?HURSDAY, APRIL 3, 19~ '4 TEE CANADIAN UTA!~SMAN, BOWMANVLLE. ~1TAR!O PMIE W Mns. Lawry Cryderman and of James Real, and Mms Mur- her aister-in,-Iaw, Mrs. Ed. Adler dof a daugliter of Samuel Real. a a in C u are enjoying a trip ta Caflffonma. 11ev. F. . Reed Hafpt, na ia C u 8 0 -Î)àg ona issFrances Turner spent the former Missionary in Chin. wa (Côntinued fram page ane) c a rsEasten holidays with her grand- guest preachernait St. Paul15 The samne feeling for the i- parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. 'United Church morming service portance of the project and the Phon 330 TurerPeteborogh.on the occaion ofat h. Womnan's uniinportance of salary applied PSoem33iuneP torou 54i Centre Ms nayrakOfrngsr-ta Alec Gufinness, Mr. Patterson St. spent the Easter holidays Fengusori, president, conducted ,anidkngt out-a Miss Dôothy Virtue spent a Mr..and Mis. P. R. Schon with his grandparents, Mr. and the service and introduced the "Iansekgtaoua-y lounday ihfind nOe have returned tram spending Mrs. Wilson, of Perth. speaker. The W.M.S., Baby as a Canadian," Mr. Patterson Mn. and~ Mrs.W .E rsvrlmnh i rzn.M. Ronald Turner spent Band mothers, Mission Bandsad"UtlrcnyCnaas MrM. and Mrs. e. Wat.s eAaldy atwekvstn members, and members af the have been known as hewers if sPent Sunday with Mr.adIs Toronto, spent the weekend with with his cousins, Glen and Evening AuxiIiar1ýy attendd, and Wlood and tillers of the soul. Last Worman Gilinore, Lefray. IMr. and Mis. Thomas Hayes. Blake Stewart, in Perth. four C.G.T. girs taok up the Yean they became known offeing.throughout the world for saine- Mn.andMrs Dogla Nihai ofenxg.thing cultunal. You as Cana- .and Ms DannasMiligan, The Teen Town Formai ait the dians should be praud of this, Kingston, spent Sunday w ins Commuà nitexclentrse ridand when out of Canada parti- M.adMrs. L. B. Nîchols. night wa s an excellenttiucceas Mr.mdThere were about 45 couples, i a c tiarl sii'the Frestivlua lsrinity U nited C hurch Bishop F. H. Wilkinson and attendance. -The Sevenaires thrie himself said in a letter ta 1 Mrs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wilkinson, Trno eeOcetao eebruh a lrGins Ihv ee e Minste: Rv. . . Mrga, BA.guests ofMr. and Mis. Mrkexceptionally gaod. The hall fAlec Gieltss hv neyfer e Minister Rev. T A. Moran, BA.Roe>nigk over the weekend. was galy decanated, rnany s potnc f onice f h tlowers addlng ta the atmos- imprencedo anything I have Mrs. C. Roy Siemon, Ottawa, phere. At the convenient tables is ten sieed. oinion 0f "Thes and Dr. Harold Siemon, Toronto, a good lunch was served. Photos i h osdrdoiino h spent the weekend with their of some of thxe couples present man acknowledged ta be the parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. cnb eni hi dta.Yugneatest theatrîcal director i "Pid W thuiPrjuic"Slemon. mse ieeeti o the business today. 'Trde ithutPreudie"Mr. and Mrs. George Easton weren't there, 'but don't, let it Orders Pouring In and daughter, Judy, Perth, happen next year. Last year 68,600 tickets were spent the weekend at St. Paul's sold. This year with the season 7 P.M.- manse. Mrs. Easton is Mns. H. k extended by two weeks, the pa- Choral erviceA. Trner's 'isterso ta.. Bln S e k r tential audience wili numben ChrlSrieM.Tom Ptesostra- Bin p ar ea1ig0itO e boxofie a t fard, guest speaker at Women's sraigit h o fiea with the Canadian Club on Monday af.- (Continued tram page ane) Stnatford (address 109 Erie ternoon, was entertained at the McGill expiained that Egypt was Street, f or those interested) ln SENIOR, INTERMEDIATE AND JUNIOR CHOIRS home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark a blending of the aid and the such numnbers that it takes Raenigk prior ta the meeting. new bath in people and recon- about twa weeks for requests taking part. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Doreen struction. It was a country, he ta lie filled. This year there is and Lynn have returned froin said, where the artfui mosques no need of advance publicity, spedig tn ayswîh M. uJand needîs-like minarets shared thaugh thene is stili need ofE Mrs. J. P. McDanald, Montreai. the skyscape with modern apart- fus Mn. onen i uo gong ntoment dweilings and office build- - Mr. Patterson praised the Mr. D. C. Peters, Phyllis Challis Barrett, the television aud radio repair ings. wondenful nespouse of Stratford L.TC.., ircto o Muic A..CM.,Oranit. business in Bowmauviile. In the lush Delta of the Nile, citizens, both iu raisiug funds L.T..M. Dircto ofMusi. AT.CM., rgaistwhere 18 million of the country's (last year $70,000, this year se Mr.I George White, Bowman- 22 million inhabitants labour on far .$37,000) and in backing the1 ___________________________________________ ville, representative of the Pru- the fertile land the pîowiug project in every way. Any in s ______________________________________________ deutiai Insurauce Company of instruments are identical ta doulit hast year were thonough-c :z;z;~::s;z .::. * * * America, has been atteudiug a those used by thein ancestors 1Y couvinced by the resuit. 't convention in New York City aven five thousand years aga. *School childrn who were at- for top sales representatives tramn "It is a country of donkeys and 'tracted in the first place by ar across Canada. Rolis-Royces of camels and look at Alec Guinness, return-1 Miss Eleanor Crowe, R.N., Cadilacs", asserted Mn. McGill. ed ta performance after per- 1 ll th A n iv rs ryCrowe, and anather registered securing of a building ta bouse -irated in Shakespeare that they nurs arive in enaththeproposed achoal. Thene were played duehing scenes tramn Of Wales , au Apnil 22 where they already five gavermient schoois 'Richard III" during necess. c intend ta follaw their profess- and two pnivate cnes. The Ad- The tent, Mn. Patterson said,a ion for same tins. ministration did nat wish ta la the largest piece of canvas 5<3 c Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Cornish, compete with these institutions, suspended. The twa pales used1 St. And rew~'s Presbyteria n John and Marisue, Mr. and Mns. but rather ta onninmlate a pro- Glen Hughsan and son David, grain of ca-operation wbich Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Clayto-n would end in the establishmnent Connisb and son George, Van- of a school where a certified Churchcouver, B.C., and their daugh- secondary school ducation could cosnM.adMs da stesighted.I Bedford.Once in operation the school's Servcesai I a.. an 7 .M.Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hanna original. suroliment of 24 stud- and daughter Patsy, Mn.and enta sweèlled ta 57 within a tew Mrs. Fred Hughes and sa'i short months, and the BrailleI Donnie, Toronto, visited their press was set up ta bring the mother aven the weekend. Jin- world cf letters to the sightless. S u nd ay, M ay Z mie returned home after spencl. A canservative officiai estimated hsgraudmothen, Mrs: G. E. but ln actuality the figure was Pritchard. neaner a total of 200,000 sight- SpeialSpe ker Mr Gorg Mudyforerless. Within months cf the %&Pmumt Specal peaer:Mn.Geore Mndy fomerschool's opening an intensive BRUC MIESmemben of The Statesman staff, course' of instruction had pre- REV. B U E A. M LE, B.A., ad Telg rdae o pared seven young ladies for Queen's University, gave The work anxang thxe blind. This of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Oshawa Statesman a cal an his way ta rgnlgop ruh hi attend Prssbytery in Oshawa. oiia nu rub hi jHe will lie ondaîned at the Bay hm teachlng techniques ta overN of* Quinte Coufereuce at Belle- 600 totally bliud men and wa- men tihi now 13 uuch quahtîied SPECIAL MUSIC ville in June. intrcon esdei terua 0f interest A n the Lindsay areas, each making aven 300 B UI District of Ontario Departinent visitations. Corne and Worship with Us. cf Lands and Fonests, whiclx Concluding bis address, Mr. 4ncludes DurhamC oun'ty, is the McGilU stated that thxe founda- annauncement of the transfen lion bas been laid for sound of Mr. A. B. Wheatley ta Ayl- attack on the myriad probleins mer as District Farester lu the which conf ont Egypt, a plan ,r1r' Erie District. Mr. Bill Thurs- w-iuch niay lie copied in part or A R uron District, has been ap- tries of the Middle East. They VI II i~ipointed tao the saine post at are saine 36 years behind this St* a ls Untd C u c Lindsay. country in the punsuit cf their Th~e Town Hall was packed on goal, said the speaker, but they E Minister - Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Monday night for the showing begin te conceutrate not on the of Blly Grahain's film "oi- disability but the ability, nat * Organist- Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. tcwn". The meeting got unden what they have lost, but rather way with soins lively singing-.what they bave left. «II~ ______led by Jack Hooper, Oshawa, Mr. McGill was thanked for who nendersd two lavely nuru- bis fins address by Lion Dr. W. bers. The meeting was turued H. Birks, after which Lion Rance 1IA. .- ven ta Mr. Peter Korver tram Dilling, Chairman of the Lions the Billy Grahamn Evaugelistic Club Sight Conservation Coin- Ass. lu Washington, D.C., who inittee. turned aven a cheque ta showed the thrilliug picture Miss Crydemman on behaîf of SUNDAY SCHOQL "Oiltowu U.S.A." the Club. The donation will lie Report of Memonial Hospital among the finît in the Advisory for Apnil 21 ta 27 inclusive, Commnittse's 'curreut campaigu AIAsh ow 67 admissions and 70 dis- ta raise tundu tor local bliud ANNIV RSARYgirls were boni; 13 major and Members cf the Bowmanville- 32 miner aperations wene per- West Durham Advisory Com- formed. Thene wseeil emerg- mittes who wene present as SPEAKER - ency cases treatsd. Asia i usao teLosaogwt ssu from these figurs th Miss Crydemman were Miss Lena r% 1% ir M 1 %à#%ilsep 4 àhospital bas been extremeîy1 Taylor, Miss -Dora Purdon, Mrs. COLO EL ACK AINCHURCH \ Kotez bolds its shape, retains (Now Brigadier Genenal F'ain oAglen f protection. 11ev. Warren Turner, of the Georgia State Reserves) B.A., B.D. Box of 12 He will b. the guest speaker. Bis expeniences, stories, messages, will thrill you. Plan to attend and hear thi. striking personality. I r.-4c MOLY COMRMNON TALENT NUMBERS 2 for 79c Trio from Toronto and Local Quartet i in th.e rm: BOWMANVILLE TOWN HALL l eShaphor nd d iahop" A Sut., May lst ut 7:h45 p.m. EVENSON0 EVERYONE WELCOME- NO ADMISSION CHARGE Sermons: "Itla h e Lord" We Deliver last year have been removed. Mins Suais Laird and lady Laird, rendered nice antheue. Seating capacity as 19p0 and friend, spent Easter week in Rev. L. M. Somervilie, assistedt the furthest seata are Vi3 teet Winnipeg and other places. at the service. The speaker was away from the stage. This stage Miss Jean Flýntoff spent the introduced by Mrs, Charles was an experiment of Dr. weekend with *her cousin, Miss Greenliam, President of the W. ceived world acclaim. Mrs. Doug McNairn, littie Monthly meeting. of the Even- This Yaes Plas daughter Kathy, Highland ing Auxiiary taok the form of Though Mr. Patterson did Creek, Mr. Bill Snowden, To. a pot luck suipper at the home flot a tt e m p t to advertise ronto, with their grandparents%, of Leona Milison on April 22nd, this year's F est i val, these Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens. with a good attendance. Easter particulars are given for the Ms hiaMure oo.warship service was taken by many people who will be inter- to, visited at Mrs. L. C. Snow- Eliabeth hite and eanef-o ested. The Festival this year lie-1 den's and went ta Manotick worardin doisams Relie form a gins on June 28 and runs for with Mrs. Otis Pritchard where Krai icsinfr a eight weeks, with prices of seats she la spending a few days. taken by members of group, Eli- running from $2 ta $6. James 1 Mr. and Mrs. Claude Tucker zabeth White, Florence Cryder- Mason and Frances Hyadad granddaughter Donna Tuck- man, Marion Flinitoff, Jean might be ternied the Hyltans" Munday. Christian Stewardshio wlt anexcllet "t~ser, Sterling, witlx Mr. and Mrs. reading by Winnifred Allison. cast of Canadians. TheplayrtMn . Ro Metca President, Mrs. H. Bradley con- are MeaureForThepIfyS r. ossMetalfspent Suni- ducted the business period and "The Taming af the SMew"asure",dywihM.RorikeEe-asked mem-bers to please bring Sophocles' Greek hrew". a iRamnd TwiteSaem new or used clothing for a bale trgeyp0-sr.RymndTwst Sleto the May meeting, which diu Rx"with his cousins, Carias and ilb in charge of Leona Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin fit- Jim Cryderman. Mr. Jim Cry- tingly expressed the apprecia- eraMset heweknswt group at the home of Eli- tion of ail for Mr. Patterson's his cousin Raymond Twist, Sa- zathWte tremendously interesting talk lem. which inspired everyone pres- Mr. Lamne Pascoe, Tyrone, Have a care lest the wrinkles ent with a great sense of pride with his uncle and aunt, Mr. in the face extend to the heart. in Canada&s great cultural and Mrs. Wallace Munday. -Marguerite de Valois. achievement ot the Festival. Members of Jerusalem Lodge The usual social haîf-hour will hold a Masonic service i preceded the meeting. Miss Maple Grave church an Sunday Helen Morris presided at the at 2.40 p.m. withRvH.W MO I E N piano for opening and closmng Pointen, B .A., B.D., D.D., Wood- exercises. ville, as guest speaker. We weicome Mr. and Mrs. Harold Watson and family and MAPE G OVE Mr. and Mrs. Williams ta u MALPLE GROVE community. They are living on,:1w the farmi formerly occupîed bv Mr. John Twist, Salem, visit- Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Talcott Wî . ed with his cousin, Carios Cry- just west of Bowmanville on derman. No. 2 Highway. bwýsü m Mr. and Mrs. Stan Snowden,~ The annual W.M.S. Sunday1 Toronto, with their parents, Mr. service was held on April 25,1 and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden and wlth Miss Knowles, a returned Mr. and Mrs. C. Johns, Town. missianary, as guest speaker. They left Manday ta spend the She took as hier topic "Oppor- summer manths at Success, tunity", giving an accounit of Sask., where they worked in some of the work done in In- the Mission field last year. dia where she has given Miss Virginia Hopkins has aver 40 year's service. Telling. returned ta his school at Engie - of some of the resuits among hart after Easter hoiidays with high ' school students whose lier parents Mr. and Mrs. Ken parents were of the Buddhis Hlopkins, Base Line. belief, how they wanted t % akr Sn Messrs. Ken 'Brooks and Elgin learn more of the Bible; in L.A.Pakr Sn Greenham, were Sunday visit- school where there were over HEATING and PLUMBTNG ors with the former's aunt, Mr. 150, nearly ail of thein wanted 111 KING ST. E.' PHONE 651 and Mrs. Roy Snowden and ta learn more of the Bible. cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck The Evening Auxiiary, un- BOWMANVILLE Weeks, Toronto. der the leadership of Mrs. Win. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS' PERSONAL SERVICE SPECL46L VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDA ISpecials for this Weekend 5 rm I.D.A. Minerai Oul I.D.A. Brand Heavy Grade, 16 oz., 43c'. 89c 40 oz., neg. 55c, $1.10 I.D.A. Toilet Tissue 2 - 23c; 4 I.D.A. Branid, 650 sheets, reg. 2 for 27c 41cl H eating Pad $ 3.99 "Sate-Heat with 3-heat swîtch, thermostat ecutrol itfs Baby Week I.D.A, D Cough Syrups Arornatic Cascara Baby and Childreu's Pleasant-tasting laxative each 3 oz., reg. 50e 3, 6 Oz., reg. 30c, 50c 39c 23c, 39c 2-oz. tube 65O 4-o,. jS $10 I.D.A. Baby Cream 39c I e Soothes irritated skiu, safe for infants - 3 oz. jan, reg. 50e r-1L,.,[ ,I fi l A1 lb. .(grass '%j'.Iç)I'.1 weight) ral Hospital grade cotton) > Heinz Baby Food Johnson's For a wide variety of vege- Baby Powder tables, meats and fruits, Specialiy made for baby's choose Heinz stmained foods confort - cames in two 2 tis fo 19chandy s17-3. 2 tis fo 19c33c 59c Meads Pablum Cereal 23c. 43c Twin Tips 29c, 49c, 98C Cotton Appfleatons NÇestie'. Baby Hair Treatment $1.00 Hankscraft Bottie Warmer $3.25, $3.95; Even-flo Nursers 39c Complets 'B-W Borofax 40«, 10e Baby'. Own Tabletas 3c, 85e B-W Toilet Lanolin-40e, î5e Castoris -_____ 45e, 75e Children's Aspirmn, 24's 3»e S.X.A. i16o«. ______9se Chux Disposeble Dlai>ers - $2.29 Baby Hot Water flottle $1.59, $1.60 Baby Semis (Hansen) $11.45; Mead'. Ascorbie Acld, 100 Mr., sel0 -----31.50 Mead's Textri-Maltose- 85e, $1.90 Mead's Oleum Percomorphum- 31.10, $2.95, $4.60 Mead'p FPablurn -- 23e, 48e Mead% Mulcin --- $1.50, $2.75 Mennen Baby Magie 79e Mennen Baby 011 65e, 31.20 Mennen Baby Powder -..33t, 88e Steedmans Powders -29c! RBESCRIPTIONS A SPECJALTY M4cGregor, Your Local LD.A. Driag Store cter fvorI 45 30 2 FOR 29Ç 140e N à Drugs Phone 792 1 à 1 . 1 54 TRU RSDAIr. APRM ». M TM CAVAI)L« @TATESUM. BOWMAWVffý= CYNTAWO PAM' OMRM