PAGE SIX CANAD!AY STATESMAN. ~OWMMqvrLIz. .tmTnAflAV APWW. 1U~ IBM Condition of T< Under biscussic The poor condition of the Cenotaph in rnemory of Bow- Inanville servicemen who fell In two wars, and the park on Temperance St. in which it id located, was discussed at the re- gular meeting of the Bowman- 'Ville Branch of the Canadian Legion held last Thursday night. Comrade Lloyd Preston, who Is a member of the Civic Com- rmittee af the Bowmanville Town Council. reported that thi.s committee had discussed the Matter and steps would be talc- en to correct the situation be- fore Remembrance Day. Com- rade John Humphrey stated that children are ding* u the grass around the Cenotaph and Comrade Preston repiied that this too would be looked Ita. Camrade Erie Densem, son of Constable Allan "Denny" Den- sem, was initiated into member- Ship in the branch by President Ross MeKnight, Vice-Pres. Jack Knight, Sergeant -at -Arms Er. nie Perfect and Comrades Bill Bates and Doug Johnson. fi M maw~ - £ N te cream and ehocolate znilk :)wn C.enota p wili be served. !le losae that he baçi arraiiged for films ai the %ring Conservation :)n t Le ionClub ta be shown following the ,n at egionnext regular meeting of April Quarterly Report Given 22. The i-u qurterreprt f fA motion by Comi-ade Preston Thefirt qartr rpor ofthat Comi-ade Four be aliowed Treaure Jac Rie .hwed necessary funds for expenses in favorable balance on opratians connection with the hockey during the first thi-ce monti-3 party was passed. af the year. Prealdent McKnight congratuiated the treasurer on Bingos Dolng Weil the fine way he is carrying out Chairman Doug Johnson ai the branch's business and a the bingo committee reportcd vote ai thanks moved by Com. that the weekly bingos arc be- rade Preston was passed with ing very weil pati-onizcd and lie hearty appiause. was congratulated by President Chairman Alex Main aif the McKnight-an doing a very goad praperty commlttee drew the job in this connection. attention ai members ta a fine A Zone Fi dort tournoment piano donated ta the branch by will be held at the Legian Hall Roy W. Nichais, and his motion on May 1, Sports Chai-mari that a letter af thanks be sent Bill Bates reparted, ond a Dis- ta Mr. Nichoa was passed by trict F dort taurnament wiil be the members. held here on May 15. A dart Chai-man Jim Fair ai the league banquet will be beld an entertainment committee i-e- May 8. ported that arrangements have It was decided ta hold the been made for the Legion party meeting ai May 27 in Oroni,, for ail the boys who played in and an invitation was extended the Bowmanville Minai- Hockey by Comi-ade George Meadows Leogues this wintcr. It wili be ai Newcastle ta hold a church held at the Legion Hall an Sat- parade there. urdoy aiternoon, April 17, he A donation ai $10 was voted said, sparts films and cartoons ta the Tubercular Veterans will be shown, and sandwiches, Summer Camp ot Niagoraon- the-Lake and ane af $5 ta the Canodian Legion Educationai ]Best Wishes for a Baok and Magazine Service. Choirman Pete Batbgate ai the Poppy committee reported that Padre Rev. John Kitchen J-c of Orono and Comi-ade Herb 2ppy Murray are sick and would ap- lE asterpreciate a visit. Send your Pink Envelope In to al aur today. FRIENDS AND TI1CK ET S TO EEYHR C USiUMEKS Air, Rail or Stearnshlp Consuit om the new proprietor of JURY & LOVELL Bowmanville éà%kà 15 Kt St. W. - Phone 178 *Uvv #wmum&u EUP 37 King St. W. Bowmanville ART FULCHER -il CAR OR FURNiTURE oLFaa«, anc-day service. No bankabie security needed. Requirments are easy to mt. "ight-away" cans for any god reason Mare menaa md wazncn borrow from HFC thau any ather company in ita field. Phone or cor nl $50 f0 $1000 a oafat ledy o.o oronintr OIIoUsEIIoUIFINANCE 11 V2s SiansOe t.5.ah, socond floor, phone oshgwo 5. 1139 OSHAWA, ONT. PORT HOPIE BRANCHa 71 Wtn St., 2«d fleO, phue 80&0 F. 1 11171W' - oi L. A. Parker& Son HEATING and PLUMBING 17 KING ST. E. PHONE 65 BOWMANVTLLE Attention.. Business and Prof essional Meri and ail men who like distinctive looking clothes 19a" P««WORSTED InJIiEL We are proud ta b. aci. to preeit ta aur cuatomers a solectian ci suits tailoredi in tlgis world-fcixmed Engliah warst.d flSI... ai truly distinctive conxibincatiogi ci the finest in fabric, with sup.rb tcdloring by LaUDnTos-IE CILOTEINO. Ini superb greys, brawn&S(1 5 blues and fawns ... ~o4 M BRESLIN'S Bownwunville VEGETABLES Bello Homemakers! Same bomemakers like ta 'cook veget- ables in an inch af boiling wa- tei-. Others say they don't. Then the argument la an; anc persan prefers the flovours, wbile an- ather insista foocis burn when 50 littie woter is used. Actuaiiy, it dependa an the condition ai the saucepans as weil as the cavera and whether the stove bas controlled beat. At thia time ai year. bome-stored veg- etables may not be taa piump. However, if cach day's supply ai root vegetobies is washed and stored avernight in the i-e- frigeratar the vegetables wili nat bail dry wben caoked in a amaîl amaunt ai watcr. Exact cooking time depends on the age af vegetobles and size ai pieces in a covered saucepan. TAKE A TIP To Boil Vegetabies 1. Pour an inch oi watcr if a saucepan with a tight-fitting caver. 2. Allow water ta bail rapily and add sait (about hall a tea- spoan). 3. Add vegetabies and caver. 4. When boiling begins again, turn ta medium or position 3 ta maintain the bailing. 5. Allow thirty ta forty min- utes for home-stared vegetabies, sueh os aid coi-rats <whale), an- ions (quartered), porsnips (eut lengthwlse), turnips (in %.~ inch cubes), and medium pata- tacs (scrubbed). 6. Pierce vegetables wlth a foi-k ta test when tender and drain as soon as possible. 7. Cook quantity for anc mcml at a time and do nat peel mare thon an hour before meal tîme. This saves vitamin value and flavour. SUGGESTIONS 1. Cook equal amaunts af ait. vered coi-rats and 1 inch pieces of celery together. 2. Sprinkle a littie sage and nutmeg aver boiiled parsnips. 3. Add dry crumbs that bave been browned in butter ta boil- PONTYPOOL 1 A former resident ai this dû triet passed away in Betbanyi N% the person ai Mrs. Emma Ke lett. For severol years deccase lh residcd on their foi-m nont Pl eost ai the village. She had i-i sided un Bethany the past lei years. Funeral was heid fri-o S the residence ai Mr-. Chai-b McMullen on Wcdncsday wil interment at Fallis Cerneter, uWe extend oui- sincere sympath. ta those who mourn. Mr-. and Mrs. Alvin Olan an, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yaungna' M attended the Golden Weddin celebration foW Mrs. Oian's par ents, Mi-. and Mrs. John Wori held at Campbellcroft on Fr! day. A very enjoyabie eveninj was spent pioying cards, danc ing and social chat. Mrs. Wor was thé reciplent ai a bouque ai rases and the honored guesi also received a purse of money IGuests werc present fi-rn Tc ranto, St. Catharines, Peterbori Norwood, etc. We extend au. congratulations ta Mi-. and Mi-, Warr. A large crowd were pi-cadi in the L.O.L. Hall on Wednes day night ta do bonour ta Mr and Mrs. Bob Yaungman ai their recent mariage. The or chestra ai Mrs. Lily Richardson Ken, Neal and Chai-les Tayloi supplied gaad music. Priai- t o sumptuaus lunch Neil Curtiý read an address and tie Fauni couple were presented witl suitable gifts. Bob praved ta bE o gaod aratar and thanked thE donox's mn well chasen words The father ai the groom and father of the bride also spokE briefly. The severe clectrical starm that was waging outsidE failed ta mai- the goad timt, that was had by ail. Severol meetings bave been held recently in cannection with the Janetville-Pontypool postoaa charge. Shartage o: preochers may necessitate i-adi- cal changes. Local members of the Board have attended meet- ings in Orana and Janetvillc. Mrs. Cccil Gi-cen bas been hahidaying with friends at St. Catharines. Mi-. J. Deibert Bowins Is working for the Dcpt. ai High- ways. 1je hapes ta be able ta fîi Hart. Doucett's shoca before long. Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair Darrocb and Mi-. J. Payne attended a ladies night ot the Canadian Le- gion at Millbrook an Frlday night. Mr. Beverley Brown bas pur- cbased the E. Syer foi-m at Leskard. Mrs. Sam Manetta bas been making gaod progress since ber return fi-rn hospital. Wc ore also glad ta know that Mns. Bi] Hackwood is also impraving. Ex-Reeve W. J. Baggs said a choice bunch oi yearlings ta Mr-. Ernest Werry. Mr-. and Mra. John Nirnigon, Bowmanville, and Mn. and Mrs. Jack Jamieson, Toronto, werc Sunday visitai-a in the village. Mi-. and Mrs. Orville Moi-tan, Peterboro, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hackwaod. Things wil be quiet around Manetta's suînmer resort this year due ta Mrs. Manctta's il- ness. Sam intends ta close up this summrer or rent bis busi- ness. Same ai oui- local anglers bave enjoyed good luck smet fishing. Have you seen the new televi- sian working? Let thy cbild's fii-st lesan be obedience,.and the second may be what thau wilte-Thoe. Fue1 ed ontans. 4. Add a cheese sauce ta boil- ed cubed turnips. 5. Drain patatoes, remaove Lskins, then return ta saucepan and shake gently over heat ta make meaiy. Sprinkle with dried parsley occasionaily. QUESTION BOX Mi-.. S. C. asks: What veget- ables can be heated in the broil- ing pan when eaoking steaks? Answer: Cooked vegetables eut in anc hall inch thick slices such as potatoes, carrots, an.lons. or canned strinig beans, or i-ar tamataes are placed below the rack af braillng pan. During the broiling period of 16 ta 18 min- utes, vegetables will be flavaur- ed with dripping and heated through. Mrs. C. M. asks: Should mush- raoms be broiled instead of fried? Answer: Mushraoms broul in ten minutes whcn placed four inches from top aven element. Remove the stems and slice them. Season the caps and slic- cd stems with sait, pepper and brush with butter. Place in the broling pan and stir two or three times during the cooking period. Miss S. T. asks: Shouid seal- laped patatoes be cavered ta prevent darkening for a time- controlied aven meai? Answer: Since the milk may bail aver in a covcred diali, it, would be advisable ta add a cream sauce ta sliced raw pata- tais and ieave the dish uncov- ered for the tlme-clock mcii. Miss H. H. asks: How do yau suggest keeping mashed pota- tacs hot for late guests? Answer: The best methad for keeping faads hot is placing the saucepan in a basin with a iittle hot water in it. Add % teaspoon crcam aif tai-tai- tathe water and this wili prevent discaoaur- ation ai aluminum pans. Anne Allani, nvites you ta write ta ber c/o The Statesman. Send in your suggestions aon hamemaking problems and watch this column for replies. Top Dressing Fail Wheat In The Spring Fail wheat Is grown an most generai or mixed farms in On- tario as a cash crop or for feed- ing purpases. As a rule most farmers gîve the area ta be sown ini fou wheat a little extra care as far as soul preparation and fertilization are concerned. Very often foul wheat is sown on a field that bas been plowed out of sad; if it is inclined ta Lie weedy it is manured and sumn- mer fallowed. Many farmers who may flot fertilize for aats, barley, or mixed grain, make a prgctice ai giving the wheat field an ade- quate supply af a properly bai- onced fertilizer ta insure a gaad stand. Souls that are in good physical condition and at a goad level in generai fertility do nat require extra nitragen, advises Prof. R. J. Bryder., Soils Department, O.A.C., but nitrogen may be advisable if winter lnjury has been severe. Too much nitragen, on the other hand, wuli encourage too beavy a top grawth, which tends ta deiay moturity and aiso cause the grain ta iodge. Fi-arn 75 ta 150 lbs. af fertill- zer per acre arc usually applied as top dressing, the aznaunt de- pending on the fertilizer usèd. and the needs of the crap. The best time ta apply It is just wben grawth is startlng, and, if possible. when the foliage is dry. It Is suggested that farmers first have the soul tested an which the wheat is ta be grown. A sali testing service by the Souls Department, Ontario Agri- cultural College, Guelph. Full details are obtainable fi-rn your agricultural representative. Flying the Coupe? 'PATING for repaira te your car and for damate te Property ot others. won't be easy, cither. Your best bet againat such a financil crash la te have Comprehensive and Collision Insurance on your car. nik & bout Aà todayl STUART lE.JANES Insurance Phone: Offlee King Street Real Estate 881: Rm .493 Bowmanvilie Lloyd Percival Recommends Milk For Ail Athietes "Eat protein iaods for phy- uical vigour", says Lloyd Perci- val, iad coach and director of Sparts College. Repeated tests mode recently by the Coilege, On' the value ai protein for phy- sically active people haasbsown that athletes getting adequate arnaunts ai milk and other doî- i-y fooda: (1) feci mai-e like practicing (2) encaunter fcwe- and briefer peiids ai staieness that slow down tr-aining (3) periarm better in action, With these words af advtcc fi-rn a ieading sports authority, Doii-y Foi-mers af Canada in co- aperation with the National Dairy Council bas iaunched thejir annual April Milk everit using twa seliing approaches di- rected ta the Canadian consum- er. Firstly, it la empbosized that milk rates high with athietes in training for orduaus campe- titions, such as the British Em-. pire Games ta be beld in Van- couver, B.C. this summer. Sec- ondly, milk, as a beverage, is os important ta the busy bouse- wife fri-an a heaith Paint ai view os it la ta ber ebldren. In view af a recent consumer survey taken by Dairy Formera ai Can- ada shawing that the housewife bei-self, i8 moat oiten the persan in the family who does not drink milk, speciai emphasis is being placed on the latter theme. Taken fi-rn a sample of bausewlves residing in irban centres ai approximately Ï0,000 population or larger, the aurvey showed that amongat those fam- ilies who have anc or more non-. milk drinkers, the housewife woa the persan in 49 % af the cases. Canadian mothers wili be encauraged during the full month period ai the campaign ta "Give Yourself the Hlealth You Give Your Child", and ta share with theh' children, every day, the pleasure and health ai wbalesome invigorating milk. The carnpaign i-epi-esenting the third pi-oduet promotion being undertaken býy the dairy group thia ycar, is scheduled na- tian-wide and will bighlight milk in bath advertising and publiclty as an abundant and ecanomîcal source ai highly uim- portant food clements, contain- rng: protein that builds, sustains and repairs body tissues; cal- Icium,. for tooth and bane build. ing; Vitamin A; and thiamine for heaitby nerves. Excellent support fi-rn the industry and trade at local level is indicated with milk campoigris beingc plonned by dairy operators in all ten provinces. NESTLETON Nestleton W.!. met April 7th in charge ai Mrs. George Bow- ers' group with 16 ladies and some childi-en present. Meeting aras tin charge of Citizenship and Educatian convener Mrs. George Johins. Motto-Hygiene, physical and mental, is the lens through which we s.hould focus a11 iearning upon the advance- ment ai lite was given by Mrs. 36 Ring Si. E. H. McComb. Rail cafl: An an- tidate for worry. Ladies decided ta send $10 ta Kareon Relief to belp them ta, buy a loom tW make cioth. Reading-"ýThank- fui Wc Are C&nadians" by Mrs. K. Somelis. Papei--'Clean Up the Roodsides" by Mrs. G. Johns. Quiz was *"Fomaus Chid- ren'". Secrctary gave the year's repart showing receipt $366.15; expenses $244.33; balance $121.- 82. Mrs. L. Malcolmn and Mrsz. K. Samefl were auditors. Elec- tion aif ofilcers for 1954-55: Past Pi-es., Mrs. Cecii Wilson; Pi-es., Mi-s. M. Emerson; lst vice-pi-es., Mrs. E. Sues; 2nd vice-pi-es.. Mi-s. D. Davison; Sec. Treas., Misa Ruth Proutt; assist. sec.'y, Mrs. L. Joblin; District Director, Wl-s. H. Vine; Directors, Mrs. J. Farder, Mrs. G. Bowers; piantst, Mrs. L. Malcolm; assist. pianist, Mi-s. G. Thompsan; auditors, Mrs. B. Heaslip, Mrs. G. Tbomp- son. Next meeting at Mrs. Wm. Stcele's May 12. Mr. and Mrs. Robt MeColi, Toronto, with Mi-. and Mrs. Les Lansing. Caesarca. Farmer's Union met ln C.O.F. Hall April 8tb with aver 100 in attendance. W. L. Milien, a Noxzema 100 Special ASA. Tablethl 980 - 1.251 190 former from Grey Ca. was the speaker. Roy McLaughlin, Don Prosser and Victor Malcolîn piayed several selections. En- tertaîners frarm Oshawa who eall tbemselves, Two Dots and a Dash, gave several numbera. There wos a bountiful lunch; 13 new members joined. Mi-. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm apent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. George Kerr-, Yeiver. ton. Mr-. and Mrs. Mervin Mount- joy, Hampton, visited Mi-. anjl Mrs. Kenneth Samelis. Mi-. and Mrs. H. Vine spent Saturday evening with Mi-.and Mrs. Wilfred Vine. A ' Congratulations 'ta Mr. and Mrs. Harley Jackson on 1£ýb ar- rivai ai thefr young son, 9WIY Gardon. ~ Miss Gladys Emerson, nurse in trainino, Oshawa, Mi-. and Mrs. Mervin Bird and family, Brooklin, visited Mi-. and Mi-s. M. 'wnerson. Miss Trudy Finlayson Port Perry. visited Mr. and Ïi-î. H. Vine and Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pallia visited Mr. and Mrs. Rae bi 1- colm, Janetville. Vacuumi Bottles Luinch Rite 1.25 Nyal Creophos Gerilol Stops Bronchiai Coughs Vitarnin Fortifled Trou Tonie 19 an Ideal Tonlo Liquld or tablets $1.25 bolle $3.29 Multiple DVgainSi Angel Face 1.25-2.50-4.25 Moths 1.25 -1.50 Larvex Spray - 93e - 1.43 Wampoie's Larvex Bomb 1.50 Clinicai Extract Larvex and Sprayer - 1.50 Therinometer 1.25 Insect Bomb -- 89c-1.39 49o Math Crystais 59e-_------__59e Kieenex Moth Blocks-- 15c-25c oe Fiy Tox ___ 33e-59c-98e Koe 2 for 39o Sprayers 390 40c - 1.53 Ammideni Special Chase's Nerve Food 79c, 1.98 2 tubes 53e size Tooth-paste Chase's Enerieis Cantain Vitamins, Minerais Doth for 59c 5.95 Toni Trio- Regular - Super and Genfle Gives you a choice - 1.75 COWLI NG'S P'HONE 695 DRUG STORE 'ERUSSES Phono 408 -r Wr - - - - --~v---- ti -~' - -...~ - ~ r- Just Arirîveal Cre mnnow anclsee it! The AUL naw CYCLAMATI Masan & D3ale 1 1 m 11 L- PACZ six-. "R- CANADUN STATESMAN, BOWMANVT=, ONTARTC) 111MMDAY. APRM IL IM M ... .... .... l'