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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Apr 1954, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN TEE .R.rNJJJnIAS .. ~ Pro posed Bowman ville__Zoning- By-law (Continued from page thirteen) i TOWNSHIP LOT 14: In Concession 1: AUl southerly af No. 2 Highway, in . Zone 1 EXCEPT the northerly 10 rods thereof, in- ZoflefI Ail that portion lying northerly of No. 2 Highway, ta théè northerly lixit of Lot 14, in III In Concession Il: Ail lying westerly ai creek ta the easterly boundary oi Lot 14, inoneV AIl lying northerly ai Creek ta Scugog Street, Zn Ail ai said lot lying nÏjrtheérly af said Scugog Street tcq the northerly lirnit ai said lot, in ______Zone V IN TOWNSHIP LOT 13: In Concession 1: From the southern lirnit ai the lot ta a line drawn across said lot, parallel to said south- ern limit, at a distance of 45 chains thereirorn, i ------------------- Zone III Al ai said lot in said Concession lying north- erly ai the line last-mentioned and extending ta northerly limit of said Lot, in said Con- cession, in---------Zn lu Concession II: Ail of the said Lot in said Concession, in ______Zone I EXCEPT that portion thereof lying northerly ai Scugag Street, ta be in ____________Zone Y MN TOWNSHIP LOT 12: lu Concession 1: That portion ai said Lot in said Concession lying westerly and southerly ai creek, in -- -Zone III That portion of said Lot lying northerly and easterly af said creek, and southerly ai the southern limit ai Queen Street, in ---------------- --Zone IV That portion ai said Lot lying northerly ai northern limit ai Queen Street and extend- ing northerly ta southern limit ai Welling- ton Street, in ------------------ -------- --------- -- ---- Zone II That portion ai said Lot in said Concession lying northerly ai northern Émit ai Welling- ton Street ta northern limit ai said Lot in said Concession, in-----Zone I lu Concession H: Al ai said Lot in said Concession iromn the southern linit ai saîd Lot ta a line running acrass said Lot parallel with said southern limit thereof and distant northerly from saîd southern limit 52 chains, in --------------------- Zoe Ail of said Lot in said Concession, lying northeicly ai said last-mentîoned line ta northérn limit ai said Lot, i-. said Con- ceséion, in------------- - - ZoeV IN TOWNSHIP LOT Il: lu the Broken Front Concession: From the lake ta a line running across said Lot and parallel ta nort hern lirnit ai said Lot, which lune is distant from said northern lîmit ai lot, 66 chains, in ----------------------- --------- --Zne I Ail ai said Lot in said Concession iying northerly of said last-mentioned line ta north- ern limit ai said Concession, in ý ----- ---Zone III Inl Coneession 1: Ail ai said Lot in said Concession lying West- eriy oai Canadian National -Railway, in---------___Zn IV Ail of said Lot in-said Concession lying north- erly and easterly ai said, Railway and lying southeriy ai sauthern limiit ai Queen Street, inu ---Zone I COMMENCING at the northwesterly corner ai Queen and Liberty Streets: Thence north- erly along western baundary ai Liberty S treet ta northwest angle ai Church and MARRIS makes old timers oct young cgacini Let our Service Department check Up on Vour watch, yaung or aid. A few minutes af yaur time naw may save dollars for you in the future. Our experts provide highest quality workmanship and prompt service - vsing oniy genuine factory ooP partis. Drap in taday. Marr's Jewellery 4.1 KING ST. W. PHONE 463 W. tuse only genuine factoryppreved pails in s.rvicung ail fine Swiss watch.s. _____ Liberty Streets; thence along southeru lirnit ai Church Street ta southeast corner Church and Division Streets; thence northerly along eastern limit of Division Street ta soutbeast- ern angle ai Division and Wellington Streets; thence westeriy along southern limit ai Wellington Street ta western lifliit ai said Lot, linZneI Al ai said Lot in said Concession lying northerly and easterly ai a line described as from the northwestern angle of Church and Liberty Streets along northern lirait ai Church Street ta northeastern corner ai Churcb and Division Streets; thence westerly aiong southern limit ai Wellington Street ta eastern limit ai said Lot: THEREFORE, al lying northeriy and casterly ai said line and extending ta northern limit ai said Lot lu said Concession, in - - Zone I In Concession Il: Prom the soutbern limit ai said Lot in said Concession ta a line drawn across said Lot and parailel ta said southern limit thereai, which said line is distant 52 chains from said southern limit ai Lot, in - ------------Zone I Ah aif said Lot in said Concession lying northcrly ai the line iast aiorementioned and cxtendîng northerly ta northern limit ai said lot, in - ------ -- -- - .Zone V IN TOWNSHIP LOT 10: In The Broken Front Concession: Prom Lake Ontario northerly ta a line running across said Lot whicb said line is parallel ta northern limit ai said Lot and is distant 66 chains irom said northern limit, in ----- -----Zone I Ah isidLl oadCocsiofyn northeriy ai said iast-mcntioned line ta north- cmn limit ai said Lot, in --_________ Zone III In Concession 1: The whoie thereof, in - ------------ -.Zone I EXCEPT a parcel lying easterly ai St. George Street; northeriy ai No. 2 Highway and southeriy ai the northern limit ai Church Street, extended in a straigbt lile ta the easterly limit ai Lot, in - ....Zone II In Concession IH: In the western balf thereof from the southern limit ai said Lot in said Concession ta a line running across said lot and parallel with southern limit themeof and distant'framn said southern limit 52 chains, in --------------- ---Zone 1 In the eastern bh aio said Lot in said Con- cession irom the southern Jimit ai said Lot ta a line running across said castern half ai said Lot and parallel ta southern limit there- ai, distant fromn said southern lirnit 12 chains, in --- ---_----------------------------- - -------Zone I In said eastern bh aio said Lot in said Con- cession and lying northeriy ai the line last above-mentioned and extending nartherly ta a uine drawn acmoss said Lot and parallel with said southern limit thereof and distant ramn said southemu limit 52 chains, in -------------Zone III Ail ai said Lot in said Concession lying northeriy ai said last-mcntioned line ta nathern limit ai said Lot in said Con- cession, in - _______--- -Zone V TOWNSHIP LOT 9: Iu the Broken Front Concession: Promn Lake Ontario cxtending nortberly ta a line drawn across said Lot and parallel ta narthern limit thereof and distant from said northern imit 66 chaîns, in - ------------ _ Zone I Ail ai said Lot in said Concession lying northerly ai said last-mentianed line ta northern limit ai said Lot, in said Con- cession, in ------------ -----------Zn I In Concession 1: Promn the southern limit af said Lot and extending northerly ta the southerly limit of a creek running tbercthraugh, in------------- - -Zone V Ail ai said Lot in saîd Concession lying northcrly and westcriy ai said creek and lying southeriy ai No. 2 Highway, in ------- _______-- Zone I EXCEPT 300 icet irontage on Highway No, 2, by 800 feet irom Simpson Ave.: and 306 feet irontage on Simpson Ave. by 800 feet southerly froný No. 2 Highway, in-----------------_Zone Il NORTHERLIr 0F 'NO. 2 HIGHWAY suggested westerly 66 feet ai al ai said Lot lying north ai No. 2 Highway reserved for and as a continuation ai Simpson Ave, te Concession Street ----------.------- ----------- 300 feet nortberly of Na. 2 Highway in said Lot in said Concession, in --------------------------- - -Zne II Remainder ai said Lot in said Concessian ta northerly limit thereai, in -------- -__Zone I In Concession Il: Ail ai said Lot in said Concession lying northerly ai southern limit thereof and extended ta a uine running across said Lot in said Concession and parailel ta soutbcrn limit ai said lot and distant 12 chains iromn said southcrn limit, in -----------------------------------. -.Zone I Ail ai said Lot iying nortberiy ai said last- mentioned line and extending northemly ta another line dawn across said Lot and paraliel ta said southern limit ai lot and distant 52 chains from said sauthern limit, in - - Zone IV Al ai said Lot in said Concession lyiug northeriy ai said last-mentioned line ta northern limit ai said Lot, in said Con- cessioh, in ________________---Zone V TOWNSHIP LOT 8: In Concession 1: Prom soutbern limit ai said Lot extending northerly ta southern limit of No. 2 High- w ay, in ---- -- -------- - ---- --------- - Zone V Al ai said Lot lying nartberly ai No. 2 Highway and extending northerly ta a lino drawn across said lot and paraliel ta narthern limit ai said Lot, whicb said uine is distant 150 feet irom nortbern limit ai saîd Lot, in _____Zone Il Ail lying nortberly ai said last-mentioncd line 150 icet more or iess ta northern limit ai said Lot in said Concession, lu___________Zone I lu Concession Il: ALL, in -_____ ___Zone V F ive Members Are Initiated Legion Meeting Pive new members were mId- tiated luto membership in the Bowmanviile Brancb of the Canadian Legion at the regular meeting last Thursday night and another member wau rein- stated. The new members are: Sam-. uel J. Norton, Orono; Andrew A. Dobbins, Oshawa; and Cecil W. Karp, Robert Nicholson and Kenncth Hughes ai Bawman- ville. John Cossar ai Bowman- ville was rcinstated. The initiation ceremony was perfarmcd by President Ross McKnight, assisted by lst Vice Jack Knight. Sergeant-at-Arnis Emnie Perfect sud Comradcs Jim Pair and Pete Bathgate. Reports were heard from chairmen of committees, with Chairman Doug Johnson of the Bingo Commtte. reporting goad attendances at these weckly ai- faims. Chairman Alex Mairs of the Speciai Building Committee askcd for volunteers ta assist him in the icw painting and sanding chares remaining be- fore the ncw Legion Hall wil be entîrely finished. He report- cd that a new thrce-campart- ment sink bas been iustailed in the kitchen af the building. Parking probiems lu connec- tion with the building were re- femed te the praperty oommlft- tee. Scnd your Pink Envelope lu -Iay ROY COURTICE Memo ta Sid Lancaster, the live wire garageman and Fer- gluson dealer ai Newtonviile: Thanki for the invitation ta your "«Family Day" show, March 25, which, we hope, was successful. Reasan for aur non- attendance was due ta the fact that we had previously decided ta attend the March meeting ai the Durham County Club, in Toronto, the same evening. We belong ta Group 5, whose turu it was ta provide the eats at the conclusion of the program. Don't go away, Sid, there's mare. My wife was invited ta pour tea on that auspiciaus occasion. As it was the first time in her life that anyone in high society had extended that courtesy, she wasn't passing up the chance. She is one ai thase naturally modest women whase role seems ta be ta wash dishes in the kitchen while others enjay the iimeiight. chat, and relaxa- tion ai the drawing-room. I'rn glad the honour ai being re- quested ta pour tea at such a famous gathering came ta her while she was physicaily able ta accept. There she sat, like a duchess, ta the manner born. Y ou realize, Sid, they dan't real- 1POUR tea at the Durham lub. The lady sits In i ront ai a large sterling silver urn, and manipulates a thing-a-nia-bob that squirts the hot brew into cups. Not the thick mugs like yau and I use, Sid, but dainty anes that could pass for Limoges or Dresden, or the ones we were once lucky enough ta dig out ai breakfast ioads. Over ini Blighty, tradesmen take pride in printing on their billheads,' "By appointment, purveyors ta Her Majesty, the Queen." Guess lMI pravide Butch with station- ery bearing the captian "Pour- cd Tea at the Durham Club, Toronto." When it cames ta pouring team, my wife appears ta be ambidexterous, she can twist the spigot witli cither hand. I've aiten thaugbt she would make a gaod lunch-room waitress. If someane asked, in French, for a demitasse de cafe, they wouldn't fool my wiie, wha wauld know immediately that they were mereiy asking for a Scotch and soda, and if the cus- tomer added the word "noir" ta the order, Butch wouid prompt- ly piap in three ice cubes. No wonder I'm proud ai her, eh, Sid? March 25 ended the seasan for the Durham Club. Those in attendance will long remember it for the outstanding program presented by unusualiy talent- cd artists. We will watch, with interest, Carl Morey's Climb up W . Ed Youngmnan's Column T1%0 Statesmans Grass Bots Columist Stafford Bros. Monmentai Works Phone Wliitby 552 318 Dundea St. E. WhItby fINE QUALIT! MONUMENTS AND MAIRKEIES Precise worknxanship aud careful attention to detail are your assurance when you choose frorA2 the wlde selection af imported and dornestic Granites and- Marbies ln stock. the ladder ai success as an op- eratic conductor. Can that young feliow pound a piano! We en- joyed Mrs. R. Currie's vocal selections, alsa ber sense ai timing. We had just heard a wonderiul address about Cana- da, when Mrs. Currie, for ber final solo, selected anc that was very aprapos. Her show- manship was apparent lu re- sisting an encore. Mrs. Currie's accompanist, Mrs. Raymond, is a pianist of unusual ability, and captivated the audience with ber talent. Mr. D. M. Le Bourdais, guest speaker, treated us ta an hour long address on Canadian his- tory that was educational, en- tertaining, patriotic. When he asserted that people ai French extraction could get along withi those ai English extraction, he proved the truth ai his words by selling himseli ta bis appre- ciative audience with bis pleas- lug personality, command ai bis subject. and irank appraisal ai men in Canadian afiairs. Men whose foresight and iaith lu the ultimate great destiny ai Canada piayed a great deai in its development. The speaker also pointed out aur unusually large and vamied natural re- sources. When Dr. L. B. Williams thanked the artists (on behali ai the audience), he expressed the thought that, desirable as material wealth may be, the real wealth ai Canada is in the character ai its citizens. We missed Helen Lovekin who is on a mator trip ta New Orleans, U.S.A. If she thînks Reg is pîning for hem, she must be very naive. Don't stay away taa long Helen, uniess you want ta lose youm handsome Reg ta anc oi those unattached females ai aur acquaintarice. Here's anc for the book: AI- tbough we live in anc ai the best apple-gmowing districts in Canada, we are curentiy using canned apples, packed in Part- adown, Northern Imeland: They are unsweetened, solid pack, and simply deliciaus. Mr. 0. J. Henderson bas re- tired irom the Presidency ai th2 Durham Club, aiter three suc- cessful years. He took over when the Club was in the dol- drums; he leaves whîle it is rid- ing the cest. I wouldn't want ta iollow Mr. Hendersan, as President, but hemeby extend the hand ai ieliowship ta Mr. A. A. Martin, the new Presîdent, who deserves the same layal coopemation, irom ail members, as granted ta Mr. Henderson. Last week, sameone, wbo signed the letter "A Courtîce fan", sent along the following, which we appreciate and hope The fruckfhatsbuil b Ist.i does more work per day ... more work per dollar!f englue power, you can maintain faster schedules witbout driving at higher maximum road speeds. Increased acceleration and hill-climbing abiity let you save time where it counts. And you do it with greater safety sud econorny You Save Time on Deliveries Wih new truck Hydra-Mati,. tansmission, yôu save valuable ciean foerg e abyou .lucAng muc atevery eliaborty stp. nd and shifting for good! This proved, econamical, automatic transmission is aptional at extra cost an 1/-, 3/- and 1-ton models. MOST TRUSTWORTHY TRUJCKS ON ANT JOSI Chevrolet Advance-Dosign Trucks . a You Save wlth Lower Upkeep, . . fao. New Chevrolet trucks are built stranger ta Ilast langer sud,, save you moncy on maintenance. ,. - "" For example, there are heavier axie shafts iu two-ton modes ... bigger clutches in light- and heavy-duty modela .. . stronger frames in ail models. And Your Savings Start the Day Yau Buy. In Tact, thcy start with the low price you pay - and thcy neyer stop as long as you awn a Chevrolet truck. And Chevrolet la also the truck that h trade-in value. i has a traditionally higher Corne ln und »e. all the wonderful new thingk you get in Canada's number anc truck. We'I4 be glad ta, give you ail the maney-saving facts. NICHL DG WNAN VILLE 1 A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE CTé6s4D yau readers do, tac. "The pray- er ai the woods": I amn the heat ai your hearth an the cold win- ter nights, the friendly shade screening yau from the sum- mer sun, aud my fruits are re- freshing draughts quenching yqur thirst as you journey on. I arn the beam that holds your bouse, the boards ai your ta- bic, the bed. on which you lie, and the timber that builds your boat. I arn the handle ai your bac, the door ai your bQme- stcad, the wood ai your cradle, and the sheli of your coffin. I arn the bread af kindness, and the flower ai beauty. Ye wbo pass by, listen ta my prayer: Harrn me nat! "A Courtice Fan" added-"Just happened on this beautiful littie poem, and knowîng bow tree consciaus you are, decided ta send it along". Thank yau, "Courtice Fan". Perbaps others wiil read it, and realize the truth contained in its lines. And now that the sea- son is fast approaching when the general public will, once again, be raaming the back concessions, be mare consider- ate ai aur iriends, the trees. Speaking ai trees reminds me that the Durham .4-H Forestry Club convened on March 20, Orono, when the members turn- cd in their individual collections ai winter twigs for judging by Mac Kirk, Zone Forester, who was pleased ta announce that, the collections were amongst the best he had ever seen. High praise, indeed, and weil de- served. Most oi the entries were assigned high marks. As Mac was bothered by laryngitis, Sandy Russell, For- ester, Orono Nursery, did a gaod job ai presenting a conserva- tion film, and answering al questions "thunk up" by the Club members. V/bile in Lindsay last week, I met Ed Staples on the main stem. He was visiting his ailing wife in a Lindsay baspitai. We had not seen each ather for quite a while, so naturaliy, had nlenty ta gab about. He was surprised ta note I was a bit fleshier than depression days, but soon caught on when he found that I was now eating tbree meais per day. His many acquaintances around Burke- ton, Hampton, and Enniskilleni wili be pleased ta know that their aid school teacher is stili quite "bauncing", mentally and physically, excepting his eye- sight, which is a bit bother- some. IS YOUR MONEY OUT OF WORK? If you yourself were aut of work- nar making any money, you'd consider yourself something of a failure, wauldn't you? By the same token-MONEY shouid be warkingtoo, making more money and making it safely. 4% Guaranteed Trust Cerf ificates " Unconditionally guaranteed as ta principal and interest. " Pay 4%, payable half-yearlya Short term-5 years. " Authorizcd investment for trust funds. No fluctuation in principal. vraf V UA e flm4 a .unll a TF£ Ta oRIl e m ers ai radia and television sets T H E and equipment will provide the CBC with an estimated $15,000 000 thraugh the special excis: STER LING TRUSTS tax which replaced the annual C O R P o R A T 1 0 N $2.50 radia license as a souirce1 ai CBC revenue; in previaus HEAD OFFICE SRANCH OF l years Canadians paid about $5,- 372 Bay Si. 1-3 Dunlopx 500,000 ta the CBC thraugh pur- Toronto Barrie . chase ai the annual radio li- cense. ___________ TRURSDAT, APRM le IU4 mrm oqawàiwau wpàppw-«Uàw flWTAIM

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