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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1954, p. 9

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a................ tHuRDY APIUL 29, 1954 Rotary' Son and Daughter Night Featured Talk by "Mountie" Young Drummer Billy Wade A talk on sportsmanship by an honest-to-goodness "Moun- tie" -R.C.M.P. Corporal Char- les 'Chuck" Holman of Toronto -wat the highlight of the even- lng for the large number of sons and daughters of member5 Of the.Bowmanville Rotary Club who attended the "Father, Son ,trand Daughter Night" of the Club held last Friday. 4 The event was held in the 'wgutifu, spacious auditorium Ob the new Sunday Schôoo sec- tion of Trinity United Church. It was the first banquet to be held there since the section was O!ficiaily opened three weeks ago. The attractive surround- ?nP-, f this excellent auditor- »nmade the banquet even A, 1ore enjoyable. Followlng a very tasty roast beef dinner served by the Church Street Group of the Trinity Women's Association, R~otary President George Moody welcemed the members and their sons. daughters or grand- children and also the youngsters whorn some members had «adopted as sonsand daughters for the evening. EnJoyable Sing Song Rotarian Rev. T. Arthiir Morgan, Minister of Trinity Un-1 ited Church, also welcomed1 those present to the new Sun-1 day Schooi building and led tha chlldren and adults li a fun- provoking sing song cf "action" songs. The children enjoycd going tbrough the motions in- volved in singing "You Push tbe Damper lI" and "John Brown's Flivver", accompan- led by Rotarian Dave Morrison at the piano. Each Rotarian then lntroduc- :d his Young guests, who includ- cd two Young girls from Costa Rica, guests o! Mr. Morgan. President Moedy made birth- day presentations te Rotarians Walter DeGeer, Keith Biliett and Jim Stutt. He aise announc- cd that new members Jim Stutt and Ron Simpkln bad been named te the' Youth Service and Inter-Club Committees o! the club, respectiveiy. Mr. Morgan introduced five- ycar-old Biily Wade o! Cour- tice te the gathering. He cx- plained that the weli-known Young drurrmier bas appeared on television shows. !rom To- ronte and Buffalo, and won prizes on them for bis expert playîng o! the drums and traps. Billy then played three num- bers, accompanied by bis moth- er, Mrs. William Wade, on thp piano. The fine drum playing by such a smaîl, Young bey brought enthusiastie applause from the gathering.t Retarian L. W. Dippeli cx-1 Local Agent:. HOOPERs LADIES, WEARtg PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 I MARRIS makes old timers act usn o. young againi Let our Service Dcpartment check up on y.our watch, young or old. A few minutes of your time now may save dollars for you in tic future. Our experts provide bighest quality workmanship and prompt service- l genuine zactory Drop in today T ii re( IVLcrr's uewellery nc 4.1 KING ST. IÇ PHONE 46:, sp( W. use only genuine toctory-opprcv.d parts ha: in servicing ail fine Swiss watches, ýjus gol IRUECOMPANIES a CONFECI IONERYe DENTISTS e HEUTRES e CARTJ i re<OI O . od Canadian. However, ie rGE & EXPRESS 9 DRUGGISTS* h sit D uni . a.aLwI w &W A WQlT W MO'IW. MMW no mA,.,m vRýU' I TA - .--- ----. -V m*C ~C~~%~1£I tended a vote of ibmnks on be- haif of the Rotary Club and guests to Mrs. J. E. Hobbs, President of the Churcli Street Group for the very fine dinner they had provlded. Toast To Fathers Doug Heyland, son of Botar- ian Forbes Heyland, prQposed a very humorous toast to the fathers, which was responded to by Rotarian John James M.P. Mr. James stated that the Bow- manville Rotary Club bias pre- viously had father and son banquets, and father and daugh- ter banquets, but lie believed it was the first time that a joint father, son, and daughter niglit had been heid. "This is a fine rningling of the whole family and I think it la something that should be held every year", lie declared. "Some of us do flot have tee mucli time with our families and it la certainly nice to be able to get together with them ail". He cemmented on the beautiful new Trinity Sunday School auditorium and expresà- ed the hope that the club would be invited back for its next banquet thore. Larrane Jamieson, young daughter of Rotarian Frank Jamieson, introduced Cpi. Ho]- man of the R.C.M.P. who is sta- tioned at Toronto ini the Trans- portation Division of the force. She pointed out that Cpi. Hol- man is a man who is very mn- terested in working with young people and is a real friend.of ail boys and girls. Youth Work ]Important The R.C.M.P. officer stated that men like the Bowmanville Rotarians who are engaged i service work sometimes fail te realize what an important job they are doing. "Anyone outside of the service clubs probably realizes more than you do what a worthwhile and important job you are doing with such projects as your worlc for crip- pied children. Any kind of work te heip children lu terri- ficly important". Cpi. Holman reminded bis lis- teners that it is flot chlldren who are delinquent, but their parents. "When fathers can bring their sons and daugliters to a banquet such as this, they need neyer worry that they will ever turn eut to be juvenile dle- linquents", lie declared.. He emphasised that a person gets eut of any organization; or ife itself, for that matter, only in proportion to what hie puts in. '«If you are net satisfied with what you are gettlng eut of your life as an Individuel, as a service club member, or as a Canadian citizen, remember this fact", lie urged. Perhaps if you will put more honest ef- fort into the thinga that make up your way of life, you will become a happier and more con- tented person". Speaka To Youngsters Cpi. Hoiman then declared that the rest o! his address was ,speciaiiy for the boys and girls. By making use of a question, and answer method with the chiidren he brought eut the facts e! the hugeness of Cana- la. "This is a big, ricli country", the speaker asserted, "but it is oniy as good as the people who ive in lt". He stated that there are a large number of people now coming to this country wh9) are known as New Canadians. "It docsn't matter what ian- luage these people speak as long as they want to becom~ good Canadians", he stated. "Never criticize them because hey don't speak English"l. The speaker pointed out to he childrenthat going to church is an important part of being a good Canadian. "You have heard of the Ten Command- nents that yen learn in churcli", he stated. "These are just 10 ules for the right way of liv- ing. One of them says "don't tel fits". It is stated in the Bi- ble as "Thou shaît flot bear fase witness", but this is wbat it actuaiiy means. Cpi. Holman aiso pointed eut the importance o! a good edu- cation in beiping boys and girls 'o be corne Canadians. "If you want te be a policeman like ne, a doctor, a saiesman, or rio natter what job yen want, you ave to have a goed education. 16UUR MUM oodannr , P7115111 *--- i U~**~*~ * * Van RC.M..croral. -"Cpi. WVR*WWUU, olmn as lad f leann te do k~ ~wbat le la told, te central lis Wjtemper and te b. a geod sport LO K N TH i_ Lrough his police training. He LOO IN TH must b good sport or be wuldn't be a corporal in the R.C.M.P.", Mn. Dc cer stated. sPnsidnt Mody madc a âqpresentatien te Cpi. Holman Swbile passing on Mr. DeGeer's PA & e te vote o! thanka. He aise tlianic- le - ed Mn. Morgan on beal! o!flhe Sclub for tic use o! tie Trinity Sunday Sciooi auditorium. 'I Shope we will b. invited back -again", le statcd. u Cpi Holman showed movies iIgAVLSER1CEem~p~F.~ &OSUMLEUAL.o! tic training given tte cpe lice dogs used by tic R.C.M.P VIiieBUCE TAINS0UVLTY0aTM ML* *j te c5nclute a mont enoyable CoPAGE NImm IConervaion lub ilmsShow ilCounties Council Makes Increase 0f $3,000 to Health Unit for'54 Severai members o! the CouU- *rd of Newcastle. made the gen- tics Council at the session laât eral objection, without going in- wcek at Cobourg teek occaion to detala, that it appearcd te te air their vlews on the spien- hlm that the liealth unit was did work bcing donc by the costing a whole lot more than counties heaitli unit, report of the value 'ýreceived. which appears eiscwhere in is This complaint hardly jibed issue.with the report o! the health [n regard to the recomnmenda- unit that there had net been a tien o! the fmnançe committee caecuiltera mipxo that the counties health unit ije typhoid fever and the cost per given an increase cf $3,000 in capita for the wboie year was their 1954 budget, Reeve Hor- oî 3cns ace Smith asked if the health ol 3cns unit got it, would they tm ldlp "There wilU b. no money into their surplus. spent feolishly you con depend on that," said Reeve Charlie Reeve Charlie Burrison cf Burrison. Hamilton township, chairman of the hcalth unit board, said BardI Job apparentiy the surplus cf $10,- Deputy-Reeve Garnet Rick- 000 from 1953 would stili bL, ard said council was treating used. It was truc the 1954 bud.. the hcalth unit toc lightly. The get of the heaith unit had not new board had a bard job te do. cen appreved; bqt the unit There was no reflection on needed the extra $3,000, It was Dr. Horncr'a abllity as she was ciaimcd, said Reeve Burriseal. very efficient and was doing an The - medical officer of beaith, excellent job, lie said. If the Dr. Charlotte Horner had frank- health unit was costlng tee ly said she ceuld net work on much money, it was the fanit the budget as rcduccd at the of the board nobody else. January session. Reeve W. Archer of Seymour Reeve Roy Nichols of Dar!- township said the county had lington township said the $10,- econemized on cars in order te 000 surplus o! the beaith unit hold the surplus. Reeve Nichols had corne about as a resuit o! warned that if the eperating goed handiing. However few o! capital werc cut, there wouid the bcalth unit cars were fit te be trouble. be on the road. The committce Reeve R. Bothwell of South should have bought new cars Monaghan praised D~r. Herner before now, he said, lnstead o! for ber ability. As for the cars, putting up with the gas-eaterli he wondered if tenders had and oil-burners now being used. been calcd last year when a Insurance premiums on eight new car for the heaith unit wa3 cars was $800 but the board was purcbascd. Reeve Archer said going te sec te it that fîcet P01- be believed Mr. Grif!iths and icy was acquired this year, Dr. Wright o! Millbrook had which wonld savc the couuties goeeout and traded cars as was frem $200 te $400, Reeve Nlch- donc before. ols said. The counties spent The fingincecocmmittee re- large sums on road machinery commcnded a $3,000 increase in withont batting an cye and they the grant te the heaith unit for shonld net be loathe te spend 1954. money on such an important in- stitutiota as the bealth unit. Rceve G. F. Harrington of Millbrook said the sensible thinýg te give the bcalth unit ;s enougli se that they can have a surplus on hand in case af Ray Wiggans Takes Special Course at General Motors ...... ~VPay 1More?9 YOU CAN HAVE ALL THESE WONDERFUL FEATURES IN '54 Fisher Body Beauty - Outalde end In Highest Compression Valve-in-od Engines A Smooth "Flot" Ride Like the Biggest Carm This is the now-car look Canada Mies best. Longer, Chevrolet gives yeu the new kind cf power that Engineers cail it a "flot" ride - solid, steody, road. Iower, smoother lines. Colorful new interiors with pays off in finer performance on Iess gasoline. The hugging. la makes driving casier, riding more cern. durable new fabrics. Chevrolet gives you Fisher compression ratio cf Chevrolet's greot overhead fortable. And it cernes f rom advanced engineering Body beauty and quallay outside end inl valve engines is the highest of ony low-priced carl, lncluding Chevrolet's fomous Unltized Knee-Actioni Bigger Brakes for Easier, Smoother Stops Highest Volve-in-Head Horsepower in the Low- Zippy, Thrifty Powerglide Automatie Trans. Chevrolet brakes are a fulli11l" in diameter -as Priced Field. Two great valve-in.heod engines- mission. Powerglide's ahead cf other autamatic large as those cf many fur more costly cars. This the "BluejFlame' 125" in Powerglide-equipped transmissions In the Iow-price field In more ways extra size provides greoter braking power and models and the "Blue-Flame 115" wifh standard thon one[ It's the first one in the field, and lt's makes stopping ecasier and safer for you. transmission. They're unsurpassed in the low-priced been improved and advanced beyond ail otl'er. field for ail 'round performance ond ecenomny. Optional et extra cost. Agi the Latest Automatlc Power Controls Chevrolet's the first low-priced car te offer the extra-cost options cf Power Steering, Power Brakes <on Powerglide models) and Automatic Front Window and Seat Contrais <on Bel Air and "Iwo. Ton" modela). INSIST ON A TRUE COMPA R 150 Modes fer' modes. for' F.. ore Pvke for Prk. I1 1$ CANADA'SLOWEST PRICED CAR - C-2664C ROY W . NICHOL COUITICE DO WNAN VILLE To Burn Mortgage ConsrvaionClu Fims Uow Monday, May 8l7th At Legion Meeting on Ihursday An Outstanding achievement Intresting clr films showing and dance on Saturday, May 2&. for the Village o! Orono la to front !ishing li varions Parts He aise thanked the mnembers be realized on May 17. 1954, o! Canada, tarpon fishing In; who donated sandwiches and when the Orono United Church Forida, and the conservation cake for the succesafulParty for deb isto e fllypai of. 1work being donc by the Carling the Miner Hockey League play- deb late . filypai of. IConservation Club wcre sbown crs on April 17. At present a note et $1,000 is! feliowing the regular meeting of Poppy Chairman Pote Bath- yet te be cleared but te this the Bowmanviile Brandi cf thc gate reported that Conirade amount around $800 i5 flow i Canadian Legion on Tliursday James Larkln cf Newcastle had the treasury. This leaves $200: night.pasdwy.TePdefth te . sbsclbc tebrig aout Chairman Jim Fair of the En- Branci, Rev. John Kitchen,, thc bnrning of the mortgage tertainment Cemmittce arrang- Orono, lanil at thc present ie, ceremonles. gfor thc movies, and Arche he said. He aise asked for vol- In four short years thc con- c9ltrs, Oshawa representative unteers te donate blcod for the gregatien cf the Churci aleng ot the Carling Conservation wife o! Comrade Don Hannah wlth fermer members and in- Club, was present to acreen who underwent an operation re. tcrcsted persons from across them. cently at Kingston HespitaL Canada and the United States At thc business meeting tbre wlll bave on May 17 subscribcd new members. Albert Engley, si thc neccssary funds te have thc Bowmanvilie; Kenneth Hardy, Shlower i5 neld Churcli free o! debt. . R.R. 5, Bowmanvilie, and Har- -ob Total expenditure In erectîng oid Avery, R.R. 2, Burkcton, For Bride-ob the new churci amounts in the were initiated into membcrship ncighbourhood o! $90,000, with in the branch by Zone Cern- Mrs. L. A. Parker ivas host. tuila ameunt lncluding Intcrcst mander Stan Dunn, lat Vice- ess on April 17 at a mLscellan. and other items. Personal do- President Jack Knlght, 2nd cous shower for Miss Patrie!a nations, local and afar, have Vice-President Jlm Fair, Serg- Cain of Toronto wiose mar- totailed &round $60,000, witb the eant-at-Arms Ernie Perfect and riage te Mr. Jack Tait son of remainder being made up by Comrades Tom Phillips and Bob Mr. and Mrs. C. W. B. tait, wLIl insurance. In tic past six years Lockhart. take place li the near future. personal donations te the church A motion - by Comrade Jim About 50 old famîily friends of building fund have totalled Newman was passed that a letter thc groom's parents and aunt around $85,000, o! which $25,000 o! thanks be sent te Ferdy Jack- and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Parker, was subscribcd in remodellhng1 man for donating a large num- werc present to wish the youni tie Park Street United Church ber o! evergreens and sbrubs t0 couple happiness. prior te thc fîre. landscape the new Legien Hall. Tic 'bride and groom te be The donations in the past six It was pointed eut that Mr. Jack- were escorted te seats o! honor ycars arc simply remarkable for man and Bud Edmundsen bad decoratcd li pink and white, any community o! sncb a size alsô supervised tbe work e! under streamers and a double and only through interested planting them. Thc members wedding bell. Many beautifut parties from the district and decided te invite Mr. Jackman gifts were received and botn elsewhcre was this feat possible. and Mr. Edmundson te be guesta thc bride and groom thankcd Credit is due everyonc who of the branci at thc darts and evcryonc most gracionsly. Jack applied their support and effort bowling banquet te be hcld in was the only man present, but te accomplish what many, in tie hall on May 8. is presence by bis fiancee'a 1950, tiought was impossible. Zone Commander Stan Dunn side gave ber cenfidence in be- On Snnday, May 16, the Build- announced that a rally o! the cemning acquaintcd with the ing Fund Committee are putting branches in Zone Fl wiil be heid friendly, but te ber mainly on a final drive te raise $500 at tic Whitby Branch on May strange, agatherîng. wbich will climinate tic ont- 15. Entertainmcnt Chairman __________ standing mortgage and aise have Fair announced that tic Bow- some money for furtier im- manvilie Branch plans te hold Scnd your Pink Envelope la Ray Wiggans, shop foreman ai Robson Motor Sales, bas graduat- cd from an advancc course in autematic transmissions at Uic G encrai Motors Training Centre wich was hcld lin Oshawa last week. He was a member o! tic first class te attend the ncw school. Gencral M ot or s Training Centres, wbich shortly will be in operation in ten strategicaily iocated cities across the Domin- ion, wiii enable service personn- el te keep up te date on a con- tinuin& basis with the latest service metiods and technelog- ical advances sudh as air con- ditioning, power steering, poer brakes, automatic transmiÈsions, autronic eye and other major developments. Mr. Wiggans, whe lives at il Ontario Street, la married with three cidren and bas lad seven ycars experience li thc auto- motive business. Counties Council Urges Action on Hampton Road Thc roads and bridges cern- mittee o! the Counties Council recemmended that miner mun- icipalities in the counties with- ont a building byiaw pass one soon se as te protect themselvcs as well as the ceunties. Tic clerk was instructed ta advise the department o! bigi- ways tiat çouncil regardcd the Hampton development road as a very important tra!fic thorongh- fare and that counicil would appreciate any possible action as soon as it can be done and that tie road commission do ail thcy can te hclp it along. The propcrty committce recommended that labor be hin- ed te paint and wash tic counties offices if men were net available £rom thc jail. Thc committce snggested that ne action be taken at the present ime regarding încreased facil- [tics in the tewn hall, Cobourg, but tiat tie speciai cemmittec rnake a cemplete investigation o! the building situation and repoitt back at the July session. Tiec cMMittee recemmended tbat thecocuncil acquine two microfilmers and vicwcrs on a rental-approval basîs for the registry Offices with Uic option of buying. toid tie children that if thev just tried a littie harder te be good sports tbey wonld end up. by being good Canadians as Weil. "The two words; citizen- shp and sportsmanship, mean the same thing. If you learn to be a good sport then you will ilso be a geod citizen". Thanked For Addreu In tbanking Cpi. Holman for his very suitable and impres- ive addrcess, Rotarian Walter >eGeer pointcd out te fthe eungsters that Cpi. Holman ,as weli qualified te talk about goo spotsmnsin LniP a i 1 TM CANADIAN STAT29NLAN. BovvAmviT-Týe rmerautn BOWNANTILLE

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