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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Mar 1954, p. 7

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mpqvF"--qý ê%wowffl 1 ?R U ES DA , m A R CI 41h. 19 PHONER PuRSONUL i -~'~- 3303 I ;~j * ~ ~ *~ ~ ourchse aniec o! own ~... tou t o roer ve-abistseut-shw r, ha o e lowd obnla en ili.. cprty on l t 'sdeo!f O udntscr.CE-' I iAM.-tarn St. north of William 1 flC U N OL Àu "Self Denial" * Mttonasservice station wb s pi e*IceChips PACKAU OF 20c n ganconsidered. A motion b ept the five shots wbich 30 u$S=M.6%/ilf 1.48 value 1 INFAT BATISMCoun. Wilfrid Carruthers that wottru3)5eLe ovn R S tenders for this lot b. advertis- pieyed a good game in the Osh- 20 isses9" w' Only ed ini The Canadien Statesman, awa nets.. At least two of the ANS SIZE 12"X1b". 7 MIL -h4hest tender need neot noces- resuit o! pon defensive play by Imm rla ifsanily b. acceptcd, waa pa.ied bis mates. . . Ernie Dickens R RPTONS J by council. worked bard to got effective (FfrutDeputy-Reeve Nicholas ne- scoring rushos undenway but- thc Genenal Electric Company close back-checking o! the King- had discusaed the matter o! a ston forwands. . . Kingston were* EVU EE two-way radio for the town short two o! their botter play- e .x . W e Mr. D). C. Pter., PhyRis Chals Barrett, police cruiser with ho and Po- rs: defenceman Joe Watts and ir. D. ýlice Chie! Sydney Venton, and right Winger Jim McKeown. LT.C.M., Director of Music. A.T.C.M., Organist. Chie! Venton ad recotmend-, Jack Thaler and "Sammy" Sam- We Deliver Your Local I.D.A ilT-C-M 1cd that the metter be dropped 1 olenko worked hard in the Ios- E3GR t ie r esent à in a». . . à cArowd of s1ightly Uin. W. L. Paterson attended Culloch for a few weeks. the Henry-Fleming wedding inl Mr. and lins. Lawrence Mal- ( Toronto lant Saturday. colin, Gail, Bonnie Jean and Mr.Ina McNaughton ilisited Glenn, Nestieton, arrived home -, Mr. C. H. Pethick, from their holiday in Florida In Toronto last week. and visited their parents, Mr.. ~ - -- - ~ Y Winners of Lions hockey draw and lin. Stanley Malcolm and v . for Satunday, March, 6th are: Mr. and lins. S. Brooks, Provi- .----'- L. W. Dippeil and Chas. Green- dence. d rWosok , . Miss Debbie Mason, Toronto, son of Mir. and lira. Gordon ~~~Z. . .. le spending a few daya wRt Badger, neevdafu-year , lier gnandmothor, Mrs. C. H. safe driving award recently at Mason. the annual Drivers' Safety --~.. lait week. lionday, Tuesday and Wedneu- ' -'-. r .-->. ..,.. Mr. CarlieHaddyand ~ day of lant week, Mn. Bort Syen r- Lena Haddy, Toronto, visited ontaion Renieaton Service OntaHion ecnic attndSedvthe --' ' ..... ther antlin. HnryFoserEngineens' Convention as votlng A on Snday.delegate for the Ontario liaple Mr. and lira. Alec Birks and Leaf Chapter, held et the King famiiy, Montreal, spent the Edwand Hotel. He aiso attended weekend with bis parents, Dr. the Canadian Refrigeration M1an- tnd lins. W. H. Binks. ufacturers' Show at the Col- Miss Marilyn Hall, Toronto, iseum. ipent the weékend 'with honr Visitons witb lin. J. F. Met-e paýrents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. caîf, 106 Concession St., lait H all, Tempenance St. Sunday included his son, Dick Mn. T. A. Dunseath of Cran- Metcalf and wife and niece, brook, B.C., ieft to-day aften Mns. Simpson, Tononto; Mrn.and visiting bis sister, lins. J. E. lins. Roy Metcalf and son Ross, Flett, and othen relatives in Baseline; Mn. and lins. Glen town. Metcalfqand son Grapt, Maple Sunday visitons with Mr. and Grove; M r. and Mrs. Bruce Met- lins. E. V. Hoar wene thein son, caif, Baseline; Mn. and lins. J. Mr. and lins. Charlie Hoan, H. Abernethy and Mns. B. Lun- Barbana and Tommy, Toronto; ney, Bowmanviile. Mn. and Mns. H. E. Kerr and Mr. Harny Allun, Centre St., Patsy, Oshawa. formerly of Ailin's Corner Groc- Manager George VanBridger eny, celebratod bis 76th birth- of the Bowmanville Public day on lionday of this week. Utilities Commjtia'nn 2apended With him to help celebrate the - the convention in '.Yoru.ito .,.cy happy occasion werc al the " us h rcmnhv indu h eto h lyr! this week of the Ontario Mun-' xriembers of his family: lins. " us h rcmnhv indu h eto h lyr! icipal Electric Association. Jack Plrocton and daughten Sus- Mn. and Mns. Genry Howes an, Gait;-*Mn '%jd, lin. J. C. oe ,0 a h ae lno opr aasi t day n Nw Ynk.Tbe wor an lis.ài.brontiir. Trinify Church will Many Parents Attend oe ,0 a h ae lno opr aaîi t are enjoying a few days' holi- Snow (Gertrude) ..,oto;r Kingston-goal, Johnson; de- cher, Thaler, Holden, Berwick, Yok y iadlnsNwr . loy d Alinand fa ily, Coboungr (Mn ll înalCnei D mosrîo yfence, Goodfellow, Londry, Ste- Yourth. ac paidas fan as New Osaa Mr. and lins. ."1 wart, Nicholson; forwards, Par- Officias-Stan Boshier, Jack Yorkby r. nd rs.Llod Alin nd amiy, oborg;Mr.tis, Olinski, White, Murray, Shropshire. Ells hoconinedon to Bos- and Mrs. Lorne Allin and Julie, TLsdocaàjnrTn'l f'ub Pck Tinkess, McGregor. Catiin, Go- ________ tonli.. ocntnudtown, and Miss Margaret Allin. i row, yke, Jac McKeown onM. rlwoodkMcCucklach and Mr lodMClohad Draw prizc-winnens of the Truckmen-goal, Colwin; de- Use Statesman Classifield Eastern Stan card party held Gucît artist feature at the Neiy4paetangesifneDiksPtrSdnA tsfo spdy eut.- Mr. Dix.on Cony of Wawanesa, aften the négulanmeig ntescodanelsrn oncert ery4pantadgus fcDiksPes Sdn sed eul. Man., are visiting Mr. licCuli- I.o.O.meetingln tesdysec. 3, ond nnuaispni ng huc Coi 1atteinded a demonstration put McBeth; forwards, Scott, Sam- Phono 3303. och's parents, lin. and lins. N. ...HlTedy e 3o nnt ntdCuc hi on by the Bowmanville Cub G. icClichandbrthe .Were: lins. M. L. Bagnell, lis' to be hold Tuesday, Manch 9 at' Packs at the Lions Community G. MCulochandbroter nd has. Mutton. lins. W. H. Car- 8 p.m. will be a 15-piece string Centre Tuosday night to show famnily Mr. and ins. Harold-Mc ruthens, lins. J. Goy ne, Miss orchestra from the studios of the skilis which thé boys have Velnia Gay, lins. J. Westaway, J. liontague, Toronto. This stu- learned duning their training Kism nClb ail of Bowmanville; M . W. dent group bas received very période this winten. Kinsmen Club Ho l in s. C. Ferguson, Nw aoal mention in the nocent Rev. Warren Turner, Presi- castle, lins. B. Wight, Miss Kiwanis Festival in Toronto. dent of the Bowmanvilie Boy (Continued from page one) Evelyn Moore, Mns. E. Cham- InclUded in the prognamn will Scout Association, welcomed - one of the judges in the homo bers, Oshawa; Mns. M. Pollard, be a trio formed fnom the sameth us adCifSm lo baking claises at the Canadien Courtice. Winners of noveîty gOuP also Lonna Glover, a tenegueet n Ciiff Samseaso National Exhibition. Ho alsa prizes: lins. I. Colwell, New- teen-age violinist and gold me- smldo eaf0 h in teachos baking technology at castle; Mns. W. Tapson and Mns. dal winnen. smldo eafo h in Ryerson Technical and Voca- E. Clarke, Bowmnanville. This concert should be of spe-Gnoup Committee whicb spon- tioal nsitue.cial intenest to pupils since most sons the Cube. toa nttt.of the members of the orchestra Included among the guests __________ M.Carter was born in Eng- are public ichool students. The were: lins. R. Cramp, past land,hle said, coming to Canada Tx conductor, David Dowding, is president of the Scout Mothers' In 1913 and to, Bowmanville in Tai y-Law Vn tigisrcini h uxlay r.Mr eepnetCOMPEI 1936. Ho in a member of the gin tngisrcinnth Auiiy;ls.MylcLa, *u gt5-1 SPECIAL public schools in Bowmanville. Cub Master of Oshawa, as well Ihs Bowmanville Rotary Club. (ContInued frorn Page One) Added foatunos will be solos as local Scoutmestons and asgIst- The speaker was thanked bY service station at 103 King St. and duos by Lorna Fletcher and anti._____________ Kin Dr. Charles Cattran. iW. These would be in back of Rhalph Vandenkooi. Trinity's The Cube demonstrated van- President Ken Nicks wel- the bilîboards on the propenty thnee choirs. unden tbe direc- ious phases of thein badge comned two gueits to the meet- and woulc! not be visible from tion of David C. Petons, will training, which included body1. .A.B N p~ing, Kin Ray Canson of Pont the street. bis letton said. Per- round out an attractive progrnm coordination, tumbling, cleanli- I .A R I Hop~e, and Glen Hodgson Of mission wai gnanted on candi- wbich should fîll Trnity ness, teliing of timo, and knot Bowmanville. A birthday ne- tion that ail thc provincial high- Church.. Publiowscbool cbildren tying. A demonstration was also sontatibn' was made o talËn way, fine, and gasoline handling are being-admiitted froc. given o! jungle dances in addi- Clarke Wilson by thc Registran, regulations are complied with tion to a round of typical CubH lbtLie i DuhniGang hemetignm the installation. ied sn.b ooprnopteomeato KAstt The Bowmanville Lions Club B ilig IsT tr Following the splendid p- For H auler O Woope rld J da oas lite'was voted a grant by council Buildiainspe or fieside ongs. re.Cpue Service Clbso!wYiung te equal ta the axnount o! munici- erved by the. Scout Mothens' 10' n 0' Sensmce Club of Caadisath pal taxes on the Lions Commun. (Continued from page one) Auxiiiany and the group en- .tIWd- reg. $1.29, $4.79 xnember. T hisi organization ity Contre on Beeh Avenue. St., and thc caît end o! Victoria joyed an informal period of MRI forma a link between young Cr@ssing Te Be npe St., both leading onto Liberty; fellowship. Ru s" td the east end of Base Lino lead- Ft9c,$.9 men's service clubs in many A letton was receivod from mg onto Liberty, with the stop F Htess eSk countnies o! the worldlho said, the Board of TasotCmi-sg tLbryS.S tKn t Including Canada, Ireansioners n Traynspcornit Comisin t Licerty . S. et King St. Great Britain. Australia, South . Eoiyn oni hta ab bce.~u~ m n.~s Africa and se veral countnies in iflipector would be in Bowman- Church Street Changes ____ Pleasan Chunch tnaffic wiil be restyl- (Continued fron aeDn)WLASAUT Aromatic Cascara Europe. The object o! the ville in the neer future ta cx- ed with the stop sign at Trinity rmpg n)~...... World Council is to encourage amine the Wharf Road crossing Church to be changed, and fur- shot fnom close in aften taking intenatona godwil, nled- t te C.R. tracks in conne- thon signe locatod on Ontario a pais fnomn shifty centre Don TATN ahip and co-operation to pro- tion with the possible installa-S. frhan otho huc;luna.Bayuea ae o n moo oae.- io o sfey arin sgal .,ic eth end suo! Curch;d nM6a.48 ntio1.29th int fasft ann inl h etedo hrhadBbGucît Glen Hodgson played Rebve Little asked that council Wellington leeding onto Scugog, God .8utl142 h em aefri two piano selections wbich be notified whon lhe arrives so wlth one side parking recom- Goyeana were sbortbanded were muéh appreciated by the that a representative mey ac- monded between Division and for all but a couple o! minutes gathering and a sing-song was company him on the Inspection. Tomperance Sti., and aiso on through successivë penalties to led by Kin John Graham with A letton was noceived from George St. between Kigan tCatombsotoTm od Ivan Woolley et the iano. the Memonial Hospital Board Church. KigadStwr ndtot TmGo- s\~ 6 commending the BowmaniNille One no parking sign will be fellow but the Truckmen could2 Bobby or Pocket style Volunteen Fine Depatment for located et the omit end of the not capitalize on the one-man rglry1cec their repu! nosponse to an alarm Holgate lot on Queoh St. It was advantage. Lois than e minuteFO tunned Wn' t the institution two aisfo necommonded that the after Goodfellow rotunned from FRnglnylccd STMOH ' weeks ago. boulevard on the west sid of serving his second penalty C S M R 9 Each 8c, 2 for 15c- loni elndt onteGeorge St. ewn Kingan Kigtnupe the count to 3-0____________ C1U t 1fOntario School Trustees and Church ho widened; also Tom- a goal !rom the stick o! Johnny ..",. 0,29 Ratepayers Association as ne- penance betwoen Cbu.rcb and Myke took e pais from Walt ~ SIT .quested ia a letton from that Wellington. A no parking sign Genow and beat Colvin fnom (Agia)bd.will be enectod et the soutb west close in on a shot thet nover COUGR and COI (Angica ) b dy.corner o! Scugog St. lading left the ic. Rev. Warren Turner, Agreements between the Cen- onto King St.ThGodesgotei4h B.A., B.D. Bowmanvillc Public nd ite Stop signe will be piced et goal t 7.46 o! the third on aa aina ales rnhd - CmmssonforîaiUtii1esthe south wost corner o! Horsey re1 eaywhleth.Tc- who sonda cream to the cream- - The Stetesman Off4p~ ,TITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE VALUES AND REMINERS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ISPECIALS Idamali (Extract of Malt and Ci Liver Oil) 1, 2, 4 lb. reg. 75c, $1.20, $2.29 nt tasting laxative- 3 and 6 oz., 2c reg. 30e - 50a 3e sore lrnitated skia gants, 3 oz. Jan, reg. 50« Powder Puffs Soft velour puffi ab( 8c, 2 for 15c LD REMEDIES I.D.A. Brand Baby Cough Syrupl Quickly soothes innitated throat. 3 oz. bottle 50C I.D.A. Brand Cold Tableis A dependable way for quick relie! rom cold misenies, 25s. 50C A SPECIALTY Lrg ore Drug Store setsr styles, wave ML AT ONE TIMÉ 39c 3kPIN CURL ou " NO NEUTRALIZER " NO RE-SETTING " NO TIRESOME WINDINGI k4ÂCLEÂNS MONTHPASTE - cT TOT E CA Drug s Phone 792 M MHECANADIAN STATESMAK, IBOWMANVILLN. ONTARIO PAGEM W s JG STO RES la , M ,~ 'w ~' -w -, r ~ - ...... . . . . . ex ......... ...... ............ erii.,bas ta milk bis herd, aa4 Vandals Damage h. bas ta fed and waten h animals. But that's anyp r" Providence School the job. There are rnhlk palse to go kept spotlessly dlean, seg - Vandale caused, consideabi. arators to b. cleaned and scrub danmage et Uic Providence Pub- bd,' and also ta be operated in lie School norteast o! Bowman- the production o! ich cream to ville lat Thursday night. Six- fil1 Uic shining cans. teenpans ofglas aswel as It makes for a full dey, but X tee anh e ! lssaswlla also makea for a good life. The Uiesah btweasevenal win profits in cash may not; be Ws dows were smashed out by the high, but Uiere's somethhng hooligans, about working anound a ban W. J. Brown, a memben o! ha Uic early morning hours or the Suth Darlingtoa Area late a!tennoon that bringaa School Board . reported the ma an i f m ly t t fe i g d a m a e t o P ro v n ci l P o i ce f a ! co n te n t th a t b as k ep t so m a n y the Bowmanvllle detachment famlls on tho farrn generation wba are continuing their I- fe g n rai . v e st g a ti n i n o t h m a t e r . C le a n in g U ic s ta b le s m a y n o t be s0 pleasant, but that bas to be donc too, during the long Cream Producer whnter month. And a! tenwards. of course, S pends Full Day there is elways the satisfaction that comes from a job well done In Wiier Mnthaas Uic evening meml, wlth its In Witer M nths genenous quantities o! dairy -wj jjg u gis producti, hs put on the table. The snowh iigU gii After that is the time for ap. the woodpile on a lot of, !arms pie munc4ing and hockey games these days, and it's time for ep- bàr the ràdio. pIe muncbing and listening ta _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Satunday night hockey gemes, but that doesn't meen thore isn't a lot o! fanm work to, ho done. T eSaemnSl It's truc o! course, that the ThSae an oI fields are yn dorment, and 1I Follswing Stores the implements standing in the shed, coeted with grease and il for protection egainst the Trull's Store, Courtee elements. But inside the hern Strong's Store, Port Hope work goos on, particularjy on Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany those ferma where croam fi pro- Johnson'i Drug Store, Newcastle ducod to meke the butter that T. Enwright, K~ewcastle graces Ontario'î tables. The general fermer who is S. Brown, Newtonvillc usuaily thîs province's cream C. Pethick, Enniskilleia producon bas few vacations, and T. M. Slenion, Enniskilleil bis winter is not by any means F .B a ,T rn spent sitting by the fine. The F . B e , Trn cows demand attention, and G. A. Banron, Hampton they demnand enough o! it for J. Riddeil, Bunketon hlm. to put in a bard working H. T. Saywell, Blackstockt d a y . K i h B a l y o t p o At the crack o! dewn there la Keit. Br l, Ponoo !eed to be distributed and milk- . . RTynrol, Orono ing to ho donc, and botb have H.iK.ertyFodsre, Kendlbo to ho don c on tim e. If they'ne Gi er Fo d l a k t M lbn o not, thee is not only a chorus Bo* o! moos fnom the stalîs, but pro- -Bwnianville duction won't ho up ta mnu!!. R. P. Rickaby - "Big 20" Cows are downnight fussy when W. J. Bery it comes ta being milked on Howes Smoke Shops 1time. Jury & Lovîll So twice a day, the man Elgie Herndon's Hendy Store

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