just isn't any justice. * 0 * ~~L~t S S~ree/z §9k! ~ SENIO OATRICAL *One of the best Senior Ora-, Barbara Murdoch, Editor torical Contests ta take place at oe. ~z *~~-~'. r<* ~.q~-~.~a~ >r* ~~se. ~> ~0:this school in a long time was RON TURNER OFF TO we ail agree that the staff witnessed last Tuesday. Miss' OTAAcouldn't have made a better Cunningham's vigaorous Ca.- OTTAWA choice to represent au'r sehoal paigning really paid off. Nine- Congratulations ta Ron Turner an this trip. teen students entered as coim- Who left last Sunday for Otta- * e pared with three entries last wa ta take part in "An Adven- COMPLAINT DEPT. year. Not only were the speech- ture in Citizenship" spansored On behaif of myself and any es numerous but they were an by heRatryClus f Cnaa.other poor soul Who got stuck an interesting variety of tapics Ron, along with students fror ithlmst rt u fe h running from "The Hydrogen ai vrCanada, wiIl spend , Bomb" ta "The Common House- about four days in aur capital, Bubhle Gum , Caper" last week Ifly" and alI well delivered. i tauring the city, visiting Panlia- 'I would like ta vaice a com- Elizabeth Prower won first' ment, listening ta various di- paint. Just how hard-hcarted place with her informative nitanies speaký and in general a~nd ca'uel can teachers get? Af-I speech on "The Stratford Fes- havj na himself a wiiale of a ter ail with a year's supply of itival". Elizabeth showed a good time. The catch cornes when hie bubble gum floating a'-ound the knowledge of bier subject'.mat- has to make a report on his tnfp sehool what can we do but chew ter which she delivered in a ta the local Rotary Club. Ron, it? We would also like it made weilî organized, self assured wha was chozýen for this honour known that the two teachers manner. Ron Turner placed; by the teachers, is one of the who handed out detentions most second with his humorous dis- top studlents in fourth form. He liberally had a huge supply of course on "Absent Mindedness" is an afl-round student whose the precious commodity hoard- 'and Ivan Woolley's colourful ready wit. wJ'!ih "hows itself ed away in their desks (Prob-1 description of his trip out west :'i his talent for both writin'ý ablv to relieve the baredom of iearned hlm third place. Honor- and acting, i-we known having to teach two subject's iable mentions were given to around the ýchool and VI' surc like Latin and English.) There Shirley Pollock who spoke on _____________________________________________"The Locust" and Hazel Web- rber who spoke on "Fear". These five people have reason ta be proud because theirs were the] F OR RENT 1Icream of an excellent crop ofo Large office in Jubilee Building on King Street, Special mention should go ta I West avilabe My 3lt; eate; lng lasethe judges. Mrs. Clepper, Rev. Wes; aailbleMay31s; hate; lng eas if Morgan and Mrs. Osborne, desred Aplywhose task was not an easy Iý desird. Aply -one. The other 14 contestantsg are alsa ta be congratulated. J N. i S C T TLet's hope that this year's con- N. J. SCOTTtest was the first in a long ser- Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries les of similar calibre. Bowmanville, Ont.____ ________ SPENCER ~w~ii vy, CORSETIERE Has Fine Programme (Registered rince 1931> Wednesday, May 12, mnarked bars and showed us some lively the first performance of aur an- dancing. John Dippeil, Alex Mr. .E.RchrS nual "Lit. Night" under its new Alexander ai-d Mor-ris Bradley Mrs.J E Rihar nae "arity igh". he lsoassste inthîs skit frorn BOX 33 ORONO great variety in the numbers Grade Nine. Telephone 27-r-16 presented Wednesday ight cen- By way of sharp contrastCa tainiy showed the aptness of raie Milne then gave us ber in- this naine. terpretation of a modern night Promptly at 8:15 (almast) club singer. Carole turned in a Mernili Brown, the prerident of very polished performance in Ithe Literary Society, appeared this one of the mast papular on stage ta extend a weicome numbers from the Second Form daudience. After remarking how A mumber which Is grawing Removedbeartening it was to the per- into a tradition around B.H.S. Highest prices paid for see s0 many parents and friends r a efer onore the famousW * Dead, Old and Crippled out ta support them, President TiFeo rs ce tte ho have Far Stck.Brown introduced the M.C. for presented their kick-line every TELEPHONE COLLECT teeeiiGog alw.Year since they were in first rL ~ ~George, wha was M.C. for1 form. The girls, Nancy Mitchell, C..oourg 1787/ Second Form's pragram, was Helen Cale, Pat Morrili, Mar-c NICKPECNIchosen.for 'Vaniety Night" be- lene Peel, Katie Olsen, Nancy *PETERBOROGN2I28 cause be was considered the Hamlin and Dona Morecraft, -PETRBORUGH -208 inst outstanding M.C. in the strutted their stuff ta the tunie __________________ recenit series of Form Programs. of "Pretty Baby". As anyone who watched bis an- The M.C. then made an un- parent self confidence and ease usual announcement. Seems that of delivery Wednesday wiil teil a group of professionai dancersf you, the choice was an excellent fromn Toronto bead about auir CL EAone, Rackettes and decided ta corne Geprge amnoumced that the down and show us how a kick- OHE (L AREST irst number on the program line sbauld be dame. These was for the benefit of the mar- charmimg lasses John Mason, a ried people in the audience and Barry Cowling, Bob Brown,A w also for those who were mot Town Park and Martin Buckspan 0 married. (As fan as we can fig- practically brought the bouseIV une ont this included ju.ut about down witb their antics which P everyone in the audience.) H1-e were anything but professional.M * * 44 ~then proceeded ta intraduce Nancy Smythe one of the T Janet McGnegon with ber inter- principals in "The Pirates of pretatian of the guest soloist Penzance" gave a loveiy rend!- ~,.. Yat a wedding. Janet pravaked tion of "Oh Dry the Giistening gaies of laughten from ber au- Tear" one of bier solos frorn - dience as she fiitted from "Be- the Operetta. cause" ta "Ricochet Romance" Carole Chant foliowed with, -~ ~-ta "Five Foot-Two" ta "When ber cute ballet number "South- You and I Wene Young Mag- ecm Belle". ~ ~g e' ta "C'est Si Bon" and back The next number an the pro- t o "Because" again in wbat was gram was a group of German' Iundoubtedly the most unusual sangs presented by "der Funf piece even sung at a wedding. Musikanten", Betty Eldridge, *A chorus fromf Second Forn Arthun Yammen, Anhene Baig- DELHIunder the direction of Mn. Pc- ley, Lee Luffman and Arlene K A TIters next presented a Czecho- Rosevean. The director Tom ýhiâ -Ssiovakian folk sang "The Dan- Park intraduced the numbers, cing Sang'. Tbey were falhowed Mussidenn sung by Group, Ar- ....by severai of the more talented thur Yammer playing Lieber 45'usicians in the schooi, Janet Fruiing, and Heidenroslein ane - '~~McGnegon, Paige Lycett, Mer- of Goethe's loveliest lyricr, /7 1h Brown, Max Lycett and whicb wene very well done. -~~-Bruce Coiwell with a couple of A fairhy recent idea inpaetny $r$ l cool" numbers "Little was next presented by fourth S Bnown Jug" and "Tuxedo Junc- forn under the direction of Miss S tian". Cunningham. This was Rachel' George Marlowe then reap- Lindsay's Congo Song a poemn peared and asked us ta imagine written ta be recited or cbanted /"ourselves back in the noanin 20's in unisan. Founth form's pres- ~ ~ wben the Charleston was the la- entation of this piece was very test dance craze. The skit in effective. which this dance was featured Shirley Mihîs and Ken Kelly was first form's contribution ta twa of tbe leading characters the pnagram. Follawing a bit of in the openetta next pnesented ...., ~... ~ dialogue in which Keith Purdy, "Stay Frederick Stay" and "Ah complete with raccoon coat, Leave Me Not Ta Pine", in the ~ 44.~4again gave the girls a treat, same fine style wbich earned Lynn Bagneli, Marian Buttery, them much praire during the Jerry Ross, Gwen Mundock, Pat operetta. Hockin, Beverly Wilson, Audrey Tbey were followed by a McMann and Margaret Gobeen chorus of third fôrmers wbicb J Tom the following: really had the joint jumping as ______________ they flounced thraugh the in- tnîcate steps of the Charleston. M TLES Lynn Bagneli and Margaret Radi an TVSerice Goheen went sala for a few _________YOUR EYES and il ~ Vision Re-writtcn fram *Vacation expenses Signature " Seasonal needs-- " Car or home repaire .on SIGNATURE for CAR OR FURNITURI - ~ t~One-day servce Sprng Sn me«ý No bankable security needed SSensible terms -- neds -.Up ta 24 months ta repay Phone or corne in today for fast, friendly service! *HOmIS[ROLo FINANCE 1 iV2 SImcoO St.South, second floor, phone Oshawa 5- 1139 OSHAWA, ONT. PORT HOPE BRANCHt 71 Walton St., 2nd floor, phone 3050 RJ W WE (AN GIVE YOU T TV RECEPTION itk WITH THE 2 FINEST ALL-CHANNEL TV ANTENNAS ~/ter. BRIGHT, BRILLIANT, PHOTO-CLEAR TV RECEPTION 50 - 100 - 150 MILES AWAY FROM ANY STATION! .. . Thanks f0 K-T's Amazing "Snow" Fiter!1 GUARANTEED ta autperform an y other antennas male today! Why put up with "spotty" TV reception wben yots can really enjoy good programs every night? Now, wc can finally, and cnA*ný*î1 IT A u h THE BEST SET IS ONLY AS GOOD S NTENNA. Cnei n ltu DEhHw ou why.. . and how the amazing, newDELH - -- - SUPR "ATYS" will solve yaur long-distance reception problems! Rugged aluminum con- struction for long life. Obtain fiili details of this amazing new Antenna f. Higgon Electric Livnited MURPHY Furniture & Appliances THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVHML, ONTAM OTEfURSDAY, MAT 20th, 18 Principals in Recent Wedding A charming wedding group forms on the steps of Forest Hill United Church, Toronto, following the marriage on April lOth of Barbara Ann Cole and Harold Charles Kennedy. From left to right at the back are Miss Pat cale, Mlr. Bruce Cale, the bride and groom, Mrs.Lou Wiseman, Mir. Allan Weller; in front are Mr. Douglas Smith, Miss lelen Whiitman, littie Miss Billi Patricia Wiseman, flower girl, niece of the bride; Miss Dorothy Brotherston and Mr. rerry Kennedy. -Photo by Grant Collingwood prevîous- x i~-- copyrights X! VVI C. H. Tuck, U Optometrist 31isnE. On Our Soap-Box! Opp. P.O. OSHAWA - Phone 5-6143 DO Y 0 U HAVE a safe 255. amount of insurance cov- erage on your home and its contents? Don't guess. Cal! on us. We'I be glad ta get off our aoap-box and help you ail we can! STUART R. JAMES Phones: Office 681; RIqs. 493 King Street Bowmanvjjle In relatimg experiences and references ta show the subtie relationship of the eyes ta the rest of the body, as a means of discovering a chue ta the cause o! trouble and as means of prov- ing the relatianship o! the eyes ta the child's efficiency, I made use o! statements of Judge Chas. L. Brown, of Philadelphia Municipal Court. In making the statement that faulty vision leads ta crime this is what be says: "I1 know that judges and social Iwarkers al aven the country can cite hu.idreds of cases wben delinquency and any social con- duct an such a simple thing as vision uncamrected and mot an the desire to be wicked." (Cup.vriphted)' Library Now Has Numerous New Books Among the mew books ln Bowmanville Public Library are mamy of those in most de- mand in the Toronto libraries, according ta a recently campil- ed list. Below is a list of new fiction and non-fiction ta be found on yaur library shelves. Fiction Dcath at the Inn-Rade; Bho- wani Junction - Masters; N o other God-Penfield; Turn East,1 Turn West-Creighton; Fugitive' Nurse- Gardener; Mavericks Return Field; Conspiracy of Silence-Blizard; Tomorrow - Willie; Jane and Prudence - Pym; Have a Lovely Fumerai- Hopkins; The Younger Son - Wallace; Sands of the Deset- Mereýd it h;- ell of the Silent F{ap-arke Elizabeth and the Prince of Spain-Irwin; Swan and the Rose-Leary; The Dark Angle-Waltari; A Pocket Full of Rye - Christie; Sayomara- Michener; The Sixth Wife- Plaidy; The Spare Room - White; The Lost General - rbane; The Walsingham Wom- J-70 You'l never go back ta ordinary dry cleaning once you've tried différent; better Sanitone Service,.flirt, spotsN stains simply vanish! Local Agent- [OOPER'S LADIES, WEAR PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 ............................ ,~ 119 I UNM~~~u~ . ~ %ira VILUKY LUAN BONDS have been CALLED FOR PAYMENT JUNE 1sf IF YOU HOLD Third Victory Loan 3%,1 Bonds (issued November, 1942 ta mature November, 1956) they should be presented for payment on or after june Ist through any branch bank in Canada. AFTER THIS DATE NO FURTHER INTEREST WILL BE PAID. The interest coupon dated November lst, 1954 and all coupons dated later than this must be attached ta the bonds when they are presented for payment. Payment will be $101.26 for a $100 bond (and for other denominations accordingly). This payment includes a $1 prçmium as required by the terrns of the bond-plus 260 which je interest at 3% fromn May lat ta june lât-the period since the last coupon becamne payable Govermnt of Cmade By: BANK 0F CANADA, Fiscal Agent V9,3-4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - presented, .Sigmnund Bombourg's "Desert Song" fram the show "Blue Moon". The big rqoment everyone had been eagerly awaiting finally arrived as Miss Cunningham an- nounced that the winncr of the sbield for the best Farmn Pro- gram this year was faurth form. jMiss Cunningham called on the Literary representative fromn fourth form, Betty Carruthers, ta receive the shield on behaîf of her class. Our congratula- tions ta the winncrs who pt on a fine show and also ta sec- ond form, the runners up. The next number was an ab- salutely unrehearsed and cam- pletely unexpected juggling act donc by aur versatile English teacher Miss Cunningham with the aid of a window blind." Last but nat least came the Drama Club's production "The Man in The Bowler Hat". After cauntless Saturdays spent in iwashing, patching, painting and erecting (or rather watcbîng Mr. Ross erect) aur flats we bad begun ta wonder if it was al worth it. (The Literary Society, wbo had ta foot the bills, was prabably wondering the same tbing.) But Wednesday's per- formance dispelled ahl doubts. Under the cap;ble direction of Janet McGregor the cast, Eli- zabeth Prower as MaryTm Park as John, Marilyn Hearn as the heroine, Bnian Van Nest as the bero, Ron Turner as the villian, Barry Cawling the bad- man and Gary Chant as "The Man in The Bowler Hat", turn- cd in a rib-ticklîng perform- ance whicb was one long chuc- kle fram beginning ta end. Bath director and cast deserve a big Pat on the back for a fine cx- hibition of dramatic ability. The singing of "The Queen" braught ta a close an evening's entcrtainment of wbich the Lit. Society and ail those who had any connectian with At may well be proud. an-Westcatt; Lady af Arlmng- Needler tan-Kane; Unborn Tamorraw head; ' -Frankau; A Gipsy -in the Par- World lor--Sharpe; Climate of Cour- Stratfor age - Cleary; The Devil Rides AD'0yl Outside-Griffin. The Gri Non-Fiction Master borne; The Recovery of Family Lfe chen; -Truebload; James Brook of Fathr- Sarawak-Hahn, Conquest of bett; W Fatigue and Fear - Cawlcs; Reach for the Sky-Brickhill; - The Painters Warkshap -Con- stable; Manifest Destiny-Con- Three nelI; Period Piece Raverat; Canada' Impossible Adventure - Gheer- Quebec brant; Duel of Wits-Churchill; Alberl A Writers Diary-Waolf; Tri- mast m umph and Tragedy-Churchill; 1matar v( Churchill and bis Contemrie zens. N(~ /low drap ery and sfic, cover cûfors Z-144 bock (o lte! SANITONE dry Ciea #~gg14 Ogf SO mach More dirt! er; Rum Jungle - Moore,. White Wings Araund the - Green; Renown at rd - Guthrie -Davies; ey Carte Albin-Wood;! ,reat Iran Ship - D of the Girl Pat - Ôrs- Vagrant Viking Freu. Jungle Lare - Corbett; - God Bless H-im-.Car. !e out of cvery five of a's hotels are lacated in Sor Ontario. rta, cansidered Canada's mobile province, has 10 'ehicles for every 33 cit4, linsurance 1 Real Estate 1