AWWTT. luI IONS ~AWAMÀW U'I'ÂTMÂW. flf~WA1IVff LU. oeTAM~ ~AOI T ~?~TENN Poopose< A BY-LAW TO REGULATE AND RESTRICT THE USE AND LOCATION 0F BUILDINGS AND PREMISES THE HEIGHT AN BULK 0F BUILDINGS AND THE OCCUPANCY 0F LOTS WITHIN THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE, AND FOR THE DIVISION 0F THE SAID TOWN INTO USE ZONES FOR SUCH- PURPOSES. %ME COUNCIL 0F THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION 0F THE >1r(WN 0F BOWMANVILLE ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: '.In this by-law (f) "Accessory building" shall mean a subardinate building !Èetructure whether separate or attachcd located on the sanie »It as amain building, the use ai whicb is clearly incidentai t'ihat ai the main building, and includes a private garage. (b) "main building" means the building in which is carried an the principal purpose for which the building lot is used, and in the residential zone, the dwching is the main building. (c) "aresai building" shail mean the maximum horizontal prajccted aresai a building, including covcred porches, but exclusive ai sieps, terraces and comnices. d) "heighî af building" shaîl mean the vertical distance between the average elevatian af the iinished surface ai the "und et the front ai the building and, (1) i the case ai a fiai roof, the highest point ai the rof surface or the parapet, whichever is the greater, (II) in the case ai a mansard roof, the deck roof line, and III) in the case oi a gable, hip or gambrel roof, the mnean height between the eaves and ridge, exclusive ai any roof construction used oniy as an ornamerit such as a penthouse, chim-ney, iawer or steeple. (e) "building line"' shahl mean any une regulating the position ai a building or structure on a lot. Cf "established building line" where the combined frontage ai the existing buildings an any side ai anc block, exceeds mare than ane balf ai the irontage ai the said side, there shaîl bè deîermined an established building line as ai the average set back from the sîreet line ai exisiing buildings, provided thai this distance is fat lcss than forty feet irom the centre line ai the street, and furiher pravided that the faregoing praviso shah faot apply where the said existing buildings front on a street having a width ai lese than sixty- six feet. (g) "dwelling unit" shall mean a room or a suite of iwo or more raoms, designed or intended for use by an individual or famuly for dwellirig purposes and within whîch saniiary conveniences and iscilities for cooking or the installation ai cooking equipment are provided. Ch) "family" means anc or mare persans living as a single and non-profit jhousekeeping unit in a dwelling-unit and includes: ,11) domestie servants, (I) roomers or boarders, not exceeding two; Ci)"ane family or single famlly dwelling"' shah! rnean a separate building cantaining anc only dwelling unit. (j) "iwo famîly dwelling or duplex" shahl mean a separate building containing two dwelling units only; "double duplex" shaîl mean two attached buildings, each eontaining twa dwelling unita only; (k) "multiple dwelling" shaîl mean a building conlaining three or mare dwelling units. (1) "lot" in a residence ares, shahl mean the land appropriai- ed for the exclusive use ai anc dwelling and elsewhere the parcel oi land on which a building or group ai buildings is erected. "front lot line" shall mean the uine which divides a buîld- htg lot from the treet, provided that in the case ai a corner building lot, the shorter building lot line that abuts a treet *hal be deemed ta be the iront line, and the longer thai 50 abuta shall be termcd a "side lot line". (nm) "yard" meens-an open, uncovered and unoccupied space appurtenant ta a building. "front yard" means a yard exiending across the full >width of the buildig lot between the street or front boundary of~ e the lot, and the nearesi wall oi any building on the lot. "side yard" means a yard extending from the front yard oi the building lot between the rear boundary af the lot and the nearesi wall ai the main building. (n) "storey" shahl mean the portion ai the building ather than the cellar which lies beiween the surface ai the floor and the surface ai the nexi floor above il, or if ihere is no floor above it, then thé space between such floar and thie ceiing or roof nexi above it. (a) "half-starey" shahl mean a siarey which is situated ,ývhOUIy or in part, ini a slaping roof, the aresai which, ai a ýrheight af four feet above the floor, does nat cxceed anc-bahf ai the floor area of the storey below A. (p) "hotel" shaîl mean a separate building or twa or mare cannected buildings used mainly for the purpase ai catering ta the needs af the travelling public by the supplying of food and elso by the furnishing ai sleeping accommodation ai not less than six bedrooms: as distinguished irom any other build- ing or cannectcd buildings used mainly for the purpose ai supplying food and lodging by week or otherwise, commonly knawn as "boarding houses" or ai furnished living quarters for familicu. and having e dining room or restaurant, common- ly known as "apartment houses" or "private boiels". (%) 1"light industry" shail mean any industry which is nat offensive or likely ta be offensive by reason ai the amoun t ai noise. amoke. odour or vibration. (r) "Inspector ai buildings" shaîl mean and refer ta such officer or employee ai the Corporation as may be designaied es such by resalution ai the Coincil ai the Corporation, and in the absence ai such designation, shall mean and refer tao the oificer or cmployee irom time ta time employed by the Corporation in the capacity ai Town Assessor. 2. The provisions of thîs by-law shaîl apply ta alI ai the lands included in the Municipality a! Bowmanvilie, the Boundaries ai which arc described in Exhibit "A" atiached hereta. 3, When the regulations or requirements ai any Depariment ai Government impose greaier restrictions than the restrictions imposed by ibis by-law, then such greaier restrictions shal contrai. SCOPE 0F BY-LAW 4. No dwelling, business, trade. or indusiry sIishh be located, nor shahl any building or structure be erecied or usedf nor shaîl anY land be used, excepi in conformity with the regulations and pro- ___ ESTABLISHING 0F USE ZONES 8. NTr the purpose ai this by-law. the municipaliiy is hereby divijed into the following use zones, the boundaries ai which are maore particularly described if the schedules ai descriptions of use zones annexed hereta, whicb are hereby deciared ta fanm part of ibis by-iaw. I Residential Zone: al ihalportion ai the Town ai Bawnmaiwille, boundaries ai which are described in schedules hereta. II commercial Zone: Ahl thal portion ai the Town 14ýS ý Bowmnanville, baundaries ai which are described in schedules hereto. I Light Industry: AIl that portion ai the Town ai Bowi-anvilhe. baundaries ai which are described in sehedules hereto. IV Heavy Industry: AIl that portion ai the Town of Bownisnvihle. boundaries ai which are descrîbed in scheduhes hereto. V Rural Zone: Ahi that portion ai the Towîî iio Bow- mnanville. boundaries ai which are described in sched- ules hereto The lands in each ai the Zones aforesaid are shown grapbicelly on an attached plan, Exhibit "F" hereto annexed. Except as hereinaiter provided. aIl buildings, structures and parts thereaf erected and env building, structure or lands or preri>ses shaîl be used for the purpose permitted in the zone in wvbich..StLch building> -struiture..or Jancl or premises are located,1 Md D o other. Bowmunlv ille USE REGULATIONS 9. In the Reidential Zone, herein referred tô as Zone 1, the requirements shall be as iollows, and no buildings or structure, or part thereai shall be erected, altered or used, and na land shahl be used except for ane or more ai the following unes: (a) PERMISSIBLE USES: (1) Single and two famUly dweilings and duplex or double duplex, apartment houses and multi-iamily dwellings. C2) Church. (3) Municipal buildings. <4) Community centres. (5) Parks and playgrounds. C6) Hospitals. (7) Gardens. ( 8), Greenhouses, but not where operated as a business. ( 9) Any proiessional office when part ai the practitîoner's own home, provided this shahl not be deemed ta permit the carrying on of a funeral home or any of the services performed by an undertaker. A sign is permitted ta show practitioner's name and calling, provided same is nat mare than one foot by twa feet, or two square feet in area. (,0) Sign used only for advertîsing the sale or rentai oi property ta which it is attached, pravided same is nôt mare than four square feet in ares. (1l) An existing dwelling may' be converted into dweiiing units having not less than six hundred square feet ai floor area each. (12) Raomlng house with or without boarding accommoda- tion; restricted ta three roomers or three boarders, or three af either roomers and boarders in all. (13) Accessory buildings incidentai ta any af the above uses. (14) Provided that nothing in this by-iaw may be canstrued ta interfere with gardening or farming operations presently carried an, or any extension ai them, within the present limits ai the properties where they are now carried an. (b) Nothing in this section shail prevent a persan residing ln a dwelling unit fram carrying an any domestic or household art which does nat affect the amenity ai the neîghbaurhood or, if a prafessional persan, resident in the building from uuign ane or mare rooms as an office, provided that: <1) There shahl be no display af goods or advertising other than an unillumninated sign fat over 2 square feet in area. (2) Na persan other than those resident in the dwelling is employed therein and not mare than 25 per cent of any storey oi any building is used other than as a dwelling. (e) Minimum area ai building, Zone 1: The first floor area of any dwelling shaîl be not less than 600 it., and the minimum area ai any dwelling unit in a twa-iamily dwelling, or duplex, or double duplex, or multiple dwelling, shahl be nat less than 500 ft. RESIDENTIAL ZONE A. Minimum area and Frantage ai Residential Building iota where there is neither public water supply nor sanitary sewer. (1) For a one family dwelling: f 100 ft. irantage with a minimum area af 15,000 sq. It. Minimum area free fram buildings, 66% ai total lot ares. (2) For a twa family dwelling: t 100 ft. frontage with a minimum ares of 15,000 sq. ft. Minimum ares free from buildings, 66% ai total lot area. (2) For a twa family dwelling: 100 it. frontage with a minimum area of 15,000 sq. it. Minimum ares free fram buildings, 66% ai total lot ares. (3) For a multiple family (3 or mare unita):' 100 t. frontage with a minimum area of 15,000 sq. ft. The minimum ares free from buildings for this type is ta- be 12,000, plus 2,000 sq. It. for each additional dwelling unît in excess ai 3 unita. For a boarding or raaming house cantaining up te 8 persans: 100 ft. frantage with a minimum aresai 15,000 sq. it. Minimum area free fram buildings, 66% ai total lot area. (5) For boarding or rooming bouse containing more than 8 persans: 100 it. frontage with a minimum area ai 15,000 sq. it. Minimum area free from buildings for this type, 10,000 sq. it., plus 500 sq. it. for each additional persan or 1,000 sq. ft. for each additional raom. f It will be noted that a lot ai this size and frontage may later be re-divided into two lots of 50 it. frontage eacb, when a public water supply anîd sanitary sewer becomes available. Note: Lots must be af appropriate shape and the buildings must in every case be sa placed as ta provide adequate front, side and rear yards. B. Where there is a public water supply, but no sanitary sewer. (1) For a one family dwelling: 50 it. frontage with a minimum area ai 7,500 sq. ft. Minimum area free ai buildings, 66% ai total lot area. (2) For a two family dwelling: 75 it. frontage with a minimum area ai 10,000 sq. it. Minimum area free ai buildings, 66% ai o total lot area. (3) For a multiple family, (3 or more units): 80 il. irontage, with a minimum ares of 10,000 sq. fI., plus 3,000 sq. ft. for each unit aver 3 unîts. Minimum area free ai buildings, 8,500 sq. ft., plus 2,000 sq. f t. for each additional dwelling unit in exccss af 3 units. (4) For baarding or rooming house containing Up ta 8 persans: 80 it. frontage, with a minimum aresai 10,000 sq. fI. Minimum area free af buildings, 66% ai total lot area, plus 500 sq. It. far each sdditional raam. C. Where there is a public water supply and sanitary uewers: (1) For a one farnily dwelling: 50 it. irai tage with a minimum area ai 5,000 sq. fi. Minimum ares free from buildings, 66% af total lot area. (2) For a two family dwelling: 75 ft. frontage with a minimum aresai 6,000 sq. it. Minimum area free iromn buildings, 66% ai total lot area. (3) For a multple family, (3 or more units): 80 it. irontage witb a minimum area ai 7,000 sq. It. Minimum ares free fram buildings, 66% ai total lot area. (4) For a boarding or rooming house containing up ta 8 persans: 80 fi. irantage with a minimum area ai 6,000 sq. fi. Minimum area free fro'm buildings, 66% ai o total lot area. (5) For boarding ar roaming house cantaining more than 8 persans: 80) it. frontage with a minimum area ai 10,000 sq. fi. Minimum area fre ai buildings, 66% ai total lot area, D. Minimum yards for dwellings: (1) Front yard - 20 ft,, (or not nearer street line than "established building uine"). (2) No one side yard shail be less than 6 it. in width, and (>Thesat re. 7) Service Station. 8) Barber Shop and Beauiy Parleur. 9) Bowling Alley. (10) Billiard or Pool Room. (1l) Dance Hall. (12) Undertaking Establishment, or Funeral Home. (13) Laundry. (14) Newspaper Office and Plant. (15) Telephone Exchange. (16) Lodging House. (17-) Bake Shop. (18) Golf Course. Tennis Court. Bowling Green. (19) Greenhouse when operated as a business. (20) Private Hospital or Nursing Homne. (21) Schoals. (22) Bank. (23) Taurisi Homes. (24> Public Places ai Amusement or Assembly. 25)Public Utilities. 1*26> Cleaning qnd.Pressitig Establishments. (27) Public Garage. - . -:0 -. (28) Accessory Buildings incidentai ta any ni the ab6ve uses. (29) Parking Lot. 16. (b) Minimum Yards: MINIMUM BUiLDING LOT AREA A. Where there lu neither a public water supply, nor sanutàry sewer: (1) A business emplaying up ta six persans: f Minimum lot ares, 10,000 sq. ft. Minimum area free ai buildings, 6,000 sq. fi. (2) A business employing mare than six persan s, Including employer: f Minimum lot area, 10,000 sq. It. Minimum ares free ai buildings, 6,000 sq. it.. plus 500 sq. ft. for each sdditional persan over six in number. (3) A business accammodating more than six transient persans and staff (such as hatels): Minimum lot area, 15,000 sq. ft Minimum area free ai buildings, 10,000 sq. fI., plus 500 sq. It. for each additional persan over six, or 1000 sq. it. for each additional raam. B. Where there is public water supply, but no santary sewer: (1) A business emplaying up, ta six persans: t Minimum building lot ares, 6,000 sq. fi. MinIlmum ares free af buildings, 4,000 sq. ft. (2) A business employing more than six persans, including employer: t Minimum building lot area. 6.000 sq. ft. Minimum area free ai buildings, 4,000 sq. fR., plus 500 sq. il. for each additional persan over six in number. (3) A business accommodating mare than six transient persans and staff, (such as hotels): Minimum building lot area, 10,000 sq. it. Minimum ares free ai buildings, 6, 00 sq. it., plus 1,000 sq. it. for each additional persan over six, or 1,000 sq. fi. for each additional room. t In bath ai the foregaing cases marked thus t, if living quarters are combined with a commercial building, the requirements as ta minimum size ai lot far residential use shaîl apply. C. Where there is a public water supply and sanitary sewers: (1) A business employing up ta six persans: Minimum building lot area in sq. ft., none applicable. Minimum lot area fre ai buildings in sq. It., 25% ai building lot. (2) A business employing more than six persans, includîng employer: Minimum building lot area in sq. fi., none applicable. Minimum lot area fre ai buildings in sq. ft., 25% ai building lot. (3) A business accommodating more than six transient persans and staff, (such as hoteis): Minimum building lot area 'in sq. it., nane applicable. Minimum lot ares free ai buildings in sq. it., 25% of building lot. D. Minimum Yards: Front Yard- 10 fI. Rear Yard- 25 fi. E. No building including accessory buildings thereta shafl occupy more than seventy-five per cent ai the area ai a lot, or parcel ai land, on which it is situated. F. For Employee Parking, and Company Loading Facilities, sec Section 12 belaw. Note: For "Designed New Shopping Centres", It is strongly recommended that new business establishments locate iheir main, and accessory buildings, if any, in such a m anner as ta have conveniently lacated, eîther in front, or at the side of their buildings, three square feet ai. parking space for each square foot ai floor space within the store, for custamer's parking. LIGHT INDUSTRY ZONE 11. In Light Industry Zone, hereinaiter reierred ta as Zone III, the requirements shail be as follows, and no buildings or structure or part thereof shaîl be erected, altered ar used, and na land shahl be used except for one or more ai the follawing uses: (a) PERMISSIBLE USES: (1) Any use permitted in the Commercial Zone. ( 2) Any Light Industry, except junk yards, salvage yards, automobile wrecking yard or shop. ( 3) Blacksmith's shop or barseshoeing shap. ( 4) Bottling Establishment. (5) Building for the storage ai coke, eoal, wood, or builder's supplies, and the sale ihereof. ( 6) Chick hatchery. poultry dressing. ( 7) Caoper's establishment. ( 8) Dog or cat home, kennels. veterinary hospital. ( 9) Dyeing or dry cleaning establishment, (10) Egg processing. (11)' 'Furnture msnuiacturing or fufniture rcpairîng establishment. (12) Laundry. (13) Leather goods manuiacturing. (14) Machine shop. (15) Milk bottling establishment or milk distribution station. (16) Sait drinks manufactory (17) Textile manufactary. (18) Transport depots. (19) Ice cream manufacturing (20) Ice manufacturing. (21) Baker. (as an industry). (22) Bill-boards. (23) Accessary buildings incidental ta any ai the above uses. 1l.. (b) No industrial building or part thereof. shahl be used for human habitation. except in the case af an essential watchman, and any dwelling erected for the sole use ai such a watchman or other employee, whase residence on the premises is essential, together with such employee's family. shall con- form toalal the requirements for a dwellîng in Zone 1. 1.(c) Minimum Yards. etc.: M[INIMUM BUILDING LOT AREAS AND YARDS (A) Where there is neither a public water supply nor sanitary sewers: t (1) A business emplo.ying up ta six persans: Minimum size ai building lot. 10,000 sq. it. Minimum area free ai buildings, 6,000 sq. ft. t (2) A business emplaying mare than six persans including employer: Minimum loi ares, 10,000 sq. fi. Minimum ares free ai buildings, 6.000 sq. it., plus 500 sq. fi. for each additional persan over six in number. (B) Where there is a public water supply but no sanitary sewer: t (1) A business employing up ta six persans: Minimum size ai building lot, 6,000 sq. fi. Minimum ares free ai buildings, 4,000 sq. ft.. C onmm e rci al and Industria use, sha be pravided as follows: 'fiumber ôf Loading Total Floor Area Berths Required 3,000 sq. il. ta 25,000 sq. fi. 1 25,000 sq. fi. ta 80,000 sq. it. 2 80,000 sq. fi. ta 150,000 sq. ft. 3 150,000'sq. fi. ta 240,000 sq. fit. 4 240,000 sq. fI. ta 320,000 sq. f t.5 For each additions] 100,00n sq~. if. of lnoor ares over 320,000 sq. it., ane additional loading berth is required. Each such berth shauld have minimum dimensions ai' 25 fi. x 10 fi. with a vertical clearance ai 14 fi. HEAVY INDUSTRY ZONE 13. In the Heavy Industry Zone, hereinaiter i'eierred ta as Zone IV. the requirements shal be as follows, and no buildings or structure. oir pamn Ihereni shall be crected, altered, or used. and no land ,;hatl be u'ýed except for ane or mare ai -the lloigus«. BymIaw (a> PERMISSBLE USES, (INDUSRY), 1. In the Heavy Industrial Zone: No industriel building or part thereof shall be used for human habitation. except in the case of an essential watchman, and any dwelling erected for the sole use af such watch- man or other employee, whose iýesidence on the premises is èssential, together with uuch employee's family, shail conform to ail the requirements for a dwelling in Zone 1. à. No industrial building or part thereof. shail be used for any purpose which from its nature or the the materiais used therein is, under The Publie 'Health Act or regulations thereunder, declared te be a noxious trade, business. or generality of the foregoing, none af the follawing trades, businesses, or manufacturers shail be carried on without the consent of the local Board of Health, as provided in Section 89 of the Public Health Act: ( 1) Blood boiling ( 2) Bone boiling ( 3) Refining coal oil ( 4) Extracting oul from fish ( 5) Staring hides ( 6) Soap boiiing (7) Taliaw melting 8) Tripe boiiing 9) Slaughtering animais (10) Tanning bides or skins (l 1) Manufacturing gas (12) Manufacturing glue (13) Manufacturing or storing of fertilizers frram dead animais or from human or animal waste (14) Explosives or fireworks (15) Glue manufactory or collection (16) Storage or reduction of dead animais (17) Wrecking of motor vehicles (18) Junk yards (19) Dump (20) Sewage disposai (b) Yards, etc. MINIMUM BUILDING LOt AREAS ANI) YARDS 13. (A) Where there is neither a public water supply nof sanitary sewer: t(1) A business employing up te six persans: Minimum size of building lot, 10,000 sq. it. Minimum area free of buildings. 6,000 sq. ft. (2) A business employing more than sl'x persons including employer: Minimum lot area, 10,000 sq. ft. Minimum area free of buildings. 6,000 sq. ft., plus 500 sq. ft. for each additional persan over six in number. (B) Where there is a public water supply, but no sanitary rlewer: f(1) A business employing Up to six persans: Minimum size of building lot, 6,000 sq. ft. Minimum area free of buildings, 4,000 sq. ft. t(2) A business employing more than six persons including the employer: Minimum size of building lot. 6,000 sq. It. Minimum area free of buildings, 4,000 sq. ft., plus 500 sq. ft. for each additional person over six in number. (C) Where there is a public water supply and sanitary sewer: (1) A business employing Up te six personer Minimum size of building lot - nane applicable. Minimum area free of buildings, 25% of building lot. (2) A business employing more than six persans: Minimum size af building lot - none applicable. Minimum area free of buildings, 25% of building lot. tIn bath the foregoing beadings marked thus, t if living quarters are combined with industriaf buildings, the requirements as ta minimum size of lot for residential use shall apply. See Page 6-A, etc. (D) No building including accessory buildings thereto, shall accupy mare than 75% of the are& of the lot, or parcel of land on which it is situated. (B) No regulations shall be required for minimum yards, except for the front building line which shail be designated at nlot less than 50 ft. froni the centre line of the street. (r) For Employee Parking and Company Laading facilities, see Section 12, above. RURAL ZONE 14. In the Rural Zone, herein referred ta as Zone V, the require- ments shall be as follows, and na building or structure, or part thereof, shahl be erected, altered or used and fa land, shail be used except for ane or more of the following usest (a) PERMISSIBLE USES: ( 1) Agriculture ( 2) Forestry and the pracessing aofarestry praducts ( 3) Mining, quarrying and the aperation af gravel pits ( 4) Hunting. fishing and trapping ( 5) The production and transmission of hydra-eleotrie power 6 ) Recreation (7) Summer. cottages with accessory buildings (8) Airports C9) Dwellings and staff houses forming an integrai part af any af the above uses which must necessarily be located at the site oi the work as an integral part oi such activities, provided that such buildings, ln se far as they are applic- able. conform ta the requirements for buildings af similar use as set out elsewhere in this Ev- Law, and are equipped with water and sanitary' facilities satisfactory ta theMedical Officer of Heaith. (10) Any dwelling not an Integral part of, and necessary for the carryîng out af any oi the above uses. shahl be located an an individuel holding or building lot, having a minimum area oi two acres, and a minimum irantage ai 200 ft., except that where a building lot-having a lesser area is held under distinct and separate owner4h!p from adjacent building lots at the time of the passing of this By-Law as shown by the records af the Registry or Land Titles Office, a dweiling may be erected and used on such smaller building lot., provided that it conforms tealal other require- ments of this B v-Law. (b) Minimum Lots, Yards: (1) Front Yard: X1LLÔ0F THE LANDS CONTAINED IN LOTS 8, 91 10, Il, 12 13 and 14 in the 2ND CONCESSION 0F THE TOWNSiPiýô DARLINGTON. - and - ALL LANDS CONTAINED IN LOTS 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 IN THE lST CONCESSION 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F DARL- INGTON. - and - ALL LANDS CONTAINED IN LOTS 9, 10 and 11 IN THE BROKEN FRONT CONCESSION 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F' DARLINGTON. THIS 18 A SCHEDULE 0F ZONES REFERREI> TO IN BY-LAW NO..........0----- F THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0FP BOWMANVILLE, BEING: A By-Law ta regulate and restriet the use and location af buildings and premises, the height and bulk ai buildings and the occupancy of lots within the Town of Bowmanville, and foi' the division af the said Town Into use Zones foi, such purposes. (Continued oa page fourtenj APRIL lut. 1954 Tu eu«Amw vrATumAn. nowmAvvaix 'mTA= PAM "