New Jeli-O Instant Puddings 2 Pkg. 29c 11% 8 Down ANGEL Dole C eIo ix rit'. 59C Pinei Cortiand Melnti 4.Aipls 5 Lb. 59C AppiI "ICE CHEAN BRICKS Country Kist% 15 oz. tins Wax Beans 2 For 19C DriMhed Dapple ýo3h les 20 oz. Tin 33c 5 Lb. 63c a a 25c FREE DELIVEIT YEO'rS Keats and Groceries U5 KIG ST. L. BOWMANVLLE PHONE SM6 ~0H! IAWAlTA rnrA'MEIAM âs A u'm v& A-.rP r DOWNEY-In loving memnory cf a dear mather and gandmothem, Annie Downey, whe passed away, March lOth, 1952. *Remembrance is a golden chain Death tries ta break but aUl in Tovain; Tahave, te love and then to part, Is the getest sormow ai our hearts. *The years may wlpe out many Btthings t Btthis they wipe eut neyer, The memory of these happy days When we were ail together. -Sadly missed by son Len, daughtem Domothy, son-sn-lew *Jack and grantichiltiren. 10-1* DOWNEY-In loving memory of a dear mother, Annie Downey >who passed away, March loth, 1952. Two dear bright eyes, a tender s mile, A loving heart that knew ne guile; Deep trust in Gotd that aIl was right, Hem jay te make seme ather bright. If sick or sufemlng one she knew Same gentie act of love she'ci do; No thought of self, but cf "the ether", -I know He said, "Weil done, dear mother". -Sadly missed and ever e- membereti by son Richard, wlfe and famiiy. 10-1w FIELDEN-In levlng memory of my dear father, John E. Fieldi- en cf Englanti, who passeti away, Mamch 10, 1951. We are sad within aur memory, Lonely are aur hearts te-day; For the one we loveti se dealy Has forever been called away. We think cf hlm in silence, No eye cen see us weep, iBut many sulent tears are shedi When athers are asleep. J-Sadly missed andi ever re- membemed by daughter Meuti, son-in-law Ted, anti grendchild- ren Patricia and Janet. 10-1. RICHARDS-In loving niemomy cf Elizabeth Alice Richards who died, Mardi lOth, 1946. Every locket holds a pictume And our hearte the locket wear; We wili keep youm Image alweys Fer its love thet holtis it there. Every yeer it gete more preciaus As the leving memommes gro"', Fer the fineet, dearest mother The world will ever know. - Lovingly remembemeti by daughter Selena and grand- daughter Alice. 10-1 ROGERS-In lovlng memomy cf George Rogers, who tieparteti this life, Mamch 12, 1939, and his wife, Mme. Annie Rogers, wha passed peecefully eway, March 20, 1953. Gadi knaws how much I miss them, Neyer shall their memamy fade, Loving theughts shail ever wantiem To the spot where they are laid. -Ever remembemeti by tester daughter, Margaret, andi family. 10-1 Nfolice Io Credilors AND OTHERS TAKE NOTICE that the Executrix of the estate of WILLIAM HENRY WEBB, late of the Town of Bowmanville, in the County cf Durham, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the l2th day of February, A.D., 1954, wlll dis- trîbute the assets of the estate after the 15th day of April, 1954, having regard eqly to the claims of creditors and others, filed on or befere that date with the un- dersigned Executrix. DATED at Owen Sound this 3rd day cf March, A.D., 1954. GEORGE F. GARDNER, 230 Nlnth Street East, Owen Sound, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix, CHARLOTTE MAUDE MARY WEBB. 10-3 HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lyon, Johnnle and Judy visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lyon, Scarboro, on Tuesday. Mrs. Jini Hewson, Oshawa, visiteti Mr. and Mrs. Will WIl- bur, on Sunday. Mrs. Dr. Wallace Hern, Mont- real; Mrs. Catharine Jacob, Mr. Walter Jacob, Port Hope, were Sunday guests cf Mr. and Mis. W. W. Horn. Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin and family, Bracebridge; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Reed, '%ar- bore, were guests cf Rev. %nd Mrs. F. J. Reed. Mrs. H. Ruttan spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. Morley Hastings, Toronto, was a visiter at G. Adcock's on Sunday. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly were: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lunn, Mr. James Short, Oshawa; Mm. Norm Eddy, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Hemb Rogers, Mrs. R. Sudds, Mr. and M\rs. Douglas Caverly, Bowmanviile. Mrs. H. E. Tink, Solina, with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell. Miss Mary Peters, Bowman- ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. James Hogarth on Sunday. Mr. W. W. Hern, who has been ill and conflned te bed the past week or two with sin- Ovitis, id slewly recovering. Sympathy is extended te Mr. Arthur Clarke in the death cf his brother, George, Oshawa. W.M.S. ladies met for quilting at the home ef Mrs. A. E. Bil- [ett on Tuesday. An interesting story present- ed by Mrs. D. Hall and short devetional reading by Mrs. Keith Smith fommed the miss- Ïonary pregram in the Sunday attemnoon Sunday Schoel ses- sion. Mr. and Mrs. Sam 'Dewell at- tended Miss Helen Spicer's vocal recital at the Royal Conserva- tory cf Music, Teronto, which was an enjoyable event. Miss Spicer assisted aur choir an a farmer occasion and her ser- vices were much appmeclated, and Hampton friends will fol- low her career with lntemest. In a short message te the correspondent from the States- man editor ' Mr. James, whe is jyiga holiday in the Sun- ;hi Cty cf St. Petersburg, !lorida, he states that on re- celvtng the 'Statesman" dawn there he can now understand why many terni It like a letter from home. We trust he may zeturu with renewed health. Radito CLASSIFIED ABS IN MEMORIAM ADAMS-In Ioving memory of Larry Adams, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Adams who died, March l2th, 1953. -Will always be remembered by Mummy, Daddy and ister Gail. 10-1 DOWNEY-In loving memory of my dear sister, Annie Downey, who died, March 10, 1952. Ini my heart your memory lingers, 1 Always tender, fond and true; There's not a day, dear sister, I do flot thinlc of yeu. -Sadly missed by sister Harriet and brother-in-law George. 10-1* DOWNEY-In loving memory of Annie Downey who passed away, March 10, two years age Sweet memories will linger for- ever, Time cannot change them., it's true; Years that may corne cannot sever Our loving remembrance of you. -Ever remembered by husband and children and grandchildren. 10-1 *4 21" Elecirohome TV Fuil Warranty - Latest Mode! - Reg. 499.00 Sale - 399.00 21" Marconi TV Regular 389.00 Sale - 279.00 NcClary Oil Space Healer Regular 89.00 Sale - 49.00 NcÇlary 36"" Eleciric Stove Glass window in oven - Automatic controls Regular 325.00 Sale - 225.00 HEATING PADS, reg. 6.45 Nw 4.49 RECORD PLAYERS, 24.95 ____Now 17.95 RECORD PLAYERS, 19.95 ____Now 14.95 SMALL RADIOS ___ Now 19.50 25, 40, 60 Watt BULBS, reg. 20ec --Each 15e SIL-EX BOWLS AND PARTS ALL REDUCED Wm. Cole Wins Top Honours ai Kiwanis Festival A young bamitone salolet, William Cole of Kitchener, wha le knawn by many in Bownian-, ville. won high honora in the recent Kiwanîs Festival In To- rente. Mm. Cole, who le 19 years cf age, le the son off Mm. andi Mrs. Raymondi Cole, Kit- chener, anti a nephew cf Mme. Cecil Dudley. Bowmanville. In the open bamitone ciass ini which theme weme 17 contestants, Mm. Cole was awardeti tiret place. In the opematic soie ciase, bamitone, for amateur or pro- feesional in a fomeign language, he placeti third in a deass ef Il, inging the test piece, "'The Toreadom's Sang" from Carmen by Bizet. In the vocal trophy competi- tien for maie voices, open ta wlnners cf nine classes, Mm. Cale tieti'fer flrst place wlth at tener singer in the preliminar-r les. At the final concemt, the ad. - judicator seiti thet his task wasj very difficuit. He finally gaveç Mr. Cale one mark less thanf the tenar winnem, anti plaoed Mr. Cole second in ail male classes ef the Festival. Meny in Bowmanville hati the pleasume of hearlng 'Bili"c sing a couple et years ega at i St. Peul's Unitedi Church anni-e versary services. Since thats time, with constant study antiM training, Bill has of course con-e tinuedti t make great striie.s,t with these very gratitying me-v suits. Bowmenvilie friendz wiahL hlm iu.rthoe succeusZ Cairds of Thank We wiah to thank our friends andi relatives fer the lovely glfts, flowers anid cards, an the accas- Ion of aur 40th wedding anni- versary. Mm. and Mme. Albert Wilkins. 10-1w I would like to thank ail whe sent me cards anti gifts, alse Dr. H. B. Runtile, Mrs. Jack Emmer- son and the staff cf Memoial Hospital fer their klndness dur- ing my illness. John Oke. .10-1w I weuld like te thank aIl my friends anti scheel pais whe sent cards and* candy while I was in the hospital; alse those whe made inquimies fer me, a special thanks to Dr. Austin and nurses anti staff of Memorlal Hospital. Garry Beckett. 10-1 I wish ta express my sincere thanks te my friends and neigh- boums, who sent carde, fruit, and flowere during my stay in Mem- oriel Hospital, Bowmanville, anti et home, aise te nurses anti Dm. McArthul'. Mme. Anne Watson, Ceesarea. 10-1* I wish to thank ail my frientis andi neighbours for lovely cards, floweme anti fruit sent ta me, and elsc, thanks te Dr. H. B. Rundle, nurses and staff of Memomial Hospital, Bawmanviile, for came duing my stay in hospital. George Heath. 10-1 I would like te thank Dr. W. H. Bimks, Dm. D. Sturgis, Mrs. C. Widdecembe, nurses and staff of Memerial Hospital, for their kindness and came shown me during my recent ilinesa, aIse my sincere thanks ta relatives and friends for -flowers, books, cards, enquimies and visits at the hospital and home. George Morris. 10-if I woulti like te extend my sincere thenks anti eppreclation te mny frientis, relatives and neighbours for the many carde, tlowers, gltts anti visite, and te Beehive Rebekah Lotige anti Companions cf the Forest. Speciai thanks te the doctors, Sturgis, Storey anti Austin, andi ta the nurses anti staff cf Mem- eial Hespital, Bowmanvilie, for their came anti kintinese te me duing my stay in the hospital. Mrs. Frank (Gladys) Piper. 0U-.1 i The 38 Ring SL E. Choîrs of -Trinity Church Joi Together for Excellent Concert Though an unfortunate xrWs- understanding in dates not real- ized at concert tire prevented Mr. Davidi Dowding and his string orchestra of Toronto from amiving at Trinity United Church choir concert on Tues- day qvening, March 9, a fine amay cf local talent presented a most enjoyable concert. Junior, Intermediate and Sen- ior Chairs ail took part and wlth their leaders, Mrs.. S. Black, Mme. R. Merkley and Mr. D. C. Peters, were given womds cf praise and appreciatien by Rev. T. -A. Morgan acting as chairman, for their fine service ta the church throughout the year. The rather small audience showed its appreciation in gen- ereus applause threughout the evening. Miss Lamna Fletcher, talented young musician who has so cap- abiy fulfllled the duties of or- ganist in the absence cf Mrs. Phyllis Challis Barrett, open-3d the program with an ergan solo, March, By W. T. Best. Mr. Rhalph Vanderkooi, a newcem- er te Canada andi a pupil cf Mr. Barrett, followed with an organ solo, Tocatta. by Bach, in which he gave a most creditable per- formance. Concluding the instrumental portion cf the progmam, Miss, Fietcher delghted the audience with a piano solo, To Dancing Waves, by Pieczanka. Junior Chair Appeals Over 50 members cf the Jun- ior Choir ermayet i n white sur- plices made an appealing pic- ture and won the audience with their fine singing under the di- rection et Mrs. S. Black with Mme. Albert Cole at the piano. Aise assisting with the work cf the- Junior Choir is Mrs. Rob- ert Cale, anti aIl three ladies weme presenteti with lovely corsages by Little Janice B i a c k, Gertrude Cale and Mary Ruth Osborne. Janice anti Gertrude who are cniy five years olti were dresseti in white costumes with tali hats dispiey- ing the trebie clef symbol. They teck part in the charuses and quite captureti the audience. With greet effectiveness the choir sang Mms. Jenny Wren by Baynon, Evening Prayer by Humperdinck anti Winter Won- Hayfoot: "What's the Idea cf Intermediate Harmony handing that hat check girl such The all girl Intermetiiate a big tip, you dope?" Choir, dresseti in white Strewfoct: "Get a loati of this anti navy blue skirts, teck the swell new hat she hantiet me, choir loft te sing a greup ef chum." three numbers, Country Gar- tiens by Geehl, Such Levely Things by North and Corne Ta The Faim byý Martin. They sang with pleasing harmony andi showed the good training of' thefr director, Mme. R. Merklev. A loveiy bouquet was presenteti te Mrs. Merkley by Carol Ma- guire in token cf appreciation for hem fine work with the In- termediate Choir. Miss Fletcher acteti as accempanist. The remainder cf the pro- gram displayed the talent.con- tained i n the Senior Choir un- der the direction cf Mm. D. C. Peters. A light and pleasing vo- cal duet, AIl A Memmy Maytime by Ronald was sweetly sung by Mms- S. Black anti Mms. R. Memkiey. This was follewed by. two numbers by a ladies' quar- tette composeti cf Mesdames Van Driel, James, Richmond and Alldread. They sang unac- campanieti an arrangement of Annie Laurie by Buck, anti Lassie O' Mine with Miss Flet- cher at the piano, their velces biending in very pleasant har- mony. Coneludlng Portion A male chorus foliowéd, sing- ing the fine swinging number. Stout-hearteti Men by Romberg. The ladies' chorus prevideti contrast with their Lass *With The Delicate Air by Arne, sung lightly andi sweetly. Their sec- ond number was the very pleas- ing Sleeping Beauty Waltz by Tchaikowsky. The full Senior Choir, Mr. Peters ieading andi Miss Flet- cher at the piano, concludeti the pregmam with two numbers, To, A Wild Rose by MacDowell andi Sping Waltz by Johann Strause. Mr. Morgan said he knew those responsible for the pro- gram were feeling werried be- cause they had not provideti everything which hati been promiseti fer the evening, owingr te the failure cf the Tomonte ar- tists te arrive and asked the~ audience te re-assure ail those in charge and those who had taken part, by a double measure cf appiause. Response of the audience was quick andi gener- eus. IN LIGHTERt VEIN Local Youngster Rit By Car But Escapes Serious Injury Stmuck by a car wvhile unnlng acmess King St. W. in front of Jamieson's Tire Shop, Wayne Hopkins, 4%-year-old son of Mr. and Mme. Clayton Hopkins, 91/2 King St. W., was lucky to escape with enly miner bruises anti a shaklng-up. The accident took place about 4:15 p.m. last Thursday when the youngstem an in front cf a car driven by Leonard F. Jones, Coîbomne. Mmr. Jones teok the child te the office ef Dr. W. H. Birks fer an examinatien which tiisclosed he was net seriousiy injured. Scouts and Guides Attend Services at Hampton Church Hampton: Hampton Unitedi Chumch was the scene cf an impressive Boy Scout. and Girl Guide church parade Sunday, Mamch 7th. Rev. Reidi conducteti the ser- vice cf dedication cf the Girl Guide flags precedeti by an apprapriate message. There was a good representa- tien fmom bath Scouts andi Guides present with the District, Guide Commissioner, Mrs. A. J. Fmank, fmom Bowmanville, at- tending as an honoureti guest. The service ended with the singing cf ene verse cf "God Save The Queen" during which the colours were dippeti. Local Squirts Win Againsi Scarboro Bewmanvilie Squirts - hockey players 10 years olti anti under - tiefeateti the Scarboro Squirts 3-2 et the Bewmanville Mem- criai Amena on Mcnday night cf lest week. It was the third game the two teems had playeti, with the local yeungsters winn- ing one of the previaus games 4-0, anti losing the other, 3-1. Scorers for the Bowmanville Squirts were John Terhune, Brenton Hughes anti Alex Wise- man. Bowmanvilie - Squirts - Goal, Nelson Hawes; defence, John James, Grant Flintoff, Monty Emmersan, John Carter; for- wertis, Temry Biack, Alex Wise- lb' MTMfRTEM~ man, Gordon Rundie, John Ter- hune, John Good, Doug James, Jim MeKnight, Brenton Hughes, Owen Scott, Ray Crombie. Black Hawks Win In MidgetHockey The Black Hawks rnoved to within three points of the lead- ing Red Raiders in the Midget- Juvenile division of the Bow- manville Minor Hockey League by shading the Raiders 5-4 in a game played at the Mernorial Arena last Thursday morning. John Mason pegged two goals for the Hawks with the other counters going to Captain Barry Cowling and Bob Fairey. Fur the Raidlers, the triggerm'ým were John Lunn with two, and Hank Lane and Harold Kennett with singletons. Following are standings as of March 5 in the Midget-Juvenile League: GP W L T Pts. Red Raiders 17 13 3 1 ',7 Black Hawks 17 10 3 4 24 Statesmen 16 5 9 2 12 Brown Imps 17 1 13 3 '5 Usingt strong thread will make it unnecessary to repeat- edly mend glove searns andi skirt hems. The fineness of ny- lon jewing thread belies its strength-the searns and hems it makes dlon't readilv tumble. SorflE GIRLS 4VE E'4ES L114E DICE. ALL IHE"< UAVE '11 IDO IS ROLL 'EM TO MAkXE. EARAIN SALE CE I CONTINUES Leonard Refrîgerator 9.4 cu. ft. - Fuil width freezer - Reg. 389.00 Sale -249.00 NcClary Eleclric Stove Apt. size Glass in oven door AUl automatie controls - Reg. 280.00 Sale - 219.00 WASHER, reg. 169.00 -.___Sale 125.00 WASHER, reg. 239.00 ________-Sale 159.00 WASHER, reg. 213.95 -------_.Sale 149.00 AUTOMATIC WASHER, reg. 449.50 _.Sale 349.00 ELECTRIC RANGE, reg. 189.00 --Sale 144.00 REFRIGERATOR, reg. 319.00 - -___Sale 259.00 1R014cii, reg. 219.50 __ Sl 149.00 IRONS - TOASTERS - IITI>LATES Shop Phone 573 -~ ~ - - lumadRM& -:Jgadam 1 1 MI INM CAMADUN STATMUAM- MWVAWMTP. nimaum PAGIE 1