PAGE soe Mm ANADIAN BfJJLTL~5ATBSMI ,BOWMANVJ TLL& ONTAHIOi Recreation Revues t* DON mSHAT APRfL FOOLE Thene will b. a lot et tom- foolery going on at the Town Hail tenight along with a few catchy aongs and situationsas~ the Jack and Jili club hold forth wlth their 4th annuel van- lety show, Cornz-A-Poppin'. Don't say we didn't warn you and those lucky people who bave tickets for tonight cen b. prepared for anything. Even the' Fools Day is supposed to be over et faon, the club just cen't ltan opportunity like this by and have wamped up a litde extra something for the Thuni- day night audience. The show goes _op Fniday and Satunday as we»and if you are looking for a good n gt's *ntetalmen wih1jlenty of laughs and tee tapp g acnfs Cali Evelyn Jamieson at 33 6 lon tickets. DEAR RUTU A week following Cornz-a. Poppin', Trlnity United Chunch Young Peoples wil hold forth with their play 'Dear Ruth" on Thursday and flday, Apnil th and 9th ini the Town Hall and tickets may b. punchased at Stu James Insunance Office. King St., E. * * * TEIEN TOWN On Friday Apnil PtI, thene will b. a Teen Town dance in the Lions' Centre and rumeur bas ie that the dress will b. l'Hari! Timues".- The Teen Town executive are busy planning their big dance of the ycan to be held on Fnl- day, Apnil 23rd with dancing to the Sevenaires orchestre, dress formai, corsages are i oder and a wee lunch will b. .erved b>' one of the church groupe Which shouid miake the dance a very popular affein, MINOR HOCKEY Had one of the best miner hockey nights ini the Arena lest Satunday night as the top teams In the Pee Wce, Bantain and Mid-Juvenile iegues bat- tled for the Town Champion. shsp. The winners wene pncsented with their trophies et the con- clusion of each game and a more dctailed report will be found elsewhere in thîs paper. The official presentation will be made et Minor Hockey Tru- phy night to be held at the Lions Centre on Thursday, April 15 at 7.30 p.m. whcn al the teamis are invited to attend the final meeting of the hockey season and be in on the enter. tainment, refneshments and crest presentation. SWnMn;G oCLUB Word ha. it that this gnoup is planning a big final do to end the swimmlng season i the neer future and it wiil be pet- terned along the same lines as their most successful closing panty last yeer. Ail the members of the group will b. contactcd as te timp, date and place and from ail the comments heerd over lest yeer's effein this is one night you'Il want to be prcsent. Average wege In the manu- iacturing industries was $1.37 pen hour at Oct. 1, 1953. High- est paid were workens making pnoducts of petrolcum and coal, et an average of $1.84 an houn; next were pnimar>' steel work- ens, et $1.71 an heur. j- Home Permanents TOnI _______ 1.79 Tonette for Chlldren-- 1.75 Prom _______ 1.75 18hadow Wave _____1.50 Rudnut _______1.75 Bobbl 1.15 Dodd'a Gia Nyal Cystex Pilla Pilla X Kdney Pil Tablets 390 39. 890 35e - 600 1.00 -2.00 Spring Tonics Guard Againsi Wampole'a Extraet -.1.29 Mofhs Waterbury's Comp. , 12 Larvex Bonib __ se.U'a Emulsion 730, 1.33 Larvex Spray ---93c, 1.43 Chai.. Enerjete _5.95 Larvex and Sprayer --1.50 Wampole's Viinl 3.15Ridseet Bomb ---- ------ 1.39 Fellow's Syrup ____13 Dee Tee Moth Crystals 59e -- Moth Blocks --15c, 25o Celery Nervine - 1.25 Fly Tox Bomb - -1_i.39 Chocolaies Nya! Wampole's Creophos Creo-Terpin Buter Wrapped Choeoia.te Buter Novelties 1.25 506 Gorilol Free A Vitamin Fortifled Fcilp mt Iron Tonie Liquid or tableta wlth Jar of Noisema. 3.29 65C COWLI NG'S PRONZ 696 DRUG STORE A Il over the world Important News is breaking- Every Day Your way of living .. your cost of living. is finfluenced and aitered by events which happein in other parts cof the %vrid. In Londo . ..'n WaWngto ..inot&We WOrt captais . men and womenm are mk*n lma.s . say* ng tingsand doig *angs whc affect y" life. '%h Toronto Daiy Star brings you the news c4 the word. .. thé day the news happers. and the latest rems pktures. Have %h.Townto DaiJy Star debivered tb your home. This b;g, biiglit, enterprising newspaper will keep you in touch with what's going on everywhere. D.Rvered by WM lS.bsevIpA" Car C à wwk Ad 8 eu3.50 1 Pm ----------- I îzOO - i. . W Toeu.» YELVERTON IPrize-Winninci Presidenl A very large crowd attendec the crokinole party h.ld et thi home of Mr..end Mrs. Tot Spenceley on Fnlday night, i Lorraine McGilI and Mr. Ani Rowan were the winners. Lunet, was served. These parties hav( been so successful that the ser. les ls to b. contlnued. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Malcolmo have of. fered their'home for the Apnil party. Yelverton's Family Clut la the sponsor. Miss T. Boon, Cooksville. wa.% a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Malcolm. The Mal. colm's and their guest were en. tertaincd on Saturday night by Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Nesbitt, Nestieton. Mr. and Mn.. Bert MeMullen and Gary, Janetvllle, visited with Mr. and Mns. Murray Mal- colm on Sunday. The Ray Robinson family spent the same day with Mrs. J. P. Henderson and Murray in Bethany. Miss Emn Henders. who had been visiting with Mrs. Velva Barla and Miss Eva Pann in Blackstock since last Wednes- day, returned home on Monday morning. Mr. and Mns. Geo. Wilson were Sunday guests at Ruth and Dave Wilson's, Messrs. Howardý Malcolm, Floyd Stinson and Clarence Page curled in Lindsay on Sat- urday. Dave Wilson also curled wlth a team from Blackstock. Mn. and Mrs. Jerry Bristow and Gary, were Saturday even- ing dinner guests of Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Spenccley ententaincd a numben of fricnds frpm Toronto on Saturday night. Mnr. and Mrs. Jack Jones, Mr. and Mrs. D. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lowes, Mn. and Mrs. C. Holman, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Dixon wene guests. Mrs. Davis and Mrs. John- ston, Peterborough, visited with Mn. and Mrs. Jerry Bris- tow on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Mal- colm, accompanied by Mr. and Mns. Laurence Malcolm motor- ed to Toronto on Wednesday to see the musical "Guys and Dolîs" at the Royal Alex. A number fron,. Yelvcrton at. tcnded the Cooking School held et the Academy Theatrè in Lindsay this past wcek. Mn. Ted Spenccley attendcd the Convention of the Canadian Life Underwriters' Association held in Toronto recently. Cheen up. cheer up, fellow 'nopens, Spring is on t * e wayl I have in front of me, two tiny wrhite snowdnops, those tiny wvhite flowens who are se cour- ageous that not even biting winds and snow that ought to know betten cen daunt them. Aind these aren't blooming in t pot on the kitchen win dow- sili eithen! Right out of the garden! Ground-hog season has )fficially opened in Yelverton, too, with Harvey Malcolm bag- ging the first. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Stinson and Mr. and Mns. Floyd Stin- son wene guests of Mn. and vlrs. Victor Reeds at Reeboro for dinner on Saturday even- îng. Mn. and Mrs. Balfour Moore, Oram and Nancy visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sedman at Vhitby on Sunday and with Mn. nd Mns. Gordon Hanna in Osh- wa. Mn. and Mrs. John MeCabe were gucsts of Deug and Shin- [y Hickson at Fleetwood on atunday night and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Shae on unday. Mn. and Mns. George Heaslip ind Lloyd, spent the week-end ith Mn. and Mrs. Enle Ross in roronto. Lloyd neturncd this 'ceek to bis teaching position in nrenton. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Wenny and onald, Kedron, Mn. and Mns. rhn Gnandy, Bnooklin. wene al isitors et the Art Rowan home 1 his week. Mr. and Mrs. Rowan r 'id family visited with Mn. and N~ vIns. Onville Jackson at Brook- c in on Sunday. . T 1C K ETS TO EVERTWI3RE Air. Rail or Stgmship Consult 3URY & LOVELL Bowmanvllle 15 KingSt. W.. Phone 778 Important Advice! THESE DAYS you cannot b. sure you are properly inaured-AND REMAIN SO -wlthout the constant ad- vice and assistance of a rellable Insurance agent. When You ait Insurance trom thia agency you buy a service of protection-not policies. Let us check over your Insurance. No obliga- tion. STUART E. JAMES Insurance Real Estate Phones: Office 681: Res. 493 King Striet Bowmanville John W. Miles, Trent Valley Branch of the National Chinchilla Breeders of Canada, and Mrs. Miles, are shown with the type of stock that won them second place at the fifth annual show and convention at Guelph. John W. Miles of 590 Reid St., Peterborough, who was elected President of Trent Valley Branch of the National Chin- chilla Breeder Association of Canada a week ago Friday, took second place at a show in Guelph. His animal, "Milesview 9H", was in competition with about 200 chinchillas from across Can- ada at the Sth annual show and convention. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Several Showers HeId in Honour 0f Recent Bride Prion te hen marniage on Mench 20, Mrls. William Ellis was guest of honon et two bri- dai showers. On Tuesday even- ing, March 16, the bride-to-be was invited to the home of Miss Shirley Moffatt, Prospect St., whene she found about 21 girl fniends and relatives gathered in hen honor. Mrs. Jeanette Bishop was co-hostesa with Miss Moffatt. The cvening took the form of a miscelleneous shower, the bride bcing seated -in a prettily. deconated chair to open hen niany gifts. Remainden of the evening was spent in pleying games et the conclusion of which a delicious lunch was servcd by the hostesses. On the cvcning of Manch 18, the bride-to-be was aise sur- pnised by a showen given by Mrs. Bennice Terry and Mrs. Don Ellis at the latter's home, 136 Wharf Road. Nineteen guests. consisting mainly of re- latives and friends of th&. groom, prcsented the bride-to- be with men>' loely gift. While opening these the bride wes showened from time te time with confetti fnom vani- coloncd balloons over her head. Elemes and a delicieus lunch were cnjoyed b>' al present, 3owmanville Y.P.U. At NgwtonviIIe Newtonville: The Bowmnan- viîlle Y.P.U. wcrc the guests et the Circuit Fellowship League at the United Church on Tues- la>' evening of hast week when t ver>' pleasent timte was en- eyced by ail. The gnoup from 3owmenville took cane et the meoting as in their regular way while the local group had cherge of the social houn when games and contests wene the ordcr and nefrcshments senved. .The evening ended with sing- ing of Taps and promise ef an- other such gethening in the cear future. The ncxt meet- ing of the Fcllowship League .'ill be in Kendal on Tuesday evening, Apnil 6th. c' i el NESTLETON Mns. M. Emerson called on Mrs. W. Bateman, Caesarea. Mrs. A. Tilbrook spent an evening with Mr. and Mrs. G. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mal. colm, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolmu, Denise, Vernon and Mark, spent a day with her parents, Mr. and Mns. George Kerr, Yel- verton. Mrs. Victor Malcolm and Mrs. L. Joblin spent an afternoon with Mrs. W. Bateman, Cae- sarea. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cain and John, Lifford, visited Mr. and: Mrs. Victor Malcolm.1 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stinson j an fami1y, C admus, spent Sat- I urgyevening with Mr. andi Mrs. George Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Nes- bitt, attended the Farmer's Un. ion meeting at Devitt's Hall on Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Emerson and family, Stratford, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson. Mrs. Prescott and baby daughter returned from Peter- borough Hospital. Don't forget W. 1. meeting ini the Unted Church basement April 7th ini charge of Mrs. George Bowera' group. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Malcolmi are sPendingi a few days in Port Perry also 9 ent an evening with Mr. nd Mrs. Herman Wison. Mr. and MS. Wilfred Bowles spent Friday evening with Dr. BOwleo Md bu. Mae. LM I werc the only exhibitons from Peterborough at the event and it was their finst showing. The convention was a three. day event, tcnminating with a banquet at which Calvin Skinn-' en, Salt Lake City, executive secreter>' of the American Assoc- iation, was gucst speaker. Judgcs of the show wene W. F. Ncwey of Fur Gnading Services, Depart- ment of Agniculture, Ottawa, and J. C. Molon>' of the Hud- son's Bay' Company, Montreal. Surprise-Birtbday Party is HeId for Bieverley Frank 1 Beverley Frank was a e.-vc much surprised guest of honou .r at the Lions Centre on Wednes- day evening when some 70 friends gathered to wish hen a happy eighteenth birthday. Be- iverley was lured te the dank- ened banquet hall in the Cen- tre and the surprise was leunch- 1cd in grand style. Sevenal mem- bers Of Ruth Wilson's Veriety Band wenc present and sup- plicd some fine music for danc- ing which began with a Paul Joncs numbcr and rocked right into an old feshioned hoedown, wlth Mn. Tommy Mastenson calling the squares. Bridge and crokinole. Games were aise en- joyed. A fine local quentet compos- cd et Ivan Woolle~, Ted Ott, Ken. Hockîn and R. Coombesi presented some sparkling vocal nenditions, aften which refresh- ments were servcd from an at-I tnactively decoreted tea table ccntred with a beautifulhy de- conated binthday cake, pink cendles in silven holdens and Pink and white sweet peas. Atten cuttung the cake, Be- verley was pnesented with twe attractive pieces ef luggage in maroon with white trim, b>' Misses Eilecn Spicer and Rutli Stocker. Always a popular student et Bowmanville High School, she wes also presented with an al- bum of rcconded music of the Gilbert & Sullivan Operetta "The Pirates of Penzence" in which she hed starred as "Ruth" lest ycan. Miss Joan Bowra made the presentation on behaîf of some 15 members ef the High School staff who wene present at the party. Beverley and her mother, Mrs. A. Frank, thon thanked ail present for their kindness in meking this such a memenable evening. Nestieton Station Mns. Lloyd Hunten, Port Pen- ny, and Mn. and Mns. Anthur Malcolm, Maple Cneek, Sask., visitcd Mrs. J. Pnoutt and Miss Ruth Proutt on Sunday. Mrs. Jos. Forder visited on Sundey with Mn. and Mns. Ar- nold Taylor and family. Mn. and Mrs. Jas. McMullcn and Cen], Mn. and Mrs. Maurice Samels end Sharon, Peterboro, visited Mn. and Mns. Larmen Hyland. Mr. and Mns. Charles Gist and Margaret Davison, visited Mn. and Mrs. F. L. Gist and daugh- ters, Laing, Recent visitons with Mn. and Mns. Bruce Heaslip were: Mn. and Mns. Milton Fisher, Cae- sanea., and Mn. and Mns. Ru- pent Byens, Bowmenvillc. Mn. and Mns. J. Tomkins and Jim, and Miss Meay Noon, To- ?Nqu DAY._APRff.t lot, lU4 Mr. and Mrs. Gannet Hallow- cli, Toronto, spent Sunday with his fether, Mn. William Heihow- el. Little Phyllis Van Allen, only daughter of Mn. and Mrs. J. E. Van Allen. underwent an ap- pendix operation et Memoriel Hospital, Bowmanvillc. on Mon- day. She returned home on Thursday. Mn. end Mrs. William Weeks, son Jim and daughter, Marilyn, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mns. Cleiand Lano. We are pleased te report thati Mn. William Laing and Mn. Os-1 wald Wnagg are gaining niccly. Mrs. Cccii Burley spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith, Port Hope. Mrs. H. MacDonald, Toronto, is spending e few days with her son and daughten-in-law, Mn. and Mrs. D. E. MacDonald. Miss Susie Cnowhurst, Port Hope, who has been with Mn. and Mrs. James Daynard, ne- turned home on Fniday. Mns. Menton Stewart (nec Mary Reid) et Regina who is visiting ber brother, Mn. Leslie Reid, was in tho village renew- ing old acquaintances on Set- urday. Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Osborne, son Aluin and daughter Marion,, Wclcome, spent Sunday with hen mother, Mrs. John Peerce. The many fniends et Mns. Clarence Mitchell wili be sorry te heer that she is net well. Mrs. Mitchell is et present with her son and daughter-in-law, Mn. and Mrs. John Mitchell, Port Hope. Mn. and Mrs. Melville Jones, Mr. and Mns. Cleland Lane and Mr. and Mns. Hanny Lane, Dun- dalk, attended the fiftieth wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wakelyn of Port Hope Satunday evening. Mn. and Mrs. Wakelyn were the recipients of meny congratulatony messages aise several bouquets et beau- tiful flowens. Those who gath- ened et the home pncsented Mrs. Wakelyn with a watch and Mn. Wekelyn with a ring. The Junior choir will assîst with oun regular service next Sunday, Apnil 4th.1 In a year Canadians eat near- ly thint>' million gallons et ice cream. The people ef Sarnia, Ontario, are the leeding borrowers ot public iibrany books in Canada on a per capita basis. The fneight rates which Can- adien railways may charge for hauling western Canadien grain and fleur te Font William and Port Arthur wene set by Par- iament in 1899 and are stili in ~thé flotioui6Sb4~ SCAM PERS Your favourite play shoe in hack moreatrtve more comfortable than.. e ïbheore -in a new moccasin deuign. Keep your feet cOol and conifortable ai uîn... long - with a pair of Sisman Scampers - on display a% our store. ------------eeeeeeeee0 f $3.45 $3.95 $4.95 $5.95 ronto, were Stinday visitors with Mr. Noon and Mr@. Emer- ton. Mr. Meredith Fallis has been visiting friends and relative.4 in and around Midland these last lew weeks. Miss Chrystal Fallis. Reg. N., Port Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Richard D;avi son spent Tuesday in Toronto. Mr. Gilbert Marlow, Black- stock, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Marlow. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain, Jack, Jim and Helen, and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Werry and Carol, spent Saturday evening with the Grant Thompson's. Misses Shirley Ellis and Ethel Wood are working at Blackstock Bell Telephone exchange. Shir- ley is a day operator and Miss Wood night operator. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris are spending a few days visiting Mns. T. M. Nicol, Madoc, and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rowan and children, Yelverton, and Miss Margaret Steel, Reg. N., Toronto, vîsited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steel. Mr. Marwood Veale and Miss Cheson. Hamilton, Miss Brog- don, Mr. and Mrs. John Veale, Toronto. visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fallis. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gibson and children, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Tripp and children. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tripp and family. Shirley. were Sunday guests of Mrs. Florence Tripp and Or- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steel spent Fridav evening with Mn. and Mrs. Harold Nesbitt, Gary and Ross, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gist, Mr. and Mrs. R. Davison, Mar- garet. and Douglas, attended the Port Hope Figure Skating Club Carnival on Friday even- ing. Among the junior solo numbers was Miss Anita Churchley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Churchley. Her grace- fui rendition of "April Show- ers" showed poise and accoin- pli4ment. NE WTON VILLEt We take great care in selecting the finest and most ARTISTIC GREETING CARDS for every holiday season. You will enjoy seeing our heautiful Display of easter c'aris HAYDON. Mrs. Henry Smith. Ronald and' Berry, Gnavenhunst; Mrs. Deibert Myles. Onono. visited Mr. a rd Mrs. J. Pott& and famlly and Mn.. W. Martin. Mr..and Mrs. John Oke and Randy, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Gien Thompson and Lynn, Bowmanville, visited Mn. and Mns. Roland Thompson and terniiYý Mr. and Mrs. Tom Graham, Lorraine and Reta, Mn. George Bertrim, Mis& Helen Bertrlm, Oshawa; Mn. and Mns. Arthur Trewin visited Mn. and Mrs. M. Bertrîm. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martyn and family, Bowmanvillc, at Mr. Wm. Trewmn's. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and Bill, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ashton. Sympathy is extended to Mn. and Mns. Wilbert Blackburn in the passing of his fethen, Mn. M. Blackburn, Hampton, on Sunday. Mrs. Charlie Garrard visited Mn. and Mrs. Theron Mountjoy, Hampton, on Saturday. Mn. and Mrs. J. Hanna and daughtcr visited Mn. Ferguson, Easter Cands every family ,member Easter Cards every friendly person *RI CKABY'S "BIG 20"' WAKEUP MORNINO APPETITE S Your family wilI wake up in a hurry wben you serve this breakfast treat ... nourishing Nabisco Shrcdded Wheat with delicious Crown Brand Corn Syrup! Nabisco Sbred.@ ded Wheat, made from pure whole wheat, contains vital food elemens .. . and Crown Brand Corn Syrup adds delicious flavour and quick food energy. Tomorrow delight your family-serve this wonderful breakfast thrilll .FOR OUICK FOOD ENERGY WITH LASTING NOURISHMENTI CHILDREN'S, sizes 6 te 10% MISSES', sizes il to 2!ii -- -- ---------- -- - BOYS', sizes 1 to 51'/1 --- ~--- - ---- MEN'S, sizes 6 to 12 Lloyd Ellis Shoes 39 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 941 Hanna's mother had the mie- fortune to faîl and crack the bone in her shoulder and is in Memorial Hospital, Bowman., ville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denby visited Mr. and Mr,. Donald Mountjoy and faxnlly, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and famiiy visited Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston, Ennlskillen. A surprise party was held et the home of Mr. and Mn.. Rose Ashton's on the occasion of Mr. and Mns. Roy MeLaughlile 1Oth wedding anniversary Sat- urday evcning. They were pro- sented with a coffee tab~le- Those attending were: Mrtéýd Mrs. H. Wright and Joyce,'w awa; Mr. and Mrs. Fred e Laughlin and family, Mn. and Mrs. H. McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MeLaughlin, Burke- ton; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Nestleton. W.A. Apnil meeting will be held on Thunsday site oon, April 8th, et the home of Charlie Garrard. Bible Class meeting on Tu day evcning, April th. Sunday School at 2 p.m., Chunch service at 3 p.m. ait Sunday. Sacrament will b. WE FIT MUSSES PAM Mx flum.