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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Mar 1954, p. 13

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- ý- - --- - - - - - a * * -.-A qi RSDAY, MARCE îeth, 1954 TM CANADIAfl TATE5MAJq toksteps to remedy, the situa- I~ tion, said Reeve Uittle. 1 ew Hydro KWH Showu ai Rotary Councillor Lilian Richards sald that she was chairman cf the town hall committee last Features Ottawa River Power year at which time she went______ into the proposai ot moving the celsa but the chief cf poice An excellent colour film, tory. Due ta the tact that tii wanted them left where they Power Fromr the Ottawa", se- Ottawa draps 500 feet ini 25 were as it was net feasible te cured by Rotarian W. Rosa miles midway along ts course take prisaners down the stir Strike, Q.C., tram Uic Ontario it was ideaily suiteg for hydro ta the basement. The re4luest ta Hydro-Electric Power Commis- electric development. Frai redecorate did net corne until sion, was shawn ta thc members the end cf World War 1 in 194.« after the town council bad ef the Bowmanville Rotary Club until 1952 major power devel brought in their estimates. at their regular meeting last epments--Cheneaux. Des Joach "If you want ta erect your Fniday. Ims~ and Uic Otto Holden-wen own building, I think it would Mr. Strike, who lu 2nd Vice. developed along this 25P-miq be a good thing for us," said Chairman et' Uic Ontarie H.E. stretch. Mayor Jack Burnet. of Cobourg, P.C., was introduced by Rotar- Construction Work Shown «because we can use the space !an Rev. T. A. Morgan. He ex- The film sbowed constructlci that -the county offices now oc- plained that the film was made work on these three devélop It wuld be a wondertul only recently and bas been en- ments and Uic finisbed powe: ifyucould." tered by Ita producers in a stations. The three prejectsta Reeve Little reminded the competition in Edinburgh for gether praduce 942,000 barse cauncil that the lease bound the the best institutional film of the power of electnical energy.I town ta keep the offices clean. year. Eigbteen copies et the was pointed out that these threi It cast the counties $8,000 a film are being made for show- stations, along with the Chat year ta accupy those offices and ing by clubs and organiztons Falha development built In 1931 it was felt that tbey should get througbout Ontario, Mr. trike bave harnessed the great powe: something in return. said. et Uie Ottawa River ta serv Warden MeCann. said that i The film sbowed beautiful tihe needa of Uic people of Oi regard ta the room for the lady colour shots cf scenery alang tarie. Tbey are tbree major ac jurars the -cunties three years the Ottawa River and explained complisbments ýii Uic search b, age tbought they had it solved that It bas a rich background Ontario Hydro ta develop nej when they got the reom off the et Canadian tradition and bis- sources of power te serve ti deputy-sheriff's office but it needs et industry and corn turned eut that it was net re- merce in Ontario. garded satisfactory because tbe MT'TT Mr. Strike was thanked fo lady junars had ta corne tbrougb £MORR&LIJAA bringing the film te the meetinx the crowds in the lobby an the by Rotarian Farbes Heyland way te their jury room. The There was a large attendance who stated that it had givi wanden dcclarcd that he was at Sunday School hcld at il a. ail those present an increasei net in faveur et a new building. m. on Sunday, March l4tb. For- understanding et the vast w0r Councillor Roy Dodge point- ty-twe wenc present. Next Sun- et the H.E.P.C. ot Ontario. cd out that the town hall base- day churcb service will be held President George Moody wel ment would be ideal for offices. at 10 a.m. te be followed by comcd five visiters te the mees He asserWd that the counties Sunday Scbool at il a.m. ing, Rotarians W. McKinstre: were goo d tenants and he would A veny successtul social even- and Syd Ballard of Osbawa, Ro net want the tewn te lose tbemi. ing was beld on Tbursday, tarian Jack Coopman et Fores _______________ Mzrch ilt1h at the home of Mr. Hill, and George VanBridge rias LONG SAULT Y ours lf inThe chieken-pox bas nearly completed its rounds among the Yours lf in - -C school children. Many of the S pre-school age have now fallen victims ta the itchy disease as well as several of the older folk who were flot fortunate in hav- 'the pic u had the disease ini their the Picure! ~younger days.arî and famiiy, Burketon, Mr. and Mrs. C. Penwarden and Mr. and YOU can own your own home. Ail you have Mrs. Paul Vaneyk with Mr'. and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk and John. Mrs. Gertie Baker spent Sun- to do is start planning for it NOW - build in the day with ber sister, Mrs. Wm. Brown. S in.We have everything you'11 need . . . can Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goble, Keith and Leslie, visited friends sh~ow you how te get ail the room you want for the in Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moore, Bet- affor to send.ty and Jewel, were Sunday sup- money you can afr osed per guests of Mary and Dick Neilson. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker CornehI - our Mr. Myers will be glad te help you and famlly and Mrs. F. G. Smith and Grace, were Saturday even- ing guests ef Mr. and Mrs. R. Sim to watch T.V. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Turner, Dial213 Bo manvlleor -466 Ostl là Bruce and Elaine. Toronto, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Harper and Willie. ______________________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goble Keith and Leslie, witb Mr. and YOUR SATISAFCTION IS OUR SUCCESS Mrs. Harvey Partner, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Eders, Holland, recently arrived last week at the home of their aunt and un- cle's Mr. and Mrs. Walter Van.- lAI.. Ieyk. We welcome them to u Osh wa ood Pro iLtd . fair country and hope they will stay in our community. Yard andd Nil! ai Courtico No persans are more frequent- ly, wrong. tha hse who wiil flot admit they'are wrong.-Re- chefoucauld. ANNPERAR A E 80thYEAR ESTALISHD 1 74 j and Mrs. Norbert McHolm's. 15 tables et euchne were played. Friends were present tramn Port Hope, Wclcome and Newcastle. Another social will be held at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborne's on Thursday, March 18th spon- sored by Mrs. M. J. Osborne and Mrs. D. Haines. Anether qult was put in the trames on Monday. Marcb 8th and as a result et several mare wîlling workcrs ceming ta belp it was finisbed by Tuesday 5 p.m. There will be anether quilt- ing party before tee long wbich wc expect will wind up these activities for the present. Mrs. -Mary Simpson, Toronto, with ber sister, Miss M. Beck- ett. Our representative for the Red Cross, Mr. Allen Peters, is busy canvassing this district. We wisb him cvery success. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and tam- ily have moved into "The Red Brick House" of Mn. Dawson Beebe aise Mr. and Mrs. Me- Murray and family, all tram the "Grandy" tarm. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Wennen and Mrs. Wm. Cuffe, Toronto, were Sunday visitors witb Mrs. Minnie E. McHolm. The regular monthly meeting et the Mission Band was beld in the school roomn on Tuesday, March 9th, and conductdd by the president, Stanley Ellis. 28 members were present. The meeting apened witb a hymn after which the roll was called. At meeting Uic win.- ning side will be declared. The regular otfering was taken up during the singing at "Hear The Pennies Drepplng" tfollowed by prayer. The oftering amounted te 75c. Mns. Harry Beckett nead another stery tram thc Study Book after a short quiz upon the chapter rend last month. The meeting closed witb the Mission Band Purpose and prayer. YELVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Will Robinson, Cavan, visited witb Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Robinson on Sun- day while Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robinson, Bnidgenortb, were guests et thc Ray Roblnson's. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Heaslip visited witu M&. and Mrs. Ken Hcaslip tbreugb the week. Mr. and Mn.. Murray Mal- colm and Marllab motared te Canningten an Sunday ta visit witb Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGiUl. Mn. and Mra. Balfour Moore and tamiiy jaurncyed to Cmii- eren to visit with Mr. and Mno. Ern Canning. Mn. and Mrn. Erle Ross, Ta- rente, spent Saturday and part et Sunday witii Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Hcaslip. John and Jean McCabe were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Mal- colm Mn. Ralph Malcolm attcnded tbe convention ofthec Associa- tien et Rural Munidipalities held at the King Edward Hotel in To- rente on Tuesday. Mrs. Malcolm visited with Mn. and Mrs. Gar- don Henderson and with Mn. Ruth Cechenan, Tarante. Mn. S. Sednian and Mr. Clit- tord Sedman, Wbitby, Mrs. Der- rlCorcAell and Ian, Keremes, B.C., mf7ere througb tbe week giuasts et Mr. and Mrs. Balfour M5ônre. The Ides of Marcb have came anid gene and still winter holds Yelverton i a tightly clenched tist se menacing that metbinks Spring is tee tnighten- cd te put ini an appearance. And if that weren't enough, if the fain lady did venture out, the winds would blow ber back. The snow stili drifts across the fields, that i. what snow ian't alrcady on the roads and cveryone stiil wondcns "Wil we get eut te-night? But cheen up, Spring must be just around thecocrner, even if it is a long corner, for Ralpi Malcolm says he saw a mcadow lark sheltening itselt around tic barn tic other day. Now, while we tease the man himsclt about cailing every strange bird that f lits into the neighborhaod a Nerthenn Shriek, we'll give gnound on ibis anc and cede that be knows a mcadow lank whcn be secs one, although it's geeIly -_rylai -ntuesea He aise made birthday prese tatiens te Retanians Arthi Morgan and Tom Palmer. 1 thanked the committee w] handlcd arrangements for tV N.H.L. Old-Timers game f their bard work an this proji Attendance Chairman Kei Billett presented a two-ye perfect attendance pin ta R tanian George Hacking. assisted by Mrs. D. Wilson. Mrs. Ray Robinson gave oertinent facts about the life of varlous 2lassical composf3rs. Mns. Rolbinson polnted out how many popular songs had been stolen tram the classlcs such as "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" tram Chopin's "Fan- tasie Impromptu" and "Till the End of Time" from, ane of hie Polonaises. Mirs. Wilson played a portion of this Polonaise. Pa- derewski's lit e was -reviewed with Mns. W. piaylng-his fam- ous Minuet. Strauss was discuss- ed and a portion cf "The Tales From Vienna Woods" was play- ed. The April meeting is to be lit the home of Mn. Balfour Moor. Hostesses are Mrs. J. Van Dam, and Mrs. N. Wilson. Devotional in charge of Mrs. C. Page and program Miss Bm Henderâ. Yelverion W. A. Appoints Commiltees For X..RaySurvey le 50*Yelverton: The March meet-a I, in heicYelverton W.A., wua 1 d a the home et Mns. B. Gib- )mson on Tueýsday, March 9. Mns.1 ý4 J. Van Dam was i charge of1 el- the devotional. Mrs. D. Wilsoni 'h- read Uic acripture and Mrs. R.c Se Robinson gave a fine teplc. 1 le The business meetingt was preslded over by Mrs. F. Stin- son. The treasurer's report read by Mrs. M. Nesbltt show- oned a balance an batid et $85.1 ýP Mrs. H. Malcolm çave the ne- ,er part et Uic committee respon- Lo sibie for the St. Patrick's con- se cent. Mn.. Wilbert Malcolm, Mrs. itBert Gibsen anid Mrs. Jack Wil- eeson were appointed te overice Etlunch preparations for the same 31, night. Miss Em Henders and re Mrs. Geo. Wilson ta be i charge ve of the "Parcel Post" booth. M- I Much discussion was held ne- >b, garding Uic T.B. Cheat X-ray ew Clinic that la ta be held in Yel- id etni a. r.F tno m-was nained survey chairman. Mrs. Clarence Page and Mrs. for Howard Malcolm were asked te îg accompany ber te Bowmanville dmeeting on March 10 te ascer- ren tain what arrangements are ne- ;d cessary. Six sub-chairmen bave )ric been named--Supply, Mrs. Hew- ard Malcolm; anganizatien -1k el Mrs. Clarence Page; Publicity-' et Mrs. Ralph Malcolm; Canvas- - .yMrs. Dave Wilson; Clinic-Mrs. eo- Jack Wilson. est A series et Bake Sales begin- Ye ning the Saturday betore East-' ie. er in Lindsay, wene planned.. ýn- Miss Em Hendens and Mrs. Jack' iur Wilson wene appointed ta make He1arrangements for a place forý rh these sales.1 the Flowen collection amounted ta. for $2.60. Hostesses Mrs. Gibson, ot. Mrs. W. McCabe and Mrs. Jas itii Sheckleten served a sumptueus ar lunch. .o- A very fine pnogram was given by Mrs. Ray Robinson You are cordially inviied Ioattiend The, Amiual DIRTHDAY PARTY Of the Dowiuanville Hospital at the NURSES' RESIDEN CE 3 Io 6 p.. THURSDAYr MARCII 25 EVERYONE WILL BE MADE WELCOME.' Sponsored by the ýLadies' Hospital Auxiliary There'às No owet prlced car of t4e Iow-priced flid 1 Because Chevrolet out-produces and out-sels every otiher car line in Canada, youn Chevrolet can be produced at lower cost, and the savings are passed on ta yeu. Yes, Chevrolet brings yau year atter year the finest quality at the lowest prices - at Chevrolet prices, the lowest oi ali Zhevolot's maintenance cost le nat'>. rally Ioweri When it cornes to down-to-. earth dollars and cents maintenance costs, yau save an service when yen drive Chev- rolet. And whcn it cornes ta convenience, remember that nao ther car cas match thc service facilities et the buge Chevrolet Dealer network, ready ta serve yen wher- w yu arc, from coast to coast. ooLike OU ROY COURTICE Chevrolet dependabllty I. uneurpam*ed by any cari Nothing beats farnous Cbev- rolet dependability. Many large camparnes choose Chevrolets fer theïr entire sales force because Chevrolet's reputatian for. reliabilhty assures them these cars will be faithtully en the road ail day every day. Chevrolet off... unmartched economy of operation 1 Your high- compression Chev.ý roiet engine - highest in its field - squeezes extra iles out of every gallon cf gaseline you buy. On top et that, Chev- rolet gives you the extra efficiency cf over- head-valve design, pianeered by Chevrolet and exclusive in the lowest-priced field. Hlghest trade-hi -valu. In the Iow-prlc.d -fld 1 Yes, actual used-car figures show that Chevralet conistcatly commandsaa higher proportion of ita original prie@ upan re-sale than any other car - a tac yen can verity for yaurself by cbecking used-car prices in your newspapcr. This ja but oDne more indication of Qi.vrol.t' miperior valuel Chevrlt'. engineering excellence pre. vides the seund basis of Chevrolet's papularity. Chevrolet's dependability wins new friends year after year. Last year, consumer preference for Chevrolet gave this car a huge margin of 20,000 units aver the nearest competitor. This is indicative cf Chevrolet's extra value, when you buy, when you drive and when you trade I There's no cor Dike Chevrolet whcn h cornes to sales Ieadcrshipi And that's because Conadians realize that there's no economy like Chevrolet economy, when it cornes to, owning a fine cctr. Chevrolet gives you ail the best for much less than any other Iow-priced Canadien carl It 9lvês you tried und truc cconomy -... econorny of buying, driving and ttading -... economy that is unmatched. And Chevrolet gives you power, comfort and safcty that you can't find anywhere cise in Chevrolet's field. Before you buy, sec und drive a brilliant ncw 1954 Chevrolet ... your best buy by far for "541 Economy C J 8541 W . PAGI E -THiRTEN NICHOLS DO WNAN VILLEC -0-lqtm- "Il, 1 K. BOWIL&NVILLir4 CMTAJUU Gratitude la much more than a verbal expression of thanks. Action expresses more gratitude than spcech--Mary Baker Ed- dy. _ _ _ 7

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