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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Mar 1954, p. 9

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MEESAT. KARCH Itt, 1054 fUCANADIAN TATEMM. UOWMAMLET. O ArAf Imavens CouncilAppointsIns1 clr For Warble Fly ai Narch Meetin A Aregular meeting ai the >!unici1ai Councu aof tht Town- ship 0 anvers was held wlth aI u enibers present and the Reeve lu tht Chair. The minutes' of tht previaus meetin, were irtad on motion approve. Communications were receiv- ed andi rcad irom the Depart- mient af Municipal Affairs te: Payment$ estiniated to b. rmade by the Provincial Gaver-rment tai àunicipalities sud their la- çai. ards. The Department ai igraYs re: balance of Sub- 5iy'RZ oad Expenditure for 1953 wlt cheque for saie. De- Vartruent ai Agriculture, Live Etock Branch, te: Warble Fly Contrai, Hydro-Electric Power COMM. re: Arrears assessed as taXe. Counuties Clerk and Treasurer, te: Fox Bounty, Wel- Lad lr Officers Association re: *.,!tttingta be held at ôwen w~~~ o~unn June 7, 8, & 9, 1954. *Ontario School Trustees and Jiatepayers Association ra Eus- ter Conventio-n at King Edward Rale!, Toronto, on April 19,20 & 21. 1954. Also frarr a number of rutepayers on different mat- ters. Accountri wert received iromr HYdro-Electric for Bethany and Panyool Street lighta, Whil- lier & Son for Assessors sud Office supplies, Victoria County for District High School Deben- tures, msa a number ai othar maltera. On action ai Councillors Payne sud Scott, tht appoint- mient af W. A. Neals as Warble fly Inspectar was confirmed at an hourly rate af 70 cents and arileage at 8% cents per mile. On motion ai Deputy Reeve .Argue and Cauncillor Malcolm that a Grant of $15.oo be given ta tht Durham County Junior Far-mers, for 1954. On motion ai Councillori Payne and Malcolmi that the Peeve and Cauncilor Sgott ba- t Camillee to arrange for the wiring ai tht Township Hall basement with power ta comn- plete tht arrangements. On motion off Dep.-Reeve Argue an'd Counillor Payne tht Cicr-k was instructed to write ta the r)epartment of Municipal Af- fairs, Protesting against tht re- gulatin luin cannection with ethe Departinent of Municipal .Af faira -Act, whereby ail pay. iments of Subsidres, Grants and !etc., made by the Provincial iGovernment ta tht local Muni- clpality sud their local Boarda, as well as ail payments made ta the County af any local share ai caste, muaI be prluted on the local Tax Statement ta the rate- > ayer, on the g rounds thaI the unicipal Clerk has no way ai knowing the aniaunt ai a nuni- ber ai these payments, and that a number ai the paymenls are ual pali by the Government until months aller tht Loal Tax Etatemeut musI b. print- cd. Also that in the estimation ai this Coundil, the Govern- ment should do its own adver- tising. Ou motion the Meeve aud Treasurer were Instructed ta sign cheques for the following accounts: Hydro v Zîectric, Street ligbts for Bethany & Pontypool _.------------ $ 131.88 Thos. WbilIieq & Soni, Assessor & Office 5up- plies ~..191-22 8. S. No. 2, 8, 14 & 14, School mouey 2200.W0 Victoria County, Dist. High Schoal Deben- bures ----------------- 2674.00 Township Treas., Raad Voucher No. 3 1538.63 Millbrook Reporter, Ad. for Warble Fly Sprayer - ------- --- 20 Dr. G. H. Longfield1 .0 Medical services for Indigent.-------_------- -4.00 Lamne Bowin, Food for Irgent--------------- 25.00 J. L-. Cummiskey, On Acc/ salary --- IMO J. C. Cummiskey, Re- ý istering Births and eaths --- ---------- 4.50 Council expenses 'ta Ont. Good Roadg Convention --- ---- --- 60.00 Durham Caunty Junior Fanmers, 1954 Grant - 15.00 Relief - - -- -----. - -----_ 126.95 On motion tht Coundil ad. journed ta meet on T'hursday, April 6th, 1954, ut one o'clock, P.M., 1954. The Golden Rule 'uorks like gravitation...-C. F. Dole.1 COAIE IN N~W 4ND 1001</T 0L'ER! DAVID TH-E FIRST TRACTOR TO OFFER BGTRACTOR PERFORMANCE IN THE LOW PRICE FIELDI Thé nO0w Davd Bronii"25" gives you moe pws# for the price.thon any otlnr fractorl S* It tody- am WeiI be slnd la aran, a demonstrotlaa. àliORRISON'IS GAR AGE lPONTYPOOL, ONT. r- PHONE BETHANY il r'321 Open twenfy-four hours a day-s Do vou leave vaux work behind wben yau quit for the iht? Or do you-and your wife--often answer business calis that amc toc important ta, wait till morning? This sor of thingbhappens soaoften toso many people tbey've corne to realize bow important a haone telephone ta in belping them te kcep *their jobs goang. in fact you Mnay be one of those Who gay that, £or business reasalaonc, your telephane at home a. wortb m=nthan il costal @ THg U LLTMPHON8 COMPANY OF CANADA Red Cross Helps Flood Victims ftmulles imenaccd by flash floads in variaus parts ai On- tario were belped by the imme- diate response ta their appeal ta the Red-Cross. Voluniteers fram nea.rby centres rushed food, blaulcets, clathlng and other necessities ta the flood victinis. Wbcrever and whenever a di. saster strilces, perhaps in aur own communlty, tht Red Cross Dlsaster Services stand ready to rlupp1food, sheltey, media aldcilothing, bedding and ather ermergency needs. The wark of tht Red Cross voluntecrs throughout the year mnake these supplies avallabie when dIsaster strilces. Because Red Cross volunteers give their services in workroomns through- out Ontario, tht mnuch neece supplies for dIsaster relief can be immediately taken froni warehouses and tushed ta the centres of disaster. In Match th. Red Creus mnakes its annual appeal for iunds ta carry on its wark ai mercy. Frani this fund wil comgI the money ta buy the raw stockl froni wbich volunteér warker$ will malce beddtag, clothlug, dressings and ail tht other necessities needtd whmn disaster strikes. Your Red Cross in Canada needs $5,422,850 ta budget for its work In 1954. Ontarlo's quota is 82,144,690-not a penny wifl bel wasted. Farm. Forums S. 8. NO. 4 FARM FORUM S. S. No. 4 Farm Forum met aI Mr. Doug Courtice's March 8 with 23 present. The topic for discussion, "Safety on tht Farin". 1. Carelessneiss l cause ai mai ority ai tractor accidents. Operator using tractor every day takes It too much for grant- ed and tends ta grow careles and takes boa many chances. Driving boa miany houri ut a tinit. Children rlding on trac- tors cause some bad accidents. <b) Encourage safcty cunipaigu. Keep moving shafts cavered. Keep tractor in good* mechan. ical condition. Operator should read sud follow saiety informa- tion sent out by company. 2. Projeets that might be put bIno action by Forum: Study tinst aid course on revlew n1ghts. Encourage every mem- ber ta be consciaus, ai saiety methods lu f ire protection etc. There waasanime discussion on Workman's Compensation as il spplied ta far-mers sud their hired help. Lunch was served by tht hast-I ess. Meeting, March 15 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Found. IOBITUARY MALCOLM A. CARLETON Tihe death occurred ou Feb. 2ofMalcolm A. Canleton of Orono, who was iu bis 68th year. Mr. Carleton had suifer- ed iii health for a number ai yeans. Tht deceased was bon on Aug. 17, 1886. tht sou ai the late Rosetta and W. J. Carleton, iu Deseronto, Ont. Ht came ta Or-ana fr-ar Picton in 1906. On Nov. 4, 1908, he marnied Venu Fosetta Walter, daughter ai Frances and William Walter, Orono. Ht was a painten and mIsa followed vaniaus othen oc- cupations durlng his 47 years in Orono. When he was lu good health, Mr. Carleton enjoyed fishing and huuting ru his lei- sure health. Besides bis wift, Mr. Carle- ton leaves two daughters, Fos- etta, Orono, and Phyllis, To- routo, and three sons, Walter, Ajax, Ray and Ross ai Orno, who mouru his loss. Also sunviv- ing are five brothens, Kenneîh, Cecil, Ernest, Ralph and Mil- ton, aIl off Northern Ontario; two sisters, Leah, Brantford, and Susan, Timmins. There are also seven grandchildnen and one great-grandchild. Funeral service was conduct- ed on Sunday, Feb. 28, by Rev. John Kitchen ai Onono United Church. ai which tht deceased was a member. Service was in the Lang Memorial Chapel. Mrc. M. Staples presided at the or- gan. Among the beautiful floral tokens were Ihose ai Orono Lodge No. 436, I.O.O.F., Heath- er Rebekah Lodge No. 334, Un- ited Steel Worktrs of America No. 2784, Oshawa, W. B. Ben- nett Construction Co., Oshawa. Interment was in Orono Cern- etery. Fniends attended tht funeral from Nontheru Ontario, Toron- ta. Cannington, Little Britain, Oshawa, Bowmanville and Port Hope. Nesilelon Farmer Rescues Fawn A citer fawn believed ta have botui chased by a wolf tir woives until il was exhaustcd w-as found by Merlin Suglt, R. R. 1, Nestleton, lait Friday on tht roud between Caesarea and Scugog Point. Mr. Suggitt put tht exhuttd animalinluhis car sud bok It te the farn ai Ken MishaIL R. Rt. 1Nestielon whcre Mr. Misaull nursed il back la health and ne- eased it Suuday night. Conservation Officer K au E'olmle ai Omono believes that it was a woii on woives who had been chaslng the young fuwii, ince these animais would b. scared off by tht approachiug car, whereas a dog would ual have been. Ht comrnended the good aportsmausbip ai Mr. Sug- gitt andi Mr. Mishallin rescuing and carna far the anijal Tht Halifax Gazette, whieh whlch begar. publication lu 1752, 'as Canada*s first uewspapeir. frist paper in tht Prairie Pr-av. nces ulas the Nor' Wester. pub- 1hesi MIFort Garty, Now Van.- dmin M. l Tht regular meeting ai Clark. Council was held March 2nd. Those preseut were Reeve A. McKay and Councillors Jas. T. Brown, F. B. Lovekin, H. E. Wulkey and Clcrk H. E. Millson. Mn. Wm. Mcflroy spoke ta the Council concerning the lack af drainage. Ht nequested a cul- vert across the road ta relieve the water in the iast ditch over ta tht West so that the water can foliow its natural water course ta the forth and west. This in turn would relieve the drainage on Mn. MeIlroy's -pro- pery which cornes froni the soueh east, Counci consîdered this proposal as improbable due ta possîbly ai dumping water on~ someone else's propenty and thought the correct solution antaht ziecessitate re-digging the cust diteli to fuli away toward tht north. The probabiity oi survey was mentioned in order- ta ascertain the Natural Water Course: Council authorized H. E. Walkey and the Raad Super- intendant ta investigate this matter immediately aiter the adjournment ai Council. Mn. J. L. Lowery and tht Council discussed and plauned the 1954 Warble Fly Campaign. Mn. Harold Skinner County Wecd Inspector spoke ta Court- cil about Weed Contrai and sug- gested some program for 1954 in conjunction wlth an informa- tion pamphlet which he left with Council. Mr. Herbert Duvail spake ta Councîl requesting gravelling ai the private road now serving his property and four athers. Council nefused maintenance due ta possibility of establishlng a precedent on privat roads. It was suggested that the road wouid first have ta be taken over by tht Township befane this Council could become re- spousible for maintenance. The Roap Supt. was autlioriz- 1 à lhè MporF&ijintheWdd1'oaq Forty-Hour Boredom Recent experimente at Tuits College Medical School ut Bos- ton, elaborately arranged and carefully documnented, have dis- closed that fatigue dots flot came froni contlnuous decrease lu muscle strength. Muscles can fortght on funetoning normal- IYan cniorabywelbeyond Sixty Attend Fini Durham Counly Tobam o Nwlig al Newcastle Hall et the Durhan iMr. E IK Waie.ttSaii Caunty Tobecco Growcrs' ~A gM _ronomlst brght fhettiOW 1 ciaion Wed o ovrnowii th en p todate with lis z CItUOl fUe4 t ovcflowng tew ~PTrends in Tobacco Cur. Coundil Chambers ai Newcastle in« and Kilu Constsuction.1" He Town Hall on Wednhaday even- olted out that few kilns tui Ing, March 11. when the staïf thtdistrict have ventilation lui mnembers aofteDominion U. the heavy croix af tabacco ob- peletal Substatton, Deliii, tained In the lait few years. He provided the growers with the ciao deait wlth f'Sane Causes latetInlforma8tlinnthe grow- of j nj)J Fres and Problema in ing of fiue-cured tobacca la On. Irrigation.» latta. The meeting was brought Mr. L. S. Vlckery brought te ta order by the County Agricul- the attention of the Growers the tural Representative, E. A. X.atest i Tobacca Varicties Suminers, who turned It over along with tht "Feaslblltty ai ta Pote NOweli a Pranent Sucker Contrai." gower la tho district. Mr. New- He îtated that new black Mot eU introduccd L. S. Vlckery, Of- zrot resistant varieties sucli as ficer-In-Charge of the Delhi Sta- Hicks and Deicrest have played tion, who lu turn Introduced bis an outstanding raie In Increas- staff. lng the yleld and quallty af flue- Mr. J. M. Elliott, Sal Speclal- cured tabacco. Mr. Vlckery &d- lot at the Delhi Station, discuss- vlsed the growers ta proceed ed #"What la New Tobacco Fer- wlth caution In the contrai aof tleation." Et statcd that ilt 1 suckers with ails and chemicals. necessary ta have a definite fer- He completed his talk with tillzation prograni ta produce "Current Recommendatlons for high qualtty good yieling cropx. Insect Control in Tobacco." Ht dealt wlth&aU phases ai ta- At tht conclusion ai the méel- bacco fertilItation stresslng the lng Mr. Hermin Smith thanked Importance of lower applications the speakers for thefr vcryin- ai fertiliser tht saie growers formative talks and expressed my prcsentiy using. Mes bazic tht hope that meetings af a sum- recommendation wua 1000 Iba. aifilar nature would be continued 2-12-10 anîlysis. in the future. Clarke Township Council Wil Carry On Wilh Warhle Fly Contrai cd te have the represeiitatIve subapit an eStimale for reput-. re ttruck on band. npXPc«elt HUIlaJresented [a wrltten ta Counecilta bave the ortend of thatide road between lots 34 and 35, aCon. 5, made passable and the ,_Departinent ai Lanidsand For- i este ta unlock their gate. Tht ,-Clerk was Instructed ta requet aMr. Lintan ta unlock the gale aand If thia ta donc the road uupt. ýbe lnstructed to put a new top an the pre"ct Impassible abridge. S Mr. John Hendty approached Couicti sa*gancancerning tht re- moval of clm, tret. Council sua." gested that Mr. Hendry shaulTd contact the Telephont Co. ta sec ilptey wnll conadrremaval It was reported thaI Mr. Rus. tseU Osborne wouid like ta b. relleved as t.prescntative ta thé Bownianville Memoriui liespi. tai for the Township ai Ciarkte. Mr. J. T. Brown was authoriz- ed ta arrange for this matter. The Clerk was inatructed ta get in toucli with the Bldg. Ini. ýPectar ai the Township ai Dar- lintan and review tht present rBuidn gInspection Problems and report back to the next meeting. Tht matter ai tendering for gravai crushtng and machin. time wau tabltd until the next meeting. The Cauneil decidtd to pur- chase a loader for their Fergu- eon tractor. Moved by H. E. Walkey and seconded by Jas. T. Brown Re 1954 Warble Fly Campaign. <1) Tht Inspector was auth- orized ta advertise ail the facts af the 1954 campaign. (2) The Clark was authorized ta purchase Warbicide fram Durhami Farmers Co-op. The amaunt ai order ta be the sanie as mn 1953. (3) Edgar Nichais was hlred ta spray ail cattie so requested at 20c. per htad on smail herds not over 10 in nuniber and 2 for 35c. on ail herda over 10 in number. <4) Tht Inspector was inipaw- tred to bt responsible for the collections mentioned In Item 3 above. (5) That all spraylng ta be dont under the direction and supervision of the Warble Fly Inspector. The Durhami County District 111gb Sehool Board Budget for 1954 13 $150,000.00 ai which Clarke Tawnsbip's sh4ze ta 10.75%, the aniaut being $4q,- 12Z5.00. Tht seasen for psymniet cf Bounty on Fox pelts by the Un- ited Counties oi Northumber- perints proved that fatigu resulted primarily, not In=m en. penditure of effort, but trom In- attention, lack oai nteregt, anid boredoni. That, perliapa ex- plains why rmei ai great achievement have betu abTe te worlc for periods that union ai- ficials wauid consider murdair. oui, because they wtt. fascinaI. cd by what thty wtre damag. Maybc ther. tsa ahint la 1h18, Maybe loabs could b. rmade more Intercsting. Maybe the worker hiniseif could develop an udded interest by thlnklng of wlhat ho was doing rather than what lit was getting; ln discavering the whys ai bis operati1on, net jual the hows. Maybe thon wurk might become aq etznaulutlug, say, as an hour spent lu a boss MOVINS ANEAO wiTH CANADIANS IN EVERtY WALK 0F LIFE SINCE 1817 tended until thec 10th af March. Tht total subsidy for 1953 rad expenditures was $28,502.- 65 of which $17,403.53 hua been recelved apd the balance ta now outstanding. Vouchers wtt. pald amaunt- ý 1 8 m BAN Kft RAFT,, AUTOMATIC ELECTRC Funl gafln-capacity that pro- ducea a heavy concentration of stearo ail nsht on one foil. ing of wat.r! Shute off auto. matieally when the water is gan. Use it in the- bedroam J to relieve colds - anywhere to humidity th. asr. A great value - DOCTORS ADYSSE SIEAM @on <OtesS JURY ULOVELL Wben Wo Teot Eyez Ttt 1Donce pcpir YoVm EXM4 DRUG $TonU PHONE 778 BW A~IL Il

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