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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1954, p. 15

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TIRCANMM TATV-. MWMPAGEONTFÈ 1 Allan Strike and Mrs. Rex Wal- ^Y ONtera. TYRONE SOLINA°--. Bridge Winners Mse oc brehDn lingtnand AndyHost lay-ffs esultd infirs Belr. Jack Hatherly,N Harry, Mrs. Bruce Mntgomery pre- Hee oB1aHoya J. Liptey.~e es going to Mr. QikadvltLiaand Fy, Newton- sided for the Temperanc pro- eu lbadterlae IN MEMORIAM COMING EVENTS Cards of Thm ,r. BrceGrcaa ai Ae ean m h.Sed dowers L a Brert anvite Young People' Css read thMse Y le ARRELL-In ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t Movin memor Get. ridi ofyu odfrriue r ndMsC1ads ed by the hardware merchants, Mrs. Alma Yellowlees and an mnteresting story telling howplcsoinestadlohd 0f Our father, Mr. Win. Barrell, and furnishings by giving to the wish to express tarnscer Mrs. Burrows, David and Vansto e.Mrs Jaes and Mers.rvstd e Mr.1 is hedllierter hil as ll-treate mard nteneuwy hl "nspas n a aa ,s anr 28a, e90 hin Cmm nity Auction Sale. tanksf nd ur neighbours an GarL dr Akn Toralcolm, M.Mrs. Cwikerand 1 Iss Hiteks, Af o returnd homer t iluenc of alcohol.d Patapian iith h a aBedu falextinguishing a fire in our kitch- and Mrs. David Malcolm's. who received prizes dontdb her sister, Mrs. Rundle. duet ead ee But sweet remembîance out- w ho zer Evening dAuxiliary en Sunday morning. 17-2 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simpson, local hardware meichants and Mr. and Mrs. John Mitruk and Sunday School anniversary irsaeote a iildéd sn-aw George and My 7thK on Lo30 e 7 , ria es a my st sn neh Jon Oke ad Rand Oshawa MruggLs.T. McLaughin, secre- Tancos Mr. and Mrs. Pau KoS Du l ice hWes minitr n O a o E rayugpolted. 17&hlrnGereadFo-1 dos forl n enquiries, eovly were Saturday evening visitors tary of the Auxiliary, and Mrs. alski, Oshawa, visited Mr. and music by the Junior and SeniorYonPol'DacneryStdytcrowsadfuidrng ihM.adMs.RadJeONilovnrofhMs..Dbk.DneeundCor.Con pig 1ULIEIn loi eoyo Tyroe cHall, todiKi u admy recet i leesa arin Thops reBetim ise comiittet e MrliCakehanks hoe after spending i rew days Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees n het rulCm th, der father,my. dliah, Api0c, gntlemen 75c.uSponsored 17-1* Lrraine ad Reta Graham, Osh for t rs.v 'l eill's splendid work Mr. and Mrs. Howard .Brack- ell Gilber and Miss Glads Yell fieaprrsndbeo Frances ~~~~~~ ~ ~aa Ann June 6th, 1922. M. •et Mr. ands Mr.FakLcet i'nture, and Mrs. Dip- enr1 ge, Leona and Norman, owlees were Saturday evening Blo ttemeigo h tonly takes a little space R agtrDreen and son Allan, Suriday visitors at Mrs. W. terinted, any jofni eto s m.. f SotLaghan Mar. n r.get fM.adMs.BbTreMso odyngt owrite how much, we miss Fsri Thday, May 3 oowa r recently of Enfield, wish to Thompson's and Mr. Roland marthont oringe metyers fLabrmr, 1 ise and Brend Toonton.nternwhm tayo t hogteegvn Choai Soay C4 fo Bo ni thank their many friends for Thompson's were Mr. and Mrs. Qu res 'o Mr . J n A s R. ,. Too make oure hveswa withe others it. Soetcheedo orHl iets avanaer infown the lovely gifts received on the Roy Thompson, Leskard, Mr* uatetshoEnjoye s...oeers.M.adMs Genoknadblnw isio-l utb membak oth n f u al.ers f ill Choir occasion of their departure to and Mrs. Glen Thompson and DuigthohwhteEni r n M s. J.c Cookand Dalene Oavshaa'.ste r fied"biga imotn Aughterbr o hor 1 tere Gerrud and Lorne.. ThoMo and fmlMr. Doand GodnSeesMOvleAh Vr. and Mrs'. Dogulas McLeod Mr. and Mrs. H. MosesJanice youaei rul redi 17-1t Excelen muica prgra, Iwis to hanGDr. FrguonMrsvW.Bridettandson, Bw-AonEdgrnWrghtandJoh an Mr Crig cIntreTorntorannKahyBowanvile;Mr ne ho alk whn eery cletvl muesilmb Mrriss Sturish toan Leirs egs and maoni t Saeon sang, twogrupo with Lauraine returning home Donald Yellowlees, Taunton, at onees ak .Adtoa COUC)I-In leving memory of Gwen Wilson, estleton, follow- staff of Memorial Hospital, Bow- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin numbers which ,ooe rvl efl yMs SugsadLws ussadwere very POP- with them. Mr. J. Yellowlees,. ' brga:icue vclde ak dear husband and father, John ed by pie social, Burketon Unit- manville, friends and neighbors visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell An- uPreumesbyteme' er.badors. iton hErnglsh and Gie by Mrs. Harve YelweeGn B. Couch, who passed away, ed Church, Friday, April 30, for cards and inquiries and those derson, Port Hope. chorus and the ladies' chorus Peebruh0iie1e rn-adOrlvs tr Ko ldsYloleadahm pr126, 1951. 8p.m. 17-1 who visited me during my stay Dawn Bell with friends at were also lively and enjoyable. mother, Mrs. W. Miller. Knox 's, Brougham. . I.Nosraig yJeSodn resedsotheieashv in the hospital. Newcastle over the weekend. Beside2 those already men- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryderman, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kno We Hill rsddfrtepo Snpassed, . Mother's Day Tea and home Mrs. W. H. Moore. Mr. J. Walker visited Mr. and toebynhe followin S alna; MainwMr. an, Mrs. Russel BtyJA adFye, Boroughx ram Foihdoeigexrie e haedeath its gloom, its bakmng sale at St. Paul's Church, 17-1* Mrs. McAlpine, Toronto, on Sat- played their parts well in the Wrigh and Marion. with Mr.k and, m;MrsAH r, vsToronto Mr n] uiespro h rs Wih. ows cast 1Saturday, May 8th, 3 - 5 p.m., urday. Aileen McAlpine return- chorus groups, Ronald Ashton, Mr.Wbeel(e ik EeeevstdaietHre elwes a -Wtin our home, where aill under auspices Evenmng W.A. I would like to thank relatives, ed to her home having spent the Mrs. L. Ashton, Mrs. H. Stev.. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Virtue, Mr. Harry Knox's i hre niniainwl Anseed bright Two nice quilts and smaller friends and neighbours for cards, Easter holiday with her grand- ens, Bill Mahaffey. Elgin Heard Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prescott vis- Mr. and Mrs. ÍD. E. Hamnr be xeddt ernClm A igto from us a shining bazaar articles on sale. 17-2 flowers, letters, fruit and many father and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth was the mysterious Zandu who ited Wilbur Mark at Graven- Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. W. Vick, , bsYugPol ob u e raiss that li h nesses during my stay mn Walker, appeared out of a weird dark- hurst. Toronto, visited at Mr. C. Ham- gessoMa17Thcmit Hight ghadeehil pigtatmro fe-ospital. Special thanks toý Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walker ness with the love powders. Glad to see Bob Burgess back er's. tefo hreofarneet Hi vacart place there Is none .noon, A 143ti h ew doctors, nurses and Mae and and son visited Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin ex- in ted lgor teeekeos nd M r n Mers.oChs.uJhnvsnfrta-vnigi r.M ha •il S5unday chool rooms of Trinity Hecor Shortridge. Lloyd Walker, Dixie. pressed the Auxil.ay' , e et uragiSne d or Weles e Hos tad children,. Peterbrou. hM ie tn Milo n oc For ~ ~ w uil 1 Purdon's W.A. Group. Articles 17-1* burn and family and Mrs. T. Enniskillen made totiment. Ms .Bkrsettewe-Mr ilo n ooh rheet apin 'eaven w wilfor sale. Touch and take table. WCowling visited the Blackburn by donating their services eor Duglas Jone Vandtuar allend at Mr. EhlCuhs o-Sodnadalvl uc a Tea, 35c. 17-1* We wish to thank our relat- home, Newcastle.thsow Treund oVaiyVlagmvlesre. ee ag n ee 3mbrecb.h ives, friends and neighbours, also Mr. and Mrs. John Liptay and tertained 'at St. A d w ' aPr® - Toronto.s Mr. and Mrs. . Had anale Mr.e and Mrs. Stn isn Oh!~ ~ ~ ~~~r AutJrsaacmd F kerguson, for the many acts family with Mr. and Mrs. G. byterian Church following the Villsitor a Mr. andrg Mr. G. St anlypistedaornidCr-Gen.n rn vstdMs .weLL-nd f lovi pla preseOh Ant e y shaa Come th knness, expressions of Bodnar, Hampton. show, when the ladies of the Halls ere: Mcrs.Georg Drew, sh's Hampton.e EllaTaylr ad SadrainTron ourla dersnadboreoDo° obese Clb, insTyron Com- sympaty sown us during the John Liptay has returned to Auxiliary under the convener- Miss d Nelle corgi, MishGlay Mrs loyrene Peiarand a OWLd, iHd n actina Ems Riv- m uity Hllb on F ry May n 14.e, also beutiful oraaad fath- Kingston, having ,spent two ship of Mrs. Aubrey Smith, M anad, JoeS Wood, Ohwa OV D la Per ,L ang rs. ien dsorc rw r erd, Gilemany ariln 27,Em 1945, Amisson Hault 50cr, child r ad o Rev. Geo. Nichl tiutes, weeks' holidays with his par- provided a bountiful and dainty and Mrs.n, S. Walkdo s J.n so. yradEiaeh satlaeiolar ei mrv ri einy olten Cemetery,o- 25c. Sponsored by Hall Board. his consoling words. soMfr rn. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon lunch frtepars aldand fae mi d , e Mr. a ndPvstd atMers. F.rand Braey, ao ol ga pr 'er sd msed by dadn e eti , andl 17- ly. aaret Argue1 t Mr. and Mrs. W. White's, r. an Walke Ramnd Debak ; . Mr. and Mrs. rank Br ay, Rv .Re n r A L noter aisters and brother CoetHh...Cu,.ampton. BLACKST r. an il Mrs RamB wl-A ra' M1 n r.Jc aceatne h r, Ble adymssdb acksito sprin dance i Cartb, Mr. and. Mrs. J. Liptay and er, Bowmanville; Mr. and MS. Brmml. Toronto, visited at metignOsyer 14jothrsise an17-1hs wrighsto RecrationaCnre FnCri- 1am taking this opportunity family visited Mary Liptay at Roy Maynard and Joy, Mýr. and Mr. W. Parrinder's. aa DERHILL7-1 Saraht day, M a . ou Dee, 'Bow- toank Dr. Witzel, nurses and Peterboro. Rev. and Mrs. George Nich- Mrs S.HlMnrilMs.W r n r.W . SiE. isPalLahvstda emory~~~ ~~ ofy aa 7. --nLvn avleoesr Lunc, priz- saf at Memorial Hospital, Bow- Wayne Blackburn, L y n d a olson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Worden, Mrs. D. Colbary and Millbrook, visited atM.ESruA onmnsTrno ot",VSZhe L an araoher, grand- Admissionr$.0 perh, pron manville, for their kindness and Potts, Ina Beryl Read and Kar.. Hamilton attended the Sacred Mr. and Mrs. K. Rahm and Spires'. .eudaanwihteatnd Wheyo f pad geat grmother, Evd-eryon welcssom10 er 17-1*n cae and also the many thought- en Thompson enjoyed a trip to Choir Concert at the church of Kennie. Mise Anne Werry and cousin, edh pcaOdFlos 1952 awayon Aprile 25,*fu people who visited me, sent the Toronto Museum with Rev. the A-scension. Port Perry, last fMr. an G.settMr and ayn erry oshawavns, a M, ervcnBwavle Peacefully ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m slei mtu hw pnoe ytetcards, flowers, books and D. Lute on Tuesday. week. There were also choris- fmlTrno iie r n n r.Rs tvn' al last p g res ing AmoiatC.G.I.T., ned omun the hs durg mny recent stay in There was a good attendance ters from St. John's Presbyter- Mrs. Donald Mountjoy. Janet Grove.Duig158,7m éer wely trleig esn tl iall FrGida, Ma 7th, omn 8:15 h ir at the Church service on Sun- an Church, Port Perry, St. returned home after spending a Mrs. S. E. Werry visited with addeg otesregho wr Mrwar pat.obe an p.m.l KidymiMntistrr.s. Wmn. Bo'yd. day afternoon to hear Rev. Jack- Thomas Anglican, Brooklin, and week with hier grandparents, Mr. Mrs. Tom Penfound, Bwa-d' re ocsaa arilne e suffer d ph Disl R.R. 1, Ham tonr 17-1 son of Smithville. St. Paul's Anglican, Uxbridge.. and Mrs. A. Jones. Little Lindy ville. atinceshebore , nap On ai, r hon Bowmnle T Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Brown Mrs. Helen M. StouffeATC is now visiting hier grandparents. Mrs. Noble Metcalfe, Oshawa, ' atiendcaled h boeh Admisson, Balts 5cThe ateces and nephews of and family, Lindsay, with Mr. M., was organist and Miss Mar- Mr. and Mrs.. George Perfect, Je visiting at Mr. Wes. Werry's. stiffe nomeAm ocidren ion 25c.t 17c th te Miss Ida Stephens wish and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. ion Hepburn, ARCTws- Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. EV I bo r e . li r h m o c id e 5 .1 - o ex end their thanks and ap- M iss Hay and pupils are back loist. M rs..T. J.s Gi b .R ssloa lo ,Ms-C r lN son fr er no eore bduhtr ThOdFelwanRbkhspreciation for the acts of kind- to school after a week's holidays. The local Young People at- Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Roy or and Mr. Douglas Naylor, ve and rea grnd'cŠan d'rn Tae ons lori aanc eben h Town , meissages of sympathy and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hanna and tended the Young Peo le's Uni- Mraynkase M Crol. nd t Mrs. hcao, sitda r.ei nosni-agadren 1-all, onoriadaye Ail To0 auti floral offerings receiv- daughter at Mr. Ferguson's ion Convention at Pic ering at FakMc n aoB ht aces LOWLgEES-- grneiln 1954.all Louo FDewel' sipiece0 ed rom their kind friends, or- Hampton. the weekend. ford, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. N. Fice and sons, ofL a94 der noigmmLrhsrof Bwmanvs il-le i ganizations and neighbors dur- Sorry to hear Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Van Jean ad Llo. iss Phyllis Taton, vSitdatM..rn Ner Ne Ye loldg brothertenae Rfreshmentsved. intng their recent bereavement in Douglas Colbary's little daughter Camp, Swain and Jimmie, Lis-Manrr.JcBidJcqeWstk',S. nee asfe awy ay 2nes,2whsdison $n1rthr ttnac.0 erh n person. ro eci thankoftheir aunt. With is mn Memorial Hospital, Bow- towell, visited Mrs. W. A. Va n e and girl friend, Miss Ruby Mrs. M. McCarrell, Omemee, e mufr heim in'osl • Acedmsor Lodg0er Hall n Buildi tede n s to the Superin.. manville, with pneumoma. Camp and other members of ad srH BowmanilleMr lstsvrldasa r.e Nosé one y c an 2d en2.ce, ud. om oe a Blienjod e n and nursing staff of Mr. and Mrs. Theron Mount- the Van Camp famil.adM s .W o n a iy il' eusiee, dance. 16-2 an no og morial Hospital and to the joy, Hampton,. were tea guests Miss Bonnie Saywell visited KnCabranadVra M.Ae lihhlWib Noteo s ene s e, d ne1- Rev. H. Turner of St. Paul's and of Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron Miss Margaret Saywell, Osh- McRoberts, Oshawa; Mrs. C. visited at Mrs. Rose Blanchard's. missers aredasep th Tewmnsgop h rev. D. Lute of Tyrone. 17-1* on Sunday. awa. Jill argW Joan Saywell ha nli shPeterbrough, andMrs. Mrs Wes. Hillsnd brothe anwitrs 1ormitrse n' catring to the Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and their tonsils out at the Oshawa W.oefred Clarols visied tMreltn. 'rt n ises 71 Lions Club dinner meetings are A man that hath friends must family ToototH.AhonsHsptl Tyon fredscongrtule ClaMrks, Omem. 1i6n Mr. 0.. asked to attend a meeting at the show himself to be friendly- and A. Read's. Eddie Ashton Mr. and Mrs. Weir Swain, Ralp Hills. onn recervin the O.MsR. .Omson, rt, The town of Pincher Creek, Lions Community Centre, Beec there is a friend that sticketh returned home with his -parents, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs' AC.or Awd. . n M.G Jackln, Murrayat .a Rbe pair of pinchers lost there by 20th, 1954. The purpose of this 18-24. with his grandparents. Mrs. Arthur Bailey. . Alldre and e r and Mr. a.d Tinks. di*Tnkvs e an early prospector- meeting làs to allot dinner dates Mr. S. Hooey, Tyrone, at Mr. Several ladies attended the Thmsonn D rlee, Mr. and Mrs. Addirye' Tonk vsitedat Benneto hevaiou gous fr heand Mrs. J. Potts'. Nestleton Institute Card Pàrty M. D.s anldread, Mr. an rs Mr. ryc eons, Osawca. Og to, thessmenoouscomingpyear. 17- Farmers are starting to work at Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heýaslip's J.le Wsel adal, Bowmn-o Ms. iStehens,.Ro Banre cmn er173on the land- at Nestleton Friday evening vle usl lded oot. akvstda r o ag Mr o Cmrn n r.Wr wsrcevdonSm Mr. Gordon Hills and Wayne, maid'sgg g DANCE~qq& REIAMroe«ems hr.n DonnCamoy v antd Mriendsrda that Mrs. James Bruc Hamilton, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Allin, DANCat IICT 04 «the ong ulto Sutdfndy (ay Jene Mrlow ad pass- Mr. and Mrs. A. Hills. Douglas Robert and John, Mr. Chas. All.'PoeWib5g PCU ev ten Lg. a o eud (awy at arst) home inaTo- returned home after holidaying in, Bowmanville; Miss Nan Allin, 38DndsS.EWib By the~~rnt Pond ofura anfggmM tr2 a leg ev. 'n red Jackson Yelowees'"e *". e IN ULT siliB E n eht thless f ay i xed and son, Smithville, were enter- Miss Lena Taylor, Bowman- OUET AN i 80 Brs , IS | On af Re aMrs. Nihlo eetamed at Mr. and Mrs. A. Hills' ville, visited at Mr. E. Cryder-MA ER D.E.A. (Continued from page one) ari Hastins Anglicas aChurch neea sro ee s.n man H-M. and Mrs. Ross Cryder rcs okasi n Saturday, June 5, 1954 in any good story, there is a ing an*address on their Mission- don. Suay atnon. tohe rnvied tM.Bl eels.aeu tetoodti happy ending' r okRv Jcsn yoe aryorasanewn . 2:30, ai Town Hall ~A colored cook, played by Mrs. John Marlow returned Thn offring serice Mr. and Mars, Gorge MIn.. voihossro-hewd o ~~~Mrs. G. Yeo and the town gos- home Thursday from a visit in as hed Sutndayce mlowrn with toh and Crol Yeork HMils, s- eeto.fipre n i REPAIRS I ADMISSION ~~~~~~~~~~~~sip, Gabby, played by Mrs. L. Toronto. Mrs. Ivan Shook and ago tedne lwr eeie tM.Gog alns oetcGaie n &1 S Adults 35c SIO Chlrn40 Wearn, contributed several mo- Marjorie Anne accompanied ;n plce onteComno Table Plan to attend the amateurMabeinsok Hain T toule W il ice il lde b0o met ofvr odcmda e o e as oving memory of Mrs. Simon show in Solina Community Hall find ont what's wrong and i or at Liens Centre.Ppl dckeFlor Maarà(rlt iedl odr oy. an astrer 1. andda a mke t rgh FAT. ameem15-4* twisted in her words. Rodney :Forder. Lut asise Coufr Pre seticr. -hin es fr radio! FS.aie (Bob Mitchell) who stutters, but Mrs. Willard Cook, OshawaJC.okfrtesvi. .hn gosfrrdo Repcnrs Lad rH rware is 1rrepressible, also provided Mrs. Stanley , alcolm, BOW. Twt Misesio Bat nd achildenc T a~~~~ PIKU n EIEYg7 igS.B hn 7 od comedy. The part tif manville, visited Mr. and Mrs. along wth aers sat mladis body a RADIO and television repairs. kannah, the colored cook, was Neil Malcolm, with the W.mS.n adis Mrs. u Prompt service. Pick up and __criginally taken by Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kyte andFrdReHmtnwagus Lrmp Rsdh er iore De. P ho u ne Griffm, but owingt to illness, family spent the holidayswit speaker, and told un many in- DOR E EN" Ra.dioy Sho"). 17-4en 12tmsPhor.adMs-Nilnelomshie vCiStoyoT 5 Sotnn t e play. Bowmanville, at GrantJ-Sï_ Ren aram j viie At mnterission, Mrs. L. W. son's on Sunday. Mr.CclRhUion. SDippell. vice-president of the Mrs. Mmnerva Cowan with Mr. 5N pOWeN cen Ff Auxiliary called on the win- and Mrs. Wilbur Malcolm, Yel- ners of the Marathon Bridge verton. From January 1953, to jan- held throughout the past win. Mri. and Mrs. Austin Beacock uary, 1954, ave ëge wage of e y h nusoter to co-e forward and receiv. wih Mr and Ms John Mew, male far- help per day ih FASThi M us EGIF their prizes. Four winning Toronto. out board increased from $5.8o À 9FAS RE IEFFOR teams at the end of the mars. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thomp., to $5.90; in the same period lneludkgthon were: .Mrs. T. Wesley Caw- son and Jean with Mr. and Mrs. average wage per 8-hour day her and Miss Hincks, acting Donald Thom pson, Nestleton. of men and women employeli Royal Haeger, Beaverwam suPt. of Memorial Hospital; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Train, in manufacturing increased fmmon< 0 Vasesand lantRoy Nichols and Mrs. Wm. Weston, Mr. andi Mrs. Archie $10.72 to $11.23. xopt Vaesan PanersI E Quick; Mrs. Mlorley Vanstone Newton, Toronto, with Mrs. OON CIN CPSAN SUCRSand Mrs. Stuart R. James; Mrs. George rawfor and Mr. aind birthday party Saturday. C,2 ob9 including Paragon, ]Royal Albert, Royal Stafoed Leura and Muriel Griffin, Barbara, Janice and Pegy and other better varieties.LS"I m ï Enmiskillen, with Doris Griffin. Highland Creek; Rev. and Mrs. 1:RE D E L I E Y Wb- bdaen W Miss Gertrude Henry, Toron- à. Butters, Ian and John, In- Rm-er -PM to. with Mrs. James Henry. glewood, with Rev. and Mrs. C. ALL~~~~~u -0A2 Ltù FIA -1AHABCRY* *B•s.W eue Mr. and ,Mrs. B. Staniland, W. Hutton. ALLSA M M L AS A» CAMYdisturbe« n Marlene and Donna, Toronto: There was a good crowd at 1010. ôd-iMr. and .Mrs. Frank Staniland, the Anglican Men'& Club 'Eu- E 1 -Buckley's Flowers """"" kß bàW. RoetTrno h Mr.R r.T aged e-Ad W= = . tr D avid B allingall en - an C anp ; o erm M & V 5 K IN G S T . E . B O W M A N V I L R O E 3 6 MUMAIr. AMIL M. SU4 OMM &"AWAIWA'W MBR à PUMMqL& AL ýw

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