W'Acwu SIXTEEN &~ UJ~LV DIATWIALY, UcIWWVILIIEJ O1IAUO ~IRYMDAV~, .I1~ Il, P3313 3303 Tura Page for Articles For Sale Addiionl Clssiied RANGETTE, in good condition, Addtina Casifed chap. Pbone 3340. 17-11 TOURIST cabins--See advertise- BIRTHS ment under Real Estate. 17-1 AVERY-Merle and Clarence HARDWOOD table with set in Avery (nec Oke) are happy to leaves. Phone 2490. 17-1* announce the birth of their 200 SQUARE bales good mixe daughter on April 24th, a sister bay. Phone 2778. 17- for Shirley and Diane. 17-1 1000' 0F new rough lumber, 2x4.1 AVERY-Norman and Joan Av- Phone 920. 17-1 ery (nee Cox), are happy to announce the birth of their PLAYER piano for sale, price daughter, Valemie Rena Mary, $150.00. Phone 631. 17-1 at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- -____ ville, April 2th, a sister for QUANTITY of seed oats. Phone Gloria Jean and Norma Lynn. 16 - 32, Clarke. 16-2* 17-1 ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bags, delîvered in Bowmanvile. Phone GREEN -Elmer and Doreen 2473. 31-tf Green, R.R. 3, Newcastle, are happy to announce the arrivai of BABY carniage, Gendron, blue, twin boys on Saturday, April good condition. Apply M. Pàyne, 24th. Mother and babies fine. 2811, Clarke. 17-1* 1711 ONE single bcd and mattress GUNTER-Mr. and Mrs. Blake $7.00; one Frost King icebox Gunter (nee Jessie Van Camp), $10-00. Phone 2863. 17-1* are happy to announce the birthMAUEfrsl,$atode of their son, (eight months), on livered forJackleom$4a.Pone Friday, April 23rd, 1954, at the lvrd akYoa' Oshawa General Hospital. Moth- - 17-2* er and baby fine. 17-1!GENDRON go-cart, Gendron pram. Mns. Reg. Hearl, 90 On- MYLES-Mr. and Mrs. Donald tario St., Bowmanville 17-1* Myles are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Candace NEW colony house, 8x10; also Elaine, a sister for Faye Marie, 2-wheel trailer, '/2-ton steel box.1 at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- Frank Hoskin, Blackstock. 17-1* ville, on April l4th, 1954. 17-1*KES NEletiragten RAHM-Mr. and Mrs. Ronald good condition. Apply after six1 Rahm are happy to announce to Harvey Metcalf, R.R. 3, the birth of their daughter, Judy Bowmanville. 17-1* Ann, at Memorial Hospital, Bow- POTATOES for seed, Sebago, manville, April l3tb. A sister from Northern Ontario stock and for Kthyrn. 17-1* tneated seed; reasonabie. Doug. ENGA EME TS arton, Enniskillen. 17-1 IF backaches are slowing you Mr. and Mrs. Alexander up, take Rumacaps and belp Groselle, Coboconk, announce yourself td relief from pains and- the engagement of their daugh- aches. Ask your druggist. 17-1 ter, Mildred, to Thomas More Allin,soofM.ad r. IrvinNE John Bean spray machines S. Allun, Newcastle. The mar- and used spray machines. Bob riage will take place quietîy in Cale, 312 Liberty St., North, the Coboconk United Church in Bowmanville. Phone 476. 15-tf May. 171 STOREo"Y and a haîf bouse 20x28 Dr. nd Ms. olso C. ainwith a 20x12 attachment. To be Dr. nd Ms. olso C. ainremnoved. Apply Mike Panas, announce the engagement of R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 17-1* their daugbter, Patricia Ann, to1Dost_ John Goodaîl Tait, son of Mr. STRAWBERRY plants,Dost and Mrs. William Tait of Bow- Dunlap, $2 per hundred; Rasp- manville, Ont. The marriage berry, Lathams 4c each. Laird, will take place on May l5th, at Maple Grove, 2109. 16-2* f, 7:30 o'clock in Century Baptist Church, Toronto. 17-1* CHIPPAWA seed pcitatoes, grown fromn certified seed, 75e Mr. aiKd Mrs. Joseph McCam- 75 lb. bag. Oshawa 3-8060. monc-of Oshawa announce the 17-1* n âgement of their daughtcr, MYi etrbdigmnh a, to Leonard T. Hilditch, Sec sbetrbedn mnh son of Mrs. Thomas Hiiditch of e the fine selection of Marsh- - Bowmanville, and the late Mr. ail and Simmons mattresses at Dý Hilditch. The marriage will take special prices at Morris Co. 17-1 ct place in Kin'g Street United HAY fork and siings, 40' of-steel b3 Church on Friday, May 21, at track, ropes and cable, good; also iwî 1:30 p.m.171 100 bales of straw and rubber- . tîred wagon. Phone 2380. 171* ic Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sturrock- ti of Bowmanville announce the SAVE on lumber, direct from 'stý engagement of their daughter, mill to y01u. Phillips Lumber Lc Audrey Donalda, toi Donald Co., Kînmount, Ont. Phone Tc James Thompson, son of Mr. and 17r1 1. 13-tf 36 Mrs. James B. Thompson of Oshawa. The wedding wîll take USED tomato or tobacco by- place in St. Andrew's Presby- drauiic planter, one year oid, terian Church, Bowmanvîllie planted only 25 acres. Cheap Di May 29th, at 3 o'clock. 17-1 for quick sale. Phone 82 - 5, Orono. 16-2* The engagement is announced AFRICAN violets, cut flowers cf Norma Jessie, youngest and various pot plants for claughter of Mrs. Harnden and Mother's Day. Visit Ennîskill- the late Mr. Ernest Harnden, en Greenhouses or Phone 2468. Grafton, to Aleck Robert, 17-1 youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Moffat, Orono. The ONE Oliver 16-run fertilizer and rnarriage will take place on Sat- grai.n drill, Oliver 66-77-88 trac- lirday, May 22nd, at 3 o'clock in tors; complete line of farmi ma- Et. Andrew's United Church, chinery. Tyrone Garage. Phone- Grafton. 171 * 2882. 17-2 U] MARRIAGE BEAVER oats for seed, cleaned and treatcd, also 15 Massey disc ARD - CAMPBELL - On April drill; teami of honses, 15 cwt. "5t, 1954, at the Presbyterian Apply C. Payne. Phone Clarke vlne, Winchester, by Rev. Win. 2811. 17-1* Ma Reid, Joan Isabel, daughter of SECOND cutting aifalfa hay, Mir Mr. and Mms. David H. Camp- baled and red ciover, seed grain, bell, Avonmore, to James Hugh, Beaver oats and Clinton oats. A. son of Mn. and Mrs. Robt. H. W rsot nikle.Poè Ard, Orono. 17-1*W.PeotEnsien Phn 2151. 1 71* DEATHS______ bedsprings and S LýARKIN-At Memýorial Hospital, condition, $15; oak buffet with Bowmanviile, on Wednesday, mirror $10; ice efrigerator, April 21, 1954, James F. Larkin, medium size, $6. Phone 3186, or- (Newcastle, Ont.) in his 64th cal at 205 King St. E. 17-1i year, beloved husband of Eliza- beth Moffatt. Service washeld at ames-Atnin the Morris Fuiner,"Chap-l, Bow N ages of ight and 16 ycams. Everythlng lii claîrr The Bowmanvilîe Piiimblnt and Heating are x Public Scbool Board. Write Dept. BS-i or and 17-2 Visit Our Showrooms. unde Seed For Sale date AýBEGWEIT oats, cleaned and bhed ti-eated, $1.25 a bus. Phone 2868.j j have 17-1* j PuDmo &fUm D SEEDS, governifent tested, No. smmftW&meta.rio, g ar e n s e d a lu sto k n w. O P en W edu e sda> an d F r d ay I Stearta Sed, Bwmavile.evenings and a&l daY Saturday. 9 Artc1es For Saùi CHROME - chrome - chronr Morris Co. May special - E> fsion table and four chairs, cl of colors, for $59.50. Rier ber, wc bave four floors of cm fine fumniture bargains. CASE tractor, model V, sîceves, pistons, clutcb andà tery, very good tires. A Robt. Flett, Lot 3, Con. 6, Whitby. Phone Brooklin 19: SPRUCE up for spring-M( Co., your floor coveming hi quartiers, have many new terns, over 60 rolîs in st Also a large selection of goleum and Quaker rugs. STEWART'Sfmesh gardien sg in bulk mean more for3 money. Cent. seed potat gladiolus and tuberous beg( bulbs, fentilizers, etc. Shop r avoid the rush. Stewe Seeds. 15-1 NEW wagons, harrows, sprÉ ens, wheelbarrows, lawn mow plumbing supplies, plastic 1 and pressure system; used Ic mowems, washing machine, e tric motor, at Harvey Partn( Tyrone. Phone 2240. 1'd VENETIAN BLINDS - St sizes, white or eggshell sl plastic or cloth matching ta] Made - to - measure blinds specialty; free installation; tape and siat colors. Morris Phone 480.1 Singer Sewing Nachine Ce FOR SERVICE - PHONI Bowmanville 3649 TILE Supplied and Laid CERAMIC - PLASTIE RUBBER - MARBOLEI H. G. 1HEAL Phone 2902 Bowmanvi Bugs, ]Broadloom SAVE 50%. New Rugs Ma trom Your Old Rugs, Carpe Voollens, etc. Dominion Rug Weavim Company 1 Phone 3446 Bowmanvi] 49. )RAPERIES and venetian blin ,stom made, or draperies sc )y the yard. Our representati, viîl cail at your home any tir vitb a complcte range of sampl, id suggestions witbout obligý !on. Free estimates and free ii allation within 35-mile are ,west prices in town. Pabr 'own,1 59 King St. W. Phoi 609, Bowmanvilce. 8- OT ACO0 luctalloy and Cast Shares Rotary Mowers, $76.95 Wagons Plows Disks Spreade FIRANIK HOSKIN Blackstock - 2 17-1 ISED MACHINE R! 2 I.H.C. 50T Baiera 1 N-H 76 Baler 1 N-H 77 Baler Harvey Elevator assey-Harris No. il Side Raki on Rubber inneapolis Moline Side Rakg on steel wheels 150-gai. Orchard Sprayer 1,00 bu. Cobey Spreader S. NORTON & SON N'EW HOLLAND DEALER Phone 2279 17-1 qEW MACHINERY ON DIS PLAY Ch.tor 400, Sec. ha51. rs against the above estate requircd to scnd particulars full proof thereof to tbc mrsigned on or before tbe lat of June, 1954, aftcr which the assets of the estate will istributed having regard to Will and the dlaims that Lthen been reccived. ATED at Bowmanville, On- )the 27th day of April, 1954. Lawrence C. Mason, Barrister, etc., 10 King Street West, omaville, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor. 17-3 m :x .h m 10 hE c se y Ib crc n, ia .L re Wi p la el ie 17 ;t( sh 0 14 IC :aý ýei n il 9- nc ýol IN ,ri] )lt gi ir ,et iri )n P kt Mvontreal. 16-2 INTERESTED in door-to-door selling? In a business of your own? Join now a 25 year old ICanadian firm witb 1,000 deal- ers. Openings in your surround.. îngs. Write for frce informna- tion. Familex, 1600 Delorixuier, Dept. 2, Montreal. '1 7 1j Rooms to Rentf WE have a few rooms available at reasonable weekly rates. The Balmoral Mot"l -tiA ýe Work Wanted n- GARDENS plougbed andc iten- ivated. Phone 2112. 1 hoice ,nemn- YOU~NG girl desires work. Pl oth. 3624. 17-1 GARDEN plougbed and culi new cd. Phone 2949. bat- GRAVEL and fil hauled. Ph PPlY Newcastle 2146. East r 22. BULLDOZING, excavating 17-1 gradîng. Appiy Neil Met( -Phone 2469, Bowmanville. E .orris cad- CUSTOM tractor work pat- garden. Alldread & Son. Pi ock. 496. Y Con- YOUNG girl wants work, hot 171work or factory work. 8 K ;eeds St. E., Alice Cudmora. 17 Your DARLINGTON Abattoir, Har tocs, ton, for custom killing. Pi onia 3243.3 now, ,art's BULLDOZING and excavai *tf gravel fili and loam. By i - or contract. Gcrald Bals ýad- Phone 2733, Bowmanville. 16 vers, pipe DON Brooks, carpenter, i ,awn tractor-AlL types of remoci flcc- îng and kitchen cupboar ,er's, builder of new homes. F. -Bowmanvilie 602.f :okLET us landscape or keep y( lats, ganden in top condition. W tpes. our Roto-tiller you can hi a three operations eut down to o 28 Sec us for fast service. H.V Co- Belle, 18 Mill Lane. Phone7 10-tf Bowmanvilic. il BONDED brakes, no rivets, I longer; we stock brake shoes rcady to go for Ford, Che 0. Pontiac, Plymouth, Dodge.1 Ecan bond any set for you wi our own bonding equipme: Bob Stocker's Garage, Bowma ville. Phone 804. 14. 4-tf - asonry Construci BRICK - BLOCK - CONCREI C Frec Estimates LIM ANGER ERGS. PHONE-2643 or 3375 leè42 )-tf SAVE MONEY AT BDA yE'9s ade SHOE REPAIR SKATES SHARPENED 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (4n ra Me Concrete ,and yMason Work id Ie L. TU RNER mePhone 3600 Evenings 322 Oe P . Box 177 Bowmanvj:l ra- 1 a. BRAKE womk is our specialti ic Brake drum lathing for ail sizi ,ne of car or truck brake drun _t Brakes relincd, bonded or rivetE - cd. We are especially equippe for bydrauiic brakes, overbat and repairs. Bob Stockcr's Ga rage, Bowmanville. Phone »C 14-4 BULLDOZING and EXCAVATING TRENCHING and LOADING BY HOTJR OR CONTRACT * -Free Estimates Given - WN. TRIPP PORT PERRY R. R. 2 PHONES: Res. 109r42, Office 39; 22-t lePhone 3613 FOR PROMPT SERVICE :e on your Plumhing and Heatini PROBLEMS LOW DOWN PAYMENT - EASY TERMS ON New Insfallafions W. A. KILPATRICI Recal Estate For Sale 'SEVEN-room frame house, ga- rage in Hampton, 14 acre land, 10w down payment. Phone Bow- manville 2012. 16-2 PIVE-room, two-storey semi-de- tached frame bouse, newly dec- orated; garage, good garden. Apply 188 King E., Bowmanville. 16-2 $1,200 DOWN, new 4-roomed bouse near Maple Grove, heavy duty wining, fixtures, 1/ acre land, immediate possession. Bal- ance $3,300. Phone 2436. 17-1* CABINS-prefabmicated, easily dismantled. One, 18'x20', 3 ooms; one, 18'x20', 2 rooms; tbree, 8'xlO'. AUl in good con- dition and compiete witb screens and awnings. Apply "Willow Acres", 252 King St. E. 17-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rentcd, Managed and Apprajscd L. M. A L L 1 S O N Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks noth of traffic signal, Newcastle. 20-tf This Office will be Closed Thr'ee Weeks AUCTION SALES 7.3*- Oshawa Auction Amena is nci 7- operatîng cvery Tuesday, 7:3 one p.m., one mile north of the Hous 7-1w that Jack Built. There is ger -erally plnty to choose frort ývat- Phone Oshawa 5-5980. Jame 15-3 Wood, auctioneer. 17- ione I bave mceived instruction 13tf from the administrator of th and estate of the late George Jam alf. leson, to seli by public auctior 7-*Saturday, May 8t, at 1 p.m.,a - is late residence, Main Strees and Newcastle, is entire househol( ione effects. Terms cash. Properti 5-4* sold. Jack Reid, -auctione -ILawrence Harris, clerk. 17. ise- îng 1 h ave received instructior 1-1* from Mrs. Wilfmed Sherwin, Lo -27, Concession 4, Clarke Twp. Sfimst farm cast of Omono, to sel one iby public auction on Satumday 2tf May lSth at 1 p.m. sharp, a 9 in,1piece dining-room suite; 3 piecE rur cbsterfield suite, upight piano n. bdroom suite, chests of drawem:, -4* end tables, dishes, glassware, -. quantity of stovewood, tools, etc rin- In the event of ain sale wiil bE eil- beld insîde at the Exhibition ' ds; Grounds, Orono. Terms cash, ree Poperty sold. Jack Reid, auc. 350, tioncer; Lawrence Harris, cleni, ;-tf 17-3 Dur I have received instructions ith from Mms. Betty Stinson to sell ive by public auction on Saturday, ,ne. May 1 at 1 p.m. sharp. hem bouse- ran boîd effects. -Sale to be hel< 157, inside at the Exhibition Grounds, 63 Orono. This sale will includea ast Moffat ali-enamel electmic stove, ail and an ali-enamel cook stove, Wesectional bookcase, sewing ma- thchine, kitchen cabinet, chest o nth drawers, walnut end tables, i-chairs, glassware, kitchenwame, .4* dozens of other items. Term - cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioncer; Lawrence Harris, iclcrk. 17-1 LELivestock For Sale PIVE milking goats. Phone 2561. 17-1 tf WEANING pigs, and one bay -marc, seven ycars old. Phone 25 - 10 Orono. 17-1* REGIS;TERED Hereford bull, one ycar old. Phone Clarke 1613. 17-1* ONE bmown borse, 1,400 lbs., 121 r) yars. Mark Hancock, Brooklin. .tf Phone 19 - 32. 17-1* ONE registcred Hereford bull, 21/2 years old. Apply Clarence Allin. Phone Oono 25 - 7. 16-2* REGIS;TERED Shorthorn bull, dark mcd, 14 montbs old, accred- ited berd. Carl Wright, Black- >, stock. Phorie 65W. 171* e 300 STARTED pullets, New 't Hampshire, -Columbia Rocks, il Y. weeks old. Edgar Nichols, Port L. Hope. Phone 2785. 17-1 's YOUNG sows due in Maas ýsix sections of harrows. Ivan dMountjoy, Bumketon. Phone iBlackstock 87 r 4. 17-1 kDAY-OLD and started chicks. *Two batches weekly. For price -list, Write or telephone. H. J. Brooks, Phone 2636, Bowman- ville, Ontario. 3-tf PRESH cows and some due to feshen soon, also veal caives; wanted to buy, potatoes for cattle. Apply Z. J. Benschop. Phone 2926. 17-1 REGISTERED Guernsey cows, fresh or springing, good R.O.P. records. Phone Blackstock 8r13. Doug Mackic, R.R. 2, Nestîcton. f 17-2 *REGISýTE1%ED Yorkshire boars, serviceable age, fmom advanced registry stock; damn and sire both quaîified. Caif for veaiing. Ralph Lammer R.R. 2, Nestîcton. Phone Blackstock 5 r 31. 17-1* Notices David Brown Tractor Demon-1 stration will be beid at Ponty. Pool on Bcmnstien Homestead on Tbursday aftemnoon, May 6th. 17-1 *9 Bowimanville, Saturday, Unions Hall. Guitars supplied, yours on $2,000 -Down payment on 100 acres of good dlay loam, 8 room frame bouse, bank barn, double deck hen bouse, garage, h y d r c throughout, pressure syst- cm, balance $9.000 on easy temms. $2,500 -Down payment on 100 acres, stock and imple. ments, 9 room frame bouse, bank barn 40'x80', pîg pen, imple- ment shed, chicken house, garage, Hydro, plenty of watem, close to school and village. Balance $3,500 witb tcmms. $2,500 -50 acres ail womkablc, bank barn with stanchions and littem carrier, impie- iment shed, hen bouse, good frame bouse, Hydro in aIl buildings, new wire fencing, on good gmaveli road. Balance $2,300. 6 oom bouse in Newcastle to exchange for a good 100 acre farm. 200 acre famm for ent, 150 acres womkablc, sprîng seeding can be amanged. Country store, small rest- aurant, a large number of the best fanms. H3. C. PedwellJ BROKER Newcastle Phone 38-SSL 1 17-1 DeWITH REAL ESTATE 200 acre famm, 14 mile from bightvay, with creelç, L-shape bank barn, diving shed, etc.; 9 roomed frame bouse with water pressure, fumnace, bat]moo, 60 acre famm, 7/ mile from highway, with 80x45 ft. bank bamn, silo, garage; 7 roomed frame bouse, hydmo tbrougbout. Price $5,500. Terms. 120 acre farm north-west Bowmanviile, with 100 acres womkable good dlay loam land, 9 acres of wood, creek, close to school and chumch, L-shapc bank barn, pig pen, hen bouse; 10 roomed brick bouse with fumnace and full cellar. Down payment amgd.arn g p0rired r$13.000.r -wewilturat hooc, bamn, 1 mhogomed barick. 1BALMORAL B T Lyou satisfaction at mznl rioue, ydr thoughutgarge.low pnices and easy terms. Tour 2rc 700 0 c ea, norhshaa 17-1 présent car May be the oniy 200ace arm nrt OTow -down payment requlred. wih2cmeeks, L-shape bank. vvantea TBuY THOUSANDS 0F SATISFIED bamn, driving shed, hen bouse, CUSTOMERS PROVF etc.; 12 roomed brick bouse, close SMALL used power sprayer. OUR POINT. to school and highway. Asking Phone 3248. 17-1* price $18,000. Terms. Bfr 8 oomed nealy new ouse SERVICED building l t, must be BefU s o u)- on 1 acre lot, witb bathroom, easonable. Apply 35 Carlyse ## . fumnace, bot and coîd running Ave., Bowmanviîe. 171* Cive Siew" a Tr w ater, bardw ood floors, kitchen, O D t re - os"c ii a o cupboga a s, fruitl ees Apply Reford Camemon. Phone STE W'S SPECIALÏ >ernies, etc. Asking price $12,500.3. 17-1 :47 Mercury 11118"1 Seda 550 Terms. 115 or 13 USED disc fertilizer '47 Pontiac Coach - 7 roomed frame bouse in vill- drill. Appiy C. Payne. Phone '47 Stude Sedan, ovenr'lWUo age, close ta scbool and stores. Clarke 2811. 17-1* '48 Morris 1*1011 Sedan AU *9 Asking price $3,500. Temms. '49 Mercury Coach -- 760 6 roomed brick veneer new LARGE bouse in tawn or coun- and nxany more house, Witby, with full base- try with option to buy. Phone . ment. Has oil funace, bath- Newcastle 2116 or P. . Box 45. 1953 Packard Carbe~~ rom, bot and cold muning watem, 17-1 Convertible - Con""L~.W ardwood floors. P ice $8,500.M ke e an o f 2,500 down. BEFORE seling your live poul- 1954 LINCOLNS ON IPLA 8 roomed brick veneer bouse ty, ty us. Our Prices are high- it Bowmanville with f ull cellar, cme. M. Platt, R.R. 1, Bethany. DRANLET )athroom, running ot and coîci Phone 7 r 13. Reverse charges. rater, oil heated, hamdwood W NE-iep uty 51-ti O O A E looms, modern kîtchen, garage. WNE - e olr.goose LIMITSALD ice $10,500. Temms. feathers, feather ticks, scmap ITE 6 roomcd brick veneer bouse, irn- g n mtl. RwMencuny -Lincoln - Meteor 3owmanville, witb full cellar, £urs and deerskins. Phone 3-2043 NEWCASTLE PHONE 2871 ectric beater. ncw furnace, Oshawa, coilect. 46-tf 17-1 >atbroom, bardwood f i o o n s hrougbout, nicely decorated. Pt o aePro a rice $10,500. Terma. PetsForS le_______a Broesides thabé2ove eto COLLIE pups. Phone 2636. Ken HYGIENIC supplies - (rubber hope rswo hvm2otest Brooks 17.2* goods) mailcd postpaid in plain 1cs frm ______________ sealed envelope with price list. Contact WATD--Good home for Irish Six samples 25c, 24 samples John F. DeWith, Realtor Setter, mother and daughter, not $1 .00. Mail Order Dcpt. T-28, rwcastie Phone 3341 neccssarily togcther. Phono, Bow- Nav-Rubber Co., Box 91, MI, 17-1 mam4iA M&817.1 iman, Ont. 1-1 JReal Estate For Sale Chiclcs For Sale IREAL ESTATE FOR SALE ASK for early summer pricesM :14 roomed bouse, insul brick, Bray chicks. They have starWd 1beavy wiring, water, floor cov- pullets, pretty prompt shi nt. 2ering, landscaped, garage, good also mixed. Wide choice M s, *Isize lot. $3,500. Terms. crosses.1 Your cockerels Id New 5 roomed bungalow, mod- be ordered in advance odate ern kitchen, 4-piece bathroom, desired. Agent, F. L. Byam, *furnace, garage, small fruits. Tyrone. 17-1 $9,000. Terms. 2 40 acre farm* 1 mile froma haghway; 35 acres workable M and June 0oa, brn, silo, greenhouse, hen houses, a6 roomed bouse, C IK C S ~ E~ water systeman hydro through-CH R u T out. $10,000. Terrms. We intend to close our ieu Building lots, bungalows and lune Iltli. If >'ou Intend te apartment houses for sale. order chieks, please do go at Mns. A. P. Jansen once as we like to have your Bowmanville il Duke St. order at least three weeks býefore * Phone 3309 after 6 p.m. ehicks are wanted, to assiut us Local agent for l etn u nuaos John F. DeWith, Realtor I etn u nuaos r17-1* PHONE 2636 NIXON REAL ESTATE GHCHLAND FARNS 5room brick bungalow, large H. J. BROOKS living and dining room, modern7- kitchen, 4-piece bath, air con- 1- ditioned, hardwood floors, in- sulated, venetian blinds, storm For Rent dor ad screens, garage.PATR $1,0.l . ATR for 30 head of cattle. 4-room framne bouse, 3 piece J. Wagg, R.R. 1, Brooklin. 7-1* bath, furnace, insulated, full basement, garden, mnake 'offer. SIX-room bouse, garden, % mile $1,200 down, 5-room frame east of Blackstock; school bus. house on large lot, heavy wiring, Apply Rupert Werry, Blackstock. furnace, îow taxes, weîî, on Phone Blackstock 98 r 3. 17-1* paved road.romaametcnrl $3,000, $1,500 down, 6-roo FIVE omartecnrl frame bouse, ½/ acre lot, low location, adults only. Write Box taxes, insulated and heavy wir- 150, c/o The Canadian States- ing. Immediate possession. man. 17-1 $5,000, 3-room bungalow, FOUR rooms in Tyrone, water hydro, furnace, insulated, hard- and hydro, immediate possession, wood floors, garage, well, good no objection to children. Phone lot, possession 30 days. 24,Bwavle 71 Many more bouses, farms, 24.Bwavle 71 businesses, lots, etc. ROOM for rent for couple of James Nixon, Broker girls suitable for light house. *Howard Philp, Salesman keeping if desired. Phone 924. Office: 85 King East Dial 713 17-1* Res. 682 or 2620 17-1* TWO or three rooms to rent in Tyrone, no objection to a child; Appliatio s WatÂ1 possession at once. Pbone Bow- manville 2306. 1710 For Canning Crop TWObheated roms with con- THREE lovely. mooms, beated, with ail conveniences; one school age child welcome. Apply Box 147, Canadian Statesman. 16-2* ,THREE room beated apartn>f and batbroom, hardwood fo kitchen cupboars grge' desired. Apply P. O. Box 67. 17-1 MODERN, nicely deqýpated tbree-moom heated ap nt, private four-piece tiled th- room, not suitable for small cbildrcn, bot water supplied; for Eastern Gntario Knowiedge of canning croii production probIcms essentiai, Car mileage and adequate saiary offcred. Must bc experienced in dealing with people and able te submit reports on activities. Duties ta commence June lSth, 1954, ta end of tomato canning season, wilI include organization- al work and promotion of good cannen.grower relations. Appieants ta apply lu wnitlng to 1). S. Swain Ontario Vegetable Gnowers' Marketing Board, 209 McNab St. South, HAMILTON, ONT. by May'3rd, 1954. State age, expenience, qualifications and references. For funther Information contact Mac. Irwin PORT HOPE R.R. 3 16-2 Boom cnd Board ONE maie boarder. Phone 3477. Phone and television prîvîleges. 17-1 BALMORAL HOTEL Raies for Room AND BOARD AIl Rooms with Running Water TV Lounge Full hofel privileges Your Home Away from Home Rates $16 per week Cars For Sale 1947 DODGE sedani, heater, good tires, good condition, price $750. Phone 3401. 17-1 1938 CHEV. truck and '29 sedan for scrap. R. R. 3, Pontypool. Phone 62 - 13. 17.2* '47 MERCURY 2% ton truck, ex- cellent condition, witb good 12# stake body with racks. Pout new tires on rear. Cheap fol quick sale. Phone Millbrook 204 r 2. 17-2* BEFORE you buy your new or late model used car sec us about Our low cost financing service. Available for cither dealer oe private sales. Roy C. Lunney, General Insumance, 48 King St. West, Bowmanville. 17-1 ACT NGW! Before the heavy Sprlng demand for Used Cars and Trucks forces Prices sky high BUY NOW! At Lowest Prie. evel' Besides aur present stock or Quaiity Recondltloned Cars and Trucks we have many more units comlng ln on New Cars withla the next few weeks. Looklng for a certain make, year, or model> ba bf fIc P' Bc e]E phi 1< frm il11 ]Phoe Ohawi 3-534 fhor nbusinessai3-4534 for]P.any usnss iquie. Os.w P. Aaxn- WBro Os. M. E. Aax-Wsten LrocM.ElAesk L5OtroS. oa n *Bowmanville 15-3 IWanted 171 TO get some becs, ta run on shares. Apply to Box 149, c/o' The Canadian Statesman. 17-1* DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary Jdisposai. Telephone coilect- Co- ourg 1266 or Tomante EM. 3-3636. Gordon Young Uinited. 50-f Tani Page for Adddlloa l C1a eaU .> e,%Cm 0 1 mirp q9mr OrATAIWAW 1 1 mdlèý pffnIm M _nw