'rrwWSW ~ - - -t,. *--------- r- - -------- .- - - -w TRUP.SDAY, APRIL 22. 1934 Lions fo Support "Deac" Goddard ln Campaign for District Governor Minstrel Show, Hockey-Net $80 A considerable amount c_ business wes canducted by th Bowmanviîîe Lions Club et their meeting on Monday igh including the election of 12 Di- ly rectors to serve during the 1954- .55 club yeer, and the hearinLý ~several reports of commit 'V£he club members elso heard the finals of the Oratorical Con- test sponsored by tl)e Bowman- 'ville Lions Club et the Boys Training Schooî, when the six boys in the finals gave theïr addreses et the meeting. Dirctor-s chosen for 1954- 55 ~re: Lions Elmer Banting, >25 W Brden, Jack Cale, Joe oaper, Fred Cale, Lau Dewell, Laurence Goddard, Howard Jef- ferye Glen Lander, Ralph Mv- Intyre' Jimmy Marr and Norm O'Rourke. It wes elso announc- ed that Lion Herbert "Deae" Goddar'd hn running for the posi- tion of Deputy District Govern- or and he was pledged the sev- en votes of the Bowmanvivlle Club et the Spring Regionai Rally in Cobourg, on May 14 et which the election will take place. MInutrel Show Successful Chairman Joe Cooper af the committee in charge of the Lions Minstrel Show reported a profit of $37654 from the event and thanked aIl members of bis cammittee for their coopera- tion in staging «it. Chairman Russell Oke re- ported on the Ladies Night, and on behaif 0f bis own committe and, the Minstrel Show commit- tee presented Recreetion Direc- tor Don Sbey with a pen and pencil set for the excellent ca- FREE PYREX BOWL NOTHINO TO SIMD FORI A pastel-blue Pyrex Bowl is now packed insde every Giant Six, package of Princess Soap Flakes. This smart uility lowl is guaranteed heat-resistant. Collect a complete set. ]B o wl offered free so you'l1 :ry Princes- thee/pure somp flakes that wash your clothes fluffy-white, yet are so mild they can actuaily be used in a babys bath! Today. get the Giant Size Princess Flakes w'ith the free Pyrex Bowi inside. 1'w AILWAY TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective SUNDAY APRIL 25th, 1954 Here is a Wonderful Opportunity for You t. Become a Nurse fi you want a fascinating career and a background to enhance your whole life, nursing pie. sents a great opportunity. Classes for tbree-year nursing courses at Ontario Hospital Scbools are now forming for September. Entranies Requiements: Age-17 or over. Sec@nda'y School gaduation Olpiomo. God Hath. AT ONTARIO HfOSPITAL SONOOLS 0F NURSINC VOU RECEIVE WHILE TRAINNI 0 FREE Room and Board F FR1 Unifarms and Iaundry ONORARIUM WhiIe Train- ing-$3 3a montb duming lst 2yýer25 a montb during d 2n ea whle on affiliation 4General Hospital); $50 a~nth during 3rd year. *VAIATION - Three weeks each yeat, plus &Il statutory holidays. facilities at cacb School for &aûer-duty social and sports activitli. Fr hWfer Iabjmoa iply t. SUPERINTENDENT 0F NURSINO Shee ofN.rslag, Outlorie NosptaJ Un.kvllb, Kingtn, Whthy, a, New Trent. ONTARIO DIPARYMINT b1m OFIALIN w~oowbée k MaennPiIp #&... cM.. Msual euv. Peretion he had given bat? omnmittees in playing the pi. no and helping to look ai ter -ie music at the eventa. The Lions Club drew con- lucted during the winter for -lekets ta games of the Toron- o Maple Leafs should clear ap- -iroximately $436, Chairman A .uthbertson reported. A request was received frorm Lions District A3 for the Bow- manvible Club to donate a pie- ture of Queen Elizabeth Ito the new Lions Club being form- ed in Ajax wblch is holdingi t s charter night on April 23. The members vated to donate a pic- ture ta the Ajax club. Lion Laurence Goddard an- naunced that the Bowmanvllp Lions are going ta gssist the Durham - Northu rnberland Tu. berculosis Association in cen- vassing for the free T.B. X-ray- survey wbich begins in May. He cailed for a meeting of the Community Betterrnent Corn- mittee to make plans for the cenvass. sponsor Patate Club A poteto club wilb be formed again this summer among the Durham County 4-H Junior Fermer, Lion Ed Summeru an- nounced, and he asked If the Lions would be Interested iii again sponsoring this club as they bave twlce prevlously. He hoped ta bave 25 boys and _girls take part in this club, the Dur- hemi Agricultural Representa- tive stated, and the sum o! $87.50 would pay for the seed patataes and also provide prizes for the winners. At the end of the growing season eech boy and girl in the club wilb give the Lions Club back a bag of potatoeu, he sald. In the peut these bagu of pota- tocs which were given back had been donated ta the Memnorlal H os pi t al, Bowmanville. Mr. Summers also pointed out tha* lest year the Durham 4-H J un- ior Farmers Potato Club won the judging championsbip for Ontarioaet Guelph and lout out by oniy five points to British Columbia in the Domninion com- petition at the Royal Winter Fair. On motion of Lion Bob Kent, the club voted ta donate $87.50 ta the Junior Farmers for their potato club this year. Lion Elmer Banting remind- ed memberu that the Bowman- ville Chamber of Commerce has been revived and invited aIl civic-minded citizens to at- tend the first general meeting :o be held on Monday, April 19. Birthdays were celebrated by Lions Ralph MeIntyre, Joe Cooper and Clarence Hockin. Oratorical Content Board President Barney Vanstone introduced James Parkbill, Ad- sistant Superintendent of the Boys Training Scl1ool, ta the audience. Mr. Parkhill thanked he Bowmanville Lions Clubi for sponsoring the Oratorical Contest at the Schooi each year. This year, he said, about 25 boys spoke in the conteut and he had brought the six finaiuts vith hlm to give their final ad- dresues berore the Lions Club. The speeches had ail beeh very good this year, he stated, and the content pravided the boys with an invaluable oppor- unity to speak before an audi- ence, to iearn how to handle NESTLETON The Nestieton W.A. and W. M.S. met in the basement af the United Church April 15th ini bharge of Mrs. K. Samebîs' group. There were 16 ladies, Rev. Hutton and some child- ren present. Meeting opened with the theme sang. Mn.. Sain- lîs read the scripture lesson nd led in prayer. The tapie was "The Risen Christ": Devo- ionel was given by Mrs. A. Wilson. The study book was 7ad by Mrs. W. Jackson. Raill ,al answered with "Religiaus ,stams of other lands". Ladies lecided ta bave a quibting, a so- ai evening and paint *the base- nent. Program - Mrs. Wmn. teel sang "The Old Rugged ross"; reading, "We Ail Have 'ur Special Pursuits", by Mrs. [ackie; reading, "The Wreck- *s" br Mrs. K. Samels! read- ng, "The Deficit" by Mrs. L. y. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sam- Ils, Melville, and Anna, were unday supper guests with Miss ose Mauntjoy. Mr. Francis Irwin, Mr. and Iru. Reg. Middleton and Gor- n, Malton, were week-end sitars with Mr, and Mrs. H. ine. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolnm :ended the Prouser - Hooey edding in the Anglican Church lckstock, an Saturday. MIr. and Mrs. Alan Wilson id family visited friendsi'n ooklin on Sunday. M¶rs. Evva Campbell spent the eekend with Mr. and Mrn rat Campbell. 1 themnselves and to gain self con- -fidence. r Lioni Jack Ross introduced the six finalists: Harold Li*Àe, Mel- ville Lumsden, Tom Nobbins, rGary Mauthe, Robert Igough and Claire Shackleton. These boys ilien gave very fine four or five- minute addresses with Mr. Lit- tle speaking on "The Young * armer of Todav", Mr. Mauthe on "Sheet Metal Manufactur- lng", Mr. Gough on "Williami *Wilberforce", Mr. Lumsden on "Tourists", and Mr. Shackleton 5on "Sir Winston Churchill". Judges of the contest were Lions John Ham, Gordon Eiliott and Jimnmy Marr and they chose Mr. Shackleton as the winner, with Mr. Lumsden second and Mr. Gough third. President Vanstone presented the Bow- manville Lions Club shield em- blematic of first place in the contest to Mr. Shackleton to ré- tain in his possession for a year, and also a smali engraved cup to keep. Mr. Shackleton also won the Oratorical Contest last year. The sing song at the meeting was led by Lion John Watson with W.E.C. Workman at the ý'lano. Lion Bill Yeo donated ish ing tackle as a prize for a dtaw and this was won by Pre- sident Vanstone. Bethany Athletic Ass'n Elects Off icers For 1954 Season The 46th annuel meeting of the Bethany Athletic Associa- tion was held in the town hall with Ross N. Carr presiding. Treasury report given by J. T. Coburn stated receipts fromn Iast year's activities were $1,- 204.72 Expenses totalled $640.- 92, leaving a balance of $563.80. henry Jakeman was appoint- ed chairman for the election of1 these officers for 1954; Immedi- ate past president, Ross N. Carr; president, Vincent T. Jackson flrst vice, Reg. Edmunds, Sec- ond vice, H. F. Rayson; secre- tary, Miss Marie Carr; treasur- er, John T. Coburn. Trustees for the Athletic park are Bruce Ryley for 3 years, Henry Jake- man for 2 years, J. C. Cummis- key for one year. Park grounds committee, Orboe Wright, Har- ry Ryley and George Smith. Caretake of park, George Smith. Auditor, Bruce Ryley. Plans were made for the an- nual Victoria Day celebration and in this connection H. F. Rayson, Creighton Carr, Orboe Wright and Robert Sisson were appointed as the entertainment committee. Sports' committee are H. F. Rayson, Reg. Ed- niunds, A. B. Ryiey, Mrs. Verne1 Mulligan and Miss Marie Car'-; advertising committee, Creigh- ton Cerr, R. C. Pomeroy; base- bail committee, Wilfred Rey- nolds, Vincent Jackson, Reg.1 Edmunds and Bruce Ryley; fi iris' softball committee, Mrsz. arry Ryley. Miss Marie Carrs and Roy Ferren; committee in ,charge of skating rink, R. C. Pomeroy, Oroe Wright, J. T. Coburn and George Smith. e THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO Match your dollar bis with the list of Canadian e -eNrt bâl serial mumbers published daily in The Tely ... Anyone can win $10, $25, $50, $100, $200 or $500. T.. new mumbers publishod every day i The Tely. Sixty new numbers publish.d every w«â 'm The Tely. S« todmys Taly fe6de a 6.. PAGI EELEVEN 1' 1SOLINA Mrs. Lorne Thompson Elected The C.G.I.T. group met Wed- nesday afternoon at Solina achool P e ie to lc so k W I with the Preuîdent, Barbara Pr sd n of B ck t k W .I Hooey in the chair. The purpose Blackstock; Mrs. Roy Taylor follows: President, Mrs. Lorne was repeated, a hymn sung and prayer followed in unison. Dur- gave her home for the annuel Thompson: lst vice-pres., Mrs. igthe business discussion pro meeting f Elcktok Women s Gilbert Merlow; 2nd vice-pres., further plans were made for the Institute on April 7. Following Mrs. eorge Wolfe; Sec. Treas., amateur show in the hall on May the Institute Ode and the Mary Mr. Murray By ers; district di- -7th. The Roll Cail was answer- Stewart Collect, the scriptuî'e rcoM ee a ap ed with .My Favourite Month of readlng was given by Mrs. Mur- pianist, Mrs. Neil Werry; fruit the Year". Anne Werry and ray Byers. and flower committee, Mrs. Diane orrwer apoined a Ms. altn Drrel rporelLeith Byers and Mrs. Hector Diane Grr ereapponte to Mn.Dalon Drrel rpore.iShortrldge; auditors. Mrs. Gil- prepare the programme for the that twelve ladies had found bert Marlow and Mrs. Russeill next meeting on April 28. The the recent sewing class, con- Mountjoy; convenors, Mrs. Roy sroll caîl will be "My Favourite ducted by the Women's Insti- Bredburil, Mrs. Ernest Lermer: Radio Programme". It was de- tutes Branch Home Economlst, Mrs. Howard Bailey, Mrs. Ross cided that the group place an an enjoyable and profitable ex- Duff, Mrs. J. McArthur, Mrs. 9Easter lily in the church on perience. Some very fine arti- Jack' Rehm. ?Easter Sunday' and efter the cles of chlldren'a clothing were The rail caîl was answered by service be taken to a shut-in the resuit of the week's instruc- the name of a famous person friend. Mrs. Ralph Davis pre- tion. Canvassers were appointed always admired, and the mem- sented the worship service con- to distribute cards for the T.B. bership fee. The program, which taining a fine Easter message and X-ray service to be beld in tht, wes in charge of Mrs. Arthur Easter hymns were sung. Vocal Biackstock Recreation centre Polk's group, hed as its theme, solos were sung by Patsy Davis on May 4. Final arrangements Public Relations; and its motta: and Sharon Robb. Helen and were also completed f or the "The greatest use of life is to Patsy Knox played a piano duet Curlers' banquet, held on April spend it for something thet out- and Gladys Yellowlees read a 12. lssi. r.Dlo orh story of how a Trinidad girl's Tecnenr aethi e ave a ." read Datnon h rfa ed superestitions were overcome by Tecneosgv hi e aearaigo h lg n whie mssinares.Gams wreports, and the report of the conducted a contest. Lundi was led by Deanna Vance and the nominating committee was asiserved by the group in charge. meeting closed with Taps. At- tendance, 16. Ross Knowlton received prizes Starkville. The yount men's and ladies' for highest scores. , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox and Sundey School class with Pearl Mr. and Mrs. A. Thompson and Dean visited et Mr. Hilton Leach presiding, led in a very Darlene, Bowmanvilie, visited at Tink's, Ebenezer. effective Easter worship service Mr. J. Yellowlees'. Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, at .Sunday School Sunday after- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. H. Davis, spent the weekend et home. noon. The boys' trio, Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Devis, Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe were1 Don Taylor and Wes His open- Marilyn and Peter, Oshawa, Sunday tee guests at Mr. J.j ed the service, singing "When 1 were Sunday tea guests at Mr. Dyer's, Oshawa. Survey the Wondrous Cross". Rabph Davis'. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bird and The Easter story from the scrip- Mrs. Addie Tink visited on turcs wes read by Eunice Leask Sunday at Mr. Don Goode's, femiby, Brooklin, visited at Mr. and a meditetion "The Garden Orono, and attended the church C. Hamer's. of Gethsemene" was read by service when her greet grand- Dr. and Mrs. George Werry Jean Cryderman. Another hymn son, Paul Goode, wes christen- and children, Oshawa, visited at was sung and preper by Pearl ed. Mr. S. E. Werry's. and the boys' trio humming soft- Mr. and Mrs. Bibi Nicol, Billie Miss Anne Werry enterteined ly a verse of their opening hymn and Roberta, Peterborough, visit- severel girl friends et ber birth- brought to a fitting conclusion ed et Mr. Bruce Tink's. day party on Monday afternoon. thiz most inspiring devotionel Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake Mr. end Mrs. L. W. Mayer of period. Sr. visited on Sunday et Mr. Toronto, moved into their lovely There was e splendid attend- Tom Westlake's, Bowmanville.' home on the seventh bine lest ence of 83 et Sundey School. Mr. and Mrs. Frenk Westbake week. We weicome them into Church service wes well Jr., and famnily, visited et Mr. j. our community. attended by a large congregat- Ovenden's, Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome thon ta bear Rev. Reed's fine Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Goyne and sons visited et Mr. Ron Mc- 1 Easter message. At this service and family, Mrs. T. Goyne, Donald's, Bowmanville. we were pleesed to welcome Courtice; Miss Lois Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Middleton, Mrs. Rae Pescoe and Mrs. Mur- Bradley's, visited et Mr. Chas. Toronto,-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cubb- ray Vice into church member- Lengmaid's.1 ing, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Her- ship here. they having had their Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hilîs and old Potter and femiiy, Hempton: ,membership trensferred from Carol visited et Mr. Gordon Hibîs, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Potter and Simcoe St. United Church, Osha-'Hemilton, Master Douglas His children, Maple Grove, visited et we, and Columbus United returned homne with them for Mr. A. Potter's. Cburch, respectiveby. New mem- holidays. Bradley's Community Club bers received into membership Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunter met on Thursdey night with Mrs. here were: Sharon Robb, Deanna'and Marilyn, Mt. Forest; Mrs. George Knox, president, in the Vence, Barbare Hooey, Helen L. Ferguson, Oshawa, visited et chair for the opening exercises Knox, Kethy McQuaid, Alberta Mr. Bruce Montgomery's. and business discussion period. McQueid, Mrs. Frank Westbake Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peter- The North Group will prepere Jr., Lorne Tink, Larry Spires, borougb; Miss Lena Taylor, Bow- the programme for May meet- Russell Sloen and Eldon Sloan. menville, visited et Mr. E. R, ing. Guest of the evening, Mr. Rev. Reed was assisted by Taylor's. Ken Tolmie. of the Dept. of Mrs. Relph Davis end Mr. E. R. Mr. Gordon Pescoe, Kingston, Lands and Forests, sbowed in- î; Taylor in the reception service. spent the Easter weekend et his The choir sang the selection home. "Crown Him King". For the Mr. George Germen, North- Prelude and Postlude and dur- part, spent severel deys et Mr. N O ing the service Gladys Yellow- E. Spires'. lees was et the orgen and Mrs. E. Mr. end Mrs. E. Spires and Cryderman wes et the piano. femily visited et Mrs. G. L.i Leutiful Eester billes and a Crouse's and Mr. D. N. Spires', worship centre also added inter- Toronto. est to this speciel service. Mr. and Mrs. J. Leger, Misses Mr. Ewert Leask bas coin- Elma, Jean and Mary Cryder- pleted bis first termi et the man and Mr. Sam Carr, Oshawa, Kemptville Agricultural Scbool visited et Mr. E. Cryderman's. and is et home for tbe summer Mrs. W. J. S. Rundle and Miss months. Jean Rundle, Bowmenville, vis- Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnston, ited et Mr. Ross Cryderman's on Toronto, spent the weekend et Sunday. Mir. Russell Gilbert's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Farrow, Grant Baker's Community Club bad and Ross, Sterkvilbe; Miss Lorr- an enjayable cerd- party et the aine Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. K. schaol Thursday night. 'rizeRw and Kenny, Bowmanville, winners with higbest scores in visited et Mr. George Knox's. Lost Heir were Jean Montgom- Little Miss Carol Knox spent ery and Bruce Taylor and in several days with her grendpar- C ni euchre Mrs. D. Murray and Mr. lents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Farrow, We Specialize lrn Dy 6(aninq pn r~ Thae BETTER Sanitone Way! Siafford Bros. 318 Dunda% St F.- V hithy. FINE 01 ALITI' MIONI NMFNTS AND MA RKFRS Precise workniaîîshxp and careful attention to detail are Vour assurance wlien You choose fron- the wMde selection of impoi'ted and domnestie Granites and Marbies ln stock ~qek~ç MILDff aà9 Mildek , est-Tasffng Cigarette1 Ordr lthe Toly NOW from your iwwsdeai.r, 1e4..surer ou ~OU « or Mpiu. 8-0011. THE TELEGR-AM DÂU.Y Pluas WUCUND T.ome 1, PAGE [Your -Dollar -may be worth'sIO., s25, sSOp sIOOe s200 or, s5001 teresting pictures of Conserva- thon Prachices and Forest F'ires. Hielen and Patsy KCnox favored with a piano duet; Donald Vice' and Jovce Abernetby sang a duet; a reading waq given by Donna Vice and the Diepenhorst sisters entertained with a ballet!I dance. Lunch wes served by the West Group who also pre- 1 pered the programme. M iss Ada Pescoe, London, vis-,r ited et Mr. A. Moore's. Sympethy is extended to rela- tives of the late Frank Vice who passed awey lest week. Mr. Vice! was a resident of Sobina for some years. Approximately two out of every one thousand Canadiens