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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Apr 1954, p. 4

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- r> - - A ~VU TIM C&AnADIANSTATEMAN, EBOWMANÇVLLE, TAMO FAUX rou~isn ?WUPSDAT, APRIL »U, 19% famous neurosurgeon of Mon- * 1 1 1 u boiling salted water. Then re. roug.M.Hucnsno troal author of lerd ed ii- n n e in JD t ~duce heat ta simmer or pto o dCo dS e hepaoadhrhsado cal works, tound that people ~ 4. Caver pan; Cook 4 min. Re-r h aohoerne. w or suspicion, or bath, following ~~C riuCr u s samati end h o prient ovor-cooýk. '1rGra am im ette Oeln l ulI bis tiret dtp mbt the field 0 o P blc Health N re , iiig.At V L I ad" d'odaSUlo and novel writing. He. 104 with 73 ateoas çht* deAt iouiii Raliy Trn laiyan t owlie camne Iarly lni thus presant century VIsting N u.r ses Association Meit 1ti p butter ti a heavyTefim M -Cnuy r- ta write "Na Other Goda", which public health nurses began the. Whouo staff niembera are pub. akillet. Slip eggs lato akillet A large crowd gatbered ln hesd" a ime i 95 r h ( nficlentialï tl ithetoo f br. aham.eld igh nwee okofgito he hm tles j 'hoalth Inurses. The najarity and cover with a tlght-fitting R.wmarville Town Hall for thU ~gn tprry i. By Elie CarutJers Lnney earta wk r. e nti ak, sigth-th citigen. iOntarith ahord- of PblcHelt uresi ld.Keep electric element hu- local Youth for Christ rally o igrstamewre h. cgud, ut igtati.wr ahDyt fbi a elnatur t i na n-ed c lw, Caok eggs cavered un,' Saturday night. A very delight-ee eoei trehwt "teeesa citni o mr tate ens tam ii'OntarlaecDe-pblchelhnusngwih ti hte has jellied-about 3 fui programme wu enjoyed b hita uiisne a er BIGGER AND BETTER have read, LueIla Creightari, ta do the thinga that fascinate pertmnent ai Health. F'ram a mainly educattarial.a Their pro- mnts ail. paigfragetrvvlt TeeLtrr ucenofPierre Berton and Dr. Wilder hum," h. said. amaîl beginning thus graup af gramme encompasses broad 4. Ta poacli eggs ho perfec. A very lively sang servicecaet rtnd D.Bil Thee Lherry uncean aiPerificld. Zach had a definite The book was ariginally be- nurses has grown until today areas at activities as commun- tion, f111 sAucepari ta depth ai alngig thie old hymins af i teGaa st sa itefl Sinith'a in Cana*~ have, in the persanality. Mrs. Creightari, au- gnb r eued it there are approximatelv 780 cable dîsesses, maternai healhh, 2 insaf water, add %' top. sait. chucwsldb ri on n i em nldn mr .emparahvely b cif tme sirce thor ofi High Bright Buggy un yDr . pomue d s she ay dv Public Health Nurses em'ployed child and a ut health and Drap zinc jar rings into wa- borouh Y.F.d yC. Als o atre G or e B v r y Sh a an ther icepior. bcom anin-Wheels and flow, "T141'ilEast, irig, that he wauld finish it .for by municipal Boards ai Health chronie disaes. Ilealth guid- ter thon Slip egg tramn cracked ber assistant Airerfrl etr- c' eoed gse sthripia n , Each an drws- Turn West", is charmxing, sini- ler 1h was writteri in *'Sundgv thraughout ail parts ai the anc. la affered ta individualla aheli into each ring. Caver an thie programme was MisBrowogadchi e U lieeJing af pleasure anid stisfac- talked on the kind oi fiction wauîd have ta b. re-writteri ban areas. the schoaal, in lndustry and ini about 4 mina. Slip out thie jar land, who brought two love~waariune foApliti tien which strcnghhens the she knowE. which ia 'iust to just how h. .did nat then know The Public Health Nurses' medical and health centres, an rings and remave eggs with numbers entihled "Lovely Sang'we nEserpormewl thnee-way bridge hetween Can tell a stary," ta use her owii That was in 1935. He laid it function and responsibilities an individual basis as well as alotted lifter. ad"inr redtelt adas authors, _publisiiers. anid words. aside for the time. may b. .imply described as the i arganized groupe. Note: Tii. elechric egg cook- accompanied with her guitarî h 0viecora h hit ublic. Last h Turaday whcn This she does extremely In 1943, he was i Teheran, preveritiari oi disease, the pro- In officiai health agencies er saves ariy cancern about eggs To add aparkie ta the MusicalinRir hrhai h imt' ondwt h m el n hs h ed he motion ai physicel and mental public health nurses exceed ti cooked ta perfection riglit ah part af the programme was MIV pae wl .GoreSlil pie lus of ooto with t ir - etl ntos r ewora ber rturning tramn a medical mii- heaith and .îîiciency, andi may number ail other groupa. Be- the. table. and Mrs. }Iutchin@or tramn Pet omT rhi. pire Club00 of leTarnt her secndrat snavegrta eg instlaneta Mosowaiirn o r taeinclude the cane ai the sick in cause of their close warktng TEQETO O E ver 800 eole prscit . ohem fr$second. "1h'. riong like Hpla n re Chu iaeSud-their homes. relatianships with familles in Mn.. C. L. askus: Why isa Eenythin mvedspeikersmoote h my iirs" M ta. Creighon saii "Hm "neta Fr.."I Clhina. Su- Although ane might uay that their homes and with the tain-"sherbet Olten filled withie abrecisand.Tii.ce seakers e i-we chri w . Btake tah follo ing enlietheugexcava ionsb.oflt- e unique funichior ai the nurse lly physiciaens they are in 8crystals? .s, ahi.,condtah cttabuhed adi- wth lnceoi n. Bthisw that Aîng ove r thpl e. I h io s ' is the. nursing car. ai the sick, strateglc position ho interpret Ariswer: Homemade sherbet Trnity Youngj D~ Uj rectconactwît thir adi-wil belik itin ts wy, hatAbrham' bihhpace" I usail nurses have an education health services. Aiso, mLdI m op-if once The Wee, B YOUMaYit will show the same warM un- host's library he picked uii Sir function, nlated as far as pas- ortunities are provideif In her address Mrs. Creigti- Chaldees", and suddenly hus sie ta the. family as a unit, lu nctlon as a member ai a team yna pur i. mushy angdetfrsens tnsaid, "A writer is a person imagination was fired wihh the Beuîde nursing in Ontario la with other professionai work- 3 in.t hlle bw nd a tr Her i a Wonderful to s a register ai feeling. He idea of his own book on Abra- affcred on a visit basis in the ers and citizen groupa ta study may. Thsn r erri t ie iS aise a persan who is subject ham. home by the Vichorian Order o andi plan for botter commun- during treezmng especill if the D EAt~R RU TH OjportUflity for You to ta a minor inheriar explosion of New that hoe was o close ta N urses and the St. Elizabeth ity health. refrigeratar is filled wihh fond.athe-cco dypa comprhenson."The rite is he cuntr, hewas eterinedMiss P. B. asks: How cari we atrea Become a Nurse thon impelleti ta communicate to se. i, though ho was dis- prvetou 1weecre g cam"eplhosion." The wnit9r y the cautr, e adtrmneuti coaker from being coated with ite Mhe n.. "h l idsttawre h.h was net deterred. H. spent lime tram aur hard water? ing Mr. reightan lse ee Il days in Mesopotamnia, soak- Answ.r: Add a pinch af cream Town Hall, o m nil cannot hav eerentom c; 2. Ad- ng up ahrnosphene, the. sights .ofaitartar to the water that is a :5pm caathv a uh .A-and sountis ai the East, which used mn electrîc cooker. a vice or information from cx- have net altered gneatly aver pents in thein field - "people tosnso er.H iie Mn. G. B. asks: Haw can spa- are kind ta writers," she said; theoIsandseaimyand we vs tasd ghetti b. cooked sa tiiat the. Thurs a F i 3. The. memony you dont know cinahec by seeing the sicul ofa a ns ae ongan atrativ? liryou have, fram which a sighh, yugwmnwo ie hu Answer: To cook spaghetti in sounti or smell cari dnedge up yang weaman whaiedbahau- In theKgU r ighh way - F111 a large Admission - - . Auhs.cCilr. O associations which shart a train ahtlroca nyi e kettle hwo-thinds full ai water If !FOU van, a fascinaaing aiee o thought, create a situation or bathtowel, with the tempera- EGGS 2 tbsps. fleur andi add 1 tbsp. sait. Wheri wa -______________________________ and a background ta eahance Tii. ten at ite nig t ure registering 120 degrees, he Hello Homemakers! Eggs arec1 ½ cups milke or broth ter bols na pldly, piunge ini the ____________________________ you ~hoe lfe arsig '0 Tn hemer afsof theG.Cei- drafted the. ouline ai "No O a aganahay rce ontey itsp. Salt endis ai spaghetti, pushing it seu wolgle, sin porn t gon a, auto f Sr JohnG . C en Goa." arinust i hnd riertis ih- %tsp. pepper very genhly inta the. kettle un- sseti aor be-eai p ruriti.g Maconald", ftSi J h .er os cnb sdinhnrd fds 2 cups dîceti cclery tili t 15 submerged. Wh.n wa- Cousses fuortearnHospinag MacDotale., was aisoat he Dr. Penfield found that his es-fnom the paached egg for ~hr-okdeg ter bails again, humn electnic cossa nar ioW oitalforabe.Another head table tirsh draft was silted. Aiter breakfast ta the. deluxe chifn 61,14 cupsoeoies leenea edumo LwUn Shosaenwfrigfr guesh was William Arthur Dca- laying it aside, andi laten agairi ies. Lunch box packers andti 4 do ie oivselmnt t ir. uoksahetm or an Seprember. ~con, editor ai the Globe anti visiting Mesopahamia, he ne- tatens are awane that a hgrd- Ca ode nale ac iue hnsi rt iv SnrneRqloel:A.1 r Mail'. excellent book page, wrote it, fininrg the going much aOoked .gg, devilled or Stie about 8 mina. Make a white 9mntsto lpit iv ever. Secondary Sceeol Goduagon with whom we had the pleasure easier, but firiding aiso as many wihh sait, peppen, butter, a lit- sauce ai 2 tbsps. butter 2 hbsps. or colander and drain quickly, Diplome. .Oed HeaI$h. of a gooti chah ioilowing the. another authn has, that uhite mustard -and vinegar, or fleur, the. milk or bnoth and ses- then serve directly on ta hot AT O TARI NO PITA SO OOLS lurcheo . ninor characters were asset- ih liav r m n ei a ai snings. Brown ceey in e- late. Top with sauce an but- ATOTROHSPTLSHOS Anti whle on personalihies, ing throselves ti "a very diii- las. an argument wihh your Sp- maining 2 tbsps. butter. Placeteanigtdchse OF NURSINS eejydmeigMisHlnci anr" ptt nytm.noodles, celery, olives anti eggs * TOURECIVEWHIE TAINU: O'Reilly wha Manages these "Common sens. and aduit Eggs aisea are economnical lnrin lent aesi rae neA nivtsyut " FREE Room and Board luricheanis ton Smith's. What a jutigmerit were agaist the, pro- substantial Main dishes anti an casserole. Pour white sauce write ho her c/o Tii. States-- * RI Uifrs adlsndy job that is, with a hundreti ti- ject tram the. beginnirig," hie excellent, substitute for tisi' aven ail. Spririklc with paprika, mari. Senti in yaur suggestions " FRI Unfore an laudr tails ta keep in mind! But their saiti. "But writing i. the most You cari prove it in some of Keep hot in warming aven ai an homemakirig problema and " HONORARIUM WhII. Tmile. running smoothness anid witie rewardirig thing. I couiti net the foll9wing ways: the. electric range. Serves 6. wahch tus coiumri ion replies. lng-$ 30 a ,nonth duning lai acciaim cari b. her satisfaction. iieip this, anti it has been great hns tt Custiird Pie *er 25 a month during Oh ye.' and Kate Aitken came fun," h. concludeti. 2ts bte 2 cups miîk Pr"M to 2yea er (white on affilation in la lte ioakirig as if she hati Dor't you want ;to read theze P3 .ggtto 'l aGneaiHspta) $0 just steppeti out ai a bandi-box. books naw? W. hope yau do. 21tbsp . four1/4 top. Sait a month durisg 3rd year. C * * 6 eggs, separated5 bp.sgrR c ve Hi VACATION - Three weeks There L Aiways Time A CITY HAVING FUN % cup mitk G a l R ceives Hi mch yes.r, pus ail statutory Pierre Berton, author ai "The Just a postcnipt to say that 14~ tsp. sait Gpariaateti nutme Year Pin holidays. Rayai Family", anti editor ut we ventured on Tomoriho's new 1 tsp. ppry ,psarika astnyk Batte *RECREATION - Excellent Maclean'. Magazine, told some uwy nitui ootr- 2cp lt ie slightiy, atit sait anti sugar antiAdmlye ite ot subwy, ad fund oroton- 2 cus biledric An mploee f thN'l faclities nt each Schooi for amusing stanr iesofus research ians having the ime ai thein Make a white sauce with but- scaideti milk. Line an 8 inch pie Dunham Rubben Companiyti s.fte-duty social ad sports for material and anecdotes for lives. Nobady ever speaks ta hem, fleur anti miik, coaking un- plate with plain pastry and ilute Bowmanvilie, Percy Teatione IS' THIS WM.AT VOU MATWHP'OUSl sctvities. his book. His methad of gctting ariybody ti Toronto, but they tii thickened and smoath. Beat the etige. Pour egg mixture irito Muthon ai the. tire room ah the Forfwj. hoâma.aeplyin ta sce round Buckingham did lash week. They couldr't egg yalks until light coloured; pie plate anti eprinkie with 1/ New Toronto plant ai the. Gooti- WE SIMPL ÀYAZ> TO DO O EWN BU Pa hrmr wmwuaplyle Palace was ho secure permis- heîp it. They were Jush 1ke adti seasonings. white sauce andtiotp. nutmeg. Bake ti e]ectnic year tirm was pnesented with 01JR ELECTRlCAL .WIPIN ? SUPERINTINDENT 0F NURSING intasethe. Royal stamp cal- chultimen with a new toy. Every- cooketi ice. Folti in sittly beat- aven pre-heateti ta 450 tiegs. for hi. 40-yean pin iast month. The. SeI o fUshe, oteior.sptal lection. Despite the tenon ai bodiy was finclirig their way en egg whites. Turni ito greas- 10 minutes. thon reset the aven presentatiori was matie by Mn. I on' verI..d yeurwln*ss.,.We . B3rockvillIe, Kingston, WhIIby. snme reviews of bis boak, Mn. about anti smling at hhemselvebi ed skiliet an omelet pan anti temperature ta 325 degs. anti Deriry. or New Tomante Berton saiti that the. anc part oi anti everyone else. A lady cook an elechnic element tumneti continue baking about 45 insri. Mn. Mutton was barrinir Bow- buiîd ou moernatepredeA @UIWINS ONTARIO DEPAR ~the Palace h. titi net se. was chatteredtiah me as if it were ho Low or Position 3 for about or until knife, inserteti into cus- avlendwrdfoth ONAIODPRTITthe. backstairs. After nwspa- Oid Home Week. Ev.nything is 4 minutes, or until omelet is tard cames out dlean. Dumanvi opan w forediond-h OF IALIN per anti magazine writing, he beauitul, fast eritiefticient, ex- browneti on botom when lift- TAKE A TIP yean tank it aven. He movedtha M.. .MMnitrbecause it took so long tho ut climbing. W. see thie wisdom ate aven ai 350 degis. for 10 penser in the new deluxe ne- wonkcd tinthe. tire room sinceO GNEC TI Drp driPnnetit.. o f o escalators., minutes. Crease dowri centre inigerators? Thts saves time in that time. ELCLHWRNRPIR N ERGRTO Dr. Wilder Penf________the_______ ant idî by lifting hait out ai remaving foonds tram the Mn. Mutton ha. a son, Donald LCR W IG RE pan as it is invertet an plat- shelves. Anythtng that saves Mutton who graduateti irom A ter Ganis wih prsly. erv tie i eay aces tefoodsis n university i 1949 with outstant- 4 IGS..E EA aVcto xessU nited Church ah 0 once. ut amly ev refrigerator means iow cash afi ng honors. H. ha. a degre. ti *KN T!GNEA LCRC 1~ eSeasonal iR iss veeM llo Scalloped Eggs and Noodies oe chemical engineering anti a Ph. Pliom 438 HOMI APPIANIDAE eol RaiesOv r M llon 1 ( o.)pkg. nooties 2. To sf-okeg oe D. ant isi now emplayet bya Si atreqsCia xoeo orr homld Relief4 tbsps. butter eggs gently wth a spoon nto 1large Otropprcmay 50 o t. -11000 Approximately $1.500.000 Warth L 0111 814NATUR11 ai relief (in cash anti clathing) HPEE NJ COR 8I*M TU has been tonateti by membgrs CAR ORPURNIT IoaiTii. United Church ai Can- for 00-dy seviceada hawart aiding nectiy per- C un~rNo bnkrable security needed sons i Korea, Indus, Britain,-A ipn Snsbegeri Hollanti anti Gcnmany, Dr. W. nesUp ta 24 months to a y Harold Young. chairman of the u NM ND YT E AYW NS AY 'T U D YFR AYAT D Y Phone or corne in today f'o none ody ei / I dmm> > The amouxit was matie up as.- ,- Eutrapeari refuge..----- $167,320- RECALL FOR CANADIANS TODAY SOME 0F THE O HOUSEHOLO FIANM Etellow:--- 786INTERESTING FVENTS, SOTS GRAVE AND GAY@ ~ Flood victimes-------.121,653 de Miscellaneous -----------10,430 IN OU£ COUNTRY'S COLOURFUL S101V. -. -'/ 4 IlV inenS.Sgscodfot hn Ohw -'134 Mne dnattifo sip recommend an Architectural Service . . . can give 'Vanilla Ice Cream I5ALYCPftAM OASA35HWG1NpASCLCKA1VEONUDUYSRNGRSFAN1 BUHE "WORtfTETRtRINGSILAM ~UL 3>u advice on designing a house suitable for liter Canatian prefen vanilia ice ' cneam ta other ilavans according1 expansion, ta a recerit survey by the. In- 00ý 00 ternational Association of Ice Creain Manuuacturers. Altage-AutE ther there are aven fifty dif- Stop ini See our Mr. Myerz feent faer ct~g aaa$) i*AE~AE comparedt o 174 i teUnitedi States. Canadian favourites are -vanulia 55 per cent, strawben- - c ~~~~~rv8 per cent, chocolat. 7 per Jj,. --..~ . -\ .-.' Diii 2130 Bowmauvilie or 3-4661 Oshawa ceît, mapi. nut M per cent, but- 'UPPE R CANADA GArrM .jOINN MILES W1N RECORD INTERNAT1AL IEGPADERTJA terseotch ripple 5 per cent. cho- OKAI'S VIRST NEWSPAPEP BOSTON ARA-THNIN ATTNDAN 32,n5BANKDOF UPPEP CANADA FIRSr GAS ATTACK. FIRST CANACINPSAESA 5PR I colate ippie 3 per cent, cherryn, PJLISNEQ NIA6ARA, 1793 RECORD TIMAE1,1)29 1LEAFS OPEPd JER5!Y Crry9 INCORPORATECD )2I VPRESi 1915 SrAMP ISSIH,15ALACU SATISACTIO IS UR SUCESScent anti miscellaneous ilavours 0 yURSTSTO SOUR UCS 12 per cent. Twenhy years agoo vanille, accounteti for 65 per e, cent ice creamn sales, strawbenry 12 per cent, mapie Il per cent,W 11 1 td chocolate 5 per cent and ti e Oshaw Wvv FIOUCISfiavours 7 per cent. Odaw Woo Prduct M . Popular in bath Canada anti Unitedi States, shembets are soit Yard ad Nil ai Corlice7 ilavours ti Canada anti 32 Yadr i iC ni n the Uie tts rne SApMpROigrED lit)NAMMLON COLLEGIAESLTSTM W EIS'TIRE RAGES RC N CKS V~ jpineappie aspbermy, lime and FLAG 114E ýIDEWALk5 OF QUEENS OWN RIFLES MILiE RECORD IN H16M OLO2 "0OA)MERtCANSÇ OCCj..Pl ON ?ORoN,iD FRON-rr O WESTERN HFo7 lenion were the ieading flaveurs L KING 5r YOPK j824 0&>GANIZED), '860 jRACE AT PENN RELAYS, 1929 YORK<(TOPONMr), 1813 sTrREET I1904 AloRI14I ATLANI 1 e in bath cuiantrieâ. r I i T'INell- 1

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