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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 May 1954, p. 7

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G. TRURSDAY, MAY 20th, 1954 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTABJO PAGE SEVEN tion, which accounts for hia 5th the Bowmanville Rotary ýQub nlot only for his interestimg and atce on hi, holiday to Florida joined members of the Toronto Informative speech, but also being held over till next week. Rotary Club at the Blue Ridge for his practical advice and the Mr. nd rs.Arthr Dns-Mountain Camp for Crippled names and addresses of officiais S5ociaI & £P ersonal aDeins Children near Collingwood for who can help in the w:rk of the surris ca enMonay n M th weken whn tey utthe Bowmanville Chamber. Phone 3303 and Ms Orville Osborne: camp ini shape for summer use. . Preston reported that he Margaret Wight, elder daughter Geer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- very little property outside of A Mr and Mrs. C. H. Papineau M. Byers, Newmarket, andi ac- of Mr. andMrs. Harvey Wight, ter DeGeer, recently flnished one lot on Ontario St., the town h and Mr. L. Papineau spent the companied them on a trip t Czar, Alberta. the first part of his training for dump and a portion of the land Cc Weekend in Sturgeon Falls., Port Huron. Report of Memorial Hospital the force at Rockdliffe Barracks ini the valley south of No. 2C fo tepat ek hos34 near Ottawa and has been post- Highway through which Van- h Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nichais Mr. and Mrs. Alan Williams admisions,2dsehrgekshowi ed to Regina for three months stones'. Creek runs. It may be se apent the weekend with Mr. and and Dane have returned from adsigh on26d1miore r- i final training. Const. DeGeer necessary te search the title for Ina 4r.Douglas Nichais, Kingston. California wbere they spenteagti majobeindp1r2omed ih ls kte iigorr thr-e elatter property, he said. PC Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woolley the winter with hi, sister,Mr.biewreonsxoyan famed R.C.M.P. Musical Ride MloRfa ntulan n d MrWestB.iKing aveo Adolf Koldofsky, Hollywood. w girls. Four emergency while at Rockcliffe, and re- A selling job will have to be thq kotoedacatirgiiafo Mr. Dave Morrison, Chief cases were treated. evdhspu iJaar. ldo ntepolendbi-e 4~'seeks vcaton.Chemist at the Goodyear plant On Thursday evening, after On Friday evening, a reception doeoChepoc ndbs-b adMrs. Russell Pickard, here, has been at the Akror4 the first concert of the Choral had been arranged by Mrs A. J. nesses to make themn want ta C andvlle vsited i bre, fimOhisoeplant on thsoanyuar Society, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Frank, Social Convener, mn Trin: join the Bowmanvllle Cham- Albert and Mrs. Pickard.Matn'is Hla Veenta ity Sunday School for the Choir ber, Mr. Banting pointed out. M( visitation. guest sololst, and several out-of- members and friends to meet He stated that the Chamber Pr Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kowal Sr., Dr. William RudeIl and Dr. town friends were entertained Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Miss and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kowal Charles Cattran attended the a h oeo issDr n enta r n r.Mre must first arouse their interest Of 4Jr. and., n Dennis, visited Mr. annual convention of the On- Margaret Purdon and Mrs. Purd- Vanstone and members of the in the work of the Chamber soeia n;d John Asnach, Lansing. tario Dental Association at thon. Recreation Commission were they will want to help out, and Fiý CO~'Bill Dustan of the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Mrs. Gilbert Whitney, Suttoft present and ail enjoyed listening then te a epesae oDE té. *. Coutts, Alta., is spend- this week. West, was a recent guest of to a tape recording of the con- ioin. He asked the committee le, , ng a few days at home with Mr. and Mrs. A. Barnett, Prov- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams. cert just presented. Delicious chairman to uine up prjoects to Fr bis mother, Mrs. T. A. Dustan. idence, sailed for England on Mrs. Whitney is the former refreshments were served by create ths xnterest and then the Ne Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hodg- May 19th on the 'Franconia"' for Marjorie Heeley, Reg.N., wla members of a Trinity Church membership committee would i son, Eric and Echo, Graham, three months' holiday and will had the destinction Of establish- group and a social hour followed. go out for more members. Otario, are visitîng his parents, be visîting relatives and friends ing the first community nurse Several members of Jerusa- Mr. Stutt showed his excel- Jai Mr. and Mrs. J. Hodgson, Scugog over there. service in Bowmanvilie some lem Lodge, A.F. & A.M., No. 31, lent color photographs of the tc Street. The editor o? The Statesman 30 years ago. G.R.C., Bowmanville, attended Vànstone Creek- area south o? j Mrs. J. H. Alldread spent a has again been indulging in his Mrs. J. H. H. Jury, Miss M. the annual church service of No. 2 Highway. This section al- few days with her sister, Mrs. favorite pastime of procrastina- Hutchinson, Mr. Ross Stutt, Mr. the Ontario District Masons eosapero o ak Wvm. Prower, Mr. and Mrs. held at King Street United chidrens' playground, tennis Re Norman Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Church, Oshawa, on Sundav courts and a softball diamond. D Alex McGregor, Bowmanville, afternoon. Speaker at the ser- He pointed out that the layout is e and Mr. A. E. Loveli, Oshawa, vice was Rt. Wor. Bro. the Rev. very similar to the Orono park attended the funeral in Water- Harold B. Neal, Minister oft1adi igtb aei Tr down iast Wednesday -o? Dr. Cambridge St. United Church, park which would be just as r Ty o eGordon S. Jury. Lindsay, and -Grand.Chapiain attractive. The creek could b il, T y on Dn ib hof the Grand Lodge in Ontio used for swimming poobs in Mr.DonFaibain, he oPu Thsefrom Bowmanville at- some places, hie said, and a eri und y S hoorNes"eahsundaof at 10:05 ytending the service were: Wor. stairway could be buit dôwn 1 gav th eito afriendly eall erson, W. B. Reynolds, A. W. Memorial Arena. This possible ar( on Thursday while on his way G. Northcutt, W. J. Found, W. project is being stuit aeo to Picton to complete arrange- L. Ciemens and Bros. C. E. Ai- fully by the Chamber at the a ments for broadcasting there on lin, J. E. Houck, Lloyd Ayre, present time. C. May 3th being the lOth anni- C. H. Greenham, Hosken Smith President Hooper stated that ar( 'A NNIVERSARY Mr .BueHnyel o and Mervyn he had called at the offices oforif Seveal Bwmanilleand is- he Otari Chabero? on a RiceanddaugterKathleen, trict young people have been merce in Toronto and they had bo Oakville, were in town Satur- successul in recent examina- been most wiiling to help the lu, __ day depositing the ashes in the tions. The Statesman joins Bowmanville Chamber of Comn- Su S u d -M y . Bowmanville Cemetery o? Mrs. with their ?riends in offering merce in any way passible. Hiecl S na w ~m yHoneywell, the former Kath- l lenMr Rs.wo id-) congratulations te the ?oliow- thanked Mr. McConkey and Mr. leen ary Ro7, 1 who. ied onr ing: Miss Janet Dale, daughter Stutt for their parts in the Fuebruary27,Mi54. ey erey of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Dale, meeting and the members for guiets o is who passed her third year ex- their contributions to the ques- the whl i ow.anmations in the Degree Course tion and answer period. The OVE Servces t 230- nd :30p M. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Malcolm, in Nursing at University of next general meeting will be ps eSunday for his f ive brothers Mr. and Mrs. Walter DeGeer, and their wives: Mr. and Mrs. who received second class hon- GUEST SPEAKER: A. Malcolm, Maple Creek, Sask.; ours in final examinations for Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm, the degree of Doctor o? Veter- '$. . IS ER, B..Janetviile; Mr. and Mrs. N. mnary Medicine at theOnai W. . IS ER BA.Malcolm, Mr. and Ms P. Mal- V riflary Coilege; R L. His,F Brooklln colm, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. C M. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Malcolm and Ann, Stratord. Hilîs, Enniskilien, who received President Geo. Moody and second-class honours in his . Rotarians Dave Higgon, O. P. final examinations at Ontario Music by Sunday School Choir Robson and R. P. Rickaby of Agricultural College. by Ms. ed oarCham ber of Commerce ____________________________________________(Continued frons page one) insurance and there are 900 cov- about 25 smali Industries uuch ered by the plan. Once the as tool and die concerna. *owner of the business joins the He pointed out that the dif- Chamber and takes the insur- ficulty in obtaining new indus -______________ T rin ty nite C h rch ance, his employees may also tries is in making the initial ST ri ity U ded C urch sgn up for it. The group insur- contacts with firms interested R L R anewas isiue anya in new plants. A brochure is- Minister: Rev. T. A. Morgan, BA.serviceto Chamber members, helpul in doing this, but not 5 M cConkey stated, but it the whole solution by any B Y RE also brings in a revenue o? $300 means. In the case o? Chubb & T EFf -a month. Sons, the speaker said, he hadNanm o He stressed that fact that ca- learned of other Engiish firms il AM operation among the members desirous of building factories in l of any Chamber is the secret o? Canada through the principals success. Collective thinkîng and o? this firm. He stated that the cooperative efforts among the -International Trade Fair in To- i "The Rigi Sze"taken are the necessary factors ing contacts with firms who are for successful campletion o interested in a program of ex- them. pansion. 7 P.M.- Asked by Chairman Elmer Fewer Concessions Given Banting o? the membership com- The trend now ia away ?rom mittee if the Oshawa Chamber rnigpoecvendsis mmu ""On Cafching the Big Onesl carried on intensive mnember- crntesin spc tve wyo indes M ship drives, the speaker replled assessments and cheap land, he *M. My 9" ur hi*Mulug thwwb that a special committee had said. He also pointed out that Followlng a shortened evening service the film, been set up lait year ta carry municipalities cannot exprapri- on a membership drive. "Mem- aeln o ntigbtmn "Royal Journey" <(Canadian Tour) will be shown. bership alone is not what w e ln o ntigbtm want. however, it is activity,Y] icîpal purposes such as schools, he declared. "Unless a member sewage disposai plants or parks. - l active he is no good ta you Industries are mainly con- anyway, and for thia reason I cerned with three things in le- personally do not believe in cating in any municipality, he drives merely to sweep ever-y said-l. Good geographical lo- Mr. D. C. Peters, Phyllis Challis Barrett, street for new members". cation, inciuding nearness ta L.T..M. Diectr o Muxc. A.TC.M, Oranit. ttrctaFarnerMemera major markets. 2. Rail and high- L.T..M. Diecto ofMusc. AT.CM.,Orgnist Atracs FamerMemers way facilities. 3. A good supply In reply> ta a question by Ca- o? available labour. They are Chairman Jim Stutt of the Re- also concerned with water sup- tail Merchants Committee. as ply, commercial and industrial ,ohwhi hmersuhtt yro rtsaaibiiy o Sports Programme atarting at 3 p.m. By-Law Can Be Passed ilinc nlstn ofor T Race fo Chldre uner 2 yers P'\I IIf this fails, he said, there is Incomparably sof1-.xta ST. I'ii NIS theposibliy o drwm upa trong-nsafelvabsorbent, e S aUes foOTBAL ,j.ciîyaer 2yAT SToJ HNS:heposbiit oM.awngKaot x holds its shape, retains L GENNOOTBLLN a. SLIA 6CHP. by-law to set closing hours and its fit and comfort for houri U CHpresenting it ta Town Council1, of protection. ENNIKILEN v. SLINACHU CH ut if such a move were made, S UPPER STARTING AT 4:30 ail classes o? retail activitY Box of 12 I unti ai ar seved(Anglican) should be included. Oshawa bas untl ll reseredRev. Warren Turner, such a by-law he said, coveringE B.A., B.D. 18 retail classifications-e Also each of these classifications ap- Peterborough Young People wiIl present their play directors' meetings.8 %'MR. JBEAN FROM LIMA" 8 a.m. - Chmbrn îthe ar of what 2 oI action to take toward trying ta oo ~ A D M I S S I O N ~HOLY COMMUNION have -the Waverley Road clover -______________ ADMISIONleaf installed. and also in the ADULTS - matter o? questionnaires ta be1 Super nI orwih Cncet * $.11ila.m. - sent out to test public opinioni Suppr Oly r wth Cncet $.25on matters such as cloamng jI CHJLDBEN - SERVICE over ta the secretar 'v the ad- N Supper OnIy or with Concert -*- .50 dresses o? officiaIs who wauld ___ Concrt nIy . - - -e -.5b e helsfnl in Chamber work and e rn Coner Ony 257 p.m. --Ia Iso ofered ta send other- in- Rev. R. M. Seymnour, Allan Wery Edgar Wright,I formation and literature which Pastor. Sec'v. r supt. EVENSONG wl help the local arganization. We Deiiver ______________________ Mr. Stutt tnoved a hearty vote ef thanka ta Mr. McConkey, Orono Church1 DeDt. of Recreation Alreadvy (Cniue rmpage one) aPln 'Now Thank We AUl Our God" M aking Plns Plth "Praise Cod From Whom (~lmnr~ Ml1 Blessinga Flow". O n DEom no 1 Following the 'Burning o? he Mortgage" the Building Plans for the Community ommittee's books were then Picnic on July lst were dis- ianded by Mrs. Ruby Porter, cussed by the Bowmanville ;cretary ta the Building Fi- Department o? Recreation at iance Committee, ta Mr. Neil the May meeting heýd at the orter, the Secretary o? the Lions Community Centre Tues- )ficiai Board. A presentation o? day evening. ilovely Bible ta Mrs. Porter The Chamber of Commerce îen took place. Mrs. Porter had has aasured the Department o? )een secretary to the Building its co-operation in staging this 'ommîttee for over four year.s. community event and Ray Greetinga ta the Orono Church Lathangue and Lloyd Preston rere brought by Rev. Harry o? the executive o? the Chamber [ellow, Chairman o? Oshawa were preaent at the meeting ta Dresbytery; Rev. Andy Eustace, help in formulating plans. Sev- )fPembroke, former minister, eral suggestions werej made at id under whose m-inistry the the meeting o? ways in which 1urch was erected; Rev. A. J. it could assiat and these will be isher, o? Brooklin; Rev. D. R. taken back fa the executive ta )ewdney, Rector o? St. Sav- work out details. our's Anglican Church; Mr. The Departîiient also decided ýrank Rickard, representing ta ask the Rotary, Lions and iewcastle United Church; Hon. Kinsmen Clubs for their assist- bhn Foote, M.P.P. Greetings ance in staging some o? the vere read from Mr. John M. events as they have in the past. imes, M.P., who was tînabie The Franklin Park and Meim- ,o be present, also from Rev. anial Park Associations wili T. Tucker, a former pastor. also be asked ta help. Among those present were Park Repaira Nee;ded Zev. J. J. Pike, Newtonvilie; iueKimrrpatdta ýev. Fred Reed, Hampton; Rev. Clue imr potdha onald Lute, Tyrone. Repre- he had attended a meeting of enting Presbytery also were the Memorial Park Association r. C. W. Siemon, Presbytery and they had requested that Ireasurer; Fred Ormiston, r,- Sesentative ta General Couin- repairs be made to the back- l, and Mr. Clemence, o? Pick- stop, bleachers, swings and pool ring. at the park. The Department FolloWIng the messages O? decîded ta ask Town Council! reeting Mesdames Drummond for help in looking ater these id Carson sang a duet "Peace repairs. 9This Dwelling," then a hymn Recreation Director Don Shay id the benediction. Mr. W. C. announced that hie has received ýWorkman directed the choir 1 applications for the positions id Mrs. Workman was at the o summer pîayground super- rgan. The church was beau- visars. This is in marked con- fully decorated on both Sun- trast ta the last few years ay and Monday with gifts o? when hee bas had trouble ?ind- )vely flowers. A delightful n ulfesprvosfrth inchandsc l adtim on-theseven aummer playgrounds undy Shol aditrim cn-operated by the Department. lded a wonderful occasion. He reported that the Junior Arti Class will be discontinued foir In a great many Instances the present, but may be held iere wouldn't be. so much again in the faîl if sufficient 'erhead at preseent, if in the intereat is shown. ast there had been more under Notice was received from the ie hat.-Philadelphia Inquirer. directors o? the Bowmanville for Gala Day Day, July lst rLions Club that in the future the Centre cannot be used for any form of public entertain- tment where a set charge of admission is made. Its use will be restricted to events at which a silver collection only is taken. Mr. Shay anounced that the 121 coaches and managýers in the minor hockey leagues last winter had been presented with tie pins or cuff links in- ap- preciation of their work on be- haif of the yoting hockey players. Treasurer Fred Cole reported receipts of $64.82 for April, ex- penses of $176.40, and a favor- able bank balance of $128.81. Present at the meeting were Chairman Raipli i\lIcIntyre, Treasurer F. Cole, Secretary Dora Purdon, Recreation Dircc- tor Shay, C. Kilmer, A. M\. Thompson, Lionel Parker, Tomn Rehder; and Mr. Lathangue and Mr. Preston of the Chamber of Commerce. Next meeting of Department will be held Tuesclay, June 1. EC ON91 MV SAVE Ro1paýrs to All Makes Did Yo u Know? You can operate the av- erage 5-tube radio for approximately 33 hours on 1 cent's worth of electricity? C. J. ELSTON 73 Concession St. East Fane 482 SPECIALS on L.D.A. BRANDS A.B.S. & C. Tablett.1 9c Toilet Tissue 2 - 23c? 4 - 44c §50 sheets o? improved toilet tissue Vitamin Bi Tablets 29c, 59C 100's and 300's . regular 37c, 79e For the Holiday Weekend' KODAK CAMERAS and FILMS Dua-Flex Il 828 Pony $34.50 Kodet Lens --- $15.50 135 Pony $41.25 Kodar f/8 Lens - $23.75 Brownie Hawkeye Tourist Il No. 620 $26.50 Flash Model----- $ 7.95 No. 120 aend 620 Films 47o No. 127 Filam-. --42e Duo-Pak --- -----89e Duo-Pak -- __- 79e Vacuum Bottie BATHING CAPS Regular 98c, Pint size Howland 79c Aduit $1.49 These British-made botties Howland with plastic cup tops are Ch" $ sturdily constructed to give C ids $12 efficient insulation from Otes 6-9 8 heat or cold. tes 6 -9 8 Sun Glasses Special! Reg. 50c, 59c, 79e 390 Child's Sport 25e Clip-over ~69e Aviàtion .. 99e Polaroid $1.98, $2.98 F'its-on ___.. $2.50 $1.98, $2.98, $4.50, $4.95 rone-Ray- $4.00 to $10.00 Sun Clip $1.50 Richard Hudnut Home Permanent -- $1.75 Egg Creme Shampoo- 75c, $1.25, $2.00 Creme Rinse 75c, $1.25, $2.00 Spray & Stay - $1.75 ULght & Bright - $1.75 THERMOS 15 oz. size with aluminum cup ---.$1.89 plastiecucp --- $1.98 30 oz. size with $30 alumiiium Cap $30 3u oz. sfL *ize m. - II I plastic cup set --- $4.151.t Ail American Jugs Made with parcelain with enamelled acid resistant 1 U.S. gal~eln ---------$.95 NEEDS NI Helen Curtic Lanolin i~U Helene Curtis Lanolin$1.5 EUI RALIZERI ~lin I GTFAST RELIEF with GIN PILLS FOR THE KIDNEYS Economy 890 Brylerem --------- 43c, 69C Toni Home Permanent $1.75 Prom Permanent -,-$1.75 White Rain Lotion Shampoo 45e, 75c, $1.25 Nestie Colorinse 15c, 39c, 79e PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECJALTY MqeGregor, Your Local IMDA Dniq Store " becouse Prom neutralixes @utomaticolly " "Yakes" every rime " Wavez with uny plastie curiers .nly $1.75 Drugs Phone 792 COMJPETITIV PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY i LDRUG STORES 1 . 0 1 m 1 cli;èct'o--r-s -oi 't-h-è -B-o-w'm'-a'n-viÎ1,ý 1 MM

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