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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Mar 1954, p. 12

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r ~CV ______________________TMECANADIAN SBTATMAN, EOWMANvILL. ONTARIO THURSAMACElt, U N 7/te puxadi. mer visited with Mr. C]i Gilmer, » patient in W, Hospital, Toronto, on Sui Mrs. Gertrude Bonathý Toronto, spent the We with her daughter, Mrs. Saliows and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. J.A and family of Port Colbon Mr. H. Huntei of Peterbor visited on Sunday with Mi Mrs. Gardon Agnew. Mr. Jack Wade, Mns,1 Jase, Mrs. Archie Glenne3 Mrs. Pemcy Brown attende annual convention of the taria Horticultural Sociel Toronto last week. arenoe Vestern nday. àan of eekend Trudy Agnew nie and )rough, r. and Harry ýy and ýd the Le On- Bty in Fourteen members of the Mrs. Elsie Koropatwa, Mrs. Jean Newcastle Lionettes Club jour- Lewis Lnd Mrs. Orena Megit; neyed to Toronto by bus on Lions Room, Mrs. Jean Rickardý Thursday afternoon last for din- and Mrs. Betty Lennard; Mem- ner at the Town and Country bership, Mrs. Kay Stephenson Restaurant and later attended and Mrs. Dorothy Randal; Car- the Uptown theatre where the nival, Mrs. Helen Carveth and Glen Mller Story was showmng. Mrs. Dorothy Randaîl; Lion SDuring the regulan March Mascots, Mn.. Irene Roberts; mneetng o! the Club, among the Salvation Army CanvAs, Mrs. itemns of business discussed was Kay Stephenson; Bazaar, Ms.. a sale o! hame-baking ta be Charlotte Rickard; Visiting and held in the Community Hall on Flowers, Mrs. Orena Megît and the second Saturday in April Mrs. Marion Gilkes; Publicity, when a table for the sale of Mrs. Verna Agnew, Mrs. Joyc.e aprons. fancy wonk, etc., wiil be Witzel and Mrs. Lorraine Da- on disn3lay. vies; Program, Mn.. Lorraine Members of the vanlous com- Davies and Mrs. Irene Roberta; mnittees of the club as appointed Welfare, Mrs. Dunreath Walton, by the President. Mrs. Marion Mrs. Betty Lennard and Mrs. Knox, are as foilows: (lst nam- Jean Lewis; Property. Mrs. Don- ed ta be chainman), Bingo Com., othy Randail. 1t t t hi !ar Jc hri 'yg 'TI ti )ci; de: ri ai .es: u& We RE 1 c tei Newcastle Branch Hospifal Auxiliary Plans Card Party the the the iad e is. 'l [ch -ist ,er 'he. ;he ia- n. ist u- 31- of o A fine representation of la- dies of Newcastle an-d district met in the Community Hall on Wednesday, March lth to make plans w1hereby they might raise funds ta help the work of the Woman'.i Auxiliary of Memor- ial Hospital of which they are a Branch. Lait year's President,. Mrs. D. R. Dewdney and Secretary- treasurer Mrs. Irwin Colwill were returned ta office. It was decided to hold another monster card .party ater Easter and some committees, whose work must be commenced at once, were formed. The next meeting of the group will be held In the Lion's Room of the CGmmunity Hall on Wed- nesday, March 3lst at 2 p.m. NESTLETON th The W. A. ladies had a sue- al cessful quilting and !inished a aquilt for a needy family. Mn. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm entertained several friends ta suppen on Fniday evening in honor o! hem fathen, Mr. George nKerr, Yelverton, who celebra- ted his binthday. Mn. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Janetville, visited Mn. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and family. Mn. and Mn.. Maurice Nesbitt and Trevon, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Heaslip, Yelvemton. Mn. Wilman Ritze, Oshawa, was a dining guest with Mr. and Mn.. L. Joblin and called on other aid neighbons. Mm. and Mn.. Gardon Russell, Woodville, visited Mn. and Mn.. M. Emerson on Saturday. Mr. Norman Malcolmi, Toron- to, spent Saturday evening with Mm. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm spent an evening with Mr. and Mn.. George Prasser, Cadmus. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Malcolm are spending a few days with hem sisten and brother, Miss Coma Crozier and Mn. George Crozier. Mn. and Mns. Allan Suggitt, Part Perry, called on friends on Satunday. The pictures put an by Miss Gwen Wilson on Friday nîght were much enjoyed and alI re- part a fine evening spent ta help the W.I. Congratulations ta Mr. John Veale and Miss Irene Ward o! Toronto who were married by Rev. Hutton at the parsanage on Saturday. Mn. and Mrs. L. Joblin were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Johns on Tuesday night. Mns. H. Vine spent an even- ing with Mr. and Mns. L. Joblin. Miss Trudy Finlayson, Port Penny. was Sunday suppen guest with Mn. and Mrs. H. Vine and Charles. Mr. and Mn.. Victor Malcolm spent Sundayevening with Mr. and Mn.. Lawrence Malcolmi. C.I.L. ATTENTION - FRUIT CEOWEIS 1 Spring is just around the corner. For your FERTILIZER and SPRAY MATERIAL requirements consuit our dealer GES. A. WALTON Newcastle phn.ei3i FREE Soil Testing Servie Phione 3621 Waterworks By-Law is Defeated As Newcastle Property Owners Show Little Interest in Vole With 463 property owners on extra bite on thein pocketbooks the list, only 184 turned out on abave civic pnogress were on Monday ta vote on the question the job ta ensure the defeat o! of issuing debentures for the in- the project. stallation of a municipal water- Due c-c, the numerous errars works system in Newcastle'wîth in the compiiing of the voters' a majanity of 134 voting against lists and the complacency, the by-law. shown by voters in faîling ta The vote was the result of a have errors corrected on the petition bigned by 146 property list which has been posted since owners presented ta the village last November, many otherwise council lest July requesting the eligibie voters were unable ta taking o! a survey of the village exercise their franchise on Mon- for waterworks and sewage day. purpases but only 50 or apprax- Voting By Wards imately one third of those sign- East Wamd West Ward ing the petition appeared at the For Against For Against polis on Monday to support the 30 67 20 117 project, while those 'who put the Total for 50 against 184 on Thursday afternoon. Nestielon Sf ation Mr. and Mrs. Walters and children, Oshawa, were Sundayl Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brown, guests o! Mrs. F. Tripp. Oshawa, called Sunday on Mr' Miss Mvagaret Steel, Reg.' N., and Mrs. N. C. Marlow. Toronto, visited her parents, Mn. L Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Beacockan Mr.W.te. spent the weekend in Toronto. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. H. McLaughlin and Mrs. Mrs. John Veale who wene mar- Jas. Farder helped in the Angli- ried Saturday afternoon, March can booth at Mr. Russel Spinks' 13th at che parsonage, Blaek- sale on Saturday. stock, by Rev. C. W. Hutton. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt, Miss Yvonne Grieve was brides- Mr. Elmer Nesbitt and Mr. An- maîd and Mr. Charles Matthews, drew Holmes arrîved home Sat- Oshawa, was groamsman. The urday from a most enjoyable reception was held at the home six weeks' trip ta Flonida. o! Mn. and Mn.. John Gnieve, Miss Gwen Wilson, Richmond sister o! the groom. Hill, svrent the weekend wîtà Shows Movies Mrs. Hierman Sameils. Miss Gwen Wilson showed Mn. Bruce Heaslip took five hem coloured mavie films o! the Egypt school children ta the TooGood Teacher Tour, in Nes- Musical Festival in Peterboro tieton United Church on Friday on Thursday. Moira McComb, evening under the auspices o! Betty De Vries, Shirley Snooks, the Women's Institute. Rev. Mr. Leonard Saunders and Nicol C.W. Hutton was chairman. Mr' Fonrest came home with several H. McComb gave an interesting honors. The Cartwright students St. Patrick talk and led a live- and teachers are ta be highly ly sing-song o! Irish sangs ac- cangratuiated on their excellent companied by Mrs. Lawrence standing. Malcolm at the piano. Mn.. Dave Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Payne and Wilson favoured with a delight- family, Cadmup, spent Sunday fui piano solo and Master Lloyd wîth Mr. Kitchener Burton and Wilson accompanied by hîs ma- Douglas. ther, sang a number in his own Guests with Mn. Nbon, Mrs. charming manner. Mn. Wilford Emerton and Jim were: Miss Jackson accompanied by his Ellen Wilkins, Part Hope; Mn. daughter Marilyn at the- piano, Brenton Farrow, Starkville; favoured with a 'trumpet selec- Mn. and Mrs. Fred Rogers and tion andi Mrs. Earl Dorrell gave Harvey, Oshawa; Mir. Elmer one o! her humorous readings. Gardon and Miss Gladys Rogers, Miss Eunice Wilson capably Toronto. handled the projector and Mrs. John Dickey opened e Gwen's description and travel- home for a Ladies' Aid quilting ogue af, tne vanlous views were The value of Canada's miner- al production in 1953 reached the record high of $1,331,000,- 000. Largest gains in the year were in crude petroleum, iron1 ore and cernent. most interesting. Mrs. M. Emer- son thanked ail who contribu- ted in any wqy ta the program and entertainment. Mrs. Murray Coates, Barbara and John, cailed on Miss Rose Moùuntjoy and Mr. and Mrs. Lor- enzo Mountjoy. Ladies' Aid Nestleton Ladies' Aid met Tuesday afternoon at the ýhome of Mrs. Jas. Harris. Mrs. 'Wolfe presided. Mrs. Wilson read the Bible tesson and Mrs. Gist gavé the explanation. Plans were made for the April meeting at the manse when the Ladies' Aid members of Ballyduff and Jan- etville wvil be guests. Mrs. Dic- key offered her home for a quiting in Thursday ànd the rÎ,il cak was answered with blocks f another quilt. It was moved that the ladies pay $150 to complete the payment o! the $ 1,500 mortgage on the manse and endorsed. Mr. MeC Comb gave a most interesting talk on "Tie Lîfe of St. Patrick". Mrs. Harris conducted a "Parts of the Body" contest which was won by Mrs. Lloyd Beacock. Mrs. George Wolfe gave a pa- per "Tips and Tithes". A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Har- ris and assistants. Miss R. Proutt and Mrs. G. Wolfe, Mns. Cecil Wilson tendered a vote of thanks for the pleasant, meeting. Mr. Jas. Harris, Mr. Herbert Hooey an-d Mrs. Wm. Hooey at- tended Presbytery meeting in Peterboro on Tuesday. Your correspondent has been most grateful for your gracious enquinies and many kindnesses. A cracked kneecap, definiteiy on the mend, provided a very deiightful winter holiday-time1 to rest, read, write, loaf, laugh, look and lîsten - what better holiday could one wish! Br.OfaStpesm.DMas NOTICE Power wilI be Off in Newcastle from 2 Io 3 p.m. SATURDAY, MARCK 201h Newcastle Hydro Commission. Children under 12 - * - - 30c liii r j ~ sisted in the work. The Royal Keep windows sparkling witi> Arch wil be conferred on sev- a solution made hy mlxing a eue eral candidates some trne in of cider 'vinegar with 1% galloug April. of hot water. Apply with a t4ol. Local investors in the promp- lulose sponge. tion of mines are having many When paint:ng stairs that the get togethers lately. Hope yau fanilly use daily. paint every make a million boys! other step. When they are dry, Have you sampled the 1954 paint the remainingoe-z niaple syrup crap yet? My haîf membering to leave a s1V> for Mi. and Mrs. Alex Walker, Bowmanville, were Sunday vis- itons with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence God- dard, Bowmanville, spent Fil- tday evening at a local ouchre eparty here. We wene sonry to learn that Mrs. Bill Hackwood is, in St. Joseph's Hospital. Peterboro. Some local citizens are dis- appointed on the quota alloted them of baby trees for spring planting. Mrs. Stewart, Ballyduf!, is reported ta be iii poor heaith. We also understand that Mr. Tom Malcomson is not weil. Mr. Malconspn for several years farmed in thîs locality. We are soon going to lose another businessman in the per- sojn of Mr. Lorne Bowins. Lamne has sold his grocery and meat business here and wîll be nlovingta Orono where he will be in charge of Mr. Bill Arm- strong's meat trade. Carscadden's Glee Club held another enjoyabie euchre at the home of Mr. R. J. Payne on Friday. Five tables o! Pro- gressive Euchre were i pro- gress with the lady's first prize goîng ta Mrs. Alvin Qian and the gent's being won by Mr. St. Clair Danoch. Consolation a- wards went ta Mrs. Orville Challice and Mr. Delbert Bow- ins. Mrs. ýLîddleton's auction sale on Satu£-,ay attnacted a large crowd with good prices pre- vailink . Mrs. Middieton will be moving ta Toronto soon where she has purchased a home. Mr. Tom White and Barney White are having a pleasant holiday in New York. L.O.L.. No. 82, held another good meeting recentiy when two candidates were conferred the Royal Blue Degnee. W. Bro. T. Staples, P.C.M., and W PONTYPOOL and His Caitadian Jamboree Gang DANCING 9:15 TO ONE Admission - - - Adulis 60c each Around' uthe wIIoA'1d i din te eic- '1.e of Canad[a 7die110 ý&f a*. e iazda A 14in '-4 a er~-'/4 AFTER A* FLIGI4Y AROUIND TifE WORLO 1ct~~4.c' e 4~a e~zy mdýe -e ILC.A.î'. RECRUITIG UNITF/ALUFI 27 St. Clair Ave., E. Postal St,>. Q Toronto 5, Ont. Phone: PR.6659 or 6650 Ape O 4k>n4edoéiesnwaolii .les eite ome, ,rtout obliation, fuit peouiculori rego"dUg j KSArI m.p(Chre peint).. SYRIE?................................... COT .................... ROVINCE...... I *UCAION (b>' grade end prvie~w) ......... ................................ .............. ....................... A, . I Yeui must b. 7but nt y.' 23,e .Jd h' o t oPion, 1i.eqiu.nI r esP L Whn.,,opplymgq, brin,1) 11,sfCortificole 2) Proof of Eîc --------------------------------------------- -- -- -- -- --------------- a t.-- .-~ How about you? New courses are starting for Air Crew training. For deuails, see the RCAF Career Counsellor ut the address in the coupon-or mnui .kthe 'am I.. 1~ ji Royal-u- -un.A'r Frce ~LIM7 i M REV!IEW TOUE BIJLIFICATIORS WITHI AN EIPEIENCED ECAF CABEER COIJNSELLOIR Social and Personal k.' Write Io: The RAF Recruiting Unit, ý27 St. Clair Ave. East, Toront o (Juif off Tonge) %Sýt' i 1 ý m illi à 1 1 FRIDAY, MAtRCH 19âh The Best in OId Time Dancing and Entertainment With The Canadian Country Boy Neil Taft Newcastle Community Ral 1- 1 1- Id Y'all Corne! Y'all Corne! to the ad For Show

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