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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Mar 1954, p. 7

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Miesa Joan Hutchinson, Civie Hospital, Peterborough, is visit- hitg wlth her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Harnden, Grafto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Papineau. SMns. Gordon McLean, Ux- bridge, viited her aunt, Miss e .nnie Mountjoy, on Tuesday. -~Mr. and Mns. Don Maton and !amily, Toronto, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. C. H. Maton,. Mr. AI Richards, Ryerson In- âtitute, Taranto, spent Sunday with his parents, Mn. and Mns. Gee. Richards. h Vs Irene Casbourn, Hamnil- fan. Mr. and Mni. Sid Casbourn *nd baby, Toronto, visited Mn. -Barry Casbourn over the week- end. Mr. anid Mn.. Don Cox and daugi.ter, Janice, Downsvlew, rcent 'y vlaited their parents, r.aLd Mn.. K. E. Cox, ilng st. Bant. Dr. Kelth Shemon is attending . ýedical convention in Detroit and Mns. Slemon and cblldren are visiting ber parents in St. Catharines. Winncra a! Lions Club Hoc- key Draw for Satunday, Manch 13-Ross Prout, Bill Carnish; for Wednasday March 17-Ab Mavin and Ed itundle. Attending the christeninq on Sunday monning in Trinity Church o! their granddaughter, Barbara Vanatone, baby daugh- ter o! Mr. and Mns. Morley Van- atone, were Mn.. Vanstone's par- ents, Mn. and Mn.. Walter Mc- Cormîck, Gaît. Report of Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville, for the weck Match 3 to 9 inclusive, shows 29 admissions and 38 dlscharges. Binths werc four boys and rive f irls and operations numbered oun major and 16 minor. Pive emcrgency cases wene given treatment. In last week's issue of this pa- lper it was stated that tht La- dies Auxiliary ta tht Canadian Legion had presented tht Legian with four tables and 28 chairs for the new Legion Hall. This was incorrect, as tht tables and chairs were donated by the Le- gien Pipe Band. STO JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) B.A, B.D. MOLY COMMUNION MATINS Sermon: "Helpa in Wershlp" EVENSONG rBrlng your Bible te thse Evealng Service. MARCR 17 - 7:30 p.. Illustrated Lecture by Canon A. H. Davis C. World Noted young Irish banitone soloist who travels with C. E. Tatham. OUTSTANDING RALLY NO ADMISSION CHARGE at 3O WNAN VILLE TOWN HALL, SATURDA Y, M«ARC H l3th 7:45 .m. TRINITY UNITEB CHURCH Minister: Rev. T. A. Morgan, B.A.. "Hlow Responsible Are We?" "Immoriality" IL "Io Ther. Eteral Puniohiuat?» Mr. D. C. Peter%, LT.C.M.. Director of Music. Phyflis ChaHis Barrett, A.T.C.M., Organist. mn.. Mabel Bagneli and Miss Violet McFeeters oi the Bow- manville Business and Proies- sional Women's Club. left on Wednesday for New York where they will attend United Nations sessions. About 96 membens of Ontario B. & P. Clubs will be iwelcomed by .Cénadian dele- gates at the U.N. and will be entertained by the New York B. & P. Club. Mn. Robeit King, Bôwmaàn- ville and distfict represeuntative o! the London Lite Insunance company hés neceived the Na- tional Quality Award of the Life Underwniters' Association o! Canada ton the second con- secutive year. This 4ward is ln recognition o! quahity life un- denwritlng servicete the public as evidcnced by bis fine record of maintaining In force and ex- tending tht benefits ôt llte in- aurance. Chamber of Commerce (Continued from page ont) putting these advantages before p<rospective new industries, Mr. Robson stated, but even more important, a good Chamber waulcI help ta mnake Bawmaaa- ville sucb a de$irable towra and location that industry would corne to the town rather than the town having te go alter in- dustry. EnquIsry Prom New Industry Don Morris arouscd consider- able interest when he stated that a representative ci a large cancern bad approached him for information as ta the posaibility of acquiring 17 acres in tht tawn limita for establishment of a good-sized factary. Mr. Marris had bad ta tellhi hm at that time that there was ne Chamber o! Commerce te give hlm any information, and, that Town Council could give hbu little more. Councillar Lloyd Preston, wha is Chairman of the Industrial Cammittet of Council, reported that he à stnongly in laver o! the revivlng of thtChamber .f Commerce and felt It could give valuable assistance ta his com- mittee. Ail present agreed that tht 19o w ma nv i11e *businessmen should tarrn the backbone of ai revived Chamber and that tht Commercial Committée could do much ta stimulate business in the town through projects te promote shopping ln Bowman- ville nather than Oshâwa or other centres. and by investigat- ing possibilities of solving the parking probleni and other de- terrents te shoppens. Dave Higgon outlined some cf tht projects sponsored by tht Commercial Committet that had proved successful in tht Sait in promoting shopping in owm anvihle. Tht annuel Christmas tree and Opportunlty Day. for out-of-town shoppers on which fret bus transporta- tion was supplied, were two successful ventures, lie said. Chairman Hooper and Mr. Banting asked all present te bring at leait twa mort busi- nessmen with them ta Monday1 night's meeting so that a good ý attendance would be assured1 for this important organiza:tion-i ah gatbening.1 Sucb comparatively ntw bus-i inessmen in Bowmanville as R.i P. Rickaby. propnietor of tht "Big 20" Stationtry Store, and1 the Leslie Brothers, praprietorsj o! tht Bowmanville Dry Clean- ers, were introduced to the meeting. Mn. Weise was thank- cd for donating the use of the Balmoral Hotel banquet roomj for the meeting, and for bis ef- fer to donate this roomn for fu-c ture meetings free of charge.j Ht was also thanked for tht coffet scrved to those present. . Save 40c MacLEAN'S TOO'THPASTE and BRYLC1IEEM 1 la of 12 40Ç Bioth for _____ 98c1 Free! Facial Mill and Home Facial Directions WIth thse Eet. 65e Jar et NOXZEMA Lady Esther 4 Purpose Reg. 75e jar Face Cream Now c=!y-____ 61C1 SOCIAL AND pEISONAL PHONE 30 The lot of a town councillor - to paraphrase Gilbert and Sullivan - is not a happy one. Councillor Dave Higgon at the February meeting of Town Council proposed that a rftunicipal system of collecting town garbage be set up to replace the present system of collection by private individ- ais. Resuit - Coun. Higgon these days ruefully surveys a mounting pile of rubbish as his home and store are by- passed by the garbage collectors. At the March meeting Coun. Higgon was bent but not broken, and continued to press for the municipal garbage collection despite his suspicion that he had been a victim of the "cut-off" treat- ment. "That They May Have Life" is Theme ai World Day of Prayer Tht World Day of Prayer services, bcld atternoon andi cvcning, March 5, in St. John'3 Anglican Church werc impres- sive in theme and sincerity. Round tht wonld, Christian womcn in 118 countries took part in the same form of ser- vice prepared this year by Dr. Sarah Cbakko ai India wbose untimcly dcatb occurrcd only a short time ago. Misa Mabel Jones, Toronto, gave a bni address at botb services on thet tiere chosen lor 1954 services, "That They May Have Lufe". Miss Joncs spoke of the picture prcsented in tht first hymn of tht service, "Praise My Soul, the King cof Heaven", of God as the evr - lasting King. faithful, merciful, a God af Grace. Contrasting tht picture ai God presentcd by tht Old and New Testaments, Miss Jones said, "Tht Jews did nat know God as a Father as you and I do. The Jews fearcd God, con- sidering him so far from and above tbem that they did not even like ta speak His name." Responding te God Is this tht God we bave been tbinking of as aur God to-day, Miss Joncs asked? "Our" means Gad owns us by rigbt oi crea- tion and redemption, but let us think ai aur side. . Do wc ne- cognize him as ours? Are we responding to God's overtunes? Let us remember our heritage, that God is tht Fathen of us ail and we are joint beirs with Christ. "Can tht world teill whose child you are?" the speaker askcd. "Is your borne ont whcre tht Heavenly Father is always wclcomc?" Others need this knowledgA of God which. we have. "On this first Fniday in Lent we are joining with women in 118 coun- tries of tht world in prayer,"I Miss Joncs said. "To-day wc are called ta take part in the prophecy that all countries af ,the world shaîl be part of tht Kingdom of oun Lord." Our special thought to-day the speaker continued is, "I arn corne, said Jesus, that they might bave lufe." In conclusion Miss Joncs urg- cd that those gathcred there should make good use' of tht intercessory power of prayer and pray cach day until God s Kingdom shows that we are sharing with oChers. Churches Represented Mrs. Warren Turner welcom- cd those attending afternoon and evening service. Members ai tht W.M.S-; and Evening Aux- ihiaries of the Protestant churcb- es took part in tht pninted fonm of service and prayers. A choir rcprcsenting the vanious churches led in tht singîng, with Mr. John Smart at tht argan. A lovely vocal duet was sung by Miss Nancy Smythe and Miss Canal Gibner, "Just for Today." Those taking part in tht a!- ternoon service were: St. John's -leader, Mrs. W. N. Turner; St. Andrew's-leader, Mrs. L. T. McLaughlln; prayen, Mrs. A. G. Scott; Trinity-leader, Mrs. C. Ives, prayer, Mrs. C. Belîman; St. Paul's-Mrs. H. G. Shaw, prayer, Mrs. H. A. Turner; Sal- vation Army-lcader, Mrs. R. Kinntar, prayer, Mrs. E. Willats; Evangelistic Centre - prayer, Mrs. FV B. Fifield. Frayer, Mrs. Jack Colt. Mrs. W. Davis and Mrs. L. Dumas toak up the collection at the afternoon service and Mr.s. L. A. Parker and Mrs. W. Tait acted as ushers. Evening Service In the evening those taking part wtre: St. Jobn's-leader, Mrs. J. G. Parker; St. Andrew's -leader, Mrs. W. Paterson, prayer, Mrs. J. Kerr; Trinity- leader, Miss Helen Maguire, prayer, Miss Jane Maguire; St. Paul's-leader, Mrs. F. Blurit, prayer, Mrs. Wilfrid Carruthers; Salvation Army -leader, Mrs. H. Antrarn; Baptist Church-- prayer, Mrs. R. Goheen, New- castle. Frayer, Mrs. V. Snydcr; ushers, Mrs. E. Hcnning, Mrs. R. Hornigold; taking up collec- tion, Mrs. J. Newman, Mrs. T. Wright. Trinity Jack and Jili Club Views Excellent Film on Ottawa Power- Approximately 125 members over the rocks at variaus levels, of Trinity Jack and Jili Club the saine water is used repeat- îmet at the Community Centre edly and 4n no way is the sup- on March 2 for their regular ply diminisbed.. meeting. Bud and Marie Moses, To supplement his remarks, who were in charge of the de- Mr. Strike showed the film, votional period, used as their Power Fromn the Ottawa. This theme "Take up thy cross". Mrs. depicted the beauty and strength Lenore Hoar of Maple Grove of the Ottawa, the largest tribu- contributed a delightful solo, -I tary of the St. Lawrence, which Walked Today Wbere Je'sus drains a watershed of 56,000 sq. Walked", assisted by Jean Bil. miles in area. It is rich in Can- lett as accompanist. 1 adian tradition and history for Following the reading of the it served as a highway to early minutes, Dorotby Ross read the explorers and as an avenue of correspondence. This included adventure. a letter from Bayview Lodgei The underlying prînciples of whîch advised members that hydro-electric power are based rates for the week-end of June on nature. By rneans of the wa- 18-20 would be the samne as last ter cycle nature controls the year. A letter was also received supply of water and releases it from Arnold and Lou Bestman, slowly wbere it is needed. By two members of the club, who means of dams the H.E.P.C. uses recently moved to Belleville. this water to produce power. Keith Jackson, director of Step by step the film illustrated Cornz a Poppin' 1954, gave a how this was done on the Otta- been accomplished to date in out in order that the land could connectiop with the show. Tick- be cleared and the project corn- ets were distributed by Ev. Ja- pleted in the shortest possible mieson. time. The work was se highly Mr. Ross Strike, Q.C., and se- organized that concrete was cond vice chairman of the H.E. poured into fornis in one coni- P.C.. of Ont., was the gliest plete operation. As far as pas- speaker of the evening. Mr. sible, the natural life of the Strike explained the difficulty country was undisturbed. The encountered in developing pow- Dept. of Lands and Forests co- er on the Ottawa. Only after operated with the H.E.P.C. to lengthy negotiations with au- guarantee that the supply of thorities in Quebec was the H. trees would not be depleted. E.P.C. of Ont. able to make an Hydro is rapidly expanding. agreement by which power Within the lait eleven years hy- could be developed on the Ot- dro power ini our province bas tawa River. Finally Ontariaob- increased by 124%. In the tained the right to develop the southern and north-east regionh three top power projects in the of the province there are now river. These are located at Mat- seventy stations generating elec- ,tawa, Des Joachims. and near tricity. Renfrew. One point the speaker Mr. Strike was introduced by stressed wvas tbe fact tbat by Anna Strike and thanked b,; harnessing tbe power from the Clif! Trewin. water as li iM1is precipitouslY New couples introducd te Ail Pupils of Mrs. C. H. Dudley Pass Music Exams Pupils of Mrs. C. H. Dudley, A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M., R.M.T., who tried the Royal Conservatory of Music Examinations beld in Bowmanville, are as follows, al candidates being successful: Pat Smith. Grade VIII Singing-Honours, William Buckley. Grade VIII Piano-Honours, Nancy Wood. Grade IV Singing-Honours, Shirley Mills. Gr~ade II Singing-Honours, Kathleen Jackson. Grade 1 Singing-First Class Honours, Jean Thompson; Hon- ours, Phyllis Strong, Burketon. Theory-Grade V History- First Class Honours, Bertha Colville; Honours, Janet Mc- Gregor. Grade V Harmony - Pass, Eileen Spicer. MAPLE GROVE Sympatby of this community is extended to Mr. and Mrs e cil Mihîs and family in the loss: of ber mother, Mrs. Wells, of' Port Perry. Institute meeting on Monday evening, March 15 at 8 p.m. in basement of the cburch. Rcv. and Mrs. Hal MacBain, Sarnia, called on their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Snowden, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snowden, Oshawa, were Sun- day supper guests witb Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden and fam- ily. the club were Ted and Lenare Hoar and Gerda and Rudoif Schlingensicpcn. A!ter Keith Shemon conduct- ed a strenuous rebearsal of musical numbers for Cornz a Poppin', lunch was served by Ruth Mutton, Bea Vanstone and their committet. Orono Orphans Win Eastern Ontario Intermediale "B" Tille The Orono Orpbans made a strong comeback te defeat Kingston Army 10-8 at Peter Campbell Memorial Arena in Port Hope Saturday nigbt and win the Eastern Ontario Inter- mediate "B" Championship. The Orpbans were trailing by two goals with five minutes to play when they pjilled off their thrilling finish to cap the beat- of-seven seni four games te one. Playing Coach Junior West led the Orphans to their win, tbougb brother Dean pulled it eut af tht fire when he set up the tying and winning markers and scored tht insurance tally with only seconds left ta play. Mrs. Albert Cole Students Successful In Music Exams Pupils of Mrs. J. Albert Colt, A.T.C.M., AO.C.M., Bowman- ville, who were successful in tbe February examinations of the Royal Conservatory ci Music. Ail candidates were success- ful. Grade I Theory-First Class Honours, Margaret Edwards. Grade II Theory-First Class Honours, Alan Smith, Carol Gibner. Grade VI Piano-First Class Honours, Robert Allun. Honours, James Cryderman, Harold Yel- lowlees. Lions Minsirel Show <Continued from page ont) musical numbers. Chorus was composed of Lions Stu James, N. Osborne, Bert Parker, Bob Mutton, W. Rundle, 0. Osborne, W. Carruthers, J. Marr, J. Brough, W. Braden, A. Thomp- son, Bill Oliver, R. Ames, H. Cryderman, C. Hockin, AI Cuth- bertson, R. Osborne. E. Laird, PAGE SEVEit G. Lander, R. Oke, Hi Ormis-' ton, G. Vinish, B. Vanstone, B. Minor L eagues Wil Semple, L. Ayre and J. Cooper.1Pa nW ib In charge of stage and pro- perties was Lion Glen Martyn; Tbreè teama inade up oi all- af make-up and dress - Lion star players from the Bowman-' Norm O'Rourke; music arrange- ment - Lions A. McGregor , ville hUcor Hockey Leagues wilf Don Williams and J. Watson., play in Whitby Frîday night Minstrel show committee was against ahl-star teanis of that, composed of Lions J. Cooper, E. town. C. Southey, G. Martyn, Bill O11- iTtBowmanville Ail-Stai ver, W. Carruthers, J. Watson Th and W. Rundle. Other Lions as-, Bantams will play at 6:45, McZ' sisted ini usbering and back'Nulty 's Ahl-Star Midgets wiW1 stage duties, and Lion wivez- play at 7:45 and the AII-Star, were on band te sell borne- Juveniles will play et 8:45j made candy. i Teams wlll leave froni thi, Second half o! the show on'Arena here approximately an2 Thuraday night featured the hour before their games. Texas Cyclone with a novelty 1 shooting act. Tbe Cyclone made a spectacular entrance from the Fine Program rear of the hall wltb a blazingg .45. The remainder of the a Prsete.a however, did not live up oteP snida promising beginning. AtComedian Pleases Trinif y W. M. S. At 1riday night's show, the second bahf of the evening's en- The Afternoon Auxiliary et tertainnient was taken over by Trinity W.M.S. met in thé tbe antics of Billy Meek, a very Church on March 2nd. Presi-* versatile comedian wbo made a dent Mrs. Ives was in tbe chair bit with the audience. with Mrs. Hircock et the piano.. Mr. Meek, wbo as he said, Mrs. Ives opened the meeting cornes froni the West - West witb a short reading followed» Glasgow, that is-is not only a by prayer. clever comedian, but be can also Mrs. Cecil Belîman was in dance well, do a bit of singing charge of the worship service and perfonni very capably onj assisted by Miss Weekes, the three irusical instruments - a theme being, "The Church in tiny accordian and a fuil-size Their House". Mrs. Jas. Brown, soprano saxaphone and banjo. o! Newcastle delighted everyone' His version of "Jack and tht witb ber beautiful solos. Beanstalk", acted out witb suit- The Tapic for Study this able gestures, was very amus- montb was "Our Own Back- ing and he received most gen- yard" and it was very ably pre- e rous applause for bis playing sented in a panel discussion by of such numbers as "The World Mrs. Wight and Mrs. Hoskin. It is Waiting For the Sunrise", calîs us to face the question "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" often put to us by people of and "Bye, Bye Blues" on the other lands "What are you do- instruments mentioncd above. ing about it at home?" The Scottish comedian ex- Mrs. S. James and Mrs. Cowl- plained that he played with bis ing gave splendid reports of eyes closed because he hated to tbe Presbytenial beld et Osh- sèt his audience suffer, but th'- awa. reverse was truc as they enjo 'y- Mr.Iecodcethbui cd bis whole performance very nes sesonduhen thdfe buni much idced.secretaries gave their reporta. It was decided to send a cashý The rate oi expansion o! Cari- donation, also good used cloth. ada's steel industry-output of ing to Korea. Mrs. Ives outlin. steel bas more than doubled 1cd the program for the Exposi- since 1946-.-is believed to have tion to be held in Oshawa earlyf surpassed that of any country in April and hoped the memw, in the world. bers would attend. Dýiwd..uo COMPETITIVE. PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE III!SPECIL VALUES AND REMIINDERS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY vos yusf-waîer N shampooing 1P enl in hardes waerl Ic 2-az. tube 650 4-oz. jar $ 100 SPECIALS ON 1. D. A. BRANDS UTS uRE I #w Eest and safest cathartic for f~1 children and délicate persans Uf atrOl4 oz., reg. 40c. 29 Kepsome on hand alwavs ' Paper ~~.eep hite 1 3 PprNapkins 70's 1c, 2For1 33C Caps l egularl19 g LMOtON Cod Liver 011Cpsle Box 'f 00 89CPO Pleasantly perfumed -cleans, AAE Col Ceam sotens and moh the skin 9 YOUR x'JSUNSMIN! Fine quality highly refined and IH 1 Cod iver011tested cod liver oil- 1 oz.69 ______________________imita__sous__$1.25 M 7 - .4P~ Helps to relieve sore stiff muscles 11 Peneirating Liniment reg. 45c 37 i£a gU ek relief front Chott Celdï,- HAIE PREPARATIONS Helene Curtis Spray Net $1.75 - $2.75 Charles Anteli 75c la $1.25 Richard Hudnut spray and Stay - $1.751 Marvelous Shampoo- 75c, $1.25' Egg Creme Shampoo- 75c, $1.25, $2. Get Free Plastie Dispenser with Wildroot Cream-0111 $1.48 Value only - 98C pRECITIONS A SPECIALTY AleL. We Deliver MwcGregor, Your Local L.D.A. Drug Store M TRE CANADIAI< STATESM, EoviLxv~l=, ONTARIO Q 2 Dowmanville YOUTH FOR CHRIST Presents E. TATHAM F.R.G.S. traveller, Y.F.C. rally speaker, and Evangelist from Tarante ALSO SAN CARSER Prom Permanent Llght and Bright -.$1.75 PtSIKR'E T $ 1.75 Home Permanent -..$1.75 2--or 5Ç MANUFACTURERZ SPECIALS W1 qqffl, -T71 '- -r lia illi 1 1 y 1 1 1 9 iqk --bol -vý mg; 1

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