P A G E T W E L V E - * 'd 3 v ,-in w A 2IL 1 O J.4 A i i . B, Oi W I A E'4 YLLaL U. V T A M Ç O T R O U A L ~ 1 6 ais of Danlington Township a"d Ed Summers, Agnicultural Re- presentative for D3urham. The guest speaker, Professor R. J. Knox, head of the Animal Husbandry Department at the Ontario Agricultural Coliege, was introduced by John Baker, R. R. 1, Hampton, one of the senior breeders of Sbarthorna [in the county. Prof. Knox show- cd very interesting siides of a test anfeding cost, gains and quaiity af beef conducted on four steer calvê.9 irom different dams but sired by the same bull. This gave a valuabie re- cord of performance of beef bulls in Ontario. The projector was aperatcd by Jay Brown, assistant agri. cultural representative for Dur- ham. Entertainment included the fine drum. playing ai. Billy Wade, weli-known young drum- tions bv the Bowmanville Lion Nestieton: Mr. Harry McLau- Quartette made Up of Wilf Car ghlin had a miraculous escape ruthers, Alex MeGregor, Wal from more serious injury onl ter Rundie and Orville Osborn( Friday when he and Mrs. Me- Mrs. Jim Smales pleased th Laughlin were loading bags of audience'with two lovely solo- grain at the west granary for accompanjed by Miss Mary Niâ grinding at the home barn. A dery at the piano. very high wind was blowing s0 An excellent roast beef din he had propped the big barn ner was served by the ladies o door to keep it from slamming the Eldad United Church. shut, but a strong gust lifted _________ the door from its hinges and it fell on the wagon. He put bisBL han ou towar itoff and in B A K T C so doing both bonies in bis right ____ wrist were broken above the Mrs. George Nicholson at. joint. tended the monthlv W.A.. Dio. The horses became frighten- cesan Board meeti'ng in Toron. cd and bolted, but he was able ta last Thursday. ta bring them ta a hait at' the Miss Shirley Hamilton, Ryer- wu-e fence. In the meantime son Institute. Toronto, with he: Mrs. McLaughlin saw what was parents. Mr. and Mrs. Job! happening but too late ta warn Hamilton. him-shc jumped for the wagon Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hyde but by then the horses had Patsy and Linda, Toronto, witr balted and she landed on the Mr. and Mrs. Ira Argue. ground which luckily was cov- Miss Doris Hamilton, R.N. ered with straw. Mr. MeLaugh- Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs, lin spent two days in Commun- Fred Hamilton. ity Hospital. Port Perry, where Miss Jean Taylor, Supt. 1.0. X-rays*were taken and the arm D.E. Preventorium Hospital. &et and he was allowed to corne Toronto. with the Rev. George home Sunday morning. We trust Nicholson and Mrs. Nicholson, neither Mr. nor Mrs. McLaugh- for the week-end. lin have any other iii effects Mr. and Mrs. Harold Craw- of their experience. ford and Janice with Mr. an J BOWMANVILLE YOUTH FOR CHRIST presents THE SIXTY-VOICE CHOIR from the Christian Reform Cburch i an inspiring EASTER PROGRAMME Also - SPECIAL SPEAKER GEORGE SELKIRK from Thornhill, Ont. in the i .,~ Bowmanville Town Hall Saturday, April lOti, at 7:45 p.m. Corne. Everyone Welcome - No admission charge. 7"RIDAY - SATURDAY- APRIL 9 - 10 . ARY 1 COOPER CARROLL ROMNC 0 h f IM[ IEMlLLE'Sý n- ýe. e )f Performers in Jack and, Jili1 Revue Some of the very talented performers who took part Rosemary Merkley, Keith Siemon, Anna Strike, Sam in the Cornz A Poppin' revue staged by the Jack and JilI Black, Jeanne Siemon, Keith Jackson, Lynn Oke. Stand- Club of Trinity United Church in the auditorium of the ing, left to right, are: Doug Wight, Cliff Trewin, Don Town Hall last Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights are Morris, Russ Oke, Ted Mann, June Bragg, Lee Melntyre, pictured above. Lef t to right, seated in the front row are: Elsie Elston, Aura Trewin. The excellent show was greet- ýBud Moses, Keith Billett, Don Marsden, Doug Rackham, ed by capacity audiences on each of the three nights. _________________________--Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Mrs. Norman Edgerton, Carl- -mus. on Sunday. Miss Jessie McArthur and -Mr. Norman Dysart, University ofa Tooronto, witb Dr. J. A. Me- rArthur and Mrs. McArtbur. n Mr. and Mrs. R. Seaslip, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- lace Mariow and Mr. and Mrs , H arry Van Camp. Mrs. Ed Vice, Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsay, Oshawa, witl Mrs. Ed Darcy. * Mr. Merlin Bailey, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fisher and famiiy, Caesarea, with Mrs. H. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. R. Ford, Toron- *ta, with Mrs. Robt. Ford on *Sunday. Mrs. Minerva Cowan, Saska- toon, came by 'plane lest weeJk to attend the funcral of ber brother, Mr. Nelson Marlow. and is steying witb Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow. Miss Gertrude Henry, Toron. ta, witb Mrs. James Henry. On Sunday afternoon, a fire broke out at the Port Perry Dairy wbile a refrigerator was being repaired. The dairy ma- cbinery was saved but the up- stair apartments were compiete- ly gutted. Our village is supplid by the dairy and we extend our sincere sympatby to Don Par- geter, and bis partner. Mr. Howard Trewin and lit- tic Miss Diane Taylor eacb bad tonsil aperations at Port Perry Hospital last wcek Tbcy are bath home and getting along fine. We are very sorry that Mrs. Ernest Swein is very sick in Oshawa Hospital and hope she wili soon be well again. Mrs. Harry Vincent, Isling- ton, motored down on Sundev ta visit ber aunt, Mrs. Virginia M. Archer and Mr. Charles Smith and Oliver. Mrs. Osmond Wright visited for a few days in Toronto witb Mr. and Mrs. G. Faint and fim- ily. Mr, O. Wright wcnt for ber an Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Maunt- joy visited Mr. and Mrs. John Argue, Bowmanville, on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hocken, Port Perry, with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy and family. Forty children ai' the Inter- mediate, Junior and Primary classes ai the United Church Sunday Scbool attended Cbild- i-en's Day on Saturday at the exposition beld lest week et St. Andrew's Church, Bowmanvilie. Bryce Brown's Orchestra pro- vided splendid music for the O. N.C. Club Dance beld iast Fni- day night at the Recreational Centre. Vera and Vernon Assel- stine won the iucky spot dance and Dorothv Farder and Har- aid Kyte won the elimiaio '_jCalI Tenders VN For New Milb Tenders will sbortiy' be cal for the new reiorm institutioni Milibroak for bard-to-menag Sprisoners, Major John Foot( .V.C., Minister ai Reiorm Institu tians. told the Millbrook an District Chamber ai Commerc rFriday night. 5. Architects' plans bave beec completed, be seîd, and iti - cxpected that tenders will b n cal]ed for within the ncxt wcck The institution wiil havei -capacity ai 250 prisoners and wil ýcost an cstimatcd $2,500,000. r Result of Riots Much ai the credit for brin! *ing the reiormatory ta Miilbnool shauld go ta the Millbrook anc District Chamber ai Commerce Mr. Foote said. He recalled tb. plans for relocation in Millbrool bad been discusscd for tw( Years, since the August, 1952 niots in the Guelph Reformator3 had sbown the nccd ion ar institutian for less tractable pris- aners. The New Millbrook Reforma. tory will be operated on a max- imum sccurity nisk basis. AI- dance. Glad that little John Davic Wolfe is now home fnomn Pori Penny Hospital. The Mariow iemily placeè iloveiy baskets of iiowers in thF village churches on Sunday ir memory ai Mn. Nelson H. Mer. iow. Mn. and Mrs. Lorne Thomp- son and Jean. visited Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Montgomery ai Cedar Crest, nean Lindsay on 1Sundey and wene pleesed to find tbem in better beaith. Tbe Cartwright High School presented their play "Come Out ai Your Coma" et the Le- gion Hall, Lindsay, lest week to e large audience who greatly enjoyed it. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Leurence- son, Toronto, are spendinga few deys with Mn. and Mrs. AI. bert Wright. Mn. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, Mrs. William Van Camp, Mn. and Mrs. Mcmriii Van Camp et- tended a get-togethen for Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Malcolm ai the home of Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Hunter, Port Penny, on Satur- day evening. Mn. and Mrs. Charles Wilson, Clem and Glenn attendcd the 25tb wedding enniversary af Mn. end Mrs. Gardon Cherry, Scugog Island, et the home of Mn. and Mrs. Silas Reynolds, Looking for MONDAY -TUESDAY - APRIL 12 -13 'REAL OPERATING THE STORY ASED ON DNA FERER'S PUIZIER PRIZE NOVEL! E oNiiOMY? STEVE FORRES1 sc-h Ii,,. J0N t isl CARTOON WED. - THURS. - APRIL 14 -».15 Seo.ba# yous Iithin a Week PONTYPOOL Th ..of Manvers held a '00k Ref rmatory veryesuccessful cuchre on Thursday evening in Fallis Scbool. Top score prize winners edtbougb some occupational activ- were Mrs. Cairns and Mr. Or- in ities will be developed amongI ville Chellice while consolation ýge the prisoners, the entire 50 acres awards went ta Mns. T. Ward e, ai ground will be walled in ta and Mn. Norman Ponter. Mrs. u- provide the greatest possible, Cairns aiso won the lucky chair nd security for district residents. prize. ceThe institution wiil be iocated We wene sorry ta learn that in, tbe southwest corner af the Mrs. S. Pritchard (Flossie Miii- en village, near the fair grounds. er) of Millbnook is in bospital is Building work will begin as soon in e serious condition. be as possible aiter tenders are ne-1 ýk. ceived. Our tbacco growers are busy a Bo d Ga g Crsispreparing the seed beds in their a Bo d Ga g Crsisbot bouses. They are haping for .11 Aiter the Guelph riots ai 1952, mare satisfactory weatber to variaus sites througbout the continue their operations. The province wcre cxemined with a patato fermer is very discour- g-. view to iinding a spot for bard- aged witb prices terrible and )k to-manage pisoners. Some sur- demend elmost nil. d veying work was donc in Miil- Mrs. W. Hackwoad has re-1 e, braok, but it was not until aiten turned home aiter spending at the escape of the Bayd gang some time in St. Joseph Hospi- )k from the Don Jeil thet th.e issue tel, Peterbora. ,0 once again became pressing. Wc nrecently had e chat with 2, anc ai aur oidest residents ini 7y U'~Tnr the persan ai Mr. James John- kn YLVERTONJ. stan ai Manvers Station. He S- had ceicbreted bis Pth binth- Mrs. Clarence Page and Mrs. day on March i0th and is hale *i Flayd Stinson attended the and hearty witb neither pain metnCintpo ..o or ache. He resides with bis son Fniday night ta solicit canvas- lre n onfr.h esbr sers for the fartbcoming T.B. Mr~1I. and Mrs. Herry Green survey in Manvers.ofRv .adM.Bl omso t id Ini the absence aiReath.anre. Bih Homrese aieSt. rt Norman ai Bethany, who was gCataonine a Ms. wrCwe eciln preecbing for a cail in Western Gueents a r. aeds.Ccciy ýd Ontario, cburch service on Sun- Grteen. Han-y fmaks a hobbyl Le days, was conductcd by Mr. Brit- sot ai ooe lofilms which in ton, a student et Emmanuel Coi- soc osm oa uss - lege, repnesenting the Ontario These pictunes included films of Temperance Association. Niagara Falls, Algonquin Park, Mr. and Mrs. G. Robinson Welland Canal etc., and are the :1 ntetanedMr Brtto fr dn-best this writer bas bad the'q, t ner aien h ed M .B i nfrvice. pivilege 6f seeing. Herrv isj ,n Miss Em Henders will be vis- witb th ehrnsFr n nO iting witb Mn. and Mrs. C. Hen- gade and was boping ta be able ders in Toronto for the ncxt ta sec the local Brigade in ac- il two weeks. tion. No doubt be would have ýe Mr. and Mns. Wîlbert Mal- been able ta give bis pais e pep - cam viitedwitbth enb ay-tlk o n bis return. olrs Blasitock, StueHr ay - The severe cold spell bas beld Y' Mr. and Mrs. Wiibert Mal- up the spryin fctl o h colm and the Harvey and Raipb wecrble ily.teiaisre -Malcolm's were gucsts et the icbnadsonseGloftria is nte. a 35th wedding annivcrsary pentycevgafceltigwtte ai Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mal- peint brush making everytbing colm et the home ai Mr. and shiny and ]ooking like new. Mrs. Lloyd Hunter in Port Per- n. y an Saturday evening. Send your Pink Envelope in Mr. and Mrs. Bent Arnott, toay. Peterborough, werc recent tgucsts of Mr. and Mrs. Hugli IMcGill. Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan and Pet visited witb Mr. and Mrs. Joahn Grandy et Brooklin. jMr. and Mrs. Wm. McCabe- f ntertaîned Mr. and Mrs. Don- ldson Sr., Mr. Harry Donald- son, Ralph and Paul, Keene, for Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McCebe and Alex, Osbawa, were Sundev supper guests ai the McCebe. Visitors et the Balfour Moore< home on Sunday were Mr. and ' - Mrs. Jim Sedman, and iamiiv, Bowmanviile, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stevens, Lindsay. Mn. and Mrs. Murray Mal- colm and Merieab visitcd witb e a DU O d Mr. and Mrs. Bert McMulienL ta U O d Janetville, Sunday. the Puznpixig! Guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGîll on Sunday were, Mr. Q AVING TIM... REDUC- and Mrs. Norman Porter and k.> ING LA BOR ..-. INCRIEAS- Venna, Manvens Station, and ING PRODUCTION. DURO Mr. and Mrs. Cliii Snyder, To- Pumps, designed for Farmn duty, ronta. SUtPPly fresh water where and Stindey evening saw Mn. and whlen you need it ... in the home Mrs. Murray Sbaceand Mary, . .. barn ... poultry yard... Mrs. Hickson and Ruth and truck gardien ... provides reserve Winnifred Shee. Fleetwood, for 6ire protection. guests ai Mr. and Mrs. John SeyorPuneorDR McCabe. e orPubroDU( Mr. Ken Snydcr. Toronto, dealer for fui! information about y visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hugli the type of DURO Shallow or a McGill an Tbursday. Deep Well Pump you need, or M Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lawso:n vis- write for folder, «Running Wat. ai ited witb Mr. and Mrs. Mr- the Farm Necesity". t wood McKee. Cadmus, Sundav.* Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gillbank, 1 and Mr. Wilbert Reynolds, Nes- tîcton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ginn, Bunketon. wcnc guests ai Don and Noren Jobnston, ' Murseo.GadnRbno lat spend e week in Peterborough cening for a cousin, Mrs. Joncs, wbo bas undergane an cye op- eration. Little Miss Carol Ann Carne- gie, grand-daugbter ai Mr. andp Mrs. Hugh McGill. fle-w alan.' ta Flonide this week. She wîll B return by car with hen grand- c parents. Mn. and Mrs. Carnegie. The Canadian Cancer Society' LIMITE» Pr& DAVID EROWN DEALER points out that ai 12359 LNDON - CANADJ deatbs in Canada in 1950, 17,- causcd by cancer. JAC R UG MORR SOIF GiàRACÈSince 1935 there bas been ne- ported e two-fold increese in 1LUMBING AND HEATING PONTYPOOL, ONT. PHONE BETHANY Il r 32 cancer ai the lung. Caner r-' Division Street S. ____________________________________________search wonkers are striving ta 1PHONE 615 BOWMANVILLE Slnd out why. Shorthorn Breeders Assoc. HoId First Banquet at Solina Hall The first banquet held by the Durham and Ontario Short- horn Breeders' Association in more than 10 years was staged on Wednesday evening of la!,t week at the Solina Community Hall wîth very fine resuits. There was a good attendance and ail present voted the even- ing an outstanding success. Lance Beath, President of the Durham and Ontario Shorthorn Breeders' Association, acted as chairman and welcomed the large number of breeders to the gathering. Included among those- pl esent were John Rickard, .ewcajtle. Secretary aof the As- sociation, Reeve Roy W. Nich- Nestieton Farmer Breaks Wrist When Door Falls Lander Hardware' Phone 774 BOWMANVILLE 7 King St. 9. "i MONTREAL-Thi8 year-.smart Ea8ter outfits start with hasiery I Last year 1 practically ran around in circles shopping for my famiiy's Easîer hoeiery. This year, thanks ta Circle-Bar. my troubles are overl By asking for CIRCLE-BA R HOSIERY, the brand'that n.eans the best ie quality, style and long wear, I get the shéerest, clingingest nylon.q for ml'- Oelf, long wean.ng good looking sax and siackings for the rb.ldren and comfortable, handsome sox for rny ubusand. My East.er Parading family looks so smart I practically purr wîth pride . . . and Circle-Bar hosiery delighte my budget tool Ask for Rrcle-Bar yourself, the eext tmelyou ne hobae y soppnsio Fet u! t? I hegd es o ium, the aew medi- cation in BLUE- ,JAY Corn Plasters. Phenylium g et a nigbt dýown under youn corn and helps piash it out from undernealh ..the tiret reail v new medicat ion for carna and ralluses- ,r in avenr seventv ?Z-d' year8!laI actual. testa, Phenyhurn went ta work 33% famter andi worked 35% more surely than ather leading nernedieR. Easy ta see why folks withb othersome feet gay i the best news in Years . . - and I'm sire you'JI agnee, once yau've tried Blue-Javs with Phen3vlilim. Agk for tbem ai yaur lavaurite drug colleter Dou' i Lot k Happent --Dan't let the tense, pressqing agiony ni rheumatic paine trike at you-on anyane in your - family . . . without, havîng proven help on haRdJ 8 Ciet ABSORBINE JR. today. .. . Did yow 'i that, rheumatic pain, dan ors say, may o1J , caused by pre8ouree Sensitive nerves are irritat.ed. Local areaiy become tender and swallen. *. . But u eau get blessed nrelef-quickly, easily, effectively the wav inany thousandiaio men and women get Ji- hv' rubbing the painful spots with Absorbine Jr. It helpe to rotînlerartî the presslure. Warmiq and soothes tor!( Only 1.25 for a long-iaating bottie!) At dru& raunterp everywherp. 'm Mot A Yov,.W'.rt But ..1 I erteinlv lied my vorng-mp the othpr night. W. werP nvPr et Marg and Bl'-p lare vbea jt bit Me! I'd forgottien ta Iose thbe bedroom window before leeving home. My evening from then on was nuined. Everv- ing waig there when we got bark, but riifbt .bon and fhere 1 deeCided ta collect ail auir slujablpes and! important documen,q sand put hem in a BANK OF MONTREý%b Safety 'eposit Box. Next day 1 made g(ood My reso- ution. 1[ packed Up ai to rrTaebes and rd myself off ta the B fM ere, for lem My' ban the coet of aur daily nfwsqpa per, I rentril a Safety Depasit, Box. rhink ai it, for ouil*v two centst a dav I bouîghes 1raekaofind. If you lve v'ahuable papr-r:.-r ' we!lrr -v lng so,inA ,'! ,<hP emv advice 0yo'î is ta place them mn a Salety Depoeit Box at "MYBAK oday 1 1IRey onit So Nu.. he Lenten weeks fo - .obrng a nourisbing. de- lious dish to the dînner table. Yes, 'm talking about f I>7 the dis ah my KRAFT DIN- NER. Rvery- bodp'a happy about it -..the Sanders hecause il, a..te8 so gond! The full-flavored cheddar cheese is 80 mnellow and melts to a de- liciaus creaminem. And ils sof,,- Jying! If, c-ok.ç sa quickly-ond r8sso litile. The maaromni is of' tche special fasC-caoking type; takem (niY seven minutes! 'And the cheese is 1rated-aIl ready ta U-se Sa its offthe ahel-inithei. Pot - Onto fthe table. You c ia DE hiE Th ha, tp ted I s' P I , - 1~ Mr. and Mrs. E. Harris Honoured on 25th Anniversary Baekstock: On March 30, 1929, a quiet wedding was soi- emnized at Trinity United Church Parsonage, Bowman- ville, when Susie Alberta Flett became the bride of George Ed. mund Harris. The Rcv. J. W. Robins officiated. On Tuesday evening, March 30, 1954 at the Cartwright Re-ý creational Centre, Backstock, friends and neighbours gather- d ta honor Mr. and Mrs. Har- ris on their 25th anniversary. Mr. Laverne Devitt, a former neighbour now living in Osh- awa, ini a few wcli chosen words. welcomed the gatherng and cald n Susie and Ed, Mrs. William Lycett (formeny Lis Lamb) and Mr. J. J. Flett, Bowmanville, bridesmaid and groamsman ai 25 years ega, ta take the honored chairs at the front ai the.hall. Mrs. Wm. Laurenceson. for- merly Florence Hanna, Toron- t, read the address ta the hap- py couple. Mrs. Mervyn Graham. sister af the bride; Mrs. Albert Wright and Mrs. Ryai Whit- field, on beaf ai the riends and neighbours, presented a pietform styled rocker, a bas- sock, a wall mirror and a lace tableclotb. Mr. Jim Harris on bebaîf af te family prsented is par- ents with a cest ai silver. Other gifts were receivd from fniends. Te bride, drssed In e lve- ly navy dress witb button trim- ming and a corsage ai white roses and the groom with a white carnation n is suit la- pet, were vry pleased and hp- py witb the gfts and the kind' wises ai their friends. A deicious lunch was then served with the bride and groom cutting the three-ticred wedding cake wicbhd been beautiully decorated by iss Shirley Hamilton. Cards, catting and dancing brougt a splendid evening ta a close with veryone wising the appy couple many more yars ai happiness. . WESLEY VILLE Ontuesay eenlng of la» week, teSrn meeting of the Cemetery Board waa held at the home of Mr. Harry Austin, wjth the following members present: 11ev. W. A. Harding, Carroll Nicholls, Clarence Nichoils, Geo. Tufford, Wilfrid Bec, Len Ought. red, Harold Barrowclaugh, Mrs. E. Barrowclough, besides Mrs, Tutt and the hast. Reports were heard from the secretarn' and treasurer, and work af the4 pai year reviewed. Plans were made for the annuel bee, andl- arrangements for getting tools in shape for the coming seapon. Several from this OÀkieî attcnded the social evenîâV& Morrish on Tuesday evening. Mesdames A. Moore, H. Reevi, A. Austin, G. Tuffard, W. Tuff. ord, E. Barrowciough, L. Hoid. away, C. Beighton, H. Brooking, attended a Red Cross quilting At Miss Bennett's, Port Hope, on Wednesday afternoon. The quit was finished. Everyone who was able te find the spare evening went te sec the much talked of picture, "Martin Luther", lest week, and anyone familier with bis biog. rapby, iound it intcnsely inter. esting. There were 44 et Sunday Scbooi on\Sunday morning, with ail teachers present. Rev. W. A. Harding's sermon was a good thought-provoker for Lent. Do we really want ta be made whole or do we think of other's faults. as sins, and our awn, as onIv' faults? This whole communjty was deeply sbocked last Thursday to hear of the suden deatb of a neigbbour, Mrs. J. Dickerson. Sîncere sympatby of everyone goes ta ber busband and children and ail rncmbers af her family. Many ifriends here were elso saddened by the passing of Mns. M. Langstaff, Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nicholis and family spent Sundav efter- naon witb Mr. and Mrs. S. Lan- caster, Newtonville. A PARAMOUNT Picuv.e Aisei O. K. NERO Sylvana Pampanini Aduit IL WILVIR TM eq-AvAnTiv wrinWI«Éalw mpwqw»àwwmvm oàýfflA 4