned ta have the building completed duringwhcitedbnus ther gme gamst heTrukme hee Tesay igh isshon ng goods on services in suci a out that he bas been a baker this year was written by Mi" for tic beginning cf tic new wil b. adof ecored tw'o goals mntergreaantteTuke eeTedyr son way as ta canvent the negative for 57 years, bas served on tic Sarah Chakk , Principal cf s__________in________r atbove on one of his scoring thrusts. The puck is just clearing the pad of Truckmen attitude of the buyer towand National Council of the Canad- Isabelia Thyiurn College, cooteui Spmb. gahie Les Colvin, whie Red Peters, Truckmen defenceman is comîing in to iend a thcm ta positive wants and de- ari Baking Industry, and lsa a Lcko, nia arg crea Debenture, b $150,00 M.adM.Atu acl nand n case of a rebound. Kingston player in the background is undentified. The mands." The. salesman, h. said,1 past president of the Canadian proprtinof the olferings The Board has askcd Town MapleCekak.Mran '!1~ men ost 5-0. Next gamne of the series wmiI be piax cd Saturday night at 8:30 must create an interest in bis I Bakers' Association. Each year, made st the services in Council ta issue debentures in Mns. FakMlol1Oiaa product tao ring about tie de- he said. Mr. Carter is chosen as spent for Christian Litera- the. amount cf $150,000 te pay visitedwihM.ad rsSt- Sthe Bowmanville Memoriai Arena. -Photo by Carson Studie, Port Hope sire. cf possession. (Continucd on Page Seven> 1I um throuthtt l wopWLd for tht ent of .recting the new k' Malomo udy