______ -el .. 'I - .- r - Ir, T7 rf larlingion Twp. Nakes $2500 Grant Io Oshawa HospitalBuilding Fund Dalington Council met March The following accouaits wére 4th, ith members all present, paid: Reeve Nichais pesiding, Min- Prov. Treas., Insulin --- $ 2.77 Utes of last meeting were rèad Clenk, Bow'vilie, Fine and on motion adopted as ead. Brigade.........---- 100.00 On motion Wm,-Lycett, Assesson ta be paid $2,000 per year plus Hugh Camneron. Regis- Car 1lowance 'of $450. tran of Deeds _- __ 27.50 *Harvey Panînen addesed Sec. Treas. S. S. No. Councîl ne:- waten tram mîll 16, Advance -.- --ý100Ô.0 tumne and asking Council ta do G. E. Bunnham, Steve samething ta relieve this situa- 011 .................------ 3.49 tion. J. Hoît. Rep. fnom Roscoe Bell Telephone Ca. Ser- C l:P'raducts addressed. Coun- vice charges ------ 7.25 c e:Culvents. H. Skinner ad- E A. Vuncoe, School d ed Council ne: Warble Fly -Attendance Officen 10.00 ouniltasen U t J. D. Hogarth, Regstra- on noadside spraying. This ta in .. 87 be unden the supervision of R. K. Symons, Counties' C. Stevens and G. B. Rickard Treas., Hospitaliza- wa'io are ta Ourchase Warble tloii---------.----_ .5 Ply Powden and Weed spray. J. D. Hoaruth, Febru- Clemk ta adventise for a man amy Salary - - --- - 200.00 Willhi -ton truck ta spray fan Mary Nlddery, Febru- _,prble fly and weeds. alsa o am ai-......480 ý.vertise for Inspector for wan- A. Barman, Unempioy- ble fîy spnaying. ment Ins. Stamnps-- 3.841 Mn. E. Marks and Mr. Hall Receiven Genenal of1 addres.sed Council ne 0b Canada Income Tax 4.40 awa Hospital, usking far g051-t Cliff Pethick, Cutting ta building fund of Hospital., Wood ---------- 12..50 Council ta grant Oshawa Haspi- Thos Whlet & Son,y taiBuldng un $500 py-E.Assessor's Su pplies ---- 329.88à tal uilingFun $200,pay E.A. Varcoe, Buildingy able in December 1954. 1 Inspectar ------167.008 W. H. Brown, Roscae Metal Sec- Vreas. South Dam-i Products Rep. addressed Coun- lington Are& Schôol cil e: Culvents. Road Supt. b. Board, Advance - - -- 7000.00 i responsible for purchasing new J. D Hogarth, Expen-d culvents as required. Councii ta ses to Convention ---- 20.00r puy Caunty $30 re:sbortage in E. P. G. Cice, Expenses 1951 estimates. Communications ta Convention ---- --- 20.00 from J. D. Miller, Deputy Min- Trous of Ontario, isten of Highways, and Harold Treusurer of Ontario Evans ne: raads. These wene or- Trees -----------------160.00 dered tiled. S E White. Prem. ou By-law for the contral i of Poiicy-------------------- 318.14 d Brucellosis was given its sev- Wm. Lycett, Assessor__- 72.82n ena] readings and ordered sign- J. D Hogarth, Fox ed sealed and numbered 1198. Bounties --------------118.00 By-law No. 1199 for the payinu .C cf ~ ~ ~ ~ L teJfr.heispctonGamey, Sec. Or- of f fr sea inws p ssen il .ona Fuir, 1953 Grant 75.00 èi bingsewge ws pssed Yç Symné,Counnîls' Èoum Spt prsenedhisreprt Treus. Payment on and vouchers for Febmuary undenestimate ot wliich were on motion uccepted 1951 . - 30.00 and vouchers amdemed ta be Creigbton, Fraser and paid. Genenal accounts were Drynun, Legal ad- presented and ordered paid. vice -------------------- 15.00 Clemk was instructed ta place Relief ----- ---------- e21 &Il outstunding accounits for wàr- oauds and Bridges, ble fi spraying on the Callic- Maint. and Repaira _ 53M.76 tom's R il for collection. Clerk ___________ to contact Col. Nash, of the Community Planning Brauch ta a po v.no muke uppointment ta me et HTT lIT Il <5 Couacil. On motion meeting ad- eua M etn journed ta meet uguin authleReulrM eir euhl of the chair.___1 I And-Day of Frayer Hfampton. - Febnuumy meeting of the W.M.S. was held ut the home of the President, Mr$. A. E. Billett. Meeting opened with hymnansd prayer by the Pres- ident. -The quilting committee was reappointed and quiitings were arranged for. Plans were Made ta attend the Prembyterial jn, 0ýhawa; il of the members Éttencird the Presbyteriai. Wold Day of Prayer was arranged for in the church. Bale et elothlng is being pucked. rona nd worship was in chaPrgo t Mmm. W. W. Horn. Mis. Nlery ed the scntl2ture. Mns. Ranton lead the respansive neadings and Mmm. Daw in inter- cession prayens. The study pro- gmam "The. Ministmy of Radia" was taken'tram I"Haw to Une and Whene'er the Sun" and was in thé forrn of a pimylet. Thi: outiined the problems ot th e radio rnlnistry in South Amer- ica and the eftectivenesîs with 1 which they are deuit wlth. Thôteî taking( part were Mrs. Daw, Mrs.! Hall, Mmm. Smith, Mn.. H. Trull.' Next meeting ut Mr&. A. L. Blunchand's home. The World's Day otf rayer service wam heid in the. S. 8. room on Friday ut 2:30 p.m. with a good attendanee. Mmm. Cav- eniey and Mrs. Smaies sang "«The Beautiful Garden of Prayer", and the service was very qffect- ive. Seven Per Cent Scugog Muskies Have Cancer Sevçn per cent of 2,380 $eu- 1 gag muskieî caughl aud studie»dl by Dr. R. C. Ritchie, departmeat ôt pathology, University of To- ronto, were fouud ta be affect- ed by cancer. This research conducted by Dr. Ritchie and asàitants ut Lake Scugog la the summer of 1953 was being made fon On- tario Research Founatian at the. BantingLuabanatories where Dr. John Hamilton is working with a grant tram National Can- cer Institut.. There une 22 mnus- kies in the iabaratory, tram 23 ta 36 inches, being studied ta see If the diseuse wil spnead from the iufected to the healthy gmoup. In lhe sprnq Dr. Manuilton plans ta tmy a virus aud bacter- iolagical study ta see if the di- csse gels 11. start through in- fection. This information was revomi- cd at King3ton ou Fridyay uthle eighlh tecinicul session of tic Research Caundil oft Oamio's Advisory commitîe as tisier- ies ad wildlife. No Cause For Alarm Blalogisîs Charles Weir, de- partmeut of lands and forsuts, Lindsaythinks Kawartha fish- emmen should not b. unduly alarmed because, by hic obser- Vations aven tie past live yean, the infection in muskies in flot increasing. H. stresses that muskios, or it might have been anv othen type of infected gume fis, are being studied by the toundation te furtiien research in the contrai of 1h. diseuse in ma,. If envi- roamient has unything ta do with the preveace of the di- seuse lu same iakes more la cthers. it la yet to b. determin- cd, iaid Mr. Weir. Ho tiinks il wouid b. a wise plan for tishermen who catchi intected fish ta let thoîn gô, but, if he takes the fish home tô est. 1infected parts can b ecut away from the flesh. The remnainder may b.c alai saieiy. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVfE=, ONTAE!O PAflU .10»t M.rs. Thos. visit from her nephew for a kurday. few days. Stapleton, Mn. Perey Farrow visited r. Lamne Mrs. Lorne Todd. Mr. Raymond Trim has pur- enjoying a chased a car. WESLEYMVLLE (Intended for last week) The main business ot the pas' week as tar as W.A. ladies were concerned, wÉS quilting. A Red Cross quilt fmnished at the home of Mns. K. Athby, Port Brituin, on Tuýeaday afternoon. The foi- lowlng afternoon, a qult of in- tricate design and quiltlng was put ln the trames at Mrs. R. Sculthorpe's and completed by Saturday afternoon. Therà have been several cases of scarlet fever in thé district but ail seemn ta have recovered Iwlthout sorious atter effects. Glen Clarke had hia tonsils re- ftloved ln Port Hope hospital an Frîday and ail art glad for hiMf thàt this necessary but painful business is aven. Carroll Nichols and George Tufford, accampanied by Edgar Nichais, Port Britaln attended thé mnéeting of the i'ederatlon of Agriculture et Omona on Mon- day *vening. Carroll took part in the panel discussion. Truman Austin was in charge of Sunday School on Sunday motning mn the absence of Mur- tay Payne. The warship service was conducted by the interme- diate girls' clai and the story irtt Scripture was read alter- nàtely by Gienda Parnell, Joan Ashby. Hèlén Austin, and Don- né Oughtred. Helen Austin sang a sacred song, accompan- ied by Donna at the piano; Glenda led in the closing prey- er. Muriel Austin was in charge of bath the beginnerssand pri- maéry classes. The absence of mariy regulans thmough slckness kteps the attendance beiow nor- mal. A meeting of the session of the church was held at the home of Mrs. L. Holdaway on Wednes- day with Bey. Harding and five mombens, inciuding the hosteas, rtent: Mr. Percy Snell, Mr. aroll Nicholls, Mrs. Arnold ê&lrndyké, and Mrs. E. Barrow- elough. Vititoru during the weekend d an interesting description of the ell adJm iie T. A.i eid UofnaiM ouaSk y le l history, organization, aims and Falî,KnaoSa bjects of the Authorty. It has Mr. and Mmm.on S t %niho IY been given wlde circulation Newtonviiie. at Mr Chafuan of ~anaask Auhorover Onta r io, particularly Todd's. ________among municipal and educa- Mrs. John Stark ise . -tional officiais and other organ- * The ecent' méeting of the Sali and Crop Impravement As- izations. Ganaraska River Conservation sociation. The Authorîty vated to ac- Authority, heid at Port Hope Chairman Elmnare Scott of the cord ta the 93rd Rover Crew of *Febmuary 24th, was attended by Farm Ponds Committee report- Toronto permission to locate a the fwa United Counties AILÉ, ed on the progress made in that summer camp within the Gan- " cultural Representatives, iEd. direction, and told of the inter- araska River Forest-, on a site Summers, of Bawmanville, and est displayed in the public meet- selected by and always subject- Ralph Banbury, of Eiighton. inqs held at Campbeiicnoft and ta the supervision and contraI Their visit developed into a Elizabethviile. Arthur Lator- of the Lands and Forest manag- broad discussion of subjects of nell. of the Departhient of ing ofticers. mutual interestt' ad ste s were Planning and Development, aima A case of what appeared ta talcen leading towarl even reportecf on these meetings, as be illegal cutting of below limit clamer co-operation than in the weil as on a number of conter- trees within the Watershed area patln matters of joint concerri ences and meetings he had at- was reported. Further actionI ta the prornoters of bath con- tended in the district, with ta contrai such deveiopments I servation and agriculture. school boards, farm forums and are contempîated. The Agricutumai Representa- sevemal oher rganizations. 4 tives gave assurance of their Mr. Scott also announced a suRport of the Authority's pro- further meeting in the series, to K IL g.a, ta Increase the number of be held shortly in the Canton STARK IL farm ponds, and wene assured Community Hall. of the Authority 'a intenest in The confenence resuited Ia Mr. and Mns. Bill Couison, and support of' t he womk of the the adoption of a resolution by Oshawa, visited' Mr. and Mrs. were: Jane Reene, Toronto, with PondsCh hemtewof thaer M r.. andir. Keith Rowe and hiem parents in Port Bitain; Mrs. ta the Land Use, Farm Ponds son, Bowvanville, with Mr. and W. Nichais and Alfred, Port and Public Relations Commit- Mrs. Howard Farrow. Hope, wlth Mr. and Mrs. Car- tee, its scope to be broadened, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Haliowell rail Nicholls; Helene Barrow- as Indicated In the new name, had dinner at Mr. Lloyd Hal- ciough, Scarbono, ut home; Mr. and the Agicuitural Represen- lowell's on Monday. and Mns. Vincent Szabo Bun- tatives ta be added ta it as mem- Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery lington, and Wayne rlane, bers. The Committee also hopes and daughter, Kirby, at Mn. Vic- Hamilton. with Mr. and Ms- C. ta gain the support of the Unit- tor Farrow's. Beighton; Mrs. T. Austin and ed Counties Council. Miss Mary HalloweiI, Toron- Mrs. W. Bee retunned fromn a T. A. Reid, of Orono, was un- to, spent the week-end at home. tnipto Detroit. animousiy re-elected as Chair- Friends from the cammunity Mn. and Mns. R. Best @penit man of the Authority, and Stu- attended the funenal service for the weekend in Foxbono. art Ryan, Q.C., of Part Hope, as the late Mis. I. Little, Kendal, The necent miid weathem Vice-Chairman. in Bowmanvllle an Saturday, caused a threat ta mouds fon a Also attending the meeting and also for the late Mrs. Wm. c few days but a few ioads of was H. G. Bayiy, of Toronto, an Lane in Newtonvilie on Mon- with surprismgn gravel in the proper places official of the Lands and For- day. Bu h" i worked wandens and halted the ests Department. He spoke of Mrs. F. Stone is enjoying tele- uncefdh formation ot some bad mud the Department's satisfaction vision in ber home. éedr n haies. with the pragress made, and Miss Dolly Falls and Mn. Paul autamatic iq His many friends in Wesley- Mn. Ryan, in response, assured Burdett, Toronto, spent Sunday and ight, ville congratulate Don Bee of Mr. Bayly of the Authority's ap- at Mn. Orme Falls'. ouC Port H-ope who eceived his preciation of departmental sup- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bannes graduation diploma tram Van- part. and family, Bowmanvilie, at iety Village school. Don gradu- Mr. Latornell was compli- Mr. Victor Farrow's. ates as a junior clerk. The ex- mented an the recent issue of Mns. Lamne Todd hum been on Lu ercises and banquet took place "Our Valley", a dacumentary the sick iist and muy she soon King St at the Royal York last Thurs- bulletin published on behaîf of be better. day evenlng. the Authonlty, and containing Mr. and Mrs. Liew Hallow -__________ treet East Plionu ~ METROPOLITAN'S ANNUAL REPORT TO POLICYHOLDERS FOR 1953 Over a1ilion ,Dollars Puid to Policyholders end Beneficiaries - the Lurgest Sum in the fistory d1 laurace MO. b@eONfits110 mer people wor paid by Metropôlitan in 193 han have ever bermi paid by any LAf insuran c cm- PanM in a single yeur. Paymnents ta palicyholders and bene&i cianies amounted ta 31,M2,000,000. When t is ruâlzed that Metropolitan's benefit paymnents am oelY a Portion Of< hase Of the. LAfinurance industry us a *11hol, oaa CmnreadilY visualize the trernendous stabilizing force thât the Pepeofa Canada and the. United States have built for themaclves through Life insurance and related comeages. All in ail, 193 ws an cotstanding ycar ia your Conmpany's eper.tIons. a aôstrespects, il was th. best iMetropolitan's 86-yer historY. In lb. ight of the high level of economnic uc- tivitY ia Canada and the. United States and the ability af aur Field organization, this is not surprising. W. a take pride in reacling unw heights i service tu the peoples ai aur two Suntri Economic Conditions In retrospeat, 1953 wus a year of transition. Uppermeast ia dm minda of ail was lb. cessation oi hostilities in Korea. Nevertielma, we fully roalize that oui goal ai a world at pouce la fNy from won, and it is incumbent upon us ta continue ta rMaéin militaillY strong. On the domnestic, front, a number of influences have been at work te materially reduce the. iatioery forces, whleh for so muny yemr have beea dnivffl Use codof 0< iving *0 eergreater heights. W. in the Life insurance business aie partiScuy conscictu of the. affects of inflation, wbich bear so beavily on th.etriity and thase dependent on flxed incarnes. AI effeo 0castrai this danger should receive our fullest support. Ini the yeai alioud, business will be mam competitive, but this le no cause for concern. Campetition i*avides the saine goods ut Iower pruces, or betten goods and services ut the sanie price. Canada and lb. United States bave gnown ta dhiu pissent out- standing positions on the basis of competition in a free market. W. are pussing thbough a reacdjustment penlod, and have been for a number of monlbs, but iundamentally Canada sud the Uhited States are strang. We have, far and uway, the greatest productive cupacity of aay countnies in the world. More thun Ibis, the people of Canada and the United States bave not lost their fundumental traits of tbnift, initiative, and faith in God. Our two cauntries will go ta much greator heights oi prosperiîy in a peacetirne economy tha ever could be uchieved in the. midst of war. SMetropolitan Highlrtghts ef 1953 Duiing 1953, Metropolitan's gain in UicÀ insurance ia force was substautially langer than was ever previously recomded by Metropolitan or any other LMeisurance conipany in any one METROPOLITAN ASSETS AND LABILITIES.. DECEMBER 319 1953 ASMES WHICH ASSURE FULFILMWENT 0F OBLIGATIONS IndustrWaM udCoom.rcuial 34,172,794,376.j7 U.S. md Canediau Go0verment .- . . 1,890,206,554.53 Pwovinciam sud niipi . $8,437,418,065.78 Publie UliitY' . . . . 1,642,459,573.13 PailrSd . . . . . . 666,935,849.03 Steaks (a bNUt $16,476,038.61 are proferred or Metgap Leans msRu Estet. . .. 0& orb&u ProOPrilu * 2,57,837,445.45 CM f. * a *-.a . 178,559,689.38 IUn ggt.t. (ate decreus by adjustment of ,OO»Oinus"îaggrogate) HSMNMagv j ces md d ll"r rUi tascquired ohvuamnq . . a 339,0I120.14 Aad inuWdhition of mrtgas ldebenoss bIl 0( w bhh ,o emaaof sale)- 172,719,060.11 2,336,397,134.83 443,446,660.78 47,979,349-96 P.IIY La...(niadO e, poiquboiders on the ieoity o h*ipou"ch). . . . . OUMAM dUlànkDWoPm ts.*,*ùft etom Amut .sie. em.. ad.I.t.e.u. TOTAL ASSEMT 7 MEET OBLIGATI7ONS SI12,311,933,367.13 488,853,000.73 IS6401,445.73 OBLIGATIONS TO POLICYHOLDERS- BENEFICIARIES, AND OTHERS Statutory PoIiey Reserves (mlis amount, re- quired by law, together with future premiurns and interest, is necessary ta assure payment of future paficy benefits.) ..... ..10438,536,9S9.00 Pollcy Proceeds and Dîvîdends Left with Company at Interest by beneficiaries and policybolders, ta bc paid ta themn as directed ut future dates......... Set aside fer Dividendu te Pelîcyholders (payable in 1954) ........ Polcy Clalms Currently Outstanding (dlaims in process of settiement, and estimn- ated clainu liaI have not yet been reparled). Other Poloy Obilgations . .*.* .* Taxes Accrued (payabein 1954) .... Securlty Valuation Roserve (prescribed by the National Association ofinlsurance Coin- nlssioners) . -......... Contlngency Reserve for Mortgage Leasu TOTAL OBLIGATIONS $ 11.5%6,540,987.84 689,329,021.00 203,618,054.00 60,640,032.54 93,674,723.78 51,633,831M5 25,845,145.00 5,050,000,00 SpecilîSurplus Funds . . Si 10,683,000.00 Unaislgned Surplus. . . 604,709,379.29 TOTAL SURPLUS FUNDS. . . . TOTAL OBLIGATIONS AND SURPLUS FUNDS . . . . . . . . ,. .512,314.933,367J of Iaw or regulatory authority. 0OPYRaIT CANADA f54 - MUmVROauJAU LOPE.E mM.CECOMPANY Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 4 (A MWUTUAL COMPANY) HOME OFFICE: NEW YORK CANADIAN H'EAD OFFICE.- OTTAWA Ydat MctrOPOltan's190 ink.mtnce ln frce, etUi.end of 19n~ totafied more than $56 b«Iion. The nuinter of people covered under ail forms of Metropoigagi polces reached a ucsdle of aver 37 million. The assoIsaOfldm Compaap, wliidx blp guoeanta.us. I4 mnent ofitis obligations, increased by S719,000;MX enudr«ched $12,31 2,000,000 at the clase af 1953. Dividends ta policyhoiders during the. yoer ached an ai. dm high of $214,829,000. The interest rate oaned by Metro. politan investments, after deductlng investmet expense, increased ta 3.31 % (compared with 3.21 % for I95Z, and stood at 3.09% after the United States Federaiincarna T=c Mortalit continued at a low rate. Expenses inecased nxoderateily largely because of the incneased volume of business. In citing the 1953 accomplis«nents, ive wisb ta pay particulas, tribute ta the 48,000 men and women in the Meftopobita organization who have made these resuits possible. Fer a more complet. story af Motropoiitan's oporadooe duning 1953, as embodied in the Annual Report to Plicyho4d «es, mail the coupon below. METROPOLIAN OPERATIONS IN CANADA ~.Thea highlights of the Company's bainesin Canada during 1953, our 81st y an thia coutry, will beof holderar and tAc,,' beneficiare.j d Payments to Polîcyholdors and Bonoficlorles holders and their beneficiaries amaunted ta $50,491,762* ~.in deatb dlaims - matured policies - accident and health l*and disability benefits - dividends and other payments. 0f these payments, 69% wen tot living policyholders. fInmvrred basas. The total amount the Metropolifan bas pald t. - Canadians since it entered Canada in 1872, S plus the amount now lnvested ins Canada, exceeds the total premiums receiv.d froen S Canadians by more than $433,000,000. Life Insurance In Force Metropolitan Life insurance in force in Canada on the Ilies of 2,700,000 policyholders totalled $3,039,102,831 ut the year's end. 0f Ibis amount, 56% was Ordinary business, 26% was Industrial and,18% was Group. During 1953, Canadians bought $284,561,640 af new Lufe insurance ~'protection in the Metropolitan. Total Investimonts ln Canada * Metropolitan investments i Canada arnmted in $700,378,846 at the end af 1953. These investments are playing an important part in the econamy af Canada, with substantial talais of Federal, Provincial, and Municipal bonds and with sizeable ttals in the obligations ai steel and paper companies, the ail industry, railroads, electi Mght and power companies, and others. Health and Wefare Work Since 1909 Metropolitan has conducted a continugu bealth- oducation campaign in Canada and, during 1953, participateid vaietyofhea-ad fety opiaw ,cs edisrbue, catiens od m, it o outcasao Haihy was a aly féatre ont tanhyhradr or19ion. ----A-M ----- m STREE TA E URNICO Local Headquarters: CARTER FAMILY TEA ROOM ]phone 855 King St. E. ir-j&%Fiw -Eqana e y- preut cSul iNunace to autoatic oai hoang gly littie trouble or expense. Il» Vortex 091 git in whomethe &rate is now. h gives you iorm comfort with lowest fuel colt, sud withnet dbath o and flinmg. Exclusive Iran Fireamm contrais takethii.fînace off your mmd, dur 4and twn yowu home intc a hayon af - --------- A. Parker & Sons M 65,021,712.72 715,39Z379.29