I championship and Courtice on ing guest, wh, do not corne. Marlow. Lunch by the hostess -M ay Enlarge Town League runniger- sqad.helocothe Ross M cKnight Team Captures Their housekeeper, Nellie Neil- and her group brought a fine Hockey Group It vSas Learned drn h eso.' is lace in. Legion Bowling îîe sTgues, agey HaemoMsio-ad a tFolwgSoe durig th seaon.ilton and Lucy Garland, were April 8 with ten children and St Paer' rphe PesnedW ts in Aeagsplayed by Jean Kyte and Lois two leaders present. Rol cail TulsSor.Cutc -A t An nual Banquet in Newcaste He Preseted ndigividuelts Pns terge Greve. The srnafl4ow aristo- was answered by an Easter SrfgsSoe otHp PHist e re s ofth e iviulltro- Kigt 2149 40662 Elliott 29cat- paydb Drtythought. Mrs. 1H111 gave theRe.dunaStrBtay The prophecy that the-Town Some difficulty had been ex. Taxi team: George Heath, AI Bates 22 17 49 3837g McKnight 22 odr ersaenie w rshi edn n xliigtlio' rgSoe ecs -IokyLeague will enlarge into periènced during the season in Martyn, Don Childs, Bud Per- Fair - 20 19 49 37834 Perfect____ _ P rJ oei e ongnose.cAs the £aster story from Luke 24. T nrgt ecsl . ax-team circuit next year was obtaining referees but this hadifect, Geor e Sellers, Gordon Tle 2 i ohledr n oto h heard quite frequently at the worked out ail right in the end.1 Sturrock, T1iM Cox, Rusa Lane, Taylor 1 914 19% 46 38997 Baes 221 j always hide under beds, waschlrnsdsotpays.or Bon etnvl. fine banquet at the Elmhurst He pointed out that the Town1 Harvey Lunney, Clif Trewin, Elliott - 15 24 36 38187 Taylor 21 lydb Jn aii h~i Grifn sad shout aes on tr-.Puiîk nlkl Rotel, Newcastle, Friday night, League began the season bylJack Whiteman, "Buck" Cowle, Rundie 14 25 31 36540 Woodward _ ----2031Iprompter wvas Shirley Turner. twins), look the offering and T.MSeo.Eniile whIch wound up a very success- playing on Thursday nlghts but Fred Luxton, "Woody" Wood- MDnl,---- ojTegrsha htHgla eiae l yvaLuec fui season. ha suitched to 'w-cdnesday rockc, Larry Chant, Jack Baker McKnight's team won th1e sec- Little ----------------- 200 Hattie has recently esca ed and Larraine Dayes sang "At A.Brn. antn Players 'vere present from ail nights at the requeÉt of the1 and Ian Hovey. and scheduje and playoffs in Le- Graham----- ------ -- . ) froni the penitentiary, la bellev- Easter Time". Sylvia readA.ERie.Brtn 1fouY teams in the league this Arena Managemrent Corinittee.! Mr. Burns then presented the pgion Bowling yor' s lloteTrn, Wnelh1 2' e d$20ing i te nehfour ho eD ..wlnter: Miller's Taxi, Courtice, J The Arena manag'ement had trophy for the scoring champion- phy, ef ei Torstsce b MarnR ne-- --------19 j anpture.0This wouldere frher sri-hin p.ayeda iaonna olo H awl.Bakt FrqStreet and Canadian Ord-, given good co-operation ta the<ship of 1the league, donated by wtheso e fir62t ache75.Le, b b-arty----------------- ---- -_191 utc apteTis ole athey ol-Lagin ayl ed " p ian ol C1dl t orstrM nd guests ii-1 league in makcing th1e swibeen Jack Miller, sponsor of 1h e MilbigNewman----------1.13 go onl a mad hunt for Hattie. the story of a blind boy in Per-H1.RyodKna lX Jack Mculty, d.nr .a! M . Cooe bUU, andu dbener's Txiteam, ta Fed"Buck"' L.Welsh wsthe bggun un 1- - W---g--t--------' 91 The prswere al "î pay - sia. Larralne Dayes played GibrnodMrkt llrn the -trophy awarded ta the1e very good ta il ail winter. Had Cowle of th1e Taximen. "Buckc" the winning team with a score Adey- - -- -190 1 ed and th1e audience enjoy~da noslo.orsGfi championship team; Doug Carter, 1i l not11te league would probably wilî retain posssson of th1e of 729, 245, 244, 240. Broparts---r------Hend---r-'on-----Book Store, Oshawas. Tyla .ýand Jack Miller, sponsor af th~e have ended th1e scason in th1e red trophy for a year, and 11e was TSt cKih ~ ~ Books-------------- 190 the element of mysterr. TVie toldtsarry 1e a iMSunday." ** iMiller's Taxi îeam. insi.ead of th1e black, he said. also presented with an engraved; TeaStocker gt, .-----,189 club is very grateful for tht l 1esoy Pl udy" omnil 1~ Le necletratbe May Have Six Teams imedal ta keep. He won the'ha Graham, J. Marlyri, B. Lock- Etcher- 189 splendid support they receiveci. 'Idinner President Jack Coole gave 'The Town League mav be th1e trophy by scoring 41 points dur-'hart, J. Knight, L. Welsh. Knight -__-_-----________ R.hP. Rickaby . -InBig 20 àt-ions. thseasons therp be igleague in Bowmanville next rng the season; Dan Girardi wasi Team-D. Taylor, C. Ander- Bathgae1san - 'wrd inht dciwreonwe j HwsSmk hp tions. his seaon was he bestwinter, especial]y if there is no second, and Fred Luxton third.. son, F. Samis. J. Cully. J. Ba#-i- r . ------------- 186 BL CKSTOCKar oig Olv Wnei on e noedb h eg.,sno ockey. anu il is quite Mvr. Cowle stated that 11e had cley, S. Jarvie, B. Stocker. . Beauprie 182 Hîolaesmn. -Oîe edi li ane' ad tr re ao no nes ofa te ain possible we max' have six learna enjayed playing in 1the Town G. Elloît was winner agin IGeddes 1,9 Ms.R.J. Buckham, NewLis- Hle.TeSaemnOfc lesn o hswsteadto nstead of four", th1e president Hockey League very much this this year of 1the S. Dunn ro. Burns ---- --1--- a kard, visited lier parents, Mr. 01L the Court 'c team. The stated. He recommcnded that season. He paid tribute ta Jack phy, with the leading average Jarvie- 180 and Mrs. R. H. Banks and lier COUrtice squad had arouscd 1the executive for next season be Miller, sponsor of 111e team on of 229. Hlgh score three gamc's Firth - 179 sister, Mrs. Arthur Palk and *eater intereit in the leaïue, the elected al a meeting of the league which 11e playcd, for th1e lime wenî ta McKnight 847. High Anderson- 178 Mr. Palk. .p.resident stated, and Courlice ta be held early In September, and maney 11e had spent during single, F. Samis 340. Phillips 177 We were glad ta see Mr. and ,fans had swelled the gale re- and znembers agrecd tb this. In th1e season in th1e interests of th1e Cl ------v 76Ms Atu aly ho were velpts. the meantime the present exec- league. On behaîf af ail th1e As sports officer 1 like ta Cale --_------- --------1736i M r A rîth icy. an _______________utive will carry on th1e league players an 1the Miller's Taxi thank ai Bowlers and Dait BCuhle--------------- ---173 in .Forid aior 111e wintrin businiess and look afler a draw team 11e presented Mr. Miller players for th1e lurnout and co- Joh1nson --------------------------168 Windsor, arrive home Thursday. during th1e summer ta raise funds wlth a very fine plaque in operation during 111e past sea- Lockhart.---------------- --------165 jM.adMs a cilvs It's Her. NOW! for next scason. appreciation of bis good sports- son. Smith -----------------16-----d-wt Mr. and Mrs. aenryl is NIW, TBELESSTreasurer Bob Williams gave mnhp Don't forget the Bowling and Harrison ------------------- 161 1 rsrn IBrtRvr NEW, TUBELISS ~his report which showed a f av- Mr. Miler thanked 1the mcm- Dart Banquet Saturday, May 3, Morris _------- --------1 60 mlaga BrtRvr Ij1111;1 V a rable balance of $76.37 even bers aif111e team for 1the plaque 6.30 p.m. Ail Legion memnbet.1 Wiseman ----- ------------ 169 Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham afler expenditures. of $136 for and stated they were "a very are invited If you have Twa Flemming -.~ ---------------- 139 vj FeeM.andail s. lxle twa sets af goalies' equipmcnt good bunch oifcllows". He mov- Bucks. Hannah------------- -- 136 FnlnFls "RoalT"during th1e season and $78 for ed a vote of thanks ta th1e exec- Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers with trophies. He reported that $110 utive: Mr. Coole, Mr. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hocken, 3-TRANSISTOR had been raised by two draws and Mr. Burns, for their bard te o lcktc ... Port Perry. HEARING AID hast summer canducted by him- work on behaîf of th111 T o ates o 1W tokO.. . Bhackstock Women's Institute oatm a moiith onom self and Vice-President Frank Hockey League during thepat atered ta 1the Cartwright Curl-. 14"batty No "B" Bur;5 ' fns. He thankcd 1the Courtice season and Ibis was passed by Minor League Present Amusing Play ing Club on Monday evening ...... ________t cuxty fn for their support and 1the the hcarty applause ai ail prcs- 'th a turkcy banquet. by Makers of Zenith TV and Radios Arena Management Committee cnt, Hoce Players "Three Bright Girls" "On Sunday al St. John's An- forth excellent co-aperation __________ce hcn Cuc 1e Sna gesnt1. Sleague,00uring 111eh If there are a few upset som- On Friday evenlng aI1the School children took part in a Jury & Loveli sesnSoe1000 ern-ly achs among th1e hockey playing Cartwright Recreational' Cen- pre-Easter service. Rev Nicn- Y Vice-President Frank Burns work for you and me-ar e cm- yaungsters in Bowmanville Ibis Ire, 1the O.N.O. club presented oison showcd pictures. There ]But you can Save lots of penesw nyobyor -'Phono 779 flowmanvulîe eongratulated 1the Mlllcr's Taxi ,ployed in th1e federal civil ser- Eastcr weekend il will flot be their ýphay and varlety between will be a Good Friday service top quality merchandise tteelo rcs tearn on winning the leagueyvice, al ail surprialng In vlew aof1the acîs. President. Noreen Malcolm at SI. Johin's al 8 o'clock Fni- amnount aof1hot dogs, ice cream, wclcamned th1e large audiencp, day evening. There wili be a ______________ cake and chocolate milk thal extended Ihanks ta the hus- service on Thursday evening al COME 511 A & Ps HOIDAY ARRAY they wilprobably consume. bad for their help then ask- the United Chuc. Ohw,2P N 0F FESTIVE FOODS AND -but two-parties aver the0Iact as M.C. and Robert Brinkman, Port Per- 2P N wcekend by local organizatians The vaniety part conslsled ol ry, with Mr. and Mrs. CharlesT -ane on Thuroday night (ta- the O.N.O. chorus' opening Wilson. GAB ARD I NE S U S A V E O N nlght), and one an Saturday number "Spring Lament"; a Mr. Nael Sweelman, Ballan-A E ua S VO Naftcrnaan. skit by Marion Rahmn and 'Ai- tray, County Cork, Ireland ra- The Bowmanvilie Depart- icen Snaaks; an amusing Trama turned fram 1the Middle tast, Choose one af these smarîl tye ment af Recreation which spon- number; O.N.O. chorus with serving in 1the R.A.F., is vlsiting sors t11e Pc. Wee, Bantam and "Katie th1e Cow" and ",Sweet bis friend, Mr. George Wolfe and Suits for Spring and Sum r war EA STER HA M S!Midget-Juvenile Minor Hockey Genevieve" with Elcanor Wer- Mrs. Wolfe.p E A ST R HM S ague ll¶ stage their tr:- ry aI 1the piano. Mr. Ira Argue, Sold re. $45,0 MALELEF R REIU -NO CINTRE *SUCES REmovnD-loghan 1eow The play wa enitlled "Three in III health, was taken ta Bow- CokeRedyT Srv arvil BanhCaada- e-BigtGirls". These tbre. irs manville Hospital o Sunday. _____eg._45.0 Cokd ed oSre wi-oe or shank portin 69b gion, is holding 1the Saturday Susan Stewart piayed by Mrs. Harold Manlyn and boys CMftU ~~~ ~9e UAMCoo party. Gwenyth Thampson; Janet Ashi- aea dradwt o' JIflVft~~~U ~~ bu«paaton lb ~~Main attraction aI 1the De-ley by Aileen McLaughiin; Rita mreath er Mrlsan i M aola _________________________ sonluSldMeat, DY The Pi... Or. $flood 73 parîment ai Recreation parîy Thornton by Noreen Malcolm, who bas just neturned hm SMO ED HA S N rmdswilbe Erie Nesterenko, star broughî a house in th1e country. fromn Lindsay hospital. Smok.d Shankiee, Pionit Stye, Cooked, Réady Te Eat 8 Leafs. He wili spcak on hockey arc due, they advertise for pay- Ms ereFwe n in lb~~~ subjects and sportsmanshlp. Blair, visited in Lindsay whh Snfrzc lieDrl PORK SIIOULDERS -1 53ç There will also b. movies, and WGo es Mr. and Mrs. Eric Capstick. Work irouOlieserll W î Rindias chocolat. milk, hat dogs and Wool Go es Miss VraFarder, af Bnank- 90. PURCH FiLLETS doughnuta wi b. peret.. 1 n Ja 9î MWI'an nd a. o it BACON >79< ihI b. ueived. o som Hall staff, Toronto, visit- D naosrvtd BA O *490 6 M o7 çTeteams çwhich captured - iaio g Mr. and Mns. WiJ1 Fonder. Denim Snoîe 34 Fu'.I',Couuht Lake Erie. Frouh Cought Lakte E,.;. the championahips in the. Pc. rganzfo Wee, Bantam, and Midget-Ju- 0 0Mr. aýd Mns. Lamne Thomp- Drivers'Uil m , # c SILVER ASS FÎLLES lb 39c d with their traphies and the W L Cobbedick, Oronao. , e v e e s, o BAKERYOR£ATE members ai 1he teams will each VV Mr. and Mrs. Donald John- Grade "A*, SV te 7 lb. Avoce .Grade 'A*, 4 te 7 Sb. Average B KRw E IA S1 receive a creat. The BartîltI s ,YevRtond in Mr.aundy - eeig-Oven Ready Buolloe JANE PARKER Trophy for tb. player In 111e SHIP COLLECT TO Ms.Rnl inStra Grae "", ta14 b. veag. Grae "", taB b. 5 H T COSSBUN igue bilt cmi negods ports- Orevening iewing their "ew tel We carry a complote stoc ofBy'Cth, Grade «A, 8 to 4 fb. Aerage Gade «A",o.t1,5 b.stoihgOntarjop Mn.laand Mrs.rdDonald 1LewisonInntariinr. andks,. DhnrtsewSsitsudWg ndbreakerss Oven Rady- Oven Ready At th1e party sponsorcd by Reliable rdn and family, Oshawa; Mr. and Underwear, Etc.. bbcY poo 0 9 h Bowmanvile Branch aof the rain Mrs. Stan Ram and family, w73ç 59ç of1w0 gC Canadian Legian Satunday af Direct Settiement wiîh Mr. and Mrs. John Rahm 4b ternoon sports movies and car- Shippers may obtain aacks and and Allan. NUIftPU Lf l DEE CU SP CIA S! taons will b. shown and sand- twino wlthout charge front Giad that Mrs. Ernest SwainA D JANE PARKER SLIOED wiches, cake, ice cream and is hame fram Oshawa hospital. chocolat. milk will be served By Sit, Clarke, P.O.~, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gal- First Qa 1X 99in Newtonville braith, Bowmanville, wiîh Mns.Qalt ORAGEJUCE2.7ý RAISIN BREAD ta 1the boys. (M NG U orida 48-ex lin2 or by wrltlng direct ta John McKee an Sunday. - Mr adMr. alaeMar- PilIow Cases, pair 79 CANADXAN CO-OPERATIVE low, Mrs. Minerva Cowan, Mn. W AX PAPER Umko F myo', 0h od 2 5 c 2 16-ozloaves 2 9c OITUARYWOLGRWESLII D and Mrs Ivan T1orpson ,Eliza- FlanuOl Shoot ll7eir, in 7 0i. pi 54 JANEM AAKKER EN GLBSIN Sunday visiti ng M rs. J. J. B ruce. D I SALADA TEA BAGS bx of 6065c FRUIT CAKE MR .BAKTR Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ogilvie, Red and GreenBuuanea withbakbrdruu, A highly respccted resident Sulpbide, visiîed Mn. and Mns. ROSE MA GARINEn 2.7 ~ h 37'of Hampon passcd away at.his. t Roy Turner.Vnigaîndd NwA yColt Natressesi "~ 69 ROSE ARGAR NE ib 7c «C 37c ome, arch 8, inthe praanMiss WioySe eln endedMewm.n af Mark William Blackbunn. Al- the wedding last Fniday evcning Low Cloriethough 11e had been in faiing of Mssa WiStac teAlbnd St.n HI-N-LO CHERSE lb 33e Calîfornia Fancy Navt1s, Now at their Beat been able ta mave about amonig îîed Chunch, Oshawa. Miss Aleta au a E his famnily until Saturday morn- - Steele was maid ai honor, Miss Heina Vegtarian O A G S54lb coll ba,'ZO ing when lie suffercd a stroke, ullSeh wsbiemi I j: 4 t> Mesei.ara nataas retary, taok part in 1the servicu. CORN220t in S d VACUUM PACKED bers, Mrs. Nettie Cale and ML-s The leaders, Miss Yvonne Chant 20-or tinse 000stella Blackburn ai Newcastle. and M rs. James Malow, and $3.95__ __ _ __ __ _ AdP Choce -The funeral service in the theb members, presented a pro- 1OMATOIS 2. 28-oz fins 3 1c Marris Funcrai Chapél, Bov. gram and a very profitable andMN' dGrapefruit manville, Marcb 31, was large- enjoyable evening was spent. DENIM MDICI 0o is9 ECLTRO by bis pastar, Rev. Fred Reed aURio Mrs. Doreen Palk wiIh Presi- t ac A&P Fanoy ofCLTO R a Hampton. Fniends were pres- dent Noreen Malcolm presiding. 20ortis I m m DRIP ORIND cnt fram Toronto, Oshawa, Part - ,~ Roll was called by the secre- Reg. S4.95 FisQalt.AlWo TOMATO JUICE 2 " ,s2 JAE PARKER Hope, Cavan, Bowmanvill, ' ary, Aileen Snooks and ani- Floop Cleaner Newcastle and surrounding wered by an amusing incident SALE country. that happened in schooil da>&. LA O N 5o e W IEPalîbearers were Messrs. Char- Members drew for future meet-$39 Largo Si.e Packace MlDes K ni 111, Harvey Hardy, ings. Members are very dlsap -____________________________ Gog liGordoVa Camp pointed that t11e Bhackstocc SI& P Naflki7cRoland Shackleton, and Merwin sign bas nat tumned up yet. 5-9mrand 24-« . ~Mauntjoy. Interment was ini Plans wcre concludcd f or the a jT5fM EUBc umoo s ?4OZ." l Sc Bowrnanville cemeteny. lay and varlety prograrn to be ~i. Window and MIner ea<lT 77 The many beautiful floral af- PMPS SO eld Filday nigfù. Secretary Monday to Friday - 9ar.t6prn DAILY DATEDIfenîngs ncuded tokens fnom th1e 1 was instrucîed ta write S.P." Saturday 9ar.t . WINDIX 20-.zbd 3 1 Goodyear Ca., Hampton Wom- LIMITIE» 'I Q.S.A. (Oshawa Barbenaho?. Il- ibensInstitute, Beehive Rebekah L OND O N - CANA Di pers) ta Inquir. if îbey would À asmaeLdg, Haydon Sunday School j present their prgramn for the 4a a TZ8-« pke 1 9c u e M r e and Salem Church. clubK, ~~ proceeds for charitable UAein:ù-- Ia -aigi wý0 LM OADSAIG a dance In May wltb Lýou'Dew- S U R P L U S I Pl no- akln 159-m20000001L7 cINFAouD H'A K'G e Uls Orchestra. Jessie Gunter WW W MUSTARD 17< PRI~CES EFFECTrIVE UNTIL SAT., APRIL. 17, 1064 a yearIn idustry in Canada. Divisten Street 0. was presented with a sbower 2 iiinS. D W AVLEPoe31 Canadas langesI steel blast PRO0NE 615 BOWMANVILLE from th1e members. The lovely 2 iiinSL BW A furnace Ji at Hamilton, Ontario. gi.fta were selected by Dorothy THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV!LL, ONTARIO PAGEU Imme TRSDAY, APRM 15,-lq-5-4 q