PAGE EGEM_____________ O. F. Robson is Elected Rotary Club President Keith Jackson New Vice Vice-Presîdent 0. F. Robson cf the Bowmanvjîîe Rotary Club Was elected President for the 1954-55 season beginning July 1, by acclamation at the regu- dIar meeting of the club held Fr1- day noon. Rotarian Keith Jackson was elected Vice-President ta suc- ceed Mr. Robson in a contest with Rotarian Dr. William 1Éu. dlli. President George Moody an- nounced that the Easter Scal Campaign is coming along weIl, with $1,300 collected to datc. Rotarian Mark Roenigk gave figures of receipts and expendi- turcs for the Rotary play, "Ar- senic and Old Lace", presenteil in Februarv which showed a total of $1,0'98.75 in revenue and a net profit of $716.09. This was $99 less than last year but bet- ter than 1952, he said. 1tôtarian Garnet Rickard ask- ed aIl members to make their returns immediately in the pea- put sale project. Members Weleomed Back President Moody welcomed Rotarians Dr. Cy Siemon and Mark Roenigk back to the meet- ing after their recent vacations *1 2 s t iin Fiorida. He also welcomed Rotarian Syd Ballard of Oshawa ta the gathering. He congratu- iated Rotarian Frank Jamieson on his feat o! coaching his Pee Wee hockey team ta the chamn- pionship af that division in the Minor Hockey League. The program was in charge o! the Rotary Information Coni- rnittec and Chairman Dave Morrison o! that committee an- nounced that this would take the form o! a question-and-an- swer periad. He stated that four newer members of the club; Rev. Arthur Morgan as leader, Keith Biilett, Tom Rehder and Rex Walters would ask ques- tions about aspects of the work of Rotairy International with which they were not too fam- Iliar, and would designate which member of the club they wish- e d ta answer them. Other mcm- bers o! the club could assist the persan designated ta answer the question, however. Mr. Morgan led off the ques- tions by asking Rotarian Dr. Howard Rundle «'hat ath total service which Raryth 111-1A ai". f- Si. E. Phone 408 'IU WA1?AW ~A~~,A- ~ A- .~BO ~~OLLlLW IAI"MVLLDA O ITAMO UTRUREAT, APRIL §%, »84 which Rotay will give form crippled child. It provides treal. ment through the Ontario So. ciety for Crippled Children anè the Hospital for Sick Childrcr, and vacations at five summei camps for cripphcd children, he said. Last summer the Bowman- ville club had provided trans- portation for several children ta Merrywood - an-the-Rideau Camp near Smiths Falls, and paid the expenses a! same of these children. It works witl the Northumberland - Durham wol ive to a cripplea mual. 0. F. Robson Dr. Rtindie replied that there is no limitation an the service Hcalth Unit in findinga children who need heip, said. Several Childrcn Treate Rotarian Forbes Heyland cd that one yaungster wil lip disease bas received al lion from the Bowman Club for six years. He was. iginally supplied with br and these have been altere, needed. The local club has taken one child with a ,ialate and one with a hanE ta the Hospital for Sick CI ren for operatians on twoc sions and paid their basi expenses each time. He pai out that the surgeon who o ated in these cases did sa w out charging a fee. Rotarian Tom Rehder sti that on the night of the last ral and Urban meeting a 1 girl who had been treated Le u SrieDeprmn a year under the spansarshi] Lotcor.~,rvuc eartent the Bowmanville club fai check up onl you,- watch, club, foot, had walked oui young or aid. A few hospital on ber nwn feet. minutes o! your time Rotarian Rex Waters dir now may save dollars cd his question at Dave Mo son, Historian o! the Bowu- for you in the future, ville club, asking him just w Our experts provide highest the duties o! a historian are. quality workmanship and Morrison replied that one o! duties is the keeping o! club prompt service - ords. He stated that he ha using only genuine factory file o! club letters and bu parts. Drap in today. tins - dating back ta 1924, vear the local club was fou ed. He also keeps files ofipam lets and literature sent out the district and from inter tion headquarters in Chice These records form a valua sýtore o! information on Roti ýubjects, he said. weler Query On International Sern Rotarian Keith Billett sta hat he xvas vague on somne PHONE 463 he funictions o! the Inter iprove partstional Service Committeez cprove partsasked the chairman o! this c his. mittee ta explain some o! its - ivities aimed at pramoting b ÀFIEE WINtif Vr y Stainless Steel Washer . 1a~d 0 PVeem e 4«»W Even without the. extras, the. Beatty Washer lu the best buy. ht washes cleaner than any other wash.r-Bectty washers atways have washod cleaner. It wrings drier, sa clothes dry faster on the. lino. h has a stronger mechan- ism and fur outiasus other types. SHERT AND PILLOW CASES ALL - WOOL 9LANKIT BATH AND OUEST TOWELS Ths lft ensemble lnctude, TWO CaldwelI Bath ToesTWO Guqst ToweIs, TWO Face Cloths, ON E1ex.made Double Shoet, TWO PiIIow Cases, and ONE Ayers "Homespun" AII.WooI Blanket. si$30,00) GIFT VALUE PLUS $.50*00 TRADE4IN TOTAL$ EXTRAS ETC. 80 0 about add-, ith a ttten- ville sor- races ýd as alsa cleft e lip !hild- occa- ;pital inted 'per- vith- tated' Ru- little 1for ip af )r a tof ect- rri- nan- vhat Mr. the re- as a île-« the .nd- id Darni ngton Twp. Appoints Men To Supervise Reforestation Darlingtan Township Coun- ed and bills ordered paid. 1. cil met April 1, with members Deputy Clerk was instructed ;- all present and Reeve Roy Ni- ta send copies cf minutes o! ,n chais prcsiding. each meeting ta members ut u On motion the charge for cat- Council following meeting. d tIc spraying ta be 20e per head The fallowing bills were paid: ;f for first spray and 15e per headCiyTesr.Tont h for second spray with a mini-CiyTesrTant n mum charge of $2.00 per caîl, Htuspitalization .-$295.00 payable ta sprayer or inspecter. Countiesl Treas. Council make application ta Hospitalization - 184.25 the Minister of Planning and Clcrk, Bawmanville, Development ta have the Town- Fire Brigade 270.00 ship of Darlington designated Bell Telephone Co., as a Planning Area. Service charges 8.30 Council appoint W. R. Pick- G. E. Burnham, ell, F. G. Smith, Clarence Tur- Stove Oul---- 19.9.1 ner and Jack Baker inspecter R. E. Hcndry, Fed. of for Brucellosis campaign and Agriculture, 1953 -.1029.24 as alternate inspecter appoint- W. Lycett, Assessar, ed Bruce Taylor. Salary ------------- 206.00 Clerk is ta write C.N.R. re- J. D. Hogarth, Cierk garding culvert and filled ditch Salary---------------- - 200.00 along the railway which is Mary Niddery. Salary- 148.44 holding back water and flaoding A. Barron, Unemp. Township road. Stamps ----------------3.84 Cammittee of Perey Werry, Receiver General, Fred Partner and Fred Smith Incarne Tax ------------ 4.40 were appointed ta supervise the E. A. Varcoc, Building planting of reforestation. on Inspector Salary --- 149.00 Township Lot 1-2, Con. 9. D. Black, Scc.-Treas. Chairman ta be Percy Werry. S. S. No. 21 Advance 600.00 S. E. White addressed Coun- F. L. Byam, Sec.-Treas., cil re: Pension Insurance Plan S. S. No. 18, Advance $500.00 for employees. R. J. Dilling, C.P.A., This matter was laid over for 1953 Audit --------- 200.00 1month. Mr. White and Mr. J. D. Hogarth, Expenses Skinner were given consent of ta convention ------------ 15.00 Counéil to interview the cm- Relief, March 177.10 ployees. Roads & Bridges, Cere brai Palsy Council Opens PIay and Education Centre The Oshawa and District which the Centre could not have Cerebral Palsy Parent Council begun sa SOOn. have worked tirelessly since its The Oshawa Firemen have formation in March, 1953, '.a- again corne to their aid by of- ward the goal of apening a fering to move the cquipment Pla, and Educatian Centre for already donated ta Simcoe Hall. the Ciped Children of this Classes will now be held district. twice each week, Tuesday and On March 4 of this year that Friday, 1:45 to 3:15 p.m. Any ambition was realized. The handicapped child will be made Centre was begun in Rlotary welcome. Hiall, Oshawa. Owing to poor Parent Council Meetings are weather conditions, attendance open to parents and friends and was low that day. However, 3n wîhl also be held in Simncoe Hall, March 11, eight children were 387 Simcoe South, Oshawa. present. and with the mothers The proceeds from the Home in charge the children began Baking Sale held in the Hydro to learn ta get along with one Shop, April 10. will hclp pro- another. vide much needed equipment. On March 18, everyone re- Your patronage will be appre- ceived a great lift. A retired ciated. Kindergarten teacher had corne to offer her services. A re- presentative of the I.O.D.E. was OAC ulo present, Mr. McNeill, Director OAC ulo of Simcoe Hall, and Mr. Smith, ordasitat came with a re- For Ontario codplayer. After observation,' these gentlemen realizcd the Farmn Business ph- better results. They offered the Fioigi h ulo o ý b use of the fa ilities o! Sim moe Ontar ia Fa m Bs i e ss as sceno n a- al and left ta return with troFrnBsesasen aomanv useful things such as by the Department of Agricul- abgo mail tables and 'chairs and tural Economics, Ontario Agri-1 tble toys. TeIODE ersna cultural College, aftcr consul- aytive ThkedIfo.a.E rofepreent- tation with variaus branches o! askednt fih o alist o!equip- the Ontario Dcpartment a! ,iccmen whch auldbe clpul. Agriculture. ted At the Parent Council meet- Dairy Products: " this aiof ng o! March 24, it was decided year's prices wiîî be iargciy de- .na- after due consideration toacs- termined by the amaunt of and cept Mr. McNeill's graciaus of- cheese which can be exportcd." (rm- fer. Bec! Cattie: I'Reasonabiy sta- ac- The Parent Council hs indeed bic prices are ta be expccted set- indebted ta the Oshawa Rotary except for normal seasonal var- -Club for the use o! Rot ary Hall iations." for its meetings, and without Hogs: "Are expcctedato show high prices in mid-surnmer ter International relations. addeciining prices in the faîl." Rotarian Walter DeGeer sta- Soybcans: " ... we cannot ex- ted that anc aspect o! the in- ternational work o! Rotary was Business Directory performed fromn Chicago by________________ deputations who go ta ath2r countries where Rotary work L E G A L bas been intcrrupted by war and. internal upheaval and re- W. R. STRIKE, Q. vive Rotary Clubs. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Hawever, he believed anc o! Solicitor for Bank of Montreal the Most important functians of Money tý Loan Phone 791 the International Service Com- Bawrnanvillc, Ontario mitte is through the Rotary Foundation which pays the ex- LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. penses o! students who go to Barrister, Solicitor, foreign cauntries ta study. This Natary Public was started in rnernry o! Paul King St. W. - Bowmanville Harris, the founder o! Rotary Phones: Office 688 - Re. 553 International, he said, and each APA .HOGN Rotarian bemomes a life mcm- MISBParrite Olicitor ber on payment o! $10. arseSlct, The Ratary Foundation has T Natary Public now grawn ta such a point Temperance St. - Bowmanville that each district, a! Rotary International in another twa D E N T A L years will be able ta send anc student a year ta study in a for- DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. eign country. These students Office: Jury Jubilce Bldg. become ambassadors for good- 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville will and better fcllowship Office Hours: amang nations. Mr. DeGeer sta- 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. daily ted. They spcak at Rotary Clubs 9 a.m. ta 12 noan Saturday in the country in which they Closed Sunday are studying as representatives Office Phone 790 o! their native country, and House Phone - Newcastle 3551 when thcy return ta their ownD counitries they arc goodwill arn-DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.U. basadrsfor the coun try i Office in his home which they have been. 10 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Cosmopolitan Students Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Mr. DeGeer stated that thesie 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday students are usuaily interna- Closed Sunday tionally minded aftcr such an Phone 604 experience and do a great deal ta spread and promote interna- DR. C. F. CAI'TRAN, D.D.B. tional goodwili. Office The Bowmanville club is now 23 King St. E. - Bowmanvllle cansidering an international Office Hours: prajcct, he said, which may re- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily suit in it bringing a nurse fram 9 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday a fareign country ta study in Closed Sunday Canada. Mr. DeGeer pointed out Phonets: Office 459 - House 505 that some clubs in the larger American cities have brought CHIROPRACTIC displaced persans with prafes- sional ar business training ta G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. the United States, helped ta Chiropractor put them back on their feet or Office: furthcr their training, and ther Spccialty Paper Products Bldg. sent thcm back ta their native 63 Temperance St. - Phono 509 cauntries. Such men, he said, Office Hours: would inevitabiy be goodwill Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday ambassadors for the United States. A D T N Rotarian Tom Rehder asked AUDITING %vhat tht abjects and aims of MONTEITH, MONTEXTH. the Vacatianal Service Commit- RIEHL & CO. tee are, and Mr. DeGeer replied Chartcred Accounitants that this could be summed up 135 Simca. St. N. i as "the passing along ta the Oshawa Ontario professions and trades and t.) Phone 5-4662 i the rest o! tht warld in general the excellent !eliowship enjay- OPT O M E TR Y cd in Rotary." Chairman Morrison thanked KEIT A. BILLETT ail those who had taken part in Optometrist tht question -and-answer per- 141 King St. E. - Bowman'rIfl iod and stated that such Infor- Telephone 3252 mai discussions an Rotary to- Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m pics are very valuabie for a Monday ta Saturday- better understanding of Rotary except Wednesday, 9 - là interaationaL .Evmim ]W A»Poiwmsmt pect next year's prices to be as high as at present." Potatoes: Il. indications that prives will strengthen some- what during the remainder of the current season." Forage Seeds: ".. . prices are llkeiy to remamn substan- tially lower during the present crop year." The reasons for these fore- casts, along with material on farm mechanization, cash crops, and price supports, can b. found in the Iatest issue a! Ontarin Farmn Business, obtainable now at the office o! your agricultur- ai representative. Forecast Major Increase in Car Thefts This Year Insurance officiais forecant a major increase in automobile thefts unless more thorough precautians are taken by mo- tarists. According ta the All Canada Insurance Fderatian, which re- presents mare than 200 fire, au- tomobile and casualty insurance companies, car thieves were more active during 1953 than in the several years preceding. A 25 cer cent increase in thc!ts was rcported for hast year. "In anc Canadian city alone," said officiais, "police reported nearly 3,000 cars stolen in 1953." Insurance officiais said the chief reason for incrcased car thefts is that whilc more cars are bcing driven each year, there is a scarcity o! garage space which has brought about a wave o! ovcrnight street park- ing i mst larger centres. "Aside from actual car the!ts, there is another problcm -an easily stolen car is a tempta- tion for teen-agers ta joy-ridc their way inta an accident." AIl Canada officials suggcst- ed that car owners should make a paint o! leaving cars in wcll- .ighted areas, removing keys and closing and locking win- lows and doors. They said thc!ts shauld be reparted immediate- y. dyu ik neoei Sed or ik nvlpei Une ployd N..A. reports to Parliament for Cen. Unempoyed .H.A.tra Mortgage and Housing Cor.» Ownrs ssued poration Tuesday told the Cam. Ke pn Homes arily out of work may makear eepingrangements with CMHC for lower payments. Unemployed owners of homes, Trade Minister Howe denied built under the National Hous- he had said recently thal ing Act have the assurance Of employed buyers wauld not two cabinet ministers that they lose their homes. He saWd je will flot be evicted because of stated the government did not temporary cifficulty in paying dispossess people temporariiy monthly instalments. out cf work through unempioy. Works Minister Winters, who ment in an area. 7R FIREMAN OIL SURNME R &«»» ... vat &*#ou b.oelng et Iow.r Coe wkl, a VOR TEX E Only a Vortex bas this money-saving, whirling, N bowl-shaped flame. It blan- kets the entire fire chamber with rich, radiant heat- sends the heat into your rooma instead of up the chimney. Burner reaches top efficiency in a few sec- onds-applying heat direct- ly to fumnace heating sur- faces. Relax in perfect comfort and make sub- stantial fuel savings with an Irosi Fireman Vortex Ei oui bumr J L. A. Parker & Sons Ck~4kt Jfor thoe OowAhead Formner Farm Machines. Binder Churn Combine Cream Separator Cultivator Drill Forage Harvestoe Harrow Hay Baler Incubator Manure Spreader Milking Machine Movable Granary Mawing Machine Plow Reaper Seeder Spraying Appatatus FIL - the fxr... hie bwather Mui naîme is Fains lak- Thresher provemeat Loin. Give Tractor bisa a chance te help Truck Ar Up your farm .. . heus economical, con- Iqulpm.m, venient, versatile. He Farm ToE a do aimait anything Generators in makting y~otarosaimà Pasteurizat better faim ..p Refrigeranion ation Plant Buildingst. Barn Dwelling Garage Greenhouse Graaar House for Faim Heip Kiln Repair or M( Machine Shed of Present Milk Hous Water Heatej Cot' Check your nee-ds, then talk te "My Bank". Your ers B of M manager wilI gladly tell you how te 'put FIL te work on your farm. Follow the example of tbousands of other Canadian farmers. Increase your profits with a B of M Fam Improvement Loan. Repaît and Rnovation of Faim Buildings Poultry lieuse Silo Tourist Cabins Land Improvement,. Clearing SDitching Drainage Farn Pond Irrigation Pumping and Dlng Installations Purchase and Planting of Fruit Trees Reclamation and Sou Conservation Sewage Disposai System Tiling Weil-sinking Home Applilncest. Deep-freeze Unit Ref rigerator SewiAng Machine Stove Washing Machine Light, lieut und Wat.r Systemsa- Boiler Built-in Sinks or Tubs Furnace Installation of Lighting, Heating or Water. fodemnizatiois tSysteoe B-ANK 0F MONTREAIL &?4«a4:$ 6et mud GEO. B. MOODY Bowmanville Manager ROBERT ARGO Oshawa Manager WOIKINS WITII CANADIANS lm *VIRY WALK OF LIPS SIMd 1loir o.I~ Y SMALL DOWN PAYAIENT - EASY TERMS M4ason £ Dale, p 0 h C, ti ý1 a PiDiniz TRP CAMAnTAM QPPA".«RAV lmmw"Awwmvu ouamAuvm