t ~ 'rr -- Ni r .-, ..~...'...# Ly -..s *. ~~.rrr.-r~-w . ~-~.-s -. -, -.~ - ___________________________________________________________________________________ - ... ~* - ~ ~ ~U1I~~ Z> ~KZUIAà U~> PAM FotJRTEI ~WN ~VATWA rnq'q'WoMAW UYtEAW Y TauxW ~.- Tura Page for Addif jouai Classified BIRTHS 1,YL-Alec and Louise are happy to announce the bîrth of thei.r daughter, 'Tatti Louise"', 8 Ibs., 1 oz., at Memoriai Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Thursday, April lot, 1954, a baby sister for Paul and Johnny. 14-1> RUNDLE-Mr. and Mýi. Rae Rundie (nee Helen Petrie), are happy ta announce the arrival of their son, Dean Elliott, on Wednesday, March 3lst, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mother and baby doing fine. 14-1* SMALE-To Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Smale, a daughter (Nancy Joan), on March 27, 1954, at the Civic Hospital, Ottawa. 14-1* VIRTUE-Mr. and Mrs. Read Virtue are happy to announce the birth o! their daughter, Donna Jane, on March 2lst, 1954, a sister for Barry and Brenda. 14-1 DEATHS ALMOND-At Whitby, o day, April 4th, 1954, Veronica Almond in he: year, wile o! the iate Ge( Almond. Mrs. Almond re thue Marris Funeral Chape] manvile, until Monday ei thon at the ArmstrongF Home, Oshawa. Mass we at St. Gregory's R. C.( on Wednesday, April7 10 a.m. Interment Bowni Cometery. KNIGHT - At Belevil Tuesday, April 6th, lKnight, daughter of thi James and Mary Knight,a years. Funeral service at stan Funeral Homo, Bel Friday, April 9th. 7 o'cloc Graveside service, BownI Cemetery, Saturday, Apr. 2 o'clock. NOBLE-Im Oshawa G Hospital, on March 31, Ruth Anne Noble, infantc ter of Mr. and Mrs. John ' age three months. Privat eral was held from the strong Funeral Home, OE April 2nd, 10:-30 a.m. Inte Graveside Cemetory, Brc Ontario. THERTELL-At Memorial 1ital, Bawmanville, on F April 2nd, 1954, William1 Thertell, aged 66 years, bi husband of Amy Boyd. S, was held at the Morris Fi Chapel, Bowmanville, on day, AprIl th at 2 o'clock terment Orono Cemotery. For Rent TWO unfurnished roams.1 610. TWO furnished bouse-ke roams, suitable for two bu girls. Phono 2851. BUNGALOW on ElginS No children. Apply 33L Lane. THREE rooms ta rent in T3 no abjection ta couple of children. Phone Bowmai 2306. SMALL heated, furnishedm ment, suitable for bu! couple, central location,i able May st. Phono 416. FOUR or five rooms in T, water and hydra, immE possession. Phono 2240, manville. APARTMENT available Ma tbree raoms and bath; or two aduits, preferably mi age or retired. TelephonE after four. THREE-room apartment, contained, suitabie for couple. Apply Wm. Nf Motel Aida, West Hill. P Atlantic 2-0051. ON Highway 7A, new tl room heated apartment, p. bath, separate entrance, bus service; aduits profe Apply Bruce Heaslip, Nestl HOUSE and gardon, inclu orchard, (three-quarters o acre), on Lot 24, Cancessic Township of Manvers, one south o! Bethany. Rurali telephone instailed. Hens one caw may ho kept. App J. C. Cummiskey, Bethany.-' phone 30 r 2. Cars For Sale 1945 CHEV. 2-ton stake ti lowmileage, new condition, truck price. Phon 2271.1 Good Uzsed Cars 1952 CHEV. SUBURBAI with radio 1951 DODGE SEDAN 1951 DODGE COACH 1949 CHEV. SEDAN 1948 DODGE SEDAN 1948 DODGE 7-psusenge Trucks 1953 FARGO 1,2 -ton express 1950 MERCURY 3-ton 1949 DODGE 3-ton wlth hydraulle hoi and comblnatlon dump body on Sun- Emma er 54th aorge T. ýested at '1, Bow- vening, F'uneral ras held Church 7th, at nanville 14-1 [le, en Jessie e lato aged 85 Lt Pink- Ileville, ck p.m. anville il 1th, 14-1> :eneral 1954, daugh- Noble, le fun- SArm- 'shawa, ermont rooklin, Articles For Sale BEIGE suit, size 14, like new. Phone 3172. 14-1* ET.ECTRIC record player. Phone 2075. 14-1 COLLIE pupe, 6 weeks old. Phone 2234. 14-1* GIRL'S bicycle, good eondition. Phone 2153. 14-1* ONE oil burning Incubator, 268 capacity. Phone 2448. 14-1> BOY'S bicycle, 22-inch wheels, $25.00. Phone 3575. 14-1* HAY in large quantity, round bales and loose. Phone 2382. 14-1 * ONE wine rug 2 yds 9" x 3 yds., also two scatter rugi 27" x 54" to match. Phone 472. 14-1* PIANOS-Would you wish ta have a piano in your home? Telephone 492. 14-1* SMALL boy's blue spring out- fit, size 2 to 3 years. Phone 3594. 24 Ontario St. 14-1 FOUR bushols, more or less, of red claver soed. Phono 2723. 14-1 RANGETTE, in good condition, ail white. Phone 650 after 4 p.m. 13-2 1958 JOHNSON outboard 5 h.p. motor, like new, $150.00. Phone Clarke 3833. 14-2-1I BEAVER oats, cleaned and treat- ed, price $1.25 per bushel. W. Vaneyk. Phone,2947. 14-3 KITCHEN chrome set, 1 rocking chair, 1 rangette. Apply 33 Lambs Lane. 14-1* GOOD Timothy hay, loose; also baled wheat straw. Phone 2271. 14-1 BALED hay, (square). Milton Tamblyn, Orono. Phone 65 r 19. 14-2> QUANTITY of Commercial Barba!! barley and Larain oats. Phone Newcastle 2151. 12-3* PLOW, two-bottom Cockshutt; electric car dlock for Pontiac, '49 or '50. Phone 2987. 14-1 ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bags, delivered ini Bowmnanville. Phone 2473. 31-tf BRAND new suit, dark blue, pin stripe, size 37, cost $36, sel Articles For Sale RENFREW 14 K Separator with stainless steel discs. Phono Blackstock 96 r 13. 14-1 * GIRL'S spring coat and beret, crimsan, sîze 6, like new: girl's wool dress, size 14; upholstered antique arm chair. Phone 3050. 14-1 THRESHING machine, 28-in. iMcCormick -Deering, in good con- dition. Apply . to Ross Sharpe or Jim McLaughlin, R.R. 2, Burketon. 14-1 HARDWOOD and softwood for sale, hardwood re-sawed, price $18.00 per cord; softwood, $13.00 per cord, delivored. Noil Curtis, Pontypoal. Telophone 81 - 10, Orona. 13-2> GEHL forage harvester, with mounted engine, water cooled; hay and corn attachments, in excellent condition. Murray Byers. Phone 80 r 11, Black- stock. 14-1* TWO custom radios, fit Ford '41 to '51, tractor manure spreader, 2-section lever harrows, with drawbar; power drag saw, with motor, weight 70 lbs., $125. Tele- phone 3178. 14-1> VENETIAN .BLINDS - Stock sizos, white or eggshell siats, plastic or cloth matching tapes. Made - ta - measure blinds a specialty; free installation; 28 tape and siat colors. Marris Co. Phono 480. 10-tf SEED aats, barley, peas, spring whoat. Ahl grains treated for smut; highest germination. Com- mercial No. 1 and some varieties registerod. Also clovors, perm- anent pasture mixtures, cortified sood patatoes, etc. Phone 2771. A. W. Glonney, Newcastle. 14-1 TILE Supplied and Laid CERAM[IC - PLASTIC RUBBER - MARBOLEUM H9. G. H3EA L Phone 2902 Bowmanville 9-tf Singer Sewing Machine Co. FOR SERVICE - PHONE Bowmanville 3649 14-tf FARM SOLD AUCTION SALE The undemsigned bas received instructions fromn Lot N. E. T. Syer Li34, Con. 7, CLARKE TWP., 1Mile West of Loîkard, ta soll by Public auctian at 12:.30 p.m., sharp, on Wednesday, Apnil 14 Valuable Livestoek, Tractor, Machinery, Hay, Grain, Furniture HORSES Clyde Geiding, 1,400 ihi.; Percheron Gelding. 1,400 lhs.; Clyde Mare, 1,300 lbs. M]ILK COWS Durham Cow, 8 years, due Aprîl; Durham Cow, 9 years, due May; Durham Cow, 8 yrs., fresh, cal! at foot; Durham CoW, 8 yrs., bmed Oct.; Durham cow, 9 yms.,I bmed Nov.; Durham cow, 6 yms.,' bred Jan.; Durham bull, yeam aid; Durham cow, 4 yrs., cal! at foot; Veai Cal!, 2 Durham Heif- ors, 3 yms., open; 4 Durham Spring calves, 5 Durham Springj calves, 8 months; Durham cow, 5 yrs., cal! at foot, 9 Durham yr.- olds. SW IN E Yorkshire Sow, due time o! sale; Yorkshire Sow, just bred; 8 Yorkshire Shoats, 100 Ibi. each. POULTRY 60 Rock Bons., FEED 1,200 bus. Cartier Oats, suitabie for seed; 300 bus. Fall Wheat, 1,200 bales Mixed Hay, 40 gais. Molasses, 40 ibi. Grass Seed, MACHINERY Waterloo R.-T. 100 Row Crop Tractor, near new; Tractor Plow, iMc.-Deeming, 2-!ummow, nearnew; Tractor Cultivator on ruhhem,« Mc.-Deering, near new; 13-duce Fertilizer Drill. Mc.-Deering, ex- cellent condition; 7 ft. Binder, Mc.-Deering, good condition; 3 ýOu Dmuftxs, 5-!t. Mower, Me.- Deeming, good condition; Tobog- gan Sleigh; Single Scuffler, Mc.- Deeming; 100-gai. Gai Drum; I Cocksbutt Power Take-off SideI Rake an mubber, near new; Cockshutt Rope type Hay Load- er, near new; M.-H. i0-!t. Hay - Rake, Fanning Mill and Bagger,1 Electmic Watem Wammer, Rubbem-11 timed Wagon, Cutter, DeLaval I Eiectmic Separator, near new, 2,000 lb. Scaies, Hay Fomk, Car, Pulleys, 150 ft. of Rope, Hay Rack, New Idea Manure Spread-c 1Real Estate For Sale 1 Rewr Estate For Sale1 LOTS-75'x200' at Maple GrQve. Phone 2164. 14-2 SIX-ROOM storey and a hall home, large lot. 45 Church St. Phone 3 114 after 5. 14-1 SEVEN-ROOM frame bouse, 19 x 24 ft., ta be moved. Apply Ray Bradburn, R.R. 3, Burke- ton. 14-1 * FARM, 100 acres, stock, imple- ments, grain, on No. 2 Highway, Con. 2, Lot 4, east of Newton- ville. Apply to Fred Hryniuka. 14-1 * SEVEN-raomed frame house, stone foundation, 3-piece bath, city water, ¾/-acre land, some fruit trees, 132 ft. frontago, 231 ft. deep, close ta school and cburch in Harmony. Phone Oshawa 3-9081. 13-2* SEVEN-room frame h a u s e, woodshed, small barn, ben house and garden. This house is paint- ed cream and in gaod condition. Close to twa stores in Kendal, on Mill Street, Con. 6, Lot. 9, Clarke Township. Apply ta J. H. Gardon, Kondal, Ont. 12-3 WHEN SELLING A HOUSE For Service that's best Pick up your phone and Ask for VAN NEST. Ail types of listings wanted. J. VAN NEST 2 Concession St. W. Dlal 3230 Real Estate 13-5 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented, Managed and Appraised L. M. ALLISON Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 . Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks narth of traffic signal, Newcastle. 20-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Five-roomed solid brick bouse in goad condition, batbroom, furnace, hardwaod floars, large lot with double garage, on Queen St. $6,200.00. Twa-apartment bouse, three ïeorandahs, ail furnace, beauti- rully landscaped, double garage, Beech Ave. Full price $8,500. Good building lot, just off Duke St. Central. $330.00. Wo have bouses and farms in Oshawa, Ajax and Bowmanville districts. ïï o $0.F. Bond, Ne wcastle. SPECIAL Canadian Wm. A. ersetL LvestocIk Scales, 2 sets J . P. Aual.n, roker 7 roomed brick house, New 14- fo $2. 1-1 oges "urian"siTeamn Harness, Wheelbarrow, Ohwa, Ajax, Weston castie, with ail heating, bath- E C V TN 141 oer "uitn"slvrpae nSlush Scraper, 3-drum Steel Mn. OM. rE.SLeask, Local Agent room, water pressure, double lot. TRENCHING and LOADING il ou-BALD by, lfafa.timtbySerenade pattern, 26-piece set Roller, 4-section Harrows 5Otri t hn 19Pie$*00 aytrs cRnsisting o! 6 teaspoons, 6 forks, Snvsios lcri ro, Bowmanville 4 roomed ciaphoard bouse, BY fOUR OR CONTRACT ~riay mxed afafa clve mxe; 6deset poas,6 nies, 1 250-lb. Scales, 60 four-inch Field 14-1 Newcastle, double lot, good well, - Froc Estimates Given - Walter wheat straw, ail square balles, butter knife and 1 sugar spoan Tule, Hay Crfrnwtp te Hydro, throughout, asking price eloved Phono Newcastle 2355. 14-1> at only $8.50 complote. Limited Catfr e tpeste REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $4.000. Termis. * ****IP Service qtntiack. ooer' Jweler uneral SAVE on luanber, direct from qant iftatHoper'KnStW .,er FURNITURE 6 roomed bouse, brick veneer, 6 roomed brick bouse with PORT PERRY R. R. 2 iMbon- miii to you. Phillips Lumbor ad it hp128KngS. 1. 17 cu. f t. Frost Master Home large modern kitchen, buiît in fuil cellar, bathroom, new furn- k. In- Ca., Kinmount, Ont. Phono Bowmanville. Phono 747. 4-1 Freezer, new; Gilson Electric Istave, laundry tubs and other ace, hardwood floors throughout, PHONES: Roi. 109r42, Office 392 14-1 17rl 1. 13-tf DRAPERIES and venetian hlinds Washing Machine, 10 cu. ft. Gil- extras, garage, large lot. running hot and cold water, mod- 22-tf - QUNTIY ofbald re clvercustom made, or draperies sold son Refrigerator, nearly now; 8 roomod bouse, solid brick, on ern kitchen, nice location. Price bay, ahso baled straw and b y the yard. Our representative Renfrew Cook Stove, good con- bighway. Spaciaus rooms, 3- $11,000. Terms arranged. Poe 31 quantity o! mlxed grain. Phono wili call at your home any time dition; 8-piece Walnut Dining- piece bath, furnace, modemn Bosides the abave-mentioned P oe 31 Phono 74 - 3, Blackstock. 14-2> with a complote range o! samples roam Suite, Williams Upright kitchen. $9.500. properties we have appraxim- FOR PROMPT -SERVICE 14-1 and suggestions withaut obliga- Piano, perfect condition, 4-piece Very well built 7 romred 2 ately 35 others ta choase from.onyu GIRL'S somni-race bicycle with tion. Free estimates and free in- Bedroom Suite, 3-piece Bedraom storey bouse, centrally located, Contact ,eping throe-speed gear, excellent con- stallation within 3-ilar. Suite, Kitchen Table and Chairs, large bright rooms, hardwood John F. DeWith Realtor yourn ndN ailg usinessaédition. PhoW 433 or apply ili Lowest prices in town. Fabric Axminster Rug, Congoleum Rug, floors, ai conveniences. Garage. Newcastle Phono 3341 -u u gan ualg 14-1 Ontario St. alter 5 o'clock. 14-1> Town, 59 King St. W. Phono Odd Dressers and Stands, 3 Building lots, bungalows and 14-1 PROBLEMS Stet. -LA Nb-wn mto 3609, Bowmanvülo. 8-tf Toilet Sets, Aladdin Lamp, Corn- apartment bouses for sale. 1 otet NUAIN boigmto r Cuphoard, Odd Dishes. Mrs. A. P. Jansen Seed For Sale LOW DOWN PAYMENT Lambs with rock wool, workmanship fl f J emarks-This sale offers a 11 Duke Street Bowmanvilie 1J EASY TERMS ON 14-1> guananteed. Free ostimates. .Iugs, uroadloomf grand opportunity ta purchase Phono 3309 REGISTERED Lanark and Abe- T ~ - 7 Harry L. Wade. Phono Clarke SAVE 50%. New Rugs Made the hest in farm machinery Local agent for gewit oats $1,25 bushel, sealed, Pe in aiaos yronel 2420. 494>*tf1 from Your Old Rug, Carpets, as it is amost new, alsa an John F. DWith, Rator 1$1.35 bushel; aso trio Bronze Ne Intlai s 1 nvle EVYmxe ganteae and Wooîîons, etc. excellent lot o! Durham Cattie. 14-1> turkeys. Stanley Taylor, Burke W 142 cend,$.0 u.delivered, also SDominionommnce at 12:30 FOR SALE BY iWENDER tn 4PW .R L A RC Klonton oats, red claver and Bo i .o ug Wvv naa sharp. Came early ta avoid Tedrwilb rcevdb SE Sgenm ttsedNo 48-tf apart- timatby seed. Phono 2753. Cmaydisappointment. Thendup ta 12:00 1 dbylSE S grass es emaNnt îsinessan 132thnoh4eomav oTrm ahundersigned u o1:o1clovers, grsURNACESaen 14-1>s NE1sitcltes*p cPhgon e 44-tf L. Hare Trs,- Cashk.o'clock noon on the lSth day a! pasture mixtures, etc. Bulk F R A E cot bsnoe bo wr, ihtjMOEN ichnunt taiL.essAarr i s, cneOronaApril, 1954, for the purchase in gardon seeds in stock now Ai 14-1 NE sui clthe, prce ag o JAK RID, uctonee, Oonoone parcel o! the praperty o! Stewart's Seeds, Bowmanville. ____________________ tMOER ktcenuntstiAes ArConditioning 'yrone, colour, size 42, 3-pioce suit, best' steel sink, chrome taps; match- 14-1 the late George Jamiesan at the lu-tf.. iediate quality goods. Henry Watchorn, ing base unit with drawers and cornuer o! i anr Bow- Hampton. 14-1>* cuphoards, white enamel, price Liv s'. F r S le King and Beaver Streets,SEEDS 14-1RE Clvrwttoc $75.00 complote; also modemn NewcastlelosWbaeteesqaîtgriIn S e eal ok REDCloerwit toch f al-kitchÉn cabinet with porcehain ONE young gander. Phono 2985. consisting a! three buildinglosWhaetebt uiygrnIn S e N f ok ay lst, alfa, price $15 per bushel, also enamel haking surface in white 14-1> on one of which is said ta ho an LEADING VARIETIES 8-roomed frame bouse and Abegwejt, AJax, Boaver, Larain, EXPERIENCE COUNTS ,ne or heavy feed grain at $45 per ton, ta match, $60.00; G.E. range with THREE springer cows, Holstein garage and an the others a Cliaton and Cartior Oats liddle- Apply Rod Simpson, R. R. 1, deepweli cooker. in good con- and Hereford. Phono Black- quantity o! fruit trees. EavstLSSin oe 434 Enniskillen. 14-3> dition, $45.00. Mmi M.A,. Pick- stock 94 - 3. 14-1>abof BarleyEaeIogig 1tfROYAL blue velour cbester!ield ering, R.R. 2, Newcastle. Phono tend* er; baanceta of pid nTicalywnchmenhp U5 A V self - chair, excellent condition; wal- Clarke 2534. 14-1 PUREBRED Yorkshire boar for tneblnet epi nTi alywncaposi A I o adult nut co!fee. table witb glass top sale. Gamnet B. Riekard, Bow- cash on clasing. Closing date ta at Seed Show ini Peterborough. 2 Mill Lane Bowmanvllle oIson, ~ ~ ~ op macigedtbe pl 0Io ny 1% D w anville. Phone 2813. 14-1 ho arranged. We have had ylelds of Barba!! Phono - Day or Nlght, 3412 - 691 iesn aciged al.Apy2 orO l 0 o nmHighest or any tender liot aven 60 bushels per acre. 1-tf Phn rsetS.14-1> and up to 18 months to pay QUANTITY of yearling White necessarily accepted. - SMALL oats, excellent for feed, we will instalYour PRESSURE Lgon.Ms .C er. R .W DEL .. Seed Corn the-small percentage bull, no weeds, SYSTEMS and BATHROOM Phono 2886. 14-1> Orono, Ont., ta 3L D ZN n ýrvae ls qanit o fedtunis.COPLTE -Solicitor for the Vendor. Funks G. Hybnid, the klndtht UL OZ G ad ritlso uarnt ity do! !edtunipl s. CM PE T and MATCHED team of horsos, about 12-3 has praven itself when tested ~ ~ uu .. dailyed Paonet28. Rc1rd4-waîle hsGARM QPENNA T and 1,300 lhs. Apply Spence Gardon, against othens. LAI,,AVATISIb ermdo Poo 3.141 GRE AC TORS Orono. Phono Orono 23 r 2. NIXON REAL ESTATE G.77A, a top ensilage vaniety 13-2*. PAIN of rheumatism, Caîlca 14-1> Attractive 5-roomn bungalowj that lu high ln sugfa, By hour or coniraci lumbago, can ho I'elpeu byta: HARIVEY VARTEiHL FRESH Holstein cows and some'just on market, large living and sweet ta taste. !uin ang thusaads. o! thank! sos Phono 2240 Fnee Estimates due ta freshen; also veal caîves.1 dining raom, modern kitchen, Several vanioties for grain. EXPERIENCED OPERATOR of an14-1 Apply Z. J. BenschopuR.rR. i bathroom with shower, air- on 6, Ask your druggist. 14-1 _ Awmvl l .J enor hono 29.R.4 conditioned, hardwood floors, Rsed Clover R aoal ae mil omnile or Ph13e2 insulated, vonetian hlinds, starm Some we grow on our own farm R aoal ae mail, TYPEWRITER SALE: 200 ail Hielp W anted 13__________2___ doors and screens, garage, ultra whieh wau finît In PHONE 458W sand standard models, regular pnice - BLACK and white mare pony modemn in design throughout. Durham Ca. Soed Show uiy ta $175 up, now $39.50 each. 150 GIRL-Bookkeeper for office. 50o" bigh, complete with cart and $11.500. Tele- late Remington and Undemwood Apply Glon Rae Dairy. 1- harneis, also black staliion pony 5-room brick bungalow, just Friie .E A R 14-2 Noiseless standard, regular bIDEAE oa ohlpa bout 50", high, with saddle. 3 years aid, picture wîndow, 4- R PE Y prîco $225, clearing $69.50 each. M.-EAGDwma ae Phono 2743. 14-1>* pioco bath, bot air heated, hard- Agrico and A. A. SIMCOE ST. POR ER - 50 new 1954 model Royal Part- with care of elderly lady, privato - wood floors, built in cuphoards C RE 14-2> able typewmitems, reduced $69.50 room and board supplied. Phono DAY-OLD and stamted cbicks. insulated. $8.500. Possession MEES ORE FARNS twelvo months ta psy), Add- 3137. 14-if Two hatches weekly. For price arranged. Gannet B. Rickard L s ruck, ing machines only $19.95. Each EXPERIENCED oporator on list, write or telephone. H. J.1 4-moomn frame bouse, 3-piece BOWMANVILLE PHONE 2813 L s used machine fully guaranteed. $5.00 leather glaves, mitts. Applv in Brooks, Phono 2636, Bowman- bath, fumnace, gaod lot, insulated, 1- IVRietfcto rclt 14-1 doosi~ blanc C..D.Cron ,rson at Glove Factory, 58 King ville, Ontario. 3-t! full basement, close ta ichool. epninbnbtenPs Equipment Co. Ltd., 1011. Bleu- West, Bowmanville. 14-1> "LATER than you think" - May- $7.50. d .i.,.j a., Office and Liberty St. Phono ry, Montreal, Que. 12-3 - I o hcs 5-room faehue west of ____3620._____14-1__ ADDRESS and mail postais tat aî arks. Bowmanville, 24 x 30, largo lot, GIRL'S tricycle. Phone', 3075. LNTHE CLASSIC home. Make $50 wk. Send $ catch goderl almakt.heavy wiing, unfinished. $4.000. 14-1 MALE blue tick bound. Please E AT H RO OM S ET for instructions. J. Chiricsa Pullets, cockerels, mixed. Some Ternis.1 notify F. Nickerson, 107 Liberty Box305 N.. 1, NY. _ ,'stated. Ask us for complote 5-room frame bouseonlreOEbc-a. he BwStB mnvl.Poe317 $136.50 Bx3 5 . .19 . .1->April price lust. Many varieties, lot, Heavy wiring, fu1al owmnEbuck-2793. PooBw tBwavle hn 1 MECHANIC or man witb con- and crasses. Prompt shipment. taxes. welI, on paved road. ON'go12rkhase hoo EW14Mn-1Blvaw 1s Delvered siderable experienco in garage;1 Agent, F. L. Byam, Tyrone. 14-1 $6,000. Termi.ON odwrhrs.P neRW D-a'Buv rit A beautiful Bathraom Set nt a and service station work. Apply Attractive 6-moorn îolid brick 2814 Clarke. Stan Rowe, A. R. 3,1 watch, vicinity Kingsway Lunch, reasonable pnice. Fonan's Garage, 102 King St. On o unt s home, 3 bedrooms, 3-piece bath Newcastle. 13-2> Newcastle, Fiday, April 2nd, Everythlng I West. 14-1> _________________ - twa piece, Jhot water heating - keepsake. Nati!y Kingsway Plumblng auj Heatlor WANTED-Man for steady trav- 1 THERE are a number a! "West. with il, hardwood throughout, BER E tr siin Our ie poulg- Lunch or Phono 2411. 14-1 Wrie ep. S-eolo among consumers in Bowman I omn" franchises available in On- possession aranged. oer. M. Fiatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. BROWN leather wallet, amal Visit Our Showrooms, ville. Permanent connectianitaria and Eastern Canada for 6-room brick, semi-detacheed, 'Phone 7 n 13. Reverse cb#rges. amount o! cash but very valuabi e' with large manufacturer. On]v autaniotive retail stores. We are bath. fumnace, hardwood faoons, 51-tl______________ ayns netms 242 eard. i roliable h uist 1 er considered. offeriog this opportunity ta. re- modemn kitchen, venetian blinds, 5-tfWayes. Finder742plea al Write Rawleigh's, Dept. D-140- spansible people inte1tested in insulated, immaculate condition WANTED-Live poultry, poose 1- list 131, Montreal. 13-2 aperating their own business. throughout; stormi and screens,sfeathens, feather ticks, crap 1- Take advantage o! twenty-five possession arranged. $6,800. Iran, raga and metals. Rlaw Yi, mme -" DO YOU want ta make money*.' years oxperience by associatingi More heautiful homes, fari, furs and deerskins. Phono 3-2043 ta e ~~, ~ Sou aur 250 products attractively with Canada's mast progressive 1! businesses, lots, etc. Buying or Oshawa colect. ft ta e lshome. If interested in a bus- stores now in operation. For, James Nixon, Broker Wanted To Ren" white, tan head, female, stray- iness o! your own, write us as further information write ta Howard Philp, Salesman- ed on Mar. 28th from the prom-ý 487 Open Wednesday and Fldywo have a splendid torritary for Western Tire and Auto Supp]y Office 85 King Si. E. Phono 713 MEDIUM size gardon. Phone ises of Oscar McQuaeR.. , eveanag and ail day Saturday. yau. Familex, 1600 Delarimnier,1 Limited, Head Office, London, Roi. 682 or 2620 14 2794 or applye32 Church Sret' uktn laepoeBak A4.1 ~~~~~~~~~~ ~1 IOM" iaiDpD oU.I 4itOt li£1->iomnga 14-Va tock 72 r î. 14-14,11 PEDWELL Real Estate $10-500 -200 acres in Manversi Township, including 2 horses, 2 cows, ail farmi machinery and feed, 65 acres of virgin timber, running creek. Close to school and village. 100 acres good workable land, immediatt*' Possession. 11,000 -100 acres, 8 room frame house, bank barn, double deck hen house 30 ,ý 60 garage, hydro throughout, 12 acres faîl wheat. $2.500 down will handle. 5,500 -5 acres of good garden soul in village of Enfield complete with ahl garden equipment including new Farmaîl tracfor. Nice frame bungalow with hydro, water, double ga- rage. This is a bargain for the early buyer. Newcastle Brkhone 38-SSL 14-1 DeWITH REAL ESTATE 96 acre farm, 8 miles from Oshawa, with creek, large barns with running water, silo; 9 room- ed bouse with bathroom, water pressure, bydro throughaut. Close ta school, cburch, etc. Price $11,000. Ternis. 55 acre farm, close tai high- way, bank barn with stabling, honn bouse, etc.; 7-roomed frame bouse, hydro throughout. Price $5,500. Terms. 70 acre farm, Lake Scugog, with creek, 40 acres workable, 20 acres o! wood, large barn, hoen bouse, driving shed, 7 roomed claphoard bouse with hathroom, water pressure, furnace, etc., ga- rage. Price arranged. 50 acre farm, ail warkahle, bank barn, close ta, church, store and railway station; 10 roamed brick bouse, hydro throughout, etc. Price $6.000. 8 roamed new brick bouse, Bawmanville, with 2 bathrooms, centre. hall plan, ail furnace, bot and cold running water. Ask- ing price $11,500. Terms. 9 roomed frame bouse with furnace, garage, hydro through- out, barn and chicken bouse. Asking price $6,500. Easy ternis. 7 raomed frame bouse. 1/, acre lot, close ta store, school and cburch. Price $3,800. Easy Work Wanted GRAVEL and fui hauied. Phone Newcastle 2146. 13-tf DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for custom killing. Phone 3243. 32-tf THIRTEEN-year-old school boy of good character desires store work after school and Saturdays. References if desired. Cail Larry Hancock at 518. 14-1* DON Brooks, carpenter, con- tractor-AII types of remodeil- ing and kitchen cupboards, builder of new homes. Free estimatep. Phone Oshawa 5-0650, Bowman ville 602. 6-tf BONDED brakes, no rivets, last longer; we stock brake shoes al ready ta go for Ford, Chev., Pontiac, Plymouth, Dodge. Wê can bond any set for yotk with our own bonding equipment. Bob Stocker's Garage, Bowman- ville. Phone 804. 14-4* Masonry Constructioni BRICK - BLOCK - CONCRET£ Free Estimates ANGER BROS. IPHONE-2643 or 33752f SAVE MONET AT 1)AV E #S SHOE REPAIR SKATES SHARPENED 35 TEMPERANCE ST. gIn rear) 47-t! Concret e and' Mason Work L. TURNICR Phone 3600 Evenînga 3226 P. 0. Box 177 Bowmanville 13-tf BRAKE work is aur specialty. Brake drum lathing for ail sizos of car or truck brake drums. Brakes relined, bonded or riveté- od. We are especially equipped1 for hydraulic brakes, ovorhaul' and repairs. Bob Stocker's Ga- rage, Bowmanville. Phone 804. 14-4* AUCTION SALES~ Oshawa Auction Arena is iw operating every Tuesday evenJ ing at 7:30 p.m. On. mile nortl, o! the Bouse ha 'BIlt Will pick up eanY artic1I&.tuhn a radius o! five milesi. ,Ae is heated. Phono OshawR' 5-5980 Auctioneer, James Wood. 9-ti 1 bave been favoured with in. structions from Mr. Newtor Cobbledick, Station St., Orono1 to seil by public auction an Sat- urday, April 17th, commencin@ at 1 p.m., bis entire househoiti effects, bedroom and livin# roorf furniture, electrie refrirat? and washing machine, gas 1to~ beddinpý linon, dishes, glasswai,. etc. Terms cash. No reservel Jack Reid, auctioneer. Lawrencë Harris, clerk. l- 1 bave been favored with in. structions ta seli hy public auc. thon at the farm of K. W. Moses Lot 15, Con. 3, Manvers, one milE east o! Pontypool, cattle, horses farm implements and machinery hay and grain and many other miscellaneous articles. For furth- or particulars seo sale bill. Salé commences at 1 o'clock, Satur- day, April l7th. Terms cash R. J. Payne, auctianeer. 14-1 The undersigned a-uctioneei wihl soîl for the ostate of Mrs M. Silvor at 37 Carlisle Ave., or Saturday, April lOth, the !ollow. ing: eloctric Frigidaire refriger- ator, electric Frigidaire stave,I kitchen chairs, 3 small tables ice box, kitchen stool, Philc electrîc radio, a set of Windsoi Castie books, tea wagon, dini roam table and four chairs with, china cabinet, chesterfield, a rug 9 x 7, 3 floor lamps, tablE lamp, flower stand, rockiný chair, walnut powder chair, é lawn chairs, hall tree, twa mirr* ors, smoking stand, chest ai drawers, four-piece bedraorr suite, like now, electric fan, dl small lamps, drapes, quantity ai books, trunk, Easy olectric wash- ing machine, drop-leaf table, 75. pioco set of dishes, linon and quilts, stepladdor, Iawn mower gardon tools, and many articlic too numerous ta mention. Terme cash. Sale at 1:30. Cli!!orc Tenders Wanted Newcastle Public School'~~, requires tenders for new roof asphaît shingles. Full detail.- can be bad fram i. McCulaugh Property Chairman, Newcastle 14-1 Wanted HOMES sought for eun *les Phono Clarke 19 - 2.7 1'14 - DEAD STOCKroovd ' ronr your !arm promptly for sanitar3 disposai., Telephone collect: Ca. bourg 1266 or Toronto EM3-3636 PERSONS ta invest up ta $10,00< at 6% in equipping tobacc lfarm. First and second mortgagi security an $25.000 property IÀpcated in successfsul tobaccc growing district. Write Box 140 c/a Canadian Statesman. 13-34 Room and Boatrd ROOM suitable for two, baarc 'if required. Phono 3452. 12-4 Teacher Wanted FOR S. S, No. 17, Darlingtor Township, duties ta hegin Sept 1954. Apply stating qualifica. tions, experienco and salary ex. pected, ta Clarence Avery Burketon. Phone 2501. 12-4 Pets For Sale COLLIE pups, soven weeks old Apply W. Raynsford, 281 Libertý St., N., Bowmanville. 1- Rooms to Rent WE have a few rooms availablf at reasanabie weekly rates. ThE Balmoral Hotel. 6t Turn Page for Additional Classifieds The Canadian Statesman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR RENT - HELP WANTED CARS FOR SALE LOST 'FOUND - ETC. Cash Raie - -.30 par Word with a minimum et SOC Muei b. poid by date of insertion Il chargod, an additionctl will b. added. A chr of 25c will hb.-d aIl d r.ctd ta thr NOTICES COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANXIS 3c a word with a minimum el $1.001 for 33 word. or loe.. ]IKRfIIS NGGMET MARRIGES . DZATHS 81.00 pet insertion 81-00 pu ocC% ' qa COMMERCIAL iiyiv Includes al dv zrtinq for persona or firmaseuIl B ervice&, ,asor qooda o1 any "scrption -3c Per word; minimum charq. 75c cash with order. To reqular adv.rtisers, Payable Monthly. DGIpaY Clemsiid ut 81.50 per inch wiih a minimum Of o»s inch. Addltionalinseortions ai the samn.raies. AUl Clasulied Ada. muet b@ in 6 1h18 officeflot laier ihan là C'ock Mone,.Wednonday. S.nd cash, miamps or mog.y order and save monoy. Clip tliiioui for handy relèrenc, Ji TEZ CANADIAN STATERMAN- MmnumvnýLu - m Alm . mqwmmnàv eimvr- mal. *à,6ý