?HUESnSY, APRIL 5, 1954 T eMiADL'ili STATESMAK. EOWMAKVHLK O1~TA~O IAflU 'l'wrwFwmw - p Equalizdd Assessment Question Discussed at Counties Council Hope for Settîement End of Year Il would appean from the re- Porta of the session of the Unit- ed Caunties Coundil that the meMben are fan main unanimous on the work whlch i. being donc ta brin gabout *equalized assess- Ment. This is pnobably natural as Il takos considerable turne ta. gt out of the old rut of the t it and run assessinent of the anse and buggy day. and adopî modern metbods which really aWpt ta put into operation the r4feaning ai equaiized assess- Mnen .. Saine pessimists contend such a utopian condition will neyer be attained until ail are wlling ta put inta practice Ibe golden rule. The necommendation of the ~ualizaUtn committee that Ihroo xtcn bojppointed in an advisony fabil 'ta the counties assessar ~used samo curiosity and 4pposition. Deputy-Reeve Garn- et Rickand of Darlington Town- ship said that il defeated the idea af the assesson being inde- Pendent and would only neyent I. 1 ta tbe horae-tradinlg daya' of assessment. The wanden said ho wau In- clined ta agree with Mr. Rick- ard but the cauntles assessor had asked for tbe committee and tbcy would only b. cailed in when needed. Reeve Honace Smith of Part Hope commcntod that he under- stood Mr. Shields wau not sat- isfiod that the new assessment was the roal assessment and that il migbt have ta be equalized. Deputy-Reeve Garnet Rickand said that if there was ta be same honse-trading aven assesaments he would like ta gt in on it. Counties Clerk Ken Symons tld council he tbought the pur- pose of the comniiîtee was ta have thern bandy if and whcn they were necdod ta belp hlm interpret on a certain policy be planned for ail thc municipal- Mtes befone be laid down a bard and fast rule. Reeve L. Hooton cf Cavan Township obsorved thal bis ve hav the new ýing K"dk cameras insocher Stop ln end look fliem over .. . we're sure you'Il agro. thoy're the smartest and finost tino-up of camneras ever mode. Any one of #hemn wiII enable you ta get good snapshots ...n full color as weII as bIack-and-whie. ALL FILMS and Now at NEW LOW BUDGET PRICE Brownie Hawkeye $7.95 SDuaf lex - Il Kodet Lons - Flxed Focus $1550 Kodlak Tourist Il Fixed Focus --$26.501 CAMERAS BROWN!IE HOLIIDAY CAMERA 127 ---_$4.__ KODAK PONT 828 Anaston Lenm ---__$84-30 KODAK PONT 135 Flash - 200 - Shutter-* $41.25 Duaflex - II NEW THE LATEST $17.95 Aiseon dlupIaw a complete lime cf CHEMICALS * FIJ<MS PROJECTORS m SCREENB TABLE VIEWERS FILM& - AU aises, ln black and white and oloar JURY ULOVELL When We Test Eyes It Ys Done Properly .1TOUR REXALL DRUG STORE PHONE 778 BOMWMAN VILLEC 0e Duf ferin Park, Toronto- w- z-I 2P.M ~MA Y understandlng wua that Mr. Shields would not cli n that cammitte. until the end of the year when all equaflzed asesa- monts were in. If there worm appeals ah that lime, Mn. Shields wauld likm marne support and would ask thia committo. te help bum. Amesar Quesm.ned Mr. Shields wau summoned ta the meeting and asked by the warden if the reai aussnent would b. tbe .quallzed asseau- ment. The caunties assessor replied that uuch was the alm but it might flot be the deslned offeet. Ho wanted the a4vioy commit- tee' toasamit Kim whon, for instance, the assessor got down ho the final analysis. He would thon use the commitee in an advisory capacity. Saine mun- icipalîties' assessemts worm flot right yet. "If Ibis committee la enly picked fran counties cauncil membens, as it is flQw in the recammendallon ai the equaliza- tion cammitte., thmn, ot thm mnd af the yoar you wIlM cm Ibm greatest lobbying ta get on this committeo as was e',er seen bore before,'" said Deputy Reeve Garnet Rickard. 'Forget about the committee today but think il aven," sug gesîod Mr. Shields. The wardon appolnted the con- sultative eommitoe ah the close of the session. This committee will look into the application of Port Hope and Hope Township to withdraw from the Durhamn County High School Arca. His appointees were Deputy-Reeve Art Smith of Port Hope, Reeve Hootoi% of Cavan, Reeve Gardon Honey of Cramahe Township and Reeve Stewart Gray ai Hope Township. NE WTON VILLE Mn.. Orial Edgonhon retunn- cd homo iran Memonial Hos- pital, BowmanviUle, on Friday. Mn. Donald Urry, Ottawa, spent hi, Easten vacation wihb bis aunt, Miss Minnie Bandai. Mn. end Mn.. Gannel Hallo- well, Taronto, spent Sunday witb bis fathen, Mr, William Hallowell. Mr. Oswald Wragg returned bo Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Satunday for furîben treat- mont. Mn. Fred Burley, Part Hope, visited bis sister, Mrs. George Ovens. Mn. and Mns. Flinton Farrow atlendcd the prosenlation for Mn.. Fred Bowen, beld at Orono on Satunday nigh. Mn. and Mn.. Otto Kîcisen, Toronto, spent a fow day, wîth ber father, Mr. Reuben Payne. Mr. Harold Woods and Miss Evelyn Huggins bad tbein tons-1 ils removed ah Memonia] Hos- pital, Bowmanviloe, on Friday. Miss Caroline Gnayson, Mont- neal, who spent hon school va- cation withhber grandinother, Mn.. John Peance, returned homo by 'plane iran Maltan Airport on Fniday. Mn. and Mn.. Chas. Moase, Lindsay, and thein granddaugb- ter, Miss Betty Jo Joncs, Niagara Falls, visited hie sistor, Mn.. G. W. Janes on Thursday. Mn,. Frank Ovens underwenl an apenatian at Memonial Hos- pitl, Bowmanville, on Tuesday. Mns. William Milligan and Bernie. and 1frs..Roy Hall, Whitby, were in Lindsay on Bat- urday. Mn. Bud Jones spent a week withbbis parents, Mn. and Mn,. Wullis Joncs, befone leaving fan Monîreal wbero ho rosumes bis work with Ihe C.N.R Mns. Don Vinkie atlended Ibm fumerai ah Cobourg on Tuesday ai Don Boswell, brother af ber sister-in-law, Mn.. KeiIh Bun- loy. who was killed in a 'plan. accident ah Clankeshoin, Alla. Don't miss Ibm concert, "Hap- piness Ahead", put on by Ennis- killen laos In aur Community Hall, =niaynigh, Apnil 301h. Mn. Frank Gilmer was sudden- ly taken iii an Thursday. Ho was rusbed ta Memonial Ho,- pitl, Bowmz..'ville, wherc be wae operatcd an aI once. The trouble was perforation ai the sIomnacb causmd by an ulcer. Mn,. Wonderfuî Wo'rk Accompîished By 4-H Durham *Junior Farmers Forestry Club Latest Organized An ambitiaus pragnam af club work for lb. Durham County 4-H, Junior Fermera la beîng arranged for this summen by Jay Brown, Assistant Agricul- turai Repre.enlatlv. for Durham County. A ttaliof 10 clubs are being organized by Mr. Brown anong the Junior Farmera, including tbree caif clubs, two awino clubs, two grain clubs, anc patato club, ane tractor club and ane iorestry club. The Central Durham Fanestry Club is a new type ai Club i Durham County, but a vory fitt- ing anc for a county wbich forms a large part ai the Gan- anaska Reforestation Proj oct, anc af the major reforestation pro. cts in Canada. The South Monaghan Beof Club bas alsa been organizmd for the first lime Ibis yean. The othen cight clubs, many ai wbich have been in existence for a groat many yeans are: South Durham Dainy Club, North Dur- ham Dainy and Beef Club, West Durham Swine Club. East Dur- bain Swine Club, South Mon- aghan Grain Club, Central, Dur- hamn Grain Club, West Durham PoIatp Club and Cartwright Tracton Club. Teach Better Methode The object of these clubs is ta learn good fanming and animal husbandry methods by doing. Ail ai tbe 20 ta 25 young men and wommn belonging 10 ach af these clubs takes, a plot of ground on an animal for the summen and canes for il bim- self. In the case ai the grain club, ho is given good certifimd smed and must thon plant hi, cnop and cane for il duning the summon. In thIe faîl an Achieve- ment Day i. beld when Mn. Brown and tbm aîber members ai the club examine and judge bis crap. Prizes are given ho those witb lbe besî cnop. The same pninciple bolds true with the clubs devoted ta rais- ing ai farin animais. The club member selects a beef on dairy caîf or young pig and then canes. fan it during the summer montjia. Inth lb. theb.animais are ex- bibited and judgmd and prises are given ion the best anirpala. In addition ta thia very pract- jeul work lb. variaus clubs aiso recoive manthly lectures by Mn. Brown on othhr agricultural afficials on cane, management, judging and preparatian for sbowing, in the case ai animais; and on mil prepanation fentI- izera, cullivation and harvesting in the case ai field crops. A field meeting le usually held an anc ai the botter Durbami farme during the summer au weil. To shirt the ncwly-formed Central Durham Forostry Club eacb ai tbe members wrn plant a windbreak on a bal-acre of young trees and wil bc respons- ible fon looking aiter il durnn the summor and fmil. Technical assistance will be given by the Department ai Lands and For- esîs and il will also supply the young trocs for planting. Financlal Assistance Given Again this summer vaniaus organizations, will make cash donations ta belp these clubs along. At ils lasI meeting tbm Bowmanville Lions Club, follow- ing a request by Ed Summens, Agnicultunal Representahive 'for Durhamn. voted ta donate $87.50 10 the West Durham Pohato Club ta buy a bag ai centified semd for mach member ai the club and provide pnizes for the winners ai the competition among club members in'Ibm fall. The Lions Club bas helped the potato clubs sevenal yeans in the past and the Bowmanville Rotary Club sev- eral ymars ago sponsoned the swino clubs which wene the first ai these elubs in Durham ho b. arganized under the direction ai Mn. Summens. Qîben organizations contribut- ing funds ion pnize money ion the vaniaus clubs Ibis year are the Durham Federation ai Agri- culture, Dunhamn Soul and Crop Improvement Association, Dur- bamn County Junior Farinons, and Boards ai Directons ai the Onono, Blackstock and Part Hope Faîl Fairs. Mrs. Wm. Milliga.n s Elected President of Newtonville W. I. Newtonvlle-Anntial meeting of Newtonville Women's Insti- tute was held at Mrs. Wilfred Wood's home on Wednesday, April 2lst. President Mrs. H. Wade conducted the business periad, when the conveners of standing committees presented their yearly reports, ail highly, satisfactory. Sec'y-Treas. Mrs. Gîlmer gave the year's financial repart, showing the amount rais- ed by group parties and sale, $80.60. Net proceeds from ar iety concert, $68.73. After al charitable donations and ex- expenses were paid the present balance is $91.95. Past. Pros. Mrg. Johnston' presided for the election or officers, resulting as follows: President-Mrs. Wm. Milligan;, lot Vice-Pres.-Mrs. H. Orin- iston: ond Vice-Prea-Mrs. IH. Caswell; Sec'y-Treas-Mrs. H. Wade, District Director-Mrs. F. Gilrner; Branch Directors-Mrs. Farrow, Mrs. Redknap, Miss J. Thompson, Sunshine Com.-Mrs. M. Samis, Mrs. Pearce, Mns. Far- row, Ms. (G. Henderson, Mrs. ýFerguson; Press Conveners-Mrs. McCullough, Mrs. Pearce; Aud- Itors- Mrs. Rowe, Miss J. Thompson; Pianists-Mrs. Red- knap, Mrs. Samis. It was decided ta bave new programs typed, the same as last year, and the executive and con- veners wiil arrange these. The September meeting was voted the most noteworthy onel of the year. Mention was mnade PONTYPOOL Howard Ormiston i. one aibi Som* ai aur local ladies 'anc nurses. f away on a moton trip ta U.S.A. W. are surprieed thal Bruce Mrs. Clifford Curtis is Ibm West shotild find il confuaing chauffeur while othens in the to knaw which way ta tunn the group include Mns. Alfred Mit- dlock ta usher in D.S.T. How- choul,. Mrs, Letîy Carter and ever, ho endsa up by thinking of Mn.. George Simpson. During ail Ibm extra bourg ai sunsbine Mn.. Carter's absence Miss gained for lbe ant losI. How Joanne Couiten is looking aiter about Ibm rural population, Mn. the jocal ponl office. West, who are up bours before The films put on in the L.O.L., Ihm townspeople tbink ai it and hall and spensoned by Ibm Adami can make use ai sunabine with- Brown Ca. wero much mnj oyed. ' out Iurning on theo dock' The local agent, Mn. Bill Morr- isan, made necessary arrange- monts fan the show. Send your Pink Envolope In We worm glad ta seeoaur aid today. 1 fnîond, Elgin Budd of Simcoe, in Toaur village necer.tly. Elgin T 1 CK E S loks fine and tells us that he TO EVERYWHERE nd Mn.. Budd eîijoyed five Air, Rail on Steamship weeks in the Sunny South thfs Consultwinten. Ho will be back soon ta look aiten bis 1954 planting JURY LOV LL ai pine. He bas ane ai the best Bowmanville lokdaflen plantation, in Ibis là King St. W. - Phono 718 district. AIl noadt lead ho Pontypool on Friday evening, Apnil 30,1 wben the Blackstock Dramaîic; BANDS - 2 Club. present Ibeir hîlaniaus comedy, "Came OuI ai Youn ICama". Ex-Reove Charles Chapinan DANCE was a very busy man an Mon- in penson day when be had a large and succossful sale and also moved 0 a p iran, bis farin ta the village. Ho am blin bas nenîed tbe bouse beside Ibm, R a m blin Orange Hall, best known as Ibm McMaban borne. Our village nesîdenîs have Lou stanted a dlean-up campaign. Wo' and his WHLD noticed H. M. Richardson and Bill Rennie bueily ongîgmdi Radio Jamboree around thoir premîses cleaning stars cf UP Ibm debnis colcted duringý the winten. Redie - Records - TV Tih. local Pire Brigade bad' plus Ibeir initiation on Saturday wben lbmy wore çalled toaa Uncle'George grass fine on the pnapcnly ofait.] and His Ranch Boys Bruce Fîsk, noar the Manvers- 1 Cartwright boundany. Due toi 5lack ai watenthbey were handi- vVed., May 5 udrtkdta bu 000 RED RRN ED BAR heZ smYing for- warble ily, OSNAWAcontraI has beon completed la OSHAWAboth Cavan'and Manvers Town-, ships. They will starî the second oçareaio abu&ev u ai tbm T.B. Chest'Sunvey ta be bld in Newcastle, May Il. and a cammitîme meeting was plann- md for Ibm valunteen canvassers at Mn,. Johnston's on Fnîdîy mvning. Owing ta Ibe long business period, the prognam planned for tbm aftennoon was leit ion anoth- en lime.. Rail caîl, the paying af focs, was answened by saine 20 nom- bers. Meeting closmd with Ibm Mizpah Benedîction alter which the hosless and ber group sony- cd lunch. NESTLETON Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Emerson and iamily, Stratiord; Miss Gladys Emerson, nurse-in-train- ing, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mns. Malcolmn Emerson. Mrs. Lloyd Hunten and Noie, Port Penny, and Mn. and Mrn. Arthur Malcom wene Tuesday supper guesta with Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Mr. and Mrn. Victor Malcolm- spent Thursday evening witb Mr. and Mns. L. Joblin. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malcom, Janetville, visiîed Mnr.and Mrs. Victor Malcolmn, Wayne and Bronda, wont ta Janelvile ta apend a iew days with their grandpmrents. Mr. and Mns. George Johns, Mr. and Mn.. L. Joblin spent Frlday evmning with Mn. and Mrs. Wilmer Fitze, Oshawa. Re.,.Hary Atkinson and Mns. Athinson wone also thon. for the evening ta celebrate Rev. Atkin- son's blrthday. The W.* I. euchre part aI the home of Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip was weil attended. Pro- ceedsinh aid of Port Perry Hos- pitl. Sonry ta hear the house on Mr. Lavern Suggitt's other farm was burned last Sunday ni.ght. We understand it wa. aovened with insurance. 0 The pot luck supper and syrup social sponsorod by the W.A. was well attended and anound $30.00 was cleared. Master Jamie Hunter, Port Porny, spent a few days wîtb bis cousin, Master John Proutt. Mrs. L. Joblin< spent Tuesday evening with Miss Ethel Thomp- son. We are ail glad ta know Mn,. Lewis Fitze bas recovered froin ber operation in Port Penny Hos- pitl and able to neturn home lasI Friday. Mn. and Mrs. Henry Shoffield, Oshawa, were Sunday supper guests with Mn. and Mn.. Wil- fard Jackson. Sympathy is exhended ta the famiiy af Mn,. J. J. Bruce mn ber recent passing. She was bunied in Nestieton Cemetery. Miss Margaret Steele, R.N, Toronto, visited hen parents, Mn. and Mn,. Wm. Steele. Miss Irene Emerson attendod the Spning Convention ai the Oshawa Pnesbytery Y.P.U. at Pickering on Sunday, nepresent- mng Blackstock and Nesîletan Union. WESLEY VILLE Easten bolidays are aven for another yean. It was a busy woek but the roads wene extra good for Ibis lime ai yean and evenyano was able ta attend the vaniaus activities witbouh wanry- ing about gting stuck in a mud- hale. Thon. were eight tables ai euchre playmd aI the social even- ing aI Mn. P. Sneli's on Tumsday, wbile the youngen sot mnjoyed a gameofa table hockey. A trav- elling pnizo kept well on Ihe nove througbout the evmning and was claimed by Len Oughl- red wba beld il aI the end ai tbm last gamo. First pnizes worm won by Benniece Best and Tru- man Austin. The Snell home is well known for its graclaus ha.- pltality afid neghour are grateful for the privilege af be- ing ontertained there sa often. A bee, sponsared by the recreation committee, was held on Wednesday evoning ta plant shrubs arouffid the church, and ta do smre spring cleaning at the échool house. The meeting of the Tnail Rangera' on the same evenlng made a busy night. Ovor 30 Sunday School mem. bora went to Canton en Fnday- evoning to, meet wlth other groupa from South Hope uchools and tao e'ýoy the programme plannod. Tihe films on "Amaos af Tekoa" introduced by Ruth Miii.; "IIýe Synagogue", on whlch Mn.. M. Payne canducted a discussion, and <India". Perry- town boys and girls provided different and good entertain- ment with numbors played on flutes. Thon. wore 50 ut Sunday School an Sunday morning with Mr.. Snell teaching the inter- mediate girls' Clau n lithe absence of Mns. Nichails. Mr. Rarding's sermon an the diffen- ent appearances of Jeaus follow- ing the Resurrection, and the forma in which we may know him, the apecial music by the choir, and the Iavely flowers in- cluding daffédils from the Beat igreaU comnbiried ta make a Mn.. Ruth Clarke, son Wayne and two littho friends, of Ham- ilton, spent mast of Easter week with Mr. and Mns. Beighton. Mr. Clarke came on Saturday and ail returned home the neari ýday. Muriel Austin neturned oit Monday morning alter a happ-, Easter ini New York« City; Jane ' Reeve wmnt back ta Taranto:~ wbene she is finishing hël yeur at College cf Education, and'% Helen Barrowclougb ta Scarbaro. e Mn. and Mrs. Neil Rainey r and famiiy, Orono, visitmd with i Mr. and Mrs. Carrall Nichols. on; Sunday. The Sialouman Ssii At Foilowimg Stores Ttilla Store, Courtia. Strong's Store, Port Hope Reg. Edmumd's Star., Bethany. Johnson's Drug Store, Newcutlè T. Enwnlght, Newcastle S. Brown, Newtonville C. Pethick. Enniskiilen T.M. Sleman, Enniskillen T. L. Byamn. Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hamptons A. B. Ribey, Burketon X. T. Saywefl, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontpool . C. B. Tyrreli, Orono H. K. eynolds, Kendai Gilbert Food Market. Milrok Henderson's Book Store, Oahav4. -Bownianville - R. P. Rickaby - "Big 2000J W. J. Berry Howes Sinoke Shaps Jury & Loveil Elie Harnden's Handy Stare-' The Statesinan Office 'To tiiers are Very cSpecal Tell them 50ofnMother's Day May the 9th Rend a beautiMf card by Coutts or Rut Craft' frem oui Jerk. display - anid you'li b. s ure t. find - a suitable gift - a dainty handkerehief - a book - nsaybe a set of new drinklng glmmse - or a "starter' in n.w dinn.rware, We "el"SPODE" RI CKABY'S '#"BIG 20" Neuve You- You eir d FOR YOLJR lFree Tr.B. Chest XiRhuy The free choit x-rey clinie wili soon b. here. Make sure yon are free of T.B. by havlng your chest x-rayed. Door-to-door canvasi is being niade.now. Canvassers wiII have cards to entiti. jon te your x-ray. Greet theni with a smie and take your card - it costs you nothmng. For times and places in your loculity, check beIo'w. For additlonal information consuit the chairman of your am*. ______M O BILE UNIT "B Coinmunity Yelvertan 1 Location United Church Btbany 1 Town Hall - Date Honi~a Manday. May 3 Monday. May 3 Blacketock High Sehool Tuesday. May 4 Blackstock Rocreation Contre 1. Tuosday, May 4 Enniskillen 1 United Church 1 Wedncsday, May à5- Hampton United Church Tbursday, May 6 Boôwmanville- Bowmnanvllle P.U.C. 1 Friday, May 7 Orono 1 High Sebool 1 Orno Town lHall 1 Monday, May 10 Monday, May 10 Newcastle J igh Scbaol Tuesday, May Il Newcastle Gardon Hill Community Hall United Cburch Tuesday, May il Wednmsday, May 12 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. ta 10:00 p.m. 11:00 arn. to 12:00 moon 2,00 p.m. ta 5:00 p. 7:00 p.m. ta 10:00 p.mi 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. ta 10:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. ta . 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. ta 10:00 p.m, Detailed schedule ta follow 11:00 a.m. ta 12:00 noon- 2:00 p.rn. ta 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. ta 10:00 p.m. 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 moon 2:00 pan. to 5.,00 pa. -7:00 p.m. ta 10:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. ta 5:00 pi.. 1 Cuu V.M..WlIda Wilson MOBILE UNIT ""C" Caurtice United Churc Monday, May 10 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 P.M. Mr. Roy W. Nichais, Cou"tieen _________________ 7:00 p.in. ta 10:00 p.m. ______ _____ Bowmanville- Lions Club Hall -Tuesciay, May il 2:00 pin, ta 5:00 p.m. Mr. D. W. Allen., 7:00 p.m. ta 10:00 Ip.m. 45 LamnhaLane. Bowmanville North um berla nd-Du rha m Tuberculosis' Association Through your purchas. of T.fl. Chriatmai Sous. Survey Chairmaa Mrs. Floyd Stinson, Janetville Mru. 1. Jackson, Bethïany Mrs. Tom Smith, Blackstock Mrs. Tom Smith, Blackstock Mrs. Edgar Wright, Enniskillen __ Mn.. Ted Chant, Hampton Mr. D. W. Allen, 45 Lambs Lane, Bowmanville Mr. E. R. Woodyard, Orono Mr. E. R. Woodyard, Orono Mr. Austin Turner, R.R, No. 1. Newcastle Mr. Austin Turner, R.R. No. 1, Newcastle "LET X-RAY SAY eYOURE O.K.* 1 T. 21 ADMISSION (lncladmng Tex)-_____*15 CHILDREN UNDER SIXTEEN NO? ADNITE FIRST CLASS LUNCH COVNTER 1 1 AMIL 29, 1934 là "M CAlKAUL4w 8TATMUN. iloituANVI= CMAMO Date Hours PACM TiMtTMM