M4 - -p. THURSDAY. APRMI lt. 195 TEIZ CANAflIA1N STA'IMAii BOWMNVU..LE. ONTARIO PAGE SEVEI socIAuflpERAL PHONE 3303 Mrs. M. M. Gerry, Queen St, for the Minor Hockey League bas leit for a six-week vacation play-offs. i. Flonîda.1 Miss Nancy Varcoe, Peter- Mr. and Mrs. Mark Roenigk borough Civic Hospital, was at have returned iram an enjay- Ilame with ber parents, Mr. and able vacation in Florida. Mrs. E. S. Varcae, for thé Mn. and Mrs. A. Courtney of weekend. -Port McNicoll. have moved in- Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Buxton, ta their new home, 56 Simpson Edmonton, Alta., are visitors Ave, of Mr. and Mns. Al!. Bickell. ME. nd rs.Wilmt SaneMr. Buxton is a former Bow- a4io-M' -_44u-I1manville resident. in BMlevil1e wîth Mr. and Mrs. J. Foster. Miss Joan Wonnacott, Tor- onto, was home for the week- end with her mother, Mrs. Win- Inifred Wonnacott., Miss Gloria -Robsan, Univer- r> itY,of.Toronto, spent the week- ~en 5with her parents, Mr. and1 O. F.Robson. rand Mrs. CharlieHoar and family. Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar. Mrs. Annie Holinshead of' Toronto, spent several days as guest of ber brother, Rev. W. P. Roglers and Mrs. Rogers. Mr. Oscar Jamieson and boys, Allin and Bob, Peterborough, were in town Saturday night ST. JGBUN'S CUVIER (Anglican) Rev. Warren Turner, B.A., B.D. 8 a.m.- HOLY COMMUNION Ia.m. - CHORAL COMMUNION Serrnon: "Social Aspects of Worship" 7 p.m. - EVENSONO Sermon: Romans VU. St. Paul's United Church Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D., Minister 9:50 ar.- SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 ar.- Rev. Floyd Honey Evening Service Cancelled so 'that mernbers may hear the Moderator ln Slrncoe St. Church, Oshawa. Mrs. Retu Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M., Organist Among other visitars in town for Mrs. Anderson's receptian were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Good- bouse, Ottawa, who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Teeple Last week's issue af The Statesman was remarkable. The Classified page carried ni, Births, Engagements or Deaths. Bowmanville maintairied the status qua Mr. Percy Cowling, winnpr of Club 15 Limerick Contest, returned bis prize af $5.00 to tbe club. The club will add 'this money to their donation to the Crippled Children's Fund. Mr. and Mrs. Royal Quinni, their daughter, Mrs. Ross Bar- ham and children, Bart and Candy, Sîmcoe. were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce ýerry an Sunday whîch was their 25th wedding anniversary. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Anderson last week were Mrs. Allison Goocb, Stratray; Mrs. Ann Nicholîs, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Shillington, Blenheim. They attended the reception for Mrs. Anderson on Tuesday evening at the meeting af Durham Chapter, No. 181, O.E.S., at the Legion Hall. The birtb rate at Memarial Hospital came up to a more normal figure last week, March 23 to 30. with one boy and six girls being born. Tbe previaus week there were only twa birtbs, one girl and one boy. Total admissions were 39, dis- charges 38, major operations 6, minor 21, emergency cases 8. Mr. and Mrs. AI. Mcllwain, the former Mabel Gardiner, will be in town on Saturday, April 3rd, attending the T.H.L. Championship Games in which tbeir son will be playing. Mr. and Mrs. McIlwain are very much interested in hockey as Mr. Mcllwain coaches the Western Barons and Mrs. Mc- Ilwain is secretary of the team. Mr. and Mrs. George Thrasher were guests af Mr. and Mis. Richard Brittan, Oshawa, at the annual Toronto Movie Club banquet held in Casa Loma on March 25th. As part of the entertainment tbey viewed the prize winning amateur films of the year. Local movie club members will be interested to know that Mr. George Pbillips, Toronto, won bath the "A" con- test and the Grand Challenge cup with "The Sand Painting Doctor," part of the film which be projected at the Oshawa and District Movie Club a few weeks ugo. Fire Brigade Is CaIIed to Solina The Bowmanville Volunteer Fire Department was called at about 10:15 a.m. last Friday to a cbimney fire at the home of Harvey Yellowlees in Solina. Although a high wind was blowing at the time. there was little damage from the blaze. To cultivate kindness is a valuable part af the business of life--Samuel Johnson. EVANGELISTIC CENTRE (Pentecosta 1) Ontario Street North Rev. F. B. Fifield, Pastor flowmanville SUNDAT, APRIL 41h -Worship il ar. Evangelistic - 7 p.m. Subjeci: "Dead or Alive" - Which? The closlng services with Ella B. Parmenter. Miss Parmenter will give the second part oi her testimony at the 7 p.rn. service. Don't fail to, hear her. Corne early to secure a good seat. TRIKITY UNITED CHURCH Mnstei . Rev T A. Morgan, B.A. 11 A.M. - Rev. R. J. D.« Morris, B.A., B.D, of the United Church Exposition 7 P.M. - Rev. T. A. Morgan "Christ Revolution" NEXT SUNDAY, 3 p.m., The Dedication of the new Sunday School building. Mr. D. C. Peters. L.T.C.M.. Director of Music. Phyllis Challis Barrett, A.T.C.M., Organist. Mrs. Edna Anderson Hionoured. At Durham Chapter Reception Mrs. Elmo Anderson The regular meeting of Dur- Robertson, Mrs. Margaret Cham- ham Chapter No. 181, O.E.S., bers, Miss Helen Ross, Mrs. was held in the Legian Hall, Pearl McDonald, Mrs. Mabel Queen St., on Tuesday evening, Mackereth, and Dr. J. M. March 23, and took the form ai Cation, iall ai Toranta. a receptian in hanor ai Mrs. Grand Chapter Committee Edna Anderson, Assaciate Grand members present were: Mrs. Conductress ai the Grand Chap- Clara Lawery and Mrs. Agnes ter ai Ontario. Young, Toronto; Mrs. Ruby The meeting was presided Fleming, Wellington; Mrs. Mary aver by the Worthy Matran, Wheeler, Peterborough; Mrs. Mrs. Velma Sutton, and the Norma Eastwood, Hamilton. Warthy Patron, Mr. Allen Mouf- District Deputy Grand Mat- att. Nearly 400 members ai the rans: Mrs. Ercelle Vigrass and Order gathered ta honor Mrs. Miss Ethel Preston ai Toronto, Anderson on this occasion. The and Mrs. Edna Dobbs ai Belle- new hall formed an ideal setting ville, were also present; alsa for the receptian, and the plat- visitons from ail the surround- form was further enhanced by îng Chapters, as well as from flowering plants loaned by S. J. points as far away as St. Thom- Jackman & Sons. as, Sudbury and Ottawa. Members of the Grand Chap- Foliowing the business session, ter ai Ontario present were: Past Matrons ai Durham Chap- Mrs. Allisan Gooch, Worthy ter, carrying daffodils, formed Grand Matron, ai Strathroy; Mn. a guard ai honor wbile Mrs. Ernest Burgess, Warthy Grand Anderson was escorted ta the Patron; Mr. E. J. Mackereth, platfanm. At this time, twa Associate Grand Patron, and beautiful solos, "How Ireland Mrs. Lillias Turniif, Grand Sec- G&t Its Name" and "Ilil Walk netary, Toronto; Mrs. Olive Beside You", were sung by Mrs. Adams, Hamilton; Mrs. Ann Evelyn Watson ai Part Hope. Nicholîs, London; Mrs. Helen Mrs. Anderson was the ne- Smith, St. Thomas; Mrs. May cipient oi a number ai beautiful Goodhouse, Ottawa-,, Mrs. Elva giits as tangible expressions ai Green, London; Mrs. Peggie ber many friends' congratula- Shillington, Blenbeim: Mrs. Myn- tions and goad wishes. Mrs. el Shadlock, Agincaurt, and Mrs. Olive Moifatt, P.M., and ber ne- Evelyn Hadley, Trenton. freshment cammîttee, served a Past Grand Matrons and delîciaus lunch ta the large gath- Patrons present were: Mrs. Sara ering oi guests. Hospital Annual Meeting (Continued fromn page one) Miss Mac Hilditch bas resigned time may not be far distant as supeintendent and Miss when we will have ta consider Irene Shaw bas been bired fan an addition ta the hospital, this position ta take aven ber especially in view ai the fact duties on May lst. In the in- that the medical plan now tenim period Miss Frances being paid for by the Goodyear Hincks who was hired two firm for empioyees and thein months ago as assistant super- families wîll soon be felt," he intendent is acting as supenin- deciared. tendent. He stated that Miss Mn. O'Neill thanked The Can- Hincks is doing a very fine job adian Statesman for its cover- in this capacity. age of hospital news duning the Pays Tribute to Committees year and ion the large amount ai space donated ta the fund- Mn. O'Neill also paid tibute raising campaign carried an in ta the work ai the committees late 1952 and eanly 1953. This af the board during the past campaign, be said, bad raised yean. ."In 25 years of exper- only approximately $30,000 ai jence on the hospital board I a $60,00 quota, but bad en- bave flot known cammittees ta abled the mast pressing debts work as bard as this year's i the institution ta be paid off. bave," he declared. He païd particular tibute ta the chair-. Reports of Chairnien men: Mn. Lander ai tbe pro- Chairman Harry Cryderman perty committee; Mn. Cryder- ai the financial cammittee ne- man ai the finance committee; panted that the offilce staff at Mn. Little ai the grounds com- the institution had been ne- mittee and Mn. Hobbs ai the organized during the year and public relations and personnel a better system înstalled. The committee. These chairmen payroli systemn bas also been later gave their reports. improved, he said, and other The board chairman touched office improvements wiil be an the problem ai indigent pat- mnade. ients, pointing out that there Chaîrman Jack Lander ai were 698 indigent patient-days the praperty committee told ai during 1953 for wbich the bas- the ne-painting ai the nurses' pital received only $3.00 per day residence which bas gneatly inom their home municipalities. impraved its appearance. New Wihiie this rate bas now been X-ray equipment donated by raised ta $450 it stili falis fan the province was instailed dur- short ai meeting the total cost ing 1953, he said. Plans for ai $1270 daiiy per patient. further improvements include He expiained the new system the installation ai a steam line of municipal grants inaugurated for heating purposes irom the in Durham last year, which is bospital ta the nurses' residence. cantinuing this year, and gave A new walk-in refnigerator is credit ta Reeve Roy W. Nichais being installed, and plans in- of Darlington for getting the clude installation a! new laun- municipaiities and the caunties dry tubs, he said. councii ta adopt il. Unden this Reportipg for the grounds system, instead ai paying one- committee, Chairman Sidney bahf miii ta the caunties caun- Little stated that the lawn and cil for hospitai grants, the mun- landscaping at the bospitai bas icipalities pay it directly ta the been impraved and that more hospitai serving the area. In trees wili be planted this year. the case of Dariington, Bow- He stated that the haspital manville and Newcastle thev should be considening the pur- have been paid ta the Memaoriai chase o! a turbine run by a Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. gasoline engine ta be used ion O'Neill painted out that Clarke the operating roomn dunîng Township ta date have put this power failures. He feit that anc-bauf mill an thein road such a turbine cauld be pur- system. Mn. O'Neill futher chased cheapiy from the H.E. explained that since August, P.C. when frequency conversion Bowmanville, Darlington and is complete Newcastle patients bave paid Chairman Ivan Hobbs ai the 50 cents less per day than other [public. relations and personnel patients for hospital care. cammittee stated that turnover Grans aBig elp of nursing staff had been iairly Grans aBag eip heavv ion the year, amounting These municipal grants have Ita about 25 per cent. Howevcr, been a big heip ta the hospital, thLs is about normal for bas- he said. far in the case of Bow- pitals in the province. he said. manvulle the grant amounts ta During the year he had asked $3.110. He stated that the Recreation Directon Don Shay Ontario gavernrnent will also ta explain ta the nurses ut the give a grant ta the hospital thls hospîtai the recreation facilities year amaunting ta $15,900. offered in the town, and some Mn. O'Neill stnessed the-fact1 have begun ta take an interest that the use ai the haspital by1 in themn He stated that the Durham residents is constantly1 cafeteria systemn recently in- increasing and there bave been, stalIed for the staff is working days during the past year wheuu. aut well. He also praised the it was difficult ta gel a bed for domestic staff fan daing good an incomuig patient. "The work. ZION W. A. Meeting Zipu W. A. met Thuiday af- ternoon, March 25, at the haome af Mrs. Robert Morton. Owing ta the heavy rainfaîl and baçI roads aur attendance was only fair. Ten mfýmbers and three children were present. AIl officers were present. The' meeting opened with hymn fol- lowed by prayer. Secretary, Mrs. Carmen Irwin read the minutes, treasurer Mrs. K. Whitney gave her repart. Cam- fart and Parsonage cammittees also gave reports. It was decided ta have waal- lens ready for shipping in June. A«crakinale party is ta be held in the church basement the evening of April i5th. Silver collection. Ail arrangements were made Thursday regarding the lun~ch, prizes. etc. This will be annaunced at church April llth. It was suggested we bave a bee ta burn grass and clean up church grounds. This no daubt wîll be arranged as soan as the weather is suitable. Devotional program was ar- ranged by Mrs. Ray Best, who read the tapic and led in pray- er.- Miss H. Raby rËad the scrip- turc. Mrs. E. Ruthven gave a reading "Friends". Roll caîl was answered and collection taken. A very fine program in charge of Mrs. R. Morton and Mrs. Geo. Elliott followed. Mrs. E. Ruth- yen gave a very interesting talk on ber trip thraugh the south. iýlrs. Geo. Elliott and Mrs. R. Whitney gave humnorous read- ings. A flower contest was con- ducted by Mrs. K. Whitney, Mrs. Meneilley receiving the prize. A most delightful lunch and sacial period was enjoyed by ail. Mrs. Meneilley moved a vote of thanks ta the commit- tee in charge, Mrs. Morton and Helen, for the deliciaus lunch and kind hospitality. The April mneeting will be Thursday ai- ternoon. April 15 in the church. Mission Band The regulan meeting af the Zion Mission Band was held March 19. Meeting opened with roll caîl. Minutes af lastmet ing were read.1 Pictures were shown by Mrs. Harold Best, of her trip down south, which were very inter- esting, and enjoyed by us ail. Our tbanks ta Mrs. Best. Collection was taken up by Sam Hutnyck. Lunch was serv- ed by Mrs. R. Best and Mrs. Norman Gerow, as an addition- al treat. Patsy Sunday gave out the "World Friends". Preparatary class was beld last Wednesday evening at Mrs. D. Whitney and alsa Sunday aiternoon at the cburcb. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gerow and Mrs: Dunn spent Friday in Toronto. We are sorry to report so many members of this cam- munity are On the "flot so well list". Including Mrs. R. Morton, Mrs. Clarence Mitchell, Mrs. E. Caldwell, Miss Laura Hamilton, Mrs. Roy Dunn. We wish themn all a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. George McCul- lough. Miss Hilda Raby, Mrs. Meneilley attended the Com- munity Club card party at Crooked Creek school last Fni- day evening pnd report a gaod time, Miss Raby winning ladies bigh prize. Mrs. Milton Dunbar and El- liott spent Sunday, March 2lst with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ruth- yen. S. S. No. 9, Clarke No. 9 Ladies' Club met Mon- day evening at Mrs. Bill Bar- cbard's with eleven present. Aiten the regular business pnices for the extra blankets was dis- cussed. The ladies decided ta belp with the mammoth card party ta be held in Newcastle in aid a! Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvi]le, instead a! sew- ing for the Auxiliary Bazaar. Next meeting at Mrs. Brunt's. Mrs. Bawen and Mrs. Banchard served lunch and the ladies en- joyed television for the rest of the evening. The work an unknown goad man bas dane is ike a vein ai waten flowing hidden under- ground, secretly making the ground green.-Carlyle. 'R obIopI.ont S £CIAL LOW-PRICE OFFER 1 With 10 Ne DRABL Giiee & GET FAST RELIEF witlv GIN PILLS FOR THE KIDNEYS Reg. Size59 lEconomy 890b laof a 12 Special ! BEEF, MRON & WINE with added Vîtamin Bi reg. $1~.0 ~79c DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD When you feel tired, nerv- aus, irritable, nun-down, tny Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. 79c - $1.98 KLEENEX Tired and Cross? Try I.D.A. Healfh Salis MANS SIfl 12"X12" Andrew's Liver Sali Iron Tonic Pis idarnali Extract ai Malt and Cod iLiver Oil. A picasant, nu- tnitiaus vitamin preparatian. 75c, 1.29, 2.29 Women'J#s Hospital Aux. Report Active Year in. Ail Departments The vast amount of work done an behalf af the Memorial Hoas- pital, Bowmanville. by the Women's Auxiiary wns reveal- ed in the annual report of that organizatian given by its Pres- ident, Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker, ta the annual meeting of the Board ai Directors ai the hospital held in the Town Hall Monday night. It showed that the Women's Auxiliary raised $4,834 during the past year fram variaus sources and spent $6,029 for the benefît af the hospital duning that period. These lunds were realizcd from functions such as a bazaar, dances, bridge and card parties, the tuck shap and donatians. Mrs. Cawker pointed out that funds bave been raised in Pontypool, Newcastle and Orona as well as in Bowman-! ville, and that ladies' groups in these villages and in Enniskillen, Sauina and other nearby districts bave ail contrîbuted ta the bas- pital thnough the Women's Aux- iliary. Funds raised by the Hospital Women's Auxiliary have been spent far a wide range ai articles and supplies for the institution and in a donation ai $3,000 ta the Board ai Directors ta pay off pressing debts. Articles purch- ased included sheeting, cattan, towelling, crockery, glassware, silverware, kitchen supplies and sundries. In addition, Mrs. Cawker re- ported, the !--dies ai the Aux- iliary have cut and made up a total of 740 articles ranging fram pillowcases ta window drapes and surgical gowns. Mucb cred- it is due ta the variaus groups bath in Bowmanville and sur- rounding communities in West Durham who did this sewing. She stated that the member- ship of the Hospital W. A. bas incneased fram 51 in 1952 ta 64 last year and that about 20 ai these members belong ta the neighbaring communities of Newcastle, Orono, Kendal, New- tanville, Tyrone, Hampton and Enniskillen. A tuck shap was opened ln the hospital by the W.A. during 1953 and has proved mot nuuc- cessful, she reported. Chairman Joe O'Neil thanked the members af the Women's Auxiiary on behalf of the board for their hard work and very generous donations to the hos- pital. "We are indeed fortunate in having such an active organ- izatian working on behialf c-.e hospital, not only in Bowmnan- ville but in many ather commun- ities", he declared. "4They are doing this work of sewing and cutting ail the time and deserv* a great deal of credit." Nine ont of 10 gardeners buy Stewart's fresh, Gov't tested bulk garden seeds because they get more and better seed for their money. Now is the trne to start seeds in the house for your own box plants. We have BEGONIA BULBS In many colours, fine for shady places. These shouid be started in pots now. Corne la aud browse around. STEWART'S SEEDS COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND KEMNDERS FOR THURSDAT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY .SPECIAL PRICES for this WEEKEND1 1A.S.A. Tableis for quick relief aif i A1 beadache - 100's, 300's L9.c, "49c "E-Z" Brand Combination Aliachment Set Camplete 59C s etob b Cornus Pocket Styles Hoai Water Bottle Bath negular 10e value 8c, 2/15cý I.D.A. Brand "Utility" regularly $1,79 1.291 1'~3:7Mi HOME PERMANENT$ ChlOOSE THE ÔWE Tom b Mi R101 Foi tvo« 'n'Au t e I*o HA NRO.-?o -WAVI . 1.007vi* 1.25 GIVES YOU A CUSTOM-MADÉ 1.72 1PRAIN UT IITIRYO Special ! VITAMIN Bi TABLETS loo's, 300's ql E reg. 37c, 79c --29ac,59Uc KKOVAH SALTS For indigestion and head- aches - try Kkovah Sals-ý 35c - 59c - 89c Idaphos -1.25 - - - - 59C - - - 45c,79c -~50 1 i 5 Idatone A valuable alterative and blood purifier, recommend- cd ion the correction ai certain blood___1 0 disorders _1.00 LOTION .65 ot .65 & 1.5M POWDER .33 & .61 CREAM .60 SOAP .1s PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex.' We Deliver Drugs Phone M9 Sunday School 10 a.m. Spring c&on ',cs Syrup of Hypophosphites - - - Wampole's Phospho-Lecithin- Iranized Yeasi Tableis-- 1.00 McGreg-or, Your Local .D.A. Drug Store JL 93M 1-1141 IIJLfàd%£Ç Ï3 A £% JL MàJIWI£141, 40%d " &ý ý - - . m- - DRUG STORES