1. 8r ---,-----,-- - -- br VOLUME 100 .Çtizens Are Invited to Çýamber of Commerce Meeting Monda y Night A large turnout of civic-mind- Federation of Agriculture to *ed Bowmanviîîe citizens, whe- name a representative to it. ~therj business men or not, ace No chairman will be namned tugjby the Bawmanville for t#e Agricultural Committee <Çirber of Commerce to at- of tl* Chamber until these ap- 4 ~ edterglrmnhyme-pointments have been made. In ing of. the 'organization to be teCmeca iiino h held in the Balmoral Hotel, Chamber. James Stutt and Don Monday, April 19 at 8 p.m. ' Morris were named co-chairman Membrshi, inof the Retail Merchants Com- Memerhipinthe Chamber mittee and Blain Elliott was of Commerce was one of the named Chairman of the Trans things discussed -at the meeting portation Committee. Council- of the Executive held in the lor Lloyd Preston has been Balmoral Hotel' Sunday after- named by Town Council as its noon when the above plea wp's representative on the Chamber framed. Some of the executive and will head up the Industriald members feît that the most .ur- Committee. He is already chair.- gent need of the Chamber is la man of the Industrial Commit- get as many civic-minded peo- tee of Council. ple as possible interested in the OhrApitet Chamber first, before concen- In ther Appdisoinoenthe trating on selling memberships I h ii iiino h to the business concerfis in the Chamber, Treasurer George town. Moody was named as Chairmani In order to enlist a maximum o)f the Financial, Social andr of embrstheposibliy o aWelfare Committee; Ray Lath- oe membershpi fee fra angue as Chairman of the Re- t sociate members not directlycrain Cm tee Goge connected with any busine.ss VanBridger as Chairman ofis was discussed, but no definite the Public Utilities Commissiont action taken. This will probab- and Professional Services Com-f ly be one of the main topics at mittee; President Art Hooper ast Monaynigt' geeri metngChairman of the Education ondheCaynigh t'is nelymeetingCommittee; Elmer Banting as thft te pChamr. th ielyhams- Chairman of the Membershîp thte her rgrm f heChm-Committee, and Ron Abbott as be ilbe bolstered before a Cara ftePbi ea concerted drive is made to sien Cara ftePbi ea Up business members. tions and Advertising Commit- Nppa Varmtee.. ~îrnbln Building Permits lssued This Month Total $175,000 Construction in Bowmanvilie this summer gives every indi- cation of maintaining the same high rate as during 1953, if building permits issued so, far this spring are any indication of the building trend. Thirteen applications for ap- proximately $175.000 in new construction had been issued in April up until mid-month oy Building Inspector Clarence Oke. One of these permaits was for $125,000 for the new public school on Church St. E., near St. George St., however. Nine of the permits were for dwellings, two were for garages and one was for a boathouse. Work has started on three of these buildings and the rePnair- der probably will be started this week.- Mr. Oke stated that the new system of issuing building per- mits under the new Building By-law is working quite well, although some applying for per- mits do not know that they must present blueprints or rea- sonably accurate drawings of the proposed building when applying. Once these are pre- sented, the permit can be ob- tained for $3.00. There are further charges when* inspec- tions are made by Mr. Oke. Smelts Running Mvakes Fishermen "tDurham County's GIrecu Family, Journal" BOMAvr..1.rn.Tr& TC Tr-IC1r A TA -------.r-'> ~ArtL flLl, 195b4 ~10C PER COPY UBR1 Trinity Junior Choir at Dedication Service Looking very smart in their white gowns are the members of the A complete story on the service which officially opened the modern, Junior Choir of Trinity United Church who took 'part in the service of splendidly-fumnished new $49,000 Sunday School may be found on Page 3 dedication of the new Trinity Sunday School section on Sunday afternoon. of this issue. -Photo by Rehder iNenrrmRpresentative The Executive members were Happy AciainCk rhc i Alodsusdon Sunday was urged by President Hooper to Ail Local C u c e Prepa ring Local B a Club th edfor a representative do their utniost in the period The smelt run, that annual * a tr S r ie u d Plan Program from the agriculturai industry.- before the general meeting of spring event which is looked S e ia ate er i e S n a and several suitable namnes were the Chamber on Monday to con- forward to each year by the disessed Thee isan oenig tat asmanycivi-mined esi-fishrmanlivig nForLkeComing CoSeasoiso on the executive for a represen. dents of Bowmanville as Pos- tario, is now on in full force. tative of the agricultural group. sible to get them to attend this The tasty small fish began t j loU ie G odF da S rvc Bowmanville Boat Club h( It is also probable that the important first general meeting run in earnest last Friday night its first meeting of the year Bowmanville Chamber of Comn- since the reviving «~ the Cham- and good catches were reported Special Easter services will be At St. John's Anglican Church April 6th to eleet executive1 mnerce will ask the Durhani ber of Commerce. over the weekend. On Sunday held at Bowmanville's churches a Three Hours Devotion will be 1954. night the fishermen were Out both on Good Friday and Easter held from 12 noon to 3 p.m. on Afe h opeino in force with their dip nets at Sunday as the congregations of Good Friday, commemorating the Afteriess comdplion of Necatl eahth iser hevaiosfath cmemraeCrucifixion.buses sand ofayig a l e rînity Young People Score Ce btwe ecateadthe a aihsa of the rc- Sereat St. Joseph's see tr te of ithyar Biiu ~ IiBî4.oiw Cm q~~I an id Mas he S omn- fiiourandJesu Crei. te Th yo teCross ilb They plan on building a smi and ThiIdIIIOIIL aU Bowvilleviin spite ofhrthe.ram.dat St. JsphsRoman Ct-club house this summer Succe s inflilriousCome y vlex Cnamerono Bobh Stocker The congregations of five olie Church beginning at 3 p.m. accommodate all members. Ari Night Perormanc~es and Jack Maguire netted 1,000 churches: Trinity United, St.oGdFia. one wanting to join the ci of he mel onSatrda'nihtnited, St. Andrews On Easter Sunday at Trinitir with either motor or sail-bo. 't1ý i?-Tw N ight Pe formaandsofther ery gooatudatchesh Presbyterian, the Salvation United, St. Paul's United, the will be welcome as they intei The ilarous omed, "Dar Mndha siser ofLet ea aeb erp od cthý Army and the Pentecostal Salvation Army and the Pente- to have small boat cruises The ,wars el reeedy a awrgha t, e ofpLaye by M ar e be epreChurch, will unite in a Commun- costal Churcbi, services will be different points. talented cast from Trinity Young rg welpadbyM joi ity Good Friday Service to be held at the regular hours but Dues are small, so if you wou tpl' no n h onHl Mutton, and Bill Leask as Sgt. held at Trinity United Church special Easter messages will becaetjonpesgt .tu ~4say nd ridy eenngs Chck incnt Paent ofRut Y ungLocl Sars on Friday at 1l a.m. Ministers given and special Easter mugie with any of the following exe 15f11 8andFAdiyensere and iimce.rentesloplayed YougLcl trfal five congregations will take has 1been arranged. utive Conunodore.-W-W Kilpa smaler tha tis xcelet HlenNelesandGaretPogie.Pas T eirBroze part in the service and Trinity At St. John's Anglican Church rick, Sr., Bowmanville; Vie presentation deserved. Madlyn Wilcox was an excellent Choisrvwicel psr h ui.tedywlemred by thoemooeL SudrOl Muh reitisdu Jyc M-maid in the Wilkins household. sevc s pnoedbth celebrations of the Holy - Com- wa; Secretary-D. Caverly, Boç Gu prderdit deJoean-EeFigughareenstaihtne atiIngT Bowmianville Ministerial Assoc- munion, the first at 8 a.m. and manville; Treas.-Carl Swarl Gill Prducr, ad Jan unn Eveythng as een traghtneîation, and was arranged by Rev. the other, a Choral celebration, Maple Grove; Membership Con ingham, director, for a fine pro- out and al*is calm when anoth- Darla-Marie Palmer and Lynne Harold A. Turner. at 11 a.m. The choir has prepar- mittee-John Adair, Oshaw duction, also to those responsible er young man, Harold Kobber- Bagnell of Bowmanville and Rev. T. A. Morgan will speak ed special music for thîs and the Russ Hallman, Bowmanville. behind the scenes. These includ- meyer (Bruce Colwell) turns Doreen Yeo o! Oshawa, passed on "The Cross and Suffering"~; evening service at 7 p.m. ed Harry Maynard, promoter and up, and the curtain falîs with their Bronze Figure Skating Rev. Harold A. Turner on "The Masses will be sung at St. scenery; Donna Dilling, make- Miriam saying in dismay, "Oh Test at Stouffville On Saturday.Crsan Pwe; v.AG.Jep'Chc o Sudy t up; Jane Maguire and Joe no. Not another!"' Head judge of the test was Dr.Scto"h Cross and Lo "; Rev. A.d G .. I uc n undayioat Markle, house manager and During intermission Don Shay D. E. Steckley, Vice-President of Lieut. John. Hamn on "The Cross special Easter Saturday devo-Ese ekn ]ighting; Ruth Prescott, Helen entertained at the piano with1 the Oshawa Skating Club,. and and Doubt", and Rev. F. B. Fi- tions will be held at this church Ps Maguire and Eleanor Maguire, several popular selections ln his other judges were Glen Skuce, field on "The Cross and Duty". beginning at 7:30 a.m. SaturdayPot O fie ur business manager and publicity; enjoyable and accomplished Junior Canadian Figure Skating Dorothy Johns,' stage properties. style. Those present had a most Dance Champion, of the Oshawa Over the Easter weekend The comedy involves Ruth entertaining evening, with this Skating Club and Joanna Robb 1 ~ b the Bowmanville Post 0f- Wilkins, well played by Greta' year's production equalling the of the Oshawa Skating Club. BoNlf)a n v i ile k atin g lub fice will be open during the MacMlaster, in some highly amus- high standard set by this group __________IIi followlng hours. On Good ing situations brought about by in previous presentations. 1 Friday the lobby wlll be ber younger sister, Miriam (Mar e o-n r u ce sulS a on oenal a utte ik ilyn Leask) writing to Lieut. Canadian IêjJJI> ~ . U Boeason oen awil dab utn the wuick- William Seawright (Don Cramp), Bowling Yeiofets0.i0l be ope a lonely soldier in the army and 12.hmno3Â0I c,'n I tehor o 0.0a..t sinig uh' nin o heeBanks Wvvî peîCh mponComing îvrs. L. M sI lected r sd nOnStdaA il1h episties. She also sends alongthe SaticerdaybcApefrîlt Ruhspcue hs rniasTis S aud yH r Satra Reports on a most successful Flintoff, Joyce McLean, Pamela normal business ail day. ail gave fine performances. The Ontario and Canadian season of the Bowmanville Skat-. Meadows, Lynda Rackham, Ju- On Easter Monday the wick- Ruth had been quite content For the convenience of singles five-pin bowling champ- mng Club were heard at the an- lie Allin, Faith Brockman, Judy eswl eanoe c to marry g steady suitor, Albert their customers both the ion, Tommy Mallon, who is an nuai meeting o! the club held Brough, Diane Goheen, Gail tsw ll re0 am.aindop12.be Kummer, played by Stepheni Canadian Bank of Com- employee o! the Goodyear firm in the Town Hall on Monday Mulholland, Lynn Stephenson. ..Ctzn r euse Sisson, until the Lieutenant turns merce and the Bank of in New Toronto, will be bowling night. Retiring President Art Dutcb Wa]tz - Julie Allin, p.m. Cintizese reqes aed up on leave to meet his pretty Montreal in Bowmanville in Bowmanville on Saturday. Constable stated that the past Faith Brockman, Karen Clarke, to o er n temeles c correspondent in person. Mir- wilI be open Saturday He is playing on one o! the year has seen the club increase Sandra Constable, Judy Good- crigy iam is forced to confess her part morning, April 17th. They three New Toronto bowling to a membership o! 109 and man, Donna Gould, Geraldine In the affair to her famiiy. Things open for business at 9 arn. teams which will be bowling 1thuat 36 members had success- Leaver, Lynda Rackham, Lynn wax fast and furious after this and will close at il arn. against three teams from the ful assed their tests. Sehno, Wln isn Canad ian Canners revelation, with Ruth falling in Both banks will remain Goodyear plant in Bowmanvillei Treasurer Mrs. Jack McNul- Barbara Flîntoff, Diane Goheen, love with the young Lieutenant, closed ail day Good Friday at the Martyn Bowling Alleys at ty presented the financial re- Joyce McLean, Pamela Mea-\VlAg nPrcs leaving poor Albert out in the and on Easter Monday. To- 2 p.m. Specetators are welcomelpr hc showed the club to dows. W l g i rcs cold Stehen îsso gav an day (Thursday) nra to come and watch these games. have endedà the seasni wn ac onAla on~[ excellent portrayal as Albert. banking hours willI be ob- Mr. Mallon won hîs Canadian sound financial position. Lynne Bgel alBgel n e sn r A sub-plot involves a recon- served. championship at Regina lest The following slate of officers Sandra Constable, Judy Good- Cr n es ilaanb cilaton etee anthr cupewas elected for the 1954-55 sea- Marie Palmer, Faye Piper. canned at the Bowmaaville son: President, Mrs. L. C. Ma- Bronze Test-Lyane Bagnell, plant o! Canadian Canners Lim- r~ *son; Vice-President, Bill Bag- Darla-Marie Palmer. ited this summer and a fairly Prn îp î n Iy y T înt I . .nell; Co-Secretaries, Glen Frank Jamieson, who was busy season sepcdEnt Prin ipas i Ply b Trnit Y..U.Hughes and Jack Brough; Trea- -chairman o! the nominating Archard, new manager of the surer, Mrs. Jack McNulty. committee, congratulated the plant has anaounced. 4 ~Certificates were presented club on their fine skating carni- The local plant did not oper- s 'by retiring president Constable cal. He stated that the town of ate lst year, and as a resuit ilte;loin ebr:Pe omnil s on uht farmrs n__ _ _ _ _trct__ _ _con liAa y Fg r s Y o n n n o rg o n e p e b t n sd r b e r v n e Counc ils Approve New Building Plans for Local High Schools "Dear Ruth", this year's two-act c omedy presentation by Trinity Young People's Union, lived up to the high stand ard set by this group in other years. The 1lay was presented ini the Town Hall on T hursday and Friday evenings, April 8 and 9, Elya talented cast. Left to right in the ab ove photograph are Garnet Pogue as Judge Iary Wilkins; Marilyn Leask as Miriam, his younger daughter; Donald Cramp as Lieut. William Seawright; Greta MacMaster as Ruth Wilkins. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Members o! the municipal councils o! seven o! the 'eight municipalities in the Durhavi District High School Area met with members o! the Durham District High Schoool Board and the architects of the new high schoool at Port Hope and the addition te the high school at Bowmanville to inspect plans for the new buildings at the Newcastle Town Hall Mondav night. Read Budge, Chaîrman of the Durham District High School, Board, acted as chairman o! the meeting and introduced Mr. Barnett of Barnett & Ried- er, architects o! the new high school at Port Hope, and Wil- liam Burgoyne o! John B. Park- in Associates, architects of the1 new addition to the high school at Bowmanvlie. Mr. Barnett and Mr. Bur- goyne explained the sites and Iayouts o! the new buildings and went over thie detail sketch plans for the benefit o! the council and school board re- Dresentatives. The new school' at Port Hope will have 16 teaching areas and the addition et Bowmanville will have Il teaching areas. la addition both new buildings wiil alllSw for further expansion when needed. Questions Answered The architects answered sev- eral questions ia connection with the neW buildings. Atmos- phere o! the meeting was very amicable and all council repres- entatives feit that construction o f the new buildings should proceed as soon as possible. Representing B o w manville Town Council were Mayor Mor- ley Vanstone, Reeve Sidney Little and 'Town Clerk Alickc Lyle. Trustees Alex MeGregor and Walter Reynolds, Bowman- ville representatives on the Durham District High School Board, were also present. Councillor Ross Stevens r?- presented Darlington Counqil, and Trustees Walter Rundle and Bruce Tink, Darlington repres- entetives on the High School I Board, were also present. Canadian Canners,-haàs-been out the iast few days contracting with farmers for acreage for these two crops and Mr. Arch- ard stated the company may employ enother fieidman later on. The Ontario Vegetable Groiv- ers' Marketing Board and rie- presentatîves o! processors have set a minimum price o!f2 ton for sweet corn and $98,0( ton for peas. These price levels are the same as for last year. i Crop limitation clauses will be eliminated from pea contracts this year. No agreement has yet been reached between growers and contractors on tom- ato prices. Mr. Archard replaces Raipi Stutt, who is now working at Aylmer for Canadian Canners,î as manager o! the local cen- ning plant. He is a native o! Wellington, Prince Edwardt County, and for the past two years has worked at the Cana- dian Canners plant at Coîborne.5 He is living at 105 Liberty St. N.1 with his wife and young son. s Mrs. W. J. Leask, Marilyn and Donald, left Wednesday motoring to Florida. They xill visit Mrs. Leask's brother, Dr. J. C. Lumb, Miami Beach, and friends la Tampa and St. Pe- tersburg. Merkley is Appointed on S l for eieS l old Mr. A. A. Merkley was ap bts, pointed to be principal of the ean new Church St. Public School now under construction at a nall meeting of the Public Sehool to Board held Thursday night. ,y- Miss Marjorie Couch was pro- .ub moted tQ Vice-Principal to fill )ats vacancy left by Mr. Merkley. enç The teachers' salary scheduie was also changed et this mee-.- ing. The basic minimum was uld raised $200 from $2,000 ta $2,- uch 200. This is to allow the board ec- to compete on the open market >at Jor teachers, againotschools that ce- have higher salaries. More wiJ ha- also be paid for previous ex- )w- perience. A aew teacher may tz, be paid $200 per year for the in- first two years and $100 for the va; third year of experience in an- other school. Minor changes were made to salaries of a few teachers already on the staff, so that new members star ting in September won't be paid at a higher rate with similar exper- ience and training. Il Principal ýry Sch'edule maximums or ln the annuel tin- crement. Letters o! resignation weré received from Mrs. E. Shields, Miss M. E. White and Miss Reîia Mutton. To date eîght new teachers have been engaged to fill vacancies and to help staff the aew school. They are Myra Cooper, Bowmenville, daughter Joe Cooper; S. Paul Cowan, and we Mrs. Joan Cowan. Ottawa-. Miss Jane Hodgkinson, Aura- ra; Miss Dorothy Mann, Beth. any; Miss Ruby Morrow, Hilton; l'4s. Edna Philp, Tyrune, -(M&-; pIe Grove); and John Lemon, Beamsville. Other items of business in- cluded the ordering o! five doz- en spoons for the Ontario Street School and the purchase of foot scrapers for the sanie sch'ool. Defective traps ln Central School radiators are to be check- ed by S. Blein Elliott during the Easter holldays. Property committee are to check on a aew door that is defective at the Mrs. Mel. Wiseman Re-elected President Home and School Mrs. Mel Wiseman will head were "Spring on the Farm'é the Bowmanvi]le Home and anid "Buffalo Lore." School Association for a second Too Much TV term as president. At the reýW- Mr. W. J. Salter of Oshawa, lar meeting of the Association a former High School principal held on April 7 in Ontario at St. Catharines, with 42 years Street School, Mrs. W. Hately, teaching experience, spoke gen- convenor of the Nominating" erally on the subject of Educa- Committee. presented the foi- tion, comparing methods used lowing siate of officers who in former years with those used will be installed at the final today. In this connection, M.r. meeting of the season next Salter feit that there are toc> month. many things creeping into our Immediate Past Pres. - Mrs. shools today which are fot di- R. Hutchinson; Pres.-Mrs. Mel ciplinary in training. He also Wiseman; Ist Vice-Pres.-Mrs. thought that children are spencl- D. Park; 2nd Vice-Pres.---Mrs. ing too many hours in a day H. Hughes; Recording Se'y.- watching television. Mrs. I. Munday; Corr. Sec'y.- As to method, Mr. Salter sta- Mrs. E. Perfect; Treas.-Mrs. R. ted, "Methodology is fot as im- Richards; Executive Members portant as result." He was once -Mrs. A. Coverly, Mrs. C. asked by a normal school stu- Welsh. dent just what was expecteï Mrs. Wiseman presided for of a teacher. to which he re- the program on Radio and Vis- pled, "You are expected to train ual Aid, prepared by Mrs. Fred the boys and girls to be good Cole and her group. Ponting boys and girls and teach themn up the modern methods used iiiomething worthwhile." The today's classroorns, Mr. A.M. real business of our education, Thompson, Supervising Pinci- he told his audience, is knowl- pal of Schools, assisted by Mr. edge and wisdom. M. Slute, Principal of Central' Some d"'schoolboy howlers' School, showed two films used1 recounted by Mr. Salter brought to assist in teaching. Thes2 (Continued on page seven) Free T.B. Ch est X-Ray Clinic Here During May Thé number o! cases o! tu- berculosis in Ontario has been greatly decreased over the past number o! years. This is due la great part to the wonderful FREE facilities available la everyone to detect the presence, suspicion, or absence of the di- sease. t Once again a Free Chest X- Ray is available to everyone la the counties o! Northumberland and Durham, beginning next month. Mobile units la this maiss survey, sponsored by the North. umberland-Durham Tuberculo- sis Association, will be located at diffrent points throughu the district. For the date a time when the free clinic will be in your neighborhood, con- sult the advestisement on page 11 o! this issue o! The States- mlan. In Bowmanville, industries will be done separately. For i tI b, everyone else, the card le!t byr the canvasser who calîs at your door will entitle you to your free chest X-Ray at the Lions Community Centre, Beech Ave., on Tuesday, May il. The X-Ray only takes a min- ute. It is taken through liglit clothing. It wiIl mean peace of mind for you and your !amily. Chest X-Ray is the onîy way in which early tuberculosis eu be detected, for it is entirely syrnptomless. Let X-Ray say you're O.K. House to house canvassers are needed to arrange the de- tails o! time and place. If you would like to help in your dis- trict. please contact the chair- man as listed la the advertise. ment on page Il. This free ser- vice is made possible through your purchase of T.B. Christrnaf seals. I ji[ 'I - f 1 r -M" ý 1. . . 1 . . ý . - . -1 )e ýe 1- ýy 3t ýe it .01 - Inan - %-, y Y LTJL£-à.Li Y 1-Lilivi- 1 y IN 5 m M a q à ' 0 1 5-f m 1 w ý- a 1 A v A LJICTT 1 t7i'L 1 Af- à 5 INew Sthoo