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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1954, p. 13

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THE- CANADIAN STATESMANq, EOWMANVILLr, ONTARIO 1/w /Vewcadle 9#sctet2e4e#d 1Gardon Àgnew, Ediior Social and Personal y '"er Sundav guests with and family ln London n the Mr and Mrs. Percy Tambly n Easter weekend. *tee Mr. and Mrs. Ken Withers, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pearce and sons af Peterborough and and family of Brighton were S.and Mrs. J. Goheen and 'Easter Sunday guests with Mrs. hers af Bawmanville. H. R. Pearce and Mr. and Mra. ieut.' and Mrs. W. J. Hockin Albert Pearce and family. and family of Camp Borden The Misses Barbara and Ka- spent the holiday weekend withi thy Baldwin of Toronto, are Mrs. W. J, Hockin Sr., and Mm.1 spending a few days a1 their and Mrs. Albert Pearce andj Easter vacation with their Mrs. H. R. Pearce. t gandmother, Mrs. Harry Hodg- Mrs. W. H. Gibsan bas re- son. 'ne.jto her home heme after rMm and Mrs. Tom Reid and abd5' the winter months in familv of Detroit were Easter rf~d and Brampton. r eekend visitors with Mm. and 'Mrs. J . J. Foley of Toronto, ii Mrs. W. R. Carveth and family. visiting with Mrs. Stella Ander- r.adMs en Gift son. lofHamlton and Mrs. J. D. Cun- Mr. Walter Douglas and bis; ningliam of Toronto, weme hali- sister, Mrs. Henry Ragen. have day weekend guests with My. opened their home here for the and Mms. H. S. Britton. summer mantbs. Mr. Ross Embley, who bas Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Bahhs joiued -the RCAF, left on Fiday weme calhed ta Toronto last ta take lis basic training at St. week owing ta the death of lier'John's Queci. mother, Mrs. Nutt. wlia pase IMm. and Mms. Laine Johinson away on Tuesday in lier 95th.,rsetEse udywt e year. i~~ parents. Mr. and Mrs ae u Miss Katharine Dewdney spouit Agincourt. the Easter weekend wtli ler ! m udMsDuadJs parents, Rev. D. R. and Mis'. and family were Eastem Sunda.v Dewdney. ivisitors 'witli ler parents, Mm.1 Mus. Sam Cowan wio lias eu--land Mms. Grahiam Crawford in temed the Civil Service and "- Brampton. ý taking a course in Ottawa, was Mm. and Mus. Les McSwainý home for Easter holiday's. anîd Marleuie of Acton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Saxon Grahaian with Mm. auîd Mrs. W. R. Car- have returned iamc after vetli and family oui Monday spending the wintem in Floridi. Mr. anîd Mus. George Kimbal Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey are vis. and family weu'e Easter Sunda\, iting with friends in Toronto. guests wîti Mm. aund Mrs. Jacr. Mr. apid Mms. Ted Hoar auîd Kumbaîl in Newtonville. bilîdren af Bowmanville. spent Mrs. G. T. Manes anîd Mus. K. the weekend witli Mms. Ed. Rauîkin of Toronto, visited with Hoar. Mr.* H.*T.* Manes and and fans-j Miss Mary Margaret Boîîa- ily on Saturday.1 than of Toronto, spent Easter 1Mrs. L. H. Turner and Grace1 flolidays with lier parents, Mr. Marie o f and Mrs. H. C. Bonathan. Easter wec Miss Edna Carveth oi Wind- the villag( sor was aix Easter guest witiu Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Carveth. and family Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare mo- Mrs. Jack tored to New York State for Paul on 'y the holiday. Mrs. He Mr. and Mrs. Keith Aiken and Heilman oi Camilla visited their son RaY Miss M. A. VILLAGE OF NEW( Village Council, 1 request ail citiz DAYLIGHT SAVING comme n cig Sund ay, April 25th a 4IIas' move clocks and watches a JOHN RI( IT IME TO TA COLOR PICI This brilliant little '"miniature" fokes Kodacolor pictures as weII as black-an Has (14.5 Lumenzed lens, flash 200 s synchronization. Uses flhe handy 8-q Kodak Film. JURY & LOI When Ve 'Test E.yes YOUR REXALL PHONF, 778 It [s Done DRUG SI BO GEl A WtdoGARDEA A BOY CAN DO A MAN'S EASY AND CHEAp TO RUN USEFUL THE YEAR 'ROUND Wil do all the Nrd work onyou r asiate, .mail holding, fbm or market garden. Use ,t as a PLOW, SEEDER, LAWN MOWER. CULTIV, Phone 3621 Daylight Saving Commences Sunday In the Village Local cîtuzens, along with millions ai allers tbroughout tle country will lose an boum's sleep an Saturday night as most communities mave their clocks ahead one hour ta observe the annual season of dayligbt sav- ing time. The hast boumr will flot be regained until the end af September when standard time again cames intofarce. Citizens are officially notified ta put their dlocks forward one hour at 2 a.m. Sunday morning, but those of us who find il dii- ficulitat stay up so late, wilh be fargiven, we are sure, if we push tbe bands ai the dlock ahead that extra boum before metiring on Saturday night, whatever the boum may be. Newcastle C.G.I.T. Holds Easter Party The Newcastle C.G.I.T. hehd ils weekly meeting in the board room. of Newcastle Unit- ed Church Sunday Scliooh. We apened the meetijug with aur Purpose and Motta, follow- ed by tlie Lord's Prayer. We then sang. "Whîat a Friend We Have in Jesus". The collection was taken. followed by the Of- femtory Prayer. The minutes were read by securetary Marlene Laking, and were approved. Easter Party-Pauhine Stomks conducted an Easter contest thie prize of a broach was won by Mary Pluister. Another contest hy Pauline and tlie prize of a bracelet was won -bv Barbara STARKVILhE Some attended the special Easter service of the W.M.S., Newtonvîlle, on Good Friday. Mrs. Hopkins of the Oshawa Presbyterial was guest speaker. The Easter service at Shiloh on Sunday was well attended and special music provided by the choir. Mrs. John Stark and sons vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Logan, Beth- any. Miss Norma Hallowell. Tor- onto is spending the Easter holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. Mr. Arthur McKay visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barrowclough. Wesleyville. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrow and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. George Knox, Solina, Misses Mary Lou Dobson and Mary Hallowell were guests of rHelen and Amy Carson on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Trim, Osh- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Trim. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cornishi and Dennis, Toronto, visited lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Farrow. Mrs. George Etwell entertain- ed Shiloh W. A. at lier home last week with an attendance of 15 and two visitors. Scripture reading was by Mrs. Clark with lesson thouglits by Mrs. Len Falls. Mrs. Pike read an article. Lunch was served by the ladies. Mrs. Jim Stark extended an in- vitation ta meet at her home in May. On Monday evening pictures were shown by Mr. Roy Corn- ish Port Perry, in Shiloh. Many enjoyed the fine pictures as well as music and selections bx' local and -other talent. The ladies ofI ROUTE MAP HRH THE DUKE 0F EDINBURCH'S VI I JULY 29? TO AUGUST I' Here is the official route map for HRH The Duk Canada this summer. His Royal Highness will be flown( on July 28 in the RCAF C-5 transport that recently flew 1 on his '.vorld flight. In Canada, His Royal Highness will by air, including flights to the Kitimat power projei Knob Lake iron mine in Labrador, and various localitieý West Territories. He will spend four days attending t and Empire Games in Vancouver. Return flight ta thE uled for August 18. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Dauie Found, wlio celebrat- ed theur Silver Wedding Anni - versary, at their home on Eas- ter Sunday, when they enter- ----------n i <-ineci inteir i am . v, Âj.30 iie Kînstn sen t.t Ann Alldred. We the n plad heWA. served lunch. Found and Miss Evelyn Found, ckend with friends in Jan haur of bingo, many pres Oshawa, -Mr. and Mrs. Leland e.1 were won. . Keat and Mr. and Mrs. Bill 1 Ms. ewon shtn A superb lunch was served ZIOUL Hope ownsIÙn Found, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. v iste wthMr. and1 which consisted of ice cream, (oer C. Caverly andBil htyMr kNesbitt and John cake and Freshie. The party Church service was 1heîd on and Mrs. Wm. Davey and dau- Jonday. iwas adjourned with the singing Suniday, April 11, at 1<) a.m, gliter, Miss Mary Found were ilman and Miss Ruth of Taps. hr a alag gtegus. )f Buffalo visited with The members of the C.G.I.T.thrwa alrgatean.amnteguss Coucli on Tuesday. would like ta thank Pauline and. this beilng aur Easter Mrs. Dupuis of Windsor and Storks, Mrs. Deline and Mrs. service. there was Baptismal, sons Ugene, Bernard and Johti, Buter or uplyig ad pe-Reception and Holy Com- visited Mr. and Mrs. Ken ToI- Butr frsping a lc slndp e munion service. The church mie. parng deicauslunh. was prettily decorated witn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cooper TI Ncolorful spring flowers. and family, London, Mr. and IO NM~r. Fshe Brngs Rev. Harding gave a beaut- Mrs. Hately and family, Bow- ...ASTLE 1M s ihrBig flEse sermon, which was avle spent atrwh followed by the Baptismal ser- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tennant, assed by the Easter MVes sage vice. The infants baptized were Mrs. Cooper and sons are visit- ,ens to observe Kathy, daughter of Mr. and ing for Easter week. lI ETo \'. A. Members Mrs. Geo. Eliott and Rickey, Mrs. Chas. Harris. Kirby, vis- TI Eson o r n r.Kenneth je r.adMr.HrodBn The Sunday School room of Whitney. sodn i. aaiis aod~n the United Churcli was beau,î- Ten members were received Mr.S.Pynfl o wt t .. fully decarated with flowers by profession of faith and seven edagr. Mrs. .harnlessowDit- i 2 .. and plants for the pi meet- b transfer. Forty took com- brduhe.Ms h isDs ing of the Womnan's Associa- munion. At the close of service ley, Bowmanville, after several îheadone hur. tion which was in charge )f Rev. Harding presented the weeks in Memorial Hospital., IKARD, Reeve. 'Mrs. H. Torvs' group. Certificates of Membership. Bowmanville. The worship service with A Bee was held Monday af- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Winter, "Easter" as the theme was con- ternoon ta humn the grass in the Whitby, visited Mrs. 1. Winter. ducted by Mrs. Carveth, Mrs. church yard and cemetery. Mrs. Cecil Jones, Miss Eileen A. Glenney and Mrs. Clarence A crokinole party was held Jones and Mr. Donald Stevens, Allin. A delightful solo. "It Was Thursday evening, April 151h, Bowmanville, visited Easter .For Me" was sung by Mrs. J. in the church basement. There Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Uglow, Brown.was a very nice gatherîng, re- Newtonville. The speaker for the occasion. gardless of the disagreeable Mrs. E. Peel. Peterborough is !Mrs. Fisher, wife of the incom- night and a pleasant event visiting with 'her sister, Mrs. LJR ES ing pastor of the Church,' was closed with Mrs. Roy Dunn Fred Duncan. ! troduced hv Mrs. Ross Dick- taking home ladies high prize, MisBrh Canvitdn ison, Mrs. Fisher spoke on the and Gerald Best, the gentle- Missr eth an an sied in OE 'U E ! subject, -The purpose. of Christ's man's. Numerous other prizesTontan ateddheOE coming-I am corne that ye were given for lucky chair, etc. A. Convention. niight have Life". In closing ber A bountiful lunch was served Mr. and Mrs. Lamb and fam- Iaddress she quoted a verse f rom and the sum of $12.16 realized i]y, Ottawa, were Easter guests the pageant 'Triumphs of the by silver collection. of Mrs. Thornton Wilson. Faith", and offered a prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stanehouse Mr. and Mrs. H. Snell and A vote of thanks ta Mrs. Fish- of Wbitby spent Wednesday, Daniel Kenneth, Toronto, spent er for lier inspiring address and April 7, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Easter with Mrs. K. Gamnsby ta the aIliers who had taken Ruthven. and famnily. i part in the meeting. was voiced Misses Shirley and Audrey Mr. and Mrs. V. Wilson, Jack, bx' Mrs. lI-win Colwill on behaîf Tufford. Peterborough, were Ted and Miss Donna Farderý, of ail present. home last week end. Bowmanville. visited Mr. and Following a short business Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Meneilley Mrs. Keith Wood, Oshawa Eas- discussion a social haîf hour motored ta Washaga Saturday, ter Sunday. was erjoYed whetn niembers of April 10, ta attend the wedding Mran s.GThmoj Mrs. Toms' Group served deli- of Miss Norma Fawcett, R.N., Mran Ms.GTh pon clatis refreshments. ta Mr. Eric Crossland of Mont- Oshawa, visited Mr. L. Bellj Kodachrome and real. The wedding took place and miss Hilda Bell. d-whte naphot. M r e t~ ~r e a t the United Church there, Mrs. Wm. Stainton now stay- i-hte withojt. M a ket more fol]awed by reception at the ing with Mr. and Mrs. Milton esue rUi l- bride's home. Stainton, Enniskillen, after two -exposurend bettr fruft Master George Raby spent weeksinMmra Hoptl and b tterfrui par oflis Easter holidays as Bowmanville. I uest of Johnny Kessler. Mr. and Mrs. George Amni- JMr. Normiîn Gerow and fam- stmong and family, Timmins, vis- bE Lily, Mrs. Ralph Gerow and ited with Mr. and Mrs. John E, V E L L Mrs. Roy Dunn were visitin:9 Armstrong. with relatives at Picton, Easter Miss Alma Cutteli spent Eas- 11roperly Sunday. ter weekend witli Mr. and Mrs. rOEMr. and Ms ar pne Henry Junker, Preston. Ottawa. called an Mr. anid Mrs. )WMANVILLE C. Meneille.,v, Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Linton and Arthur Meneilley spent Sun- family, Torounto, Mm. and Mrs. day un Coîborne. Jim Patterson and Rickey, Co-1 The hum of the tractors is bourg. visited Mr. and Mrs. G. heard again, which indicates M. Linton. spmsng w ork has started and Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Thamp- N TRACTOR da.vluglit sax'ing will soan stamt sa son and Jean, Blackstock, vst don't forget ta set yaur clock. ed Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick. Mr. and Mrs. Junior West and S WORK amly etrorugndn Easter with Mr. and Mrs. A. E.1 YOUR EVsinWest. Mr. Arthur Thompson and Mrs. Thompson, Kendal, spent 'Vision Easter with Mrs. Fred Brumaj-2 DISC HA ROW keeps apples free of ~ combe.c 'ATOR ~Re-written Mr. and Mrs. Keith G .Fn ATR. ikffromn nie, Miss Jean G. at, Hib-, copyrights and Mrs. Sheldon Motfatt. sweet and sour cherries, of Mr. and Ivrs. Garnet Gamsby, a C. H. Tuck, Judy and Bill, Kingston, Mr,.. penches, plums, prunes OtmtitJ.H. McGowan, Clufi Crest, Optonetrsp »ent' Easter with Mrs. Robert ýDROR Disney Bldg. Allin. ,PLOW f.~ ree of arown rot. . 31 King E. r. Newton Cobbledick re-C OPP. P.o. turned ta Omono last week afterS d by efsio OSHAWA- Phone 5-6143 spending seve rai months wituî 6 ) erFor rp efcto Sqdn. Leader and Mrs. StewartC i formers.Cowan, and Douglas, Ottawa,T doits FIELD lY Oy envy no man what he justly who were also in Orono for Eaz;- 0o MOWER gains, ter weekend and the Cobble- Inp Life's hard battle each must, dick sale. h ~Infight his fight, Visitors with Mrs. Chas. Har- But same me-thinks are honour- ris weue Mms. Wilson, Oshawa, 4in omauoe.gU. LPRO ed for their sin Mr. Frank Harris and son aie oeuoctuineCo. td.And some ignared because they. Franklin, Stouifville, Mr. and Watrlo Ont. do the right, Mrs. E. Fowler and John, Bow-C M. alnceuptela enh& We SERVICE our programs. Some seem ta, find theur fortune nian ville. ublacapuo8mnfa, Seo your Niagara J ealer or readv made, MVr. and Mrs. D. Guster, Port j writeAnd some have missed it how-so- 'Hope. spent Easter with Mrs. Wrtee'em desured McKenna, NIAGRA RAN SPAY O. TO.Theman's a fool who thinks that Miss Jîi Chapman is spend- NIAGRA RAN SPRY 0. LO. hle can grade ing hem Eastem holudays with Mr. Brw r uringiau,, Ont. Society by' what it has acquuured. and Mrs. Jack Chapman.P Phone 774i The noblest souls are oft the! Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Massie and îlle NOW - Niogara Fom e nd r least renowned 1 Miss Eleanor Robinson, Toron- 0 Gardonu Brand fer home gardons I In humbler homes God's greatest.! ta, spent Easter weekend with ________1 men are fnund. iMm. and Mrs. V. Robinson. àï-ý (Cupyrighted> IMm. Meneilley ivisiting Ilus 1week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Strickland and family, London, spent Eas- ter with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Farrell and Mr. and Mrs. Jack iGibson. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Samuel spent the long weekend in To- ron ta. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cornish, Port Perry, visited in Orono Easter Monday. A number of schont children are spending their Easter holi- days assisting on the Forrestry. Mrs. James Rickaby is visit- ing in Montreal. Miss Jean Bu'chanan, Hamil- ton, spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drummond. Mr. Jack Rutherford spent Easter at his home in Coiborne. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Clemence, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pow- ers, Scarboro, visited Mrs. C. Powers and Mr. A. E. Clem- ence. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cochrane and Reed, Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ball were dinner guests Good Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer. Mr. apd Mrs. Gordon Leaman, Judy -and 'Paul, Scâ[rô rb .é, visited relatives on Easter Sun- day. Miss C. Foster spent the Eaj- ter holidays in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hodgson, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Hooper on Easter Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor's infant son age 6 months, died suddenly on Monday.« Business Directory LE GA L W. R. STRIKE. Q. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office 688 - Res. 553 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Teroperance St. - Bowmanville DENTAL DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W.- Bowmanvilte Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a-in. to 12 noon Satu.rday Closed Sunday Office Phone 790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanvltle Office Hours: 9a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Telephone - Office 459 CHIROPRACTIC G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Ofie hirapractor SpecialV1 Paper Products Bldg. 63 Tem)perance St. - Phane 509 Office Hours: ruesday- Thursday - Saturday AUDITING MONTEJTH, MONTEITH. RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N. OsaaPhone 5-4662Onai OPTOMETRY KEITII A. BILLETT Optometrist 141 King St. E. - BowmanvWle Telephone 3252 Office Hours. 9 a.m. to ô Pmn Monday ta Saturday except Wednesda.y 9 - 12 Eveinu, by AppoiaLment ?rTRSDAY,- APRTL 22. 1954 DAN-V DATEOI JAI4E PARKER WHITE BREAD 24-oz 6afl5c Ion& D....,* PEARS A&P Orluice TOMATOES Cole Fruit COCKTAIL A&P chol. i..Gree A&P Choýe. .e.em.d CORN 2 20-oz *rns 25c Bright's PEACHES 2 16-oz Sns 35c A&P Farcy Red Sookeoya SALMON 'A~'s ti 33c Green Giant PEAS 15-oz fSn 19e Ann Page K.ETCHUP H-ooe bd 19C APRIL SHOWER 0F VALUES Florida GrapeFruit JUICE 4-aoen 21 c Stokely Fancy PEAS 2.15-,z îns 3.5c Stokely Fancy Greamed CORN 2 15-,,s 25 c A&P Choice Wax BEANS 120-oztmsZ3c MILO & MELLOW 2ecezts 29c 8M O'CLOCK 2 2e-o~z sns 31Ç COFFEE' 20-oz tin 33e Cleanser R) AJAX 2 êns 27c COC Free Te& 7o"e BREEZE ô.8 plcg 81c E 26-40-60 watt SOLEX BULIS "Ch19C ac Floor Cleanser- NONSUCH ~33e Gant Package.P w I& SPAN pg 73c P Liquid BI.ach B JAVEX 6-e>z ~r e B $off Plolihimg A-PENN WAX 2 pinf f4ms69c 6o APRIL Sl-OWER 0F PRODUCE VALI Goldem Ripe No. 1 BANA&NAS California Pancy Navals, Now At Their Sevt ORA&NGES 5-lbu Californie No. 1, Long Green A&SPARA&GUS Floride No. 1, Freali V.Ilow SWEET"CORN APRIL SHOWER (X SUPER-11GIIT MEAT Y RED OR BLUE BPU" D BEEF Blne .Bon* R*moived B3LADE ROAST Very Meaty SHORT NO ROAST Full Cut SIIOULDER tOA&ST M4ort Cut PRIME RIS ROA&ST Extra Lean, PMNCED BIEF Pure Pork, Smal Lmnk ESSEX SAUSAGE By Thue Pec. BEEF BOLOGNA Lake Erie, Froah Caught PERCH FILLTS 1-lb tin $1.23 CUSTOM GROUMD SP EC IAL JANE PARKER APPLE PIE .49C JANE PARKER qAPBERRYL115 :OANUT BUNS IJLT*AN A EANUT LITTER miîar 31c LIES! 2Ibs 29c cello bag 39ti 1619C 6io, 29c fALUESI1 35 c ib45C Nb 29c Lb43C Nb.l3C 1b 43C GRAI WNOi.l Weterl, EASY PAYMqNT TRM-15% dowî L ander Hai 7 King St. E. Bowmnanvil MS IT AS A IRAILER, TOOI PAGE TEMTMD Yelverton Plans SIT TO CANADA For X-Ray Clinic 7Y To be Held May 3 Spea.king at W.A.'s W.I.'s aind sehools, the committee appoint- ed ta plan for the X-ray Clinie ta be held at Yelverton United Church on May 3rd from 12 until five o'clock in the after- noon are endeavoring ta make known ta the public pertinent facts about tuberculosis. The disease has a higher deatli rate than polio, is an alI-year round disease and strikes peopie of ail ages but T.B. can be cur- «»S LMed if iaetected in the early stages. The only sure way ta * do this is by a chest X-ray. If this survey sponsored by Sthe Northumberland - Durhamn Tuberculosis Association is tc be effective it must reach every home. Other abnorr-nalities sucli as cancer of the lung also show up in the X-ray. These wvere the facts broughit to the attention of canvassers who wîil contact every home in the' west haif of Manvers ia- cluding Lot 1l. These canvas- sers met at the home of Mr. anci Mrs, How,%ard Malcolm on Mon- day evening. Canvassers for West Manvers e of Edinburgh's tour of include Mrs. H. Richardson, over from London, England, Mrs. G. Fisk, Mrs. Wm. Renny, Prime Minister St. Laurent Mrs. C. Curtis, Pontypool; Per- cy Preston, Lloyd Clark, Gor- do ail point-to-point travel don Strong, Ballyduff; John !et in British Columbia, the MeCabe, James Gray, Lotus,; ,s in the Yukon and North Mrs. Jas. Sheckleton, Mr. Ralph he British Commonwealth Malcolmn, Fred Stavcy, Yelver- e Uite Kigdon i sced-ton) Mrs. Fred Bradburn, Mr. ~ UntedKingom s sced-Hildon Johinstoiî, Mrs, Ross Da- vidson, Mrs. Tait, Mrs. Robt. Wright, Mrs. Vertul Staples, One enemy is too rnany; a Mrs. Horace Heaslip and Mrs. hundred friends are flot enoug.GyMGllîaevle -Hindu proverb. Committee in charge of the As 1 grow older I simplifv X-ray Clinie includes Mrs. Floyd bath my science and my reii- Stinson. (Survey Chairman>; gion. Books mean less to rot, Mrs. Clarence Pagle. (Organ- prayers mean Iess; potions, pilis ization); Mrs. Jack Wilson,, and drugs mean less; but peace, (Clinic): Mrs. Dave Wilsonl, friendship, love and a life of (Canvass): Mrs. Howard Mal- usefulness mean mare, infinite- colm, (Supply): and Mrs. Ralph 1y more.-Silas Hubbard, M.D. Malcolm, (Puiblicity). _ t' q r,

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