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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Mar 1954, p. 1

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J.. , t- t4tuan "Durhatm County's Grecit Family Journal" VOLUME 100 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH- llth, 1954 10e PER COPYNMBR1 Euthusiastic Group of Business Nen Ken Nicks Elected Large Number of Parents Attend Milk Wagon Horse Pp Revival Chamber of CommerceDpuyoero Open House ai Local Public Schools Rn wyo Kinsmen Clubs _____SaturdayMorning Pi-sidnt en ick aithe Though every week is reelly and problcms ai education. Wc Org niatin eeingNo dayNihtBowmanville Kinsmen Club bas partîcular bas been set asîde Canadien citizens yaung and Ree Dei-y, narrowly escaped in- An enthusiastie gnaup ai Several speakers, including won the honar ai being elected abot 5 nprsenetve ow ElerBanin, JckWeie nda District Dcputy Governoî' ai across Canada, ta drew attention old bave fer greater apportuni- jury Saturday marning wben manyille businessmen, including Keith Jackson, former President District 8 ai the Association a atewikadpobesaoistdytfecm eleu i a-s -naa n rse twq towncouricilors, mt in ofthe Chamer, fel that te Ins Bowmanvithelecaocatcd Bandanusefualccitizndnsefthantibissdain -yswagon wgo n on a ahydro t1 ancuclos e n fteCebr ctta tinsMr.n Cus. n is nhaew i-gi-et many parents took adven- lever before." post and ti-e e t the corner ofM ith4Balmoral Hotel an Tuesday anly way the revivcd chamber ttion Meinvtaio-.fSueric.ksomsowill n o have ndSeonurisets ,»JOt ion preliminery discussion would be a suecess would be dcinavrZn ""a is tegiPreiniatioAi. upr Mi. Thompa hris alon g waa, hehol an can' Roward i-eviving the Bowman- far very member ta take an un- triet 8, which consists ai the sng Pritn ncip . . homp-sato etthireis stielon g a The por ho ld-bs ascameoste onde* S ville Chember ai Commerce. seliish interest in it and put ai-ca between Milford Bey on soenita attena Sope-î onctat ago e md in educatio.the wagrcs o nses ans ca aend Aiten mucb worthwhile and their own efforts inta any pro- the north, Ajax on the west and Teening et Central9Schoool onahatba nmad eing eh tuca the aniaforward anhe pertnen dicusionin hic a ectit igh atemp. Te ati-Open Hause for Ontario Street ods, number and design 0 hbaise beceme frigbtened and gaod percentage oi those psent tude previously was, "ces1 ise l~u hsee.Sehool is Thursdav (to-night) buildings, he statedi was not Mi-. Overy was unable ta hold took an activ part, Art Hooper, your$ who acted as chairman ai the George meeting; appainted Don Moi-- me alo ris, Keith Jackson, Jack McNul- must b ty and Jack Weise ta act as a terest nominating committce ta bring those a pi-aposed slate ai officers ta icît. an arganization meeting ta be W held an Monday at 8 p.m. at O. F, the Balmoral Hotel. A represen- when1 tative ai the Canadian Chamber. of Commerce from Toronto will in exi, be asked ta attend this meeting ling b] to help in 'the revivjpg ai the forts Bawmanville Chamber and -0 was thi explain any questions which zoning rnay arise regarding organiza- designE tional procedure. ment. Thei-e was unanimaus agree- will bE ment amang ail those present on said. the need ta revive the Cham- then h ber aiter a dormant period ai thi-e thi-ce yeai-s. Many felt thait the supply reasan it was allowed a i will th( Was that money was free t tat d thal time, selling was easy, and now a mnany did not feel there was prospec such an urgent need for the or- a good ganization. Now, tbey agi-ced, locatiai the times aofi-cee money and soon be easy selling ai-e ovex- and some the ta' jfaort must be made ta stimu- merdia Hte business andgrowtb in the ai-cas. Town ai Bowmanvillhý. Mr.1 Avold Selfilh Approach that E Many icît that anather i-ca- advant. son for the ,eying ai the Cham- the me ber previougly was th at mcmn- locatian bern lpoked at it purely Vrom ental r a selfish viewpoint. Tbey paid ta and' their $10 dues and then, wben four-lai they did not get the $10 back will ul in increased business, they treal, were no longer interested. It availab' was pointed out that the prime the tom object ai a Chamben ai Comn- Lake C 1 -e sta make the tawn it- ai a g0 .~,%Ç;,r;,sbettex- and more attractive Lawrcn '9pping centre or location for and a rE pew industry sa that ahl mem- ber ai bers will benefit indirectly. (Con Under the new building by- law passed by Bowmanville Town Council last faîl, the fol- lowing schedule ai fees for in- spections by Building Inspectai- Clarenice S. Oke will epply. The fees are besed on the eost ai the buildoing, regardless of the number ai inspections- althaugh iewen inspections would be made on a smaller, low-cost type ai building. In ad- dition, each persan or fi-m mnust procure a building permit at the Town Hall which will cast $3.00 Following is the scale ai ices: Estimated Cost inspec- of Building tion Fees $ 1 to $1,000 -------- - $2.50 $ 1,001 ta $ 2,000 - ------$ 5.00 *2,001 ta $ 3,000 . 7.50 $3,001 ta $ 4,000 $00 $4,001 ta $ 5,000$15 $ 5,001 ta $ 6,000 $50 $ 6,001 ta $ 7,000 -- $17.50 $ 7,001 ta $ 8,000 _-- ----$20.00 $ 8,001 ta $ 9,000 --------- $22.50 $ 9,001 ta $10.000 $25.00 $10.001 ta $50,000 ------ $25.00 for first $10,000 plus 75e for eecb additional $1,000 or frac- tion. $50,001 ta $100,000, $62.50 for first $50,000 plus 50e for each additional $ 1,000 or iraction. $100,001 ta $500,000, $8-1-50 for first $100,000 plus 40e for each additional $1,000 or fraction. $500,00 1 up, $247.50 fa rfi-st $500,000 plus 30c for each addi- tional $1,000 or fraction. Aiter the building bas been1 completed, a ie-inspection may be necessary in some cases. Thep fce for each such ie-inspection1 will be $2.501 $10 ducs - let Sccretary re do the work and Icave ,oe until next year". This be replaccd by genuine in- and individual bard work, present at the meeting Vater Now Available FRobýon pointcd out that the former Chamber was istence anc ai the stumb- blocks cncauntercd in ef- to obtain new industry he lack of water and ai a by-law sctting out areas id for industrial dcvelop)- Bath ai these handicaps )e overcome by June, he since Bawmanville wijl have available wcll aver times the present water 7and the zoning by-law ien becocmplctcd. He stat- t the zoning by-law is at the stage whcre an.y ýctive industry could get Jidea ai suitable factory mis. The zoning maps wi'l )e drawn, be said, dividing )wn inta industrial, corn- l, residential and rural Robson also pointcd out 3owmanville bas many tages such as closcncss Io ijor mar-ket ai Toronto, in on the twa transcontin- railways bctween Toron.- Montreal, location on the ine Higbway 401 whic'ýi ltimatcly cannect Mon- Toronto and Windsor. 'le factory land within wn limits, location on Ontario with possibilities ood barbai- whcn the St. nce Seaway is devcloped, reserve ai labar. A Cham- Commerce would help in ntinued on page seven) Nurses Preseni Miss Mae Hilditch With Two Paintings The mantbly meeting ai the Nurses' Association wa- beld in the Nurses' Residt-nce on Monday, Mai-ch 8th, at 8 p.m. The president, Mrs. Helen New- ton, was in the chair and con- ducted a short business period. The following part ai the pi-agi-arn was in charge ai Mrs. Lillian Allison. This was in the foi-m ai a party ta honaur Miss Mac Hilditch, superintend- cnt, wha is leaving soon ta take up ber duties in the Brampton Generel Hospital. In a few words Mrs. Allison expressed the ,-entiments ai ell present when she said how much wc ail regret Miss Hilditcb leaving aur hospîtal. At this time Miss Hilditcb wes presented with two beauti- fuI paintings, the work ai Mi-. A. Drummond, Orono, and the gift af those assembled. Miss Hilditch, delighted with ber gift, thenked all for their co- operation andl loyalty. A delicious lunch was scrved. Afterwards all joined in a jolly sing-sang led . the president and accompanié d et the piano by Mrs. D. Alldrcad. This brought toae close anc ai the mast enjoyable gather- ings ai its kind. There were aver 70 present including staff nurses, office staff, housekcep- ing and laundry staff as well as nurses fi-rn Bowmanville, Hampton, Newcastle end Les- kerd. Fine Entertainmient and Dancing Feature ]RotaryLadies' Night A large attendance of Bow- silver spoon bearing the Rotai-y manville 1Rtarians. their Ro- crest on entering the banquet tary Annes and guests enjoyed hall. the annual Ladies Night of the Each Rotaiian introduced bis Bowmanville Rotar-y Club held wife and guests, and following i th~e Lions Community Centre Rotary widows were also intro- r-w4nesday of last week. duced ta the gathering: Mrs. T. '~.ent George Moody wel- C. Holgate, Mrs. M. H. Minore, cone the guests on behaîf of Mrs. Elmer Ott, Mrs. Manson the Club and introduced the Comstock, Mrs. Arthur Hardy, head table guests. These were: Mrs. Fred Hoar, Mrs. M. J. ifeident Barney Vanstone of Hutchinson and Mrs. Ted Flax- S Bowmanville Lions Club man. e r.Vanstonie, President Afn iaiana uia Club d Ms. Niks, iHeen pcr, o sal ee kks of the Bowmanvillh- entertainment was presented by Mrs. Moody, Rotary Secretary Perkins, Rice Honeywell and Rex Walters and Mrs. Walters, Stanley Clar-ke, all of whoin and Rotai-y Vice President 0. F. ai-e students at the Royal Con- Rolaon and Mrs. Robson.. sei-vatoi-v of Music, Toronto. The tables were mast attrac- Miss Spicer sang several classî- tively decorated in the Rotai-y cal and semi-classical selections, colons af blue and gold and Ro- while Mr-. Honeywell contribut- tary Annes Mrs. 0. F. Robson, ed several fastei- papular num- Mrs. Robent Stevens. Mi-s. John bers. jamrs and Mi-s. Tom Rehder A sing song was led by Ro- were thanked for their fine tarians Bob Stevens and'Keith work i this connection. Slemon with Rotaiian Dave Rotarians Dr. Keith Slemon Mai-rison at the piano. proposed the toast ta the ladies The evening concluded with and this was fittinglv -, esponded dancing to the excellent music ta by Mrs. George Moody. The provided by the Sevenaires, a - imw. pruoantsd wit a Peterbmeugh eco.tna. Ken Nlcks The Bawmanville Kinsmen President wes elected at the convention of Zone "C" beld in Lindsay on Friday and Saturday ai last week. His ncw duties will start in June. At this con- vention the- Bowmenvillc Kins- men Club receivcd the award for publishing the best bulletin ai any club in Zone "C". Kin Lionel Pai-ker is bulletin editor and Kin Clarke Wilson is bis assistant. It was also announc- cd that the Bowmanville Club was second anly ta the much larger Oshawa club in the amaunt ai iunds raised and cammunity service work per- formed. All Sfudents Obtain Honours In Music Exams. The following is a list ai suc- ccssful candidates in examina- tions held rccently by the Royal Canservatary ai Music ai To- ronto in Bowmanville, Ont. The names arc arranged in order ai menit. Grade VIII, Piana-Honours- Nancy Wood. Grade VII, Piano-Honours-- Margot Rankine. Grade VI, Piano-First Class Honours-Rabert Allun; Honours - James Cryderman, Harold Yellowlees, Elenor Heard. Grade IV, Pieno-Honours- Judith Jeffcry. Grade III, Piano-Honours- Chai-les Ross Tamblyn, Caralyn Lorraine Mason. Grade I, Piano -Honours - John Chai-les Glenney, Gloria Quantrill. Grade IX, Singing-Honours -Pat A. Smith. Grade VIII, Singing-Honaurs -William W. Buckley. Grade IV, Singing-Ijonours -Shirley Mac Milîs. Grade II, Singing-Honours- Kathleen Jackson. Grade I, Singing-First Class Hanours-Jean Thompson. Hon- ours-Phyllia Strang. Red Cross Will Not Canvass Here But Seeks Support The Bawmanville Branch of the Red Cross does flot plan a door-to-doon eanvass in this district. Instead, they are sending ont person- al letters asking for support of this worthy cause. This bas been the practice adopt- ed by the branch during the past few years. Donations may be leit et the Canadian Bank af Com- mnerce, the Bank af Montreal, Thec Carter Family Tee Raom or mailed direct ta Mr-. M. Roenigk, treasurer af the local branch. Any amount you feel you cen give wil be gratefully received. A receipt for incarne fax purp- oses will be sent ta you. Church Sireet House Burns Second Time In Five Months The Bowmenville Volunteer Fi-e Department answcred their second eau uin five months et 7.40 Tucsday morning ta the partiallv completed bouse awn- cd by Gerry St. Amour of Lind- say, located on the north side ai Cburch St. Betwcen Liberty and St. George Streets. The bouse is presently unoc- cupied and contains no fui-ni-I turc as Mi-. St. Amour bas been living in Lindsay since a pi-e- viaus fire on October 17. The fi-e Tuesdey morning was in a mattress and bundle ai wallboerd on the floor and1 Fire Chief L Hooper bas noti yet ascei-tamned how it was stert- @CL during the same hours, when it is expccted an equally large number ai parents ai childi-en attending that scbool will be on hand ta view their youngsters' work and cansult with teach- ers. The scboal orchestra under the direction of Mr. D. C. P'i- ters, music supervisai- in the school, displaycd. their'prowess an Tuesday evening when they played in the hall of Central School between 7 and 8 p.m. In the various classrooms, notebooks, maps, art, sewing and other selected work ai pu- pils was an display sa that par- ents might bave a better idea just wbat Jobnny and Linda are being taught these days. Many took advantage of the oppor- tunity ta talk over Johnny and Linda's pragress and problems with their teachers. Some pro- driets ai tbe woodwarking class were alsa on display in the ci-ait room in the basement of the schoool. Response af parents Tuesday cvening was gratifying ta teach- ci-s and ta Supervising Princi- pal A. M. Tbompson who in a message to parents earlicr in the week said, "The purpose ofJ Education Week is ta focus at- tention on the achievementq due alone taethose irewctlby en- trusted with the supervision and administration ai education, but reilects the increasingly ac- tive interest ai Canadians in all walks oa ife. "Equally certain is the fact that shortcamings which persist in aur educational system will be avercome only through the continuance and extension of that interest and suppart," Mr-. Thompson said. "That is why na- tional arganizations bave join- cd with educational groups ac- ross Canada ta sponsor Educa- tian Weck and in it ta urge your special consideration ai a mnatter which is vital ta your family, yaur community and your country." With Bowmanville's growing school population necessitating another new school in 1954, this community has a very vital in- tcrest and investment in educa- tion. These annual Open House events pi-avide anc opportunity at lcast for parents and general public ta inspect Bawmanvîlle schools and receive some idea af what is going on in thcm. Work and thought have gonc ia their preparation. Public response will be welcomed and apprcciatcd by principals and Lions Club Ninstrel Show Again Delighis CapacityAudiences In traditional bleck-face, the Bowmanville Lions Club iifth annuel minstrel show was pi-e- sented ta gaod bouses in thc Town Hall on Mai-ch 4 and 5. Rousing chai-uses, specialty numbers and jokes old and nexv featured the show, directcd this year by Lion Jac Cooper witn Lion Alex McGregor again act- ing un the capacity ai choral director. Lion Bob Kent, the only "pale face", periormcd.the duties ai interlocuter with smootb assurance. End men rcsplendcnt in bigh- ly calored costumes kept things rolling with jakes and antics. This year's line up consisted ai Lions Jack Ross, L. Goddard, J. Watson and Don Williams. Lions Watson and Williams pi-e- sentcd a specialty number, "Wait Till the Sun Shines NeIl- je" wbich was probably the bit ai the evening witb the audi- ence. After a welcoming chorus, the graup got away ta a swinging start with the wbale chorus singing a snappy number, "Mis- ter Tap Toc." Lion Joc Cooper followed with a sala, "A Wom- an", becked by the chorus, and a sequel. "A Man." Syncopated Rhythm Two graups ai chorus num- Police Charge 24 Molorisis for Failure To Stop ai Junciion Officers of the Bowmanville detachment of the Ontario Prov- incial Police were responsible for a sharp increase in the amount of fines collected in Bowmanville Police Court Tues- day marning when 24 motorists, many of themn from the Bow- manville district, were fined $7.50 each for failîng to stop at the stop sign at the junction of Highways 2 and 401. Police warn that this stop sign must be obeyed and they will continue to lay charges against those who disregard. il. Two Toronto men and onei Omnemee man also paid finesj for hunting in Cavan and Cart- wright Townships on Sunday.1 The men were arrested by Con- servation Officer Ken TËolmie,1 of Orona, a week ago Sunday. 1 bers were very popular, the ifirst, "Sunsbine of Your Smile' and "Beyond the Blue Horizon' having a syncopated, toe-tap- ping rhythm. The second con- sisted of "Joshua Fit the Bat- tie of Jericho" sung in, rousing style, and "Steal Away", a tra- Sditional darkie number whici' was sung with beautiful har- mony and- shading. Lion Don Williams' solo "I Believe", sung with ease and great expression, was a high spot of the evening and receiv- ed warmn applause. Quartette line-up for this year consisting of Lions Alex McGregor, W. Rundie, R. Osborne and Wiif Carruthers, presented some sweet harmony in two numbers, the first a medley of old songs, and the second the fast-paced "How You Going to Keep 'Emn Down On The Farm." Popular Numbers "Heart of My Heart" featur- ed Lion Nels. Osborne. The chorus got in some nice har- mony on this pleasantly nostal- gic number. Other chorus num- bers were "Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland" and a "Jubile Medley." Lion Jack Ross' solo n u mb er, "Sweet Georgia Brown" presented with some good vaudeville touches, was very popular, and the first part of the program was brought to a rousing conclusion with an ex- cellent rendition of the fine pa- triotic chorus, 'Land of Hope and Glory." Don Shay at the piano, and the orchestra composed of R. L. Evans, E. Tuerk, D. Ross and Lion Lew Dewell, provided ex- cellent accompaniments for al (Continued on page seven) Ken Tolmie ai Sporismen'1s Show Conservation Officer Ken Toi- mie ai the Ontario Departmerit ai Lands and Forests, stationed at Orono, bas been honored by bcing chosen as anc ai the offi- cers ta represent the Depart- ment et the National Sports- mens' Show being held in the Coliscumn at the Canadien Na- tional Exhibition grounds. Mi-. Tolmie will be et the ex- hibit ai the Department for the full 10_days of the show. Ontario Weeklies Announce Conlesi For Papers' Rural Correspondents A new campetition bas been lies in Ontario ta the rural cor- announccd by the Ontario Div- respondents and the news they ision of the Canadian Weekly produce. Mr. Saunders thinks Newspapers Association. It is "country items are the back- entitled "Champion Country bone of the rural town weekly," Correspondent Cantest," open ta of whicb he bas a very high op- rural ccrrespondents ai mem- inion. The Ontario Hydro is us- ber papers. Awards will be ing the weeklies currently for made at the annual convention a series of advertisements of in London on June il and 12. Ontario Hydro-at work for yau Full details of the contest are and yours. Mi-. Saunders is now in the bands of the pub- looking forward ta attending the lisher af this newspaper. Convention af tbe Ontario "The Champion Country Cor- weeklies in June when he will respondent will be bonored at make the presentations. the convention in June when The competition will be judg- 1 he or she will be aur honored ed an the basis ai correspond- gucst," said Werden Leavens, ence bv' the campetîtors on cer- secretary manager of the asso- tain dates between now and the ciation. Robert H. Saunders, Q., next couple of montbs. These C., Chairman ai the Ontario dates will be made knawn ta Hydro and long a friend of thc your bome-town weckly. Cor- weeklies. has agi-ced to donate, respondents should get in touchi a suitable award ta the cham-1 witb their weekly ncwspaper pion. Second and third winnersI to make sure they are entercd will receive diplomas. Tbe Hy- i in the "Champion Country Cor- dro Chairman credits the large' respondent Contest" sponsored rural circulation of the waek- 1 by the Ontario Hydro. the animial as it bolted down Second St. He tried to pull the horse and wagon off the street onto a plawcd field ta slow it down, but it tried ta turn the corner on ta High Street and crashed into a tree and hydra pale on the corner. The impact upset the wagon and the horse tare the shaits away fram it and i-an into a field at the rear ai Glen Mair- tyn's bouse. Here At was cap- tured by Lea Muttan. The shock ai the wagon hit- ting the pbst and trec burled several cases ai milk anto Mi-. Overy, dazing hlm and pinning him for a short time in the wa- gon. His right leg and knee were badly bruised, but he bob- bled ta the Martyn bouse whei-e Mrs. Martyn bandaged the in- jury. About 35 bottles ai milk were broken in the crash and the wagan was sligbtly damag- cd. Refor m Comm ifiee Advocates Building New School Here The repart ai the select com- mittee on Reioi-m Institutions tabled in the Ontario Legisla- turc on Mondey rcammended that the buildings and land et the Ontario Training Schaol for Boys at Cobourg be sold and a new school built on the grounds ai the training school at Bow- manville. The committee recommended that these new buildings be bult as far fi-rn the existing buildings as possible. It alsa proposed that the training school for boys at Guelph be dis- continued and the inmates be quartered in a proposed indus- triel school. Mis Frances Hyland To Play Lead in Siratford Festival About a month ega, consid- erable intercst was created bei-c hy the success ai Miss Frances Hyland ai Regina and London, England, in the field ai English drame. It bas now been an- nounced that Miss Hyland has been engaged ta plf Y the lead opposite Englisb actai- Jameg Mason et the Stratford (On- aria) Shakespearean Festival this summer. Miss Hyland is a grand-daughter ai Mr-. Chai-les Worden and the late Mrs. Wor- den, former residents ai Maple Grave. Mi-. Worden now resides in Regina. Tyrone Guthi e hd erlier sought Miss Hyland for the Stratiord Festival but she could not accept et the time owing ta ber engagement in the Christ- opher Fi-y play, "The Derk îs Light Enough", which i-caches London (England) in April aiter a tour af the provinces. However, Dr. Guthrie 'return- cd ta the ettack" aiter seeing Miss Hylend in the play et Edin- burgh wherc he was "enchant- cd" with ber performance. She has now been signed for the leed in the Ontario Festival and will play Isabella in "Meesure For Meesure". She went ta England four years ega ta study drame and bas been busy ever since. This will be ber fi-st trip home since going ta Britain, accarding toaa news despetcb in the Toronto Telegram. Earle Brown Wins Junior Tilles ai College Royal Earle Brown, Newcastle, fi-st year student et O.A.C., Guelph, won bis class in Junior Show- manship ai Holsteins et the i-e- cent "College Royal." Later, in competition with the winning showmen ai ail other dairy brecds, he was declared theJ Champion Dairy Cettle Show- man ai the "Royal." This com- petition was open ta alI Assoc- iete Degi-ce, and Vcterinary Callege Students. - Earle also stoad fi-st ai theý Juniors in the "All-Round Judg- ing Competition" in conjiunc- tion with the College Royal. Minor Hockey Nighi Saturday,_March 27 The-annual Minai- Hockey Nlght af the Bowmanvill'e Minor Hockey Leatues w Al be held at the Memorial Mrens on Saturday, Mai-ch 27, Recreation Director Don Shay ha. annaunced. On that night champion- ship» will be decided in the Pee Wee, Bantam and Mid.- tetJutv.nIi.dA'usSina q 'Nuff said ! Arena Commillee Sialement On "Truckmen" Nove March 9th, 1954 At an Arena Management Committee meeting held in the Arena an Tuesday, March 9th, with ALL MEMBERS present it was unanimously agreed that the following statement be issued stating the Ai-ena Committee's position regarding the Oshawa "Truckmen" moving their playoff games from Bowmanville ice. Due to the team finding itself in an unfortunate financial position the Directars of the Hockey Club feit they were farced to make this move. Neither the Arena Committee nor the "Truckmen" Hockey Club feel that this is any reflection on the Bawmanville fans who support- ed the team very well. The difficulty arose due to the team management's inability to seil the proportion of season subseriber tickets in Oshawa they had anticipated. The Arena Committee feel that under the circumstances the Club was justified in the action taken but regret that the fans and the Rink Committee were flot taken into their confidence in their planning before the decision was made. The "Truckmen" yoluntarily reimbursed the Arena ta the extent of $100.00 ta caver expenses incurred by the transferring of the playoff game of Saturday, March 6th ta Kingston. The Arena Management Committee sincerely wish the "Truckmen" ail success in their quest for the Senior "B" titie. Arena Management Committee, Community Memorial Ai-ena, Bowmanville, Oshawa "Directors"" Siatement On "Truckmen" NMove (Off iciai press reicase regarding transfcr of ail Oshawa Truckmen home games to othcr centres). 1 At a sub-committee meeting of the directors of the Oshawa Senior Hockey Club held eariy Wednesday, it was unanimously agreed that ail future ames wauid be moved out ai the Bawmanvilic Ai-ena. The move was brought on by the ridicuiousiy small attendance being accorded the club by fans in this area; particularly from Oshawa. At their first home play-off game piayed on Tuesday nîght ai this week, the total advance sale ai tickets in Oshawa was only $77.00. Kings-. ton fans and officiais of the Goodyear Hockey Club who were present et that game remarked "that the turnout af fans ta a play-off game of a team. who had flot only led the, Icague ail year but had suffered numerous other set- backs foiiowing the Oshawa Ai-ena fi-e, was disgusting and certainiy no credit ta the people af Oshawa. One officiai stated that yau'd think the people would be very proud of those connected with the Oshawa club for the fighting spii-it they have dispiayed this ycar in cantinuing ta operate after they lost everything in the fire. We doubt if wc in Kingston could have donc the saine. The Oshawa club has been a i-cal asset ta the, icague and no anc connccted with this graup would want ta sec them leave. Therefore if Oshawa wiil not support thein we wili al iend assistance by offering aur arenas and aur fans for their support. Officia]s of the Oshawa Club were very sincere ini their appreciation af these other centres for the under- standing they have shown. The club, including the players, were deeply grate. fui ta Mr. Bob Watt, chairman, and Mr-. Cliff Samis, sec- retary of the Bownmanville Ai-ena, as well as the i-est of the cornmittee and the entire ai-ena staff for thei- co-oper- ation, hard work and understanding throughout the season, who did cverything passible ta meke the Truckmen's move ta Bowmanville a success. They also wished ta thank the 'fans who have supported them alI year. They wcre the same fans game ai ter game and for their sake, the move was regrettable. Players of the club who heard aiter the game in Kingston Wedncsday night that the club was rnoving steted that they were one hundred per cent behind the decision made by the directors. There was nothing else they could do and we have ail wondercd why it hasn't been donc sooner, anc player said. "We will be happier eiscwhere becausp crowds make the gaine and wc get thein away play better hockey. It was, like playing in a morgue at home". The Truckmen's home game ai Saturday, Mai-ch 6 wili be piaycd in Kingston with the fifth gaine. also the Truckmen's home gaine, bcing plaYed i Belleville on Friday, Mai-ch 12. Other dates and places of gaines, if flbcmuay, will b. arranged late,, (Il 4' j Town Council Sels Fees lo We Charged hy Building Inspector L-- -.dmââý-- à ý»dMkzýà»ýý ! , ý _f , - fý maloumm

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