PAGE SIX for a good yield. The l ie Junior. iarmeirs miear Tail, that the weeds were taking up the moistilre and plant nutrientsi needèd by the good plantsand By A s .A r R p a r w therefore 3hould be rmvdb frequent cultivation la replaced by the modern practice of spray- O n e h d of Spring.Seeding ing the weeds with commercial peparations. Thus cuitivation, texcept in the initial stages, is <Betty MeHolm, Welcome) planting alfaifa, you %Will not eliminated, with gratifying e- "You wouldn't buy a 1915 get good resuits on acid sioil, orsut.Crmutbtaeh - model automobile to drive a- on very amplad. Aydon lme ever, that good plants are flot round in this modern age, s o jutayfilmado or damnaged along with the weeds. harm than good, because it will The ester fomm of 2-4-D was tak- wh3' should farmers be content tie up other necessary plant en as an example of this. Beîng to plant varieties of seed grain nutrients and thus you will very volatile, it is dangerous to which were deveioped 25 or 30 oetepieoth lm an uscoet afldftmte. years ago?" asked Assistant Hep.aloe t th h e ofetelie and usecle t a fieof tgomtfor Jay Brown as he spoke to overasotaoftefrizeYUIThtansftegou fr twenty Hope Township Junior apply. ithe excellent coverage of the Farmers at Campbellcroft Hall Fertilization is necessary to in- topic was expressed by Roy Mc- on April 13, using as his topic, sure that the proper plant Holm. Sec'y-Trreas. Marg. Aiken -Spring Seeding.' tt ae ,o e vil eported a substantial profit nurients aeging tob aal from the "hard tîmes" dance There has been equally as, able in the soul. There can oel1held on March 28, It was an- much progress in the seed grain no general recommendation of nounced that we hope to have field as in automobile sty les, he the type of fertilizer to be used, present at our next meeting on stated. But many farmers are but specific instructions can be May 11, Miss Eleanor Saîracuse stili sowing inferior seed and given foilowing individual soil who is Fieidman for the Ontario planting bushels of weed seeds analvsis. Tests have shown that Folk School Council, to lead in every year. New varieties of too little fertilizer means small- an evening of folk dancing. î seed are sent out to various parts er yields, and aiso that too much Dave Wilson lead the ecrea- of the province from the Exper- fertilizer will flot increase the tion period which was followed imeA'tal Farms to be tested un- ' ie1d in proportion to the cost of by dancing to records, and lunch dem local conditions. In Dur- the extra material.. Trace ele- evdbMaiyBrso an ham County last year there were. ments lacking in local conditions huh erv HbyMlynBito.n test plots at Robert Armstrong's, nia be supplied in commercial Rt com Ida; and at Browview Fanms, fertilizers. MagnesùUm seems to Newcastle. These will tell the be the local deticienicy so potato M local farme?, for instance. wheth- growers may apply magnesium MORRISfl er he shouid stick to the old sulphate 10 their land. standby Beaver Oats. or switch The care of the crop plavs an W. A. met April 14 at Mrs. M. to the newer variety, Simncoe important part, also. in poduc- J. Osborne's' with 13 members Oats. ing9 the optimum yieid. It may 1 visitor and 3 children present. The prepamation of the soil is interest you to know tha t cuit- Pre sident Mrs., Wm .Marvin aiso very important. If you are ivation is no longer necessary opened the meeting. Secretary, Signature *Vacation expenses *Seasonal needs *Car or home nepairs I S - -uuiepn CAR oit PURNITURIE for One-dav service Sprîg - umme No ankable securlty i*eded Spr*ng SummeSensible tcrmns - nie ed s ~.. p 10 24 mo nths torepay Phone or corne in today for j fast, friendly service! HOUSEHOLO -FINANCE 111/2 SIMCOO St.South, »scond floor, phono Oshao 5- 1139 OSHAWA, ONT. FORT HOPESBRANCHS 71 Wolton St., 2nd floor, phone 3050 It was decided to appoint a de- Jegate to contact Rev. A. W. Harding with the request that he called a Congregationai meet- ing to discuss the necessary me- pairs and re-decoration of the church so badly needed. Mrs.ý Wm. Marvin invited the ladies to her home for the May meet- ing. Regular offering was taken up by Mrs. Haines, also special Easter W.M.S. offering which amounted to $11. A missionary story was told by Mrs. J. Bmim- acomb, missionary convenor. De- votional reading was given by Mns. M. J. Osborne and lesson thoughts with prayer by Mms. Harry Beckett. Mrs. Frank An- derson, by request, read a most i nt enre st ing paper "Easter Thoughts". A vocal duet, "In a Garden bby Mns. Haines and Mrs. Beckett was very much en- joyed. A meading, "The Easter Dawn" was read by Mrs. Wm. McHolm. These three items to-' gether with the devotional read- ings combined to make a vemy THE CANArnAN sATWsmA. BowANvmLrT w NM'AiiTI Harry Bigelow Mr&. George B owems and Mr. D urham Cty. Club Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rowland, Wilfrid Vine attended Open Ottawk, with Mm. and Mrs. Walt- House at Port Permy Public E lect Officers and er Rowland. School on Tuesday evening Mr. and Mms. Harold Phillips, when Mrs. Arnold Williams' Committees '54-.55 Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Mont- Grade 4 pupils, also Grade 5 and gomery and Darreli, Mr. and 6 presented a demonstration nf As s te csto th fialMrs. George Pinch and son Paul, their womk. As s te csto th fialPeterbomough, with Mr. and Mms. Mr. Fred Hyland returned meeting of the season of the William Phillips. home from Port Pemmy Hospital Durham County Club, held Mr. and Mrs. Norman 'Wilson iast' Sunday vemy much imptov- Mamch 25, to elect offîicers and and daughtems, Nomma, Anne and cd in health. Committees for next season, Barbara with Mm. and Mrs. T. J. Ronald Vliger also returned the foilowing were elected for Jackson. home afte r spending three dayv the 1954-55 season:I Mrs. J. P. Henderson is in l Port Permy Hospital. Ronald Immediate Past President - Tomonto -visiting with Mr. and; was stmuck by a car afto,' Mr. 0. J. Henderson; President, Mrs. Gordon Henderson. alighting from the school bus Mr, Alan A. Martin: Ist Vice! Miss Patricia McBean is spend- and cossing to his own gate- Pres.-Mr. W. E. Austin; 2nd ing Easter vacation wîth her way. Fiends are g]ad to know Vice Pres.-Mr. J. P. Lovekin; mother in Bainseville. Ronnie was not seriously hurt. 3rd Vice Pres.-Dr. O. O. Wor- Mr. and Mrs. Manseil Wright Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- den; Recording Sec'y - Mi.i.s motored to Tara to visit Mrs. T. son visited Mr. and Mms. Nor- .îMcClelland. man Warmington and Jiil, ~lMiss Muriel Flett is with her Scarboro. 1family at Fenelon Falls for East- Misses Gwen and Eunice Wil- ~ervacation. son and Elaine Thompson are Mr. Cameron Rowan, Queen's spending the Easter holidays at parnts M. ad Ms.Walerexamination in Oshawa on Rowan.Thursday. Mr. nd rs.Arntt Nalsand Mr.Donald Proutt is holiday-, daugterShileyTornto wit in athome since finishing bis Mr. and Mns. Clarence Neais. winter's position with Mr. Miss Mildred Sisson, Tononto, Stanford Van Camp. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Friends are pleased to knowv Ja ri. adMs a'i adr Mrs. Lewis Fitze is improving r.a .H l adr niceiy foiiowing an operation in son visited relatives in Toronto Port Perr Community Hospi- on Friday. tai on Thursday. Mr. Normian Loes North Miss Joyce Reid. Niagara Bay Mr Hber Lwes Lake Falls, spent the weekend with' Shurst, and Miss Margaret Lowes, lier i-other. P eterborough, with their parents, Alan A. Martini Tucker Couch; Press Sec'y - Miss Aleen Aked; Tregsurer - Mr. G. T. Werry, Auditor-Mm. L. W, Kerr; Refreshment Con- vener-Mrs. L. Keat. Committees Membership-Mr. A. R. Cou- sins (Chairman); Mm. C. R. Lovekin, Mr. Ed. Yougman, Dr. N. Found, Mrs. R. Lowemy. Welfare - Mn. Bruce Mde.den (Chairman); Miss Jessie Reid, Miss Audrey McLeod, Mms. W. T. Willamd. Program-Mr. A. A. Martin (Chairman), Mm. O. J. Hender- son, Dr. and Mms. L. B. Williams,j Mr, D. S. Linden. Reception-Mrs. C. R. Love- kmn (Chaimman), Mrs. O. J. Henderson. fitting Easter pnogam. Jackson, 2. Mms. G. J. Spicer, 3. JA move was then made to Mms. J. H. Faim, 4. Mrs. O. J. GerifoI Amutident Special the dining room. toenjoy the so- Henderson. 5. Mms. C. R. Burley. Vitaln Frtiled ron omepovided by the lunch commit- Llquld or Tab Io net.2Ttubs5e ietee, Mms. Harold Osborne andPO T O L Liquid r Tablts Toot PasteMiss Beckett, and a special Eas- O T P L ter surprise of ice cneam given Bothfor69cby Mrs. M. J. Osborne. A hear-a L.O.L. 82 met April l2th with $3.29 oth fo 69C t voteof thanka proposed b good attendance when W Bro. the president to these ladies, in- Lorne Bowins was presented cluding Mns. Haines as joint with a Past Master's Jewel.1 Bro. T on! Trio - Regular, Super and Genfle host ess, was caried. Bowins has been financiai sec- g ,Mission Band met in the retary for sevemal years, and also school April In the ab- has been very active in the Flute Gvsyua hie - 17 sence of the leader, Mrs. Harry Band. Considerable regret was Beckett, leadership was taken expressed by members as he ToniSpinCurers .29by Miss C. Hutchinson. has moved to Omono. *Minutes wéme read by secre- Many holiday visitons wene in tany George Anderson and sign- the village over the weekend, in- Lunched by president Stanley Ellis, cluding Mr. and Mrs. Norton Lnh Larvex Bombs ... 50 Noxzema George also called the roll. Joan Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Don Kit. ave prySpecials Marvin and Marie were respon- Chambers, Mn. and Mms. Raiph --rve-S-ra 93e -1.43 sibie for devotional period. The Sharpe and Mn. and Mrs. Harry $25 Larvex and Sprayer- 1.50 98e -1.25 stony was ead by Miss Hutchin- Hardy, ail of Toronto. Moth Crystals - ---- 59c son. 20 present. Mn. Ken Moses had a very Mm. Neil Anderson, Brantford, successful àuction sale on Satur- Thermos Inseet Bomb___ 89 - 1.39 Multiple is home for the Easter vacation. day. Botties Moth Blocks 15e -25e Vitamins Another social evening was A large number of the comm- 1.8 - .98 Spryer ..-- ~.. -39 1.5-250-.25 heid April 15, at the home of unity were at the Orange Hall Mm.andMr. Harod sboneonWednesday night for thej when 13 tables of euchre were Presentation and dance for Mr.ý piayed and the usual prizes and Mns. Lorne Bowins and, Wampole's Phosopholecithin Dr. Chase's were awanded. This makes the Sandra. The address was read Nerve Food and Tonte Nerve Food and Tablets llth of such evenings with the by Mrs. Fred Youngman. Both pleasing resuit that over $200 Mm. and Mrs. Bowins thanke 1.5will now swell the fund toward the donons and committee forý 1.579c - 1.98 the repairs and re-decoration of their gifts. Short speeches e' ______________________________________ the Chunch. made by Orme Miller, Charles' Chumch services was held at Chapman, George Chapman and, 10 a.m. on Easter with an aver.- John Payne. Good music was Baby Scales for Rent age congregation. A pot Of provided by Miss Lily Richard- beautiful Easter hules emphasiz- son and Mn. Ken Neal. A good ed the spirit of Easter. The lunch was served and a -very ,S Easter message was thoughtful- enjoyable time was had by ail. ly expmessed by Mm. Hamding in A grass f ire near the home of his sermon. Easter hymns and Jack Homner On Sunday Was C O W L IN Gthe quiet service of The Lond's stopped before much hanm was C OL G SSupper inkddan impressive dob0 Qick wprkIebyth PHODUNTREE WE MIT Es ________eric,____ous rvete mr 695 DR G - l O E TRUSSES serious damage being done. ___ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ E veop Union was held in Pontypool -. toay. ecentl.y. A good speaker was Spresent and svr more joined M a sion took place in regard to, matters concerning the farmers. ACRgrMss ,... alClinton, and Mn. andMrs. Pat M * lMoses, Oshawa, .were weekend gu~ests with Mn. and Mns. Kenos. ** Mn. and Mrs. Charles Best M, wene Sunday visitons with Mm. a and Mrs. Roy Simpson. BETHANY * a Theme were many visitons in Mlhe village for the holiday week- end. a Mr and Mrs Lammy Igan RýCevàndOhio; Mr. and Mrs., Joanl McGill, Toronto, and Miss, a onMcGill, Peterborough, ih M MrMm and Mrs. James McKinnon., :iMr. and Mrs. Haig Bothwell,! i Craîg and Penny, Peterborough, 1i with Mn. and Mrs. J. White. Mr. and Mns. Charles Cutts, a a Charles and Edith, Kitchener: M * Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mennck *and D'avid, Kingston. with Mn. *and Mms. E. Stacey. * j IMr. F. Lilliquist, Montreal,' *with Mr. and Mns. Gunner Lilli- a M quist. M M Mrs. H. Gill, Toronto, and » Miss Gwen Gray, Kingston, with Mr an rFred Gray. ÂÀ~I L vr- ...::Mrs. Cecil Waite and 'Mn. . M i IvII nrlcîles Your Cooking ai B'gelow, Toronto, with M E Mrs. F. Bigelow. M Ad whlesme ichessandnourshientto il ourcoo- * Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton, j Add holsom ricnes an norishien toali ourcoo- a Montreal, with Dr. and Mrs. J. i ing with our smooth, creamy nuIik. ïMiIk makes the niost n. aitn . Noan es Iuscious dishes taste even better! What's more. it adds a Fevensham, and Miss Barbara wealtb Of vitaMins for extra zip and zing. Buy1 our fresh, * nd Ms. Peteross uh, ithMr. ricb niilk for cooking Puddigs, pasresup rwa.M rM. and Mrs. Kani Monk and MrM. and Mns. Cecil Hughes and * : daughter Wendy, Toronto, with; *;Mms. Richard Failis. GLEN RAI DAIRY1 Airwoman Peggy Revnolds,. *TELPHONE 444 BO MNVI Foymouint, with Mn.! BI Miss Gladvs Bglw o,- m w m m m m m m m u u u m .u u m u.~~m an** * * * * * * w ith M r. a nd M rs. t