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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1954, p. 3

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- -..%,..t- *¶'TJIUDYAPRIL 29, 1954 Maple Grove Women's Institute, Elect Mrs. Ceci Milis President Present Successful Variety Show The annual meeting o! Ma- brie! review o! the activities of Pie G:dVe Women's Institute the year and annual reports Wah. held on April l2th. Presi- were presented by the following dent Mns. W. H. Brown presid- members: Financial, Mrs. I. ed for the business and for a Munday; auditors, Mrs. Fred Îhort -pnognamn pravided by the Stevens; standing committee elecutive. conveners, agriculture and Can- Program motta, "Wbat kind adian Industries (convener Mrs. M group would this group T. McGuirk) given by' Mrs. C. if evey member were just Mîlis; home economics andf 1k&me"', was taken by Mns. health, Mrs. Wallace Mndy; Mils In five specified citizenship and education, (con- Wee listed the various vener Mrs. Eben Snowden) giv- Penalities ta be found in en by Mrs. I. Munday; com- nearlY any organization. Mrs. munity activities'and public ne- .I.Vson Munday read a tbought- lations, Mrs. Howard Cryder- p rovoking article, "Today is man; histonical research and YOur Life". Mns. Howard Bnad- curnent events, Mrs. Ken Hop- -I y-nead two short poems, "It'q kkns. ~fferenj, When Your Wife is Mns. Howard Bradley, con- 14Y..Jand "Smile Wbene'er vener of good neigbbors coni- mittee neported 34 get well cand.s, 'ý il cal- I arn a member il sympathy cards, 4 baby cards, Of this Institute because" was 2 wedding celebration cards, answered 100 percent. 8 baskets of fruit ta shut-ins Business conducted, included and one funeral floral piece a motion carried ta pay the sent as a part of tbe work of glroup membenship fee to the this committee. à Canadian Association o! Con- Mns. Stephen Doyle, convener1 sumers. Several ladies vol- o! nominating committee, pre-5 unteered ta canvags for the free sented a list o! names for elec-1 T.B. X-ray campaign and Mrs. tion o! officers, and with no W. H. Brown was eiected ta at- nominations £rom the floor, the1 tend the president's conference 1 officers were elected for 1953-j at the O.A.C., Guelph, in May. 54: President, Mrs. Cecil Milîs; 1 Mrs. W. H. Brown gave a l st vice, Mrs. Wallace Munday -, J WAK UP. APPETITE S Your family wilI wake up in a hurry w~ you serve this breakfast treat ... nourist Nabisco Shredded Wheat with delici Crown Brand Corn Syrup! Nabisco Si ded Wheat, made froni pure whole wJ contains vital food elements . .. and Cr4 Brand Corn Syrup adds delicious flavour; quick food energy. Tomorrowdelight y fanily-serve this wonderfui breakfast thi . FOR QUICK FOOD ENERGY WITH LASTING NOURISHMENTI ?~f~AN'T AV D~IDA VWT -~P%~Z*U#W ÂZIAN V LLEC, LONTAIO! 2nd vice, Mrs. Chas. Greenham; secretary treasurer, Mrs. I. Munday; district director, Mrs. J. R. Metcalfe; auditors, Mrs. J. A. Barnes, Mns. E. Foley; pian- ist, Mrs. Wm. Laird; directors, Mrs. Chas. Snowden, Mrs. L. C. White, Mrs. Eber Snowden; con- veners o! standing committees, Mrs. Thos. McQuirk, Mrs. Ken Sumersford, Mrs. Grant Ben- nett. Mrs. Morley Flintoff, Mrs. Ken Hopkins. Past president, Mrs. Brown, presented the new president with a leather bnief case which will be a much appreciated gilt to future presidents. Mrs. Mills in accepting the gift, pledgea her best ta the members and asked for their co-operation in the work ahead. Average attendance for the year (members and visitors> was forty. At the close of the meeting a satisfactory miscellaneous sale was held. The usual social time was enjoyed and refreshmenls were served. Successful Vaniety Concert On April l4th Maple Grave Women's Institute held a var- iety concert in the regular meeting place, the basement of the church, when an abundance of very fine music was provided by Mr. Bob Hicks in four violin solos, accompanied by Mr. Ross Metcalfe at the piano, and two piano accordion numbers by Mr. Thos. McGuirk. Greatiy en- joyed were two numbers of bal- let dancing by Miss Karla Anne Palmer of Bowmanville and two tap dances by Miss Barbara Brown. A one act play, "The Klep- tomaniac" completed the pro- gram. The play, a comedy, por- trayed several types of charac- ters easiiy recognized ini human behavior. Principal noie was taken by Mrs. L. C. Snowden lvith Mrs. C. H. Snowden, Mrs. Ken Hopkins, Mrs. Stuart Mor- ton, Mrs. Howard Cryderman and Mrs. Cecil Jeffrey, the supporting cast. Mrs. W. H. Brown was chair lady for the program. ti E t( 9 ti tE b tz w K tc a] st R Pl HAMPTON Dr. Wallace R. Horn, Mon- with his parents, Mr. and W. W. Horn. Miss Jean Brown, Oshawa been a visitor with Miss Cai Dewell. Miss Anna Smith, Osi with her sister, Mrs. 1 Mrý. Reg. Christie, Carý i were guests o! Mr. and Mi A. Warrack. Mr. and Ms J. W.Chr and daughter Gail, Toronto, Mrs. Joe Chapman.. 'B Visitors at Merwin Mount were: Mr. and Mrs. E. St and'Fay, Bowmanville; Mr. Mrs. Russell Mountjoy, BI stock; Mr. and Mrs. Malq Staîker and friend, Toronto. Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy mc ed ta, Toronto on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sami Nestleton. Mr. D. McLennan, Oshi when 'Visited Mr. and Mrs. Gea, shing Mr. and Mrs. Angus Reid mus daughter, Winnifred, OshawE hred-i Master Wayne -Truli with grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C, 'eat, Smith, Oshawa. Mrs. Elsie Ruttan spent rowf Easter holidays at her homE and Gravenhurst and with daughter in Toronto. your Mr. T. Wray, Mrs. W. Doidge, Misses Minnie and Nc hii Horn with Mr. and Mrs. ja son Wray, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hanna Rosellen, Haydon, are with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bri Ferguson. Rev. H. A. Turner of Paui's United Church, Bowmý ville, was in charge of church service on Sunday mo ing and presented a very pra ical discourse on "Why do spend money for that whicl not' bread?" His helpfui ME age contained much food thought. The Junior Choir p vided the music. Rev. Reed % guest speaker for the W. Tbankoffering Service at Paul's. Mrs. T. Wray bas been patient in Oshawa General H pital the past two weeks, wli under observation. Mr. Clarence Yeo is now home and steadily improvil after his operation in Memor ~ Hospital, Bowmanville. A bee for cieaning up tFe pa was held on Monday evening. ~y~eUf number of men turned out to ot their bit. Send Your Pink Envelope today. itreal, Mrs. a, has trolyn hawa, Lewis luke, tford, ,rs. J. pman with joy's ;rong .and lack- Icolm ntor- with nells, Lawa, Gis- as. the e at' her G. irah ack- ,uEaster Cantata United Church W. A. edls. Neil Werry was present- edwih cpand saucerfohe l: n Ham pton Church At -Blackstock HoId workwihthe program~. tormae thorealent.A mey, te proe )r-Gie Great Praise Easter Meeting sm aetmny h rjc a ven to end ln September. 'ýe Hnpct.h ate att Mrs. W. Archer was in charge we Ha1 o Th atr att- Blackstock: W. A. of Black- of this program: Mrs. Russell 's* Drarna, entitled "Claudia and the stock United Church. met at the Mountjoy gave a splendid paper for First Easter", given in Hampton home of Mrs. Ivan Thornpson f r o ni Christian Stewardship last Tuesday with Mrs. H. book on 'Easter"; solo by Nancy pro- Church on Good Friday even- Shortridge presiding. Devotion- Dorreli "Robin in the Rain"; was1 ing was very much enjoyed by ai was weli taken by Mrs. W. reading by Mrs. Roy Taylor "A W..the splendid audience. Archer. Promise"; Mrs. Minerva Cowan, t. Characters were as follows: Roll cali was answered with Saskatoon, favoured with a Pontus ilat, Gveror o aninteestng tem rom thepiano solo. Jo ouea Pilate, Hoar; C fan- ChurOsgerr fW.. i ase es AaIcho hankd the host- hile toeuBueHoat;Cad iuctbervo.the Ho is anquet thad llwo a helped with la, his wife-Mary Niddery; early in December, and the in- te program. A lovely lunch at Rachel and Hulda, Judean maid- vitation was accepted. was served. ing, servants-Mrs. Keith Smith, Mrs. Mrs. Roy Taylor, for the rial Lewis Truil; Isaiah, The Proph- Parsonage Committee, reported You can make more friends in that several items had been two months by becoming inter- ark et-Harold Balson; Joseph of purchased, and that Mrs. Hutton ested in other people than you A Arimathea, a member of the had done considerable decorating can in two years trying to get do Sandhedrin-Rev. F. Reed, sub- at the parsonage. A hearty vote other people interested in you. stituting for Mr. Warrack; Jared, of thanks was given Mrs. Hutton. -Dale Carnegie. Joseph's gardener-Murray Yeo; in Longimus, The Centurion-Cliff- ord Terrili; Joanna, wife of -Chuza, Herod's Steward-Grace Kervey. The Pilbrims were Franklin Truli, Murray Yeo and i Eddie Van Develde. Speaking parts were well taken and the T h ,C oant solo parts were also well render- ed by Harold- Balson in "0 IMiracle of Mercy"; "The Lord is My Shepherd"-Bulah Smith; "He Seemed a King"-Mrs. K. A THIRSTY CROW found a Pitcher with somne water ini Caverly; "He Sought a Lilied littie was there that, try as she might, she could flot reach:i Garden"-Mrs. James Smales; "Behold the Man"-Gerald Bal- her beak, and it seemed as though she would die of thiret w so.Duet-"*Jesus of Nazareth- ih fterrey tls h i pnacee ln -Mrs. Lewis Truil and Mrs. sgto h eey tls h i pnacee ln IKeith Smith. Choruses sung by She began cropping pebbles into the Pitcher, and with ea heChoir were: "Hushed was lie Holy City"; "The Storm" (by pebble the water rose a littie higher until at last it reached ý le men); "Hosanna"-Pilgrims brun, and the knowing bird was enabled to quench ber thii Sand Choir. "They Led Himi Forth to Die'; "O Loveliness of Morning - Oh Give Ye Thanks for Victory" and "Ail Hail th, MORAL: If you are thiraty for j Power.of Jesus' Name" which was the grand finale. Miss begin dropping a littie money into a Norah Horn was at the organ. Savings Account at our neareat brancht I. The costumes, stage setting 1 and lighting wÊre ail fittinglý With each deposit, your balance will farranged and added much to the ri«e a littl i runtil at last yo loveliness of the presentation of hghr Sthis impressive religicus drama. have the funds you need to make dreame *which has received much favor- able comment. A nurmber of corne true. Be a knowing bird tEaster Elles and other plants visit our nearet branch todayl 1 and flowers added their beauty, also. For the success of the affair thanks goes to ail those who thse whaisted wit rhacos tmesThC adn B towee aisti rhearsaist or in any other way, and espec-,h a a i n B ially to Rev. F. Reed, who super-1 vised and whose efforts were jgreatly appreiated Fire Causes Se n ous Damage to Stores Smoke biilows out of Howes Smoke Shop and Buckley's Flower Shop after a blaze was accidentally started in the Smoke Shop, setting off a supply of fire- crackers. The Smoke Shop was pretty well gutted and considerable damage was d'one by smoke and water to adjoining Buckley's Flower Shop. The two apartments over these stores were also- seriously damaged by water and snioke. The building is owned by Mrs. Mabel Bagneli, Bowmanville. At the left Mr. Fuicher, owner of Howes Smoke Shop is talking to Fireman Orville "Red"' Hooper of the Bowmanville Brigaale, telling him about the fire. On the right is Mr. Fuicher after the fire had been extinguished.-SafPtnz PÂM 0'8im 1 , ' 'I Ail that's missing 15 you O N.,,,, AE.,nI.Ig. IM. Ail that's missing is YOU to complete the picture and that can be fixed. We'll show you how to plan and build that Dream Home you've wanted. We have quality materials, plan books, architectural and adviséry services and 23 years experience to help you. Stop ini - Our MR. MYERS will be glad Io see yrou. SERVICE Diai 2130 Bowmaîviiio or 3-4661 Oshawa YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR SUCCESS Oshawa Wood Products Mt. Yard and Mill ai Courfice Spring Cie an Up! SPECIAL LOW RATES 'ON Furnace Installations S. Blali IIEATING AN] 55 King St. W. Bo'iq AÀ and Eavestroughing eDress up your home with smart new ornamental downpipes. You'llbe pleased with the effeet and surprised at the low cost. Call us to-day. ri Ellioft TPLUMBING 'manville Phone 3348 'q the e Pitcher it, but ms it with within aci, the iret MW" &in y Arthsw RooIh4;.M de HOMn.mni Zdiats im q, «Vable& nk of Commerceý en ) a o ,SALES AGENTS -Wanted - Large .iuwesmeat house requkre services of agent. for sa" of Governxment of Canada Bonds which will be offered in the near future. Can be cither fui or part lime. Commisio bas. Appty im wniting te e/o IE*RF4TN PURIS LEWITE 330 Bay Sumeet, Taente THE CANAI)iAm sT*Tr-qgAle-, 00e

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