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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1954, p. 7

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.~KUE~DAY, AP~TL il, il '54, TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV!LLE. ONTARTO PACW~ ~7W?'J Miss N. Neads and Mrs. Oben, Toronto, spent Easter holidays i New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lander and tamnily spent Easter with her par- ents at Midland. Mi.ýs Doris Lyle. Toronto, WRent Easter with ber mother, lr.Geo. Lyle. TDr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams, TXta, were in town Satur- d~aling on friends. Gýrry Clarke, Oshawa, i spending Easter vacation with Douglas James, Centre St. Mr. Boyd Siemon, Niagara Falls, spent Easter with his par- nts, Pr. and Mrs. C. W. Siemon. Mr. d Mrs. W. R. Edger, er ough, spent Easter with ~P7nts, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. er. Visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. J. Living, are their daughter Jean and ber husband, Michael Bac- ian, Ottaw. Mr. and Mrs. Don Mason and family, Toronto, were Easter visifors with his mother, Mrs. C. H. Mason. Misses Marion and Peggy Dippeli Toronta, were at home with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dippeli. Mrs. H. Layman and Miss M. Masters have returned from their annual winter sjourn n Brad- entan, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar at- tendied the funeral ai ber cous- in, Miss May Currie, in Stirling en Saturday. Mr." and Mrs. F. W. Bower spent Easter weekend with their daugbter, Dr. and Mrs. James Bryce, Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hoar and family, Toronto, spent Eas- ter witb bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,E. V. Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. Art Humpage and family, Kitchener, were in town for Easter weekend visit- ing their families. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones leit this week ýor a six weks' stay in England and Wales, visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams spent Easter weekend with tbeir daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Kleinstiver, Dashwood. Miss Apha Hodgins bas return- ed from an enjoyable visit with her cousin, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hodgins, Highland, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hall, IfST.JON CHURCH (Anglican) Rev. Warren Turner, B.A., SB. HOLY COMMUNION HOLY BAPTISM 7 p.rn. - EVENSONG 1Jimmy and Nancy, Chatham, sspent Easter bolidays with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. James 1Hall. Mm. and Mms. Chas. Papineau Ind James Loitus, Sturgean Falls, spent Easter weckend with bis parents, Mr. and Mms. C. H. Papineau. 0 Eastem visitars with Mrs. N. S. B. James were Mms. J. B. E. Staples, Dr. Doothy James, Toronto; Misa E. McDonald, Pbiladelphia. Eastem visitars with Mr. and Mms. Harmy Allin were Mr. and Mms. Jack Allin and family, Ca- bourg, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Proctar and family, Gaît. Sunday visitors wifh Mr. and Mrs. C. Turner, Providence, were Mr. nnd Mrs. Austin Turner and Helen, Newcastle; Mr. and Mms. Chas. Osborne, Ebenezer. Mm. and Mms. Frank Prouse, Pickering, and Mm. and Mrs. Harold Hammond and Murray, were Easter Sunday visitons at Mm. and Mms. Orville Osborne's, Providence. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wcekes, Mm. Gea. Weekes, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Weekes and son Christopher, Toronto, spent the Eastem week- end witb the Misses Weekes, Duke Street. Easter visitars with Mm. and Mms. Rex Walters were bis bro- ther and sistcm-in-law, Flt./Lt. and Mrs. Bruce Walters, Ot- twa, also Mm. Sherman Saylor ai Woadbidge. Miss Betty Camuthers spent Sunday with Miss Margaret Cunningham, Toronto. Miss Cunningham Is spending a few days in Bowmanville with Miss Barbara Crydemman. Easter visitors with Mm. and Mrs. C. W. B. Tait were their daughter, Mm. and Mrs. Gea. Mahon, Windsor, and son Jack, Toronto, who was accompanied by Miss Patricia Cain ai Toron- ta. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. W. James spent Good Fniday in Burling- ton with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wamd Hofiman. Their granddaughter, Andrea Hoff- man, returned with them for a holiday. Rager Bird writes: It certain- îy pays ta advertise in Tbe Statesman as I had no trouble ta get a tenant for the cottage at East Beach adverfised hast week. Please cancel advt. for this week. Miss Lena Haddy and Mr. Charlie Haddy were in town on Satumday and visited Mms. R. Whitmee and ather friends. Their mother, Mrs. F. A. Haddy, celebrated ber 93rd birthday on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. N. G. McCullach had a surprise visit from their nephew, Mr. Clarence Lang ai Brandon, Man., on Easter week. Weekend visitons were Mr. R. McCulhoch and Mr. B. Stephens, Campbellford. Capt. C. H. A. Spencer will eave next week witb the Canad- ian Armored Corps for a anc year tour ai duty in Korea. His wife, the former Grace Mitch- ell, and children, will remaîn at Camp Borden. Omdinamy Seamen Leonard Knight, Bruce Mairs and Leon- ard Desmoches wbo have been home with their parents on a manth's leave eit Monday for Vancouver where fhey will take mare advanced training. Const. Jim DeGeer ai the R. C.M.P., Rockciiie, spent the Bowmanviiie Youth For Christ presents "THE WAY OUT" A 16 mm sound film story of AL JOHNSON confessed bank robber. You will be thrilled as you see the scenes of the hold-up, get away, the chase, the pursuit by the bloodhound, the hide out and many other exciting scenes. It is a true story - stranger than fiction which startled the whole world. LIVELY SINGING - MANY TALENT NUMBERS Bowmanville Town Hall Sat., April 24th at 7:45p.m. Everyone Welcome. No Admission Charge Trinity United Church Minister: Rev T. A. Morgan, .B.A. Animal Service of W.M.S. ý peaker: Mrs. Wm. Scoli, Korea 7 P .M ." T h e W o r d " ' Colour Sound Film of the work great world missionary, Dr. Frank Mr. D. C. Peters, L.T.C.M., Director "f Music of the Lauback Phyllis Chals Barrett, C. A.T.C.M., Organist. weekend with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. DeGeer. He was accompanied by Const. John Watts also from Rockcliiie, whosc home is in Oxford, Eng- land. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Cmook spent Good Friday in George- town with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Croak. Their daugbter and son-in-law, Mm. and Mrs. Gus Kurus, 'Éoronto, spent Easter with thcm in Bow- manville. Mm. Reg. Rackbam, Bannie and Nancy, Bélleville, spet Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ert Syer. Nancy remrained for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Syem and littie Bannie is with ber gandparents, Mm. and Mrs. G. Thampson. Manager George VanBridger of the Bowmanville P.U.C. and Alf. Bickell, foeman of the water and sewer department of the P.U.C., attended the con- vention af the American Watem- works Association held in To- onta last week. Mms. David Park and Glenna are spending Easter holiday week in Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey. Easter Sunday morning they attended Lincoln Road United Church and heard Rev. S. R. Henderson preach an inspiring Eastem ser- mon. flowmanville fiemen answer- cd a caîl to the home of Cecil Karp. King St. W., opposite the Imperial Oul Service Station of Mike Osborne, at 2:15 Saturday aitemnoon.' The alarm was turn- ed in because of a chimney fire, but no damage resulted fmom the blaze. Mr. and Mrs. C. Turner, Prov- idence, entertained at dinner on Thursday evening on the oc- casion of their son, Sam's, birth- day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Orv- ille Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Hammond and Murray, Mm. Jim Bamnes. Easter visitors with Mr. and Mms. A. E. Moffatt were: Mr. and Mrs. L. Webb and daugh- ter Maureen and Mary Lau Milîson, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. L. Moore and iamily, Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. A. Milîson and family, Long Sault, and Mrs. V. Milîson, Town. During the week ai Aprih 13 ta 20 at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. theme were 55 ad- missions and 75 discbarges. Six boys and eight girls were born. Minor operations ran high, with 34, and there were nine major operations. Eight ememgency cases were treated. Attending the Home and School Associations convention in Toronto from the Bowman- ville Chub were: Mms. M. Wise- man, Pres.; Mms. R. Hutchinson, Mrs. I. Munday and Mrs. A. Covemly on Tuesday, and on Wednesday Mrs. Wiseman and Mms. Hutchinson attended. Mrs. H. E. Perrin and Mrs. J. E. Lowe, Ottawa, weme guests last week ai Mms. S. G. Chart- ran wha returned ta Ottawa with them for the Eastem week- end. Miss Florence Chartran and Mrs. Jack Roughley mot- ored fa Ottawa Sunday wben their mqther came home with them on Manday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy for Easter weme: Mm. and Mrs. Fred Hardy, Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Mander, daugh- fer Anne and son David, New Toronto; and Mm. Russell Hardy, Toronto. Mm. and Mrs. Fred Hardy and Mm. and Mrs. Har- vey Hardy spent Saturday in Peterborough with Mr. and Mms. Wilbert Glaspell. Roy "Ducky" Neads, ice- maker at the Bowmanville Memnorial Amena during the winter months, bas abtained a job for the summer with the Canadian Ice Machine Com- pany. This is the firm which. installed the artificial ice equip- ment at the Amena, and Mr. Neads will probably be work- ing at repairing or installing this fype ai equipment in the Central Ontario region for the firm. Mr. Joe Cooper suifered sev- eral iractured ribs on Tuesday evcning ai hast week when he icîl down the cellar stairs af bis service station on King St. E. Mm. Cooper was going down ta check. the furnace when he suifered a fainting spcll and lost cansciousness. He feli ta the bottom and came ta sufier- ing with the injured chest at the foot ai the stairs. He was treated by bis doctor for braken ribs and is naw rcsting in bcd at home. This is education Week in Toronto, sincé the Ontario Edu- cational Association is alsa hold- ing its convention. Mr. L. W. Dippeil principal af Bowmanville High School, and almost every member af the staff attended sessions on Monday and Tues- day which deait with their par- ticular department in the schooll curriculum. Attending from the public school staffs were Super- vising Principal *A. M. Thamp- son, A. A. Merkley and Miss Leta Bragg. With Miss Bragg was her niece, Miss Jean Bragg. Miss Coleen Hutehinson from Morrish school also attended. The Bowmanville team which played last year in the South Durham Rural Basebaîl League bas decided not to aperate this season. Reason for their with- drawal is that this year the league will aperate anly as one division which will include teams from Garden Hill, Wel- came, Newtonville and Har- wood, as well as teams from West Durham. Bowmanville players felt that with the league operating as one gmoup, the extra travelling would make- it too expensive and time-con- suming for a Bowmanville team. Arnold Wade was re-elected President of the league for the ninth successive year. TI1CK ET S TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steainship Consuit JURY & LOVELL Bowmanville 15 King St. W. - Phone 7781 Canadian Order of Foresters Had the Honor of Presenting 50-Year Jeweis to 7 Members The Canadian Order of For- esters in Bowmanville bave seven members with a combined service oi 355 years with the Society. Members weme very pmaud indeed ta sec four ai these members out ta the meeting on Manday night ta receive their 50 ycar buttons. Bro. Oz Cook, Acting Supt. ai Ficîdmen, Brant- fard, was guest speaker who spoke ai the advantages ai the Order. Bro. W. C. Courtenay, Barrie, Supervisar ai Eastern Ontario, spoke on the experience and wisdom the older members bave for the subardinate courts. Visitors from Oshawa and reg- ular members, along with 50- year men, Bras. Gimblett, Mason, Clemens and Veale, made up the balance of those present. All four 50-year members agreed that when tbey joined 50 years aga, Bowmanville was not the tawn it is taday. The streets had wooden sidewalks with only one light per -block and the members came ta the meetings by horse and buggy. Today the streets are modemn and tbey came ta the meetings in automo- biles. Thus the same can be said ai the Canadian Order ai Foresters. The socîety was founded 75 years ago an the faith ai same who saw the need for just such a saciety. Fifty years ago the society was still in the infant stage with onhy a small member- shiP. Now the society celebrates its 75th anniversary. Member- ship bas soamed ta well over 40,- 000 from Newfoundland ta Brit- ish Columbia. The advantages likewise have saared beyond the geatest dreams ai its faunders. The vetemans who weme pres- nt at this historical occasi on ta eceive their 50-year jewel were Bras. Allîn Clemens, Tom Gimb- lett, Tom Veale, and Gea. R. Mason. Those unable ta attend were Harry Allun, Warren Pinch and John A. McAuley. On Nov. 25, 1954, the Canadian Order ai Foresters hope ta present ta the Cancer Society a sum ai $25,000, or mare, ta mark the end ai the C.O.F. 75fh ann- iversamy. Each subordinafe Court is asked ta do their share. Bow- manville Court bas already laid plans for their share. At the close a deliciaus lunch was served and a game ai cards and carpçt hall were thoroughly enjoyed. Enniskillen Student Lake Shore, Clarke Wins O.A.C. Award Enniskillen: Ralph L. Hillh, Enniskillen, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hill, a fourth year stu- dent at Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, was the rcci- pient ai a Students' Administra- tive Council award at the O.A. C.'s annual Major Sacieties Ban- quet. He eceived his award from Donald W. McRuer, Ayr, the president ai the O.A.C. Stu- dents' Council. These awards, in the iurm of a Desk Pen Set, are made each year by the Students' Adminis- trative Cauncil ai the Ontario Agricultural College ta those students wha, in the opinion ai the Council, bave been Most deserving because ai their cx- ceptional ability nat only in the field ai Extracumicular Activi- tics but also in the pursuit ai their academic caeers. S. S. No. 9, Clarke No. 9 Home and School met last Tuesday at the school. Aiter the eguhar business Mr. Austin Turner called on John Glenney ta play a piano solo. He then introduced the speaker Miss Steele, a nurse with the Health Unit, who spoke fa us on behali ai the T.B. Association who are sponsoring the mass T.B. X-Ray Survey ta be camied on very soon in this hocality. Aiter hem vemy interesting talk sbe showed several films on this subject. Mm. Charhie Glenney thanked Miss Steele on behahf ai the Club and lunch was served by the commit- tee. Miss Camai Gibson spent a week with ber granidparents, Mm. and Mrs. W. Henning, Oshawa, while ber mother was in hos- pital. With Mm. and Mms. Irwin Alhin over the Easter weekcnd weme: Mm. and Mrs. Dave Geddes and family, Toronto; Mr. Morley Allun, Coboconk, and Mm. and Mrs. M. Pedwell and Barry. Mrs. W. Henning, Oshawa, spent a few days wifh Mr. and Mrs. W. Gibson and family. Gemald returned for a week with his grandparents. Sarry we haven't much hol- iday news this week-Phone out ai order! Durham League Ends Bowling Season With Turkey Feed The 12-teamn Durbam Bowl- ing League ended anc ai its mast successiul seasans yet at a banquet beld in the Balmoral Hotel last Thursday night. Pres- ident Rae Rundle welcomed the league bowlers and guests and congratulated winning teams in the fimst and second schedules. The A. &- P. tcamn won the first scbedule and t he Bow- manville Foundry feamn came outf on top in the second schedule. In the playofis be- twccn the two ior the League Championship and the Carter Family Tmophy, the A. & P. team ended victoiaus. Doug Carter pmscnted the tmophy ta Captain Frank Smith ai the A. & P. squad. Vice-President Alden Hoar presented individ- ual trophies ta the bawlers of bath the A. & P. and Faundry tcams. Cece Milîs. brother ai the late I Harold Milîs a former bowler in the Durham League, present- cd the Milis Memonial Traphy for the high triple ta Bill Hearle. Fallawing an excellent tumkcy dinner, entertainment was pro- vided by "The Four Pals," a Bowmanvîlle quartette made up ai Ivan Woahley, Ken Hawkins, Roland Coombes and Ted Ott, who sang several selections. Election af aificers for the 1 1954-55 season was beld, with the follawing being named ta t fhe vaniaus pasts: President- Alden Hoar; Vice-President- IMurray Larmer; Secretamy- Ralph Kelly; Treasurer-Jima Thompson. Teams who played in the Durham Bowling League this seasan wene: A. & P., Bowman- ville Faundry, Palmer Motar Sales, Canadian Order ai For- esters, Maple Grave, Tymone, Enniskiiien No. 1, Enniskilleen No. 2, Blackstock, Hampton, Bowmanville Loyal Orange Lodge anxd McNulty's Sports & Cycle. HAD IMPORTANT MESSAGE~ .-.Flashing lights in the Port Nelson, Ont. ameà started a ru- mon that signais were bcing cx- changed with an unidentiiied submbanine out in the lake. Private A. G. Searl, Camp Borden, spent the weekend with Mm. and Mirs. Bey. Jaynes. The Reeve ai Steetsville, Mm, W. Arch and Mrs. Arch, spent Sunday with Mm. and Mrs. Gea. Skelding. Miss Lois Alldrcd spent the weekend with Miss Doreen Alldred, Orona. Miss Dorene Powell is visît- ing Mm. and Mrs. Don Coulter, Downsview. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Brown and family weme Sunday visitors with Mm. and Mrs. Bill Lake. For fast action use Statesman Classified Ads. Phone 3303. Sets, styles, maes ALL AT ONE TIME PIN CURI PERMANENT " NO NEUTRALIZER " NO RE-SETTING " NO TIRESOME WINDING! $I175Cmlt i PERTS OXIHDECA TOOSTTH PAST s Motorist in Hospital With Crushed Elbow After Car Accident George Veahe oi 90 Duke St. is still in Memnorial Hospital, Bowmanville, being treated for a badly crushed leit ehbow he received in an accident at about 7.30 Saturday evening on No. Highway just west ai Courtice. O.P.P. Constable Frank Dry- den ai the Bowmanville detach- ment, who investigated the crash, stated that Mr. Veale was attempting to pass another eastbound vehiche driven by Norman N. lrwin, Maple Grave. He evidently cut in too shamply in passing and the rigbt rear bumper ai his car caught Ir- win's ight front fender, caus- ing the twa vehicles ta go out ai con trol. Mm. Irwin fought for control ai his light truck for sevemal hundred yards before crossing the moad and striking a tmee. He was nut hurt. Mr . Veale's car cameened down the highway, swerved around in the opposite direc- tion, and the rear end struck a hydro pale, breaking if off. He was badly shaken up and me- ceived a cushcd leit ammn and elbow. Badminton Champs Are Declared at Saturday Matches Roy Swindells and Ruth Thompson emerged as singles, champions ai the Bowmanville Badminton Club at the Club Championship Toumnament held at the Badminton Hall lasf Fmi- day night. At the election ai officers held folawing the foumn- ament, Gar-y Tighe was re-eheet- ed President for next seasan. Mm. Swindells won the men's singles by defeating Gary Tighe, and Miss Thompson won the ladies' single by defeating MVarion Swindelhs. Other Finners were: ais Doubles-lomeen Reddock and Ruth Tbompson dci. Marion Swindclls and Lillian Dippeil. Men's Doubles-Gary Tighc and Bill Burgess def. Roy Swindells and Bob Gallagher. Mixed Doubles-Dareen Reddock and Bob Gallagher def. Ruth Thomp- son and Gary Tighe. At the clection ai officers for the 1954-55 seasan, Gary Tighe was e-elected President and the following group ai dimectors was elected: Mrs. Allan Osborne, Mrs. L. W. Dippeil, Mns. William Burgess, Mms. Fred Cale, AI Os- borne, Art Hooper, Bill Burgess, Mcl Burgess, Frank Mobun, Stuart Candler and Noel Dudley. A genemal membersbip meet- ing will be held an Sunday, April 25, at the Club at 1 p.m., at which the otber' officers will be elcct- ed from among the abave direct- ors. A good turnout is equest- ed for this meeting. Jack Munday was chairman ai the nominating cammittce on Friday nigbt. While spring cleaning-Clean out unwanted articles for cash with a Statesman Classiiied. Mill Damage (Continued from page one) rounded by water, and the run- off channel on the west side cauld nat bandle the large vol- ume af water which had back- ed Up in the basin. As a result, the watem rushed over the earth bank ai the dam washing a deep gully about 30 feet wide and carrying awav many tons ai earth from the dam. The flood waters also rtu!zl- ed over the eathen dam an the east side. It was this water flowing past the mill building itseli which washed away the boardwalk a nd fence, an d plunged Mm. Candler down the bank. Altqgether many tons of earth were washed away on each side ai the dam and workers have been hauling in f ili by truck since the flood ta repair the ex- tensive damage. A great nmany up-rooted trees and a large quantity of brush have also been removed from the dam. 0 a 0 New Idea Fcarni Equiopnent Corne in and sec it on display at W. He BROWN DEALER FOR Case Farm Maehinery Firestono Tires DeLaval Milkers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equipment KING ST. W.. PHIONE 497 19C1 Gentle-acting, effective laxative 100's regular 23c Hydrogen Peroxide 15C 4, 8, 16 ozs., reg. 19c, 29c, 45c 20c 39'c Magnesia Tablets Convenient ta carry - easy ta fake loo's - 300's reg. 39c, 89e 33c' 69c Nek, 2 pounds 49c Wohidemoff Softer h far, ncw Kritex with Uý ondersoit Covering bringis you an i.ntirely new xerece in lastin,, condf'rt. ncmarobly so] - extra trio)ng -srifry absorbjenit, n .ew ,,tex holJs its sh ;'pe, retairI its fit and comfort for hours of protection. Box of 12 d40c 2for 79c for protection against maths E I.D.A. Moth Killer59C Dichorcide$.2 Larvex Moth Bomb - 15 Green Cross Math Bomb ---- 89c, $1.39 Larvex 93c, $1.43, $2.00, $3.00 Sapho Blocks 15c, 25c Larvex Combn. 16 oz. Wood's Moth-KilIer bottie and Sprayer $1.50 Blockette ----- 15c, 25c Housecieaning Specials iCellulose Sponges 2 for 39c Handy size for househald use - 23e value s ~ . No ring - no stain - easy ta use Cleaning Fluid re 7c6c 9C 9 F loor W a Wa x - lb. inIa regPasc 39c Rubber loves for household use. 23 RubberGlove Seconds af manufacturer's23 regular 59c line MeGregor, VYour Local I.D.A. Drug Store Drugs 1Phone 792 We can now supply you with £ RGSTRS COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE AillucaSPECIAL VALUES AND REMJINDERS FOR TRURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS on I.D.A. BRANDSI A.B.S. & C. Tablets Moth Protection MOTH FLAKES MOTH BALLS 1 lb. 15c 2 lbs. 29c 1 lb. 15e 2 lbs. 29e Paradichlorbenzene Moth Crystals PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY 954' THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BONMANVMLE, ONTAIRIO PAGE SEVEN £Ul

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