T~ CAJiADIAN ETATUEkÂN. UAUMAUVW1..U I~M'PAUt~ UAflU - Paint Town Hi -(COfttinued fronf page ont) Ceun. Preston Geta Affl1gt. ment 111 rePOrting for the Industrial COenmittee. Coun. Lloyd Pres- ton stated that the Bowman- ville Chamber af Commerce has been re-organxzed and has hàd -enquirles ,,fromn two pros. ?ctîve Industries. The Cham- Drl Wlshed couricil ta name à representatîve ta its executive, »h gaid. On motion af Caun. MIfggn, Coti. Preston 48 Chairmen af the Industriel Cufmitnttee was named as coup- cl'& mefienative on the Bew- ZnaeChaniber of Cora- flnerce. Chairmant Tom Rehci.r af the Ceeery Committee reported thatt1he Power lawn mower at thre cemetery h ln bad shape. Itather than make extenive rfe- Pairs on the aid mawer, lie eit that it 3hauld lie traded in on Cnew one. Palmer Motor Saluts wIýll îi1ow*$50 on the aid maw- er, e said, and a new one OUI epu fofr approx- ï1y $00 mre, Hie was giv- nr autharity by coUneil ta del with the malter. Council has been asked ta take some action toward setling Up a civil defence prograni, Coun. 1-ign reported. He in- tends ta set up a commitîe providing he can persuade a suitable persan ta head it, he aaid. A letter was received from the nnrinsllen Drame Club stating tat thçy pibnned te stafe the Play "Jiappiness Ahead" 'on Aprhl 23, with proceeds ta be ET VOUR LAWN FF YOUR MIND LRWfl*BDYf otgikX POWIER MOMjR 40«dy md ~rlots. Mde i. Cowooale gorude end eOuto.rf PALMER uTOR SALES 20 king St. E. Phone 487 Bowsnanvllle ail Auditorium donated te the Memnoniel Has. Vital. SewnianvUlle. In view ai thé tact it was for a charitable pu:pose they asked for use ai the auditorium in the Town Hall free of charge. O)n motion of Caun. Carruthers tkiis request was granted. IExaMIIe C.N.R. croaslnIr MRyon Morley Vanstone re. ported that several councillors, along wilh a repregentetive ai the C'N.R.' had exarnined the Wharf Road crassing with a view to installing an autamnatic warning signal. Thse C.N.R. af- ficial wai the opinion that it shauld net lie instellcd until thse road was hard surfaced. He stal. ed tsaIt the C.N.R. would give council a detinite estimate.-if the 'cont, which wiil probably b. between $5.000 andi $6,000. A letter wes receivedi frai the Durham District Hiig.a Scisoal Board advising council tise£ 4 discount af 21/3 per cent would b. allowed any munici- Pality wisich pays ils high school levy before Juqe 30. Tise finance committee were given power ta act àn Ibis malter ta obtain the discount if possible. Roquent& from the Memorial Hospital. Bowmanville and the Memoerial Park Association for tise planting oi shade trees by the town were refcnred ta tise propenty committee. A complaint wes received from H. W. Knapp, Liberty St. S. that cauncillors had looked aI damage being caused t%0 bis propérty by water running oer il, but had donc nothing about il. Reeve Sidney Little stated thal sasfer as he could sec Mr. Knapp hed lutIle ceusefo complaint. On his motion Ithe malter was referred ta lbe town solicitor. JDebenture Issue Inereesed Permission was neceived irom [tise Depanîment ai Municipalý Affaire granting permission tu reise tise debentune issue for lis. new public scisoali rom $138,000 la $150,000. A letter ironi Arthur Walker, 90 Qucen St. asked council ta correct tise approacis ta bis drivcwav wisich is so steep thal tise bousing ai his car hits the sidewvalk wisen Se drives ouI. Thsis malter was neterred te the readsandm streets cammîtîce. A deed was received fnom the Pepanîment ai Higisways for tisa lots an wisicis lie new sen- vic* road ta tise West Beach was constructed. Since thia reeci is, satisfactany, Coun. Os- borna maved tisaI they b. ne- cordid ii lise registry office. CâUneil acceded la a rcque.it ai Windsor City Council tisaI ils pe,M#Ion ta lise Ontario Goverri- *itn t aslfng tisaI a lew lie pesa-j ecd requlrlng landlords ta main- tain a. minimum iseal ai 70 de- grecs' in renled premises le- tween Ochober 13 and May 15 be supponted. 1 Taxi Pking. e"" y theunated state'. we -arîng er, if wc do ot awaken te aur (Caninud frni ais ~~> responsibiltles et protectlng aur (Cotined rei pae oe) freedoni by exerciaing aur Hughes that tise town'e peiicy in franchise; teach sucis things as thse past hes beeri te issue de- palr iationi ad pnide et country tbentures by tender and float te aur chlldren In aur scisools, 1them through thc bqnd companiy and show sanie patriotism our- Imaking the best aller by thfis sIves by adopting a Canadien tmeans. Sevenal councillars fti t fe. that this policy should not be Mr. Campbiell was inlraduccd changed, and Mr. Hughes' aller1 by Kin Jack Lancier and tisank- fnamn his company ta sel] thern'ecd for his inspiring address by by negatiatian was retusei. IKin $tan Dunn. Prepident Keni fCoun. Qsborne felItishaI the 1 Nack.s introduccd ane other guest eissue af $150,000 for the new -te the meeting, Chester . Bayne, a public school should lie proceed- lobai relahl salesman for C.I.L. .cd with soon i view af tise fav. peints. - arable market, liawever. A mo. Excellent slos Heard t lion by Coun. Carruthers that 1mJh nhmihoue i he finance committet b. given KiJonGam trdc' authQrlty ta roll for sale ai Tom Holman aitihe Boys' Train- $150,000 debentures by tender ing School whoîe fine voire Ewag passed by council. sounded le advantage an lwo solos: "Boy af Mine" and "Yeu 1 A Mr. Smith af Pickering, who and the Night and the Music". operates a mobile fish and chip 1unit, appeard betore council Preaident Ken Nicks reported asking permission ta bring his on the recent convention ai truck ho Bowmenville from4 done " C"f the Kirisrien Clubs p.m. to 7 p.ni. an Wednesdays ta heldein Lindsay et whîch thse seell fish and chi pt h people teabCle i the Bowmanville take ome.Ho eleadyoper lu b was judged lise best in the in Markham an Tuesdays, Pick- Zn and the local club came ering an Thunsdays, and Ajax on second only la Oshawa in lise Fridays, he aaid, and would like amount ai funds raised for a permission ta corne te Bowman- community service wark. Many ville on Wednesdays. ai the other clubs in lisezone Mn. Smith stated tisaIise did had aslced his advice an conduct- not contemplete operaling aller in# fund-raising projecîs, he 7 p .m. and lisat if lisere were ~d objections ta his business e Kin Howard Sturrock deliver- would nlot continue. ed a vcry intencsting classifica- 1 Mayor Vanstone tld him tisaI lion lelk on tise Canadien peInai- Sthere was trouble with a chip eum industry, giving statistics 1wagon twa years ega causcd by ta show thse amazing growtis ai paper canes In which lise chips tise Canadien induslny ln tise past wene sold httering tiese treets. 10 yeans. This country now pro- This operator isad since been ne- duces 225,000 berrela ai crude fused e license, Hi& Warsisip said, ail a day, besaeid, which le stil and in view ai this feet and that enly suificienîta satisly 45 per complaints mnight be neccivcd cent af aur needs. frein restaurants and businesses in tawn, lie was doubîful if he should be ellowed ta aperate HAMPTON isere. Deputy-Reeve Nicholas took a Mr.TsaSconiklen dmview ai Mn. Smith's requesî was.a re eviior wEiîh Mrs. in that he would lie coming te a E .ae.etvstr ihM town for a license le. ai only E .Rev.an Mr. aleRck $2.00 and competing in the sale ham, Land sWvasterMn.ck- ai fish and chips with et least BruceLinsy isatedaMr.iand ane business in lawn paying ae s.Bree Hgrtkn.fml business tax. His motion, second- Mnt e.an Mn.RFrndz cd by Coun. Cennutisers. tisat noa r adandR.Frnne action be taken on ths.malteran daugister Deborah, Toronto, was passed by councîl. spent 1he weekend with Mrs. S. A letter was rcceived from 1he G. Niddery and Mary. Durham District Hi h Schoi Miss Helen Stephens, Miss Bonc akîi cuni t sn Jerry Tisompsan and Mn. Lee Boad akirg curilitte endMcKay, Oshawa, were visitons et ,neprcsentatives te a meeting K. Cavenly's. which wlll be held in lise counicil Ms.EH.Clviiefind chambers, Newcastle, Apni.l 12 aIit Bm anvi.. Cle an sunday.end 8 p.m. belween lbe Board mem- i wM avleo udy bers and the architecîs fon the nr. Lloyd Kersey, Toronto, ncw higis scisool et Port Hope spnt the weekcnd et home. and te addtionta 1hMhig and Mn.. Theron Mount- an Bh ado nvillte. ighjay visited Miss Annie Mountjoy, school et omnil.Iwa Bowmanville, on Sunday. decided tisaI Mayor Vanstone, Mrs. Lorento Trull, Mn,. Han- Re.eve Little and Cotîn. Lloyd old Seller and Mns. Hanlaipd Preston would represent council Truli visiled Mr. and Mn&. W. R. et ths meeting. 015cr niembers You ng and Mn.. Eva MacMillan, wil aiso attend if passible. Peterboro. Kinsmen Club (Continued iron¶ page one) nathing campaned ta tise seul ai ils nation, whicis is a patrialic, zealous, citizenry elive ta - and jealous of - ils responsibilities. Tise Italiens eItishe lime ai Mussolini haisedbt t15c coul and il took theni 22 yeers ta necover il again. Mn. Campbell steted that il i. net beyand tise bounds ai passibility tisaI Canada ton, if we continue ta neglecl aur ne- spansibulities ai voting ta guard aur freedomn, could alzo lame ils seul. Tise speaker stateci that Can- ada may in tht future b. called on te ate pver tise leadershsip af tise world, tise position naw PRE-EASTER SPECIALS I F S QlfiTT Ogilvie Cffte. moche Cake Mlix pkg. 35c KADANA TEA BAGS 100'.79c CANPDELL'S KETCHUP 13 os. baille 25e Kraft Miracle 14 os. Jar Salad Dreslg it o Cr088 Bons 0 9 a 48c 0 v P1'ks. 27: Fre:hly Killed Broilers and Boiling Fowl A.ý là 912 408 2par79o m FREE DELIVERY YED'S o5 Ring st. lewmaavil I Mr.nand ivrs. A. T. Staiflton, Peterbaro, were Sunday visilars wilh Mn. and Mn.. A. E. Billet. Mns. K. Caverly visiled Mn,. Ida Trenoutis, Bowmanville. Miss N. Horn witS Mn. and Mn,. Percy Allin, Bowmenville. Mr. L. S. Caverly and Mn. and Mrs. Ellwoad Fennell. Toranto, wene weekend guesîs af Mn. anc Mn.. Ken Caverly. Mn. and Mn.. Onville Hind- man spent lbe weekend et isci home et SI. Williams.. Mn. and Mrs. S. Kerscy and Lloyd and Mn. and Mrs. Jack Lyon and family were Sunday supper guesîs ai Mn. and Mns Harold Ashston, Enniskillen. Congratulations ho Mn. and Mns. Gerald Balson an lise gi ai a baby girl. Meny iram Sere aîlended Cornz A Poppin' in I3owmanville lest waek. Mn. and Mns. A. E. Billett vis- Ited tiseir niece and iemily. Mn. and P4ns. W. Lambert, Wood- ville, whose son Charles was accidcntally killed wisen sawing wood. A number tram here have allended tise United Cisurcis Ex- position iîn.Osbawa.; Congratulations ho Mn. and Mrs. Leanard Hindman who celébrated their iliver wedding anniversarv on Setunday, MarcS 27th, et tiseir home. Among the many relatives and frienda wiso attendcd tisis haeppy getisering was Mn.. Hindman's only sister andi Suclanci, Mn. and Mrs. L. MuOI 101FO MOU SI AI S Kin tf NO. 14-A SPRIR 1 d$.bu4h.5 ePauft1 Today a herd et 20 eows emm produc. $1600 in nimure per yeor, if it'. properly hamdb.dd andi aprooti. With maniai. tiat valuable, cen you alford te b. without a Nsw l.ua Manumi Spreeder? Tise No. 14-A shown abova In Identical ta e riper nodis e«ent for si»e. in. flaîed box, shr.ding and spradm sp.edmniwa. eantrob levmre an balamed idesign abat rodgeos Ioat o>. èawbo,. a PIoveé dâbeods**dD higilW e d. hceui 5Mus.é .eagn,.. . Oum béirer hs. ~ ~b b ê.on ouu«Imn.- W" W» 0Il um" M« Osesms supporte tient and mies 'proomssa ti.ài, Mub dam . We 7me6 *@o " sbm est on hhet. - S hwa. MaL. W1. IL. DROWN CASE DEALBIR Hin st. W. Phoane 4911 a Thonmas cd Tarante., isas. 25th annlveroitry was aise celebrated an thesemre *vening and Mn, and Mr&. Gea. Wood of hiamil- tan. brother and slster.in-law ai Mrs. lndinen. A shower was held by Loneon. Wai-raçk et her home ii hansur af Miss Kaîhîcen Yeo, wha wlIl soonjoe Mrs. Glen Smith. MJany friendo nd relatives from Hanàp- tan. Tyrone and Newcastle wcre presant. The bride receivod many lavely and useful gifla. The concert prcsented in the chitrci on Fridmy evening by the "Barber Shoppers" was much enJoyeci by ail. They were assist- cd on the pragram by Mn,. W. ILeepk, elecutionist, oai Uawmen. ville, wiso gave severai seleclions in her usual plea4ing manner. Proceeds, which go ta tise Cisunci Building Fund, were gratlfylng. Tise funeral service af Mn. M. Blackburn was iseid et thse Morris F'uncnal Chapel In Bow- manville an Wednegday alter- noon and was langely attended by relatives, friends and neigis- bours. He was iseld in veny high estcem by ehl. and will lie misscd ini aur village by young and aid and from tlie churcis and Sunday Schaol services where he was happy ta be when heellir per- nillled. Tise Sacrement ai Holy Com- munion was observed et Haem tan United Cisurcis witis Rev.~ J. Reed in charge. A good attendance was present. The music wes in charge of tise Junior Choir, assistcd by the Boys' Quartette from the Bnw- menville Training Scisoal, wiso sang two numbers, "Ail Through tise NigisI" and "In Tise Garden". Tise quartette cansisting ai Robt. Witie, Bnian fleemisis, Tom Holibins and John Prince wcrc recent winners ai icI and 2nd pnizes et a veniety show et the B.T.S. sponsaned by tisé Joisns-Manville Concert Group ai Toronto.1 Our tisanks ta Mn. J. J. Brown, Supt. ai the B,T.S., ta Mn. Quanny and Mn. Jackman, Super- visons, and athers, for their assistance in permitling the quar- tette la sing fon us. Tise quartette under super- vision ai Mn. H. Quonry w U~ dinnen guestsatet he home aifMr. and Mrs. J. A. Warneck aller tise service. LONG SAULT Mr. and Mn.. Gardon Martin and Miss Doris Mertin. New- castle, were Sunday guesta af Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Baker and Mrs. May Johnas. Mn. Stanley Flechier, Ton- enta, spent lise weekend witii hie parents, Mn. and Mn,. Gar- don Fletciser. Mr&. Hezel Ruttan, Hampton, spent tise weèkend et thre Baker home. Mn. end Mrs. Fred 0. Smiths, Gloria and Bob, Bowmanvilhe, were Sunday guesîs ai Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Smith and Grae. Mr. and Mn,. Tom Turner, Elaine and Bruce and Ms Barbare Harper, Toronto, wene Sunday guesîs with Mn. and Mrs. E. Harper end Bill. Mn. and Mn,. R. Sim wcre Sundey guests ai Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Fletcher and Stanley. Mn. and Mns. W. Vaneyk Seld a femihy party in Sonar ai tiseir nephew, Mn. Paul Brink, who annived Sunday from Halland. Tiss attending thse parly were Mn. and Mns. Peuh Vaneyk, Mn. and Mn.. Cisanhie Pcnwar- den and Mn. and Mn&. D. J. Evers, Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Bunting Hamilton; Mn. and Mrs. J. Ri. IN MEMORIAM CLtUkkCZ-4n laving meniOry af a dean husband and feliser, Tiiomas h Içnry Clemence, who passed away Apnil 101h, 1953. Ev#ry day in sadme unail way Memnories of yeti corne Our way;l Tisougis absent, daci, yau4 art ever near Still lisgd, stililoved and aven dean. -Lavingly remembered by hic wile, faiy and grandehildren. 14-1* GEDDES-In loving memory oai Patrick J. Gaddes who *&oued awey, Apnil Stis, 1947. Il wlll net lie long, tise yearning heart May feel ils eveny isolpe depatt And grief b. mingiad with ils sang We'ii mccl a&gain, il won'l b. long. --Ever remnemnband by tise iem- ily. 14-1 POLLEY-In laving mensory of e dean isusband eand fahlier, George Polley, whe passad eway A p il 11. 1953. r"Tiy wihl b e dont" seema sbard ta Say When anc we loved hec passed away. Sanie day, penhaps, we'll under- stand When wè meet again in tisaI betIer land. -Sadly rnissed by wiie, family and grandchildren. 14-1 VANSTONE-In loving memory ai a dean mothen, Amnehie Van- stane, wiso passed eway, April' Stis, 1950., Gane tram us, but leaving mcm- anies Dealb cen neyer lake awevy, Mernonies tisaI will always linger, Whilc upon this eerth we stay. - Locvingly remembered by deugisters Gladys and Mabel and son Cisarlie. 14-1 Cards of Thanks W. would like te thank aur iniends and neigisiours for the lavely guIts w. neceivedi for aur. silven wedding annivcrsany. To everyane, lhank you. Ed. and Susie Hennis. 14-1* Tise Ladies' Auxiliany ai tise Canadian Legian would like ta extend thici sincere thenks ta lisase tisat helped in any wey wilstiste contents tisaI were attnactively boxed for Divadale Veterana' Hospital. 14-1 Mn,. Nelson H. Marlow, Clarence, Agnes and Bill are veny graleful ta Iheir relatives, ncighbouns and fniends for flor- aI tnibules, cardsaiofsympetisy and kindnesse. duri.ng liseir reent bereevement. 14-1* I wish ta extcnd aincere thanks ta lise nurses and staff ai Memonial Hospitel, Bowmanviiie, aima ta Dra. Wizel and Sicmon for 15cmr services during my iii- nes., aIma my neighbours and fniends fon helping in so many kînd ways. Mn.. Ruth Bernard. 14-1' Heantiest tisanks to Dra. Dy- mand and Stungi., nurses and staff ai Pont Penny Hospital, ta ahl kind friends for celle and cards during mny hospital àta and since relurning home. Prkinsn,and ramîîy, IMr. and ai1ney, LHector borridîge. Mn.. Wm. Arnold, Wexiond; 14-1* Mn,. John Wright, Janetville, Sp. nI Saturday with Mr..and Mr. and Mrs. Ryenson Gibson Mn.. Rye Gibson and Sandre. af R.R. No. 1, Tyrono. wisis ta A number of fnîends and take thi. opponlunity ai thenk- 1relatives gathened aI Enniskil- îng ail their fnienda and neigis- len Community Hall Saturday bouns fon their lovelv carde and evening ,April Snd, laeisonour gifla presentcd la 15cm on lise kan d helP cele brate Mn. and Mrs. occasion ai their silver wedding R. Gibson's twenty-fifth wed- anniversary. April 3rd. 14. li ding ennivensany. Tise even- TieeiyaitslaeMr ring was spent ini cardsanmd Thacbrnish ta th ank Mark dancing. Lunch was senved a rlatcvesrn indteoan negisur special treat being wedding reaiefred n nihor cake made by tise bride ai frthse many kindnesses sisownI tweny-fie yers.Iheinduring lis. ilineàs and tweny-iie yers.demISofai eloving isusband and Mn. and Mns. Stanley Gable faîher, and fer tisa messages af and family. and Mn. anld Mns. sympalhy and many beautiful Jim Moore and family witis floral offering.. 14-1 Mary and Dick Neilson. Mary and Dick Neilson were 1 would like la express .my Friday evening gueula ai Mn. sincene tisanks and appreciatien and Mns. M. Faulk ne.ta my lniends and neighbours TEN ERS WAN ED etho ie many carda, kind in- TEN ERSWAN ED quiries, gtts etc.duringniy menville, alto lisanki te nurses, TENDERS FOR CARS staff, and Dr. A. 7. McKenzie. Seeled tenders cleenhy manked Mrs. Wmn. Hale. as te contents will lie raceived 14-1* by tise undersigned until 12 a'clock noon, Wcdnesdey, Apnil Mn. and Mng. A. W. Prescoîl 141h, 1954, for lise punchase ai wisislateisank mail incerchy, lwo (2) Standard Coach Cens their many fnienda, neighbours complet. witb iseater. deirosler and acquaintances for tise many and under-coating. Cars te be gestures ai kindneas sisown ta traded in an tise above - onie 1947 Mn,. Preacoît ail durîng hen ill- Plymouths Coachs and one 1947, nes. andi mast especially for the Plymouths Sedan. Tisa lowest or eppreciation fund just receiveci. any tender net necessanily 14-1* accepted. L. R. Griffith, Sec.-Tneas., Mn.. Bert Johnson. Tyran., Northumbenland-Dunisam wishes ta thenk friands end Board ai Heellis, neighbaurs wiso sent han fruit, P. 0. Box 20, llawers andi cards, aise Dr. Cobourg. Ontario. 13-2 Binka and Dr. McKay, Rev. R. Seymour, nurses and staff af Notice le Credilors Memoriai Hospital, Bawmanville. AN» OTHERSeryane was se kind. AND ORERSMn.. Bert Johnson. IN THE ESTATE 0F Wilson 141' Edwand McManus, letaeofthtie Village of Newcastle, in tise Mr. and Mrs. A. Kilpatrick County af Durhsam, Railnoad wistaetisenk their many friends, Wanken, deceased, wiso died itai neighbeurs and relatives for tise Bawmanville, on or abautlthe wendeniul flowers and gifla ro- 1815dayai Nvemen, 952 ccived, isa tisa Corporation af THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O. fBanaeniiLdinfres'A llaly 1950, Ch. 400 Sec. 51.0fCndinLiafotselvy Creditons and otisers iaving boeueuts et yelhaw rases, wich dlaims against tise aboye atuIll were veryi muchis appreciated, on are requincd te tend particulans jthse occasion aô their golden andi full proaft tieneof ta tise wedding anniversary, aise tise undereigneti on an before tise Illfl> guests wisa called ta wish 3rd day ai May, 1954, ailen whicis Iiem many more haeppy yeans dlate tise musel aiftise este te will Itagelisen, al af whjch iselpeci te be distnibuteti hmving regard ta make tise day a very happy anc. tise daims that have tisen been Our iseartfelt thanks te you ail. receiv.d. 14-1' DATED at Bewmanvilbe, On- tario, tise lot day of Apnil, 1054. Repafr Hazel M. J. Miller, Administratnix, by hon REPAIRS te aU aku et nefrig. Salicitar. Lawrence C. Mason..eratons, domestie andi commer. 30 King Street West. cial; nulking coolers. Higgozi Bownsanville, Ontario. Electrie, 42 Lncg st, & Phone - 184 48. 3S- COMINO EVNTS Dancig qvery Baturdoy, et Tyrane Hiall, ta Ted Kass and his orchestra. Admission, ladies 50c, gentlemen 75c. Sponsored by Tyronte Service Club. il1-tf. IVeriety concert and one-act play ta be presented at Maple Groeaen Wedneuday, April 14, et 8 p .m. Admission 50ce IId 20C. Proceeds in aid af Women'à Inatitute. 13-2V Dance, at Newtonville Coin- munity Hall, on Friday, April 9th, ta the music et the Ontaria Range Riders. Round and square daincing, 9 p.m. *iarn. Ad- mission 500. 14-1 Home cooking sale ta be held et the Hydro Shap, April 10, at 10 a.m., und*r thie auspices of Cerebrai Palsy Children ai this district. Parents wauld apprec- late any donations. 13-2 Be sure ta attend Franklin Park Benefit et Lions Centre an April 14tli et 8 p.m. Dancing, cards, lucky prizes and lunch. Admission, adults 75c, students 50c. Everyane weicome. 13-2 Afternoan tee and homne bek- ing sale, spansared by the New- castle Lionettes in the Lions Raarn af the Community Hall, Saturday, April 10, at 3 p.m. Fencywork and nick-nack tables. 14-11 The regular monthly meeting af the Scout Mothers' Auxiiary wili be held in the Lions Com- niunity Centre an Wednesday, April l4th at 8 o'clock. Guesl speaker will be Mrs. Corbett at Oshawa. 14-1 Rev. Paul Holiday will preach at Bowmanville Baptist Mission an April lith at 7 p.m. Came, and hear thîs gifled mînister who' was seriously hurt in an acci- dent, but whom God savcd to serve again. 14.1* Dancing ta Bryce Brown's Sevenaires at Saline Commun- ity Hall, Friday, April 9th. We welconie everyone, especielly aur friends froni neighbouring com- munities. Camne and enjoy your- self at the best dance in the country. 13-2 Manday, April 121h, annual meeting af Bawmanville Skat- ing Club, 8 p.m., Council Charn- ber . Town Hall. Parents af Family Group. a parent ai figure skatcrs under 18, mey vote. All who are intérested in skat- ing are cordially invited ta attend. 14-1 Ads Notices To Whom It May Concern: Narman M . Irvine of 6 Centre St,. Bowmanvilie, 15 flot the Nor- man Irvine who was lnvolved in a court action recently. 14-1* Herbert Cameron la giving up farming, due ta iii healtli; Auc- lion sale will be on April 17th, at Lot 6. Cancession 6. hait mile east af Tyran.. For further particulars see bills. 14-1 Will the Persan wlia toolc extension ladder front 137 Queen Str-eet, return same and avald further trouble, as f.hey are known. Mrs. Graco Tardi*f. 14-1 Free-With each $2.00 gasoline sale (cash), i ticket on 1954 de- luxe Pontiac car. Draw ta b. made August 27, 1954. F. S. Alîci. & Sons, R. R. 3, Bawmn-n ville, Ont. Phone 2833. Three miles west an Na. 2 Highway. 12-tf TOWN OF BOWMANVTLU Take notice that as a building inspec.ton has been eppainted, a building permit is naw required before any building is slarled. Building permits may be obtelned et the Clcrk's office ini the Town Hall. A. J. Lyle. Town Clerk. 14-2 T1C K'RT S TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or steansshlp Consult JURY & LOVELL Bowmanvllle là King St. W. - phesw 778 Persorna1 HYGIENIC supplies - (ruliber goods) malled poslpaid i plain sealed envelape with prîce liaI. WEA Six samples 25c, 24 sape $1.00. Mail Order DepI.* T-28, bWAVL Nav-Rubber Ca., Box 91, Hem-________ ilton. Ont. 15 An Amazing Offer Based on Confidence J Try a fui quart of Aulcreuft Royal Satin PAINT At Our Ex pense Heres How Io Try Royal Satin Wilhoul Cos! - Wilhouf'Risk Wilhout Obligation Simply bring this advertlsement te our store and ask for a quart ime TRIAL cen of Royal Satin white paint, ready for tinting with easy-to-us. colon tubes. W. will charge you the regular Royal Satin white quart prico ($1,85) plus e few cents for the celer tube. flefore you u»e the paint, reed directions and remove the label frem the cen. Aflen using, write youn name and addnesu on the beck ef the label, wlth your commente and retun ilte us personally. W. will refund th. full purchase prieofet1he white paint. Thon. are no conditions te thie offen ... yeu rece've à opee' ggadls fyu omns ...Befund do.. flot apply te coor tubs OnIy On. Trial Can te Each Customer Trial Olier Geod Only frein April lit te April 17, 1954 GET A FREE TRIAL QUART. 0F ROYAL SATIN AT J. ABERNETHY Tel. 431 - Bowmanville, Ont. * LA lCkssifiod MEATS & GRUCERIES [e Phone 3387 Walîpaper and Paint sin 1 --Pmqm Tm CA*4nun BT,&Tuum. sowxàuvffj...& MTAIM 1 m - 104 1 - PABI lmmTý