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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 May 1954, p. 10

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PAGE TMN INDEXES SHOW IMPLEMENT PRIC ES AT LOW LEVEL 0F INCR.EASE That irnplement prices have been keptisat a low level in clearly the companséon of Dominion Bureau of Stticis index figures, which give an increase in qta1l commodities" since 1941 of 82.1% as against an increase i a comparable index for Massey-Harris iniplements of only 66.9%. This low peroentage of increase, too, la shown in the face of an increase i the index figure for materials cf 94.7% and of Massey-Harris hourly rates of pay of 173.9% as can be seen by referring to the chart shown above. Also, the indexes show that while farn implements have only increased 66.9%,f there lias been an increase in the price of fanm products of 82.6% and the scarcity of farm labour lias caused fan wage rates tô mocrease by 177.6%. Farinera depend upon mechanization to offset the scarcity and high ecoot of labour and the indexes show that prcs of such eqw ret have been maintained at a comparatively low level of increase. Fan equipinent with its ture nesd labour savmng advantages offers exoeptional value for the money. *Domýion Bureauof StabstirsWholosalPrie a&W FnuWap Nbk1 'il ai MASSEY-HARRIS-FERGUSON LIMITED Mokers of high-quolity form impiemefifs sl'noe 1847 besie the aire for the summer. Mms. Hamiet Medcaif wbo! spent a few days with Mm. and Mrs. Melville Jones bei t for Kitchener on Monday. Mm. and Mms. J. C. Moore, Mrs. Thos. Burkell and Mm. and Mrs.; James Harper, Hamilton, with: Mm. and Mrs. Cleland Lana.; Mrs. Burkell remained for a' longer visit. Don't forget Sunday, May 23rd, wben the male choir of 35 voices fmom Port Hope will take part in the United Church anniver- samy service at 7:30 p.m. Congratulations to Samuel Merrili Jones (Bud) who grad- uates this week from *Queen's University, Kingston, as a Civil Engineer. Mrs. Ivison Munday, Maple Grave, spent Monday with ber mother, Mrs. John Lancaster. Mrs. John Turner, Orono; Mm. and Mms. Robert Morton, son Gordon and daugbter Marilyn of the 6th Line, with Mm. and Mms. Fred Nesbitt. We extend congratulations ta Mr. Francis Tufford and Miss Ruth Kalebaba wbo weme mar- ried at the Simcoe St. United Church, Oshawa, on Saturday. Attending the wedding from heme weme Mm. and Mrs. Harold Bumiey, Mm. and Mrs. Harmy Wade and son, Mm. Bill Wade, Mm. and Mms. James Stamr and daughtem, Miss Donna Stark, Mm. Billy Lane, Mr. Philip Gilmer, Mm. Ji.- Caswell, Mr. Brian Cas- well and Miss Mary Hallowell. Florence Nightingale Lodge, I.O.O.F., No. 66, Bowmanvllle, tagether with members frmn Orono, Cobourg and Brooklin Lodges and Beehive Rebekah Lodge, Bowmanville, attended chumch service here on Sunday evening The parade was led b y' Bw nville Training Schooll Band. Bro. S. J. Pike gave thel address assisted by Wm. Shotter, N.G., who read the scriptume. Bro. Colin Taylor and Mrs Vn Driel, Bowmanville, were guests soboists. The fommem's solo was based on "The Good Samamitan", Solo by the latter was "The Lord is My Shepherd". The address was based on the love af David and Jonathan and the Good Samarîtan. "«There is inj the hearts ai men qualities that wil overcome bigotmy, ointol- erance, greed and ialsehood of 1 the present day". TUE CLNAIJJiL1 ATLSMAP4. BOWWMNILLE. ONTARIO rem, Bindd .mer fBETHANY ý Local Leg ion Makes Donations Zne Commander Sta~n La e bo e B s baiLenmr sa nwytre.N Ob e tv s nual convention of District "F" Lf saoewysre.N To Several Worthy O jctvsat Bellevill n ndyMay 23,hed le fr I> 4 w mn eor and several members signified S take, none of themn leads back Members of the Bowmanvile Comrade Meadows suggested their intenton of going. life bfo 9 5 ad n eckoes ndmuc e Branch of the Canadian Legion that this event be postponed Entertainment Chairman Jiin that, lf eoe uhmr wiIl sponsor the Bowmanville until the latter part of June as Fair announced that the annual1 The fîve-team Lakeshore In- ll-Bowmanville at Coîborne simple. Because then you know9 Bantam team in the Lakeshore the - Newcastle United Church Ladies' Night banquet and1 termediate Basebail League gets 12-Whitby at Cobourg. you must do the best you canV Bantam Basebaîl League, it is at present without a minister dance of the Branch will oe! under way this Saturday when Colborne at Port Hope with what you have, and what1 W;ý decided at the regular meet- and the new one will nlot take held in the Legion Hall on Sat- -Port Hope clashes at home with 6:30 p.m. you are, and what you havep 1ng of the Branch held Thurs- over the charge until June. urday, May 29 at 6.30 p.m. i the Cobourg squad. The Bow- 14-Port Hope at Bowmanville 1 become."s da. ngt.To e mmer-Comrades The report of treasurer Jack manville Brookdale -dtoses swing Whitby at Coiborne Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blewett, da-' nig t. wo ew e m b rs:R ice show ed the branch te be iinto action on M onday, M ay 24, Ho asooMr a d M s A viilw t previous decision by the J Bill Bagneil of Bowmanvile ini a healthy financial condition. when the Coîborne squad wiîî 16-ort pe a urgtb Donald and entOoh exec-utive to purchase T-shirtsIland Robert Wnn of Burketon, be here to open what shouldBo anieat htbKnehOn, crests and caps for thé team: were initiated into membership rvtebabne ssol- 18-Cobourg at Coiborne with Mr. and. Mrs. Milton a which is to be managed by Mur1b President McKnight, Zne cal. 9W'flpuPotHoe Wrgt.h ray McKnight, was confirned !Commander Stan Punin, lt BLACKLILJ. heewilb seia pem- 23-Coiborne at BWmahille anr.Kendneth Wak e ax, wt0: by the general meeting. The Vice-President Knight, 2nd Tecally. peia pein- 23-Colborne at BWhaitb 1Mrnd nd Mrs. eorgejake ct ! Legion wilI also probably pro- Vice-President Jim Fair, Sgt.-at- Glad to sec Mr. and Mrs. Alex da ceremgonis es arethe gh htyatCbug r.Ia amç vide transportation for the team Arms Ernie Perfect and Com- Johnston home again af ter th* irget nder way at 10.30 a.m. IBwaviltPotHp and Petrs.oel wtM rs. and should it win the League and1 rade Rae Abernethy. ti eNwMxc n ii 's2-omnil tPr oef eebruh ihMs continue on in the provincial A donation of $50 for the tnto Nerywit Meexi an Ta vist is hoped that a good crowd 28--Port Hope at Bowmanville L. Millby. SI playoffs. ILegion Poppy Fund was receiv- were visited on Sunday by Mr. fBwavlebsbl fn oor tWib r adMs letFleh Tt was reported that Town ed from the Ladies' Auxiliary, and Mrs. John Rolland and Miss will be on hand to get the tearr 30-Colborne at Cobourg I Toronto, are spending a week's- Counil s cnsidrin reairand leterofstartedil b onnsthensorightilbrfoottarFol- vacationoot Fo- with rs.s C o n c l s o n i d r i g e p i r a n a l e t e o h a k s w i l e g n s o h s t n f il b r o k l o w in g is t h e c o m p le t e s c h e c - LJu l y -D r v e r work on the Memorial Cenotaph sent for this very generous con- Last Monday evening the ule for the Lakeshore League: 1-Bowmanville at Co1borr. eonrdDivr and fixing up the small park tribution. neighbours of Mr. and Mr 3:00 p.m. The ay r b ldo t. rn in which it iý; located. A motion Members decided to purchase Garnet Wright gathered at their* May-. oor tPr oe Jet~Lcyw es b3ý Comrade Rae Aberneth3? wa a movie projector and screen home to give themn a sur 22-Cobourg at Port Hope CBowmourg at ort o know haey is mkig gprgeasst prise 24-Coiborne at Bowmanville followig an operaionoirgSt p< *e-i loat <ouncil b" a< ýed to fromt Corrrade Reg Harding to party before they left for teir Port Hope at Whitby flown noprtoTi t have the dates19994 for,1 hy(ong)0:0am be used to screen movies after new home in Port Perry. ThyPorningop 10:30CabomrgS-Port Hope at Colborne ,Joseph's Hospital, Peterporough. WoldWa I egavd ndr-ýgeneral meetings and also at were presented with a coffee Pr oea oor Bowmanville at Whitby Ms enr erc n o neath the 1914-1918 dates at the, the many Legion social events table and a social evening was Bowmanville at Whitby 7-Cobourg at BowmanviIle David of Kingston are stayinge' tinie this work is done. leda h al h xctv enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Wright Atron3:0pm with Mrs. Stacey. wasgheld ath Hll.Th e g executivne neda ad 26- (Aternt ont :00pem. olborîne a: Port Hope Mr. Leonard Cavano was home Newcastle Church Parade was givntlautoytio fa gonahlad oe o enedyan e -Whiby at Polor oe 9-Whitby at Bowmanville for the weekend with Mrs. Wmi. Vi<-( -Pres ident Jack Knight wt ntlaino etl- are sorry te lose themn fromn this 8-ouratCbrn Cobourg at Coîborne brought up the matter of hold-1 tions yte for the auditorium community but-hope they wiîî 29-Whitby at Bowmanvillc î0-Whitbv. at. Cobourg Cavano. ing a church parade in Newcas- of theLegion Hall. be happy in Port Perry. 3-oor tWib 12-Port Hope at Whitby Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Mont- tIe. and President Ross Mc- Two Donations Made Dr. and Mrs. Alan Mclntosh, June- Bomnil tClon oughan snwayeteer Douglas and Laurence, Toronto, 2-Coîborne at Cobourg bo-orrooegthwm vilebo Mr. and Mrs. Win. Knight stated that he had talk- A donation of $50 was made who ar movigotaetke upa Bowanville otHp obrea oor Phillips. ed ta Comrade George Meadows ta the appeal for funds by the practice-in Melfort, Sask., visit- 4-Port Hope at Coiborne Airwoman Peggy Reynold of Newcastle about it. They Salvation Army, and a donation dth E Drrlad he -ooug tBwmnie -W tb atCbre with the R.O.A.F. at Foymount ed te arl oresan th -Cbug tBom vil Bowmanville at Port HopeI with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reyn- both had felt this would be an of $10 was voted for the fund- Dalton Dorrelîs at the week-end. 7-Coîborne at Whitby 17-Cobourg at Whitby of heNrt Dr excellent idea, in that it wouldrising campaign of the West Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor Bowmanville at Cobourg To be played at a later old tn o h orhDr revive interest in Newcastle in Durham Advisory Committee of accornpanied Mr. and Mrs. Anson 9-Whitby at Bowmanville dateAmetn Legion activities. the Canadian National Institute Taylor to Port Credit on Sun- Cour at Port Hope lStrGmInWib ham Basebaîl League was held Ca evstM.adMs ant 1-obt opeg Ailby 6Stanam. iiWityin Bethany with Reg. Edmunds d a y a v s i t M r . a n d M r s . G a r e t 0 - , o r t H o p e a t h i t y 6 0 0 . m .e l e c t e d a s P r e s i d e n t a n d V i n c e n t Murray. 19-Port Hope at Cobourg Jackson as Se'-ra. Leau Mrs. Mark Weldon, Uxbridge, il-M.adMs.Wle hsya Sc'y-reasof eague visited the members of the P ville; Mr. and fmrs. Watyoer B1-owmanillat o nio rn inyea iom*prised o am family on Sunday. htyaPotHp Mise Jsse cAthr ndwere supper guests of Mr. andWhtytPotHp Keene and*Bethany. The first B sett Mc e Arthur enwhm o McLaughlin on Sun- 22-Coiborne at Whitby Mrs. o games will be held here on May froyM Torto rarn ondomu- day, on the occasion of Mr. and 23-Port Hope at Coiborne 24h ThloaAhetc so- 1v verites. Jesie stated onMrs. Walter Murphy's lSth 24-Bowmanville at Cobourg iation has planned a good pro- fr;~ onda ta cerk t Maryn'swedding anniversary.2-Cbon atPrH gamfrtehldybe ~~, / ira> generalastore. O.N.O. Club met at the home 27-Port Hope at Whit wt prd a 23 .'s isDrsHmloRN of Mrs. Richard Bowles Thurs- p8Clon tBwavle rizes will be given for best Torontoi HM.aminMrs.Frd ay evening. Noreen Malcolm, 3 Whitby at Cobourg decorated vehicles; races for al TorontoPort Hr.pndaessbasebadîl gamesrgand soft-n Hamilton.g President, presided for the bus- 3-Coougat oib ope ag, bsbl ae n o Mr. oser erus n ess. Rall caîl was answered - bail games, a variety entertain- tL& "makes.. ..... rono, and Mr. and Mrs. Rupert by the "Description of YourBomniîatWtb ment in the Town Hall in the ,s, les Byers, Bowmanville, visited Mrs. Wedding Dress". Members were August- evening,.followed by adne Herman Hooey in Port Perry glad to hear that the Black- 2-Port Hope at Bownmanville, St. Paul's Ladies' Guild Hospital on Sunday and called stock sign which bas been miss- 10:30 a.m.LaisGudofS.Pl' theeman on Mr. Herman Hooey at bis iig frontNorth Blackstock, has Colborne at Cbug Cuc eeetrandq h k~k~,i Mr. Gerge Fwlerentetai-t discontinue the Club dances 4-Bowmanville at Port HopethiMamein. rsCa. ed heCamusW.. n Tesayuntil -October. The President Coîborne at Whitby even doenight. announced that the play "Three 6-Whitby at Coiborne Ryod rsdd eevn Miss Alberta Freelin and Miss Bright Girls" has been invited to 7-Whitby at Bowmanville bers after lier enforced absence (an d d o es - ~~ Miss ~~ S thi Port H ope at Cobourg s e i l w l o e f o h e u for hi.!) t is re-Jnevll ndSagae hsthrough illness. Treasurer re- morefo i! lin's parents a Kirkfield.mnt.Tasrrsrprshw 9-oonetBwavil ported the series of euchre Miss Gertrude Henry, Toronto, ed a good balance. It was voted Cobourg at Whitby parties beld throughout the - with Mrs. James Henry. ta send $25.00 ta the Salvation ll-Bowmanville at Cobourg winter had netted $123.50. Plans Miss Jean Ford, Toronto, with Army Red Shield and $25.00 te Coiborne at Port Hope were made for the anual Garden Mrs. Robert Ford. T.B. Seals. Several games of 13-Port Hope at Coiborne Party in June, with Mrs. Chas. j «Clthe mae te mn",say th ol adge.Buttody mreMr. and Mrs. George Staniland bingo were enjoyed, then Jessie 14-Cobourg at Bowmanville Smith appointed as kitchen 'Clthe mae he an' sys he ldadae. uttody mre and family, Tof'onto, with Mr. and her group served a delicious Whîtby . at Port Hope superviser and Mrs. M. Bigelow, and more men are learning that they can also enhance their and Mrs. George Staniland Sr. lunch. Starting Times Mrs. J. Coburn and Mrs. D. standing with certain people by owning lit e insudrance. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm and On Friday evening Mr. and Unless Otherwise Specified Smelt in charge of tables. Five family with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Mrs. Allan Rahm (Donna Lewis Pr oenwmmes r.G ilqit Take employers, for instance. To them, a man's ownersbip Moffatt, Oshawa. of Oshawa) were guests of hon- Paor230 Hoe ek-igt6*0 MHeGer, Mrs.' . Plmeris, of life insurance suggests that be is foresighted, thrifty, Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Reynolds or at a shoer in the Cartwright St,23 ekngt63 r.H eer r:J amr relsic bveal i elct iliges eacetr- and son, Mrs. M. Franks, Peter- Recreaiona, Cntre. Mis Nora WhitbyMrs. R. Read and Mrs. R. reaistc. boe al, relets illngessta ccete- oroghwih M. a - rsVennein as ientcre is oratheSat,23,-W eekniht 0Cochrane were welcomed. Re- borug, it Mr ad rs Vnnig asinchageofth -Coîborne freshments were served by the sponsibility - an attitude that impresses every employer. Leslie Mountjoy. shower. Mr. Howard Saywell Sat. 3:00 - Week-night 7:15 hostess, assisted by Mrs. C. Infat aynewo ern ha mnowslieinuaneMr. and Mrs. MervyÎi Graham was the very capable master of Cobourg Reynolds, Mrs. M. Bigelow and In ac, ayoe wo eans ha a anows lfeinsrace with friends at Fenelon Falls. ceremonies. A short but inter-Sa 6:0 - Wenih 6:30 Mrs. Bruce Smith. regards him with added respect. They know that it repre- Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGill wîth esting program including a mock a.6:0 - Wenih friends at Burnt River, radio broadcast 'was enjoyed. Bowmanviiie United Church W.M.S. sents one of the most important assets any man can have. Mm. and Mrs. Wilbert Werry Allan, on bebaîf of himselfan Sat., 2:30 - Week-night 6:30 The United Church W.M.S. PliE attededtheDecraton nd1 (Cut this schedule out for met at the home of President Yet perhaps the most important effect of awning life insur- attId Ctherc ain Service bis bride, thanked his relatives future reference) Ms e.Wdel h e h at da huch ndvisited Cav- andl friends for the lovely gifts ____o.Wdelwo e h ance is on the policybolder bimself. It gives him a sense of an friends an Sunday. and those who had helped with: achievement. For in nao ailer way can he create such a Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gibson the shower. Lunch, including; and Dennîs, Port Hope, with Mr. wedding cake, passed by the valuable estate for sa littie in so short a time. and Mrs. Cecil Gibson. happy couple, followed by danc- Sa life insurance can do more than provide financial Miss Mary Wilson, nurse-in- ing, brought a fine evening ta training, Oshawa, and Robert a close. Our best wishes are security for your family and yourself in later years. It also Brinkman, Port Perry, with Mr. extended to them for a long infuecespepleinway tat el wi scces!and Mrs. Charles Wilson. and happy married life. in fl e n c s p e p le in w y s h at elp w in u c c ss!M . a n d M rs . G . F a in t, V a le rie , Vickie, Janie and the twins, THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA é Cathy and Crissy, Toronta, with NEW NVIL Comprising more thon 50 Canadian, Britush und United States Companies Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Wright. E T N IL aperating li Canada Mrs. Edith Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy, Mr. Albert Mrs. Frank Gilh'îer is on the' "17 1IS GOOD C1TIZENSHIP TO OWN LIFE INStJRANCEM Murphy, Miss Grace Smith, Long sick list. L-5D Sault; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mrs. Marie Buckle, New Murphy and family, Bowman- Hampshire, N.J., spent a couple ______________________________________________________________ of days with Mr. James Daynard' 00% '~before returning home. 17.6Mr. Howard Ormiston s aC 173.9 bis house re-shingled. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kimbal * I ercntae e *~~ Ihave gone down te their farmn 1'cnaeo n"-e.;.1 Your Heating (omfort GDARANTEED with a '-I COMFORT BOND ISSUEO WITH EACH BLEND-AIR HEATING INSTALLATION IN ANY NEW ORt OLD NOME YOU'RE MORE COMFORTABLE ,ithi freshly wanned air circulated by Colt. man's exclusive Magic Blenders. YOU SAVE ON INSTALLATION with 3%-inch air tubes that fit any home. YOU SAVE SPACE with a furnace that takes as littie as 6 square feet of floar Space in basement, claset, utility room. YOU'RE COOL IN SUMMERwî,h Colt. man's new coing unit 'A'l ,t whei, you're r.ady. Cou us. Lw us eNpki e how you ton have Dontded Comfort S. Blain Elliott, HEATING and PLUMBING one 3348 55 King StW * 11imWOIee]'1 MT M. 1:uROOING m oui W:j'Jli] i'Ui- *1 19W. eqAwAnTAle --- TRTJRSDAY, MAY 2Oth, 1954 warship service dealing with period. Mms. T. Jackson voiccd "The Christian in His Vacation". the sentiments af the group In Scmipture was rend by Mrs. expressing their joy that Mrs. Clarence Rowan and Mrs. Herb Waddcll was again able ta taire Cappins led in prayer. Watch her place in the Prcsidcnt's rowfr Heralds by Mrs. M. chair after hem lengthy lllness, Wright, Mrs. C. Rowan, Mrs. H. also appreciatian ta Mî's. Clar- Coppins and Miss L. Weatherilt ence Rowan for lier leadership gave brief reports af missio .n during Mrs. Waddell's absence. work in South America, Africa, The hostess servcd lunch. rrinidad and on mission out- posts in Canada. Mrs. D. Lowes spoire of work in Korea and Bii'ths in Canada during showed pictures of six mission- 1953's first 10 months were up aries now at work there. Miss nearly four per cent over the M!. Rodwell spoke an Temper- same period of 1952. ince. "The increase af alcohol- The brinks of Niagara Falls ism may be partly due ta lackr recedes f ive feet per year due of temperance education. We ta emosion. Inuld strive for total abstin- Canadian tarlif duties are ence". Mrs. M. Porteous spoke among the world's lowcst, art on Christian Citizenship, and average of only 7 %i per cent ,4 Mrs. T. Jackson on Christian value being collected on Stewardship. Mrs. Otto Spencer goods entering the country iat .ad charge of the study book 1951. 1190001,

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