- -~ -w. r Ross Tamblyn and John Glen- ney each played a number at the Junior Piano Recital held in the new Parish Hall of St. George's Anglican Church, Osh- awa, Feb. 27th. The recital be- ing sponsoned by the Oshawa Branch of The Ontario Music Teachers' Association. Mn. Arthur Blewett is iii at his home. "~Mn. George Butters retunne-1 ho-ne Sunday from Oshawa Hospital. ýàiss Marion McKelvey, To- ronto, spent the weekend with Mns. Fred Brimacombe. Mrs. Clif! Hilton, Toronto, spent the wee¶<end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bebee and Mrs. "Cecil Jones visited Mrs. Wm. ~ Ulow. Newtonville, Saturday. M.Glen Peters and Mn. Watt, Niagara Falls; Mr. Jack Bab- cock,ý Mrs. Archie Watson, Betty Ann and Larry, Toronto; Miss King, Oshawa, visited Mn. and Mrs. Alex Watson on Sunday. Mnr. and Mrs. Geo. Crowther. Charles and Jamie, Newcastlf>,- visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Cooper, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mns. V. Wilson, on Sunday. Mrs. Roy Banrabaîl, Miss Marion Barrabaîl and Mr. Bob Mrs. M. H. Siaples Pupils Successful In Music Exams. At the mîd-winter examina- tions o! the Royal Conservatory o! Mus&, o! Toronto, held re- cently in Bowmanville, the fol- lowing pupils o! Mns. M. H. Staples, R.M.T., were success- luil: Grade 1 Theory-Nancy Lake, lst Class Honouns, 98%; Bar- bara Ann Alldned and Marilyn Quantrill, equal, lst Class Hon- ours, 92%. Grade 1 Piano-John Glenney, Honours, 75%; Gloria Quantrili, Honours, 710/. Grade III Piano-Ross Tamb- lyn, Honours, 74%. ISpocial Fig IADMISSION: Generi Tickets may be ol Honner, Whitby, visited Mr. and Mrs. Luthen Barrabaîl and Mrs. Neil Smith on Monday." Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ros- borough and Marilyn, Niagara Falls, were dinner guests «Sun- day o! Mr. and, Mrs. Chas. Tyrreil. "Education is Everybody's Business" was the subject de- livered by Mr.. James Rickaby, the special speaker Sunddy morning at Orono United Chunch. Next Sunday morning Rev. H. Egenton 'Young, B.A., District Seeretary o! the Bible Society, will be the speaker. David Phasey and Gordon Atkins spent the weekend with Mn. and Mns. W. Harold Mc- Cann, Silver Hill. Mn. Jack Wilson is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Orono Public Schooi will hold "Open House" on Fniday aftennoon, Manch l2th. As well as the regular classes there will be wonk shown in manual train- ing, music and home economies. Ail interested are invited to take this oppotunity to take part in Educatioli Week. Mn. Carson McDaniel is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviile. The World Day o! Prayen was observed at a meeting in the Orono United Church S.S. Aud- itorium on Friday, Maneh th, under the auspices o! the After- noon Auxiliany of the W.M.S. and joined by the Evening Aux- iliany, St. Saviour's Anglican Chunch and members o! Kinby and Leskard appointments, who also took part in the service. Mrs. A. A. Drummond presided and Mrs. M. H. Stapies accom- panied on the piano the singing o! the hymns and also a lovely duet by Mrs. H. Loweny and Mrs. R. Chapman, Kinby. Some 60 ladies partieipated in this service to form a link in the "Golden Chain" o! Prayer reaching around the World. On Tuesday afternoon the W.M.S. and W.A. held a joint meeting in Orono United Church S.S. auditorium. Mn. and Mns. Madison Hall are visiting Mn. and Mns. Frank Ardron, Toronto. Mrs. Frank Stinson returned home after several months visit with her famlly. Miss Bertha Cain was dinner guest on Friday of Mrs. J. E. Richards. The Orono News George Alldread atttended the Ontario Safety Driver's League Banquet at Royal York Hotel, Toronto, last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Moses and family, Bowmanville. were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bigejow, Mr. and Mrs. A. Richards visted Mns. M. Findlay, Unionville. Mn. and Mrs. J. Wilson at- tended the presentation for Mr. and Mrs. Russell Spinks at Biackstock Community Hall. Lloyd Hoar, Montreal, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hoar. Hector Wilson, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Allan Wilson. Ceciu Alldread, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Ail- dread. Mr. and Mrs. James Murdoch and Alan, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam, visit- ed Mrs. John Lillicrapp, Can- nington. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibbs and Michael, recently* visited at Hamilton and Grimsby. Sorry to report Mrs. M. Du- byk and Ceeule Park are on the sick list. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph His (nee Judit h Merry), Oakville, who were married last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hilîs and Miss Bessie His attended the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. John Mitruk and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ect- ward Olesky, Mr. and Mrs. F. Harris, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Dubyk and Diane. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gavel and boys were Saturday even- i ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dou- glas Curi, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rooker and Adrian, Hamilton, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. -Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones, To- ronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. D. Mountjoy. Mrs. Aima Yeliowlees spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, Oshawa. Miss Allie Wood visited ber sister, Mrs. H. Rundie, Hamp- ton. Donna and Denis McLaugh- lin, Gary Murphy, Blackstock, visited Kenneth Shelagh and Glenn Murphy. Mrs, W. A. Goodfellow and Phil, Codringlon, spent the weekend at H. Philp's home. Miss Grace Smith, Long Sault, spent a few days wîth Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hicks, Mr, and Mrs. R. Brown, Bow- maiwille, Glyn May, Cobourg,ý' EsIiicr Hicks, Burketon, werei ç,uests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald (Javel. Mr. and Mns. A. Iills and Bessie attended the Trousseau Tea at Oakville in honor of Miss Judy Merry. Mrs. Alma Yellowlees and girls, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rundie, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gavel and boys visited ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Austin Hicks, Bowmanville. Wolds Day o! Prayer ser- vice was held with Salem, Long Sault and Tyrone ladies taking parts. Rev. D. Lute showed films on M. and M. Work. Red Cross meeting was held with 38 present, collection 70e. John Moore had charge of pro- gram. Kenneth Rosevear reeited a poem. Douglas Stainton read a story. Contest was held with Barbara Taylor, Grace Gibbs, Lorraine Rosevear and Audrey Wood, with Lorraine Rosevear's side winning and Audrey Woods 2nd. Games eoneluded the meet- ing. Mission Band met Sunday jure Skating Foatures Beiw.ien Periods Rosorvod Soais $1.25 and $1.00 al Admission $ 1.00, Clildron 50c étained froni the Arena or froni members of Rotarv Clubh THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, d Receives Badminton Trophy ONTARIO $1,141.50 war, passed. The total Ievy represents about 40C for each farm in Durham, and:25c of the levy stays with the Ontariol Federation while 15c is passed on to the Canadian Federation. Secretary Ed. Milison was in- structed to order 12 copies o! External Affairs Minister Lester B. Pearson's address to theI Canadian Federation at its annu-1 ai meeting in Ottawa on Jan. 27.1 Farncombe LeGnesley brought iip the matter of high licenting costs for 1, 2, 2%4 and 3-ton trucks which are mainly used on the farm for farm work. He pointed out that farmers must pay the same high cost of licens- ing these vehicles as commercial firms who use them for long- distance hauling. He thought it unfair for these primarily farm vehicles to have to pay the same high licensing fee as commercial trucks. A motion by Mel Staples was passed that the Durham Fedena- tion discuss this matter with the Ontario Federation and report back to the April meeting on whethen any action can be taken on the matter. The meeting was held at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Mel Staples, R. R. 1, Newcastle, with President Edgar Nieholîs in the chair. The next meeting will be held April lst at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell, R. R. 2, Nestieton. HAYDON - Mn. and Mrs. Frank Denby visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Part-1 _____ - ~ner, Long Sault. Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Slemon Bob Gallagher, captain of the Bowmanville Badmin- attended the presentation forý ton Club team which captured the championship of the:Mn. and Mrs. Russell Spinks, Central Ontario Badminton Association, is shown above Blackstock. w th Ayes roph, ebleaticof he hamponsip. Mrs. David Malcolm visitedý withthe yre Trohy, mblmati of he hampons i. Mr. and Mrs. Bunrows and Mn. The Bowmanville players swept the tournament, whichland Mns. Alan Malcolm, Toron- was held at the Trenton R.C.A.F. Station a week ago to. Situday by innng hree0f he sx mjorevens -the Mn. and Mrs. Charlie Gannand las' day ywnigt oles sixdjdoublvens -thespent the weekend with Mrs. las'sngles, e'dobs and ie obe.Tey Leslie Ganrard, Tononto. scored 24 points compared to 12 for the runner-up Peter- Mn. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and borough squad. family visited Mn. and Mns. Wmn. -R.C.A.F. Photo McLaughlin, Bunketon. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Read and Clayton, visited Mn. and Mns. .1 VEaLouis Ashton and family, Toron- Federation and Co-Op. M'eetIob to, on udy The Haydon correspondent P swas pleased to receive a cr Discuss niring Couniy Fieldman 1 !nom Editon Geo. W. James, who, with fniends, us vacationing in St. Petersburg, Florida. A committee consisting o!f made up o! Charles Osborne, Mn. and Mns. John Liptay President Edgan Niehols, Clan- Cannoll Nichols, Mel Staples and visited Mn. and Mns. John Polak, ence Allin and Mel Staples was Bob Hendry, which in tunn will Hampton. appointed by the Durham Fed- make its recommendations to Mn. and Mns. David Malcolm enation o! Agriculture at its the April meeting of the Durham spent Saturday evening with Mn. meeting last Thunsday ni ght to Federation. and Mrs. Leslie Thompson'. meet with the Durham Fanm- Report on Panel Discussion Mns. T. Cowling retunned home ens' County Co-Operative to dis- apLrm ndMlS7le on Satunday from Florida. cuss plans for financing a Field- rlph Larmntenpandel stausso Mr. and Mrs. Wilbun Biack- man fon the Fedenation during onpohiin thFeldpani discu so burn and family and Mrs. T. six months of the yean. hl naFcda he a Cowiing visited Mn. and Mrs. M. The o-Opratve hd p ev-Hlli the Clarke Township Blackburn, Hampton. iousy sate tht i wold on-whih Oono onFebuan 22 Mn. and Mns. Geonge Bodnar, iousy sa sa o th e Fieiou do- hh was attended hy oven 100. Oshawa, at Mn. and Mrs. J. sider payinga hrofteFld members. The panel discussioni Liptay's. man's salary in return for hav- was a suceess, thcy, felt, with An Officiai Board meeting o! ing him explain to the Durham practically a unanimous appnov-1 the Tynone Cincuit, will be heid County farmens, when hie is Out ai o! the plan fon hining a full-i- adnCucho rd wonking for the Federation, the time Fildman fon six months in aydon hunch onFniday benefits and punposes o! the Co- o! the year. Mrhlt t8pm Operative as well, The Feder- A motion by Clarence Allin ation will meet with the direct- thtteTesrrb uhnzd Teewr 1,4 es ors of the Co-Operative in an thtteTesrrb uhrz hr ee2413prof effrt o wnk ut etals ! schto send $600 to the Ontario Fed- ýempioyed by Canada's railways anor arrangementdtis fsc eration o! Agriculture as part in 1952 and in that yean they payment o! the annual levy o! eanned an average o! $3,126. Tis i1o'2UiI1LLe wili report L L the committee in charge o!fln- ancing the hining o! a Fieîdman, morning with 30 children pres- ent. Vice president Shirley Coombes had charge, Lauraine Cook, read minutes and roll eall Mission Band Purpose and 23rd Psalm repeated in unison. She- lagh Murphy and Roselyn Tay- lor had charge o! program. Mrs. W. Rahm read a missionary story' and gave the devotional, music by MVarilyn Yellowlees, Janice Taylor, Kenneth Murphy, Carol Yeilowlees and Malene Taylor. A Bible story by Mrs. W. Murphy. Meeting ciosed with hymn and prayer by Shirley Coombes. Mn. and Mrs. John His at- tended the Meriýy-Hills wedding at St. John's Church, Oakville, on Saturday and then travelled to Port Credit to spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Daw. PONTYPOOL Pontypool citizens were able to see one o! the most modern deisel engines on the C.P.R. Sunday train on a trial run. Mr. and Mns. Nont Chambers, To- ronto, were passengens and vis- itons hene Sunday. Nort dlaims that it was nice o! the C.P.R. to have this modemn transporta- tion power tnied out for bis spe- cial enjoyment. While visiting with our fniend, Mn. Lou Williamson, we were sorry to ieann that he had ne- cently heard o! the death o! two o! his brothens, W.lliamn and Milton, who had resided in the West. Dr. G. W. MeNeil is now able to be up but is not goîng to take too active a part in his practice hene for some time yet. The necent bad weather le!t roads bloeked and considerable discom!ort to ail concerned. Several o! the sehools were clos- ed but things are now back to normal. Messns. Harper and Fletcher Carseadden. Kendal, and Non- man Eddy, Newcastle, were Sunday visitors o! Mn. J. Payne. A numben o! the young peo- pie spent a very pleasant even- ing recentiy at the home o! Mn. and Mrs. St. Clair Darroch. St. Clair delighted bis guests as he is an accomplished pianist and singer. We are glad to leann that our friend Johnny Porter (92) is able to be active in bis store at Bailyduf! after bis necent iil- nesa. We necently received a card f rom the editor, Mr%. George James who is spending a holi- day in Florida. Possibly he wili take al bis rural correspondents on the next trip. Have a good time Mn. Editor and the best of iuck. If sunveying means resuits we may see No. 35 completed this year. We also anticipate cooperation fromn the Counties Council Road Commission for more hardjsun!aee so oun town- ship shouffi be getting some overdue consideration. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McHolm, h oseberry Hill, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Ceeul Jones and Mr. and Mrs. George Jones and daughter, Bowman- ville. wene Sunday visitors. TYRONE .PAGE PMV tary, Mrs. T. Smith attend the District meeting in connectio'n with the coming T.B. Test. A nominating committee was formed including the follow- ing members-Mrs. E. Dorreil, Mrs. .H. Shortridge and Mms Roy Taylor. The Roll Cali was answered by "Events of Local Import- ance". The motto was "Admira- tion for others is a sign of a lofty mmnd and a generous heart." Mrs. Roy Taylor was In charge of the program whose theme v»s Current Events. Two excellerfY talks were delivered, the first on Community Activi- ties and Public Relations by Mrs. M. Emmerson, District President; and the second, a re- port of her trip to England, Scotland and Ireland by Mrs. G. Nicholson. Hearty applause greeted both ladies. Following the singing of "God Save the Queen", a delicious lunch wu& served by the hostess and her group. Mrs. Dalton Dorrell was host- ess for the March 3rd meeting of tbie Blackstock Women's In- stitute. Following the Institute Ode and the Mary Stewart Col- lect, Mrs. Howard Bailey read the l2lst Psalm. Letters of thanks were receiv- ed fromn those receiving fruit during the month. and thanks were also expressed to Mrs. J. A. McArthur for her work in forwarding the Institute bale of clothing to "The Save the Child- ren Fiind". A very interesting and useful variety o! articles for infants and children were included in this bale; and the hope was expressed that an- other bale be sent in the near future to this worthy cause. A letter of thanks was read from authorities of the Fund. It was decided that the presi- dent, Mrs. J. Rahm and secre- COURTICE Mr. and Mrs. G. Osborne and daughter Linda, Hamilton, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilkins. Miss Joe Anne Cornish and Mr. Kenneth Hutton, Oron-3, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Herb Hutton also Mr. and Mrs. T. Kozak o! Bowmanville, visited wîth them Saturday evening. Mrs. Cecil Adams, Mrs. S. Kinsman, Mrs. G. Barber, Mrý. Herb Hutton, Mrs. A. Wilkins and Mrs. C. Penfound attended World's Day of Prayer held at Maple Grove United Church on Friday afternoon. Evening Auxillary Report The March meeting of the Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. E. Gearing WIednesday evening. This was a special citizenship meeting and it was unfortunate that the weather was bad and flot all the girls found it possible to be present. The president, Mrs. W. Brown opened the meeting wth a read- ing and a fine devotional deal- ing with Citizenship. The story of the "Stained Glass Window" was given by Mrs. Archie Muir Jr. The devotional period ended by singing a hymn. The Easter meeting Is to be held at the home of Miss Anne Hoit, with Mrs. G. Goyne assist- ing. The president reminded the girls to be present at the World's Day of Prayer held at Maple Grove. It was moved by Mrs. H. Gay and seconded by Mrs. A. Muir, that Miss Ratz and Miss Werner be oui'.mis- sionaries for special thought and prayers. Mrs. E. Courtice gave a selec- tion on the accordion and Mrs. Lloyd Courtice gave a splendid talk on Citizenship and said that "Each of us is born with a Christ-like character, but it depends on us how we develép it." The meeting closed with a reading by Mrs. Newton and ail repeated the beniediction. P E APffchoose your colours 7i\au home-Buy your paien? by phone! New Take-Hoq -You Choose samples il The right place to choose paint colours is in your home, where you can be sure they'11 match dnapes, rugs and furniture. Pittsbungh's new Take-Home Colour Selector gives you 148 actual colour samples for foolproof "at home" selection. It's the surest, easiest way to buy paint even developed. You visit your Pittsburgh Dealer only once, to get a full range of colours. You choose your colours at home. Then cal! your Pittsburgh Dealer and onder your paint by phone. The 25c you paid for the Take-Home Colour E PITTsD13 CANADIAN PI1TSI ne Colour Selector from 148 colour ýn your home Selector wilI be deducted from the r pnice of your order of 1 gallon or more of paint. New Points Without ""Painty" Odeur i For ""CIosed Window"" Painting If painting odouns are keeping you fnom doing your spring painting now, here's good news! There's no lingering "painty" odoun with Pittsburgh Rub- berized Satin Finish. You can actually paint with the windows closed. It dries to the touch in 15 minutes, dries completely in one hour and it glides on the walls. You can paint a roomn in an -afternoon. IRGII PAINTS SU RGH INusTRitEs LImriTU Zl iJ t,1LuU SIRIi?,f SOU LI - Oe!,IAWA - ONTARIO TEURSDAY, MARC! llth, 1954 TOP 0' THE Carrent Eveuis is Theme ai Blackstock Women's Instil.ute Aninouncement.. We are pleased Io announce ihal we have been appoinied Authorized Local Dealers FOR FàlAIRBAK - MORtSE APPLIANCES' and TELE VISIO0N Now you are able to obtain these famous appliances in Bowrnanville. Corne in and see them on display. W. H. BROWN DEALER FOR W Case Farm Machinery Firestone Tires DeLaval Milkers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equlpment KING ST. W. PHONE 497 TUE EVENT OF THE YEAR ... The Bowmanville Roiary Club proudly presents the famous . oH.L. 010 TIMERS HOCKEY TEAM$ lu the MEMORIAL ARE NA AT aPRI' Thursday, March 11 BOWMANVILLE Abernethy's Paint & Wallpaper 85 King Street West Lander Hardware 7 King Street East BLACKSTOCK H. L. Martyn ORONO H. Barlow Furniture NEWCASTLE P. G. Newell Luniber SEUU8UUBEUEEUUBUUEUUUEEUUEUEUUUEUUUUUEUEUUUUU 1 - ruw 1 , 1 MORNIN' TO YOU which reminds us to tel you about our Irish Linons from Leacocks Bridge Sels in beautiful colours boxed for gift givlng $2.95 LINEN GUEST TOWELS and IRISH TOWELS Large assortment of Si. Pairick's Day Cards AT RICKAY'lS