PAMGE EGWTEI iýý IE ) PR)IE 4030 Tarn Page for Additional Classified BIRTHS ADAMS-Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams (nee Lois McMullen), are happy ta announce the birha their daughter, Lee Suzanne, a aister for Lynn Marie. 13-1* ALLDREAD-Talbot and June are happy ta announce the arriv- aI ai their son Lynold Jeffery, seven pounds, ane ounce, on March lst, in Memarial Hos- pital, Bowmanville. 13-1 CAVERLY-Doug and Lamna are happy ta announce the birth ai their daughter, Linda Jean, at the Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, March 29. 13-1* GOBLE-Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gable wish ta announce the arrivai ai their son, on Tuesday, March 23, 1954, a brother for Keith and Leslie. 13-1 ST. JOHN-Mr. and Mrs. Har- old St. John (nec Ruth Aber- nethy) are bappy ta announce the birth ai their son, on Marc 28, 1954, at the Toronto East General Hospital. 13-1* DEATHS BLACKBURN-At Hampton, an Sunday, March 28, 1954, Mark William Blackburn, aged 87 yeens. belaved hushand ai Eve Foley and dean father oi Fare- well, Walter, Bessie (Mrs. G. Shackleton), and Wilbur. Serv- ice wes beîd et the Morris Fun- erel Chapel, Bowmanvilîe, on Wednesday, Mamch 31. et 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanvilîe Cenietery. 13-1 BROWN, Lawrence-In Memar- ial Hospital, Bowmanville, oný Tuesday, Marcb 3th, Lawrence -Brown, bcloved busband ai' Velda Gainer and dean fether af Shirley, Rager, Terry, Lamryý and Kini, ln bis 32nd yeer. Rest- ing et the Narthcutt & Smith Funemal Home, 53 Divilson St., Bownianville. Service on Fi- day, April 2nd, et 2:30 In- tennient, Cobourg. 13-1 GARRATT-At Nortb Bey, on Monday, March 29, 1954, Ethel Margaret Gerett, aged 78 yoars, wife ai the lete Francis Joncs Gartt. Mrs. Gerratt emived et the Morris Funerel Chapel. Bow-' nianville, on Wednesday momn- ing. Service was beld in St. John's Anglican Church on WIednesday, Merch 31, et 1:30 Intenment Bownianville Cemetery. 13-1l POLLARD, Jennie B.-At h Oshawa Generel Hospital an Wednesday, March 24, 1954, Jonnie B. Hacken, beloved wiie oi the lete Charles Z. Pollard and dean niother ai J. Gardon ai Elk Lake, and Ewart V., Toronto, in hon 8tb yeam. Serv- ice was held in the Robinson Funerel Chepel, Booklin, Ont., on Saturday, Mercb 27th, et 2:30 p.m. Intenment et Prospect Cemetery, Toronto, on Monday, Merch 29th et 10:30 eni. 13-1 SMITH, Lila L.--Suddenly et St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterbor- ough, March 2ist, 1954, Luea L. Gillis, in ber 74th yeer, beloved wife ai John Smith: dear math. or ai Charles, Emery, Mervin, Mrs. Carl Porteous (Iva), Mrs.1 Narman Braithwaite (Mildred), aE. ai Cavan; Mrs. Gardon Moff- att (Olive) ai Bownianville, and Mrs. Kennetb Braithweite (Hel- en) ai Cobourg. Rested et the resqidence ai ber son, Charles, thence ta St. Pautl'a Anglican Cburcb. Bethany, for service et 2:30 p.m., March 23rd. Inter- ment St. John's Cemetery, Ida. Arrangements by McPherson Funeral Home, Milbrook. 1lý-l Cards of Thanks Sincere thanks are extendeci ta all those friends who called or sent flowers, cards or comforting messages of sympathy ta us in the loss of my mother. Your kindnesses were deeply apprec- iated. Notices Darlington Local Farmers' Unian will meet in Orange Hall, Enniskillen, on Tuesday, April 6th, at 8 p.m. Special speaker. Corne and join. 13-1 Caronation Quit will be on display at Bowmanville Hydro Office. April 2nd, Friday, 9 - 6. Donations gratefully accepted in aid of Orono Cub Pack. 13-1 Free With each $2.00 gasoline sale (cash), 1 ticket on 1954 de- luxe Pontiac car. Draw ta bel made August 27, 1954.F.S Allen~ & Sans, R. R. 3, Bomn- ville, Ont. Phone 2833. Three miles west on Na. 2 Highway. Aricles For Sale YOUTH'S bed, like new, $15. 47 Centre St. 13-1* ONE 8" saw with %k harse power motar. Phone 3314. 13-10 LLOYD baby carrnage, excellent condition. Phone 3066. 13-1l BALED Hay, (square). Milton Tamblyn, Orono. Phone 65 r 19. 12-2 GRAY chesterfield chair in ex- cellent condition. Phone 3428. 13-1 ONE Beatty electric washer, also hand floor polisher. Phone 736. 13-1* .303 RIFLE, new, sporting mod- Bowmanville, Saturday, Union el, $40.00. R. Pelletier, Orono. Hall. Guitars supplied, yours on13* completion ai the course. Bell Hawaiian School ai Music. 25 RANGETTE, in good condition, years in Toronto and Oshawa. ell white. Phone 650 aiter 4 p.m. (Course given here 12 years 13-2 ago). Free trial lesson nightly, ADEhrefrslwl 4:30 and 7 p.m. Phone 629, ADEhrefrslwl Bowmanville. 12-1* trained and braken. Phone 2620 after 6. 13-1* Warble fly treatment for INCUBATOR; 2 tom turkeys. Darlington Township. Mr. Har- Apply Mrs. Pearl Avery, Bujrke- old Skinner bas been appointed'tnSain 13-1 inspector and Mr. R. D. Preston, to tain spray operator, ta commence RANGETTE, like new, aven treatment April lst. Cattle awn- contraI. Sacrifice for cash. Phone ers are expected ta be present 3222 aiter 6. 13-1 when their cattle are spraycd BAVRotcendadtet and assist the operetor. EVRotcendadra- Darlington Council. ed, price $1.25 per bushel.- W. Lost BLUE tick hound, vlcinity ai Kendal. Phone Orono 58 r 3. 13-1* ON Manvers Road, two bags ai wheat. Phone 2581. 13-1 MALE blue tick hound. Please notify F. Nickerson, 107 Liberty St., Bowmanville. Phone 3117. 13-1* RAIIR ai double vision glesses with brown plastic irames, in brown leether case. Lost be- twcen post office and C. N. express office, on March 24th. Loave at Box R, Post Office, or Phone 759. 13-1 Livestoçk For Sale FIVE young Leicester ewes. Apply W. T. Cox. Phone 2927. 13-1* BLACK Percheron gelding, work single or double. Chester Mc- Grath, R. R. a, Bowmenville. Phone 2713. 13-1 * ROAN mare, six years aId, quiet and good worker. Phone Blackstock 74 r 13, or H. Me- haffy, Purple Hill. 13-1* FRESH Holstein cows and sanie due ta freshen; also 'veal celves. Apply Z. J. Benscbop, R. R. 4,1 Bowmanville or Phone 2926. 13-2 DAY-OLD and started chicks. Two hatches weekly. For price list, write or telephano. H-. J. Brooks, Phone 2636, Bowman- ville, Ontario. 3-tf Roorn and Board ROOM suitable for two, board if requirod. Phone 3452. 12-4 ROOM and board, suitable for two girls, centrelly located. Phono 691. 13-1 ONE male boardor, television and 'phono priviloges. Phone 3477 aiter 5 p.m. 13-1* /Help Wanted PART tume sales help, wanted in fabric and drapery store. Apply et Febric Town, 59 King St. W. 13-1 WANTED-Man for steady trev- ei arnong consumons in Bowrnen- ville. Permanent cannectian witb largo manufacturer. Only reliable h u s t 1 e r considered. Write Rawleigb's, Dept. D-140- 131, Montreel. 13-2 START yaur awn business soîl- ing a "Must" toaell familles in y'our surraundings. Interesting commission, free samples with! Mrs. Gardon Mofiatt. each arder.' Specials -witb froc- 13.1-1 products. Monthly premium. ________Free catalogue and details on e- The Jack andi Jilî Club would quest. Famnilex, 1600 Deloimier, like ta thenk the people of Bow-, Dept. C. Montreal. 13 -1' mianville for their tremendous ' response ta Cornz A Pappin'. For Rent F'-ida-y and Saturday nigbt are_____ comnpletely sold out. There are TWO light hausekeeping roonis. a few tickets ieft for tonight 71 King St. East. Phono 2851. wvhich may be purchascd et the13* door. 13-1 _______ ________I HAVE pasture for 12-14 ed. I wîsh ta extend sincere thenks Water and grass plentiful, Phone ta the nurses and staff ai Mem- 2227- 13-1 oriel Hospital, Bawmanville. also O-- g- y7A e tre Drs. H.* Ferguson and D. Sturg- roani heated apartnient, privete. is for their kind attention and btsprt nrne al services duning my ecent i- bushservic e: duts raneid ness. I also wish ta thenk mv Assric;aut peerd rnany friends who remenibered Appîy Bruce Heaslip, Nestletan. me with their kind enquirios,I 13-2* cards, flowvers and fruit duning my stay in the hospitel and W ated since my return home. J, W. Yellawlees. ONE used well punip in gaod 13.1* condition. Phono 2437. 3-l* DEAD STOCK renioved from TENDERS WANTED Your ferni praniptîy for sanitery disposal. Telephone callect: Ca- TENDERS FOR CARS bourg 1266 or Toronto EM3-3636. Sealed tenders cleerly marked .Gardon Young Liniited. 50-tf ab ta contents will be received- _ _- by the undersigncd until 12 PERSONS ta invest up ta $10.000! o'clock -noon, Wednesday, Apnil e ' i qipn oac l4th, 1954, ion the purchese ai fan .Finst and second mortgage, two (2) Standard Coach Cars security on $25,000 property. 1 complete with beeter, defroster'Located in successisul tobacco and undc-coating. Cars tai b growing district. Write Box 140, traded in an the ebove - one 1947 c/o Canadien Stetesmen. 13.3* Plymouth Coach and one 1947 Plymouth Sedan. The îawest or Wcmted To Rent any tender flot necessarily accepte&. TO RENT-2-bedrom bouse or L. R. Griffith, Sec..-Treas., bcated aPartment by yaung Northumberland-Durhani couple with anechcild, for spning Board. ai Health. or eerly sunimer. Applv Box P. 0. Box J0. 138, c/o Canadien Stetesm-an. Cobaurg. Ontario. la-2 12-a Vaneyk. Phlone 29I471. 11- A QUANTITY ai gaod feed oats. Apply George Wolfe, Bleck- stock. Phone 39w. 13-1 QUANTITY af Commercial Barbofi berley and Larain oets. Phone Newcastle 2151. 12-3e ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bags, dolivered in Bowmenville. Phone 2473. 31-tf EIGHT-Incb Bench Saw, 4-mn. jointer, 36-mn. lethe, $60 or best offer. 88 Higb St., aiter 6 p.m. 12-3 COAL ail turkey brooder, size 50 turkeys; and Blue Budgies. Phone 3437. 57 Prospect Street. 13-1 CLINTON oets and mixed grain, suiteble for seed; baled bey and strew. R. Rowan, phone 2745. 12-2 SAVE an lumber, direct froni mill ta you. Phillips Lumber Ca., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17r1l. 13-tf SEED grain, Beaver, Clinton, and some mixed grain, $1.00 bushel. Balod hay. A Prescott. Tolo- phone 2151. 13-1* BABY'S steel crib with springs: Guelph cook stove with twin ail burners; one 3-humner ail stove. Phone 2836. 13-1 IF backaches are slowing you up, take Rumaceps and help yourseli ta relief froni pains and aches. Ask your druggist. 13-1 INSULATION-blowing method with rock wool, workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Herry L. Wade. Phono Clarke 2420. 49-4*-tf HEAVY mixed grain, troated and cleaned, $1.20 bus. delivered, also Klenton oats, red claver and timothy seed. Phone 2753. 13.2* NINE-piece modern dining room suite, excellent condition; two shortie coats, 2 ladies' suits, size 16, $5 eech. Apply 34 Elgin St. West, Oshawa. Dial 3-8884. 13-1 ALLIS-CHALMERS trectc good condition for sale, wit] tires, now; also three ponies, well broken. Neil1 is, Pantypool. Phono 81 Orona. HARDWOOD and softwooc sale, hardwood re-sawed, $18.00 per cord; softwood, $ per cord, dolivered. Neil Ci Pantypool. Telophono 81 Orono. MILKING Machine, doublE it universel, portable,t axle complete w]tb four w tires and tubes, suitable hoavy farm trailer. Phone ana 25 r 18. TWO electric Jaeswey bit or staves, 500 chick cae galvanized feeders and v iountains; 1 colony bouse, 10'; 1 rall ai wire for sun pi Phono Clarke 13 r 12. 1 VENETIAN BLINDS - S sizes, white or oggshell! plastic or cloth matching ti Made - ta - meesure blinds specialty; free installation tape and siat colors. Marrif Phone 480. USED Tractars - McCor: W-4, Farnidî l', FermaIl Fermaill"M". Ford wvith mc cd pîaw, John Deere "B Ferm Equipment and Aut( tivo, 134 King St, E., Bowr ville. Phono 689. TRACTORS, disk harrows,g drills, menuro spreaders,( bines, Fox forage baryes grain tbmows, straw sbred( gardon tractons, et meducod1 os. John Stone, Waterloo Mv IDealer. Ponje Orono 14 r USED Case tractors, 1 V.A.( V.A.; Dow loaders, 1 C, 1' used electric refrigerator; Su fortilizer, Fairbanks-Morse1 vision sets. new refrigeretors deep freezers; wimc fonce. posts. W. H. Brown, King W. Phono 497. TILE Supplled and Laid CERANIC - PLASTI RUBIR - MARBOLE H. G. REAL Phono 2902 Bowmanv r, in th 13"1 pinta. Cîimt-1 Articles For Sale SAVE on 'new 1953 Interna- tional Herventer Refrigeratorsl -ail di-notically reduced ta clear; new Thor Washer-we will ashow you up ta $45 for Iyour old wnshier on a trade-in at F'arm Equlpment and Auto- motive, 1394 King St. E., Bow- manville. Phone 689. 13-1 SPECIAL Canadian Wmn. A. Rogers "Puritari" silverplate in Serenade pattern, 26-piece set consisting of 6 teaspoans, 6 forks, 6 dessert spoons, 6 knives, 1 ýbutter knife and 1 sugar spooni et only $8.50 complete. Limited quantity. et Hooper's Jewellery and Gift Shop, 28 King St. W., Bowmanville. Phone 747. 13-11 DRAPERIES and venetian b]inds custom made, or draperies sold by the yard. Our representative will cal t your home any time with a camplete range ai samples and suggestions without obliga- tion. Free estimates and free in- stallation' within 35-mile area. Lowest prices in town. Fabric Tawn, 59 King St. W. Phone '3609, Bowmanville. 8-tf Bugs, Broadloom SAVE 50%. New Rugs Made from Your Old Rugs, Carpets, Woollens, etc. Dominion Rug Weaving Company Phone 3446 Bowmanville 49-tf YOUNG MIXED APPLE TREES to be remaved froni property, approxiniately 15 acres; also 6 acres RASPBERRY RUSHES and 2 acres of STRAWBERRY PLANTS. Must be removed within 30 days of purehase. Apply H. GOLDSTEIN 13 Bond St. E. Oshawa, Phone 3-3822 After 6 p.m. caîl 5-2079 13-1* TYPE WRITER SALE: 200 al standard models, regular price $175 up, now $39.50 eech. 150 lete Remington and Underwood Noiseless standard, regular price $225, clearing $69.50 each. 50 new 1954 model Royal Port- able typewriters, reduced $69.50 (twelve months ta pay). Add- ing machines only $19.95. Each machine fully guaranteed. $5.00 deposit. balance C.O.D. Crown Equipment Co. Ltd., 1011 Bleu- ry, Montreal, Que. 12-3 SZRAYERS NEW and USED Conventional and Concentrate Write or Phono Lee Equipment Co. STONEY CREEK - ONT. Phone Norman 2-8311 Distributor FRIEND SPRAYERS BUFFALO TURBINES GENERAL-Eiectric "Hotpoint" range witb high aven and watcr- lcss deep weîl cooker, price $60.00. Modemn kitchen sink unit with monel motel basin, complote with taps and sprayer, prico $85,00; ta match it, a low- or unit with drawer and cup- board, price $30.00, ail painted white: a modemn kitchen cabinet, white, 6-ft. high by 3 ft. wide with tbree soparate cuphoards, bottoni drawer and built-in porcelain table, price $75.00; used doors. Phono Mrs. M. A. Pickering, Newcastle. Clarke 2534. 13-2 FIELD SEEDS 1 Gov't Tested No. 1 Ciovers, Timothy, Grasses. Permanent Work Wanted »1GRAVEL. and f111 hauled. Phone 5Newcastle 2148. 13-tf WILL do bousework by the day, 9 ta 5. Phone 514. 13-1 DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hanmp- tan, for custonm killing. Phone 3243. 32-tf HIGH school boy would lîke work in store aiter school and on Seturday. Phane 514. 13-1 iMIDDLE-AGED woman ta help with cere of elderly lady, prîv- ate room . and board supplied. Phone 3137. 13-1* DON Brooks, carpenter, con- tractor-Ail types ai remodell- ing and kitchen cupboards; builder ai new homes. Free estimates. Phone Oshawa 5-0650, Bowmanville 602. 6-tf Masonry Construction BRICK - BLOCK - CONCRETE Free Estimates ANGER BROS. PHONE-2643 or 3375 42-tf SAVE MONEY AT D AVE' S SHOE REPAIR SKATES SHARPENED 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (4n rear> 47-tf Concrete and Mason Work L. TURNER Phone 3600 Evenings 3226 P. O. Box 177 Bowmanville 13-tf Electrical Repairs AND CONTRACTS For Estimate - Phone BERT SNOWDEN BOWMAN VILLE 2359 12-2* BULLDOZING and EXCAVATING TRENCHING and LOADING BY HOUR OR CONTRACT - Free Esthnates Gîven- WM. TRJPP PORT PERET R. R. 2 PHONES: Res. 109r42, Office 392 22-tf ]Phone 3613 FOR PROMPT SERVICE on your Plumbing andifHeating PROBLEMS LOW DOWN PAYMENT- EASY TERMS ON New Installaions W. A. KILPATRICK 48-tf FURNACES Air Conditioning Ou Burners . ma * i ..ail - 10, Pasture Mixtures, et. âheel la'z ia Worlk Oshawa Auction Amena is now gardon equipment includ- 11* WATCH FOR OUR operating cvery Tuesdey even- ing new Fermaîl trector, EXPERIENCE COUNTS , ing et 7:30 p.m. One mile north nice ireme bungalow with ci for Weeklv Special 'L ai the Hause Thet Jack Built. hydro, weter, double ger- price L &avestrougiiing Will pick up any articles within age. This is a bargain for $1.0 50% Alfalfa, 50% Red Claver a radius ai five miles. Amena the carly buyer. Forti No. 1 Seed, $18.00 bus. DAVIS & CM is heateci. Phono Oshawa 5-5980. $9,500 -85 acres, ell workable; 1,Frthe Best et the Loivost Price utoerJa sWodlrgbichueyr, 13.2* Sec Us Before You Buy! 2 Mill Lane Bowmanville AcineJmewod t atrgrcabe, n hyvdo -Phono - Day or Night, 3412 - 691 1 bave received instructions hgwetr arageos edt un- IEI 1-tf frrni the exocutors ai the estatescol Thrisagd truck ______________________ ofaithe late Mrs. M. Silver, 37' tro.t stre ntis aprop- heels Division St, Bowmanvilie Carlisle Avenue, Bawmanville, erot. tis lose ta Dele.- Sfor 13-1 Notice to ireditors ta seli by public auction on Set- et.I scoet ae EeOr- $,0-0ars l akbe 12-2 DRESS GOODS 19c Yard AND OTHERS urdey, April lOtb, 1954, ail hem 500-0arsri okbe Beatifl Pint, Cepe, Tif-household eifects, gardon tools, with barn equipped witb ýrood- etas. AIl new patterns and IN THE ESTATE 0F Susie etc. Sec list in noxt week's sacin n itrcr acity; , gorgeaus colors. Buy direct Minnie Stanley, lete ai the Town peper. Sale et 1 P.m. Cliiford nier, imame bouse 25'x 30', water frani us for greetest velue, ai Bowmenville, in the Countyt Petbick, Auctioneer. 13-1 bydro in aIl buildings, 10'x Pieces up ta 4 yards. Good for ai Durham,. Spinster, deceesed, ephnew irfnc arch. dresses, aprans, skirts, etc. Rush Who died et Bowmanville, on or Mr. E. T. Syor, Lot 34, Con. 7, :ng, on e gaod gravel road. 13.1* youm qrder beck. No order about the 22nd day ai February, Clarke Twp., one mile wost of IVe have a large iist of accepted less then 15 yards. 1954. Loskard, bas sold bis farm and good fanms in this district. Stock 15 Yard Bundie only $2.79 THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O.,1 wiIl selI by public auctian on Sec us before buying. slats, Send No Money unless you wish. 1950, Ch. 400, Sec. 51. Wednesday, April I4th, coni- H. C PE W L tapes. Orders shipped C.O.D. plus post- Creditors and others beving mencing et 12:30 p.m., bis Entire ED EL e age. Satisfaction guaranteed or dlaims ageinst thoe bove estete bord ai Durhami cattle, swine, Boe 28tmoney cheerfully refunded. We aeequired ta send particulars poultry, borses, bey, grain, Newcastle Phone 38-SSL ýs Ca. have thousands aistsie ulprathr ot the tractor, fanm macbinery, fumn- 1- 10tfcutaer.Order today! undersigned on or before the iture, etc. For furthem pertic- 7ik MRS. 1. SCHAEFER 2th day ai April, 1954, aiter ulars, sec bills. Ternis cash. No NIXON REAL ESTATE mck" Drummondville, Quebec. wbich date the essets ai the reserve. Jack Reid, auctianeor. 5-room fmaie bouse an large! )uflt- 13.1* ostate will be distributed heving Lawrence Harris, Clemk. 13-1 lot, heavy wiring, fumnace, lowl jregard ta the Wiil and the deams taxes, well, on peved roed.î 1"et THE CLASSIC ' j thet bave been thon received. I bave been favoured with in- $6,000. Ternis. :mo- B AT HR O OM S ET DATEDet Bowmanville, On- structians frani Mr. Newton1 4-rooni marne bouse on No. 2 mnan - tamia, the l8tb day ai March,' Cobbledick, Station St., Orono, Highway between Bowmanviile 13-1$165 1954. ta soîl by public auction on Set- and Oshawa,; 'k-acre lot, full grain Deiivered Lawrence C. Mason, urday, April l7th, conmoencing baseinent, beevy wiring, insulat- COi.A eatiulBehromSe e a Barrister, etc., et 1, bis ontire bousehold c d, stanm windows and doors. cOm: AbeutiulBatroo St a a 30 King Street West, effects, bedmoani and living rooni Lowý down payment. 30 days' ters, reasonable price. Bowmanville, Ontario. furniture, electric reirigerator possession. $6,000. Ternis. dre-s Everything In Solicitor for John Brough and washing machine, gas stove, 6-rooni bick semi-detecbed, pIl-M Pîumbîng and Heatlng and The Toronto General bedding, linon, dishes, gîassware, bath, fumnace, hardwood floors, 7. Write et S1o Trusts Corporation - ýetc. Ternis cash. No roserve. modemn kitchen, venctian blinds, 1_1 Visit Our Showrooms. Executors. 11-31 Jack Reid, auctioneer. Lawrence insuleted, nîcely decorated, -Harris, clerk. 13-3 stannis and screens, possession C., 1 Reptir I hv eeieentrcin rmenged. $6,800. V;l e ar aercevdisrcin 8-rooni brick home an No. 2 vift's f roni Ph yllis Maynard, Lot 4, Highway east ai Bownianvillc, tele- ty. ONO REPAIRS toaleh nakes af rcfrig- Con. 1,. Dariingtan Towvnship, 2 and 3-piece bath, herdwood and KUJ 4%» eretans, doniestic and commier- anc mile east and a hahf mile, floors, furance, double garage, steelS4 ciel. niilking coolers. Higgon sauth af Bowmanville Cemetery, barn and hen bouse. Approx- ste swauIp8ume@ Electric, 42 King St. E. Phone ta soîl by public auction on Set- iniately one acrj. $12.000. Ternis. 13-1 438. 25-tf urday, April 3rd et 1, ber Half cash. household effects. This sale will 5-rooni iranie bouse, west ai OPen Wednesda> and Frlday ~,,,iiclude such items as chrome Bowmanville, 24x30, large lot, evenlngs and all day Saturday. .iersonu.i kitchen suite, cbestemfield suite, Ihcavy wiring, unfinished. $4,000. 13-5HY ENCsple -(rbr bedrooni and living roani furn- Ternis. ic HYIENI suplies- (rbberiture, Crssley electmic efrigor-i Fanms, dwollings, businesses EUM goods) maîled pastpaid in plain ator, rengette, dishes, glassweme, and lots. Ro m to Six sea nplo 25c,24 sprelsepple oe, 10eandas adrm HoardePhNio, Salema LU RSixt R n seel nvle 25it2h pnie hs. tractoe, 10-all ongs o dri HoJares Nixo, Broerma ,WE havt e few roonis available 1S1.00. Mai] Order Dept. T-28. items. Ternis cash. No neserve.1 Office 85 King St. E. Phono 71 iville et reasotabie weekly rates. The Nov-Ru bbcr Ca., Box 91, Hem- Jack Reid. auctioneen. Lewrence Res. 682 or 2620 1 9-ti 1 BalinoraÀ lHoteL. 6-tf ilton, Ont. 152 1 Harris. clerk~. 12-21 3I01 Reception Mm. and Mmi. Harold Pascoe, Hamipton, Ontario, wlll receive their fnienda and relatives on Saturday, Apnil 3md, 1954, et Saline Communlty Hall, from, 7:30 untîl 10:30 p.m., in bonour ai their twcnty-fifth wedding anniversary. 12-2 Wanted 'i ONE buck-rake. ONE boy's junior size bicycle. Phone 84 r 12, Orono. H. Lycett. 13-1* BALED alfalfa or red claver hay. Phone Bowmanville 2714. 13-1* ONE good work borse. Phone 2814 Clarke. Stan Rowe, R. R. 3, Newcastle. 13-2* BEFORE selling your live poul- try. try us. Our prices are high. er. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany Phono 7 r 13. Reverse charges. 51-tf WANTED-Live poultry. goose feathers, feather ticks, scrap Iran, rags and metals. Raw furs and deerskins. Phone 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 46-tf Calves for Vealing Will Buy YOUNG PIGS AND SOWS ALLAN J. WERRY PHONE 2570 12* ro Buy Phone Bow- WANTED For Export PUREBRED HOLSTEIN HEIFERS eoming ln, June to August MAX HEIDT PORT FERRY PHONE 164r4 or PHONE 393 12-2 Notice Io Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE ai MARG- ARET MABEL SIL.4VER, Decees- ed. AIl persans baving clems ageinst the estate ai Margaret Mabel Silver, late ai the Town ai Bownienville. in the County ai Durhami, widow, who died an or about the lst day ai Feb- ruary 1954, are required ta send ta the undersigned et the addness below, full perticulars ai the sanie on or hefore the 15th day ai May, 1954, aiter whieh date the essets ai the deceesed will ho distnibuted having regard anly ta the deams ai wbich the Executors shail thon have notice. DATED this lst day ai April 1954. PERCY H. WERRY and GEORGE WHITE, Executors, By Apha I. Hodgins, 16 Temperence Street, Bowmenville, Ontario, their solicitor herein. Seed For Sale SEEDS, govomnment tested, No. 1 clovers, grasses, permanent pesture mixtures, etc. Bulk garden secds in stock now. Stewart's Seeds, Bowmanville. 10-tf. AUCTION SALES 1Real Estate For Sale I*Reca Estate For Sale FRAME bouse, 10 rooms, centre hall, furnace, %k acre or mare, an main streef overlooking park and Farestry Station-, to close estate. Apply P. O. Box 23, Orono. 13-1* SEVEN-roomed frame house, stone foundation, 3-piece bath, city water, ¾ 4-acre land, some fruit trees, 132 ft. frontage, 231 ft. deep, close ta achool and (church in Harniany. Phone 'Oshawa 3-9081. 13-2* SEVEN-roomned frame bouse, stone foundation, 3-piece bath, citv water, 3/4-acre land, some fruit trees, 132 ft. frontage, 231 ft. deep, close ta school and church in Harmony. Phone Oshawa 3-0891. 12-2* SEVEN-room frame h o u s e, woodshed, small barn, hen hause and garden. This house is paint- ed creamn and in goad condition. Close ta two stores in Kendal, on Mill Street, Con. 6, Lot. 9, Clarke Township. Apply ta J. H. Gardon, Kendal, Ont. 12-3 WHEN SELLING A ROUSE For Service that's best Pick up your phone and Ask for VAN NEST. All types of listings wanted. J. VAN NEST 2 Concession St. W. Dial 3230 Real Estate* 13-5 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented, Managed and Appraised L. M. AL LI SO N Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, ont. Two blocks north af traffic signal, Newcastle. 20-tf FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be receivedby the undersigned up ta ;g o'clock noon on the lSth day'ai April, 1954, for the purchese in anc parcel ai the praporty ai the late George Jamieson et the corner ai King and Beaver Street@, Newcastle cansisting ai three building lots on anc ai wbich is said ta be an 8-roomed frame bouse and garage and an the athers a quantity ai fruit trees. Terms: 10 % ai price with tender; balance ta ho paid i cash an closing. Closing date ta be arrangod. Higbest or any tender flot necessarily eccepted. R. R. WADDELL, Q.C., Orono, Ont., Solicitor for the Vendor. 12-3 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Fîve roomed brick bungalow on King St. Largo lot. Immmcd- iate possession. Full price $3.000. Eigbt roomed solid brick bouse, two apertments, ail furn- ace, large lot, double garage. On good street, centrally located. $8,500.00. 150 acre fanm near town. Large brick bouse, nine rooms, new furnace, large hemn, garage, hen bouse, silo, pig pen, irnple- ment shed. We have bouses and fanms in Oshawa, Ajax end Bawmanville districts. J. P. Atlan, Broker Oshawa, Ajax, Weston Mrs. M. E. Leask, Local Agent 65 Ontario St. Phone 919 Bawmanvillc 13-1 PEDWELL Real Estate $5,500 -5 acres of good garder soul in> the village ai En- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, 7 roomed house, spacious livb. ing and dining zoom, modem~ kitchen, aunroom, clothes dosets in bedrooms, 3 piece ba~-un ace, garage. This prophsu ta be seen ta be ap >ted. $1 1,000. e New 5 raomed bouse, large modern kitchen, 2 other iroorns upstairs to be finished, $8,500. Terms. 4-5 and 6 roomn bungalows for sale, also apartment houses and building lots. 40 acre farm, 1 mile froA hilD way, 35 acres workable a barn, silo, greenhouse, houses, garage, 6 roomed hou water system, hydro throughout. $10,000. Terms. Mrs. A. P. Jansen Bawmanville il Duke Street Phone 3309 Local agent for John F. DeWith, Realtor 13-1* DeWITH REAL ESTATE 204 acre dairy farm, North Oshawa, all tule drained, level land, with creek, 19 acres of wood, main barn 105x55 feet, silo, etc., milk house with elec- tric cooler, 3 acres orchard; il raamned stone bouse, hydro throughout; 20 acres faîl wheat, 30 acres mixed bay. Close ta school, village. Price $25,000. Terms. 85 acre farm on good road, with creek, 50 x 30 f t. bank barn, hen house, pig pens, 7 roamed frame bouse, hydra throughout. Price $6,500. Easy down pay- ment. 50 acre farm, narth ai Bow- manville, with creek, large baen, etc.; 10 roomed hause with bath- zoom, water pressure, hydro throughout. Close ta school, stores, etc. Price $10,000. Terms. 112 acre farm, on gaod road, with creek, 100 x 30 ft. bank barn, driving shed, silo, etc., with 8 roomed frame bouse, bydro throughout. Price $11,000. $2,ý000 down. 7 roomed frame bouse, in vill- age, %k acre lot, close ta store, school and church. Price $3,800. Easy terms. 7 roomed brick bouse, main street, Newcastle, with' bath- zoom, ail heating, water pressure, etc., double lot. Price $7.500. $200 raomedpartly clapboard. pawtly stan house, Newcatàq (in double lot. Gaod weHl~ hydra througbaut. Asking $4,000. Terms. 6 roomed bouse on 1 acre lot with 4-piece bathroom, full cell- ar, furnace, bot and cold running water, hydro. Price $5.500, Trms./1 4 roomed bouse at Ne-astle, with large sun porch, fullear hydro thraughout, garage, ~* en boutse, hemn and 10 acre' of land. Price $6,500. Terms. Besides the above mentioned properties we have approxim- ately 40 other farms and homes ;o choose from. Contact John F. DeWith, Realtor N~ewcastle Phone 3341 Teacher Wanted TEACHER wanted for Ontario Training Scbool for Boys, for emainder ai scbool terni. Apply Supenintendent. Phono 3301. 13-1 FOR S. S. No. 17, Darlington Township, duties ta begin Sept. 94.AoVF s tatilenifUCI.ip..a tians, experience and salary ex- pected, ta, Clarence Avery, Burketon. Phone 2501. 12-3 Turn Page for Addiiional Classifieds 1The Canadian Statesman CLASSIFIED RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCZ FOR SALE FOR SENT xm.P WANTED CARS mOR SALE LOST FOUND ETC. Cash Rat. 3c per Word with a minimum of 50C Must b. paid by date of insertion Il charged, an additional 25c wil b. added. A charg, af 25c will b. md lv - al replies dlrected tatheol NOTICES. CO6MG £VENTS AND CARDs Or TH""E 3c a Word w±th a minimum ci 81.00 for 33 wards ozlas. BISTHS. DUATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, AiIG $1.00 pr.:nto lN MEOA4a.5 31.00 plus toc a lin. o f le. CObMECIAL CLASSIFIED Lncudes ail advertiaing toi Personsai finns selling services. Ideas or qoodsala any description -3c pet word; minimum charge 75c cash wlth aider. Ta regulaz advertisers, payable manthIy Display Classified ut 31.50 pet lncli with a minimum ai1o0" Inch. Addjtianal insertions ai the tome rates. JI Clossified Ad.. must b. Ln this office flot later thon 12 o'clack noon. W*dnosday. Bond cash, atamps oz moneym arder and save maneoy. MZ t is OUI toi baadY retrence 0-1- TIM «MAZK" VrATIOL4W. BOWMAIÇVff..L% C"AMO mulumulo,