PAGE 8m"MEE Service Clubs Throughont Ontario Work Dehind Easter Seal Campaign When the average persan they mid105000Ese thinks ai Rotary, Kiwani.3,Ses in onder ta raise at least Lions, Pnagress an any ai the $500.000. other service clubs in Canada, As weli as backîng the On- f he pictunes in his mind a hotel tario Society ion Crippled Child- lobby, filled with conventioning ren, many ai the langer servicei business men and al out for a clubs have flourishing nehabîlit- real gaod time. He sees grown ation pragrams ai their awn and mnen playing pnanks at each help ta case the constant pres- othen's expense like school sure put on the Socîcty's pros- boys. He can barely make out ent budget and facilities. The é thein smiing faces thnough the Rotary Club oi St. Catharines, thick cigan smoke. And the ion example, handles nearly al chances are 100 ta one against cases ai crippled kiddies in Lin- hum ever imagininÉ these '-good- coin County. Its membens have natured guys" couid be nemote- assisted in iaunding anc ai the 13' cannected with a cipple two new summen camps for child. crippled childnen the Society But thcy are. They are living owns, bringing the total ta five. examples of Easten Scals at Most ai the othapcdic sur- wark. And as anc officiai ai the geons and physicians, who con- Ontario Society fan Cippled tibute their timo and great Children, who has worked with skill in straightening out littie thon for more than 32 yearsi, limbs, are service club mcm- put it. "The service clubs are bers, too. the backbone ai aur work. With- Many a young man and wam- out them we could nat iunc- an waiks proud and upright in tion." the Easten Panade taday because Actually the O.S.C.C. was a Rotanian, a Kiwanian oran fanmcd in Windsor, Ont., in Lion helped fit hum or hem with 1922 whcn the nepresentatives braces or crutches when thiey ai 10 service clubs met tagethen were just a crippied kid." because they werè appalled LittleE with the number ai uncaned for lf sseh cases ai cippled children across AIt ernoon leiay fash e how the province. Today 195 service A xlay FsinSo clubs-a new and ail turne higti l ksok11M 1Womnens Clut -wiil take part in the annual lcsokW S Eastcn Seal fund-raising pro- gram ta finance linical tneaf- Biackstock: The Aiternoon ENI ment, braces, wheel chairs, Auxiiiany ai W.M.S. met at the summer camps, cenebral palsY home aif Mns Fowlcn an Wcd-- centers and transportation for ncsday aiternoon. Mrs. E. Lan- Mn. and Mrs. handicapped chiidnen.. Thý*s mer apened the meeting with Marion and M' y-car Eastcr Seal Campaign ex- a pocin "The Joy ai Working and Mns. Hoski tends ta Apnil 18. and Giving". Mns. E. Darreil tan. In the tiniest village or han- taok the devotianal with the Mn. and Mrs. let, as well as the large cities, theme, "The Chunch in Their with Mr. and M enthusiastic senvice club mcm- House". The roll cahl was ans- Broaklin. bers start their intensive mail - wered irain Gleanings iran the Miss Laish ing and canvassing pragnan World's Day ai Prayer. manvilie, Mn.D mohths before Easter. This year Miss Chant, leader ai the C. Toronta, at Mn.' ______________________ G.I.T. outlîned saine ai their Mn. and Mns activities and plans ai the aifil- with Mr. andA Proteet iation service with the W.M.S. Whitby. Yo*r Valuable was discussed. The ladies at- Mn. and Mrs. tending the Presbyteriaî gave family with Mn. CA T Ssone intcresting events ai the r owig CA T Ssessions. adCwig Apaist Defieiencies Mrs. R. Lamer was in change W. A. meta cauin; sSur, Pnoumonlcc and j ai the pragran. The chapten iMn.Geof n Oti.r Disue witli NIXOWS the Study Book "Modemn Min- thii'teen memnbe PRE EN EXaches" was taken by Mrs D. devotional was T A I.ENTEXDarnell. Mrs. Ralph Lanncr Donald Prescatt T .Aàq3itoL 3 T 8 ~ ~ gave afew exccrpts iran ad- sianary selectiar ebtoM . i mL, ies e dndess given by Rt. Han. L. . G. Bawman. It A~I ~TROEL ~ Pearson on Externai Afiairs hald a whitce e GEfiGMZoNIS PzEr Lunch and a social timewathnxtmei utspent. was requestcd JURY & LOVELL mfan thisrsale. JiEh n. . owanmvffle Scnd yaur Pink Envelope in For the progr. today. win gave a taik place oi Pauline R. M. Seymour iran the Presbý awa, which she previaus wcek.9 Mrs. WilfridB hunanc'us Irish rcqucst for Irish ai a contest wa silence. Page Sen Graup two seti IHUANE NOV ANVELUlots ai sandwich pickles iollowed THURS. -FIRY. M~A. MARS 18 -19 20Z She's TYR( Mrs. H. Halla "DANGE OILSQMn. and Mns. Alla: Catharines. Jack Phare ai * M" IEN~,. Mape Creek, viý W ET"-TECHNICOLOR e rs ing the home bý bunnt to the gro- day. Cause unkno, * -'John Hynes spei Takea rereshng .. ESHER in Toronto andi Takejq rffteshig ESHER Sans ai Ineland CI plunge into FuàW T.1T U Sunday evening. and Romance..." AIALLU M S .kI Mn. anvd Mns . Songs and Hilarity iiit FERNANDO and chiidren visi TAEEAC' Mrs. Chas. Murni M-G-. BI LJU 1A~ ough. vaao-t' IGe MWarren Cross, ' vacatio -time>ACK the w eek-end wit ~ARSONMrs H. Philp. CHARLOTr wene dinner guest Mns. C. W. Woodley AND Jin, Mn. and Mrs.1 Mn. anci Mrs. Lo etilitlési éoi e j liil (E11 1 91118 U soIIII iLance Phiare .attenr "A ofi! s esv#El* auoffielsaway party in honar @OJUNN UZAMsd th. DuXitsOrnINMUMH Mrs. Jr. Cailacutt ]W ville at Enniskillen .XALVISITday evening. Tyrc 70FUi MWON join in wishing Mr Colacutt the best o Messrs. GQorge an( tan, Oshawa, Mn. arl Stainton, Hampton; Staintan, with Mr. WBD. THURis. - ARCHR 24 - 25 Henry Stainton. iamily, Bowmanvul]E andi Mrs. G. Alîdreac Youli LAuGNfi You'iI CRYI x Ms.W Rh vs ond OVE UT!Niddey and Mary, and L VE I 1 Mr andMrs. Joh' Ibaby, Oshawa, visite na Yellowlees. Mn. and Mrs. Paul Oshawa, visited Mr, ** * . . *** f*** g** B **e ...... M . Dubyk andi Diari icangratulatians to Beckett who celc 1 ~binthdav on St. Patr 00 Club 49 met at th «A Mns. F. L. Byam wt attendance. A soci DINE was enjoyeci along w ?ciaus lunch scrvedb ________________________________________________ charge. Next meeting THE CANADIAN STATESMAXN BOWMA&NVMLLF. 019TAIUO Swinging Into Spring at 1954 Fashion Show Bannie Mathewson captured hearts r*ght and enjoyed the parade of styles foryoungsters and aduli ilped ta madel youthful styles at the Spri ng shown in the above picture. w sponsared by the Business and Professionai -Photo by Carson Studio, Pont1 b, March 10. Part of the large audience who Miss Helen Downie Lectures on Home Economics ai Belhany Group Miss Helen Downîe, epresen- ance and temperaturc. Plan tative ai the Women's Institute aheaci ta save time. *bnanch and Home Economjcs When you know exactly what Service ai the Ontario Depart- yau are going ta serve, you ment ai Agriculture gave a wàste no tine standing in the most interesting lecture on micdle of the kitchen wandem- *"Shortcuts ion thp Honemaker" ing what you can produce in a in Bethany on Friday aiternoan. hurny. Plan aheaci ta save ener- Showing a film strip "Take gy. e an hand a good sup- Time ta Make Tino", Miss piy of home made mixes ready Downic said "Most honemýakem's for emengencies. A wise home- do not avail thenseives ai the maker keeps a wcekiy shopping passible shontcuts ta save time. list handy. It isn't a paon nen- They do not make thein equip- amy that nakes you take youn ment wonk ion them. Learn ta shopping list aiong ta the store sit at as nany tasks as passible. . . ài is wise iarethought. Use Leann ta lift without tiring al aven neals frequently when the back muscles. Leann ta use yaun days are especially busy." bath hancis at once. A sampie menu pianneci for Women waik many unneces- one week was given, as well as sany miles in thein kitchen, even nunerous recipes. Ruies werc if they have modern cupboard given ion the proper caoking ai space, etc., because they do not meat. fiist plan their work. 'Use youn At the close ai hen lecture heaci ta save yaur heels' is an Miss Dawnie heid - a discussion aid saying that stili halcis truc. period with cach member given Plan ahead for Gooci Food. the opportunity ta ask ques- Fahiow the faod guide ion tions ne menus andi time saving health andi sec that youn menus devîces. include milk, fruit. vegetables, Each anc present contnibutes mewhli gain-. e ..,,ana..r meat and fish (use liver1 a quently). In addition ta 'he ioregoing use eggs and che ice at least three tines each wE byPlan ahead for appetite appi as meals are mare enjoa ith when we plan ion contnasts nd colon, flavor, texture, appé nd Bethany Ladies Pla: For Musical Play tBy Enniskillen Grouj Bethany: The Wamcn's Asý hi, ciatian ai the United Chur r- met at the home ai Mms. E e. Weatherilt on Tuesday ait' t- noan, last week with Mns. Ma k, seli Finney pnesidîng. The scr: 1- turc lesson was read by M: ýn John White andi Mrs. T. Jac - son gave the lesson thoughtsi "The Meaning ai the Cross." I5 Minutes ai the previaus meE le ing andci camespondence whii ýe included lettens ai thanks frc kMns. George Waddell, Mrs.' SW. Pnice and Mn. Nelson Kc. dwene neaci by the secnetary, Mi -Walter Rowland. A danatic iran Mns. Josiah Joncs, a fa Ltmer member naw residing d Omeince, was neceived il thanks. The nesignatian ai Mns. *Malcoînson, leader oi Grou Five was accepted with regre and it was leit ta this gnaup1 appoint their own new leader, Plans wcne made ta spansc a musical play, "Happineý 1Aheaci," pmaduccd by the, Unite Chunch choir- iran Ennîskîier The progran was in chang ai Gnoup Three led by Mrs.1 Jackson, wha gave an article ai *"Memoies" Mrs. M. Finne: gave a eading, "The Lentei 1Season." "In this agc ai hurr-3 .bustle and noise, the need fa, 1a peniaci ai quiet thaughtiulnes is marc apparei)ý than even. Thi Lenten season, should be use( ion a tineofaispiritual nebinth.' Mns. Herb. Coppins presentec the topic, "The Way ai thi Cross." She said, "The power oi the Christian iaith andi tht source ai Christian salvatiai Icentres in the Cross." ciscs lunch was serveci by the hostess, assisteci by Mrs. Jack- son, Mrs. M. Finney andi Mmi H. Coppins. L. A%. Parker & Sont HEATING and PLUMBJNG 17 MIG ST. E. PHONE 651 BOWMANVILLE Youm correspondent was verý pleased ta reccive a post car recentiy iran the editan, Mi James, whiie ho is holidayinj in Flanida. It was very thought fui ai hum ta renemben us a haine. W.A. wili hoici thein Marc meeting at Mms. W. Werry's ai Thunsday, Manch l8th. Miss Beatrice Craig, MaplI Islandi, was home for the week. endi. Mn. and Mns. Farewell Black. humn and ianily with Mn. anc Mrs. L. Saveny, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. H. Van der Huci and iamily, Georgetown, wene recent visitons with Mm, andi Mrs. Bob Coiiacott. Mn. and Mrs. Francis Thomp. son andi fanily, Town, weme recent visitons with Mn. and Mns. F. Blackburn. Glaci ta repart that Mns. Charles Pollard is naking satis- iactony pragness lin Oshawa Hospital. Trinity W.A. Holds General Meeting The goneral meeting ai Trin- ity W.A. met in the church on Manch 9th. The theme sang, "Let the Beauty of Jesus be -Seen in Me', was sung, follow- ed by the Lord's Prayer. The wanship service was in change ai Gnoup 7, led by Mrs. Gibbs. Mrs. Plummen read the scripture, followed by Mns. Faley ieading in prayer. Miss IMary Alîdreaci delighted al with two fine vocal solos, ac- companied by Mrs. D. Alldread. *Mrs. C. Ives introduced the speaker wha was Mns. A. A. Crawle ai Oshawa, President oi the Bay ai Quinte Confer- ence W.A., andi Recording Sec- retary ai the Dominion Coun- cil. A set ai comprehensive ques- tions on W.A. work, bath coun- try widc and local, was given out by Mrs. Ives, ta which dii- feront membens answened. Mns. Crawle commented on these questions, giving nuch helpful information. She also sang, very sweetly, the added verses î to the W.A. theme sang. Mns. A. Baker paici a fine tnibute ta the late Mns. H. Fos- ter in telling and descnibing the significance ai the Seal ai the Unitedi Church, which couid be seen an the altar clath that had been a former git ta Tinity Church iran Mrs. Foster. The President, Mrs. C. Johns, canducted the business part and a very fine meeting closeci with the Mizpah benediction. Its 15 Hope fruup O coereiron hrtct i- Men of the Hampton Unitec fhe- Bot coveries.g Church Circuit Brotherhood en. the ooketsconainngample tertained their ladies at a soc. eese menus and cooking short cutsia vnginSlaCom . eek. were distributed to the 50 la- il a llveng insolyina Commu- )eal, dies present. The speaker was gsityHal n uesaynighet. r ble introduced and thanked by Mrs. gresien oer and aLo el ;in Thomas Jennings, president of lunch served. ar- the Bethany Women's Institute. Mrs. Douglas Flett presided for the missionary progran o] Sunday aftennoon. The on ,n Chisfin Misions people's class read the scrip- G roup in Charge read the d Donna p Backioc Y*.U.Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tinkan p Blacsfock .P.U. family visited a Mr. O. Cnuick- shank's, Peterborough. Mrs. ;s- Blackstock: On Manch 10, Addie Tink who has been visit- rch Blackstock Y.P.U. met with the ing friends there neturned home :a Christian Missions and World with then. ;r- Outreach convener in charge. Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, Brook- an- The meeting was opened with lin, visited at Mr. Bruce Tink's. ip- the hymn "Fling Out The Ban- Dianne and Lorne Tink ac- Irs. ner". Stuart Dorreli nead the companied Mr. Percy DewelJ k- scipture and followed it with and Douglas of Hampton ta the on a prayer. He led a quiz of ques- Sportsmen's Show in Toronto tions on general knowledge of on Saturday. et- the United Church. He nead Mran s.Fe Com ich some articles on the work of and random WeFred rm :)m mision rie on difere t c un-Oshawa, vsted at Mrs. Rose R. tries. Blanchard's. ?rr An article describing condi- Mrs. John Knox a d Brian rs. tions in Central Africa showed visited at Mr. Tomm7 Anden- on the great need of missionary son's, Toronto, and Mr. Howard r- help fran America. A descrip- Malcolm's, Brougham. in tion ai work in Cairo, Egypt Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires and th showed the transformation of a family werc weekend visitons street urchin into a Christian ata Mr. H. German's, North- T. leader by mission schools. port. îp In the business portion it was Mr. and Mrs. Hanry Knox et, decided ta send fiity dollars of and Dean visited at Mr. Don teoaur play proceeds to Missions. Goode's, Orono. The meeting closed wîth the Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Huis and or Frîendship Circle and Taps. Carol visitcd at Mn. A. His', Ss Tyrone. e ilMisses Jean, Mary and Olive ýn eakan ar e Crydçrman, Mr. Sain Carr, Osh- T. Tp w Whitby, visited at Mr. E. Cry- ýy Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, m em fvll cflO Mrs. Hazel Harris and Billie .LLuAAkILv.AIewere Sunday vîsitors at Mn. )n The 25th K. A. S. Rbyal Show BbJhso',Trno s was formally opened on Wed- Master Grdon Westlake, son ce nesday, March lth before hun- ai Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- ýd dreds of visitors by C. D. Ga- lake, Jr., and his grandather, haDptyMnsera Mr. F. R. Cook ai Bawmanviloe, dam cutuepuforOntrof Auaiescelcbrated their birthdays ta- eultnr fniends ario st dt îorgether on Sunday, Manch l4th. ie nd fr e nd o t e t ud nt f o m M r. E d w in C ook ai B o w m an - )f ahl parts of Eastenn Ontarioa ilwsalopeet [e agreed tha this was the best vle a lopeet disp iay tpto b h t- M. and Mrs. Neson Fice, n ayyeýt pt onby he tu-Taunton; Mn. and Mrs. Tom Edents in Agriculture and HomeWet lecnois as heWtid a ut' ake, Bowmanviile, visited do~ ~ eahohth rugh the edayat Mr. Frank Westlake's, Sr. -in colounful displays ai îivestack< M.adMs .Hne n sho mashphandicrats an children visited at M . Chas. educational H me s B o kin * Bus lads ai High School stu- M. and Ms. Hilton Tink, dens i an s f n E st s G en- Ebenezer, vsted at Mr. Harry garry County came fan the day.Kn's Grand Champion showman SClill Hmet nFday niht, was Craig Stratton ai Ottawa, MCh 19, wiethon H apt n iClub with the neserve position gaîng ac19wihHmtnCu to Hans Huckel ai Brckville. members as guests. Mrs. Lloyd Other Champion Shwmen Courtice, chairman ai tht Home wee Harold Harris, Madoc, and School Counil, will be Champion Swine Shwman; guest speaker. M. and Mrs. Glenn Lamr R. R. No 2, Nes- Holland, Oshawa, and M. J. tetn, Carmpior, e Show- Warrack will b e guest enter- man; William Emond, Wood- tainers. offe, Champion Hase Show- Bradley's Cmmunity Club man; John Stewart, Kinburnn are having a Progressive Lest Champin Beef Showvman; Lucy, Hein party in the school on Rowe, Cityý View, Champion Friday vening, March 19th. Junior Dairy Cattle Shwman1 Everync is welcame. Prizes. and Franklin Milne, Mountain, Mn. J. Yeiiowlees is a patient Champion Senior Dairy Cattle 1 n Memoiai Hospital, Bwman- Shwman - ville. His iends wish him a Some ther winnerg were:- speedv recovery. Champion Shwman - Field Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilson, Husbandry Division - Craig Dnny and Valent., Whitby, Stratton, Ottawa, with eseva visited at Mj. Stan Milîson's. place gaing ta Gardon Wilsonj ai Gardon Hill. Engineering Di- vision-Victor Henry, Antigua. '. B.W.I. Ewart Leask af Taunton, a n o ranked highest ini waodworking classes, whilc Calvin Hutchins aIE IiIE J ai Odessa won the trophy fer draughtsmanship in the Junior W AD Mrs. C. Lunney, in Charge of Service St. Paul's W.M.S. St. Paul's W.M.S. met at thé home oi Mrs. S. McAllister, March lCth The president, Mrs. Harold Ferguson openeci the meeting with a moment ai sulent Pra er in m cno nv oi the late Mrs. HanIry Foster. Mrs. Clinton Lunney had charge of the service andi spoke on "The United Nations Child- nen's Fund" and the wol * botter conditions against disbe' and ta meet energencies. jfrq. McAllister took the scrfpture lessan cancluding with prayer. Mrs. C. Lunney andi Mrs. H. Galbraith took the wonship ser- vice with campanisons botween Canada and the Unitedi States on Christian living and church attendance. I The meeting was closeýd r,1 the president. Farm Forums 1S.S. No. 4 FARM FORUM S.S. No. 4 Fari Forum met at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. Art Found on March 15 with 29 present. Subject for dis- cussion was "Fron Under the Earth." Do you think aur noinemal resounces including ail are be- ing used in the best interests ai ail Canadians? We disagnecd on the answer. -y tg ial in tne cievelopmenlt 0our t- The Cadmnus W. A. held a resources. Others thought the t crokinole party at the church export of iron ore etc. to U.S.A. last Wednesday evening. There was flot in best interests -i ýh was a fairly good attendance. Canada. an Prize winners were Mr. Jim We 'do feel that from now Emmerton, Nestieton, and Mrs. on Canadian ownership in al ,Stuart l%-IcQuade. development should exceed Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sweet Sr, 50 % - let Canada be in the attended the Warden's Banquet driver's seat. in honour of our new warden, Lunch was served by the d Mr. Reginald McCann, at Brigh- hostess. Meeting March 22 at ton on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Crago's. Bernice Larmer spent the_________ rweekend at her sister's, Mrs.- *Norman Gibson's in Bowvman- An act of gaodness 'is of itselt ville, an act of happiness. No reward The Orange Lodge held a coming after the event can com- *euchre on Friday cvening at De- pare with the sweet reward that 2vitt's Hall. Prize winners were went with it.-Maurice Maeter- 1 Mr. Les Johnston.and Miss Ni- linck. na Johnston. Miss Josie Hooyer won the door prize. Miss Ruth Green spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Green and fain- ily, Stoney Creek.O Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gibsan, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stinson, vis- ited Mns. Jim McKee on Sun- day. Mr. nd Mns. Wes Sweet Jr. Mr. Alan Walsh, Port Penny, Mr. Marlow Thampson, were Satur- day evening visitons of Mr. and Mns . Norman Rohnen and fam- Diobees ily. Mn. and Mns. Bob Vivian and Dýbts ham been known t.e, Wô- family, Bowmanville, Mr. and cal science for thousands of yeau.l Mns. Jack Hanna and family, oiy ince 19O2 have doctors beW Janetville, spent the week-end able 10 treat kt successfuly. The tre.- at Mr. and Mns. Arthur Hanna's. Inendoias advance was duae t the dis- Mn. and Mrs. Russell Welsh covery of insulin in Toronto by F. G, and Paul, Oshawa, Mr. Andy Beiiting in Scolaborat"o with j. j. IL HoInes who has just rcturned IIn i from. Florida, Miss Marie Ha-XLedadC EL Best na and friends, Oshawa, spent The diabetie, who once wa doomed Sunday with Mr. and Mnr.. Ar- 10 certain .nmIy death, todag cmn ive thur Hanna. letong-or long«e Mr. and Mrs. Bort Shea, Jan- -tmtenn etville. visited Mr. and Mns. - thon the non. Lorne McKee on Sunday. IMNM a hormone Mn. and Mrs. Jim Armstrong tha i, rate and famlly, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. W. Fee and Mr. Eldon Fee fron the gland.of were Sunday visitors of Mn. and a reluid amie- Mrs. Chanlie Fee. mjz'ru via bt * Glad to report that Mrs. ' ubifrtian of uqa Goff is impnoving slowly. by " belp. The Statesman SoId Ze AI Following Stores Mouokiknje«h"fi'uàihâo..- rect I"iscondition as long asthqr Trull's Store, Courtice mre continued. Strong's Store, Pont Hope Niugt cmes of dhéebm coeur de- Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany ing Waor ile-aher gb. ne of 4& Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle on. ciOfb. anoetiteom cmpaicaion. T. Enwright, Newcastle of iabmietes in eldry peope 's bard- S. Brown, Newtonville C. Pethick, Enniskillen ening of the mileries. This resuits in T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen a redued blood suppiy, especiafly te G. A. Barron, Hampton 'ing for crippling infection&. Recenti- A. E. Ribey, Burketon lY an Eng"à doctor veported that H. T. Saywell, Blackstock terramycin wm succenafi in treating K e ith B ra d le y , P o n ty p o o l 70 e d r y d a e i m m f « i r n C. B. Tyrneil, Onono edrios ieti& rigfri H. K. Reynolds, Kendal Vnn ieios Gilbert Food Market, Millbnook Of course, âthere itèM i vanme Renderson's Book Store, Oshawa UIat can be niade and new prepara- * 0 * tions are worked on continuously. A - Bownianville - ne-ucomfpound ocki uin wm h amu R. P. Rickaby - "Big 201, so"taon hm. reoently been deviaad. W. J. Berry Thisproduces a high level of blood Howcs Smoke Shopu sugar during the day and a low lev.l Jury & Loveil during the night and morning. ticmd Elgie Harndcn's Handy Store la 16e monda of die patient. TheStaesmn OfiM c HOCKEY NIOHT Tere Champ:0oBniam Game 81 Nqid.-Javoujle Came 9:30 p... Purchas. yotir ticket from any Mlnor teaiM .mboe or at the Arena. I-b su M 1d M I n- 1c- dr ly ed ig pi ,e 50 WMAN VILLE RECREATION DEPARTMENT Saturday, March 27th or at the Arena. mÏi SALEM CADMUS SOLINA MINOR %08 Chompionthip Cames ADMISSION - Adults 25e Children 10e r , ; ! , j- - , -.- -,-- -- 1 , piqw 7w l"F', _77 m I&M 1 1 - r - 7' j7-wý ý TIEU MAT, MARCE imb, .1"4 s