I bic 4n4b1rn1 <Durham County's GIreat Family Journal" RflWMANML.. <ThTARTCb THITRSDAY. APRIL 8th. f1954 V~.U JY1Dj UU1 IV 1 Y,*va., M.--------- % Two. Jack and JilI Stars Cuddles La Tour more commonly known around Bowmanville as Madeleine Shay, is shown above with another well-known local man, Elmer Banting, in an informai pose. Mrs. Shay took the part of Cuddles, secre- tary of that rough, tough private eye, Blue Monday, in one of the hilariaus skits of the Cornz A Poppin' revue presented last week in the Town Hall by the Jack and Jill Club of Trinity United Church. Mr. Banting was the clown who ran through the amused audience from time te time. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Alte'r Paving Pro gram On Advice of Engineer The praposed paving program improvements were approved for Bowmanville this summer by council. Watermains will be bas been atered somewhat foi- put in on Edsal Avenue from a .lowing an inspection by Ewart point 337 feet west of Scugog Marsten, District Engineer of St. to a point 637 feet west of the Department of Highways, of Scugog. Sideqalks will be laid the streets it was first propos- on the north side of Third St. ed to hard surface. from Elgin St. to Lamb's Lane. Chairman Sidney Little of The lack of a sidewalk on the the Roads and Streets Coin- west side of Elgin St. between mittee, reported at Monday Concession St. and the C.P.R. night's counicil meeting that Mr. bridge again came up for dis- Marsten had recommended that cussion. Coun. Dave Higgon 'Dell St. from Scugog to Pros- painted out the danger to moth- pect, and Prospect from O'Dell 1 rs with baby carrnages, who to' the C.P.R. bridge, should> have to cross over this street have a crown built up on them1 from the east side to the west this summer preparatory ta side because of the steep steps paýving next year. However, on the east side of the street go- kiorsey St. will be paved ta ing up to the bridge. '1'erperance St. as originally Cars appraaching from the planned. north taflnot be seen by the pe- Brown St. will also be paved destrians crossing over and from King St. to Queen St., there is a grave danger of some- Reeve Little said, and the coin- one being hurt at this point, h'a mnittee plans to repair pavement said. en several streets which have! The clerk pointed out that started to break up. He also1 there has neyer been a sidewalk pointed out that considerable1 on the west side of Elgin street work will have to be done on! on this stretch and that if one Waverly Road and the Wharfj were now put in under local Road. improvements Col. Lorne Mc- I Reev Litiestaed hattheLaughlin, who owns all the pro- from Kinge sated t. theperty on the west side, would enrwnce.N il lobehr have to pay the- whole cost. Buf srow tsN. w lastonhd Coun. Higgon wondered if a bufa a reqestelvstgon thtramp approach could flot be bcorte e iin nt built on the east side of the corner.street leading up to the bridge Must Have 50% Subsidy from the sidewalk so baby car- Mayor Morley Vanstone point- 1nrages could be wheeled across éd out that the Department of without crossing the street. He 1-ighways will pay a 50% sub- also wondered if counicil could sidy on paving work recom- flot pay the cost of installîng a xnended by Mr. Marston up Io sidewalk on the west side. the point where the paving On motion of Reeve Little budget is exhausted. He felt the entire council agreed ta that it would be inadvisable to look this situation over the f ol- pave streets on which no sub-1 lowing afternoon to see if somne sidy will be recelved unless the1 solution could be arrived at. ratepayers on those streets wish After this was done it was de- to pay for paving under local cided that the east sidewalk improvements. This condition might be built up with fi by should apply to Brown St. nortn the erection of a retaining wall. of King St., he feit. An alternative method of hand- Reeve Little reported he is ling the situation, they decided, not yet sure where new side- would be to instail a cinder walks will be laid this sumn- sidewalk on the west side of mer. Elgin St. Reeve Little was in- Petitions for laying of wa- structed to get estimates of the terrnains and sidewalks in two costs of these two methods be- sections of town under local fore a decision is made. A bang list ai recommenda- i tiens regarding creation of stop streets was submnitted by Chair- "i nan Owen Nicholas ai the Po- lice Committee to Town Coun- cil at thcir meeting on Monday night. TIc list was gone aven by with tIc pros and cana craigtic stop stireets be- igdelated in saine cases. Saine ai tic praposed stop streets canionin witl tic aid trafic by-law, and same wIll change thc stop sigus now in existence. At tic conclusion ai the de- 1~aJ Town Clerk Aiick Lyle, isinstructed ta prepare a b~~ y-bnw incorporating the recommended changes. Proposed changes at thre bad intersectIons in town ne- sulted in conidenable discus- sion. Thc police commnittee ne- cammended that nt tic inter- section ai Liberty and Conces- sion streets the present arrange- nient be changed ta mnake Lib- erty st. the thraugh street' and Concession treet the stop etreet. Coun. Wilfrid Carruthers aI- jecd to this on the grounds b« u*u 09the M g m I4bu- ty St. ut this point it should continuje ta be the stap street. Also le said, people lave be- came uscd ta stopping ut Con- cession St. and le icît tînt in cases wlere tic present stop street arrangement is working satisiactoriiy it slould nat le disturbed. No Accident There "It las leen the way it ia for 25 years and tîcre Iasn't becu an accident thene yet", Deputy- Reeve Niclolas declared. '"Isnt tînt aIl thc marc neason wiy it should le leit tic way it is?", Coun. Canutiers asked. "What dld thc traffic expert wlo came lere and made n survey for $100 have ta say about this intersection, an didu't le lave any recommendation?", Coun. Carrutlers queried. Tnniiic expert L. S. Manell's recommendations wcre looked Up by tic clerk and siawed tlat le rccommendcd moving the stop ign 'on Liberty St. back 20 feet. When put ta a vote ail council memnbers ex- cept Deputy-Reeve Niciolas voted ta leave Liberty as tic stop street. but ta mave thc stop sigun back as the traffic ex- purt had recommended.. Council Plans fo Paint, Town Hall Auditorium W ithi n a Few Weeks Thc Public Pnoperty Com- will have in about two wceks. mittee ai Town Council was The Rotary Club bas offened te given autlority at Monday donate $500 toward extcnding niglt's meeting ta cail fan ten- thé stage, whicl wîll be a valu. ders as soon as possible fon the able lelp in the redeconatian nedeconatian ai the auditorium pragram. at thc Town Hall. 1 Mes@ Left From Show Chairman Wilfrid Canruthens Whie on the subjcct ai pub- ai this committee reportcd thatic prapenty Dcputy-Reeve in vicw ai thc fact that the Owcn Niclolas called the at- Bowmanville Business and tention ai thechcairman ta thc Professional Womens' Club andcodtninwchheabs thc Bowmanvillc Rotary Club onitie oni whicltIc abes have botl offcned ta assist fi- lcft iollowing the necent musi.r nancially in this pnject, le cal revue in the auditorium. feit tînt tenders for thc wark "People wbo use thechcambers slould be caiied so that decor- sîould le made ta cleait up ating contractons can bid on it aiter and leave thcm in thc before thein busy season Com- saine condition in whicl tbay mences. found tlem", le deciarcd. Coun. The Business and Profession- Carnuthens stated that steps al Womens' Club have ofcred would lave to be taken ta sec ta donatc new curtains for the tînt this was donc in thc future. stage. le said, and dnapery He aiso said tînt le plans ta salesmen have made estimates have the deaks in the council for them an thc job which tbey chamnbers nepaired and ne-fin- islcd this summer. Caun. Dave Higgon asked Skatin Clubwlethen the cantnactor wlo in- Skatng lubstalied the new heating plant i Annual Meeting the Town Hall last sumrne Vs I kILi.in the radiatons witl thc key- MondayNightoperatcd type. He icît this was 1A lange attendance ai mcm- neccssary lu view ai the fact bers and parents ai members is tînt bast month anc ai these expected at the annual meeting taps was tunned on accident- ai the Bowmanviiic Skating ally and the pool ai watcr' Club on Monday, April 12. It whicb resultcd braugît down a will be leld in thc Council lange patcl ai piaster from the Clamber ai thc Town Hall at ceiling ai the council chambers. 8 p.m., for thc purpose ai recciv- 'Unleas thc type ai tap was ing the repart ai thc Board ai dhanged, le said, there was Dinectons and lectiug thc Dincc- nothing ta prevent it happening tara for the coming year. Mn. again.-« Arthur Constable, President ai Coun. Caruthers stated that thc Bowmanville Skating Club, it was a mistake tînt the key- will outline thc activities af the operated valves were not in- Club during thc past scasan, stalled lu the system in thc first bath family and figure skating- place. If the contractar would wisc, and the slaring ai ice time not change them ta this type with the Osbawa Skating Club. during the summer wlen the Active skating for same Club syatem could be drnined ai wa- membens will continue until tIcl ter, lie said, tIen the tawn IBronze Figure Tests of tIc Can-1 would do the job itseli. adian Figure Skating Association are heid at Stouffville next Sat- urday, April 10. Misses Joan Allin, Lynne Bagneil, and Darla- Manie Palmer are candidates. On Wcdnesday, March 31, pre- liminany figures and dance tests of the C.F.S.A. were lcld in Bawmanville and the following members ai the Club passed them successfully: Julie Allmn, Faith Bnockman, Judy Brough, Barbara FIintoif, Diane Gaheen, Joyce McLean, Pamela Meadaws, Gail Muiholland, Lynn Stephen- son. Certificates will be present- ed ta these members at the annual meeting next Monday, as well as ta those who passed their tests last Januany and February, and those who will have been successful an April 10. The last af 24 Sundays af skàt- ing for the family members of the Bowmanville Skating Club took place on March 28. Scouts tb Hold Paper Drive This Friday With warmer weather just about here-it is time ta think about cleaning out the basement of those eld papers. This Friday even- ing, April 9th, startlng at, 6 p. m., Is a wonderful chance te get rld cf themn when the Bowmanville Bey Scouts will make their Pa- per Drive. Citizen, are requested ta have their papers tied In bundies and placed -on the boulevard in front of their homes. Start your spring eleanlng now and get rid cf ail those aid papers that are cluttening Up your house and at the same trne help the Boy Scouts and Cubs. Ini case ai rain the paper drive wil be held on Sat- urday, April lOth. The lad intersection ut tic corner of Ontarioannd Qucen Streets was also discussed ut lengti. Mayor Morley Vanatane icît tlat in cases wlcne tîcre is a jog in anc street, tic straigît street slould be made tic tirougl street because ai better visibility. Coun. Lloyd Preston also icît tint Queen St. siould le thc thnaugh street and Ontario St. tIe stop street. Reeve Sidney Little icît tînt this intersection slould le a iour-way stop street. A motion ly Coun. Fred Cale tînt Qucen St. be made the tirougi street and Ontario street thc stop street was passed by cauncil. Church-Divlison Intersection Third intersection which. brougît considerable discuission was thc Chunci-Divisian St. oorner. ClurcI St. is now the stop street and Division St. the tîrougi street, and tic police commlttee recommendcd thnt this le neversed. Deputy-Reeve Niclolas' main reason for ne- commending tic change was that cars proceeding weat on Church St. on a morning when the streets are icy or snaw-cav-' ered have difficuity starting up (Continued on pfge asim» (Continucd on page thirteen)1 Postmaster Kent Is Promoted to Ottawa Office Bowmanvllle Postmaster John ]B. Kent, an employee of the local Post Office for more than 25 years and Postmaster for the past four, has recently received a well-merited promotion. He goes ta Ottawa on April 23 as Methods and Procedure Officer in the operations branch of the head office of the Canad- ian Post Office System. His successor as postmaster here will be supplied by the Post Office Department from the postal service, and will take aver lis duties on April 23. Local Fire Brigade Saves Maple Grove House From Fire The Bowmanville Volunteer Pire Department was called ta two fires out of town within a 24-hour period at the first of jthe week. On Sunday at 3.15 p.m. a run was made ta the home of Ernie Whiteside on the Gravel Pit Road just west of Maple Grove, where a fire lad started in the eaves between the house and a back kîtchen built on at the rear. Mr. Whiteside and lis family were in Pickering at the time and neiglibors who notic- ed the flire carried out ail the furniture in the bouse before the firemen arrived. The blaze was confined ta the eaves, roof and a part of the wall dividing the bouse from the kitchen by the prompt arni- val of the Bowmanville fine reel. Damage was fairly heavy, but flot nearly as bad as it could have been. On Monday noon a.caîl was received for a grass fire near the home of John Rogers in H7ampton. A rubbish fire ignit- ed grass around it and the flames lad spread almost to nearby bush before firemen got it under contral. Tbey spent Lquite a bit of time at the scene making sure it was entirely ex- tinguished. Ted Bagneil Elected President Intermediate Basebali Club In an effort ta revive waniug entbusiasm and intercst in the Borwmanville IntermediateBa: baIl Club, an cntirely new cxc- cutive wns elected ut the or-,- ganization meeting for the 1954 season lcld. lu the Bad- minton Club Tuesday evening. President AI Osborne and Business Manager Jim "Ticker" Crombie wlo have served in these capacities for tIe past nine years stepped out lu favon ai "neýv blood" ta revive inter- est in the club. These twa local sportsmen wîo lave donc so mucb for amateur sports ai ahl types in Bowmanvihie will retain a cont- nection witî the basebaîl club, lawever. Mn. Crombie will be Team Manager and Coach and Mn. Osborne la taking on the newiy-creuted position ai Pub- licity and Cumpnign Manager, along witl Bob'- Kent, Secre- tary-Tneasurer ai the club last yean, wlia wiil also functian in this capacity. Thiîr jobs wil l e ta stimu- late intencat itIc club sud ut- tendance a t tic games, and ,geveral ideas alang these lines were put fonwurd, ut the meet- ing. One is ta lave an attend- ance drnw pnize at eacl game and the otler la ta seli apening gamne tickets in advance. Score cards will be given free toa a fans wleii tîey punchase tîcir admission tickets. Ted Bagnell is President. Éxecutive membera electcd ut tIe weli-atteudcd meeting Tues- day nigît wene: President Ted Bagucli. Hanoary President, M"ayor Morley Vanstone; Vice- tany-Trcasurer, Murray Tîgle; Business Manager, Hoaw ar d Cowle. Prospects ai a gaod team are practicaily assured. Al ai thc pinycra of last year's teami, wbo were good enougl ta capture tc Intermediate "«B" cbampionship ai the Lakeshore League and (Continucd ou page seven), Cornz A Pop pin**A gain Thrills Large Audiences With Music and Humor Corn and a variety af other te say against last year's show, things popped every othen min- that beautiful shot burlap cun- ute from ail quarters af the tain rolled back ta reveal the Town Hall in the Jack and Jili chorus massed an stage with the annual Cornz A Pappin' musi- Jillettes out front in their char- cal revue wbich'played to pack- us-line routine. ed bouses i a three night ruri The ten Jillettes dressed in last week. This yean's show, di- white witb ovenskirts of rose rected by Keitl Jackson, assist- cerise and -À turquoise, with ed by Jack Ross, was fast, fur- matching head bandeaux and ious, and pleasing ta bath eye gloves, were very effective and and car. contributed ta the opening of The stage was brightened by the finst and second parts cf the a garland af vari-colared bal- show and also the clasing num- loons as well as very attrac- ber. Tbey wcnc: Lorraine Dew- tive stage sets in the entertain- cli,* Nora Allun, Arlene Ayre, îng skits which comprised the Eilecn Maguire, Frayn McDon- show. These properties were inl ald, Donothy Rasa, Anna Strike, charge of Jack Dunn. Choruses, Bea Vanstane, Helen White and octettes and quartettes shawed Phyllis Witlcrspoon. that there is a great deal of fine In the Optimistic Overture musical talent in this large the chorus sang a medlcy af graup. Scores of players toak popular sangs which included part an stage in this extrava- (Cantinued an page seven) ganza, witli many mare contri- buting behind the scenes ta put acrass a very succcssful produc -L- tion. o spital Au xii In charge af production be- side the directors mentioned, wene Elmer Banting, Ralp c Do natio ns from4 Intyne and Si Trewin, and those in charge af the music lai The remark made by the Hos- the show were Marion James, pital Auxiiary President, Mrs. Don Shay and Keith Slemon, Cawker, at the Annual meeting the latter directing the chorus- af the Board af Directors that it es. The skits were all written is easier ta spend money than and directed by club membens. make it was braught home te us Pre-Curtain Antion rather foncibly ut the regular Long before Master ai Cere- meeting ai thc Auxiliary on Fni- manies Stu James officially op- day last whcn thc Buying Com- encd the show, the audience mittee braugît in bills ta be was kept entertained by the paid, principaily for linens, ta antica of two unrecognizable the tune oi nearly $900. jokesters wlo turned out ta be The bigter side af the pic- Jack Ross and Elmer Banting. turc, howcver. was seen when In any intervals that occurred, the Treasurer's report was read. the orchestra provided lively The Lad.ies cf Orono braught in music. over $300 ta the Birthday Par- After Russdil Oke had been ty, the proceeds from their shot and carrîed out se that the Diminishing Teas, which they M.C. could truthiully say that hope.and we do also. ta make nat a '*living mdu" had a word 1 au minu&a atair. The Solina La- Coun cil Changes Traffii To Prohibit King St. Ta. No rcservcd parking space will be ailowed fon taxi stands on King Street as a nesult of an amnendmcnt ta thc Traffic By- law passed at the Apnil meeting ai Bowmanviiie Town Coundil Monday nigît. The amendment also provides that parking space allawcd taxi stands on other streets in the tawn shall not cxcecd 30 feet at any one location which is ta be dcsignatcd by the owner ai the stand. Under thc aid by-baw passcd in Octaben, 1952, a taxi firmn was cntitlcd ta 30 feet on King Street if it sa desincd. .However, the nesenving of 30 feet ai space by Downey Cab on King St. in front ai Staniey's Lunch, and thc de- cision ai Miller's Taxi ta open a taxi office. on King St. alsa, led to a great many protests which ultimateiy nesultcd in the amendment ta thc by-law passed Monday nigît. Might Be Hardship During discussion af the amcndment Coun. Dave Higgon raised thc point tlat Mn. Miller lad sîgncd a lengtly bease foi premises an King St. just east of Temperance St. whie thc ald termis allowing 30 feet ai park- ing space on any street was in force. He feit that the amend- ment migît be unjust, in that it migît work a hardship on Mn. Miller. PIlanning Board Discusses Two New Sub-divisions A meeting of the Bowman- ville Planning and Dcvelopment Board was leld Tuesday nigît ta discusg sub-division plans submittcd by local land owners. These plans must le approved by the board befare lots can be put up for sale. At present two owners have pnesented plans. Mr. Wm. C. Pansons lias a plan on 25 acres af lis propenty between Waven- bey Road and Martin Road, Mn. Alex. Alexander, Courtice, lias a plan on appraximateby ten acres ai land between Liberty and HigI Streets ,and south and west of Meadawview Boulevard. It is believed that Mr. Alexan- der plana ta build hausing units an bis sub-division. These plans drawn by an ardbitect are ta the benefit ai the owner-vendor as it giveS hîm a dlean picture of what le lias and what he can do witl it. At the same time it lsaa great lelp ta the town in assist- ing with the development ai this property with roads and othen facilities. The Board is willing ta assist landowncrs at anytime with suggestions as to the develop- ment of their properties. T. B. X-Ray Survey Starts on May lOth Over 50 representatives af varlous West Durham or- ganizations attended a meet- ing In the Balmoral Haie! Tuesday evening ta learn L about the free T.B. X-ray survey. This campaign con- jducted by the Durham- Northumberland Tubercu- l1auls Association wIll atari in this area on May lOth. Two weeks prier te the tking of the X-rays a can- vasa wiIl be made of every home in the district with appointment c a r d. The chairmen of the variais districts aud muuicipalities were given further instruc- tions an bow the surveY wilI be conducted. Details ai actuel urnes aud personnel te contact wlll appear I next week's Issue af The Canadian Statesmian. Start Work on New Public School Monday monning a luge bull- dozer stanted work on clcanixig soil in prepanation for the new Bowmanville Public School. If good wcathcr bolds ion a iewv wecks the school ahould be wel undcrway with evcry possib-i- ity ai it being campleted by the time the September ternm stants. General Contractons for the job are Bradiord-Hashal Asso- ciates, Pont Hope. ary Receives Dutside Groups diea alaso lave sent in a very generous cheque wich tbey lape ta duplîcate inter intic yean. We heur, alang the same b ine, tint thc Newcastle Ladies iare goîng ta hclp with a card pnrty on thc 2ist, and the En- niskillen Club witl thii play an the 23nd lu the Opera Hause. A very Icarty vote ai tlanks was exprcsscd at tic meeting for ahl this help from. tic van- ioua onganizatians. The Tuck Slap reccipts are kccping up weil. The nurses and patients anc finding the Tuck Shop a great convenieilce but tic Auxiliary membens wauld appreciate more lelp in attend-1 ing ta it during niternoon visit- 1 ing hours. Mayor Morley Vanstane feit that council did not owe any moral obligation ta Mn. Miller sicas le remembened it, Mn. Mile ad known at thc time le lcascd the new premises there migît be a change in the by-law in view ai the complaints about thc reservcd space of Downey Cab in front of Stanley's Lunch. Coun. Wilfnid Carnuthers alsa stated le believcd Mn. Miller knew that changes migît be made in thc by-law govenning taxi apenation befone le signed a lease on bis new premises. Count. Fred Cole stated that le believed King's Taxi anc using mare than 30 feet of resenved space on Temperance St. and asked wlo was going to enfonce the new amendment ta nectify this. Downey Cab Must Mave Aiten the amendment lad been passed Deputy-Reeve Owen Nicholas infonmed council that thc town solicitor lad told him that the propnietor of Downey Cab could be made to move bis nesenved parking signs in front of Staney's Lunch. He sponsor- cd a motion, whicl was passed, that Mn. Downey be given two weeks ta take lis taxi stand off Coun. Dave Higgon neturned ta, thc garbage collection warf are front at the meeting by quoting pnîces for garbage collection ic By-Iaw ixi Parking trucks and stating that he had obtained other information re- garding municipal garbage 0ol- ection. The Belivue finanIce Company in Oshawa are holding. a garbage truck for $2,500, he said, and other prices range from this figure up. Coun. Higgon is chairman of the committee set up bY Mayor Vanstone to study the matter of instituting a municipal garbage collection to see if one can b. set up by next January 1. J. M. Hughes of J. L. Grahamn and Company, a bond-selling firm in Toronto, appeared be- fore council in an attempt to get it to let his company handle the debenture issue of $325,000 which must be floated for the new water supply systemn from, the lake. He advised the town to separate this issue and the issue of $150,000 for the new public school and to seil the larger amount in the near future through his company. Bond Market Very Good The bond market at the pres- ent time is the best it has been for some years, lie said, and he advised council to take ad- vantage of this fact by issuing the $325,000 waterworks issue in the very near future before iA weakens. Mayor Vanstone told Mr. (Continued on page thirteen) Should Have Canadian FIag Speaker Telis Kinsmen Club A plea ta promote thingsO Canadian, inciuding a distinctive Canadian fiag, was deiivered byCha b Hugi Campbell, Supervison of ha b r Cams paint sales ion C.I.L. in Ontario etn and a wartime commander ai a ExecutiveMetn address to ftl a n a address lothe Bowalville Sunday Afternoon Kinsmen Club Tuesday nigît. Accusing Canadians ai notA meeting ai the executivi laving a public opinionMn. membens of the Bowmnnvîle Campbell said tînt one of the Clamber ai Commence las been reasons we do not lave a Can- called for Sunday at 2 p.m. at adian fiag is because we are too the Balmoral Hotel. President slothiul and complacent ta get Anthur Hooper lias requested out and vote and make tIe gov- a full turnout af tIe executive enument nealize wlat the public at this meeting as membership opinion is. Wc sulmit to sudh policy and otien important thinga as order-in-council rule, items ai business will be dis. whicl is not mtî,,cb better than a cussed. modiiied formn of Fascism, le The meeting is in preparatian said, because we are too lazy and for the general memberahip indiffenent ta vote ta oust a gov- meeting on the third Monday ernment whicl forces sudh thinga in April-Apnil 19-and It i.8 upoxn us. loped thet- a definite pnojeW An example ai the type ai in- can be prepared ta put befare tenference we put up witl, Mn. the Clamben of Commerce Campbell stated, occurred wlen membens at tiat time. Defence Minister Brooke Clax- tan, witl little knowledge of naval procedure and traditions, y g im Ln ovenruled a naval court mrtial- -oung ..u whicl lad given a severe repni- mand ta, the commander ai a Fi nds Thiree Purses Canadian destroyer wlose slip went agnound off Konea. Mn. Jimmy Lynn, 13-ycar-obd son Claxton lad flot feit tîat this of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lynn, Walk- was a severe enougl penalty en Apartinents, is not only a and nuled tînt le be dismissed vcny observant yaung iellaw but from the service, witlout àppar- a veny lonest anc as well. Tîre cntiy reaiizing that a severe times withîn the past seven reprimand was a verv major months he bas found wallets penalty whîcl would have kept whicl contained considerable this aificer iromn any funthen sums ai maney, and cacl turne naval promotion. le las promptly tunned tlemn Apathy and Laziness over to the police or tîcir owner. It i thi sane aathyand Witiu a short time last fl! l i ss th se a p atly and le ound two walets cntaining citizens who cannot le bothercd mle aiind a wkalet belong ta vote, le said, that allows Hon. Pngi ou a Kiltck, whic C. D. Howe to make sud state- le prompt.yAtunnedatrckta ita, ments as "Wlat's a Million Doll - h rmtytre akt ars?", and "If we want to do owner. Neediess ta say, Mn. Kil- it, who's going ta stop us?~" patnick was most grateful ta Mn.Camlel sttedtha leJimmy and giad ta know that Mr.Cambel sttedtha hehis wallet was found by suci wouid paraphrase the Bible by an îonest boy. asking "What sIali it profit a __________ nation if it gain the whoie world but lose its own soul?" The vast Mn. and Mrs. L. B. Nichais material wealtl ai Canada is as spent thc weekcnd witl Mn. (Continued on page thirteen) and Mrs. L. Smith, Kitchener. Stars of Corral Courtin' Stars of the Corral Courtin' scene in the Jack and Jili Club's musical revue, Cornz A Poppin' were Marion Jeffeny and Dick Merkley, shown above. The revue played to, packed houses in the auditorium of the Town Hall on Thunsday, Friday and Satunday evenings of last week. The Jack and Jill Club is made up cf young married couples in the eongregation of Tninity United Church. -Phto by Canson Studio, Port Hope Unr ? TTV 11%1 Coun cil Changes Stop St reet s May Eliminate Some Boulevards tatt#inan INUIVIDEJIO £«*, lue FER Uurx