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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1954, p. 1

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VOLUME 100 San Behind the Scene, Strafford Festival Canadian Club Speake W One - f the most interesting and found correct by Mrs. ~ej of the season, Mr. Tom Wight and Mrs. A. S. Bak te n, the man who dream- that membership now stands ~ithe Strattord Shakesperean 130. This inc]udes quite a ni Festival and made that dreain ber from Newcastle and Oro corne true, brought to a close Mrs. Rolph, on taking office: another very successful year of another term, thanked memi the Women's Canidian Club at for their confidence in her,a 'the meeting in St. John's Parisha also expressed appreciation: Hall, Monday. April 26. the co-operation of her exec This was also the annual tive. meeting when reports were re- Stratford Native ceived from the Recording Se- Mr. Patterson was introdi cretary, Mrs. Lorne Allun, and ed by Mrs, H. Jose of Newcast Treasurer Mrs. W. Staples. The man with the idea whi Mrs. Allin's report was read by has resounded around t Corr. Secretary, Mrs. A. With- world, is a graduate of Triri erspoon. College, University of Toron The report of the Nominat- and worked with Maclea ng Committee was made by -unter Fublications before pt Mrs. Alex McGregor, which ting his full time an.the Stre resulted in the following slatc ford Festival. He is a native of officers being elected. Past Stratford. Mrs. Joseread ane president, Mrs. L. Goddard; cerpt from the book, "Renov president, Mrs. 0. W. Rolph; îst at Stratford," giving Dr. TJ vice, Mrs. C. Wight; 2nd vice,' rone Guthrie's frank and inte Mrs. O. Robson; treasurer, Mrs. esting impression of Mr. Pa W.* Staples; corr. secretary, Mrs. terson. A. Witherspoon; assistant corr. In ail the interesting detai secretary, Mrs. L. M. Rathbun; v.hich Mr. Patterson reveal rec. secretary, Mrs. L. Allin; in bis talk, whose 45 minut executive committee, Mrs. G' slipped by with amazing rapi: Moody, Mrs. L. Dickinson, Mrs. ity and the breathless attentic H. A. Turner, Mrs. W. J. Leask. of the large audience of men Urs. I. Munday. Pianists, Miss bers andi guests, Mr. Pattersc H. Morris, Mrs. D. R. Morrison. neyer once laid stress on tl wspart which he played in brinr This part of the meetigsing about the Festival at Stra well conducted by Mrs. L. God- ford last year, which receivE dard, Past President. It was unprecedented acclaim in ti revealed in the Treasurer's re- nwppr of the world, beir port, which had been- audited terrne11the most important thei trical event in the history ofa Tenns Clb totime by New York and Londo It is nevertheless true thE Start Play Soon the idea of a hksea Festival at Stratford was Tor The' Bowmanville Tennis Club Patterson's, and that he ha held theiç first meeting of the the courage, persistence an year Tuesday night under the ability to fire others with e. chairmanship of President Jack thusiasm which resulted in th ]Dunn. Plans were laid for the wonderful success of the fir caming season.. Festival last year. The reasoi A drive fr rnembe shi 5tt for this success Mr. Pattersci be started imrnediately with a attributes to the genius of Ty Mlght increase ini fees ta offset ront Guthrie, the greatest di reased costs. This year rector of our tirne. e~¶mbership will be single sen- ietrsEhuam iors $8; senior couples, $12; jun- DrcorsEhuam iors, $3 and weekend, $3. Fees Mr. Patterson emphasizeg mnust be paîd to the secretary Dr. Guthrie's tremendous en a as possible. thusiasmi for the project and hi Sgrounds committee will wonderful unselfishness espe, 9:g into action immediately cially regarding finances. I and it is expected thatews agreed that he should re. cou.rts at thç Lions Commun: ceveacrinfexd ,e fty Centre will be in good shape penies. The amount of his ex. within two weeks, weather per- penses as presented, was $7.50! initting. (Continued on page seven) James Marr New Lions Presideni Club Plans for Coming TB Surve> Popular Jimmy Marr, well support ini previous cempaigns. iknown local jewellery store The second letter was from proprietor, was elected presi- the -Sunday Schoool Board of dent of Bowmanville Lions Club Trinity United Church thank- for the corning year at Manday ing the club for the use of the evening's meeting of that or- Lions Centre for Sunday School, ganization. Other election re- classes during the four mont! suits annaunced were Howard period in whicb the newly op- Jeffery who becamne first vice, ened Sunday School was under Jack Cale, second vice, and construction, Enclosed wasa Fred Cole, third vice. Lion Stu cheque for $150 ta assist the James was in charge of the bal- club in carrying on its work. loting. Lion Jack Cole, in charge of Five club members to recelve the T.B. survey committee pre- birhda cogrcultios wresented the members with an birhda cogr wltios Wreenvelope cantamning appoint- O. K. Osborne, Russ Oke, Law- ment cards and a list of nameg rence Goddard, Herb Gaddard ta canvass. The members were and Dr. W. H. Birks. LionHow- instructed in the proper proce- ard Jeffery was presented with dure by Lion Cole whoa nnaunc- hi.s five year perfect attendance ed that the survey must be pin by Lion secretary Norm compîeted by next meeting O'Rourke, and cangratulated date. The X-ray unit will be set by president Barney Vanstone up in the Lions Centre begin- who nated that Lion Howard ning Tuesday, May 11, from 2 had neyer rnissed a meeting till 5 p.m. and 7 till 10 p.m. It since jaining the club in 1949. wîll continue through Wednes- Several ttems of correspond- day and Thursday during the ence were read by secretary same hours with the inclusion Norm 'Rourke, the first being of a 10 ta 12 arn. morning per- from Lieut. John Ham of the lod on the last twa days. School Salvation Army announcing the chîldren and employees of la- caming Salvation Army Red cal industries will be handled Shield campaign. Lieut. Ham by a second mobile unit during thanked the club far their fine the three days. Odd Fellows and Rebekahs Attend Divine Service at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Ch. Members af Florence Night- body of men. Man is beset by ingale Lodge, No. 66, I.0. .F., hunger ta be needed. We must îand Beehive Rebekah Lodge, have a Christian philosophy for were joined by vîsitors from mutual aid and must take mut- A.istrict lodges, Encampment and ual means of attaining it and Pantons of Oshawa, in the annual spiritual fellowship. divine service at St. Andrew's There is toa much bigotry in PresbYterian Church, Sunday the world taday. The spirit of *,n tolerance offers basis of a happy g~.o Training Schol for comnunity and good citizens live follo by parade Marshall no longer isolated; we can't make W .Crden, Colour Bearers God's lave too narrow by putting 5Dîsl ey, Wr. Wade, and on lirnits of aur awn. Beyond thBearer Garnet Goheen. aur sphere a great hast is war- >e i was under the direc- shipping God. Integrity is need- tion bWMr W. W. Bagnel af ed in private and public life and the Sehiool staff. the only way to attain it is Rev. Alex. G. Scott, minister, t h rau gh religiaus discipline ,was in charge of the service. wbich will help us ta flnd and Mr. W. E. C. Workrnan presided possess deepest bond of fellaw- at the organ. and Mrs. Lloyd ship. Avyre, guest soloist, sang mast Following the service the effectively "Spirit of God". parade forrned a circle at the The minister in his words of Cenataph wjaere Rev. Alex. Scott welcome on behaîf of Session, oftered prayer for members of Office Bearers and congregation, the Order wha gave their ail in said he was pleased ta have the Warld Ware I and II. Garnet opportunity af addressing mem- Goheen placed the wreath and bers of the Odd Fellows, Re- "Last Post" and "Reveile" were bekahs and other branches of the sounded by Bra. Wm. Askew, Order as he had first-hand know- of Corinthian Lodge, No. ai, ledge of the work they engage in. Oshawa. Rev. A. Scott chose his text Noble Grand Wm. Shotter frorn Hebrews 12:22-23. He re- presided at a short informal rm* :.-ed his guests they were met meeting in the lodge room at to woaip a&" rlt loa aLt WW un cie ci "the arvi Canvassers Are S Needed To Heli T.B. X-Ray SurVE The Northumberland-.Dur free chest X-Ray survey is b organized in Bowmanville 1,500 homes inRa Bwmanville C. the cammittee would like ,ker, have 150 canvassers s0 thatg I at would anly have ten calh imn- make. To date, the response (Mo. been goad. The Commi for headed by chairman <non A bers has 100 volunteers fram va: and organizatians and individualE for If you have the time, w cu- you offer yaur services forq vassing ta prepare the way this free tuberculosis X- [ue- clinic which will be held in tice. Lions Community Centre ich May il? If you can help,( the tact any one of these Lions% îity are on the committee: Don A] nto, Laurence Goddard, Jack C ýa1- Howard Jeffery, Bruce Semt )ut- at- i 0 f Goodyear rlocke' lwlWinds Up Seas< laWith Banquet ails The annual Goodyear Hocl Lel League trophy dinner was h tes at the Elmhurst Hotel, Ne id- castle, Saturday at which ti in the winners of this past w mn- ter's seasan received th ion awards. Plant Superintend( the Charlie Cattran presented1 g- players with their trophy c at. tificates and Don Kemp, pre red dent of the Local Union, pi the sented the winning Fan Be ing team with the Union Troph: a- During the evening Norm ail Allison conducted an election on officers for the league. 'J new executive are: Presidei lat Alex Crombie; vice presidei an George Perfect; secretary-trea )I urer, Ab Mavin; Directors, Ji ad Coyle, Ted Bagnell, George1 ndI per, Jim Woodward and Tc n-1Gatchell. onMany Attend y- Youth for Christ l RalIy in Town Hall d Saturday night a good crow a- gathered for the local Yoti Is For Christ rally ina the Tow e- Hall. It After an excellent sang sei ~vice Bill and Russ Wlde, Whi 4bf, brouglit,. .*o trufepet duet C-Also on the musical prograr )Vern Wright, Oshawa, rendei ed two lovely -vocal numbers -The film, "The Way Oui presents the thrilling storyc AI Johnson the bank robber. Mi~ tJohnson was saved throug reading the tract "God's sir SpIe plan of Saivation". Because of the unusual cir curnstances of this true starý newspapers ail aver the worl n carried pictures and front pag )f stories o! it. It is one o! ti -most thrilling stories protray e ing the power of the Gospe , ever depicted by motion pie h ture. aTown Softball eTo Start May 18 Five Teams Entered The town softball league wuli *definitely have five teams play. * mg this year with a possibility ofa a sixth entering next year >At the organization meeting held Tuesday night it was de- cided ta start the schedule on Tuesday, March l8th. at Meni anial Park. The five teams entered in the league are Ken's Men's Weai, Tom Cowan's Harvesters, Bill Billiards, Jack and Jili, and the Canadian Order of Foresters. The sixth team if entered will play under th~e banner of the Bowmanville Surplus Store and caached by the awner Irvine Taube. Games will be played Tuesday and Thursday evenings at the -Memorial Park and a possibil- place o! business tht, week or next. Objective fer Bow- manville district this year is $3,200, and you are urged to give generously to help thome lh i tis are& Who ueed assitance. ITle cmpelgu elos. on Saturday. Mar Sth, wltk tie annual Tag DU.-i p [rhar bein e l abou eai :et ea(l Is t e ha ittee riou . can jfoi :-Raj i thE or can. whc Ulin, nple. Aey held lOW- ime vin- heir lent the cer- -esi- ire- rîlts ly. nan i of ['ho ent. ýas- Pi- om wrd th it- !ts. lm- S. of [r. gh n. ir- ry' Id ge he y- ty --- - -- -ci---lu - -. dater in the progmam. j -Uldi iy- OT 1 IMeII The Ladies' Major Bowling Billy Meek, -Toronto came. comed the girls and leaders to Mms. F. J. Reed, Hampton, Ir ~ r League concluded a su.ccessful dia, entertained for haîf an n this Rally. Mrs. C. W. Slemon Vice President for youngrForrP. ..Mailing seasan ara Monday evening, hour foliowing the banquet. i-ad is oa udoonb-April 26, with a delicious tur- with Don Shaash pnit i-aisso! rity Unite onchurchgroups. was guest speaker o! ay bnut tteLeinHalH gts a seis pxelanst. eaf exedef ery Uie hearty e the evening. Hem înteresting ad- Thene wene several ma- kybnuta h einHl egthsadec r xeln ie xtnde aver hart wl-dress with exhibits fmom China jor changes in mail tisses when about 96 membors and humor by telling a number of :, am i bthwod nddeed. wsbath informative and a at the local Post Office guests were present. stories, then he piayed on a [S Tinity C.G.I.T. made name challenge. with the startlng ai Day- At the head table were pre- very small accardion, "No le tags which wero very capably A very successfui Raiiy was light Saving Time this week. sident Edna DeGeer and mom- Place Like Home." "Tliank you, S. placed on the uniform Of girls, brought to a close with a Wor- Outgoing mails on week bers o! the executive, Helen Liberace," he quipped ta his ae- Ileaders and guosts. ship Service conducted by Mary days will now be clased at Dunn, Vivian *Pickard, Toots companist. Aeeysn ag a e aoye Wabmoasse 10.30 a.m. for east, 6 p.m. Wiseman, Pat Cale and Duaine His comedy act, "Jack and e by Mrs. S. R. James ira a Most by Mamiene Cochrane and Dor- for West. Another mail is Palmer. At each table setting the Bean Stalk" was gmeeted genial manner. othy Barber fromn Courtice C. closed for bath the east and was a "Bowling" glass and a with great applause. A running Greetings fmom Oshawa Pres- G.I.T. The friendship circle was west at 7 p.m. small bottleofo perfume. A lucky commentary o! jokes and sangs e byterial Weme extended by Mrs. forrned and the World Friend- On Saturdays outgoîng star under someofo the glasses made Biliy Meek's contribution [. Hopkins, presîdent, and greet- sbip Rally was ciosed with the mail is closed at 10.30 a.M. brought the holder a box ai ta the program a mast popular sings from the C.G.I.T. Secre- singing ai "Taps". for the east and at 4 P.M. "Shadow Wave", -donated by one. Miss Lamna Fletcher also Ifor east and west. Suradays July & Lovoîl. Book matches at pleased everyone wîth hem pi- the mail for bath directions each place weme donated by Cab ano solo arrangement o! "Deep Lions ClubosInformative 500. Purple". Loraals rsdd Li n lb Hear If r a ieTaIk wl ecoe t7pm Prizes were prosented for the the piano for a gaod sing-song past season amid the congratu- led by Mrs. Jean Firth. A .i~'*Ilations o! all presont. Recipi- Pres. Edna e erpsid leAt Sight Conservation INigtut on Special S~peaker lents af a cup and saucer for for the business portion afth Ithe "300" aftd aven games weme meeting. Financial staternent forBlid :... ~ LBera Budai, Elaine Manko, Ena given by Troas. Pat Cale show- Proyra fo the Blnd in Eyypi Etcher, Eleanor Larmmr, Joyce ed a bank balance of one cent. Major, Sadie Bucknell, Sylvia Ail the money had been used ta A deftly described account af, at the Brampton School for the Bucknell, and Vivian Pickard. pravide traphies, prizes and the sight conservation work ira the1 Blind, and then the Lansing,I . * . Recoiving the prizes o! money pretty table decamations and Middle East was the theme oa!aa Michigan Schooi, where ho com- f or the girls on their teams for entortainment for this major timey ad ispiatinaladdesspleed is ecodam edcaton. ~ ~the First Schedule were Lii event ai thîe season. tiel ad nsirtina adrs petd isseonar euctin Phllhips, Doris Joli, Vi Coole delivered ta membors o! the By 1935 Mm. McGill had graduat- ; ~ ~ 4Election f officrsfo the Lions Club Monday evening as ed from the Michigan State Coîl- ,. and Mol McNulty. Sylvia Buck- .clfl ya ersd i te Mm. Arthur Napier Mcclli, re- ege with a Master's Degroe in neil and Sadie Bucknell oach fomloing yearresultJean ith o contly returned from Cairo, Economics aftem which he enter-* received high single, bigh tri- .olwn:Po. enFrh s Egyt, her hosemed s drec- e diecty ito lin wok.pie and high average for the vice, Bern Budai; 2nd vice, Egytwhee e srvd a drec-st wok.Joyce Major; Secretary, Sylvia or i ablid cntr opratd b In193 howasappintd ~.'Winners o! the play-offs o! the Bucknell; Treas., Lydia Bates; the Technical Services Admin- Field Secretary o! the C.N.I.B. i ceuewretetasPbiiyMlyBde;Sa istration o! the United Nations, in Windsor, and in 1945 became of irat shdllo w eettramshPici, M l Nly.Bde;Sn oulndtewr ftargan- Ithe OotaLio uPhillipsof BlindBudai,shnMl cNt. outlineditheanoakdo! that Ontaria Supervisor 0faBvine of ization ira binging education and Services, which position ho main- InTotheWsea ndchdlV innCoole. Msol c te 1m3ovea ve o assistance ta the masses who tili tained until 1953 when ho r h eodihdl inngtak ate15 xctv theric sil n te elt ofth aceptd he allto<aio.tearns wene those o! Ortie Et- and Vivian Pickard expressed theric sol I th Deta i te aceped he aîlta aîr. ,,~cher, Kay Beauprie, Doris Joli, the approciation o! the execu- Nile. Under Mr. McGiil's qualified ;I Vi Coode. High uingle, higla tri- tive for the splendid leadership Mm. Mccli was intmoduced by directorship the centre grew ta Ip le and bigla average wimrers of their president, Edna De Miss Helen W. Cryderman, bouse a home training shoin the second schedule were Vi Geer. Chairman ai the Bowmanviile- an ernployment deparment and .I' 'CleOlePaiedBniBu Avoeatan mvdb West Durham Advisory Commit- a Braille printing press which CS dai. Pi-o fin, ers frBte-MA.vStan Dof ta rs Rudîsy tee ta the Canadian National brought a unified Arabic Braillei second schedule were the trams and hon committee for the de- Institute for the Blind, who was libmary o! same 700 volumes ta o! Onie Etcher, Sylvia Buck- licious banquet was hoartily on- present as a guest o! the Lions the people o! Egypt and noigh-' neli, Bern Buda LlPhillips. dorsed. Club, along with members o! bouring countries. Wne fteElotToh huhntpeeta h the Comm ittee. Always described with a sound Rev. Bruce A. Ml«e, B.A. austoWinnerothe sEllo Trophy aThugtlamfot posean atthe Agentleman weil quaiified ta humanitarian insight coupled Of St. Paul'& Presbyterian Lil Phillips' teamr. The presen- fair sex, Horace Hobbs was discuss blind work, Mr. McGili, with a logical ecanomic sense Churcla, Oshawa, who wsll be the tatian was made bV Marg El- remnembened prior to the event who was barra iD Cobourg, suff.. the speakem's remarks de! tly special speaker at St. Andrew's liott. with a gift of money for his ered the los ofo! ne eye as a dissected the prabiems a! a me- Presbyterian Churcb, this Sun- About 60 good sports recefv- work throughout the season in chiid and the other at the age vitalized country and its hamp,- day. The churcla j, celebrating ed a lemnon for havirag beiow looklng miter the avernies of the o! 17 following an iridustrial ered yet progressive masses. Mr. its 1î7th anmiversary in Bow- 100 in tthe season and boirig ina teamà, a job well done and aogidort. Mrk McGili enrOlied 6CouUnued on paa y maut»dav1J" L.MoM LOR01 M OW ~sII1sd 1w 1h. girl --,£ J..ILZM l riIL 2tn, 195410e ER COPY NUMBER 1%~ "Happiness Ahead " a Hit in Bowmanville Town Hall The popular musical comedy, "Happiness Ahead", presented by Women's Hospital Auxiliary ina raising fundà, as Enniskillen's contribution the Enniskillen Dramatic Society ina. the Town Hall Friday evening, April to this worthy cause. Ina the above photo, the large cast is shown in fancy 23, drew a good crowd which thoroughly enjoyed the performance., The costume against the garden setting used in the play. Director Mrs. R. show was presented by the Enniskillen group free of charge ta assist the Seymour appears at the righ of the picture. gh -Photo by Carson Studio, Part Hope Gov.-General Gi Name "Vincentj After much deliberation by the members of the Bowman- ville Public School Board it has been decided ta cali the tawn's third school "Vincent Massey Schooi". Over 800 suggestions by pupils of the twa present schools were made with rea- sons for their choice. Three pupils chose this name and they will receive twa dol- lars prize money each. They are Edith Brooks, Anra Turner and Sandra Candier. Ail three had practically the same reason for choosing this name. They thought it ideal ta name it after Canada's first Canadian Gov- ernor General particularly when he cames fram Durham County. The board sent a letter to Mr, Massey mentioning the contest conducted for a schoool name World Fello wsl For- C.G.I.T. M Wîth Seven Gi The1 World Friendship Rally t for thb C.G.I.T. groups of theJ Eastern Section of Oshawab Presbyterial was held in Trin- ity United Church, Bowman- ville, on Wednesday, April 2lst t at 5.30. Trinity W.M.S. provid- ed hot cocoa and tea for around eighty girls and leaders box lunch. i During the lunch hour, the « graups of girls made a list afir projects undertaken in their la- je cal graups, while leaders dis- o cussed problema and exchanged heipful ideas. d Oshawa Presbyterial Secre- ti tary for Affiliated C.G.I.T., al ives Consent to IPhone Directories Massy Scool"Mailed This Week îv~aseySchol"Destroy Old Book and included in the letter were the names of the three girls New telephone directories and the reasons they had pick- are being mailed ta Bowman- ed his namne. The board also ville subscribers of The Bell asked permission to use the Telephone Company of Canada, name chosen. J. W. Lowry, Bell manager for this region, announced this Mr. Massey's secretary in re- week. Enough of thegreen cov- plying stated: "The Governor ered books wlll be distributed General was very much touch- ini this district that placed end ed ta learn that the pupîls oftaed ol fraapth your schools had elected toto nendwixoulds formg.pth name it after him. nal i ie og "His Excellency is greatîy Unlike most publishers, the honoured by this action, and is Bell company asks its readers to most grateful to the pupils and discard previous editions of its the Bowmanville Public School books. There are 11,346 new Board for their kind suggestion and changed listings in the to use his name for the new new directory, Mr. Lowry said, school". and to continue to use the old books would be ta invite "wrong It is believed that the Board numbers". He advised subscrib- will endeavour ta secure the ers to check their "Blue Book Gbvernor-General to officially of- Telephane Numnbers" against open the new school early in he new directory and bring the fal. th eiîr persnal lists up ta date. A miniature edition of the "Blue Book", which will fit in- hip allyto a mnan's vest pocket or a abet attTrhenityl office, M.Lw tl keep a record of local and out- rou s P ese of-town numbers frequently called. tary Conference Branch, Mrz. "When the caller gives thet J A. Whyte, Lanark, were sent number as he places a, long by letter. distance caîl, the caîl goes Mrs. F. J. Reed, Hampton, and through in as lîttle as haif the~ Mrs. J. Kitchen, Orono, re- time," said Mr. Lowry. "We ex- urned missianaries from China, pect the Blue Book to help tac ver inradcedto he athr' eliminate unnecessary calîs ta ing. 'Information' too."1 Miss Purdon, leader of Trin. The increase in thenunriber of ty C.G.I.T., conducted a tour copies of the directory to be de- of the new Sunday School livered-from 29,595 to 31,663 ooms and the mîssionary pro. reflects the steady growth of jects of the groups which were this district during the past Seven. C.G.I.T. presidents cor. [ucted a Gallup Pole on ques- ions of vital interest to girl n- ad Take Notice of E nniskillen Dramatic Group in Their Play "Happiness Ahead" LA good crawd ina Bnwnan- was mast effective throughaut ville Towna Hall last Friday HarmonousSongs night, April 23, weme carried th M s Lon La b tt e right along by the happy spirit -Wt r.Lm aba h of he nnikilen ramtiepiano, many harmoniaus sangs Goup the Esir popula prese in this play within a play, gave tatuion "Hai ppiness Aead." real enioyment. The action Everone "ha awnerful tied takes place ira a beautiful gar- avynd h W ae n Hosp itAu den setting where Mrs. Humph- ilarwoasrd the WoesHshow, ux rey rehearses numbers for hier ili r y h o p o n o r e t h s h w , r e c ita l . T h e m ix e d c h o r u s s a n g cleamed approximately $170. The such fine numbers as "A Grand Enniskillen players kindly don-NgtfrSni,1 Dv B ated their services, and use of NgtfrSnig""onB aitorium wasdoae the Old Mill Stmeam," a medleY the addntdb o! souther~ar n Nwl Town Council. The Hour.iiaran NwI A cast of 25, dressed in every kind o! fancy costume, got in- A real bit with the audience volved in samne very funny sit- were the numbers played by uations ina the course, of re-. Johnr Sheard, Gardon Stevens heàmsing for-a recital directed and Len Stairtonf on two guitars by Mrs. Annabelle Humphrey and a banjo, the first twa gent- (Mrs. E. A. Wery). Some love lemena also playing mouthor. powders with which Julie, the gans at the samne time. Orville maid (Mrs. E. McNair) tried ta Ashton was at the piano. Tinhs cause the ieading tenor, Neil talented gmoup played several (Clarence Sainton> ta fali for numbers which. weme greeted hier, got into everyone's punch, with prolonged applause. with extraordinary resuits. The There were also pleasing effect an Elmer, the gardener duets by Jean Griffin and Clar- (Alian Werry) is also interest- ence Stainton, an engaged ing, especially for Julie. Couple Who become unengaged Mrs. R. Seymour, director of just as the play opens, and Mir. the show, who also pinch-hits and Mrs. Edgar Wright, play. when any member o! the cast is ing the raies o! another en. unable ta perfomm, deserves gaged couple. Bettîng on the much credit for a fine evening's horses almost runs things on entertainment. L ig ht i ng, iD the rocks for these four, but as charge o! Mr. Lawrence Wearn, (Continued on page fifteen) Ladies' Major League Winners Receive Pr-izes Durham Countyps GÇect Famijy Journal"» 1 1 '-m an - 1.1 v v Lyà-ÇA.& 1 y J.J-JJUJM. "ýL'y JL -m MR q à- m ri m 9 a a la v IL Lim Il 61414. Lý 1 nE7 A 1

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