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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 May 1954, p. 1

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«Durham County's Gjrecu Family Journal BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, MAY 2Oth. 1954 Bu rn Mortgage at Orono United Church Pictumed above is an important moment in the of the congregation and the Bà-ilding Finance Committee ives of members of the congregation of the Omono United shown taking part in the ceremony are, lef t to right: hurch. It is the ceremony of burning the mortgage of A. A. Drummond, 0. W. Rolph, Mrs. Neil Porter, W. J. he church, only three and a haif years from the time the Riddell and the Minister, Rev. John Kitchen. The ýeautiful new stone'structure was completed and edicat- mortgage burning ceremony was held on Monday night i-In this brief period the loyal, hard-working ngrega- and special services were held Sunday morning and even- Lon wiped out a debt of over $90,000. Promine?<members ing. -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope 9urning thi Iim axes ( )rono Uni 'n Febrary, 1950, after penditbue of over $ 14,000 gd repairs and beautifyij Dljrono United Church wil ~ ew weeks of its reopen às burned to the ground. pirit,ýof despondency and d ay çoul not help but se: hie c gation - they wE tunne y the blow. 'Howe er, quickly recoveri hemse es, and under su eadership as given by thg hien pastor, Rev. .Andy Eustaq illy Riddell, Bud Rolph ai thers. plans were soon undE ay for the erectian of a nE uilding. Casting 'aside th( loam the congregation set ork with a faith and a wi lans were drawn up, comm, ees were set >yp and ere lo ork began on erecting wl as to be an even more bea iful church. The new edifice was camplE d in 1951 and dedicated( unday, Sept. 9th. On Sund; nd Monday last, May 16 ai 7. came the climax to the woi erful faith and persistence his rural congregation - witl little over 31/2 years from ti ime of its completion and d ication a debt of dver $90,01 ad been completely wiped ou hie total cost of the chur( as $90,907.13 and this now hý eeen cleared. On Sunday, May 16, pi Mortgage Burning" servicý ere held i the naturei anksgiving Services. Ti hurch was filled for both sei ices. The guest preacher in ti, orning was Rev. Dr. Telfori f Oshawa.* Dr. Telford preac] d on the occasion of the Layir the Corner Stone of the nei uilding. His subject on Sur a y morning was "What hav hee in thine house?" The choi ndered a special anthem th hree Local M Here and Torc Damage was caused to auto obîles of three local mnen ii ccidents in Bowmanville anc Zronto on Thursday,- Fridaý nd Saturday of last week, bu o seriaus injuries resulted. At about 9 p.m. Thursda3 Larne Haynes was driving a tac iDf Cab 500 east on King St. E [n. front of Robson Motors wher tie met a car drîven by Broc] A,. Collier, R.R. 2, Oshawa .L#edly driven on the wroni bNý~of the road. Mte. Hayne. iveryed to the left to avoid thE ,,ehicle, but it crashed into tiii Ilght side o f his taxi. ~thp Ai front fender,' doo: tn of~ $3he taiwredmg d to eetent o 30 hrig front of the Collier car V ai&.o badly damaged. Bw e e Polioe -Constabies Les« ani Clarence Bradley, iho nv ated, removed two iottles of eer from the Collier ar and charged the driver witl' taving liquor'in a Place other han bis residence, and driving ihile his ability was impaired. le pleaded guilty to the charges i police court on Tuesday and ras fined a total of $67.50 with ,le alternative of serving 15 ays. ndie Car Damaged At 12:25 a.m. Saturday a car aing driven west on King St. F Robert E. Ogden. Courtice, 'aahed into the left rear fender 9a car owned by Edward u"nd1e. Jane St.. parked in on~t of the Olymapia Cale. fiJ. ~Nickerson Case e Mor, gage Settled for $ 2,900 ireat Effort ln Claim for $10000 a w The suit for $10,000 and costs -~ brought by John F. Nickerson, 'ted hurch Bowmanville, against Sarah nij "Te Deum", by Jackson, while Hardy, widow of Arthur M. n Glen Aluin rendered a solo, "The Hardy; and Sidney Cornish, ;Lord is My Light"l. wha are executors of the estate -Rev. J. K. Moffatt, B.A., B. o! the late Mm. Hardy, was 9 D., o! Oshawa was guest preach- settled out of court after some % er i the evening preaching on evidence was heard on Tuesday ; the subject: "Why 1 Should Be o! last week at the spring non- ea Christian". Mr. Moffatt, too jury sittings of the Supreme ewas one o! the preachers at the Court in Cobourg. Laying o! the Corner Stone of The suit xvas settled for 9tbr church. $2,'900,1 Plus $600 costs. Law- iA feature at the evening ser- ronce C. Mason was solicitor for rvice was the dedication o! six Mm. Nickerson and W. Ross lovely memnorial wipdows, to Strike, Q.C., for the dfendns 1 the late Miss Minnie Hall, Fran- The claimn resulted when Mr. cis and Mary Brimacomb, Fred Hardy failed ta provide in his Brimacomb, and the Can, Souch will for services Mr. Nickerson rand Berry windows, . said he rendered in looking a The choir rendered effective- after the large number o! cattie ly an anthem "O Give Thanks which Mm. Hardy kept froni Unto the Lord", while Glenn 1926 until a few years before1 and Jean Allin sang as a duet his death at a ranch in Enfielci tthe late Mr. Brimacomb's fa- and later at a tarin in Enniskil-i vourite song "By Grace Alone". len. Mr. Nickerson claimed Mr.1 Mrs. Milton Tamblyn, secretary Hardy had promised him thati o! the memorial windows com- in return for looking after his1 Lmittee, and Mr. John Armstrong caIlle on weekends and oflen' spoke in the presentation o! the rounding up stray cattie duringE windows to thse church. the week over this lng period Monday was the big day- he would leave him the Enni-' +e "Mortgage Burning" cere- skillen farm i his will. mony ilsel!. The service corn. Mr. Nickerson also claimedl monced at eight o'clock, presid- that alter Mr. Hardy had soldý ed over by the minister o! the thse Enniskillen farm he had told 1 Chuch. Rev. John Kitchen. Af- him he would leave him ini his ter an historical sketch by W. will an amount equal to the J. Ridde]l and a Building Com- value of his farm for the work mittee's Report by Mr. Bud;he had performed ini looking. an in ing, ith- [ng dis- ize ing ich Lei ice. ind eÀm tc it- )ng at et- on lay nd uf, ;he le- )00 ut. ch Las Legion Recommends Blood Bank be Set Up by Members Twelve members from tise Bowmamsviile Branch o! tIse Can- adian Legion, headed by Presi- dent Ross McKnigbt and lst Vice-President Jack Knighb, aI- tended tIse Rally o! Legion Branches in Zone FI held at Wlilby Legion Hall on Saturday night. Mayor H. W. Jermyn and Whitby Branch President Ron Bragg weicomed tIse delegates. Zone Commander Stan Dunn o! Bowmanviiio presided over tIse meeting, and aiso present was District Commander "Scot- ty" Brotrghton o! Brighston. Branches represemsted aI tIse meeting were: Oshawa. Bow- mamîville. W'Iitby, Claremont, Port Perry, Uxbridge, Sunder- land ansd Dumîbartois. A resolution proposed by lise Bowmanvilie Braisch tIsaI a Le- giomi biood bank be set rip an a zone basis soa ta when jegion members and members of their famiiies need a blood transfu- sion il can be readily obtained, xvas favorabiy received by tIse meeting. A coinîsitlee wili be set up ta coîssuit ivith Isospital authorities in tIse zone on Ibis malter. TIse presidents o! tihe branch- es in tIse Zone, iîscluding Presi- dent McKnight, were introduc- ed, and bathi Zone Comsmander Dumsn and District Commander Brougbton spake brie!ly. Com- rade Broughton eminded- thase present o! tIse District Conven- tion in Belleville on Sunday aI whicb important Legion busi- uness xil be ransacted. Enjoy- able entertainment ansd deli- clous refreshments concluded a most worlb-ybiie evening. If audience enthusiasm is any indication, the concert present- ed on May 13 and 14 by the Bowmanville Choral Society in the Town Hall was a decided success. Mr. Hugh Martin, To- ronto, who was invited in Jan- uary of this year to conduct the group, imay well be proud of the resuits he has achieved in that short space of time. The Society was organized under the sponsorship of the Recrea- tien Department and has now about 50 voices. The selections chosen for the concert were,' pleasing ones,; with something for almost every type of music lover. beginning with a group of sacred numbers and progressing to a finale of catchy musical comedy songs. By this time the engaging con- ductor had produced such an* informal mood in his audience that they responded with pleas- ure to his invitation te partici- pate in a last encore number, "Sing Your Way Home." Some excellent harmony coming from the audience showed Mr. Mar- tin. much b bhis pleasure, that Bowmanviile stili had many finse singers in reserve. The group, massed aoi stage, made an effective picture, par- ticularly thse ladies in their evening dresses of varying pas- tel shades. Following a few re- marks o! welcome by Don Shay, Recreation Director, the Choral Society with Mr. Martin direct- ing, commenced the programme with a new and beautiful ar- rangement o! "God Save The Queen", by Sir Ernest MacMil- ]aan, andI lqaned-bgy.hUn in manuscript form for use on this occasion. Sang As Unit The first group showed aI once tIsaI Mr. Martin had achieved that bhing which marks ail good choirs, singing as a whole, a unit, with no sin- gle voice or section standing out. Thse first number, "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desirtng" by Bach admirably showed tIse balanceI o! tIse different parts. It was (Conbinued on page' fifleen) 10e FER COPY NTTMRF.R 2fl Weil Attended Meeting Chamber of Commerce Learn of the Functions A very informative meeting in the form of a question-and- answer discussion was held by the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce on Monday night at the Balmoral Hotel, with 38 members present. L. W. "Lew" McConkey, Se- cretary-Manager of the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce, answer- ed a wide range of questions from members at the gathering, which was the regular May meeting o! the Chamber. The questions covered practically the whole range of Chamber activities but many were con- nected with membership, indus- trial promotion and uniforrn store closing hours on week- ends, and weeks in which there are holidays. Another interesting feature o! the meeting was the showing by James Stutt o! photos tak- en o! the valley south of No. 2 Highway through which Van- stone Creek runs. The Cham- ber is consideming this section as a possible site for a children's playground or a park. Executive Minutes Read President Arthur Hooper pre- sided over the meeting and Secretary Jack Weise read the minutes of executive meetings on April 30 and May 10 at which membership fees of the Cham- ber were set at $25 for indus- trial concern, $5 for stores and businesses and $2 for employ- ees and salaried members. Also at these meetings a list of mem- bers of the varlous committees was drawn up and copies o! this list have since been mailed by the secretary to aU Chamber members. Treasurer George Moody re- ported that the Chamber has Oshawa Lodge Pays Officiai Visit Palestine Chapter TIse Officers and Companions o! Pentaipha Chapter, Oshawa, weme lthe guesîs o! Palestine Cbapter, R.A.M., No. 249, G.R.C., Bowmanville, on Monday when they, wilis Iheir candidate, per- formed -lie degree work of lise evening wilh a precision and dextemily tisat approacised per- fection. In inlroducing tise Ex.' Firsl Principal Thsomas Hopkins and bis officers, Ex. Comp. Ross StuIt, director o! cememonies, mentioned lise firm melationsisip tisat existe belween lise Iwo chapters. He pointed ouItishaI tise Pentaîpha Cisapter was lise mother cisapter o!flise Palestine, whicis had received ils charter some 26 years aga, and bIsaI il still is receiving guidance, sup- port, and encouragement fmom tbem. Following tise work of tise ov- oning and tIse luncheon, lise toast 10 Grand Chapter, proposed by Ex. Camp. Gibson, was respond- ed 10 by Ex. Comp. T. Hopkins and Ex. Camp. D. W. Ives. TIse enjoyable evoning was brougist la a close by Ex. Comp. J. H. Jose, First Principal o! tise Palestine Chapter, who presid- tRolpn, a cheque, clearing tIse ater lits cattle over the year-s Approxinsately 2,590 Bow- arranged for the canvassmng and ed most ef!iciently as ci ýre 'entire îndebtedness then against and also for many personal ser- mamîville residents lîad free X- clerical work in connection with and toastmaster. .es bIse church, and leavîng a sur- vices remdered. rays of their chests taken in tIse the sum'vey, stabed thal those who o! Plus. was passed from bthe When Mr. Hardys wil] failed Northumberland-Durham X-ray do not hear anybhing furtherR se d rie Building Finance Committee ta ta mention Mr. Nickerson at ail, survey held in Bowrnanville last from their X-rays xiii knowl R gitrdM s ýr- the Church Treasurer. Repres- he brought the suit for $10,009 week by the Northumberland- that their chests are al right. T LÂ se enlatives from the congrega- anck. costs which was settled on Durham Tuberculosis Associa- In those cases where there is eacners' AssCi ýd, tion then lined the front o! tIse Tuesday o! iast week. tion. doubt, or where a re-chec JÂ.À ýh- church, a brazier with glowingOfte,187 -aswr necessary, their personal hs O! tese,1,81 X-rys wre cianw il notiynteonp a Hol u iMay lveei îgcacolwsbruh i nataken by thse equipment set up icinwl oiyte when the ýw table, Messrs. RolpIs and Rid- j Annual Hospital a in the Lions Community Centre additional X-rays will be taken. Mrs. Everett L. Elliolt n-. dell then placed on the fire tIse D y adaou 7:eetae ys He said that a larger machine o h nai ve "Mortgage". As il began ta burn 'Atratsndinvobobile 75X-rayuntakwhic hea-wliprobably be brought ta the denî~t ehetro Ass ir tIse choir sang thse antheAtrcts M n o mbl Xryui h Ist Lions Centre within Ihree weeks Music ecrs Ac seen * ed the Bowmanville HigIs ScIsool, 10 take them. was hostess ta the mer (Coninud onpag sevn) emorial Hospital the Goody-ear firm and thse R.' Assisting Mr. Aluin on bis com- the regular May meetin M. Hallingshead Company. Plans were campleted i Nearly 800 more persans hadmittee were Lions Jack Cole, Itreit in o en omut 15 vipls tkting Se0mor eros a Lauprle n ced dad rc nemdaePao en in Accidents Aount 15 ople st0in MeorX-î*ays taken at thse Lions La ein e G odard, Bffrcetenative plans for aSe k ial Hospital, Bowmanville, last CJentretain15 h e Ladies who perfarmed the cler- citai ta be given later. no as \Ve k Wednesday aflernoon on these te survey was held. At that ical work on Tuesday, Wednes- Th ertryTesr Day hield ini Bowmalnville. The were X-rayed there. Tis e- Cnr1eeMi.DnAu Fleming and resulting 1 ~iTIse force o! tIse impact drove observance of thse annivcî-sa 1' flects bolîs an increase in thse Mis Laurence Goddard, Mrs. discussed. i.Mm. Rundle's car ahead and up 'fFoec Nigîtingale'- birth- population of thse oxvn and ami. Bruce Semple, Mrs. James Marr, Following thse meeting id on the sidewalk where il grazed day ititis manner was înau- increasing awareness on thse part 1M?ýs. Mel. Wisenman and Mrs i al!l hour was enjoyed 'Y thse righl side o! a car parked gurated year on May 12 by o! its citizens o! the importance Ralph Aines. lIse hostess was assisted It ahead o! il, owned by Ross E. tIse Bowmanville Nurses' Asso- o! checking on Iheir healtI.To M.Alnwse athan daughters, Mary andB Richards, O'Dell St. The paint cito.Thsgop gi h undred of Ie X-rays taken at members of the women's argan- cthe Richards car was scraped, hospitai this year. the Crent over 12. Kinsmeni Club xvho assisted inivnc ond tDedoonnra edro!srdbs Oe o~ chldren wer o! Public S hooliatins ndofthe Bownvin eProvicais andlhe left front and rear Visitors were greebed in lnCarar !tIettsecmvasohIseov nfender, laul ligIsI and trunk of lobby by Mrs. Helen tn Lions Club committee which preparalion for thse survey. k the Rundie car were damaged. president o! thse Nurses' Associa-viy e' , TIse front o! thse Ogden vehicle lion; Miss Irene Shsaw, new Su- ayIe s gwas also badly damagedi. perintendient; and 'Miss FrancesSe o d r c olT a h s ~ Mm Ogdn ws areste byHincks, Assistant Superinten- 1 e Bowmanville Police ConstabledetL LI e Allan "Denny" Densem and Shown through. tIse hospital by ne t i i hlOil B ar charged with diving wlsile his mnembers o! thse nursing stff 9E.V. McNeil, Comm- Sability was inipaired. He appear- visitors had an excellent oppor- ebr fte Dra ly hc st cgvnt 'o! tIse Ontario Provincia] -ed before Magistrate R. B. Bax. tunity o! viewing tIse welÏ Meis ri ihSca! tIseoDrhan play ohc s ta be iv e thisand District Inspector ter in Bowmanville Police Court equipped wards and roomns, sup-DititHgscIolBadidyerSphcs'Odp. Rx" Stringer o! Peterborougi rTuesday and aler pleading ply rooms, aperating raoms, thse their wives were guests o! tIse In connectian witIs these study in Bowmanville last we -guilly 1tiste charge was ordered modern kitchen, laundrv, and secondary school teachers a! tIse graups, Mrs. Adamsoms explained specîing the Middle Greeî ta pay a fine o! $50 and costs attractive dining-room for tIsh raTrdyeenig My13hIaI she hadi been falsely credit- Rest Home ai tthe easl end or serve 10 days. staff. araTusa vnnMy1,ed with originating tIse idea for town limits, thse former R. at thse Lions Community Centre.:1 them. TIse idea was actuallyl residence), with a viiewt ~ cietWelcoming vistors in te About 74 were present and en- that o! Mrs. Harold Martyn of' ing il as headquarters i ErlyFriay omingBobNures'diingroo whre !-joved adelicious turkey banquet jStratford, who is tIse fariner Bowmanville detachmeni r Biekle, son o! Howard Bickle, r.D . lrntalwalrve ad were and thse entertainment whichj Mabel Rickard, daugbter o! thse Ontario Provincial Police. Mrs D.R. llrea an Mr. ollowed. Thse tables. decorated laIe Mr. andi Mrs. James Rickard! This malter is now 9who is spendimsg 60 days leave W. J. Cobban. Pouring lea dur- with pansies in orchid shades, o! SIsaw's and Bowmanville. consideration, but wisett wît hi aut n Ohaw aleringtheaflrnon CereMW. and ivory caisles, presented a Mrs. Adamson in a very in- not thse properly wil be s returning from Korea, escaped Harold Muir and Mrs.C . verv pretty pîcture. teresîing manner gave lIse back- by the O.P.P. will not be1 1injumy in an accident n cdown- Siemnon. The tea table present- Mr. Sidney Rutherford, Omono, ground and stary o! "Oedipus for a few days. 1 lown Toronto. A car driven bY cd a pretty picture wilIs yellow peieto h thr fteRx n si httepa s Four additional officei 5 a oroto omanwen thoug taprs nd mixd buqut j various schools in tIse area, act- timeless, in tIasaIo many o! tIse1 now on temporary duty '.J stdeop Mrivi dcraeshdm lie nadan uîp ad carmiTea-ons ed as chairman for the evening. situations and problems dealt Bowmanville detachmeni' si1 womr. B ice's ncar elos Follc#ving an enjoyable smng-i with are those which appear i Cp. Gordon Keast in con, wil omelsadrvin b Toon 1Assisting itIse tea roorn song. Mrs. John Adamson o! every century.j with thse traffie survey a ta, police. were Mrs. Florence Fowler, Miss Stmat!ord, Ontario, guest seak- Another enjoyable feature o! ceased patrolà beingc Mr.Biklewa no ijurdVelma Gay, Mrs. T. Rehder, cm, was introduced. Mrs. Adam- lIshe evening was thse showing by out on Highway 401. Ti Mr.Bicle as ot njueMrs. Joe Chiids -and Mrs. Bessie son, who Iseads lIse very popular 1 Miss Kate Foster o! Oroîso 'o Consts. Ralpis Tremil,, Co ~but a girl canîpanion was takenj Stephenson. Mmc. Kyle Squair i study groups in Stratfomd on tIse r colored slides showing scenes in Jack Rickard, Minden, a-r ta Isospital with a fractured, was in charge o! Use doudcous Shakespearean plays given at' Hawaii viewed on hem ecent Gray and Gordoua Gray. * K>evie. [rrehxnents. tise Festival. spoke on thse Greek itrip tisere. borougs.. Isairman sic Xc. Dtitng îtt, presi- ýgistered sociation, nbers ai ing, cfor tise 'ital and riior Re- irer's me- George busisess Lg a sac- d, when dby ber Barbara. )me aissianer LPolice, .J. A. 'h were ieek in- en Villa id o! lIse t.J. Gl te leas- o! the 1under rher or eleased known :rs are, with thse tuzider nmection and in- carmied hey are . boug nd Jack Peter- approximately 60 members and a bank balance o! $242.11. He stated that apparently sorne Èbusiness firms have joined in baddition ta the 60, but their fees 1have not yet been turned in by same of the executive members. Pre-sident Hooper introcluced Mr. McConkey, who compli- mented the Chamber and mem- bers of the executive on the work done already in getting com- mittees set up apd some projects under way. Comimenting on the, f act that there were 38 present at the meeting, he stated that this was a larger attendance than the Oshawa Chamber had at its annual meeting out of 580 members. Dues in Oshawa, he said, are $10 for individual members and $20 for corporate memblers. * Group Insurance Plan One phase of the work of the Oshawa Chamber which has proved help!ul in increasing membership is its group insur- ance plan, he said. Several smail factories have joined ta take advantage of titis low-cost group (Continued on page seven) Gales or' Fun at Kinsmen Club Millionaire Night Everyone ini Bowmanville can be a millionaire for a night on Friday, May 28 at 7.30 p.m. when the Bowmanville Kins- men Club will bring the Monte Carlo atmosphere to town for ils "Millionaires' Night". The Badminton Club will be crowd- ed with the games of chance on which the idle rich of the Ri- viera spend the aGtual cash- probably without getting any bigger thrill than local people will with their "stage" money. For a dollar or two, everyone can have $1,000 or $2,000 to wa- ger on the turn of the wheel or the roil o! the dice. On the downstairs floor will be such games as over-and-under, dîce, horse race and crown-and-an- chor. In the upstairs portion a suave croupier, clad in the cor- rect manner in white tie and tails, will preside over the "big" game-roulette. The minimum bet at the roulette table will be $100 (10 cents in stable Cana- dian currency), so one con rdadily- see that this game is not for the faînt hearted. Refreshmenta To Be Served Refreshments will be served ini true Parisienne fashion at a sidewalk cafe on the main floor for coin of the realm only-no $100 bills will be accepted there. No cash will be paid back to the lucky winnets, but they will be able to exchange their $100, $500 and $ 1,000 bills for a widez variety of worthwhîle prizes1 such as costume jewellery, fish-t ing tackle and other sportsE equipment, articles of mens'( wear and many household items. The Kinsmen would like to see as many millionaires as pos-1 sible at the Badminton Hall on - M'ay 28 for an evening of funf md novel entertainment. bhe dam. I Graduates Dr. Thomas R. DeGeer, D.V.M. Dr. Thomas R. DeGeer, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter De- Geer o! Bowmanville, graduated fromn the Ontarlo Veterinary College, Guelph,' on Monday with the degree of Doctar of Veterinary Medicine on com- pletion o! bis five-year course. His parents travelled ta Guelph to be present at the graduation exercises. Dr. DeGeer je a mem- ber of the first veterinary clasu to graduate since the course was lengthened to five years. Tom is a graduate o! Bow- manville High Schoool, where hie was active in sports and ex- tra-curricular activities. He wLýs Commanding Officer of the H-igh School Cadet Corps and was the first president o! the Students' Council when it was formed. He was also active in sports and student activities at O.V.C. and played football for four years with the O.A.C. "'Ag- gies". He will practice in Toronto at the Eglinton Small Animal Hos- pital for a time, and later plans ta establish a prêztice of hi. own. He and his wi!e will r. side in Scarborough. Quick Action by Goodyear Employee Averts Drowning Elgin "Pete" Wight, elderly retlred Goodyear employee, wau saved from passible drowning about 9 a.m. Monday by quick action on the part o! Clarence Henning, who works in thé* boiler room at the Goodyear plant. Mr. Wight was fishing froin the Goodyear dam when hie suffered a dizzy spell and feUl into the pond, striking his head on the apron o! the dam as he fell. Mm. He.-ning saw himi fal and immedlately rushed ta the pool and waded waist-deep ini the water to pull himi out. The elderly man could possibly have drowned except for Mr. Hen- nIing's prompt action. Mr. Wight went to Memorial Hospital, where two stitches were taken to close a cut in his !orehead where his head strucc 'Kinsmen Club' Elecis Art Hooper President feel ta expound lIse virlues «. (and accasionally lIse weakness- es) o! their men. kk Presîdent Ken Nicks emind- cd tIse members tisaI while there S is a certain amount o!fihumour t cannected witi tIse prolimin- armes ta tIse election, the choie o! officers was a very seriaus malter as tIsey wouid be me- sponsîbie for conducting bise affairs o! thse club for thse corn- ing year. Following tIse ballot- ing, he extended bis congratu- lations ta tIse successful candi- -dâtes and eacb o! these promis- ed to per!orm tiseir tasks 10 th6C best o!flIseur abilities. - ~ Donation to C.N.I.B. Minutes o!flise last executive meeting o! tise club, as read by Secretary Bob King, disciosed that a donation o! $25 Isad bec» made ta tIse West Durhsam Ad- visory Commitîce o! tise C.N. I.B. Kin Gary Venning ouîlined - plans for tIse Millionaires Night thse Club is sponsoring aI tise Arthur Hoover Badminton Hall on Friday, May Arthsur Hooper, popular local 28. He detailed tise members ta work on tIse varmous games of jeweller wha bas been very ac- chance such as roulette, crapu tive in civic affairs, was given ansd over-and-under whicb wil another important post on Tues- be in operalion tIsat nigist us- day night wben Ise was eiectcd ing "pboney monoy". President o!flIse Bowmanvile Kin. AI Poulter look tise ,Kinsmen Club. Ho served as names o! those planning la go Vice-President during tise 1953- on the Clubs fislÙ.mg trip to 54 season, and wiUl take alven Kingscote Lake on June 5 and hic new office July 1. 6. Ohed Kiîssmen officers eleet- President Nicks welcomed edwere: Vice-Presidenl, Lion- two visitors; Kinsmen Tom Rus- el Parker, Secrctary, Murray sell and Gordon Bell o! Oshawa, Larmer; Treasurer, Howard who acled as ecrutincers aI tise Sturrock; Registrar, Dm. Char- ciection. Vice-President Hoop- les Cattran; Bulletin Edtor, er announced bisaIKin Walter Clarke Wilson;, Assistant Bulletin Frank, who suf!ered an attack Editor, William Dadson; Dirc- o! polio lait summer, is' now lors, Irvine "Jake" Brown, John able la come home !rom Lynd- Graham and Gary Vcnning. humaI Lodge on weekends and Inlerest ini the eleclion. wau would appreciaty eceiving vis- keen and practically ail mcm- itors. bers o! tise Club excepl bis Registrar John Graham pre- on leaves o! absence werc pres- sented a birtisday rose to Kin ont. Prior ta thse bailoting tie Hooper. Il was announeed tsa-t campaign managers o! sevemal jtise next meeting of thse club et the e u atu moe to thai, w*M be Father' JIJgt OLUMJE 100 Bowmanville Choral Society Scores Outstanding Success Before Two Delighted Audiences Over 2500 Residents Have. Free Ch est X-Ray 717 1 1 1 1 'r loc PER COPY NUMBER 20 0

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