~m~UeDA~_AyIn~ o~, - TM CMAIAM NPAVEUWAW VAWW1U A -.mà SOCIAL AID PERSONAL PHONE 33= Weelcnd visitoi wlth Mr. Be mure ta attend Frai and Mis. P. R. Cowling was her Park Benefit at Lions Centr mâiter, Mrs. Lulu Davies, Tor- April 14th at 8 p.mn. Dan, onto. cards, lucky prizes and it Mr. and Mns. John Jailiffe, Admission, adults 78c, stud Toronto, viited their cousin,5aC. Everyane welcomne.1 Mr. W. J. Berry and Noveida, Miss Audrey Venton,' on Sunday. Toronto Western Hospital, l Mr. and Mrs. Russell Moffat the weekend wlth ber par of Toronto, worm sunday vigit- Chief Sidney Venton and ors et the home af Mr. and Mrs. Vunton, and alta took James Stutt. Cornz A Poppin' Saturday Mr and Mr&. Theran Mount. eing. loY,' Hamptan, visited their Mr. and Mns. Oscar Jara aunt, Mist Annie Mountjoy on and son Ailin, Peterborc Sunday at. were li tawn Saturdayr Dr. H. C. udeadMs for the Jack and Jiliis Rundie, rtn, eant the Cornz A Poppin' and si WeendBrth theron, sDr. theovernight with Mr. and Mm. H.B*nRnithte. sn D.adFrank Jamieson. Mrs.H. B Runle.Mi. and Mrs. Walter Rut Mr..and Mis. G. Banting M. and Mns. Harold Muir Lucan, Ont., were weekend M. and Mrs. Chas. 0sbg 'vIstors with their son, Mr. and attended the annual conven Mrs. Elmer Banting. of the Ontario Farm R Mr. Charles Stire, iong-time Farum at the Roy ai York Hi realdent of the Bowrnanvile Toronta, an Wednesday. aMa left on Friday to take up Bob Leask is spending reuidence in Langley Prairies, week at home with hLs mot ]BA Mrs. W. J. Leask. He recl Mns. Wifrid Carruthers and ta Toronto next week wherf Misti Margaret McGregor spent wiIi write his first yeaî ex the weekend w:th the farmer's mations in Electrlcal Engin sister, Miss Edna Hughes, In ing at Toronto University. Ottawa. Report from Memorial1 Dr. C. W. Siemon and Mrs. pital for March 31 - Apr Siemon, Editor Geo. W. James shows 36 admissions, 51 and Mrs. James have returned charges, five major and from an enjoyable vacation in minor operations. Nine ba Florida. were born, five maie and1 Mis. George McMullen has female. Five emergency c returned from a pleasant visit received attention. with her daughter and son-mn- Misa Margaret Reynolds,]h Iaw, Mr. and Mis. H. Collacutt, donald Hall, O.A.C., Gui Maidstone. had a week's holiday at bc Mr. and Mis. Arnold Beste- with her parents, Mr. and1 man, Belleville, were weekend W. B. Reynolds, lait week t ueat with Mi. and Mis. C., lowing completion of exami arrett, Jane St.. and took in tions. She has now retur Cornz A Poppin'. for the Spring term which e Mi. and Mia. Oea. W. James in May. were guests of the Ontario Your donation to the1 Faim Radio Forum at their Cross campaign may stili luncheon on Wednesday noon left at the Bank of Mont: at the Rayai York Hotel. Bank of Commerce or Dr. Harold Slemon, Toronto, Carter Family Tea Room. C spent the weekend with his trlbutions have been coming parents. Dr. and Mis. C. w. at a fair rate, but there isa Siemon, and took in the Cornz îoorn for your response ta A Poppin' show on Satuîday woîthy cause. night. Editor Geo. W. Jamesi ____________________pleased to hear this week fr Mr. Ray Dudley who has b( holidaying in Nassau, Bahaxr following bis tour in the eî ern United States. Ray was1 ST. JOHN1'S James' guest at Rotary CEURCUTampa, Flanida, where he pli ed bis awn composition. "C CR R Honation ac, hhv (Anglican) mast enthusiastically eccivE Rev. Warren Turner, B.A., B.D. 8 a.m.- A HOLY COMMUNION %%l MATIN@ Sermon: Hosanna - Cructfy. 7 pani. - EVENSONG. E Sermon: GAVE "The Uncondemned"l Palm Croises will be distîibuted at these services. fThe Salvation Ahrmy BOWMANVILLE CORPS Lieut. and Mrs. J. Hamn 7Oth ANNIVERSÀRY Sal'., April lOth - 8p.m. ANNIVERSARY MUSICALE Bowmnanville Bnd TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. T. A. Morgan, B.A. il A.M.- COIKNUNION SERVICE Reception of new members. Soloist - Marie Draper Lyons of Toronto 3 P.M. - Dedication and Opening ai Ihe New Sunday School Speaker - Rev. Peter Gordon White of the Board of Sunday School Publications. 7P.M. - "Preparing for Easter" Good Friday Service Il a.m.-nterdenominational Service at Trinity Mr. D. C. Peters, L.T.C.M., Dîmector oi Music Phyllis Chala Barrett, e. A.T.C.M., Organisb. nkiin tre an iciflg, lunch. idents 14-10 spent rents, Mns. kini ieson lough, nlght show, ayed Mns. indle, 1and orne rit ion Radio lotel, Sthe )ther, urns e he xam- rieer- Hos- ýri 6 dis- 1il sbies four cases Mfac- ýelph, iome Mis. fol- ina- irned ends Red 1be real, the Con - , in. Mr.a lltheei way it stil Mho.og ahnd Mrs. William Elspose for a sweed. oun this poorp following their marriage in Trinity United wrd Con Church parsonage on Saturday, March 20. The bride is wa,3 the former Miss Gladys Richards ,daughter af Mis. Thelma rom Couvier and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Don ,een Ellis, ail of Bowmanville. The young couple will reside mas, in Bowmanville. ?ast- Mr. -.-Photo by Alpha Studio in Iay- -or- cd.Jac & JI Cornz A Poppin (Continued from page one) "Pretty Baby" and "Dinah". Be- senators and slaves. As lna al tween this pleasant forecast the skits, props, and effects wene and a radio "suspense" drama, very good in this. Pidepun.t Cola Capers, Keith Jackson Preceding tbc final skit, Si r 0 tried to bell a sbory but was in- Trewin did a hllarious panto- Aihiace terrupted by Doug Rackhamn, mime of a shy man at the beach. Sam Black and Kcitb Slemon, Dixie Delight was a pretty wo hardly to anyone's sur- southern scene, fcaturing music, prise. joined ta Sing some amus- dancing and a crap game in the i ng quartettes and cut a few corner. The Men's Quartette capers before Blue Monday and who peîformed cariler, were bis Cola Capers wcre put on the veiy effective ini this scene, air by announcer Vince Mat- dîesscd in white trousers, stnip- tbewson, who also directed this cd blazers and straw bats. skit. Their harmonizing was plcasing The skît îtself was entertain- ing"' and "Great Big Beautifu] ing, but perhaps thc biggest Doil". The ladies' Quartette kick came fnom the take-off on composed of Rosemany Merk- radio commencials, in this case lcy, Lynn Oke, Anna Stnike, f ea t u ri ng Dingwali's Dumn and Jeanne Slemon, were Dums. 0f course bbc coîpse got equaiiy good in "Chatanooga that way inom a Dingwall's Shoc* Shine Boy" and "Rocka- 1 Dum Dum builet, mngeniously bye Baby." Cliff Tîewin, Aura exploded from a bottie of Cola. Tnewin, Lee Melntyre, Don The mystery was solved by Morris, the black-face gambiens -Blue Monday - Don Shay, as- and a number of stroliers com sisted by bis secretary, Made- plebed tbc cast. line Shay. while othens in the skit were Rex Walters, Jean Fu Cast Finale Stevens, Ken Maguine, and Ray In a last burst of frivolîty, Gray. Jean Wilson in a grass skirt The Octette composed of Mar- was cbased across the stage by ion James, Gwen Black, Rose- Jack Dunn with a lawn mower. mary Merkley, Donotby Van bOu yes, and an increasingly Driel, Evelyn Duna, June Ste- bl crd voice througbout tbc phen, Lnn ke ad Hlenshow kept kîdding a certain M. Trewin, sang two pnetty num-P.tasmtin wslekn br,"Moonbeams" and a Czech in bis suitcase. Ail part of the berksn.Te wrefloe fun. The full cast gathened on byteMn' ou wopo stage for bbc Cornz A Poppin' by thse esinus wbo Pi finale, closing a show wbîch vidd sme lesîn bamoy brougbt pnolonged applause. with 'Moonlight Bay" and InteocsraweDn WO Ef "Winten Song".InteocetawrDn hi But before and after the Men's Shay who also climbed on stage Chorus came two clever la-be- at o ne point to get back at tbe tween-acts numbers. The finît M.C. for one of bis jokes; Dan- c was a knife-throwing act in ny Ross, Howard Bnookîng, wbicb Raiph McIntyre over- B ob Ev an s, Doug Rack- wbelmed bbc audience by bis ham and Lou Dewell. Some sucess Hs sooe ws enne f those in the back stage army Softer by far, Marshall. This was very clever- wene tecbnical dinecton - Jack with Wondersq ly and îealistically promd Elston; iighting-Rex Waltens; brings youua -The other act was a take-off on sound - Harry Saunders; cos- Ieoperceinla tbe sbooting act of the Texas tumes-Barbara Breen; make- Itrnompail-va Cyclone, a recent visitor to up--Jean Bryant; publicity - srn-aey town. Bey Burgess was the Ne Jeanne Slemon; program ad- Kotex holds 'tg vada Whiriwind. e vertising-George White; tick- its fit and comi ete-Evelyn Jarnieson; nefresh- of protection. CorlVocal Yokel menti-Bruce Heavysege; cari-Boo CorlCourtin' stanring Dick dy girls-Jean MeMunten. In 3 i IMerkley as a vocal yokel and addition to these, there were Marion Jeffery as bis mail-or- many assistants wbose namnes der bride wbo always got bbc must go unsung, but flot unhon- neck of the chicken, was lively oned for their industmy in put- dnewas run off on stage witb Art Morgaýn as caller-off andZ fo Ted Miller, Tom Rebder, Earl MA T2 forU T bo psh, W lte m W oolley, L i- A AP L E G RIJ LO V JJ_ _ _ __ _ _ sa organ, Merle Slube, Doug Racknam ad m Mrtn s Miss Mildred Snowden, spent the orchestra. Dancers' namnes weekend witb ber sister, Mis. weie not given but they per- Otis Pritchard and family at AuV fonmed witb gusto. Othens in Manotick.so the cast-Fiank Jamieson and Mi. and Mis. Wallace Mua- Deac Goddard. Director was day, son Donnie, were Sunday Rosemary Merkiey. visitons witb Mr. and Mis. Stan The breakfast scene played Snowden, Toronto. by Russell Oke and Evelyn AI- Mr. and Mis. H. G. Freeman, der priai ta tbc mixed chorus, accompanied by Mr. and Mis. bnoughb many cbuckles. The Sam Snowden, Oshawa; Mr. f chords sang "Blue Tango"an and MisAnhrStitn c "Blowing Bubbles" and dunîn terbaiough, were Tbunad>y oR tbc latter, real bubblcs floatea lait visitons with Rev. and MYS. down over bbc stage in a very Harold Stainton, Miniico. pretty scene. Befone Roman Mi.RyVnCmBs Holidaze got going, Haif Pint, ine. acompVaniedamn.Basd bbc Midgeb, un tbc person oa in accmnwdnMn. Llod Bea Vanstone. peiformed a cie-Mr.Sm nodM.Lly veç tap routine. Metcaif, Oshawa, on Tuesday, who visibed at the latter's sils- Rome Burns ber. Mis. Wes. Werry and f arn- Roman Holidaze, diîected by Iiiy,' Solina. Lyn Banting, was a colorful and Don't forget card paity 'a amusing skît in wbich Jack scbool bouse on Fîiday evcning. Ross was pursued by a deter- Don't forget Institute meet- mincd feliow bourisb. Gwen ing on Monday evcning in the IBlack, and eventually by a de- basement at ï p.m . Aima bbe termined lion, Ray Stacey. The one-act play and varîety con- combat was li bbe "Romanville cert in bbe basement on Wed- Arena". Othens in the cast were nesday evcnlng, Apnil 14 at 8 A l Joan Mann, Stan McMurter, p.m. Vince Mattbcwson, Art Consta- Sympathy af this commun- bic, Bill Bragg, Bob Stevens, AI ibv ls exbcnded ta Mn. and Mis. We Deliver Wltheispoon, Ra]pb MeIntyne, John Noble, Baie Line. in the and other ladies af the court, losof their infantdugbm WiII Reside Here tboUbe- ýHiggon replied I Q~ £ eh Stop Signs (Continued fromn page one) again alter making tbe stop ai Division St. He misa feit it wauld make it beter for the lire trucks going on a rua if Cburch St. were made a thîougb street. Mayor Vanstone and Coun. Osborne feit that the intersec- tion was woiking al ight tbe way ib is and aiso that Division St. shouÏd remain bbc through street because there is more traffic on IL When put toaa vote a tic rcsulted mnd Mayor Vanstone cast bbc deciding vote li lavon ai leaving Division as the tbîaugh street. Some of bbc recommendations muade by bbc police committec in regard ta stop street changes invaived eliminabing boulevards ta wlden streets and on motion of Coun. Canruthers these cases weîe referred bo bbe roads and streets committee bo investigabe and report back ta counicil. A delegation ai Brown St. ne- aidents was present at bbc meeting to find out what action had been taken on their requcît madc previously that cars 'be forbîdden to park on that street above King. Deputy-Reeve Nicholas stated that bis com- mlbbee bad bçen given power to act on this matter and it would take action as soon as possible. Fine Pumps Punchased Chairmani Fred Cole of bbc Fine Committee rcported that two new pumps have been pur- cbased at a total cost of $5,000 and are wonking very weil. One of bbc old pumps bas been sold to North Sydney, N.S. for $200, be îaid. Tbe sum of $185, wbich is 50 per cent of bbc revenue fnom recent out-of-town fines, was turned over to bbc fire- mens' fund. Count. Dave Higgon asked about bhc recent fine in bbe town shed causcd by bcated tan catching fire, and wantcd to know for what neason it was ne- cessary to melt bar in bhc town shed. Reeve Litle, chairman of bbc roads and streets com- mittee, askcd Coun. Higgon if he wanted bhc question answer- that ho did. <'Stupidity", Reeve Little then stabed. "There wiil be no mare bar hcated li the tawn shed". Reeve Litle wms misoasked whmt was belng doue about pmy- ing for the sonder puncbaaed this wintcî. Coun. Cole stated that the chain must be taken off lb before tbe truck car% be backed up. He suggested that bhc sonder sbould cithen be pald for or sent back. Dcputy-Recvc Nicholas abat- cd that bbc sendiers ai the De- partmcnt af HIgbways are bbc same type which have ta bave bbc chain îemnovcd hefare bhcy con be backcd up. Reeve Little doubted Il a rachet could be pub on thia type af ander ta allow the truck ta back up wlth- aut nemovlng the chain. Mayor Vanstone said that a cbeque bas been mode out for bbc price af bbe sander and the bill wiil be paid wben bbc rnds and streets commlttec ap- proves.1 COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS P' SPECIAL VALUES AND RErMI "f FRIDAY AND SA'~ *.-'.fA. Brand PeI5I 14ai z White Embrocation 23 - e Q N Feer TermoeterOral type - easy ta read6 SprngBeau! y CarE rDA. B4anndSpecozl UoconufOilShapoo Rg. 33, 49C 27 -31 I.DA. Brand Speclal! Theatrical type Cold Cream Cleans and smooths the akin 69c Powde Puff Soitvelour puffs about 3%0, -1 Time For Your Easter Permanent Richard Hu dnUi Toni Refi____- -_1.75, Home Permanent Refi 1.75 Toni Creme Shampoo- Egg Creme Shampoo- 39c, 65, 1.00 75c, 1.25, 2.00 Cream Rinse- Tonette for childen -1.75 75c, 1.25, 2.00 Marvelous Shampoo 75c, 1.25 Bohh _ _ __ _ __ _ 1.75 Llght and Bright ---1.75 Spray and Stay -A.75 Prom ______ 1.75 Lady Esther Horomone Cream 79c, 1.25 Helene Curtis Lanolin Discovery - 1.75 Lanolin Plus Pond's Liquld - 1.50, 2.25 DySi 5,7e C. & V. Cream 45c, 79c, 1.29 i Hafr Dreaslng - 1.25, 2.25 Angel Face -- 89c, 1.25, 1.50j Hand Lotion- 1.50, 2.50 Angel Skia - -37e, 65e Makc-up Pat - ---& 5e' Shampoo - 1.25, 2.50 ptei- 4o 5 Mennen Spray JDeodorant - -__ 75e_ Odo-Ro-No Cream Deodorant -- ---49e, 15c Odo-Ro-No Spray Deodorant ____49c, 75e Stopette Spray Deodorant -75e, 1.25 SHAMI by ý MAKES YO UR HAIR SUNSHINE BRIGHT 1 I. Lotions Italian Balm 37e. 59e, 1.09 Jergen's Lotion 37c, 65c, 1.15 Trushay Lotion 37e, 6Se, 99e! lu PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY M9cGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone 792 Drugs j' Mrs. T. M. Chant is Elected President cf Hampton W. I. - -- . 1 .r ýZ7ý, 1 -, 1 ý 1- - - - - - - - - - ~ Hampton Women'u Institute beld their Apnhl meeting ln the Sunday Schooi noom, Mrs. Chas. Daw, vice-president, presiding. 11o11,eall was aniwared by "«Sommtblng I 1 k. to do on a rainy day." Minutes af last meeting werc nead and appîOv- ed. The T.B. Cheat X-Ray ser- vice wiIl be bcid li bhc S.S. noom May 6th sa bbe Institube meeting wlll be beld May l3th. (Picase note change of date). Cornespandence and tbank you candi weîe remd. Mis. KCnox af tbe naminating cammlttee, read bbe siate ai new offîcens, namely. Presldent--Mrs. T. M. Chant; lot Vice - Prcîldent- Mmi. C. Warren; 2nd Vice- Piesidmnt-to be àppoinbed; Sec- retary-Mrs. M. Maunbjoy; As- sistant Sec'y.-Mrs. T. Wood- lack; Tneas.-Mrs. T. Mount- Joy; District Directon-Mrs. C. Daw; Candi foi shut-ins and Basebali Club (Continued from page one) then go to the Ontario finals In this division, wiil again be available. There aie two or three other players available this year who are good enough tb make the team, and they have signified their intentions of playing. So fan as hs known at present, Norman Scott wili again sponsor the team as the Bowmanville Brookdale Roses. In spite of poor cîowds last year, Treasurer Bob Kent re- ported a slight favorable balance of $65 on the season's opera- tions. Receipts last year were $1,600 and expenses were $1,- 535. He reported a bank balance of $160 to staît off the season. Mr. Kent pointed out that there is no more strictly amateur team in Ontario thari bbe Bow- Manville Basebaîl Club, as some of the players even paid for their own meals last year while Out Of town for games. Excutive Meeting Soon President Ted Bagneli bas Called an executive meeting for next week at wbich time the duties of each executive mem- ber will be outined and more bmought out to b. belpful. Cur. ment events were given by Mms J. Balson and piano solo "The Chianes" by Miss N. Hain. Taplc: Discussion on Garden. lng by Mise L. Reyrnolds whe mmadc ber paper quite intenest- i ieadling."The Black Hen and thebcRooster" by Mis. T. MounbJoy; Misa Horn againý fmvoncd wlbh a solo l"April Sbawers Bring May Ylowers.,, Collection was taken and niany paid their feea for 1954. National mnthcm was Sung and centre gnaup senved a laveiy lunch under bbecocnvenersbmp cd Ifns. R. MeCullough anid Mis. G. Armaun. The bemubiful electnie stove ln bbechcuîch waî used for bbc fihst time. Thene was a fine attendance. sick-Mn . W maie; M iremb e-KR îLhin,.-Mrs.J Blon iait i. n Ms Te Gaa -Mia. J. Macnab. and Merril spent Satunday These officers were accepted evening wih M. and Mis, and insalled by Ms. Lorenzo George Glanvile, Newcastle. Trul. The Tweedsmuiî book Mr. and Ms. Milt Wnnan was on dhplay. Ms. T. Mount- vi.sted with M. and Mrs. J. joy took charge af bbc program Cowan. and ail sang "Homne on bbc Ms. Mary Stewart la vhsiting Range." . wibb er brother, M. and Mr&. The motta:- "We need spirit- W. Reid and othr relatives.. ual ouse cleaning quite as The W.A. eld a social even- mucb as domnesbc" by Ms. D. Ing on Wednesday nght whèn Hall. Hen paper was wonder- ail enjoyed a good progrmt and fui and many thougbs wcre lunch. Mi. and Mis. H. Lowery, Mrs'ý plan mad fo revvingfan Pabterson and Mr. and Mis. BiU plas mde or cviingfanin- Wannan abbended bbc presenta. bcrcsb for bbc coming scason. tion at Kendal for Mr. Lomne In view of bbc facb that bbc Bell and Hilda on Tbursday members of bbc executive are nigbt. new in thein jobs bbc wbole cxc- (Intended for lait week) cutive wili attend bbc annual Mis. C. Harris and Mns. Bill meeting of the Lakeshore Base- Cochrane had quiltings at their bail League in Cobourg tonight homes. (Thursday), altbough only tbmee Mn. and Mms. Lyali Loweny wili bave a vote. and Mn. and Mms. Don Tennant Officers of bbc club hope bbab and Beverley, Orono, and Mn. Bowmanville basebaîl fans wiil and Mrs. Bill Cochrane were give tbc bcamn their wbole- gucîts of Mr. and Mis. Bill beanted support this yeam so Wannan. that bbc town can again prôc-tce National Film Board pictumes an O.B.A. championsbip teair, were shown at bbc achool on VAMIwa I 1 1 y n À lpLp4.ýA t lete4 edhg L? xv
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