?I!RSDT, PRL lt, 95 TR! CNAlTA MT'P! & T OWA NV1T TT 1 ym f.%llN'1'AWfL PtE P Enniskillen Service Club Bazaar Has Many HappyPrize Winners Enniakilien: The sotih several of the booths were sold Was focused on Enniskillen out. Ladies werechsnb Community Hall on Thursday the president from the guest:; evening, March 25th, where the in attendance to make draws second annual mammoth bazaar from the plastic pail for the 23 and pegny arcade was held un-~ valuable prizes. Proceeds were demthesposorhîpof nn- approximateîy $329.00 for the akillen Service Club. Even the Service Club. weatherman co-operated by The lucky winnems were as changing a very wet day into follows: oil painting, 626-Mrs a beautiful evening. Stewart Rodman, Scugog Is- On the main floor of the hall land; crocheted pillow cases, Wçer eight booths, artistically 575-Mr. Allan Dickey, Hamp- ddrated in yellow and orchid, ton; hooked mat, 274-Mr. W. V'11'- home baking, apron, mis- Howells, R.R. 2, Burketon; foamn cellaneous (consisting of fancy rubber pillows, 703-Mrs. Nor- work and wearing apparel), man Wright, Enniskillen; child's touch-and..take and parcel post, yellow nylon dress, 541-Mrs. childmen's toys, fish pond andl Wesley Hilîs, R.R. 1, Enniskil- a C.G.I.T. booth which was de- len; insulated teapot, 415-Mi ss comated in the traditional navy Joanne Morden, Greenwood; blue and white. diamond socks, 531-Mrs. H.1 er1h the basement the W.A. Corden, 10 Argyle St., Bowman- a rved a delicious lunch on ville; 3-piece crocheted chester- >Je tables which were centred field set, 664-Tommy Lead- Wihgay sping bouquets. beater, Enniskillen; quilt, 865- The. bazaam was officially Mrs. John Nimnigon, Jackman on3ened by President Mrs. W. Road, Bowmanville; lamp, 293 Rowells who welcomned the -Carolyn Harding, 103 Mill St., m-any customers and expressed Oshawa; hassock, 878-Mrs. H. appreciation toa ah who contri-- Stevens, Enniskillen; card table, buterl ta the success of the 961-Mrs. M. Allîn. Courtice; e- - a ver- short time child's smocked dress, 929- Mary Yoe. Enpiskillen; lace tablecloth, 930-Linda Yoe, En-1 niskillen; damask tablecloth, 551-Mrs. Russell Griffin, Enni- skillen; rose wool blanket, 281 -Mrs. J. Parsons, 129 Mill St., 1Oshawa; navy auto robe, 472- Mrs. Roy Metcalf, R.R. 2, Bow- manvifle: bridai party, 683- Mrs. Ken Mossey, 306 College Ave., Oshawa; luncheon clotn1 (1), 793-Mrs. Joan Lambert, 244 Ritson Rd.. Oshawa; chen- ille bedspread, 548-Mrs. H. Lake, 55 Elgin St., Bowman- ville; luncheon cloth (2), 315- Frank Smith, Bowmanville; daffodil doily, 822-Miss Aud- rey Graham, Union School, R.R. 2, Burketon; Japanese kimona, 914-Miss Nancy Wood, Enni- skillen. ZION The regular C.G.I.T. meeting was held at the school on Tues- day, March 23. Mrs. Glen Glas- pell was in charge of the wor- ship service. The girls did some hemming on tea towels and the meeting closed with "Taps". The Lost Heir party at the school was attended very wIl with fifteep tables playing. High lady, Mrs. Alan Thomp- son; high gent, Edward Haass; low lady, Mrs. Nelson Fice: low gent, Alan Glaspeil. The ladies served sandwiches, cake and tarts and tea and everyone en- joyed a nice social time toge- ther. Mr. Ivor Gerry spent last weekend with Mrs. F. B. Glas- pel and they visited at Ralph Glaspel's. Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. George Sonley, Toronto, at Fred Cameron's. Mrs. Russell' Perkins visited at Fred Ashton's, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Poloz, Midland, at R. C. Stainton's for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stainton at Douglas Skinner's, Oshawa. Master Stuart Ayre and Lou- anne Ayre visited their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Crossman, Kedron. Miss Marilyn Fice is working, in the main office at General Motors, Oshawa. March has been about as nasty as it could be all through. Everyone will be glad to see the end of it. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shaw, Miss Fat Shaw, Mr. Ro nald Jackson. Oshawa, Mrs. A. Scott, Huntsville. at Jim Stainton's. A recent world survey shows that Canadians are the world's leading telephone users, aver- aging 388 calîs per person per H AM TONurday at the home of his sister, HAMPTON Mrs. . G. Doidge.1 ______Mr. and Mrs. Bill Widde-i Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Power combe, Courtice, with Mr. and and childmen, Sunderland, were Mrs. R. Widdecombe. recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Cryder- his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet man, Joan, Grant and Glenn, Johnston. Oshawa, were Sunday visitors Mrs. May Johns, Long Sault, with bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. spent a week with Mrs. Loren- L. Cryderman. zo TruIl and Mrs. Harold Sal- Mr. and Mrs. A. Clemens, ter. Bowmanville, wîth Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peters, Mrs. Laverne C lemens. Toronto. spent Sunday with the Mr. and Mrs. D. Barnett and Salters. son Ralph, Oshawa, with hem Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sani- parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. elîs, Nestieton, were Thrsa Adamson. visitors at Mr. Merwin Mount- Miss Betty Knox, Toronto, joy's. with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Knox. Mr. A. L. Pascoe, Solina, with Mrs. J. W. Reynolds, Bow- his sister, Mrs. Joe Chapmýan.' manville, with Mm. and Mrs. Rev. H. W. Pointen, Wood- Arthur Reynolds and famfiy ville, Mr. and Mrs. A. North- on Sunday. cutt, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ayre Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moase, and Cindy Lou, Mrs. G. Widde- Little Britain, were guests of combe, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johnston. Mrs. Ivason Tamblyn, Orono, Mrs. Loveday Gully and Mr. at A. L. Blanchard's. E. Rundle, Oshawa, visited at Mrs. Laura Ranton visited Lorenzo Trull's. hem niece, Mrs. W. Boyd, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Truli Boyd and family at Orono, on and Fanklin visited at Mr. Tuesday of last week. Dick Bolton's, Toronto. Mrs. E. H. Cole visited Mrs. Mm. and Mrs. Garnet Johnston Harvey Curtis, Orono. and girls visited Lindsay re- Mrs. H. Ruttan was a recent latives on Saturday. visitor with friends at London. Mr. Will White has returned Mm. and Mrs. Bloyd Wilcox, fromn the Bowmanville Hospital Cobourg, with Mr. and Mrs. J. and is convalescing at home. D. Hogarth. Mrs. Bruce Ferguson had the Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, Osh- misfortune to fali in her home awa, were supper guests on Sat- which resulted in injuries to ber arm, requiring hospital care. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. M. J. Blackburn and family in the death of Mr. Blackburn. Sympathy of Hampton friends is also extended ta Mr. E. E. Staples of Bethany, formerly of Hampton, in the death of Mrs. Staples. Church Anniversary Service on Sunday was very well at- tended and was conducted by Rev. H. W. Pointen, of Wood- ville, wvho was guest minister, and whose splendid message was practical and uplifting. Adding to the inspiration of the service was the pleasing music rendered by the Junior Mate Quartette of Bowmanville, Messrs Ted Ott, Ivan Woolley, Ken Hockin and Roland Coomb- es, who sang two selections; choir number was "Make A Joyful Noise" by Caleb Simper. The services of the minister and the music of the aftemnoon was much apprecîated. Communion will be observed next Sunday momning. Rev. F. J. Reed was preaching on the Woodville charge on Sunday and was accompanied by Mrs. Reed. Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy spent the weekend in Toronto sud attended the Detroit Red Wings and Toronto Maple, Leafs hoc- key game at Maple Leaf Gar- dens. Women's Institute meeting this Thursday. Program ln charge of centre group. Topie for discussion - "Gardening," taken by Miss Reynolds. Ail ladies welcome. Send your Pink Envelope in today. The Sialesman Sold AI Following Stores Trull's Store, Courtice Strong's Store, Port Hope Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown, Newtonville C. Pethick, Enniskillen T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen F. L. Byam. Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton A. E. Ribey, Burketon H. T. Saywefl, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrreil, Orono H. K. Reynolds, Kendal Gilbert Food Market, Millbrook Henderson's Book Store, Oshawa -Bowmanville - R. P. Rickaby - "Big 20" W. J. Berry Howes Smoke Shopu Jury & Lovel Elgie Harnden's Handy Store The Statesman Office I Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monda y- April 1 -2 -3 5 $1.77 Sale! Big 22" x 44" Cannon BATH TOWELS Another amazing example of the thrilling values the Target Sale brings you! First quality famous CANNON towels that are real bath beauties-and in 22" x 44"! Lovely solid shades of plnk, blue, flamingo, yellow and green. Target Sale priced, EACH ----------------------- 9 BLOUSE SALE! Beauties - - at a Mite of a Price Two Styles Target Sale EA CH ------------- Linen type fabric with delightful angora collar trim -in white, Pink, blue and yellow. Also pretty cotton sheers ln new prints and plain shades of navy, red and black. Truly exciting value for your sprlng wardrobe at this amazing Target Sale price. Sizes 12 to 18. Ail Linen TEA TOWELS Imported all-linen towels, ah- 3 FOR sorbent and quick-drying. With colored borders in red, biue, green or gold anld with assort- ed multi striped centres. Gen- $ 0 erous size 18" x 30". Stock up0 0 at this low Target Sale Price RAYON WORSTED SUITINGS Sew your own Eastem suit from these BEAUTIFUL N E W SPRING FABRICS and save dollars! Inclnded are eresse- resiatlug aud spot-resisting fab- ries that are so easy ta eare for. 54 Inch sud 58 inch wldths. Smart tlny checks, cordsansd pie 'n' pics. Assorted colora. YARD --- $1685l Genuine tartans, includlng Mac- Fie, Melntash, Wallace, Gor- don sud MacDonald. Warm wool, finlshed with fringed ends. Sise 54" x 66". Prlced for outataiiding value during the big Target Sale! --.EACH $5099 w tri qu tri St 3.S - LOOK AT THE LOW PRICES Lace Trimmed NYLON SLIPS 20"1/x 40" STRIPED TOWELS Vondrfu 40denir nlonAnother Walker Stores "walk- Vioteu 0 etowah nonont" value! First quality, ex- ick-droay .Exqusitany cellent weight, soft and absorb- uimmdithlng. embroid- sit__1 ent - aud a good bath size rmed s h nytonsd em. 20" x 40". White with multi trgshteurt stleandusae.s tripes in cerise, bine, gold aud - trsps.hit e t 0. AdUsuably green. Thrifty shoppers will___ 98!ps SALhPiteDt 0 sa snap them up at this low .98! ALE RICED------ - ---- s 2 .7 1 1 Target Sale Price--- .---EACH 9 First Quality 51 Gauge - 15 Denier SHEER NYLONS Famous Maker's 1.50 Quality PAIR 881: Here Is the exquisite glamour-sheer quality you love te, wear, with the fine dark seam and neat tailored heel that are so flatteriug. Two lovely shades-Spring biege, sof t neutral toue, sud Sun Glow, light suntinted toue. Add to your supply uow at this sensational low price. The saving Is too good to, miss. Sizes 9 to 11. WABASSO Famous5HETS * "Family" Brand * 81" x 100" size * Save 3.51 pr. PAIR $5049 Here's one of the most terrific bed&ing offers we've ever made! It's a sensational saving lu beautiful, first quality sheets-the famous Wabasso "Family" type-that will give years of fine service. They're snowy white aud cellophane wrapped-ready to use. Neat plain hems for long wear. Large 81" x 100" finished, double bed size. They're values that homnemakers sud brides-to-be won't waut to miss. Stock up now and save 3.51 a pair! PiIIow Cases to Wonderful companion offer lu beau- tiful pillow alips with fiuely finished hems. First quality, lu standard 42" width. Add ta your supply at thia low Tsrget Sale Price - ---- Match Pair $128 While They Last - SAVE ON FAMILY AND HOME NEEDS c - - Famous Ibex Flannelette BLA NKETS *First Quality *70" x 90" Double bed size un,-- - White with striped borders in Pink, Blue, Gold, Green Your family will love the soft, eozy feel of these favorite blankets. They're the famous IBEX quality that will give years of wear. Sturdily woveu, fleecy uapped, with sep- arately whipped, yarn-bound ends. Priced wonderfnlly low for the Target Sale. Alwsys a sellout - corne esrly for yours! Spectacular Sale Value! Baby Chenille BEDSPREADS Far Below Usual. Eacb Large size, 93" x 105" Eleven Beautiful Colours See them! Feel them! You'll be thrilled wlth their soft, fine quality. Closely tufted baby chenille on heavy one- piece backing that will give hard wear. Fringed aronnd the three sides which show. Smart wavy pattern in modern plain shades of white, sun gold, hunter green, green, cocos, melon, coral American Beauty, blue, hello and dusty rose. Approx. 93" x 105". Be early for best color seleetion. This is s value-sensation! OnIy a few of the many bar gains at ~tu Buy Now! iiïe u 0Save Now! $s7.99 PRINTED PLASTIC Two to eight yard ends of printedl Plastic, 36" and 54" wide. In delightful patterns for every use. A regular 59o 2 and 79e a yard line us Good Quality WASH PRINTS A terrific sale of crlsp, colour- fuI COTTON PRINTS that are completely washable. Ideal for eheerful home frocks, house- coats, aprons and littie girls' dresses. . . A wlde range of floral and novelty patterns ln colours to dellght everyone. 3 7 36" wide. A "«millI mn" pureh ase. Usually 59c yd. - YARD 36" SANFORIZED BROADCLOTH FINE QUALITY BROAD- CLOTH, specially purchssed to bring you this excitlng low price . .. White and pastels of yellow, Pink, hello, sand, pow- der bine aud green. Smart for blouses, summer akirts, sports- wear and kiddies' elothes. Shame in the savings! ----YARD 37c 27"* WHITE FLAN ELETTE Sold regularly at a much hlgh- er price! Here's the soft, FLEECY FLANNELETTE you want for baby diapers aud baby garments. AU f irst quallty. Laund-er .. nwy whlte o loung-er . nsudhest.9 Priced sensationally low for Walker Stores great Target Sale! ------------- YARD 2 9 Blended WOOL TARTANS FAVORITE TARTANS! 56" wide! Here'. a seusational value for women who lîke to uew their own fashions! Ideal sprlng weight iu beautiful rayon and wool blended tartarns. Smart for skirts, sults, Jackets. Per- fect, too, for klddieul elothes YARD ...Very generous wldth iu eight favorite tartans . . * ne amoug the first t., take advan- tage of this remarkcable value tomorrow at the great Target $ 1 7 Sale! BLACK WATCH - R.C.A.F. - LINDSAY HUNTING MacKINNON KING GEORGE MARGARET ROSE- MaeNAUGHTON DRESS STUART Soit Heather-coloured all-wool blankets with strlped border., whipped ends, by that famous mnaker of blankets - Kenwood Milîs. Size 60x84. PRICED A T . --_-------- 4BIG DAYS 0F TREMENDOUS BARGAINS Nylon Trim CREPE SLIPS Two delightful styles lu fine quallty erepe. Straight eut for perfect fit. Trimmed with nylon lace at top and hem, or nylon embroidered top aud flounce. Adjustable straps. White. Sizes 32 ta 40. Usually 2.50! SALE PRICED --------- AII-wool BLANKETS By KENWOOD Low Priced! AII-Wool PLAID MOTOR RUGS 1 ý 1 là E 9 TMMDAT, APRYL Ist, 1954 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV=Z. ONTARIO PAGE TE= PAIR s.%*77 rp4.99