~- N~ /'=~~ ---'s -. U~AUA~tAU U~AU'UUt*A B~ S0WMANV!LT,.U. GNTAM~ AMessage to the Citizens of Yelverton, W. A. IH eIi 1 1ak____nti_ _ /veuAca414e i ~~~~~Bowmanville and District MksDnaon rgmraveaIîm To W~orthy Causes Mr.Rlh acomgv a Gordon Agnew, Edilor Phone 3621 AMesg te the Citizen$ of Bowrn:nville and District The April meeting of Yelver- g ihLn."etn Cobaig ieaean hmn ufeig sa worthy ton W.A. the home a the Ango-arnnoe cause on which to appeal for public support. of Mrs. Balfour Moore witîîSrn h ro !tewr awa, and the planned installa- Cancer is considered the most feared and deadly piet r.FodSisn Social andl Personal tien of a direct line fom Osh~- St. George's W. A. disease of mnodernr tim ad vilbebyyu spot presiding.coestewr aw a ecste We hi âMrs. Clarence Page cc duct- adLne akdtetm completed Oshawa and Eow- Eftn Bac Throughth udmaevilb yyorsp r, ed an inspiring devotionai per-ofhelnhnngftedy. Mr. and Mr. Russell Eveeanchhathe Canadian Cancerc. Society islleftaNtinastthisldread CdiseaseCaiodSociening fwithithehiscriptureseLentodhouldngbe ahtimes aipre- of Ida, Ont., were gueats of Mr. turcs were beautitully coloured be dialed directly by the Osh- D sBk on your behaif. Across the Dominion, a great work of reading. She told te groppeane ors a. and Mrs. Clarence AllUn on and werc most appreciated by awa Oper ator instead of the rlansBk Sale RESEARCHI is being accomplished, over 100 cancer that if they clesired that price odEselonsta h Thuraday and attended the those present. present system wherç ail calis rsarh______r__rig nth afln adcope les. cammodity. inward peace.2 Durham County Federation of fMis oMarofMargaretstona-eAnglo-Saxon "Eastre". the god- f isMr agrtBn.trom ut !th w muat cha. The re ular meeting of the presearcofprojecausare ergand sthealin and cure e. y musndthla raewak wthes.o h n srn.Ese Agriculture meeting that even- than of Toronto, spent the Tro the Clarke w Exve and Evening ranch of St. George's.d o e a tis C m ui n wt tng at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. weekend with her parents, Mr. Te ak-owavleadWoman's Auxiliary was held in An EDUCATION programme i. being carrie nkyt hsCmuin wt inc h aiu.Secn C. J. Allun. and Mrs. H. C. Bonathan.' Oshawa - Newcastle t r u n k the Parish Hall on Wednesdav, continually ta educate the publie how ta detect and combat God. Mrs. Howard Malcolmcledwt th wrsLe The foilowing paragraph was Mrs. J. Adams of Bowman- soddo uhtapeduP March 3lst. The meeting apciA- this disease. Norea atoe. "fClayHdyu er ig' nwta Iavretyoitdfo th vil iie ihM.Fakcalîs to and from these centres ed with the Lord'. Prayer and CutUi fteCnda acrN femt" yRdee ieh db lndvrtntyomttd ro hevilev . ie ihM.Fakby the elimination o! the need Member's ryrad h eàThe OntarioCut tof h CY inCacr The rail eau was answered srn ntekoldeta report of the March meeting ~f Gray and Mr and Mrs. David for using the overloacled Clarke~- .Pr-r n tere Societypovides a FREE WELFARE SERVICE in the with articles for the fish pond bcueHelvt ete a the Friendship Club, published Gray and Carol on Sunday. ing of the minutes of the las t last week; Oshawa and Oshawa-Bowman- metn.Fnnilrprswr mnt. ta be held at the Garden Party lv" Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bonathan, ville trunks. meig iaca eot eeCmuiy Mdis Hle Ruddell introduc- Ruth and Mary Margaret, vîsit- given and the Dorcas Secretary The Ladies' Committee of the unit make cancer on June llth.Mr.Ry obsngv a eomsGoudy of Bowmanville cd in Trenton on Stinday. Ail-in-al the Port Hope Télé- reported progress on the outtit dressings, which are supplied te cancér patients. Trans- The treasurer's report show- reaigadMs ereWl Who intérested everyone wit h Mr. and Mrs. Lerne Paeden phone Ca. report is most inter- being made for the Indian Girl. portation is provided for thoàè whe rèquire special td a balance on hand o! $154, so acntt.Hses r. Ser pioving pictureg of the Cor- and Jean f Starkvilie were esting and instructive and sosThe visiting cammittee frdanssadmn e rad o h onfor ndrl e pr ofitcerotenSt. P atrc' r.Ms.J a a n » ntnati Mssn.ud decssedGeekndy esdewthrrsbesead inreakeindteggowtsApil.a wpponte.Mdagosi an may oheraid fo th cofor an reieeDa cocer beng 80.Don- Ms. . Wlso seveda dii 1er. rip ta England from the George Smith. of the different branches o! the The President read the pro- of cancer sufferers are provided. tiens of $10 ta "Food for the caslnh time, she Ieft Bowmanville until Mr. Brfnton Farrow and La- company. gram for the Annual Meeting We respectfuliy ask that you do yeur utmost to, World's hungry", $10 ta thpe she réturned. She had a won- dy'friend spent Sunday evening 'ta be held ln Toronto tramn May assist the campaign to reach its objective. Red Cross and $100 ta the Re- derful seat at the Coronation with Mrs. George Smith. lth ta l3th. ceto etewr ae H ome-baking Sale The pledges for the coming "THE CANCER FIGHT IS EVERYEODY'S FIGHT" Mrs. Dave Wilson, Mrs. JackTO EEYRR year have been received and GIVE NOW. WMlso. Harse Rvay oinson, ir al rSeasi Newcastle M emorial Library To Aid Cerebral wArrnemîenta ee md . .Pry lSone ebei hreo for a Tea and Bake Sale ta be N .Pry the bake sale Io be hl U Y&L V L Ad s $ 8 75 W rh of B o s Palsy Clinic sponsored by the Branch i the Campaign Manager. Lindsay on Arl9h Adds 683-5 W orh ofBooksnearfutur. Itwas lso dcid-Donatons n Bonearilefuture.eftIt Twasayaeeton decid-e The Ceebral Palsy Organiza- cd on this occasion ta have a Dntosi Bwavlemyb eta h a etn .t e 1 igS.W hn ~ In the annua] audited report Disbursmente tion recently fommed for the sale of sewing, white élephants Higgon Electric Ltd., 38 King Street E. recently released by the New- Librarian's Salary 300.00 treatment af children afflicted and novelties. catlei.ereveal tha Boktardh Rent_.----------------------- 360.00 with this crippling disease in It was brought ta the atten- P re-E aster S p c a s a it i revaledtha boos tathethe Oshawa - Bowmanville and tion 0f the members that the ,value ai $683.75 were added ta Books ------------- - 683.75 Newcastle District is planning Aternoon Auxiliary o! the W. the Libmary during 1953. These Magazines and period- a sale o! home bakîng on Satur- A.* is sponsoring a program o! new additions, plus periodicals icals--- - ------ --- 74.50 day morning in the Bowman- slides on Mission Work in Afri- R c e to and.flewspapers, ental and Li- Express 7.3 ville Hydma Shop cornmencing ca ta be held at the Paiish HallRe r a onDu..o br Stationery and Postage 21.or at 10 o'clock in the morning. during the week. the large share ai the $1,552.07 Sttoeyad it8 17 Members worked an a quilt DM spet b th Bord hic a Fie Iisuanc 1700 Any assistance offered by after the business was complet- financed mainly by Municipal Gifts ---- Newcastle Ladies would oe cd and the meeting clased will vue and-Proincialgrants 35.00 most appreciated and a phone the serving o! refresmnhments. bi DO1Y SBAT THIS WEE ND AD EX The rovnual stamnt aiRe Miscellaneous ..- 52.98 caîl ta Mrs. David Gray, New- ~wsanucdta h ceipts and disbursements fol-cste35wudbeutcet next meeting would be attend- FL W FR M BC lows: $1,552.00 ta hv your donation o! bak- ac tteHl ekCuc ERAINOFC aepoue yteocla Balace n had Dc- ng picked up and delivered ta) Service on Wednesday eveningAmn tien of an electric charge which Receipte aac n adDc the sale. followed by a short business Noew that the hrn as ceas- gie . thecssinoth Balance on hand Januarv Ist, emlber 3lst, 1953 ---$ 522.07 meeting in the Pamish Hall. cd activities and the ice is slow- ges ytou te foce."esion o th 1953 --------------------- $707.64 Current Assets Iy beginning tea oze out ai the Ralph McIntyre - '"Anyone Village Grant--------- 783.10 Bank Balance. $ 522.07 KENDAL ws orwt h epe seen a loase arm around?" iSAW Y Provincial Grant --------- 475.95Dmno !Cnd "Ducky" Neads who bas opn Si Trewin-"Anyene for the i'ees---------------- --- - - ---2.0 oiio f-aa Chief f Police aimsto the windows in the EXTA 1 W P IC .Vines --------------------- --- 4.5 3% Bonds ---300o.00 Mrs. Vema Roach and Mr. bcidings ta gv the warm KlhSeo-HHHET Sale o! Boaks ------------- 16.60 C.N.R. Guaranteed by Lawrence Wright, Petemboro, Issues Wvarning sping air a better chance te Tat S aiemon -à"Ha, Ha a ______________________s______ Interest --.---- 22.75 Dominion ai Canad*a 500.00 were Sunday visiter. with Mm.. circulate, we have moved our aHsa, dat's a right abotist Hattie Martinell. T o w ~ soffice ta the Lions' Commun- na myoista ednway ati. , $2,074A0" $ ,322.07 Miss Lorraine and MasteritCete heew wîî abd ntcdaya."F RIA - G EN - 4' Garry Therteli stayed with their - ocated throughout the summer * *I jontte Dic.us A d 7 Phnesaunt. Mrs. Grdon Martinel for Chief oi Police. Art 'Randal ionths. 80 TOU WANT A SUMWIR , a fèw days.. nforms us that he has been in- The récreationt office tele- ion Lonetes Dîsuss Add 73 hons 1Mm. and Mrs. Vance Allen and structed by the village councîl phone number i. 761 and thc Playgrouftd supervisea ap- Bakng Sae o ocl 1cane anily visitcd with Mm. and Mms. ta see that the by-law pertain- address is 26 Beech Ave,, Bow- plicatin forn and other per- Carivl ooh urig as Y arSympathy i. extended ta Mrs according ta the bylaw all dog N: ~S in iiext week's Statesmnan. e. Carnial B oth yringPastYear Lawrence Brown and îamily o a wnems should have purcbasedi E ART CASWatch ti column for thein the passing of Mm. Brown in tags for then- dogs on or before Designdepcal o h omto.* .** Withthe resientMrs.Mar- Accodingta -he anualre- emoral Hspitl. Bwmaeiderh 3publicy aandysmyounldempuHiegnd MINOe HiHOCKEY HOKEY OPRPY ion Knox ln the chair, the mcm- part ai the Port Hope Telephone ville, on Tuesday, Marcb 3th. number of local dog owners School students. this class meets bers of the Newcastle Lionettes Company eleased last week Mm.. Brown and family are liv- have complied with this iaw every Saturday morning in the NIGHT gathered for their regular meet- an increase of 73 telephones i~i r.Fe aî'bue and in arder ta issue this warn- in amnt etewt Thursday. April 15th at 7.30 FOR fng in the Queen's Hotel on were added ta the Newcastle Our local teachers, Misses ing, the time bas been extend- Mr. Arnold Hodgkins Who is p.mý. in the Lions Comrnunity2 Monday evening with a good Dial Exchange during 1953 Iene Inch, Dorrine Powell, Val- et Chief ,51bya wri t be er p ntuco.M.Cnre l em aeivtdt attendance. bringing the total ta 298 with cria Copping and Catherine frct the letft e r afti een- Hodgkins is tram Toronto and attend. Dont forget te bing Th anbsns !te268 of these being in the vil- Stewart attended the Teachers' odatadheurg e aîîcter tow also teaches the Adult Art your sweater. Temi buieso th ai.Federation banquet beld at Len- aeadFreIRlciies wT ru @venin' centred around discus-> Iaddtoh 93 eot haven Newcastle, Tuesday en- ing dogs to procure license tags g oan Frîday evenîngs and FIRST OF THESnA lion 0 thensadditiontataothe 1953 report, seven- uio 1orplans for ithe sale tesao! n r he myb vial o h hpme baking and other articles a brie! review ai plans for the ing. Miss McLeod, who was an toube delyta sae turt e say beoverFia nigftorthat Leg ion Au xiliary Cl rs rs Ü..king beld in the Lions oamn on caming year are contained in exehange teacher in England, Ftroe anore atns of Saturday mamning gmoup. Cl rs rs 16aturday and the Lionette, the report, and an invitation ta gave an interesting taîk on the awners we pubîish here ex- Ths se caen owhorunshow-Truca N w4~I> Boothe at the annuai Lions the public ta inspect the build- schools there, also ber impres- trct ing an aptofth tos ciude twaa rtm Ahw oPrhs e Camnival an June 25th. ing and equipmcnt o! the Auto- siens of England and other vtrats trm byewc 1atle.b ng acaptiudefordartinivi-Flagfor matic Telephone Excbange on European countries she visited vlae iNwcsl.the sho frpéilndvn-Fa frCemetery Fallowing the report af the Mill Sre etTusa, Rv n m.PkMs The awner passessor or bar- da ntuto rmoea h Stee nxtTurda, e. ndMr.PieMr.Chas. borer o! any dag within the dulntrcto____oe f h Welfame Committee given by April lSth. from 2 ta 4 in the Thompson and Arthur were sad unciait sahe top artiats ln Toronto ta-day and the chairman, Mm.. Dunreath afternoon and 7 ta 9 in the dinner guests Suîîday witb Mm. iio h said n ciarporthal bis expert instruction plus bis The Ladies' Auxiliarv af the Waltn, everi nedy romthe aidCorprato_1FC Watn eerlneycases evening. and Mrs. Garland Cathcart. for same and shahl pay an an- exceptionai pcrsonality leave Canadian Legion beld their were discussed and the com- Included in the plans for Mm. Lamne Bell and Hilda mov- nuai fee for each dag as set nothing ta be desired in the in- meeting April 5th, 1954, at the 2_______________ inittee given power ta give the 1954, téléphones ta the narth ed to their new home in Orono forth ha this by-law. structian perîods. Légion Hall wîth Président E. nec*ssary assistance. A dona- and south-east o! Newcastle 1 Friday and Mr. and Mrs. Earl AlI licenses shaîl b. pracur- Ifyo ib and i this atrday momn- A eainth ecoaiar.x tion o! $10 was votcd ta be giv- will b. transferred from the Burley and iamily who havé ed before March .11 (xtn e on adtiStuaymr- Ahrywec ewsex FRESH DAILY - enc tanth N wat e L a dDi s - lr e Ex hnAtutxl cl pu c ae t t fr , ni v d . ta April 15) and shah i re n ng at the Lions Com m unitv tended ta Com. Stinson ran, - dil echage.Insalltionof e ae vry leaed t wecore Dcemer 1.Centre at 9.30 a.m. ta register. Callander Auxiliary, who i. ticta nc f th Lrad oiesal.x- dital xehne Instalationo! em avrypee ta e l caeDeebeThe lassons are .$1.00 per weelz visiting in Omana and intends 'H O T C W W lhiry t he emoia Hopial.addtinaluns ad cbl atthm bck a endl.Every persan procuring a tag and a lesson constitute, two ta attend our meetings while in Thé members plan a Mother Newcastle are planned alongj Mr. and Mrs. Art Low and shahl, keep it iixed an the ihatxr rn dag hbr' o istucio and art thi, vicinity. and Daughtem Banquet at the wi.a eta trn fram Joyce and Mm,. D. Low viisted for which it wa, pocured at al oi n u o int:ls etn RC June meeting and a committee Clarke ta Newcastle malçing a relatives in Toronto Saturday. timTes. work. iueoftelsmeinPRC composed o! Mrs. Joyce Witzel, total et six trunks. A crokinole and cuclire party Every owner harborer or If you desire any futher in-wcre read and appmoved. Cor- LOW o Mrs.. Xy Stephenson and Mm.. Two planned changes for was held in Kendai sehool Fmi- possessor o! a dag who neglects formation please caîl the Re- respendence was read and it Marion - Gilkes was appointed 1954 which shauid do much ta day evenîng with praceeds for ta oitain a tag and keep it se- creation office at 761. was decided ta donate ta the te arrange the pragram for the improve the local service i. the tht school. The hîgh award curely fixed on tht dog or who * *Tbrua ééas ud ocain ntellaiknel excne a ow- winniers in euchre were Gardon fixes a tag on a dog other than TEEN TOWN, Carda a! thanks were ead tram monhl dawmavile liintig henees-EdieCoro b libl t apealyOn.e. Cpplcatind E. arge ONRH- 6OZy1 The regular' the Clarke ExchLange aBw ata!! (lady'.s card), and for the dog it was issued, shaîl Another tabulaus Teen Town Con.. Cpplcatindwa. argeblyC 6 z j h t heg u b ar m on th dra w m fanvi lle e lin an t t ec s- E d ie C o r x, w ith consolation b a l o e a t .dance th is F riday la th e C arn- ec ived.£ m ~ Sw hel bythtclu wa wo ths sty i lcalcals t Boma- awamds going ta Thelma Mart- Every dag which i. found off muahty Centre startîng at 8.30 Reports were given by var-, ~ M W . mnth by Mr$. Joyce Witzel. ville being routed thougb Osh- mdel, ai-d Fred Winn. In crak- tht premises upon which it is p h, t ha tt r sou members. Cein. Overv taow e a inole Murray Gardon and David babitually kept, without a tag, 'Rumaur hsi httedèsconvene cuchres for April. Com Foster held the bigb scores and or net under the contrai of any will be "Hard Times"' wbich Knigbt ta canvène Ladies' Bawlî- I K E Harland Elliott and Roy Patton, persan, may be killed. em ab h a n e- ing League banquet April 26.--- - - thtlow. Deiciaus efreshmnts Tag for dos in th villa e mpie ie th a yesey tie C an amr t ovn N g T ~wer srv d.ai ew asle ho ld b. pro ur t ey et a ha ce. Lt st way, ca, ajo9L ag e b nq etT-RIF C AL E edfrmn er n Jamatressing wnat an lia Mr. Bell more-kick eut ai that than fol- à£ne U 1Ie mi 301d O E LIIU O T ___or________ote___ ha beninthe church and îawing the t o teply 110w accupied by bis son Clar- camrnunity during hi. 39 years plat o! th play.Stor eIIU O TW *SU U PI ence, betore moving ta Bowman- heme, 25 o! which he bais been TECR' OPD___ ville. The service was held on Superintendent o! the Sunday T El t'a POPEvDo n I'Soe t MaInday aftemncon in Marris School. Hilda \vas also always meKralit' vrfo n rulaStoe ource CILK C ut F lo w ersChapel. Bowmanville, with in- rayt epaogi h hrhohrya n h akad Stran'. Stare Port Ha.e C ut F low ersl fower an lare. e g lott ade he rgi n t& n the how asnd g cStr, cate W IN G . en1dinatenaneIhoe thton ai a case ai beautiful Dafta- j I think we should hald tht T. Enwright, Newcstle ifu , v, fl high esteein in whichhle wasdi1 siîverware. I show ont week alier however S. Brown, Newtonvili. a nhln sleld. H evs omunhi: Mm. Bell and Hilda expressed: than maybe tht flics wouldn't C. Pethick, Enniskilen SEE THEM AToss hi& wite. Amy Bayd and six their appreciatian o! the kind- be Out o! hibernation yet. T. M. Shemon, Eruniskillen SEEORDIP Y0F SEZ HEMAT sons and one dau ghter: Stanley ness ai their friends and wished Comimenta averheard during F. L. Byarn. Tyrane ai Toronto; Harol dLeona (Mm,. them ta visit them in their new the show: G. A. Barmon, Hampton l s e DE E ~Harry Farrow>. Glen, Grant and home. Mm.. W. Patterson, Mm,.. Keith Jackson-i* gues. IFm A. E. Ribey, Burketon H O EjIJL (I Ray, Bowmanvile. and Clarence, Ir. Comnish. Mr. H. Lowery and jiutrto critical" or "A.rthur H. T. Saywell, Blackstock H O N Y O L O WKendai; aiso a brother, N r n any Kendal triends in short Mra a nothing on me Keith Bradley, Pontypool LE ~ ~ ~~Kal.rno.adstrel ymayspeeches, expressed tht pleasume nw"C .Tre] rn of Totontadabdenisworkingnaw ithM. Jack Dunn-"I think l111 let H. K. Reynolds, Kendai NEWCASTBehl. Ad benjoertk ntit Mr a job checking suitcffls. Gilbert Food Market. Mil]brokH u sarrow. lunch and neighbourly social chat . Stu James - fatal wr.-Hnesn.Bc trOhw AET73which tollowed. "Wbat cames next?" AGENTFOR ______________Jackc Eluton - "Ont night 1I -Uown,înville - RMP .1.11 ,....~~~ Thert in a Boak worth &il ci- use a little bulb like that and ..Rcla-*Bg0" ______________________________ ébocks which were &ver print- Thirty sehips-a seasanal re- it go., eut. This waà caused by W. .ce. S-"Bi 20 Ennsklln G ee hflrOU GS cd.-Patrick Hènry. coi'd - viiited Churchill, Man. jthie incondecent extrernitiès hiowtg Smnoke Shape C Ne lawyer ciah ator.1 te )b. for Êrain cargotà in1953. caught in the averîvin nucular , Jury & Love]] Ê nr, r' __________________________________ ignorant of the ibe.-Rtus British Columbia ahipu Chj-as- adhosion which'iwas brough 1JoleRaraden'a lRandy stoe D oin5ion3 I J. ýWU*»Alr. 1934 1» CAVAMAim aisAqqmuÀLI M. ewUA»"..Tx MMAMC>