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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1954, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTEM THE ANAIA1 STAE~MW. OWMAYYLU. L 4ATC I i PRIE I 3303 i Turn Page for Additional Classified BIRTHS BENNETT - Ron and Mary 'Bennett (nee Pickard), are happy to anounce the arrival of their daughter, Heather Lynn, in Oshawa General Hsiao April l4th. Hospita, HOBBS--Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hobbs (nee Vera Lonsberry) are happy to announce the birth of their daugbter, Shelley Marie, on Good Friday, April 16, 1954, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmian- ville. 16-1 MONROE- Mr. and Mrs. FOrbes Monroe (nec Bcrnicc Wighl). are happy to announcc the hirth of a son, Cameron Forbes. at Grace Hospital, Ottawa, on Fi - day, April 9th, a brother for ]Robjin Lee and Murray. 16-1 ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Johnson wish to announice the engage- nrient and coming marriage of their daughitcr, Nancy Loui, to George Flovd.Perbles, son of Mr. and MrsJaflics Peebles, Oshawa. The rparriage will takc place on Mary 22nd, 1954, at 2 p.m., at St. John's Anglican Churcb, Bow- rnanville. 16-1 DEATHS FRIEDLANDER-In New Mt. Simai Hospital, Toronto, on Mon- day, Apri]l 1th, Edwin Fried- lander, belovcu husband of Raye Deline, and dear father of Car- olyn, Jill and DJean. Res;ted at the Funeral Home of Northciitt & Smith, 53 Division St., Bow- manville. Service was held on Wednesday, Apnil 21, 1954, at 2 pro. Interment Bond Head Cemetery, Newcastle. 16-1 McCOY, Anelia --iii Oshawa, on Saturdav, April 17, 1954. A.melia Thoropson, bcloved wife of Simon McCoy, and dear mother of Percy of Lanjgstaff, Garnet of Bowmanville. and Lorne of Brooklin, Verna (Mrs. A. Poult- er> of Oshawa. Rested at the Funeral Home of Northetitt & Smith. 53 Division St., Bowînan- ville. Service was held on Mon- day. April 19, at 2:30) p.m. In- terment Bethesdla Cemetery. 16-1I NOKES-At Cobourg Gcocral Hospital, on Munday, April lth, 1954, Medora Nokes, ini ber 87th year. daughter of the latle Mr. and Mrs. Frcderirk Nokes.i Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapcl, Bowmanville, on Wednesclay, April 21, at 2:30 pro. Intcrmcnt Bowmaniville Cemetery. 16-11 STEPHENS. Ida Blanche- At the1 Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvillc, on Saturdiav, April 17, 1954, Ida Blanchc Stcphlens, in ber R9th year. Reqted at the Firneral Honie of Northicutt & Smith, 53 Division St., Bowma-lnville. Serv- ice was held on Tucesdav-,, April 20, at 2:30 pro. Interment Bow - manville Cemctery. 16-1. Noices To Whýoro If May Concern: The Norroan Irvine wbo eappeared in court necnIIlv, was defioitely not the Norman' Irvine, Proprietor of Irvinc Seerîs, Tauntoni. 1 Free -With each S2.00< gasoline1 sale or $5.00l on repair worki (cash), 1 ticket on 1954 de- luxe Pontiac car. Draw to be inade August 27, 195-4. F. S. Allen & Sons. WRR. :3, Bownman- ville, Ont. Phone 2833, Threc miles west on No. 2 Highwav. 1-tf 1 Articles For Sale 9.7 EVINRUDE outboard, goo condition. Phone 2721. 16 GJRL'S C.C.M. bicycle, like nev Phone 3066. 1H GIRL'S small C.C.M. bicvcl nearly new. Phone 2579. 16-1 QUANTITY of seed oats. Phon 16 - 32, Clarke. 16-2 LATHAM red raspbcrry cane fromi certified canes, 5c eaci Phone Newcastle 2331. 15-2 BEAVER oats. clcancd and treat cd, price $1.25 per bushel. M Vanek. Phone 2947. 14- LARAIN secd oats, governmen seed last year. Cleancd. Phon 2952. 16-1 11ALLICRAFTER, mod. S.77 re ceiver, all-wavc hand sprcad 36 Silver, aftcr 5:30. 16-1 LLOYI) carrnage. silver graY, i good condition. Phone 3451. 16-1: RUBBER-tired wagon, also stoc rack for 9' truck box. Phorg 2480). 16-1: GARDEN tractor for sale, $10 or bcst offer. Phone 612 Clark. C. Smith, Newtonville. 16-1 BEATTY electric washing ma chine, reasonable. Phone 234:ý QUARTER of beef. also mixei graiih. Apply Don Metcalf. Tele phone 2469. 16-1 ONE îîsed No. 18 DeLava creani separator. gond conditior Phone 96 r 13, Blackstock. 16- ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bagE delivered in Bowmanville. Phon 2473. 31-I HEAVY mixed grain, trcated an cleaned, $1 .20 bus. delivered, ali Clinton oats, red dloyen an( timothy seed. Phone 2753. 15-2 TWO baros, 45x24, 45x35;, onq Bean spray machine, farr wagon; cow. For particular Phone R. M. Cale, 805. 16-1' NEW John Bean spray machineý and usedi spray machines. Bol Cale, 312 Liberty St. No rti Bowmanville. Phone 47fi. 15-t STRAWBERRY plants, Dorset Dunlap. $2 per hundred; Rasp, berry, Latharos 4c each. Lairc Maplc Grove, 2109. 16-2' BUILDING 24'x50', tongued anc groovcd lumber, suitable foi bouse, also baled straw. Phonc 2388. 16-1l SAVE on lumber, direct fronr mill to you. Phillips Lumbei Co., Kinmount, ont. Phon( l7rii. 13-ti RED Clover, with touch of aif« alfa, pricc $15 per bushel, alsc heav 'v fccd grain at $45 per ton App]x- Rod Simopson, R. R. 1 Enniskillen. 14-31 USED tomato or tobacco hy« draulic planter, one year nid plantcd onl 'v 25 acres. Chear, for quick sale. Phonie 82 - 5. Orono. 16-2* JUST arrivedi! New Otaco rotary~ Power mowers, only $76.95, at Farin Epuiprocot and Automot- ive, 134 King St. E., Bowman- ville, Phone 689.16- NEW washing macbiîles, ail re- duced 305' to make ror for new models. at Farro Equipment aund Autlomotive, 134 King St., E., Bowmanville, Phonc 689. 16-1 SUFFERING froni backaches, rheuroal ic pain. sciatica, jlm- bago is over if you ] et Bumacaps hclP you to rclicf. Ask y'our dr;îggist. 16-i MAMEY-HARR1S tractor 102 Jr- with puillc. liglits, straight- e'n lever, uscd un 10«< acre farmn <hireec- ears, r;îns and looks like ne\V. l\1arvin Nesbitt. Ncstlefon. 16 -1* BEAVER cals wx-i th a little ban- F or Rent ev: Cartier oiats, pmre, <ire _____ - i$100per hls.: fced xvbeat $1.25 r THREE-ROOM pli-fiiinnt, self- a liî_.Pliicce Bcthiîv 8 - 5. contained. Phone 30ô-4. 16-I Appi. W. Gilbank. Poîiî'pol. ONE rmcm available for buîsiness 1 6_ î<1 g i, with sperial pi ileges - Phone 924. 16-I Farmers - Attention! THREE i-ccms Io rnc ON DA SA E 0 available Max Ist. Sutal *ý,ON DA Se1IE F couple. Plione 350î7. 1(1i USIED TRACrTORS WILL takc cafîle foristr.1 n-or e Egri Bros., R.R. 3, Poiityiool. %Il traetr. rsielyrediîce 16-1* r o make room for neiv stock. ____ -Large number (o ehoose from. THREE loveiy mros, lieated. .AiI models'and makes. with alI coroxenienes; onie sclioci Best offers wiIl be accepted. age child wlxxe Applv Box ONE I)AY ONL1Y, 147, CanadîxîîîStatesniai 16b, Saturday, May Ist EIGHT rooni cottage. ,nei-a eon Easf Beachl. Apply Jat Sweep, 6 Hunt St., Bu-wninil FARM EQUIPMENT PATUF, ica Iaiu li Cc-IlAND AUTOMOTIVE acconimîodate u1W (o 2ý) 1Ieýant 134 King St. E. Phone 689 Water and grass fflentiful. Phîone B 0 W' M .A N VNI 1 L E 222-à. 16-1 16-2 APARTIUENT avxîîl.île lcav 1sf, THE ('LASSIC tbree recuis anxd bath: one or7 B ATI R Oo M S ET twn adults, prefurabiv niiiddîc- age or retired. Telephone 4:34$165 after four. 14-tf eird W anted !A beauti fui Bat brooro Set at a DOG kennel -if youl have a kennel yen lhav-cnocfurther Luse for, please Phone 413, 16-lf TO BUY -Heav%,v nine-piece dinsng rocm suifte. Phone 653. 16-l* LOAN cf incubator fer 0Cisc mnoh. nîtst be.503<-100) eggm- pact. ail ni u-lcctnic. Phone after 5 pîn. Clarke 3933. 16-i DEAD STOCK r<'moved fmo m nour fariî promipt lv for sanifary' di-spousaI. ro-tf,phii<- tol ct: Ce- ourr 12f66 or Tii, ou li EM. 3-3(636i. Çg"duil Youn4Limited. 50-tfi reasonable prime. FEvcrything in Plumbing and Heating Writà Dept. BS-I or Visit Our Showrooms. Open Wedgîcsda> ansd Friday evenings andi ail day Saturday.j for Eastern Ontario Kînwiedge nf <a nning crop production prohiems esseiltial.1 Car mileage and adequate salary offered. Must he experienced ini deaiinz with People ansd abîle to submit reports on activities. 1954, te, end ni tomato canning season. iili inlude organiation- ai work and Promotion of gond ranner-grower relations. Applicants to appiy in writîng t» De S. Swain Ontario Vegetable Growers' Marketing Board. 209 MvNah St. South. HNAMILTON. ONT. hy May 3rd. 1954. State age, experience. qualifications and referenres. For further information contact Mac. Irwin 16-2 Work Wanted RELIABLE girl desires baby- sitting job. Phone 956. 16-1* -GARDEN ploughed and cultivat- ed. Phone 2949. 15-3 GRAVEL and f ii hauled. Phone Newcastle 2146. 13-tf CUSTOM tractor work and garden. Alldread & Son. Phone 496. 16-4* DARLII4GTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for customn killing. Phone 3243. 32-tf WORK for tree planter and tractor, to start at once. Apply W. Richardson, Pontypool. Phone, 81 r 16, Orono. 15-2 Articles For Sale COMING EVENTS lod 250) GALLON ofi tank o legs. Get rid of vour nid furniture -i Phone 3230. 16-1* and furnisbîngs Dy giving to the - - Lions Community Auction Sale. W. JUST received-New shipment Telephone 61.3. 16-6 -1 of modern lamps, a number in modern black wrought iron. See Danîcinig, every Saturday, at le, thero now at Hoopcr's Jewellery Tyrone Hall, to Ted Koss and -1' and Gift Shop, 28 King St. W., bis orchestra. Admission, ladies Bowmanville. Phone 747. 16-1 50c, gentlemen 75c. Sponsored ne by Tyrone Service Club. il-tf. ,2 QUANTITY cf ¾" end match- es cdrapie flooring; gond Beatty Goodyear Empinyees' Recrea- les bay fork and carniage; roroplete tino Club dance, Fniday, Apnil 2*Iset cf tearo harncss and ceai 23rd, at Varroc's Pavilion. Re- -j brooder stove. Phone 2035. creation rocrbers $1.50, non- It 16-l'i merobers $2.50. Orchestra, Lou W. Dewell. Dancing 9 te 1. 15-2 ~VENETIAN BLINDS - Stock -sizes, white or eggshcll siats, Reserve Saturday May' 8fh for nit plastic or rloth roatching tapes.i a Mother's Day tea, sale of home ne Made - f0 - iîcasurc blinds a baking and bazaar ai St. Paul's specialty; free installation; 28 Church at 3 pro., auspices St. -tape and siat celons. Morris Ce. Paul's Evcninig W.A. 16-lf le Phone 4801. 10-tf -___ id. - Amnateur show, sponsored by l* STEWARTS fresh gairclen sccds Solina C.G.1.T., in flie Commun - - in bulk mean more for your itv Hall, Fridav, May 7fh, 8:15 in rooney. Cent. secd potatees pro1. Kindlly mnail enfries to Mrs. gladiolus and tuberous begonia Raiph Davis, R.R. 1, Haniptun, * bulbs, fertilizers, etc. Shop now, Ontario, or phiono Bewmanville - avoid the rush. Stcwar t's 2413. 15-2 k Seeds. 15-1---tf ej Sprnng fea lu bc heldin iiTrin- Singer ity Chuîrcb, Frida *v, Apt-il 30, 3 - leS5 o'clock, under auspices Mrs. e' S ewing Machine Co. Pu rdon's W. A. Grotîp. Articles 1. * for sale. Touch and fake table. - FOR SERVICE - PIIONE Tea, 35c. 16-14- 3. IBowmanville 3649 Dance, at Newtonville Coro *14-tf munifv Hall, on Friday, April1 23 te the niusic cf the Ontarioe dRange, Riders. Round and square( Te- T L E dancing. 9 - 1 aro. Ad-t Supplied and Laid mission 50C. 16-1* RIl CERAMIC - PLASTIC i. RURBER - MARBOLEUM Newtonville Womcn' Associa- - H.e G. H E A L Aieac"b ntikllntleto :SI e202 BwmnileFriday, April 31<fh, at 8, in tf9-tf t.bc Commîînity Hall. Admoissionî 50c aod 25c. 16-1 id USED Ford tractor, 1 used D. ;o O. Case fractor, 1 used M.-H. On Monda)' evening, Apnil 26, d tracter, used mranlîe spreaders, Enniskillen will prescrit their *1 used refnigerafer, used harv- play, "Happins Ahead" in the esters. FuIl i ne new equiprocot, Recreafional Centre, Blacksfork, le wirc fence, bai-b wire, steel posts, for the Badminton Club. Ad- n refigerator and deep freeze. mission 50c and 25c. 16-1* s W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, King St. W., Bowroaovillc. Phone 497. "It's Out cf This World" 3-act 16-1 romed)'-draroa, presented hy s Blackstock Y.P.U., ai Solina b REFRIGERATORS ail redniced Coomiiiity Hall. On tlie sanie n, f0 clear, 30% off on 1953 roocels, prograro fbnill to Billy Wade and f save now on 8.2 to 10.5 cu. ft. I is druîîis between arts. Timne tmodels. Come in and sec wbat 8 pro. Date, April 23, and ad- )a bargain these arc. Miîst bc mission 50c anîd 25c, 15-2 j.rlcarcd te make rooro for 1954 mrodels coroing in, at Farro "Corne Ouf cf Youir Comia", an -Equipment and Autorootive,134 bilanicuis comed by Blarksfock d King St. E., Bewmanville. Phione Hiigli School Dramnafir Club, will ir 689. 16-1 bc prescnited in the Orange Hall. le Pontypool, on Friday, Apnil 30. *DRAPERIES and venetian blinds Admission 50)c and 25c. Sponsor- -custom made, or draperies sold cd hy Maîîvers and Pony pool n hy the yard. Our representative y'.p.U. 16-1 rwill calat your home any time ewith a complete range of samples 99Oh! Auint Jerusha"I--A 3-art fand suggestions without obliga- corocdy and varief neran tiono. Free estimates and free ilmn b îriy nertCome -stallatioh within 35-milearea. Double Cluib in Orono Town lo Lowest prices in town. Fabrie Hall, Fridaw', April 2.3rd, 8:15 IP Town, 59 King St. W. Phone po cmsiî,5cad2c S3609, Bowmanville. 8-tf Sponsored by Newcastle-Orono Y.P.U. 15-2* B ugs, uroauioom Sf.. George's Day f teand i SAVE 50%. New Rugs Made hazaai- sponsurdh\'Ex'eîing 0 ifroits our Old Rugs, Carpets, Branrh ai St. John's Cliuirrh,' Woollens, etc. F r jd aY, Apîril 23rd, frein 2:30 fo (e nySp. o. BPaz<iar tberummag f( Dominion Bmug Weaving and home baking. This bazaar a t Company belps to raise funds for Rev. Toro Phone 3446 Boivmanville Dusfan's wnirk in India. 16-1- 49-tf I ______________________ l'liTe Bowinanville Ladies' Hos- pa1 AulxiliarýY prescitfs the See me for remarkablv tpla, 'îapPiness Ahcad", by the £tn ikhlnDramiafieC roup in L 0W RATES ON the Town Hall Bnwranviîe, at A U O NS RA CE Açlmission 5lc. Also marathon S tale Farm Mulual! adan CVillae holding Can- annal open mccl ing ou Moîîdav DIRK BRINKMAN April 6h. in Si. John's ParishýP Cor. Mill and Monroe Streets er Mr. Thonias Patter-soii, ofr 1Newcastle Phone 3671 il,. Sîrnîford Shakespearcan ___________________ 16-1 Fstivali. Al ladies wclconie. THE Department cf Landîs and .16-P, Flrsî xill hold al sale cfftcoOn The (îid ellows annd Rebekabs fiscafIed fîshing ackle and ois~- lr pnoxga(ac nT <elaeoîsarticles at Di slrictj arc xoxo a vdance AiTown, i office ieI.îd;'onIllie dales of i <9 )ex'LOUîxpi April sit,2 i. aud ' <I îxîso:<~,1îa f Fowmiv\ile(, i fiorn 9:00<)au.niluIo :0<) pr.niand at dur nfrsxmlt rvd 7<10pro lu9:0 pi.: 7 scelAudmoission $]1.()o p<er person. Pro- and lulu caihlu bxs aiu.1- -1ULLDOZING and EXCAVATING TRENCHING and LOADING BY HOUR OR CONTRACT - Free Estimates Given - WM. TRJPP PORT PERRY R. R. 2 PIHONES: Res. 109r42, Office 392 22-tf Phone 3613 FOR PROMPT SERVICE on your Plumihing and Heating PRO BL EM S LOW DOWN PAYMENT - EASY TERMS ON New Installations 9. A. KILPATRICKoal 48-tf FURNACES Air Conditioning Ou Burners Real Estate For Sale BACK kitchen 14'x18', joining lean-to l0'x18', suitable for housè. Must be nioved. Phone 2356. 16-1 SEVEN-roomn frame bouse, ga- rage in Hampton, V4 acre land, Iow down payment. Phone Bow- manville 2012. 16-2 FIVE-room, two-storey semi-de- tached frame bouse, newly dec- orated; garage, good garden. Apply 188 King E., Bowmanville. 16-2 100 ACRE ranch of bush and pasture land, with never-failing creek. No buildings. Lot 23, Con. 9, Cartwright. If interest- ed, write Allan Suggitt, Port Perry, Ont. 61 IN BOWMANVILLE, six-roonr 1l½ý storcy brick bouse, sun rooro thrce bedrooms, oil heated, ga. rage. centrally located in resi. dential section. Immediate poss- ession. Phone 833, Bowmanville 15 -:ý H. G. 'Hap' GILL REAL eSTATE In Bowmanville, large build- î ng lot. May be broken up intc sma]ler building lots. See me on this one at $600. H. G. "Hap" Guli Real Estate 8 Second St. Phone 3514 Bowmanville 16-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented, Managed and Apprajsed L. M. ALLISON Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks forth of traffie signal, Newcastle. 20-tf GERMAN lady would like pari or full time housework. Apply Mrs. Zillinger, 143 Duke St., Bown-îanvillc. 15-2* I, HARRY Farrow, will continue ploughing and cuiltivating gard- ens as mv father has donc. Phone 329b or 3607. 16-1* BULLDOZING and excavating, gravel fili and loaro. By hour or contract. Gerald Balson. Phione 2733, Bowmanville. 16-4* DON Brooks, carpenter, con- tractor-Ali types of remodeli- ing and kitchen cupboards; builder of ncw homes. Free estimates. Phone Oshawa 5-0650, Bowroanville 602. 6-tf LET us iandscape or keelq your garden in top condition. With our Roto-tiller youi cao have three openations cut down to one. Sec us for fast service. H. Van Belle. 18 Mill Lane. Phone 757, Bowmavile. 16-3 BONDED brakes, no rivets, lasIt longer; we stock brake shoes al ready to go for Fond, Chev., Pontiac, Plymouth, Dodge. We cao bond any set for you with our own bonding equipmcnt. Bob Stocker's Garage, Bowroan- ville. Phone 804. 14-4* Masonry Construction BRICK - BLOCK - CONCRETE Free Estimates ANGER ERGS. PHONE-2643 or 3375 42-tf SAVE MONEY AT D AVfE'S SHOE REPAIR SKATES SHARPENED 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (4in rear) 47-tf Concrete and Mason Work L. TURNER Phone 3600 Evenings 3226 P. O. Box 177 Bowmanville 13-tf 3RAKE work is our specialty. Brake drum lathing for ahl sizes of car or truck brake drumos. Brakes relirîcd, bonded or nivete- ed. We are especially equipped for h.ydraulic brakes, overhaul. and repairs. Bob Stocker's Ga- age, Bowmanville. Phone 804. 14-4* J. VAN NEST OFFERS $l1,500 - $3,000t cash- 8 rooro brick, well located, bot water heafed, modemn kitrh- en, hathroom. Splendid income home. $5,0) - $2,500 cash- 4 roo r iame, outsîde finiish- cd, fui] basement, bydro, kitch- en cuphoards, sub floors, ii..are lot. Maple Grove. A good huy. $10,000 - Ters- Wcod-working shcp, f ui11 y equipped, aIse hothouse building, 5 rono bungalow, modern kifch- en, small fruit, '-acre lot. Even)'fhing included in this ask- ing pnire. Owner retiing. Farro, 175 acres, 25 ares bard- wcod bush. Plent y cf haros, seven mcmr frame house. Ask- îng $8,00(0 with $2,000t cash. Own- er refiriîîg. We bave ofhens fa choose fro. REAL ESTATE 2 Coocession West Phone 32301 16-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE $5,0010--3 nooro bunigalow, bYdro, furoace, insulated, bard- wrood floors, gai-age, well, gond lot, possession 30 days. $1 1,5<1<) Attractive 5 rooro brick bungalow, large living and dioing monro, modemn kitchen' bathroom with sower, air c-0' dtied, v.banwod lons, isul-m ate, eneia blnd, stenro-1MIIiu iyuwn omK doors and screens, grageulra o-ney. Jobn a progressive Sheet Metal ork modern in design thmougheut.. compaoy. Sel oseIdnee EXPERENCE OUNTS Make offer-4 mooro frame ities and rosmetics. Evcny bouse EXPERENCE OUNS j bouse, 3 pc. bath, furnare, insul-_ lin vouiO lennitnry a poteotial Reai Estate For Sale FOR sale - solid brick house, good garden and garage, suitable for tourist home or duplex, very. desirable location. Situated on Walton Street, Port Hope. May be seen by appointment. Apply to John Nichols, 15 King St., Port Hope. 15-2 Pedwell Real Estate $ 9,500 -200 acres in Manvers Township, includîng 2 horses, 2 cows, ail farro machinery and feed, 65 acres of virgin timber, running creek, close to school and village, 100 acres, good workable land, immediate possess- AIICTION SALES I have been favoured with - structions f rom Mrs. B«tty Stintson to seli by public auction, on Saturday, May lst, commenc:. ing at 1, ber househod effects. Sale to be held in.?j~j at the exhibition grounds, Oro?. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auctioer eer. Lawrence Harris, clerk. 16-1 SALE ABERDEEN ANGUTS CATTLE Peterborough Fair 'Groqa MAY lst, 1:00 p.m Sponsored hy the Eastern.."0 tario Aberdeen Angus Club. A excellent opportunitv to get a start in purebred cattie at yoau EXPERIENCED operatons on leather gloves - mitfs. Apply in persoîî af Glove Factony, 58 Kin," St. West, Bowi-anville. 16-i * DUTCH girl fer genierai bouise- work, moust speak English reas- oably wcll, refeences desiîed. Apply Box 146, e/o Cananlian Stalesman, Bowroanville. 16-1 SPAIN--Ncw airfields coostrxir- fion. Cootrart. High îîay. Fane paid. Information, application guide, $1.00. Frank Gaskill, McYCO, Box 252, Kenda le, Wash., USA. 1- RAWLEIGH business 00W open 10 Bcxvranvillc. Trade well csfahlisbed. Excellent opportun- ity. Full fime. Wrife at once. Rawleigh's Dept. D -140-189,1 Monfreai. 16-2 - . -, j omer- IUii. NO du]il season- vv ore- DANCE RECITAL 11clse1t1schol. -5 rooro frame samirvou max' Delor- DAVI & G. ouse on lange lot, hieavy wîr- iroier, Dept. 1, Montre-al. 16-Il B the P1 of îo~~~~~ig. furnace, low taxes, well, cron, ______________ Y te UpilS O 2 Mill Lane Bowmanville1 paved road. Lilan M eMas, Phone - Day or Night, 3412 - 691 a3,00- room frame bouse, Seed For Sale D.E.A. rents for $40.00) per mont h ga- SEEDS, goveroment fested, No. \Vanted To Buy rage, on No. 2'Higbwa.v. I lodvers, grasses, permanen't atv~u un 5154- 6.006rooro brick semi-de- pasture mixtures, etc. Bulk SatudayJun 5, 954LAWN roller. Phone 757. 16-1* i acbed, bath, furnace, hardwood garden seeds in stock now. 2:3, t TwnHal SUAR tmbe, 2"-- -25 floors, modern kitchenvenetian Stewart's Seeds, Bowmanville., ADMISSION Poe43 61condition, storros and screens, Ad.I~ ~- hiden201 BEFORE seliing your live poul- possession aranged. e cr Aduis 35 Chidr-n20etry. try us. Our prices are high- $3,0010, Sl,S<)0 dowîî --6 rooîî Tickets availabie from Pupils er. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. frame bouse, ½, acre lot, iow REPAIBS toalal makes cf refrig- or at Lions Centre. i Phone 7 r 13. Reverse charges. taxes, insulated and heavy wir-lerators, domestir and commer- I lS~* I51-tf iog. Iromediate possessioin. cia 1: milking roolers. Higgcn' Grocery store; snack bar witbjElectric, 42 King St. E. Phone; Teacher Wanted WANTED-Live poultry, gnose living quarters, woodworking!438. 25-tf feathers, feather ticks, srap: plant, faro, stock and roilký con-I TECER waîîted for one rooin imon, rags and metals. Rawitract, 2<00 acres withbharo, $251 Personal rural school with sroall enroll- furs and deerskins. Phono 3-2043 I an acre. - - - - --____ ment, witliin fhnee miles cf No . Oshawa, collect. 46-tfI Many more bouses, farms, 'HYGIENIC supplies - (rubber 35 and No. 2 Higliwa s.,Min- j usinesses, lots. etc., gonds) roailed postpaid in plain i ioîuoî sxaax' 2,«0<J, usuL .lore- j ooms to Rent James Nixon, Broker !snaied <--lvelope with price list mnlts. Dîtties to commence Howard Philp, Salesman Six saroples 25c, 24 samp)les. Septcnibc. ApplxY A. G. Pet-rno,! WE bave a few rooros available Office, 85 King St. E. Dial 713 $1.001. Mail Onden Du-pt, f'-28,1 Seçretanvý, R.R. 2, reasonable wveekly rates. TeRs 8 r22 f%-ibe oBx9,la- Phone Clarke 3912. 16-1* Balmoral liotel. me Re. 82 r 62<> ilon-, Ont ., 1Hr-.2 Opportunities BECOME a bookkeeper, stenog- rapher, or tyvpist. Lessons 50c. Canadiain Correspondieoce Cours- es, 1290) Bay SI., Toronto. 15-2* Turn Page for Additional Cassifieds The (anadian StatesniaS CLASSIFIEI) ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCE. FOR SALE FOR RENT ' HELP WANTED CARS FOR SALE LOST ' FOUND - ETC. Coash Bate. - « c pet word with a minimum of Soc Muet be paîd by date of insertion Il charged, an cadditional 26c wiii ha ridded- A charge of 25c wîil ho merde for cil replies directed ta this o NOTICES . -COMING C;EVEF' AND CARDS r rfN air a Word wîth a minimum et s 1 . 0 for 33 w ord s or ls *, BIRTHS . ENGAGEME MARRIAGES . $1.00 1par insertio IN MEMORIAM $1.00plus Ioc a fine fle verse COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS Inr:llidei; ail advertisinq foi pprsons% or firma gellin q services. ideas or gonds of any description -3c per word; minimum charge 75c cash wth order. To roqular odvertîsers. payable monthly. Oîspiay Clansîfed ai 31.50 pet ,nrch wih clmini1mum of an& * nch. Adduîîom 1 in sert ions ai the same rates. AIl Ciaiissîied Ads. muhet ho in 12 is oice not Inter ihn 120clock noon. Wednasday. Send cash. siamps or mon@y order and save monoy. Clp ibis out lor handy referonce --w- ------~- I. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 15 room bouse, solid brick, 4 apartments each with owr entrance and batbroom, three garages. $9,500. 6 rooro bouse, brick veneer, large modern kitchen, built ini cupboards and stove, laundry tubs and other extras; garage, large lot. Well buiît 7 rooro, 2-storey bouse, centrally located, large brigbt rooros, hardwood floors, ail conveniences, garage. $11,000. Building lots, bungalows and apartment bouses for sale. Mrs. A. P. Jansen Bowmanville il Duke St. Phone 3309 Local agent for John F. DeWith, Realtor 16-1 This Office will be Closed Three Weeks from April 151h Kindly Phone Oshawa 3-4534 for any business inquiries. J. P. AMan, Broker Oshawa - Ajax - Weston Mrs. M. E. Leask, Local Agent' 65 Ontario St. Phone 919 Bowrnanvllle 15-3 n$11,000 -100 acres. 8 room f rame -"The 'offei'ing includes thme bouse. bank haro, double maies and 25 females cf modern deck ben bouse 30'x60', type and blond ulnes. Many o: i- garage, h *ydmo tbrougb- the feroales witb calves at foot out, 12 acres of fali and bned heifers. * w'bcaf, $2,500 down will A really sonid investroent for 2 handle. ncw or cstahlished breeders. - $ 4,800 -50 acres, ail workabîe. Includes aninmais fror opo h aro equipped with %tan- Canadian Herds. The fime i 1- chions and litfer carriers; riglît te hîîv rigbf. 0frame bouse 25'x3ff, Dunean Brown, Auctioneer ehy' dro in ail buildings, E. K. Pearson, Serretary, telephone. new wire fenc- Newmarket, Ontario. îng. on gravel road, haîf 16-1 4cash. _______________ H . C. Pedwell Livestock For Sale BROKER SMALL heifer calves. Apply Newcastle Phone 38-SSL Austin Wood. Phone 2388. 16-1* 16-1 ONE rcgisfered Hereford bull, DeWITH REAL ESTATE 21,' years old. Apply Clarence 120 acre farro, north-west of Aluin. Phone Orono 25 - 7. 16-2* Bowoariville, with 100 acres' workable gond day loaro land,' 9 SOW and ciglît pigs, fhree weeks acres of wood, rreek, close to old. Walter Ferguson. Phone ,f school and cburcb, L-shape baok 2,329. 16-1* haro, pig pens. ben bouse; 10 EIGHT pigs, 8 weeks old, also roomed brick house, wif h furnace two young sows just hred. Apply and fulîl cellar. Down payroent Reford Cameron. Phone 2537. «arraoged. Asking pnice $13,000. 16-1 759 acre farro with creek, some wood, large harn, chicken bouse, SOW and 12 pigs four weeks old 8 roomed good frai-e bouse, good Apply Lomne Hoskin, R.R. 1, water supply. Close f0 school. Burketon, Phone Blackstock *Asking pnice $11.000. Terms. 89 r 3. 16-1 55 acre farm norfh-west Bow- manville, with 85x26 ff. hank DAY-OLD and sfarted ehicks. haro, with stahling, pig peos, Two batches weekly. For price hen bouse, close te school, 6 list, write or telephone. H. J. acres cf fail wbeat, 16 acres Brooks, Phone 2636, enwman- mixed bay, rest ready for spring ville, Ontario. 3-tf cm1 irne buewihfm- BRED Yorkshire gilf s, eligible to. are, hydre throughout. Prire register; Clyde roare12yas $6,50. Trms.1,600 lhs. Bill Ferguson. Nestle- 85 acre farro, with creek, 10 ton. Phone Blackstock 5 -23. acres of wood, 50x30 ft. barn, cemeot floors, garage: 7 rooroed 16-1* claphoard bouse with rellar, YOUNG sows due i May, ais hydro fbrougbout, on gond road. six secfions of harrows in ex- Frire $6,500. Easy terros. relIent condifion. Apply Ivan 200 acres of land, with barn, Mountjoy. Phone Blackstoek creek, net far fron-1 village, on 87 r 4. 16-l* gond road. Asking pnire $5.500. Terros. HOLSTEIN beifer due te twh. 5 acres cf level land on a high- en in one week $135; DJMM way, close f0 Bowroanville, wif h ccxv due oow; serviceable age 60xl8 ft. fnundation for green- Holstein buill; four months old bouse or bnuse; well, chimney, Yorkshire boar. Phone 2365. wifh or wifhout materia fo 16-1 greenhouse. Frice arane.______________ Terros. P t 6 roomed brick veneer bouse P t For Sale with bafbrooro il furnace,& electrir beater, water pressure, THREE Collie puppies. Phone bardwood floors throughout: 2155. 16-1 large lot, on bighway. Asking CNREcoc igryl price $1 1,000. Terros. CNREcoc igryl 6 roomcd brick veocer bouse. 1ow orange and moflled. Im- with new furoace. batlîroom, poecd fror o Heland. Phone electnie beafer, hardwood floors 6,55. 16-1* fhrcughout, modemn kilclien,_______________ garage, etc. Asking price $11,000. Terms. 1_oom-Board Wanted 6 roomed brick bouse, New- j -___________ castle, with bafbrcom, kitchen. ROOM or neoro and board with sunporch and full cellar, oul privileges cf felephone, etc. bealed, running bot aod celd App)' Box 148, c/o Canadian xvatcr, lauindry tubs, doub le lot. Statesman. 16-1 Frire $7,500. Terros. Besides the above mentioncd C o properties we have approxiroafe- CarsFo Sale e ly 30 othens <o eboose froro. -- Contact 1947 BLCK Chex'.coach, ex- John F. DeWith, Realtor. celleot condifion. Phonîe 560. Newcastle Pbone 3.141 ____ _16-1 16-I 19,50 AUSTIN sedan, gond con- dition, low mileage, good tires. Help WNanted Apply Miss Florence Werry. Phone 3445. 16-4* ýPORT HOPE TEM VANADUN STATUMM. BOWMANVBJa ONTAM tommognm àý mL ý 1%ý

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