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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Apr 1954, p. 8

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- * AJWME 1 l&efrewmcad/e ,Im&pendeet 1r Gordon Àgnew, Editor Phone 3621 Home Missions Executive Sec'y. Addresses W.M.S. and Guests at Easter Thank-Offering Meeting The Eastcr Thank-offering efforts, is seeking ta accomn- mneeting of the W.M.S. of New- plish in senving the underpri- castle United Church was beid viieged in the outpuosts as wel in the Sunday School roomn on as in the cities. Also the hope Marcb 24th, with membens A and inspiration given by port the Onono ànd Newtonviile workers ta those seeking new .Auxiliaries and the Newcastle homes on aur shores. Friendship Club as guests. The Mrs oessoeo ayo room was beautifully decorated t s okve y spo e and of withlovly prin ilwer. 1the special work ini which they Tlýe meeting was opened wit.b are cngaged, teachers. nurses a poemn and rayer by the Pre-1 and evangelists. She also paid aident, Mrs. W. F. Riekard, af- tribute ta the Student Ministers ter which she nead from the and the people who keep their Moffat translation of the Bible. work alive until another stu- the ciosing verse cf St. Mat- dent arrives the next summer. thew's Gospel and a meditation on Easter and Irnmortality. The An invitation extended by th~e worsbip service continued with Newtonville Auxiiiary to loin a prayen led by Mrs. Howard in ifs Thank-offering Service Allin and a beautifullv render- on Good Friday was accepted. ed vocal duet by Mrs. Carson Note was made cf the Women's and Mrs. Drummond of the Or- meeting of the Exposition in St. ena Auxiliary acconmpanied it Andrew's Church in Oshawa on the piano by Mrs. M. Staples. April 2nd. at which Mrs. A. A. The guest speaker, \Irs. C. Scott, wife of the Moderator Maxwell Loveys, Home Missions will be thle guest speaker. An- Executive Secretary cf the nounicement wvas made by Mns. DomiionBoad. ws itroue-Howard Allun that she had tick- ed ta the gathering by Mrs. P.ecsfohrFth".ent"runih F. Hane. Mrs. Loveys is a dv- o h at" namidc speaker and her thorough Mrs. Chas. Cowan, on behaif knawiedge cf the Home Mission of the local Auxiiiary, express- wark thraughaut Canada as cd thanks ta Mrs. Loveys and weil as ber appreciation cf the the Orono ladies whose musi- zeal and devotion cf the Mis- cal numben was se much en- siananies, manv cf wbomn are joyed. graduates cf the United Church Appreciation of the visitons Training Schooi in Taranto, for the priviiege cf shaning in enabie ber te present a vivid this special service was ex- îuctuýre cf what the Xoman's1 pressedi by Mrs. Drummond, .Çissionary Society, thraugh ifs Mrs Burley and Mrs. S. Powell. FRUITS & VEGETABLES S Corie Freah Mexican No. 1, Hand Seiected Quelity Monaroh TOM&ATOES 2 ceiio pkgs 29c Cauadie Floride Manh Seedieua No. 1, 96sMULD CHESE GRAPEFRUIT lOFor39 Slortening New Brunswick No. 1 Table Stock DOMESTIC POTrATOES lbsl9C AnsPage Texas Freuh -No. 1 Curly Leaf, Washed, KETCHUP SPINACH 2 ceoapkgs 29c hrste Cuban Red Spanlsh No. 1, Si». 12 A&P Cheice Creamed PUNRAPPLES .acli25Sc CORN Golden Ripe No. 1 A&P Fancy Red Sookeye BANANASl19c SALMON Louisiana No. 1 Kiln DI-id Solid Light Ment YAMS i lbs 23e TUNA FUSH SPANISH ONIONS, Grown ln Spai. A Real Treat. Buy a bug today - 2 On ions Per Bug. A&P's OWN VACUUM PACK COFFEE 1-LB3 TIN $1 .19 PERCOLATOR or DRIP SPECIAL! JANE PARKER Double Crust LEMON PIE *ch 3 9C Reg. PrIce 3 9c DAILY DATIDI1 JANE PARKER WHITE BREAD 24-oz of i 5c JAN§ PARKE HOT CROSS BUNS pke Cf 1 035C Chicken HAMMIE During the morning service of wonsbip ln St. Georges' Chuncb on Sunday, the Rector, the Rev. D. R. Dewdney effi- ciated at the Cbristening o! Ly- nold Jctfery, infant son o! Mr. and Mns. Talbot Aildread. Mr. and Mrs. Lynold Waite and Mr. Chas. Gray were the Godpar- ents. Mrm. Bradford Kay bas me- turncd froni New York and is awaiting the completion o! ber new home on Edward Street. Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Wm. Jun- or of Tarante and Mrs. Aluin e! Collingwood, were necent gucats with Mmm. Stella, Anderson. Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Agnew spent the weekend in Kingston visiting with Mn. and Mrs. K. A. Siaten and Barry. On Sun- day morning they heard the service o! warship tram Cooke's United Church, a! which the Rev. Lawrence H. Turner, for- menly cf Newcastle, is the pas- ton. Trhe service was broadcast over radio station CKWS King- ston. Mm. Erskine Duncan and Mn. Erskine'Duncan Jr., a! Taran- ta, spent the week-end at their cottage at the lake. Mn. and Mrs. Lynold Walte o! Owen Sound spent the weelc- end with Mn. and Mns. Taîbot 'Aiidread and family. Mn. and Mns. H. C. Bonathan returncd ta their home here an Saturday foliowing a six weeks vacation in Flonida. Mrs. Pbilip LeGnesley bas e- turned to hen home bene after spendlng the winten months in Peterborough the guest o! Ar- chdeacon and Mrs. Balfour. Mrs. D. B. Simpson, Mrs. Fer- HIGH QUALUTY - WIDE SELECTION LOW PRICES MAKE THOUSANDS SAY 5* SULTANA YES A&P HAS THE VALUES! DEZP CUl' sp» CULS i ib 19C b 29c b 43C Ib 28e li-oz bd 19c 8-e: pkg 19c 2 20-o: tins 25Se Wss fin 33e 7-oz fin 23c 1 14-es in 23e MEAT SPECIALS'1 Grade A, 4 to 5 lb. average BOILING FOWL lb 33eý Bolsng Cuts BRISKIT PLATE 113i c Blade Bons Removed, Red or Blue Brand Beef 1BLADE ROAST lb 33e Very Meaty, Red or Blue Brand Be*# SHORT RIS tOAST 1b 33c Extra Short Cut, Red or Blue Brand Seef PRIME RIB ROAST lb 45c Super Right Rindiest SIDE BACON lb 79c Country Style B3ROOKFIELD SAUSAGE lb 45e Fresh Ceught Lake Erie SILVER BASS FILLETS (b 39C Postas SUGAR CRISP oisy Swe.t MIXIO PICKLES 2pgs 35e 16-z uer 18,c IONA PlARS 2 29c Ion*a WAX BEANS 220.ertins27e speclal Blond A&P TUA 44b pIg 3 Se Jolla Lemnon PIE FILLER 3 plcgs 29c Powdored Skim MIN NU..MILK'Ab tn 27e Robin Hood Whie CAKE MIX 14e: p&g 19c PRICE8 EFFECTIVE UNTIL. SATURDAV, APRIL 3rd, 1964. i ACC 1A£MPÀW' t T& gusan and Miss B. S. McIntosh visited in Toronto. Miss Hattie Mason and Miss Cana Butler attended the Liter- any Luncheon and Empire Club meeting in Toronto on Thuna- day. Mrs. H. C. Dennis bas return- cd te ber home froni Windsor whene she was calied due to the seniaus illncss and subse- quent passing o! ber brother. The Rev. William Peitter- son of Noranda Rouyn Unit- ed Churcb, where lie bas beer minister for the past tbnee yeanu bas indicated that be is prepar- cd te accept a cal t e nelor Falls United Cburcb, cail ta be- came effective as of July 1 next. Mn. Patterson, who was minis. ter cf Newcastle Pastoral Charge froni 1945-1950, will be returning ta bis home confer- ence with thils . ove the end af June. Friendship Club Entertains W. M.S. At March Meeting i s The ladies of the Newcastle United Cbunch Woman's Mis- sionary Society were guests of the Fniendship Club at its ne- gulan Manch meeting beld in the Sunday Scbool room o! the Church. The guests of the evening were welcomed by the Presi- dent, Mrs. Kay Powell who cal- cd the meeting to anden and led in the singing of the hymn, "Rise Up 0 Men of God". Mrs. Lena Gnaham and mcm-. bers of ber group were in charge cf the program which opened with a call ta wonship and scripturc rending by Mrs. Graharn followcd by a story on co-operation by Mns. Kay Pow- ell and a prayer by Mrs. Betity Brown. Miss Hattie Mason explained~ to, the group the work of the Unitanian Service Organization which loaks after thc sending cf contributions ta Konea. The group laten voted a donation to be given for tbts service. A sing seng of Irish sangs wbich was much enjoyed by those present, was led by Mr&. Kay Powell and Mns. Marion Allin. A contest was conducted by Mrs. Margaret Rudman with Mrs. R. Dickinson and Mrs. J. Gadfrey being the pnize win- fers. Miss O. Warren won the lucky numben and Mrs. M. R. Pearce was given the prize fan being a memben o! the W.M.S. for the longest time. A nicat enjoyable eveniz1g was braughltot a close as the niembers of Mrm. Graham'-. Gnoup served deliciaus refresh- nients to the members and guests. Teaching Staff Honour Principal Frank A McMulIen Members of the teaching staff o! Uic Newcastle Scbool gatb- cred ln Miss Colc's noom after four o'clock on Monday after- noon ta honoun the principal a! the Public Sehool, Mr. Frank 4L McMullen, wbo is leaving the teaching profession te enter the grocei-y business in Taranto the end o! the month. Witb ail members ofth Public Schoel staff, Mn. Go- heen. Hi gh School principal and Mrs.. McMullen present, a de- liciaus luncheon was enjaycd at a table centred witb a tail chif- fan cake. After lunch addnesses wene made by Mr. Gabieen and Mrs. Lycett in whicli the high es- teem ni whicb Mr. McMullen' la held among bis colleagues was cxpressed and tbe regret with which bis netirement fnem the teacbing profession and the' Newcastle School was received. Mrs. Gobeen and Miss Cole then prescnted a lovely table lamp ta Mn. and Mrs. McMulien wbo each cxprcssed their apprecia- tion fan the lovely gift and forI the kind words spaken. Mn. and Mns. McMuilen plan ta continue ta make thein homeI in Newcastle for the present and bis many friends will wisb Mn. McMullen every success in bis ncw business venture. ENFIELD Miss Myrtie Tamblyn, To- ronto; Mn. A. J. Tamblyn, Mn. and Mrs. Ivison Tamblyn and family, Mr. Dick Wood, Orono; Miss Rutb Ashton. at J. W. Bovwnan's. Miss Cella Gniffin, Oshawa, Mn. Ray Cowling, Whltby, at Mn. Fred Sarnis'. Mliss Kathleen Yeo, Mr. Glenn Smith, Hampton, at Messrs. Donald and Edgar Prescott's. Mrs. H. Stinsen #as returned home after spending the wlu- ten with ber daughter, Mys. E. Willier ' Taranto.M Mmm. A. W. Prescott'$ ztiany I fiends shawed their stucere concern by their generous don. l ations ta ebeer and encourage her lu her present illuess. The committee li change reports al substantial fuxid. Mr. Russell Cochrane bad the misfontune ta lame a valuabiej hanse and a colt.j Value of good liniported fite Canada in 1953 reached Uic re- cord total o! $4,387,400,000, an;21 increase oa!b, pen cent aven 152 in the same'%period exporta de-, clinied by 4.2 bper cent ta $4,172,. 600100. Vi Large Number of Farm Familles Attend Lancaster's Social NiciFt About 250 people repres. enting farm familles enjayed anevenlnget Sid. Lancaster's Garge R. 2,Newcastle, on Thursay, ar 25Zth. Mn. ancste, welcomed al, and a prograra followed wlth p iano accerdion selections by Doris Martin and Wyilene Wil- son. These young ladies were happlly neceived. Mn. Arnott Neals, District manager for Massey-Harris- Ferguson Limlted was introduc- cd and spoke concernlng amal- gamation o! these two compati- les and the future policies. He showed two films "Taking Sides Wltb Nature" and "Uncie Ray Finds The Way", which presented the Ferguson Tracter and Implements ta advantage on the fanm. _- Then a draw teok place witb pnizes donated b y Sheli Oul CamDany, Herb. Robinson and W. R. Cbapmnan. These wene dnawn by Mn. Tom LeNeve, Massey-Harnis-Fergusen sales- mian. Winnens were Arthur Merrill, Newtonville; Mrs. Wil lis McNair, R.R. 2, Newcastle; Alvin Heaalip, R. 4, Port Hope. Lucky chair draws caused a break in the programn when 12 persoa were the vilnners of glane shields. Soft drinks the compliments of Pure Spring Beverages and Coca Cola Comn- pany, were enjoyed by ail. Comedy singlng by Mr. Ce- cil White, Port Hope, accampan- ied by accondion and banjo was a pleasing vaniety for the pro- grami aise Mn. Ai!. Perrin's readings were very humonous. The lunch catered ta by tbe Women's Association et New- tonville United %Jburch, was served cafetenia style from the counter and consisted o! sand- wiches, tants, cup cakes' and coffee. Mn. B. LeGnesley, with flash camera teck pictures and in ail It was a very succesaful and profitable evenlng and tnany were the appreclative remarks made on leaving. ,deon" oernW- 6W&s£6(«e d4 ' -5,ý pergusOn 3-Point Attachm.51t you'li km twe do rek up ma ieruat 3 a ; prepare ittabsrbrai--C8. and botter wsth thia SPr«p Tino Cultivator for Fergu8 T'.o Wfith FeMgulOnFingcir Tip Ccotrol, you' i t i e fr diving ta and fram the field at fuil naad %S& d~Tben ymil lower it, and adjust the working cdepth-lright fr=a yow seat. YM Do levesDo «saate Ut d Yde r ad Mt* it on tii. ti m am u s s -for OOF thing from tmo te f,=r roma, trm 42 tO 16 bwcesmt Aak for a d.cMOesttin o( thia F«CraauOB Cpton% ScI Lancaster. R. ,[Iwcleum iiEVSU lATO Phone Clarke 2703 D imin ishing Teas Net Over $300 mesdames Etta Irwin. Paul- mne Armstrong and LIlla Tamblyn attended the Eowmnai- ville Hospital Auxiliary Birth- day Party on Thursday, March 25th. As a .gl!t fromn the ladies of Orono and Communlty they carrled wlth them a grand sum of $305.30, proceeds of the Diminishmng Tea, which was received with much apprecia- tion. The comrnittee wlshes ta thank ail who had a part ln' this enterprise for meelng it through ta such a successful finale. Although average week!y earnings in the manufacturing industries reached the record hlgh of $60.38 at Dec. 1, 1953, total empicyment in manufac- turing had declined by 2.3 per cent ln the preceding twelve months. Hampton W.M.S. March ,Meeting Hampton: The Women's Mi% sionary Society beld their Mardi meeting at the home of Mrs. A. Blanchard with tie president, Mrs. A. E. Blllett, in charge. Meeting opened wItn bymn, several items of business were discussed. The ladies are packing a bale for Korea in- cluding good clothing and quilts. The worship service taken froni the monthly. Miss Rey- nolds read the acripture; Mmr. Daw led in prayen; Mrs. Rantan took the leader part. Mrs. R. Sheckleton s a n g IlBeajgul Wonds o! Jesus."1 Pnognam VI was takenT by Mrs. M. Mountjoy and Mrs. Hodgson, fram «"How te Use,, and "Whcre'cr the Sun" entitied "Our Own Backyard" and was given as a dialogue wbich was veny interesting. Mns. Biliett clased the meeing wltb a bymn while Mrs. Blanchard servect a dalnty lunch. I But you can save lots of pennies when you buy oui top quality merchandise at these low prices. 2-PANT GABARDINE SUITS Choose one of these smartly styled Suits for Spring and Sumnmer wear. Sold reg. $45.00 $z9.95 The 'Orono News Miss Eliza Burd, Cobourg, home in Newcastle. visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Barlow. Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Tange, Mrs. James Pinfold, Toronto, London, Dr. and Mrs. T. Arm- visited Mr. and Mrs. George strong, Niagara Falls, visited Butters. Rev. and Mrs. John Kitchen. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood Mrn. A. Harris and Mrs. Cot- spent Friday in Lakefield with ter, Mrs. L. Aldred, Enterprise, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood and are patients in Memorial Hospi- famlly. tai, Bowmanville. Mr. nd rs.Snei an ~, Miss Shirley Porter and Miss Tor nied Mrs. nll'ndsn Audrey Billings, Oshawa, vis- Toroto.visted rs.Kcnited at their homes for the Gamsby and Mr. and Mrs. H.weknd Boyd.we-ed Mrs Frd Tmbyn isied Mrs. Russell Major returned her sister, Mrs. A. B. Ferguson home Monday from ý,IemoriaI who fell and is in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. Ivan Smith. Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Truil, Mns. visited his mother, Mrs. Viola John Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith. Davey and Mr. George Morton Mr. and Mrs. Egerton Han- attended the montily meeting cock celebrated their 53rd wed- of the Durham Club in Toron- dinàg anniversary on Saturday, ta, March 25th. March 20th, by having dinner Mrs. J. H. McGowan, Cliff at the Balmoral Hotel, Bow- Crest, spent the weekend witn manvile with five of their sons, her mother, Mrs. Robert Allun. Victor, Harold, Robert. Marlow and Glen. Mrs. Henry Smith and sons, Mr. and Mne. Arthur Saun- Gravenhunst, visîted Mr. and ders visited fniend.s over the Mrs. D. Myles last week. ekninTrto Mr. andi Mrs. Wmn. Leamenwekd nToto 'pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Littie Elaine Forrester enter- Gardon Leamen, Judy and tained nine of her littie friends Paul, Scarboro Jct. to a party on Monday ta cele- Mr. and Mrs. Alan Duesbun- brate ber founth birthday. rey, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mr. l{enb.. Murray took a Mrs. J. Hudson. heart attaclv at bis home on Mr. Georfe Mitchell, Toron- Monday morning. ta, visited fast Thursday with Mn. and Mrs. S. Barr~aba1i Mr. and Mrs. George Buttena. visited Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mr. Jackç Wilson ls visiting Adamns, Roseneath, on Sunday. Mrn.anMr.KibWoHX Next Sunday morning at Or- mony.ona United Chunch is W.M.S. Miss Ann Stapleton returned Annivensary Service, and will fromn Memorial Hospital, Bow- have a gifted and well-inform- manville, after ber operation ed guest speaker. Dr. Winnifred and is staying with ber grand- Bryce, of Indore Christian Col- mothen, Mrs. John Morris. ' lege, India, will give the mes- The beautiful Coronation sage. Dr. Bryce is on furlough Quilt wiil be on display in Hy- from India and sooui wiil be dro Office, Bowmanville, on returning ta her work thene. Friday, 9- 6 only. Besides ber responsibilities in Mn. and Mrs. Madison Hall Indore Christian Coliege she were in Toronto ta attend the heads the department cf Social funenal of Mr. Hall's cou1sin, Work in Agna University. No Mrs. Ethel A. Hall Percy, in persan is better informed* on ber 83rd year, wife of the late India than Dr. Bryce. We are Win. S. Perey, mother of Ruth fortunate in securing ber as aur Percy. Funeral was on Monday speaker, and we do hope that afternoon, Cremation at Toron- evenyone wilî make an effort ta Crematorium foliowed by in- to be present at this service. In- terment in the family Plot at dia is and wlll play an activa Bowmanville. and determining raie in world Women Teachers' Federation affairs. of Clark Township held a din -________ nez' meeting at Lenhaven Lodge, Newcastle, Tuesday Farmn cash incame In 1953 evening, March 3th. totalled $2,674,679,000, down Mrs. Herbert T. TurIey, Ot- by four per cent fromn 1952 and tawa, visited her mother, Mrs. five per cent less than the 1951 James Dickson, at a nursing record high. First Quality 81 x 99 in, Sheets PiIIow Cases, pair 0 19 Flannel Shoots Ibex, i 70 x 90 In., pair - $5.45 Red and Green Blanket with black border $6.95 SNew Army Col Mialiresses onîy -$6.95 M(EN.0b suede Leather Windbreakers FIrat Quallty- $16.95 HEAVY DUTY DENIV OVER. ALLS eBib Front H 'anmer Ruier Pocket R Deg. $4.95 Sizes 36 te 46 SALE SMOCK te match Ret.$495 SSALE $3095 SIZES 7 te Il Sturdy Work Boots Heavy Duty Soles B5lack Only SALE _____$6.95 Complete Line of SPRING AND SUMMER JACKETS Corduroys, Gabardines, etc, Complete Line or "INEQUALITY WOEK SHIRTS ROÇE BOTTOM PRICES WORK SOX VIrsi Quatity, Ail Wool 3Pr. $1,00 Mona;STORE HOUS- Monayto Friday - 9 a.m. t . Saturday - 9 aam. to 9 p.m Bownanville SURPLUS STORE 24 Division St. BOWJMANVILE Phone 3211 Social and Personal P EANUT JUICE Foride Grapefruit 3 20oz ins 29C BUTTER, PEAS Green Giant 2 15oztis35c 16-zla 3 cCREAM EllESai rets 2 8-oz pkgs l9c 16ozar31CFRUIT COCKTAILHuMsi 28.z S39C f B r a g F k 5 i i i î i 4 Tm CANADL« STATEUL«. nowmAmvnýLa MTAwn "r"mLqnàlv Aimff. 106 i«A Sanforized Navy Blue Work Trousers $3.41 Sanforized Olive DriU Work Trousors $3.45 Denim Dungarees 9a«"f " ize d - $3.45 Drivers'eu I é~ and Servlcemeii's Ulluorms, compte $8*.95 BOYS" CLOTHES We carry a complete stock of Boys' Clothes, including Socks, Shirts, Suits, Windbreakers, U'nderwear, Etc. HOUSEHOLD AND BEDDINC 79c 0 0 au a IL. IL 2, Newcastle -P*(M lu

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