VM 9ANAIBAMM MAIÇ,Eno MMMMWWoeAm >AGE SIX TEEN k- 3303E 3303 Tura Page for IN MEMORIA CONNORS-In loving in AililinalClasifedsof a dear wife and ir Hattie Connors, who ~ away, May 25, 1950. BIRTHS We do flot forget her, we hem taa dearly, BROCK-Reg. and Joan Brock For ber memory ta fadE (fiee Raymond) are happy ta aur lives like a drea announce the bith of their Our lips need not speak daughter, Linda Marlene, 6 lbs., aur heamts mourn sun 9 aza., at Memorial Hospital, For grief often dweils Friday, May 14th, 1954. 20-1* it seldom is seen. --Sadiy niissed by husban BUCKLAND-To Mr. and Mrs. famîly. Henry Buckland, (nee Louise jCOUCH-In loving memo Wilson) a daughter, Pamela a dear mother, Winona C Joan, on May 16, at Toronto wbo passed away, May Western Hospital. 20-1* 1939. i ~Dear God in His great wi STURROCK -Mr. and Mrs. Has called you ta His si Howard Sturrock (nee Helen And now with Hlm in hez Leavens), wish ta annaunce the In peace you shahl abide blrth of their son, Daniel How- To us remains the metnc ard, at Memoriai Hospital, Bow- 0f happy days long past nianvilie, May 16. A brother And in aur hearts a silent p for Johnny. 20-1 We shaîl meet again a last. WALTER-Mr. and Mrs. Murton - Lovingly remembered Walter (nee Marion Allun) are daugbtem Denelda and Si( happy ta announce the birth of their 7 lb. da'ughter at Memorial 1 Hlospital, Bowmanville, May 14, GRAY-In loving memor 1954. 2 - * Robemt Gray, who died Ma 1940. WESLEY-Mr. and Mra. Bruce The face I loved la now laid Wesley (nee Eleanor Johnston),! His loving voice la stili, Walkerton, are happy ta an- The band so often claspe Ixounce the arrival of their son, mine Stephen Grant, at Bruce County Lies now in deatha cold. Hospital, on Tuesday, May 11, 1 often it and think of hir 1954. A brother for David. When I ami aIl alone 20-1* For memomy is the only thi _________________________ That grief can cail its owi -Ever remembered by wife ENGAGEMENT îamily. __ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hansen MARCHANT-In loving ir announce the engagement of amy of Richard James who1 their daughter, Bernice Lorraine, 'ed away auddenly on May1 to Rosa Brooks Pearce, son of 1952. Mr. and Mrs. Rosswell C. Pearce Juat when your life waa bri of R.R. No. 2, Bowmanville. The est, wedding will take place in Trin- Juat wben your yearsv ity United Church, Bowmanville, best, June l9th, at 2:30 o'clock. You were called from this w, 20-1' af sorrow To a borne of eternal reat. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Karl -Ever remembered by Pei Viemkoettem of Toronto announce Wayne and Dolores. the engagement of their daught- er Hildegarde Emma ta Charles COMING EVENT: Ernest Balfour LeGresley, son of -___________ Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Balfour Get rid of your old turnil LeGresley of Newcastle, Ont. and furnishinga by giving tc The marriage will take place on Lions Community AuctionS June l2th at 3 o'clock in Morn- Telephone 3406, 3410. 1 Ingside Presbyterian Church, Toronto. 20-1 Do flot forget Enniaki: - Anniversary Service, Suri and Monday, May 23rd and 2I .L/J.r1IÂI See bills, and advertisenîent GOGGIN, Thomas M.-ude. page seven.2 ly, at St. Josejh's Hospital, Lon- "Business Merely Business dlon, Thomas M. Goggiîn, son of A 3-act comedy play presen the laite Thomas Goggîn and by the Newtonville Woma MaCrgaret Hall and brother of Association in the Commuç Edith of Fordwich, Ont. Fun- Hall, Wednesday, May 26, 8p eral service May 14, froni the Admýision 50c and 25c. 1 Edgar Funerai Home, Gorrie. ____ Interment Fordwich Cemetemy. Memoriai Pýark Club Hoi 20-1 Euchre May 25th at 8 p.m.É GOOD AN-t Mmoral os-mission 35c. Gaod prizes, lui GOODAN-A MemrialHos-chair prize, dmaw prize at1 pital, Bowmanviile, on Wednes- door. Everybody welcome.1 day, May 19, 1954, Matilda E. need your help. Goodman. in her 76th year, wîfe ____ of the late Charles Goodman Trn udySho r and dear 'mother of Gertrude Tyronery SundayScayo23A (Mrs. Milton Wilcox). Resting Services at 2:30 and 7:30. Mi at the Marris Funeral Chapel, ister, Rev. H. M. Fisher, B. Bowmanville. Service in the of Brooklin. Special music Chapel on Friday at 2:30 p*m1. the Sunday Scbool Choir. j Interment Bowmanville Cem--____ etery. 201 Don't miss the annual Vani Show sponsored by Tyro RUNDLE-At Memoriai Hos- Juvenile Band on Friday, M; pital, Boxvmanviile, on Tuesday, 28th, 8:15 p.m. in Tyrone Ha May lth. 1954, Sadie Ann featuring the noted magic.i Rundie. wife of the late George Ted Bradshaw. Admission . Rundle and mother of Mel (Mrs. and 25c. 1 J. McNulty), Bowmanville. Ont.;____ George, Lancaster, New Bruns- Anniversary Services of tl wick, and Lala (Mrs. George Waman's Association of Newtci Brown), Chicago, Illinois, Rest- il United Church will be hie ing at the Morris Funeral ail Chapl, owmnvihe. ervceSundaY, May 23rd, at 7:30 p.r Chapl, Bwi-anvile. ei-i Service canducted bv the Pi in the Chapel on Thursday at Hope MaIe Choir, Rev. S., ,2 o'clock. Interment Bawi4ian- Pike, Minister. 2- ville Cemietery. 20-120 The Christian Business Girl WHITE, Mirian-At Memorial Chýoir of Toronto, directed b Hospital, Bawmanville, an Sun- Ms a ln .... . day, May 16, 1954. Miriam LawMiT., an asin,ÀRCTR beioved wife of the late Georee -_îý+--A ... b a barito.j White, and dear mother of1 Evelyn (Mrs. Charlton McBride) of Peterboro; Ruth (Mrs. Clar- ence Tink), Hampton; William of Hampton, Allan and Charles,r Oshawa, in ber 88th year. Rest-b ed at Northcutt & Smith Funeralj Home. 53 Division St., Bowman- I . ville. Service Tuesday. May 18,e 2:30 p.m. Intern-rent Bowman- ville Cemeteri. 20-1ih Wanted $OMEONE te take mortgage, S for $2,500, on bouse in Bowman-T ville. Apply Box 160, c/o The Canadian Statesman. 20-1- te SOMEONE to use and care for, C free of charge, good garden lot L on Jane St. G. Barrett, 27 se Queen St. 20-1 * IDEAD STOCK removed from Ti your farm prornptly for sanitary bE disposai. Telephone coliect: Ce- se ourg 1266 or Toronto EM. 3-3636. at Gordon Young Limited. 50-tf "* Room and Boacrd ic on FOR two men, share room or qeparate if desired. Phone 3413. 20-1 SOluist and vilinist, will bej Kendal United Church, Frida May 28th at '8:15 p.m. 20ý When bouse cieaning plea; remember the White Elephar booth of your Hospital Bazaa: June 10, at Community Centri Used ciothing, costume jeweil ery, books, chinýa, jig-sai Puzzles. etc.. appreciated. Phor M!rs. F. Morril]. 2456 or Mrs. Ge( Young, 532 for pick-up. 20. Blackstock United Sunda School Anniversary, Mav 23rc Speaker, Rev. Dr. George Litti, Toronto. il a.m. Children' Choir; 7:30, Quaker Hill Quar ette. Monday, 8:30, Recreatioi Centre, "Meddlesome Maid" b7 Leaskdale Y.P.U. will be pre sented. 20-l' Missionary Robert Howlett o: 'yrone, formerly of N.W.T.. wii, e the speake r at a speciaj 3rvice in the Town Hall, Orono ýt 2:45 P.m., Mav 23rd. Subject, Prince of Peace"'. taken fron Iaiah 9:6. Our motto is, "Serv- ce ta ail, that they ail may be rie". Ail are welcome. 20-P* DANCE RECITAL NICE room suitable for one or twoan bordif wanted. Phone By the Pupils of 3452. 20-1! Lillian Nae Marsh, ONE gentleman boarder. Phone DEA and television privileges;* ref-DEA erne.Phone 3477. 20-1 iSaturday, June 5, 1954 -Repairs 2:30, ai Town Hall ADMISSION RA&DIO and television repaira.Auts- Cide 0 Prompt service. Pick Up and dis3oClre2e devery. Lorne Doreen. Phone Ticket@ available fron, pupils 2741. (Formerly partner in "The Or at Lions Centre. Radio Shop"). 17-4 19-4* IREPAIRS te ail makes of refrig- Found erators. damestic and commner- CWia; mffiin9.ceelers. - Higgon YOUNG female dog. brown and RecStrie, 42 King St. E. Phone white, with bobbed tail. Appiy 43& 25-tf 27 Hunt Street. 20-1' M Articles For Sale Articles For Sale Notices Real Estate For Sale 'iemory LADY'S coat and navy blue suit, POWER lawn mowers. All kinds Buckley's Flower Shop Wil SIX-ROOM insul brick house, nather, ize 16. Phone 3404. 20-1 of repair work on cars, trucks be closed Tuesday and Wednes- 1/4 acre lot, i Hampton. Phone passed and tractors, also carpenter womk day, May 25 and 26. 20-1 2578. 19-2 LLOYD stroller, aimait iiew. done. F. S. Allen & Son, R.R. eloved 33 Brown St. 20-14 3,% Bowmanville, Ont. P>hone Anyane interested I endlng SOLI) brick bouse, six roanis, e ra WBSERpantspayr.Ph 2833. Three miles west on No. their pid woollens ta be trade ini good location, termis reason- ale Cla EBRke 19m22. 20. Phon 2 Highway. 20-1 into bilankets with the Haydon able. Appiy 25 Brown St. 20-1' !arn. Clare 1922. 0-1*W.A. please Phone 2508 or 2735. SwbenONYtee ef,15 Ine-2- HOUSE, at Kirby, ol-bric, 7 iceel GEYLlydbab crnge lkenational Harvester refrigerators rooma, glass pomch, 2-piece bath, where new, $25. Phone 2703. 20-1 al neduced by %k; used radios- Free.-With each $2.00 gasoline close ,to church, achool and store small consoles and conibinations sale or $5.00 on repair wark on Highway 35.203 id-1 andQUnIY f2e34cwha. at Farm Equipment and Auto- (cash-), 1 ticket on 1954 de- ATTRACTIVE 5-rooni fumnisbed 2.1 Pon23h20-2 motive, 134 King St. E., Bow- luxe Pontiac car. Draw ta be ctaeBwavleWs ec amry of 30 BUSHELS Commercial Barb- manville. Phone 689. 20-1 made Auguat 27, 1954. F. S. could be winterized. Phone1 Allen & Sons, R.R. 3, Bowman- 2569.2~1 Coucli, off barley. Phone Newcastle TIMBERKING GARAGES ville, Ont. 'Phone 2833. T2ree 24h,251 8-f PLYWOOD 1954 Models miles West on No. 2 Highway. T17O front lots for sale, Solina 'îsdom jBLUE velour cheatemfield and Prefabricated. Overbead doors. 1 wRay 2;Notdgrd le and; $35 Rad N gobvery ls ad;i$35 ide chair, dlean home, very reason- m ahakn rc.1- aven lable. Plione 2512. 20-1 Delivered: $160 to $215. BAL OR L 1fL"ti ___________________19_2 a. -Sectional Buildings, LS I GSSN E :y NEW belt, 100 feet, endless, 4- Lake Guindon.-3, Que.Rate for ive s tralANd yo wi ply, 8 inches wide. Phone Omono 19 5 orbe pusa rileasnd.yuwi i prayer 81 r 13. 19-2 1- epesd at the ROON AN~uDBOARD Houses - Farms - Businesses PO ER lan owrs feeUSED farm equipmeht, tractors, No Sale - No Fee POWE law mowrs, reeFarmal-M", Farmal«H::, Al Booms wlth ungWaeJ.VN ETRAL SAEe 1 ydemonstration. Harvey Partner, Farmaîl Cub, Fanmali Super "C"Runn Wtr ,VN ETRALE AE id. Tyrone. Phane 2240. 20-2 Oliver "60", John Deere, Case T 2 Concession St. W. Phone 3230 p 201*twneble: Ineraioalha- V Louage BOWMANVILLE7 PIANO. Appiy Mrs. J. W.,tloea aer, International bay-o 1-t ry of Knight, 79 King East, Bowman- boae, Iternationa e5 tcom- Ful hotel prvi18tf-- a y 2 4 , vill e . 2 0 -1 A u to m o tiv e , 1 3 4 K in g S t . E ., R A S A E F R S L d,îow, RASPBERRY and strawberry Bowmanville. Phone 689. 20-1 Good Meals Properties Sold, Rented, d 1d plaCrawforsalempny Mrs. 1e GADENESYour Home rshL. M. AL L ISO N d ed i C r wfor , H m pt n. 2 -1 * G ov rn m e t t sted b ul ve e - Y u r o m eR eal E state B roker $ chili ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bags, table and flower seeds, mean w yfo Home b"ne ocksaslof t id im delivered in Bowmanville. Phone more and better seed for your Awa fomPno56 NwateO. 2473. 31-ff money. Certified seed potatoes, Two blck orth'ftai h beautîful gladioli bulbs, box Rates signal, Newcastle. iing MAN'S bicycle, nearly new. A. plants and fentilizers, etc. It $ 20-tfM m, Budd, R.R. 6, Bowmanvile. pays ta buy the best at Stew- $16 per week la_____________ a and _20_2______________Divisionmanv.,le. 19-tfH. G. "HAP" GILL 20-1 2- mat's Seds Dvsin t, o- REAL ESTATE'/ STRAWBERRY plants and year-InBwavle wmorn$ _________asparagus______ T IeLtE-BALMORAL HOTEL Tnoombalo, fun ewmodan pass- burg.Po20. 20-2 T L 20-1 heavy wiring, etc., Price $8,000. bt lSth, Supplied and Laid In Bowmanville, modern bun- TWO-piece chesterfield suite, CERAMIC PLASTICCasF rS l galow, 5 moins, garage, land- cight- rust colour, tair condition, $25. RUBRER MARBOLEUM _________For__________ scaped grounds, price $8,500.00. cj Phone 3396. 20-1*G EA 190ASIiexlen J Want a building lot, see these: weeONE No. 7 potato diKger, tîrat dtonH.5.Poe 47 2-*On SecodwSt.e, price $700,00 clasa condition, used one yeam Phone 2902 Bowmanville dto,$9.Phn 47 0 'On BmadhaStet price 500.00- vonld only. Charles Vine, R.R. 2, 9-tf 1939 PLYMOUTH coach, In good i anSdet price 500.00 Nestleton. 20-1 condition, good rubber, radio, H. G. "Hap" Gi Real Estate - .ggy, WATER s y s t e m s, plumbing Rugs, Droadloom motor good. Phone 3219. 20-4* 8 Second St. Phone 3514 20-1 supplies, etc., free estimatea. SAVE 50 %. New Rugs Made '50 CHEV. coach, reasanablo, Bawmanville -S Apply Harvey Partner, Tymone. tram Tour Old Rugs, Carpets, must seil. Ed. Young, Centre St., REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 'S Phone 2240. 20-2 Woollens, etc. Orono. 201 New bungalow, five roonis, tueMASSEY-Hannis 10 pJniceAlDoVmminm.uBu Weavin TWO motorcycles, 42-45 and (udytus)adao los the cn itifuly equipped, redlurytbhdwofors ae.for quick sale. Marvin Nosbitt, on Company a 43-45, Harley Davidsonsge, immaculate. Has ta ho 1 A8 Eo-4mer irc.fo 49tf reasonable. G. Barrett, 27 'Queen- Five noomed bungalow, pictume 38 SV onlmedrc rmSt. 20-.1' window, two bedrooms, ail furn- illen nill ta you. Phillips Lumber DRAPERIES and venet an blinda ace, garage, corner lot. îmmac- iday Ca., Kinniaunt, Ont. Phone custam nmade, or draperies sold BEFORE you buy ask about our ulate condition. Full pnico Ai 4th. 17r11. 13-ff by the yard. Our representative low cost financing service with $8,500.00.1 ton wil cal at your home any tinue complete insumanco covorage. Farrn, 148 acres, an Concession 20)-l CEDAR for ladders, clothes-lino with a complote range of samples Roy C. Lunney, General Insur- St., excellent sal, large brick pales, fenceý posta and gap polos. and suggestions without obliga- ance, 48 King St. West., Bow- bouse, large an garage, ien UI ;s- Cedar up ta 10", across, Phone tion. Free estimates and free in- manville. 20-1 bouse: silo, piampn, implement nted evening 2302. 2 - stailation witbin 35-mile area. CE.sdn 2Ce shed; full line of new machinery ian's Lowest prices inx town. Fabnie '49 HV sea,52C v.gswiht rekuntroh ýity LEADER washing machine, 00 TTwn, 59 King St. W. Phone suburba '5 Dodge sedan, '47 with itý. I Cure n s tough P*M. ondiion,$30.Appl Cot 26 3 09, owma vill . 8-f Dod e S an, 41 C ev.odupf innmgoseearn thisth anene 18-3 West Beach, on week-ends. '37 Dodge coupe, '38 Plymouth in av bouses and fanms in 20-1' USEIi VA Case tractor, used C coupe, '48 Dodge sedan with s~w.v >use MAN'S Case tractor, used M-H 81 trac- raiOrcs'9 og updstrict Ajax and Bowmaiiville Ad AcNiton bicycle, i excellent tam, usod dump rake, used Gebi truck, '49 Fargo stake truck J.. p Ailan, Broker cky-onton Apply Glenn Aluin, harvester, used Case Harvester, '52 Fango %k-ton, '50 Mercury Oshawa, Ajax, Toronto, Weston- PcyOon.Ïhone Clarke a361. used John Deere H-1arvester, used truck. Palme, Motor Sales, 20 Ms .E esLclAetp the 20.1*IH.. aun îg M.o85Onajo. Lau, o gne Sh We ________________________ preaden 2 Case KingSt. E.Phone487, Bow-6 naroS.Phone919 .9-2 HOUSE trailer, aleeps:ou, ith 2-furow tractor plows, New manville. 20-1 Bomavil ai oneincs pyR . Idea transplanter, side nakes,- omnil- nn alls. Maplo Gre, nAort i ipreadens, etc. Fulli une Case T G !DeWVITH REAL ESTATE W 3rd. the school, Con. 2, R.R. 3, Bow- machinery, electric nefrigemators, 120 acre farm, 100 acres work-Ki in- manville. Phone 2772. 21-2* deep freezers, powern mawers, Before the heavy Sprlng demand able, 9 acres of wood, creek, A., -ganden tractons, wire fence. W. for Used Cars and Trucks forces wells, bank bamn and driving - by GENERAL refrigemator, 7 cu. ft., H. Brown, Case Dealer, 91 King Prîces sky hlgh shed, garage; 9 roomed brick 1 STI 19-2 completeîy averbauled, $80, at St. W. Phone 497. 20-1 bouse with full celiar, furnaco, fart Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King B UY NOW ! cdtern. Asking pnice $13,000. lenc lety St. E., Bowmanville. Phone 438. F rR n tLws rcsee $3,000 down, or arranged. one 20-1 F rR n tLws rcseé 112 acre farm, 90 acres wonk- BU,. .ay HEARtING aid service, testing TWO and a half acres of gardenal,7crso odcek Rn ail, and stockgodrod 10x0ft bn inservice adcomplote sokof cheap. Phon 2680. 20-1 odsNfEo bo 7ars0 oocekRr Jan batteries and corda at Higgon eis our present stock of' barn, silo, 2 ather barns, driving 5cElectmic Limited, 38 KingStE. COTTAGE, East Beach, frteQalyRcnllndCr n shed, honn bouse, garage, 8 roam- - 3*Bowmanvîlle. Phone 438. 20-tf soason. Phone 439. 20-1 Trucks we have many more units ed frame bouse, heavy wiring, EXI ho NE heserfeld suie ~PASUREfor12 eadof atte omlng iV on New Cars wlthln cellar, etc. Price $11,000. Dowîî wa: th NE cesefil sieoe ATUEfo 2 ed f the next few weeks. paymont arranged. BOm )n- kitchen cabinet, one coffee table Phono Clarke 4130. 20-1* 250 acre farm, half workable, and eld ad 2 mall ivin rooLooking for a certain make, 50 acres of wood, creek, good _ m. talpplyE-ooe apartment, hetd ear. or model? fonces, bank barn witîi steel HOI Ort ville. 20-1 $60.00 pem month. Immediate14KngEsBwa-FV romdH E IT stanchions, hen bouse, etc.; cour J., possession. Phon 439. 20-1 WE A E Tl garage, silo, 2 miles fromi vill- Phoi -1* SUFFERING froni backacbes, TREroa ~peebt.9 htsmr ewi urne age. Asking price $10,000. Dawn tweE rheumnatic pain, sciatica, lumbago ha'smoe w wllgurate la', is aven if yaunlot Rumcapaumeap Liberty St. N., Bawmanville. jeu satisfaction at amazingly payment aranged. RAV oy y ~ou leAsRyur m uîst. 20-1 low prices and easy tetms. Your 5 acres with 6 roomed frame in _________relef._________________20-1 present car may be the only dwelling, bas fumnace, hydro ist VM.. 20-1 FOUR large unfurnished roonis, down payment requlred. throughout, hardwood floors ta ~e ENEIA BLND Stckone.- or two children wolcome. THOUSANDS OF SATISFIED pump, iepaegrae go yn sîzeTIto o gsheilStsk Phon Bowmanville 3083. 20-1 CSOESP VE chicken bouse, trout creek, some IYI izes whie oreggsell lats - CSTOMRS POVE wood, on good road close ta on -2 plastic or cloth matching tapes. NEW furnished cottage for rent OUR POINT, store, achool and church. Price PAR Made - ta - measure blinds a on Hawke Lake. Boat, ice, elec- f 6.0.sol ýs sPecialty; free installation; 28 tricity. Phone 542 for informa- Before i oU uUy- 640 acres of wood on shore of ail,E ntaeadsiat colons. Morris Ca. tion. 19-3 9 Lf lake Scugog. Splendid spot for tara r, Phon 480. 1 iv.ron cutm oue s m- Give "Siew a Try cabin lots, etc. Pnice $6,000 A)p O.Singer detacbed, bydro, conveniencesq l 2.- 200 acres workale, withl4 .. wOrono district. MiltonvTamblyn'iSTE WISt L IL ,,ace ih Oh Everythln wiately. ApplrJohn Sweep,_6 O ed o23. ifa Plumblnt and Beatlng Hunt St., Bowmanviîe. 20.1 MOTO SALES 1~ ToRn Bsac Write Dept. BS-i orf COTTAGE at Newcastlo.on..the- LIMIT ED HOUSE. four or fivo roama Bai m Visit Our Showroomns, Lake, 5 bedmooms, dining-maom, Mercury - Lincoln - Meteor Bowmanviîle, by man and wife large living-room with fireplace, NEWCASTLE PHONE 2871i witb no childnen. Phono 619, completely furnished; sceened 20-1 Bawmanviîle. 20-2 V verandah, olectmic rofrigerator_______________ FO Setbr1,toeu-BC and st ve, ne l d e aed.- furnised roon-s with bath. Bus- try. tn oww mApply Dr. Walton Cal ee-j 'lùlS For ale mess couple. Appîy Box 158, or. N a ends. Phone 2177. 20-1j c/o The Canaduan Statesman. Phone IWANT July broilers? Order 20-1 I theni now. Bray Hatchery bas i Rooms to Rent stfi a wide chaice et breeds and MODERN, amali beated apart- WANI' Ope Wdnsda a Flda W hvea twoocraosabe s. us fortese eary s mentddetal cletWiteBox r fan, evenngs ud ay datrday. f hav eaky roon vate crsseusforules, artedyso mentid etacule.locat on, fo eah eveing an ai da gaurdy.ut reasonablewklas.Te prices. Prompt sbipmnent. Agent: 161, c/o The Canadian States- furs a 18-4 Balmoral Hôtel. 6-ti y. L Byam, Tyrone. 20-1 man. 20-1 Oshaw, Real Estate FSe Sale NIXON REAL ESTATE 6-room frame bungalow, 3 bedmoonis, 4-piece tiled bath, beavy wiring, veneiàn blinda, landscaped, basement, garage, good lot on residential street. $8,500. Ternis. Bowmanviile Beach - fi-rooni solid brick, 3-piece bath, bydro, hot air beating, basement, 3- rooni cottage, 3 car garage, on latge grounds. $9,000. Ternis. 1l-rooni solid brick bouse on No. 2 Highway, 6 roonis dawn- stairs, 2-piece bath, aIllbard- wood floors, modern kitchen, large living rooni, with beamed ceiling and fîreplace, 5 large bedrooms upatairs wlth bard- waod floors, 4-piece bath and sunroam; bot water heated with ail. 2-car brick garage and largo Newv ranch type frame 5-roomn bungalow, bath, modern kitch- en, breezeway, attached garage, possession arranged. $9,000.00. Terras. 5-room brick bungalow, large living and dining room, modemn kitchen, 4-piece bath, air con- ditioned, hardwood floors, ins- ulated, venetian blinda, storm doars and secreens, garage. $11,500. 4-room bungalow, good res- dential district, 4-piece bath, hardwood floors, heavy wîring, modern kitchen, venetian biinds, landscaped. $8,000. Ternis. 2-rooni trame cottage, hydro, 2 acre land, on county road. $1,700. Terms. Many more hous., frm, businesse, lots, etc. James Nixon, Broker Howard Phlp, Salesnian Dffice, 85 King East. Dial 713 Res. 682 or 2620 20-1' AUCTION SALES EASTERN ONTARIO HEREFORD CLUB £th Annual Sale Peterborough Fair Grouinds SATURDA, MAY I9th 12:30 P.M. 8Registered Hereford Bull and 2limals Approved by Dominion Health of Animais Brandi and Ontario Livestock Branch. rto $75.00 Grant on Bulîs, according to Ontario Bull Premium. Sale Under Cover has. Fisher, Pres., Bailiebore Help Wcmted ART time clerk for Maher oe Store, Bowmanville. 20-1*" 'AITRESS wanted. Apply at ingsway Lunch, Newcastle. 20-1 rEADY girl for housework in rm home with ail conven- nces. Phone Port Perry 379. 20-1' rTCHER for Orono Beef ng, ta kili and cut one a week r20 weeks. Phone Orono r 20. 20-1*, PERIENCED single man to )rk on daîry farm. Phone' ýwmanville 2645 between 12:15 d 12:45. 20-.2* USEKEEPER for home in ntry, modemn conveniences. one Bowmanville 2645 be- een 12:15 and 12:45. 20-2* LWLEIGH business now open Bowmanville. Trade well .blished. Excellent opportun- .Full time. Write at once. wleigh's Dept. 2E-140-189, itreal. 20-2 RT tume salesman wanted ta a il burners, fuel où, motor accessories, ta the town and m trade on commission. ply Harry O. Perry, Cities vice Products, 294 Court St., lawa. 20-4 [BITIOUS, single Ibung man alesman in men's wear de- mient. No previaus exper-, ýe necessary. Musthave tY and willingneýss ta ilearn. nanent Position. M. Bres- Bowmanville. 2 0-11I. M4EN with family ties, would like ta earn money by work- a few bours in spare even- with groupa of ladies, cost- nothing to start, samples i Wýe train you, wonderfui i fissions. Write Box 159, Canadian Statesman. 20-1- NTED-Mother's help for '1 lernized cou ntry house, (j1I Il Large l-roomed cottage 1 able, would suit childiesa le, busband couid easily- nute Oshawa, 4 buses daily. 1 ly W. G. Tomkîns, Ux- 1 ge, Ont. 20-1 v c HT porter for hotel. Ex- ence preferred but flot; ntial. Knowledge ef la w sure boilers a beip. Duties 1 nmence appraximately May8 Permanent Position if sat- J tory. Apply in persan a t ,oral Hotei, Bowmanviile. VNcted To Buy DRE seLg yqur live poul- xy us.Ou prices are high- M!. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. 'Z r 13. Reverse charges. 51-tf I'ED-Live pouty goose ers, feather t=-s scrap rags and metals. Raw ind deersklns. Phone 3-2043 Work Wcmted YOUNGgir wants factory or houswok.Phono 3624. 20-1' DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for customi kilng. Phono- 3243. 32-tf PLOUGHING and cultivating gardons. Wm. Cooper, Middle Road Bawinanviile. 20-1' GARDENS done with Rato- Tiller. Harry Van Belle. 18 Miil Lane. Phono 757. 1-2 LANDSCAPE an grde came of. Harry Van Belle J6 Mill Lane. Telephone 757, Bow- manville. -19-20 DON Brooks, carpenter, con- tractor-Ail types of remodeil- ing and kitchen cupboards, builder of new homes. Froc INasonry Construction BRICK - BLOCK - CONCRETE Free Estimates JNGER ERGS. PHONE-2643 or 3375 42-tf Reasonable Rates Satisfaction Guaranteed CHIMNEY AND FURNACE CLEANING SERVICE R. NRTCHELL &SONS Telephone 157J Box 245 COLBORNE * ONT. 19-4' SAVE MONEY AT 1)AVYE'S SHGE REPAIR SKATES SHARPENED 35 TEMPERANCE ST. W4n rear) 47-tf TREE surgery. Save your fruit trees. I can repair the damage fromn mice or ather causes in your orchard or will undertake to graft your trees with new varieties. Take an expert's ad- vice on your trees. See or phono Fritz Marti, Nurseryman and Tree Surgeon, 20 Bradshaw St. Jhone 3485. 20-1 Concrele and Nason Work L. TURNER Phone 3600 Evenings 3226 P. O. Box 177 Bowmanville EXCAVATINC TRENCHING and LOADING BT HOUR OR CONTRACT - Free Estimates Given - WN. TRIPP PORT PERRY R. R. 2 Phone 3613 FOR PROMPT SERVICE o n o u r Plumbing and Heating PROBLEMS LOW DOWN PAYMENT - EASY TERMS ON W. A. KILPATRICK 48-tf FURNACES Air Conditioning Oil Durners Sheet Netal Work EXPERIENCE COUNTS Eavestroughing DAVIS -& Co. 2 Mill Lane Bowmanville Livestock For Sale F'RESH cows and some due to freshen soon. Apply Z. J. Benschop, or Phone 2926. 20-1 IORKSHIRrý boar, from quai- ified sire and dam, fit for serv- ice. Glen G. Glaspeli. Phone Oshawa 5-6089. 19-3* DAY-OLD and started chicks. rwo hatches weekiy. For price ist, Write oý telephone. H. J. Brooks, Phone 2636. Bowman- ile, Ontailo. 3-t f vIATCHED- team, Clydes, ap- iraximatel;p 1500 lbs., sound and ,vell brolken, $275. Neil Mal- or.Burketon. Phone Biack,V tock 66 q 4. 20-_ > LIVE STOCK VERY BEASONABLY PRJCED ' ;everal purebred Shoxih muls from top dams and El 3Aged around sixteen monthe CYRIL MLUMFORD West of Hampton U Fiftt6 Concession Darlington 20-1 - Lost 'ORTIf of Haydon, a four ionth4 aid beagle hwiund, black Tira Page for Add¶Iional Classified I F tiUU~s4T, M&7 8Dm. ~W PHONE 1 1 - 1