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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Apr 1954, p. 11

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TRUESDA1f, AMRIL lt. 1954 Fellowship Group Holds Meeting At Newtonville With Trinity Y.P. ?NewtnvileAfter organiza- tellers and have much faith in' ntien on March 9 of the three superstitions. The scientist congregations of Kendal, Ntw- thought 'that stronger, heaithier tnlle and Shiloh into a FeU- beings. both mentally and phys- owship Croup, the first mneeting ically would be the solution, was held on March 30, in the After the showing of the film, Newtonvjlle Sunday School1 Rev. Morgan askediBorne ques- Poomn. The Newtonville comm. tions and led in a discussion. It ittee wvas in charge. A group Oft was thought that a proper rela- Young people of Trinity United tionship with Cod would bring! Churcli accompanied by theiri real hpies niinister, Rev. T. A. Mrgan 1 hartpfie pogamwa #ave us a very heipful and en- hspr ftepor 3 r0ram brought to a clos-- by a hymn, rafewoofelome.acter which a contest was con- au fPruidntWm. s fWaeoeducted by Helen Nelles of Bow-l Niewtonville, turiied the pro.gram Nanovill. Brinducaesrello over to Helen Maguire of the Nx~ivle cnutd sm EBowmanviîle Young Peop1es gaines for everyone which con-! Unio. Atera hrt usiess cluded with a pleasant sing-song1 Period, Donald Leask took led by Rev. Morgan. charge of the devotional part of1 Refreshments were served by the program. the Ncwtonville group. Rev. T. A. Morgan then show-1 Helen Maguire voiced the1 ed a film entitled "Search for, thankcs of the Bowmanville Hiappine3s" which showed to usj Youlii People whichi was re- the mnany ways in which people sponded to by Wm. Wade. Then try to find happiness wjthout all joined hands in a large circle TE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLZ, ONTABIO PAGE ELEVEN THE LARGEST CAMPAIGN EVER TO BE WAGED AGAINST T.B.1 DM E RSM EESTAMBACH MI& MAI&U"X YPEWTkik.b.â DR CHARLOTTE HoRNEIS Mr. WrnerSt&machMrs. argey Petres, Dr.RarittA -A 1,M%9--1 ---- -- - lbr-saving gadget.s in our The attendance was almosmttt 60. Il OsO ff---~..~ er uea remasnipo! Mrs. T. W. Ihawke. Linder tixeir guida.nce homes and so many ways toe Thé next meeting, in charge~il to mobile X-ray Units of the Ont.ario Department of Héaith wl fe re -a oever-yone over 10 of Ali tiie major cave us work and yet we are o! the Kendal Committée, will industries and H;gh Schoois in the area are to have special arrangements made for: tiem. A personal irvltatioil toalal citizens il te be neot happy. Somne seek happi- beh held in the Kendal Sunday extecidecl by a force of volunteers whicn toia 2,5u people. This is the largest campa.ign ever t.o be waged ag'ainst T.B. ness in trying out various diets School room, on Tuesday, April and any new cure-ail which 6th a t 8 p.m. AIl young people cornes along. Many visit for tune are especially invited. TAV'If1TI Mission Band q c 1 À where tomato juice was serve D iJ.K LULOCK J Wo-}ie-io Mission Band mrt The Screech Ow and John Wade played tw S O INAand family, Maplé Grove, visit- Th on Saturday in the church hase- .eî v fine selections on his ac SO IAed at Mr. Frank Westlake's,Jr Th lkso Bditn ment. President Shirley Snookýs cordion which ail enjoyed. Pot Mr. Frank Westlake, Sr., vis- Club were guests o! thé Lind- opened the meeting with the2 (Barbara Murdoch, Editor) ato salad was served at th, Mrs. Rae Pascoe, Tempérance ited at Mr. Frank Mor',syCu atWdedy even- verse "Praise the Lord For HisIN ]program convener, presidéd Bowmanville. ing and ail report a very pleas- Goodness". Secretary Doris WTRYR ON "Ireland". "China" at R. John for the program Suniday morn- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and atéeig Griffin read the minutes. RolSTRAso' oe hr hejy ing. The scripture lesson was family visited at Mr. Percy Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolmral vas answered with a verse For the benefit of anyone ricé with chop sticks. A humor nèad by thé Aduit Bible Class. DewelI's, Hampton. and -Gordie xvere at Brooklin starting with our last initial.1 who xvas standing at the corner ous skit bv Miss Dorothy Somo Eunice Léask read a story; a r.AdeTn vitdhr on Saturday to visit Mrs. A. i. Treasurer John Hutton repor- of Division and King about erville and Mr. Ron Brooks a réading was given by Donna itr Mrs. ddi eTivsited be Cook who has just returned ed that $6.00 had been sent tO 5 p.rn. Saturday those bédrag,- parents; Miss Rae Johnstor Vice and Patsy Davis sang a Oshawa. home from a vacation in Flori- Presbyterial. gled creatures you saw wend- Miss Joan Kinsman, Cliffor( solo. ogauain e.A l. da. Mrs. Hill took as hér subject ing their way up fromn the High Barber and Allen Thompson ai Sunday School next Sunday Pso h nMac cl- M r. Hector Sbortrldge had an for worship "Wè are labourera School, pail and scrub brush in thé chlldren. "Switzerlend" a& wil eat1:0o'lokwinbratd his eighty-seventh birth- opration at Port Perry Com- togE ther with God". Offering hand weré nt thé new janitor's H. Tink's home where chest communion service at2:5d. munîty Hospital last Wednes- was taken and dedicatéd by asslistants. They were members and crackers were served dur. o'clock. 2:4dy day and is improving fine. Hé Sylvia Lawrence and Lorraine Of that noble institution, the ing which time Mr. Ross Met. We resorytareor tt Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hutch.- camé home on Monday. Dayes. Larry Hoskin played a B.H.S. Drame Club who had calfe renderèd sèvéral numbèr, We . aesrrilto rert thet eonu, Linde and Anne, North piano solo. Ivan Bradburn e- gnerously devotd thir time on thé flute. Touring to "Japanyl Mn. . aerlaudé teOshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Charle M r. and Mns. Lee Butcher, clted "Thé Animal Store". Nan- and energy ta thé worthy cause at H. Cryderman's home witl doctr'scar andtnut br Ml vistadTilsonburg, spent thé weekend dotr cr ndtuthrLnmaid and Marèene ; wtvherduherir.Hn-csuto ig"eryFae o c bigfas Fas nRoss Metcalfe at thé piano ai] health may souri hé restoréd at Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden s. aid Kyt r. Kygté and feîHarily Huo! S nog sirey nokes Ofcas yubdin'tso. Faeshunks ènoyed a very bearty sing sont Mr. J. Yellowléés bas retunn- Mr. and Mrs. John Knox and od ",M.Kyeadfml.oSo . ,ily nokredcsYudd'tnw aeh k ndes a evdatrwih ed home rom. Memrial Ho- familyvisitedon Sunda at Mrn.Guthed".uMrs.y R.hTayloruarto.dro! R.anylos stretfchedasbétréenedandwtea cwasea servindceatgérfwhis c d h m r a e o x l o - f m i y v s t d n S n a a n . L u h r M u tj y s - th e S to r y o ! P e p ita o f M e x ic o . w o o d e n f r a m e s x h ic h w h e n a l c p r a î g h c a g ! M s Pia, Bowmanville, and IluMn. Tommy Andérson's, Ton- awa, Mrs. George Fowier and Janice Byers played a piano Put together are supposed ta Joan Kinsman and Miss Dor. Znaking satisfactory improve- onto. Diane Blair with Mn. and Mns. solo. Doris Griffin nead a poem look like a wali. Thi.s créatès othy Samervilie. ènding a very mnent. Mns. Robert Miller, Mraê Harold Swain on udy "At Eater Time'l. Paul Rahm thé Illusion of a noom on stage. laitevngwthihee The Bowmariviîle Pine Bri. and David. Mns. Howard Mal- Glad to heur that lttie John seid the closlng prayer. Gét it? Présent. gade wes called ta a chimney colm, Brougham, visited at Mr. David Wolfe lu impraving. 1CGTT tire at Harvey Yellowlees' on John Knax's. Severai ladies tram this cam- C.G.I.T. Eech yean layers end layera C.G..T. rshl hi eu Prdy onigwhna ey r ad Mr.C.Hmeof paint are appiied ta thèse CGL.grshl hi eu Pnde mrnn wéna ey Ms C Hmemunity atténdéd the Fashion March 25 thé Blackstock Un- contraptions and this must lan meeting Wèdnesday evèn- higali wind prevailed. Doneen, Donald and David Show at thé Port Penny High ited Church C.G.I.T. opened needs be scrubbed off thé fol- n i h huc.Mntso Salina Home and Scboal joined a family gathering tt School Auditorium apansaned thein wveekly meeting with lowing year that mare paint cen last meeting wenè read by Bey- Club bave anranged *a cerd Mn. D. E. Hamer's, Brooklin, on by thé Service Club, on Fridey games. A slip quiz was answer- be aplied and agaîn scnubbed elyBres uiespro penty in the Cammunity Hall Sundey when thé lettèr's birth- night. daddcusd Din Blr off th nxtyer followed with discussions on a one priglunth. Ladies re ased dy, alo b son, Jo he' exait- Sorry that M n. Hary Van conducted thé business meet. W ll, anyway, that's wht Paper drive and ur affiliation ta rmglunh.daywén clebete, hé ateFrday Mach26t. xctCamp fell on some ice last weelc ing opening with thé purpose. wé weré doing Satunday. For service. Offering was takén by Mr. nd rs.Chas Smthdate Frday Marh 2th. and injuned hen ight aen et Thé naîl calwas answerèd with eaxvbilè théré it looked as' if we Sally Carle and a short time M n.sesJaand Olv Chas. mith, Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, thebow. She had ta bé taken foreign cunties discussed in were going ta float tésho was spent wrking on ur pa- rnan, Oshaw Mn. KenMM r.sp ntdhé wek e d t Hb r dyom e aBowmanville Hospital. slip quiz. Thé business was car- ight off Its oundations and wé e r 14lnn, Whitby, visited o u- M.adMr.Fe ad, Mn.Nelson H. Merlow pue ldtruha sa.Fla-bdvisions o h éclgYugol' no o~.$ye n .Cyemn'SuriNew Toronto; Mn. and Mns. pse ietaogha ne'olw ha fte ecigTon epl' no Hanvey HardyE.Bowmenvanil. u est b is borne on Sunday ing thé business we wént ta thé staff rowing thein cars intth The Caurtice Circuit Young Mrs. . J.S. RudleMissmarning. Sincère sympathy af wonsbip centre. Thé worship drlveway came Mondey marn- People's Union beld Its negulan Mr. . .S.RudeMisvisited et Mn. Isaac Hendy's. thé community lu extendéd ta was opened with thé bymn "0 ung. But once we rmanagéd ta meeting on Mandey evening et Jean Rundie and Mrs. Edith Miss Anne Wérry was a Mrs. Nelsoni Marlow, Mn. and Word oe God Incarnate". A lit- get Président Cryderman (whzo Courtice United Church witb Anderson, Bowmanvillé, wère week-end guest o! ber cousin, Mns. Clarence Menlow and Bill. tany was réad nesponsivély. is e Positive mad tiend ,vhen Président Dorothy Saménville MSundRosos o! e ManM. and aroly We, Osb via- Miss Ruth Mrlow, Toronto, Miss Chant led in a prayen and shé gets a bsé in er and) calling meeting ta orden wth Mn. Roa r dReym n, T r- e n Mr s. n WeM s , W r vi- w th M . nd M rs. W al eace th é offer ng w s tak n up. W e und r contrai th é work pro- al rep atng th é Young Peoplès n, Hn oidt eyekn as To teet Mn.en y ui'scC un Marlow on Sunday. closed by singing th é tapie. ceded t a nicé stedy P ce Purpose. T hé minutes of lst onto, p~ nt hé w e ken d t M n. tice.M iss Jean W ilson , T o on to , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r. a n d it too k us a m èe 6 h o u rs m eetin g w ere ead an d ap p rov .. Raîph Davis. Mn. and Mns. Glynn Eastwood with Mn. and Mrs.' Chartes Wil- ta finish thé job. Anyone went éd !ollowed with a very infor- Mr. and Mns. Harvey Yellaw- and Linda, Greenwood: Mn. and sn 11,000 yeanu ego, In thé lait ta voluntéér ta bélp us paint mative business session which leés and Karen visitéd on Sun- Mis. Harold Balson and family, Ernest Saundérs, RCAF, end o orgaileohCnd next wéek? réminded ail about 'Backward dasto n. E e m ne l c - H m t n iie t M . A a RCA F find, Ottawa home was c vered by e sheet of Ice. . . M eeting next w èk' t M aple stock. -Balson's. for thé week-end. thet rengèd traonet w AESGrave United Cbunch; Spring Mr. and Mrs. Bob Flett, Mn. and Mns. E. Sp-és and Mr. and rs. Tornas Smlonemles in t CADesS Convention in Pickering o Janice and Isobel, Columbus, femily visited etMnmWiJtMh mMilCaetessa hn aai mlv Ani 2nad 5t. héY on visited at MrndRMn. ChanlesSpimsthMiattend-.Fédéral gavennment spend- éd with ail thé biawing of People wil take thé wansbip n o Crdreprs ilbak isn d thé funeral service of théiring in thé cmn year will ta- Lumpets, rolling of drums, and for the Good Frda service. Mn. ed Mr. Ra Pasoe ~ Mn. and Mns. DudleyWisn cousin, Mrs. John Smith, et thé tel about $5,000,000,000, more général confusion that uulyRv .M oevleldi Mr n r.RePso i-Denny and Valerie, Wbitby, vis- Béthany Anglican Chunch lest tauwc h mutsetacopne tadwt asu a reBiLe M.Study Thé doin ited et Mr. Harry Knox's. ited et Mn. Murrey Vic's, Sat.- week. ative e amont ega and coam s ta ndlegué o aetsgopenied wthau ingTedeinhyn, Mr. and Mns. Wes. His at- urdey evening. Mu lhWodedEdnbY Ottawa veyasaoadcmsttplg falbioen whalsnighm, tended the Beceelauneaté enr. Mn. and Mns. Muray Vice Bobcesgeon, viWitd ns. Orr ,neeniy ten times thé amount eaers, thé shonten noan heur. foltowed with Shirley Antil C., Gueph. an unday.and Mrs EdwinRobénts Osh- geon, vsndy . he ailspént In 1939.Wéaetlththénohar edng hé cipue Kn -vice fan graduates at the O.A. wene Sunday tee gueuts o! Mn. Venningo udybTe i easreén sd hnte noandéor a in he asoritue Kn n. G ndphn s. na.ankdestrew . EwnRbrs s went ta Port Penny Hospital ta leavé e baîf-ore nod. eTn ea hr oern "One M.adMsFrn Wet a.see Onr who lu umpraving. evahlfou actîvîty Per- Kind Word" followed with lake and chiidren visitéd aet Mn. A. L. Pascoe weu a Sun- Mn iad rs. RusseiWllien Busines urectory o o aesa :0 u ym.Silyldi ryrfl Mr.sF.iR. fan cadets et 3:30. Butteaghymn.atShirleyeyledw MrpandyMr fat- Mn.F.R.Cok's Bwmnvli. dy eegustet n.PecyDé- Toronto, wth Mn. and Mns. don't you betievé it. Actuelly lowed with a stony "One Day Mn. nd Ms. Jack O'éndén el's, Hampton. Chertés Vennlng on Sundey. L E G A L lt's beceuse this was thé only In Stockholm". Thé devotional ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ ___ __ __M iss Jean Ford, Toronto, m ean u th y could devise ta get j closd w ith hym n. M iss M arin with Mrs. Rabt. Fond, W. IL STRIRE, Q.C. thé maie mémbérs of thé cadet1 Wyman led i recréation whlch Mn. and Mrs. Donald Perge- Bennistén, Solicitor, Notary camps slimmed down enough ta aI, l njoyed and meeting closed 1er, Port Penny, and Mn. Gilbert Saîlcitor for Bankc o! Montrentlfit into thé uniforms. Teh, tch, wyith Tepu and Mizpah Benedic- McGill, Janétviile, with Mn. and Money ta Loan Phone 791 that's what cames of ail this lion. with 25 présent. Mrs. M. Graham and Roy. Bowmanvllle, Ontaio soft living, boys! Mr. and Mrs. George Hutton 'This week there il a Séwng. and tamlly, Guelph, havé né- Cors an '.nî±ren'u clathing LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. turned home etter spending a beng held afternoons et thé Benister, Solicitor, CO R IEwe t h oe fMrn. NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL United Church. Miss Kidd o! Notay Public Mrs. Herb Hutton and Mr. and teWmnsIsiueDépart- King St. W. - Bowmanville rie Mru. Hanry Hutton. ment is thé instructréss. Phones» Office 688 - Rés. 553 Tiatio hîdits Woman's Asaa- Little Vickey Reynoldu upent .____ha r.EalDrel itonhl t regulen month- a couplé o! days necently et thé M o .,A p iM.5 a __ la i sick and unden thé docto's i.S PH HODGINS ly meeting t thé church on home o! er grandparents, M. 1 ~E W 5 W P ni cae.Wéwlh er seey é- Barristé, Solicitor, March 18th, with twenty-two a ndM .Kne, Bowmnville. covey. otar Pulic resnt.The eetng oene Send Mru. George Rey- 20 Gs.e fooyO Exralaor ententainéd Tempérance St. - Bowmanviîîé with thé Thème Sang and prev-1 noldu, Mn. and Mrs. Glenn Rey- 2 Ca e fo 50Exr Ca e lest usa in hanon of ber er by thé président, Mns. C. nods -d4is Lynn Barrabali SHAE-TE-EALH GMEmothér, Mrs. Farder, on thé oc- D E N T A L Pen!ound. Thé devotional was'att)endé"d thé 'Sportsimen's Show SHARETHE..EALTH GAMEcasion o! ber binthday. in charge o! Mrs. Cecit Adams, in Torontneéty Mn. and Mrs. Ross Dut! and DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S Mrs. J. Tooley and Mns. S. Bal- rsT.Gdmn Mr.B Jak Po 750 frSee N ihesGrahm, visited Mr.and M . Office: Jury Jubilée Bldg. son Thé scripture was réad by Johnson, is George Reynolds LoneDff SileonSudy.4 KngS. .- BAdams spo1<e *and Mrs. C. hmsnvite Pnoees or ios eifreWok.Mn. and Mrs. Bértram Hooey Office Houns: on "Thé Fruit o! Thé Spirit" and Friday afternoon et thé home Proees or ios elfreWok.and tamilv. Peterborough, with 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Mrs. Balson led in prayen. Mrs. o! Mrs. L. Barebal, Orono, to Mn. and Mrs. Hérman Hooey. 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday Penfound remiîîded ladies of view thé "quilt o! thé Quéeni _ _ _M r._a nd__ _ _ _ _ _ _B ill__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ th é U n it e d C h u r c h E x p o s itio n a n d e r E m b le m s " w h ic h M r s . and Anne, Pont Perry Who Office Phone 790 coming Apnil 1 - 6 et St. Berebeli bas on show i aid have just nturned f-om e atrip Hause Phone - Newcastle 3551 George's Church in Oshawa. of "Cub Group"l. te lordavhied r. nd rs.Thé Courticé Circuit is in changé Mn. and Mns. J. B. TrulI left tsar F aam fie n n . DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. a! booths on Apil 5th in thé a- on hunday fan thein home at Mn. and Mu-s. Garnét Murravi Office in bis home térnoon. Thé tneasuner's report Nanton, Alberta. and have béen and daugbteu-s, Port Crédit, withi 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville was read and appnovèd and ne- visiting hère for quite saune Mr.und. o Tyo nOfieHur:prsweehad rmfoertm am r nusadEr Suda.9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily and visiting committees.. Mu-s. Truli and other relatives and co>IZ irMu-s. John Rahm attendèd a 9 am.ta 12 naon Wednesday R. Barber, convenor of Good- !niends. shoerinOsaw fr is Dn-Closd Sunday will gnup repoted that thé ne Lewis. Phoane 604 guoup has tre atavlig soand written on thé quilt thé United Chureh W. A. lest 23 King St. E. - Bowmanville for thé building fund and CIîl Tuesdey. Thé vice-président, Office Hours: ta bé auctioned of! et somelaO - , ~Mus. Clarence Merlow wes i 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily ter date. V so - -- thé chair. Mrs. Norman Mount- 9 ta 12 faon Saturday A spring tee spansoned by thé ' joy xvas in charge o! thé devo- Closed Sunday Goodwill group will hé held on sRé written u tional and ber thème was "Sen- Phones: Office 459 - House 505 Apnil i4th. 5Mns. S. Kinsma mon on thé Mount." -WT Mrs. Cecil Adamns, and Mrs. Spu-viaus Thé treasurerrprtdta %wLJ 4LP AC I Belson werè naméd cOmmittee -copyrights aven $30 wes clearéd et thé ta hé in change of thé annv- stock sale and that thé W.A. G.EDWIN MN, CXareupé.M-s al cam .--C . uk CADMUSF'riday eeing. f Priaze winner Mrs. Les Johnston, Mr. Russeti The March meeting of the Larmer and Mr. Wes. Sweet. Cadmus W.A. was held at the Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vivian and home of Mrs. George Johnston. famlly, Bowmanville; Mr. and Themeeingwasin charge of Mrs. Jack Hanna and Diane; ThémeeingwasMr. McGill, aIl of Janetville; the east group led by Mrs. Milt. Mr, Andy Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Grayè . S ve a ne me e s Russell W elsh and Paul, O sh - Joind. Ipwa; visited with Mr. and Mis. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greave. jA rthur Hanna, during the week- Toronto, spent the week-end end. %%ith Mr. and Mrs. Roy Phayre. Mr. and Mrs. Dorville Glb- A crokinole party was held nt bons. Misses Joanne and Ja,:- the church lest Tuesday even- queline Barr, Mr. and Mi i. ing. The prize winners were George Bayiy, ail of Toronto: Mrs. Olive McKee and Mr. Wes visited with M r. and Mrs. Nor- Sweet Sr. Another crokitiole man Rohrer and famnily on Sun- party is plannéd for this weei<. day. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pattet - Mr. and Mrs. Payne and tam- son and children, ToronWo, ily have moved into the Nesbitt spent the weeakend with Mr. and home on the Cadmus road. Mrs. S. Goff. Mr. and Mirs. Lorne McK"~ Mr.s. Ronald Strong and tam. and familv visited Mr. 'and iMr- ily, Bethany, spent a few days Bert Shea in Janetville on Sun- with Mr. and Mrs. Jini Meltoxi day. last week, returning home an Mr. and Mrs. Jim Arnistror,, Sunday. and familv, of Oshawa, xisitei Devitt's Orange Lodge held Mr. and Mrs. W. Fee and Eldon, a euebre party at the hall ort on Sunday. HOOPER's JEWELLERY AND GIFT SHGP 28 King St. W. Bowmanvillls Phone 747 Preparedness Para de Fermers with repair and remodeling problems head straight for Oshawa Wood Products L'td. Wée understand farming problems . . . cen supply you with maeéils . . . give you sound advice- . . show you how repairing and remodéling Nvili increase Corne ln for a FREE estimate. Dial 2130 Bowmanville or 3-4661 Oshawa YOUR SATISAFCTION IS OUR SUCCESS Oshawa Wood Products Ltd. Yard and Mill ai Courtice à iý I~t DM MAX MdES60ja r

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